Windows 7 installs very slowly. What to do if Windows installation freezes: five tips

Windows 7 installs very slowly. What to do if Windows installation freezes: five tips


At times, when installing Windows 7, users think that the system freezes during installation. However, this is often not the case and you need to wait a certain amount of time for it to continue. Freezes and crashes mainly occur when there is a malfunction hard drive, but the slow installation has other reasons. This article will talk about such causes and how to eliminate them.

Top reasons for freezes or slow installations

The first reason for a long boot or slow installation process can be considered misrecorded image or damage to it. To check, you need to change the bootable media, you can also replace the image.

In the second case, the cause of the failure may be damaged hard drive. In this case, the installation may take a long time, or at normal speed, but be interrupted at the very end. You can write a special utility to check disks and test the hard drive.

Problems with RAM or other hardware components of the computer. In this case, various oddities and failures should have accompanied the PC even before the installation process began.

Incorrect bios settings. This item is the most common cause of crashes and freezes and should be checked first, before testing the rest of the equipment.


You need to change a few settings in the BIOS itself. These are the hard disk interface settings you need put inAHCI. This item is not suitable for those users who still use hard drives with an IDE interface. It will also need disable floppy drive. Next, several types of BIOS and the names of the corresponding items in the menu will be shown.

Floppy settings

Bios Phoenix

For hard drives

BIOS Award


Although changing these points is not obvious in this situation, it helps. If the user has set all the settings as recommended, but the problem has not disappeared, then it is worth doing checking other options. It's best to start with the boot drive and system image, as these are the quickest to check. If everything is in order with them, then it is worth doing hard drive check on bads and reading speed. To do this, it is best to use one of the hardware test builds, which may include programs to test all the hardware.

Hello readers of the ComService blog (Naberezhnye Chelny)! This weekend I got a computer on which I needed to install Windows 7. But there was a problem that I met for the first time. When I started the installation of Windows 7, the installation window did not appear (first window, language selection). And then the seven was established for a very long time. If you have the same problem when, and Installation window does not appear, now I will write how to solve it. At least I'll tell you how I solved this problem.

I'll probably start at the beginning. They called me and asked me to come and see the computer, otherwise: the Internet does not work (Intertelecom is there), the antivirus shows some window all the time, nothing starts, etc. In short, a complete set of all sorts of different breakdowns. And I already dealt with this computer, such a powerful “machine”, new, only Windows XP is installed there, not that it’s bad, it just surprised me. And when I asked the owners why Windows XP is worth it, they said that they installed it in the store. I said that it would not be bad to put the seven, all the same, it is newer, and even on such hardware.

I came a second time, turned it on, and there was something incomprehensible. Tolley, it’s the virus that worked like that, or the children :), but Avast put some kind of warning there, there were almost no icons on the notification panel, the Internet didn’t react to an attempt to open a connection, the theme was changed, and it didn’t work to return the standard one. And there are many other unpleasant moments.

I looked and decided that it would be easier to demolish everything, format the C drive and . After explaining everything to the owner of the computer, we decided that we would do so.

Windows 7 installation window does not appear

Everything is fine, the computer rebooted, and the boot from the installation disk started. The file loading bar went off when installing Windows 7, and when the language selection window should appear, nothing happened. The window did not appear, there was only a splash screen (well, such as when installing the seven) and a cursor. I waited about three minutes and restarted the computer. I realized that something was not right. I decided to go into the BIOS again and look at the settings. Now it’s clear why Windows XP was installed in the store, most likely it didn’t work to install the seven.

I threw away the problems with my installation disk right away, I installed it more than once. Yes, and I had an exact copy, with which the Windows 7 installation window also did not appear. I didn't see anything strange in BIOS, and . It did not help, Windows 7 did not install, the language selection window did not appear. I decided to open the system unit and see how and what is connected there. I didn't see anything interesting there. A hard drive and an optical drive were connected via the SATA interface.

Takes a long time to install Windows 7

I tried to run the installation again. I started everything the same, only the background, but there is no window with a choice of language. Decided to wait. Somewhere in about 5 minutes a window appeared with a choice of language, well, at least something, I thought. I clicked next, the inscription “Starting installation ...” appeared, and that’s it. The computer “thought”, I understood this from the fact that the cursor was spinning (something was loading), I decided to wait a bit.

After about 10 minutes, a window appeared in which I chose a clean installation of the system, again waited 5 minutes, formatted the partition under Windows 7 and started copying files. They were copied longer than expected, it seemed to me. In short, with grief in half, I installed Windows 7. Then I realized what a long 7 is :).

Slow but established

The computer worked as it should be for such hardware, very fast. It remains only to configure. But I did not have a driver for the modem, so they decided to take the system unit to me and pick it up the next day.

Finding the causes of a slow installation of Windows 7

At home, I set everything up, and decided to torment the computer a little more and find out why it takes so long to install Windows 7, I was wondering. Moreover, I did not find a specific answer to this question on the Internet, only guesses.

Setting up a SATA hard drive in BIOS

To begin with, I opened the system unit and changed the connections of the hard disk and drive. I connected the hard drive from SATA 0 to SATA 1. And the CD / DVD drive to SATA 3.

Then again got into the BIOS. I was interested in the SATA controller settings. Section "Integrated Peripherals".

Against OnChip SATA Controller the parameter was Enabled (enabled). Well, then we see the item, I have the Native IDE parameter. This is not very good for a SATA hard disk, as if it would not show its full potential.

Changed the value of the OnChip SATA Type parameter to AHCI (the best option for SATA drives). Tried to turn on the computer. The drive was not determined at all, but as soon as Windows 7 started to load, it blinked blue screen and the computer restarted.

I decided to put RAID instead of AHCI in the OnChip SATA Type parameter (combines disks into an array), nothing happened (I knew it was useless, but decided to try), everything is the same as with AHCI.

Installed back Native IDE. All these experiments did not help. Although it is very strange why AHCI did not work, I never understood this.

Disable Drive A

I also saw that opposite Drive A the table has the parameter “1.44MB, 3.5″. It's a floppy drive, and this computer doesn't have one. So I set it to "None" to tell the system it's missing.

Save the settings by pressing F10. Put installation disk with Windows 7 and tried to run the installation again to check how the seven would be installed, just as slowly or faster.

And to my surprise, everything worked as expected, a window quickly appeared with a choice of language, and so on, I quickly got to formatting the disk. Of course, I didn’t format it, since the computer was already set up, and it should have already been picked up.

How to solve the problem of slow Windows 7 installation?

Let's summarize, otherwise I dashed off a lot of text :). There was a problem with installing Windows 7, it took a very long time to install, and I had to wait a lot until the window with the choice of language appeared, and then For a long time hung "Starting installation ...". If you have such a problem, then you can just wait and everything will be installed. I have it installed.

If you want to try to solve this problem, then:

Try setting AHCI in the BIOS opposite the OnChip SATA Type item (probably didn't help me). Change SATA connectors for hard drive and drive. Disable Drive A (disk drive).

I did the last two points, and Windows installation 7 went fast. I can’t say with 100% certainty that it was this that helped restore the normal speed of installing Windows 7. But in any case, you need to try.

Sorry for so much text, I just wanted to describe everything in as much detail as possible. I hope that my experience was useful to you, if you managed to solve this problem, in this way, or in some other way, write about it in the comments, it will be interesting and useful.

If you decide to reinstall or install the operating system, but the installation of Windows 7 freezes, then in this article, I think you can find a solution. And now a little more about what exactly will be discussed.

Previously, when I was repairing computers, often, if it was necessary to install Win 7 for a client, I had to deal with a situation where, after the blue screen of installation appeared, the inscription “Installation started”, nothing happened for a long time - that is, according to sensations and external manifestations it turned out that the installation hung. However, this is not the case - usually (with the exception of cases of a damaged hard drive and some more that can be identified by symptoms) it is enough to wait 10 or even all 20 minutes for the installation of Windows 7 to proceed to the next stage (though this knowledge comes with experience - once I just did not understand what was the matter and why the installation hung). However, the situation can be corrected. See also: Installing Windows - all instructions and solutions to problems.

A damaged disk with a distribution kit, less often a flash drive (it's easy to change, but the result usually does not change).
Damaged computer hard drive (rare, but it happens).
Something with computer hardware, memory, etc. - possible, but usually then there is another strange behavior that allows you to diagnose the cause of the problem.
BIOS settings - this reason is the most common and this item is the first thing to check. At the same time, if you put optimized default settings, or just default settings, this usually does not help, since the main item, changing which can fix the problem, is completely non-obvious.
What BIOS settings should I pay attention to if Windows takes a long time to install or the installation start hangs
There are two main BIOS settings that can affect the speed of the first stages of installing Windows 7 - these are:

  • Serial ATA (SATA) Mode - recommended to be set to AHCI- this will not only increase the speed of installing Windows 7, but also imperceptibly, but speed up the work operating system further. (Not applicable for hard drives connected via the IDE interface, if you still have them and are used as a system one).
  • Disable Floppy Drive in BIOS- most often, disabling this item completely removes the freeze at the beginning of the installation of Windows 7. I know that you do not have such a drive, but take a look at the BIOS: if you encounter the problem described in the article and you have a stationary PC, then most likely , you have this drive enabled in the BIOS.

And now pictures from different BIOS versions, which show how to change these settings. I hope you know how to enter the BIOS - after all, the boot from a USB flash drive or disk was somehow installed.

Disabling the floppy drive on different BIOSes

Enabling AHCI mode for SATA in different BIOS versions

Most likely, one of the items listed should help. If this did not happen, then pay attention to the points that were mentioned at the beginning of the article, namely, the health of the flash drive or disk, as well as the DVD drive and the health of the computer's hard drive. You can also try using a different distribution of Windows 7 or, alternatively, install Windows XP and immediately start installing Windows 7 from it, although this option, of course, is far from optimal.

taking a long time to install windows 7

  1. The screw is old, there are a lot of errors, the speed of the screw is low.
  2. Either the computer is old, or you need to format / assign / partition disks.
  3. Check your hard drive and/or RAM.
  4. This drive or disk is corrupted.
  5. 2 hours!
  6. Just 30-40 minutes. Ideally. If the computer is slow, then up to an hour can increase, sometimes a little more. You're doing fine, it'll be over soon.)
    With this configuration, count for an hour, until the full launch.
  7. weak computer, scratched disk
  8. It is possible that the capacitors on the motherboard are swollen! Remove the side cover system block and see if there are any swollen. At me when they were swollen, the choice of language was shown in 5-7 minutes! A license agreement in 7-10 minutes! After soldering, it began to show instantly! It can also cause a malfunction random access memory(1 or more bars may be defective) . Yes, and the computer seems to be far from weak, but it takes so long to install. . My computer is 8 years old, its characteristics are: AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.2 GHZ, 512 MB memory, so Windows 7 maximum was installed on it in 8-10 minutes! The maximum is 12! And she was ready to go!
  9. Iron is weak.
  10. Don't worry, it happens on some motherboards.
    Try to put 8-ku, just to understand what the problem is
  11. all of the above are complete nonsense, and here the hardware is old, in short, the theme is always like this, everything was loaded normally, everything was loaded quickly, one fine day for some reason it began to load for a long time!
  12. system is incompatible or

    1. Mandatory:
    Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements.
    Find the official distribution.
    Write it down in one of the ways: 1, 2, 3, 4 on a USB flash drive or on a high-quality DVD-R disc(Don't use DVD-RW!) at minimum speed.
    Recreate (delete and recreate) the HDD partition from the installer. Format the partition from the installer and make sure the system sees the volume correctly.
    Why Advanced format
    Remove overclocking, if available.
    Test memory and replace faulty modules.
    Windows 7 does not support USB 3.0 out of the box. Therefore, when installing from a USB flash drive, connect e to USB port 1.x/2.0. If there are only USB 3.0, you will have to stock up on drivers - they will help you find them here.
    If the problem is related to the image (lack of it), check and turn off all additional devices, such as an LCD TV, etc.
    If, after fulfilling all the prerequisites, the installation does not complete successfully, go to the additional items.

    2. Optional:
    If it does not install from DVD, try from a USB flash drive by disabling the DVD-ROM. If it doesn't install from a flash drive, try from a DVD.
    Disable everything else in the BIOS: LAN, Audio, IEE1394, FDD, etc.
    Disconnect unnecessary wires and devices from the computer, leave only the necessary: ​​mouse, keyboard, monitor, power. The rest - disable or remove. Unplug any non-essential devices (card readers, expansion cards, etc.) inside the case.
    If there are several in the system, leave:
    1 HDD
    1 GB of known good memory. If there are several slats, leave only one in turn.
    video card
    if needed - DVD-ROM
    If the keyboard and / or mouse are connected via USB, find one with a PS / 2 connector and try with them.
    Connect the monitor to the VGA output of the video card. If there are 2 identical connectors on the video card, try connecting to the second one.
    If there are two video cards - one built into the motherboard, the second additional (PCI-E, PCI, AGP) - pull out the additional one and reconnect the monitor to the built-in one.
    Do a reset BIOS settings.
    Update the BIOS from the manufacturer's website motherboard. Help to find here.
    Press F8 before starting the installation (immediately after Press any key to boot from CD or DVD) and after each of 2 reboots and select 640×480 mode.
    If you already have Windows XP or Vista installed on your computer, download the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor before installing Windows 7. It checks that your PC has possible problems with equipment, devices and installed programs and also provides pre-upgrade recommendations.

Despite the fact that Microsoft company has released and successfully promotes new versions of the Windows operating system, it is Windows 7 Ultimate that can be considered the most successful and popular among users. Therefore, all the problems associated with the installation of the system remain very relevant.
It happens that Windows 7 is not installed or the computer hangs during the installation of Windows 7

Causes of long Windows boot and freezes

If there is a long installation of Windows 7 or the initial installation window does not appear, then in most cases it makes sense to change individual BIOS settings. This is a self-powered solid-state storage device that is a set of firmware. Very often, when the computer hangs when Windows boot 7, this is due precisely to the incorrect operation of the BIOS.

It often happens that the window bootstrap appears 5-10 minutes after the device accesses boot disk. There are hardware methods that can significantly speed up the boot process.

Windows 7 takes a long time to load, for various reasons, but you need to start with BIOS. If Windows 7, then there are many reasons why the computer boots slowly. To speed up your personal device, you can do the following:

  1. Defragmenting a hard drive
  2. Defragmenting and Cleaning the Registry
  3. Removing unnecessary programs
  4. Startup List Optimization

Changing BIOS settings

Depending on the motherboard and chipset, the input to basic system is carried out by repeatedly pressing a certain key, immediately after turning on the device. The most commonly used keys or their combinations are:

  • Delete
  • F1, F2, F3, F10, F11
  • Ctrl+Alt+Esc
  • Ctrl+Alt+Ins
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del

In modern computers, external drives are connected via a serial SATA (SerialATA) interface. This standard supports the command queuing function and provides for hot plugging of devices. To use all the features of this interface, you must enable AHCI mode. When working with Windows system 7, before enabling this mode in the BIOS, you need to activate the AHCI driver by changing the registry setting. The entry is made at the following address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\msahci and the value of the "start" parameter is changed from 3 or 4 to 0. Then you need to enter the BIOS in order to perform further actions there.

fig.1. If the BIOS entry was successful, the following picture appears on the screen

By moving the arrows, you need to open the "INTEGRATEDPERIPHERALS" window. This window contains SATA controller settings with the ability to change them. The first line indicates that the controller is enabled, this is indicated by the value "Enabled" - enabled.

fig.2. In the next line, the value "NativeIDE" needs to be replaced with AHCI

In some cases, if the disk is not detected, you can try setting the RAID value (group connection). Then you should disable the floppy disk drive, which has not been used for a long time and is not part of the peripheral equipment of modern personal devices. This line looks like this: DriveAFloppy 3 modeSupport 1.44M 3.5". Next, you need to set the parameter “none” in brackets, showing the system that this device does not exist.

fig.3. The result is the following

The device is missing and in addition it is turned off. Pressing the F10 key saves the new settings. Now you need to go to the line "Save & ExitSetup", which means "Save changes and exit." After restarting the computer, the new settings will be installed. All of the above operations should be performed if a computer with Windows 7 freezes or a laptop freezes when installing Windows 7.

If Windows does not install, then the device may be infected with viruses. Some software downloaded from the Internet can slow down the work very much, therefore, when you plan to reinstall the operating system on Windows 7, it is recommended to scan the device using antivirus utilities before starting the process. The new OS must be installed on a computer that is completely free of various "dirt".

More options for what to do if the installation of Windows 7 hangs

Often users complain - "I can not". The fact is that many people try to download a program from the Internet, and this is a very unreliable business due to the large number of viruses on sites with free software. Therefore, it is best to use licensed software on optical discs, or, in extreme cases, a good pirated copy with an activator. During operation, various situations may arise related to a decrease in the speed of the device or a freeze when performing certain operations.

If installation hangs Windows updates 7, you can wait a while and if after a while the installation of updates does not continue, then turn off the power and restart the computer.

There is a situation when Windows 7 is not installed from a USB flash drive. The main percentage of failures when installing from a solid state drive is due to incorrect BIOS settings. The elimination of the causes is indicated above - this is disabling the floppy disk and setting the AHCI mode. Sometimes the program is not readable because it is written incorrectly. To properly format and write a disk image to a flash drive, you can use the very convenient UltraISO utility, which supports over 30 formats.

In some cases, when unpacking Windows files 7 stuck at 0%. There can be two main reasons:

  1. Processor overclocking by hardware
  2. Lot bad sectors on the hard drive

In general, when changing the frequency to overclock the processor, many software products no longer install correctly, but after returning the settings to the initial state, correct operation is restored. An old hard drive can also be the cause of a freeze when installing the operating system. Need to check HDD using the Victoria program and, if necessary, replace it with a new drive.


Now you know what to do if the installation of Windows 7 hangs.

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