Earnings on banner ads. Earnings on banners

Earnings on banner ads. Earnings on banners


Greetings, dear friends! With you are the founders of the HiterBober.ru business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

In this article, we will tell you how we ourselves earn more than 150,000 rubles on our website HiterBober.ru and consider with examples the most popular and really working ways to make money on advertising on the Internet.

1. Advertising on the Internet: how and how much you can earn on it

Earnings on advertising on the Internet is one of the most affordable and effective ways to make a profit online. Below we will consider in detail all the features, nuances and varieties of earnings on advertising with specific examples. This method of generating income is especially relevant if you have your own Internet resource, however, ordinary users can also try their hand at such an "advertising business".

Let's say right away that we will mainly talk about making money on advertising using your website (blog). And this is not just another theoretical article, but our real experience of launching a business on the Internet (our website) and earning decent money on it (today 3000$ per month).

A few words about advertising in general

Modern civilization is difficult to imagine without advertising. She accompanies a person everywhere - in shops, on the streets, in the media, in transport.

Almost all sites we visit, especially popular (highly visited), contain advertising - banners, links, images, by clicking on which you can go to third-party resources.

Just by placing banners and links from an advertiser, you can earn from $50 to $10,000 per month and more. Of course, reaching the income level of several thousand dollars will not work right away - you need several months (from 6 to 12) of hard work and often some cash investments.

As soon as the traffic to your site starts to grow, more and more profitable offers from advertisers will begin to appear, and your profits will grow with them.

We offer to compare it with the classic "street" or other media advertising and highlight the clear advantages.

The degree of influence (trust) depending on the age of the audience

2. Profession Internet marketer. Learn it and earn from advertising from 100,000 rubles and more remotely

Today, you can earn more on the Internet than on a regular job, and despite the fact that you don’t need to travel anywhere.

The task of an Internet marketer is to promote the goods and services of companies on the Web. At the same time, it is possible to pay both for the conducted marketing campaign and receive a percentage of sales made thanks to you.

How it works. Suppose you know how to make one-page sites and set up ads on them, or you are a social media promotion specialist.

Then you need to find a customer who has a business and offer him your services.

If you conducted an advertising campaign thanks to which, for example, the customer organized an event for 1000 people and sold tickets for 2 million rubles. feel free to ask for 20-25% of this volume. That is, you can earn 400 - 500 thousand rubles as a reward.

The example is even simpler. Do you have friends who provide services: apartment renovation, website development, built-in furniture, and so on.

By referring clients to them, you can easily negotiate your commission percentage in the amount of 10 to 30.

Thus, Internet marketers earn from 50,000 rubles and more without leaving their homes.

This is great, of course, but where can you learn how to promote in order to make money like that? - you say.

Dmitry created a remote online promotion business, visited 32 countries in 2 years and successfully develops his project with a team without being tied to a place.

You, too, can do this, the main thing is to start. Creating our website HeatherBober several years ago, we also studied hard and today our project brings in more than a million rubles a month.

Start small and gradually you will learn by your own example what prospects for making money on the Web and the profession of an Internet marketer open up for you.

3. How to start making money on advertising on the Internet for a beginner

But what to do if there is no own network resource and funds for its creation and promotion? Is it possible to make money on advertising on the Internet without investment? Yes, there is such an opportunity: it will require you not financial costs, but time. Time, as you know, is the same money - only not everyone knows how to cash out this resource. Below we will teach you how to do this.

Few people know how to make money on advertising on the Internet, but everyone wants to get rich through the World Wide Web. The advantage of this income is that most often it does not require investments. Social surveys show that sites that require money for tuition or security deposits are, in fact, unpromising organizations that suck money from ordinary people. Consider the most common earnings through Internet resources, highlight the best sites and the difficulties that a beginner may encounter.

Earn money by viewing ads without investment

You can watch ads at home through Internet sites or social networks that a person visits every day, and you can get paid for it from anywhere in the world. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or other resources, then remember the main nuances:

  1. You can earn through a desktop computer and even through a mobile device that has an Android or iOS system.
  2. You need to install a special program on the device and create an email.
  3. After the user fulfills the terms of the contract with the customer, that is, he views all the advertising, funds are credited to the account. Amount agreed in advance.
  4. To withdraw and receive money, you need to create an electronic wallet. There are many such free accounts now. Before choosing one of them, carefully read the conditions for withdrawing funds and determine which one will be more profitable in your case.
  5. There is always a lot of work, but this does not mean that earnings will always be stable.

Everyone can earn income by viewing ads for money. Serious money is spinning on the world wide web. Someone trades through Internet resources, and someone tries to make money on someone else's advertising or on their own website. To earn money, you do not need special knowledge, only the desire to earn money, attentiveness and free time.

Getting started is much easier than finding stability in this field. And remember that foreign sites pay more than domestic ones.

How it works

Before you start working on the Internet, check out some recommendations from experienced users:

  1. Earn on multiple resources.
  2. Do not forget that portals must be verified.
  3. Read reviews and communicate with those who have already received money using a particular site.
  4. You must have unlimited access to the virtual network.
  5. Don't treat it like your main income. It is unrealistic to earn decent money at first.
  6. There are many ways to make money through the world wide web. It is worth considering all of them.
  7. Each site requires registration. If it is suggested otherwise, then this is the first thing that should alert you.
  8. Remember that any online wallet charges a fee for withdrawing funds and it is important to find one that offers more loyal conditions.
  9. If you watch several videos on the earnings site, then you will have a professional development, and hence the cost of views. Despite this, the level of difficulty of tasks will also increase.
  10. Sometimes sites themselves offer specific wallets where they are ready to transfer funds. In this case, you will have to accept other people's conditions, and not dictate your own.

You can significantly increase your income by attracting other users. Sites are willing to pay an additional percentage for their activity.

The best sites to earn money per view

Consider the most popular and reliable resources through which you can really make money:

Opportunities with your own website

Having your own website is a big advantage. On it, you can engage in the placement of someone else's advertising and promote affiliate programs, provided that the site is popular. Your own website opens up new possibilities:

  1. A person is not tied to a computer. After some preparation, the site will work offline.
  2. A trusted administrator is required. At first, you can play this role yourself, but then you should hire a person.
  3. The resource works around the clock.
  4. Do not create a site solely for the purpose of making money. First you need to gain an audience, and only then try to make money on advertising.
  5. The topic of the resource should be relevant and interesting.

Now there are many information sites that are full of interesting articles that attract users. And site traffic directly affects its profitability.

Ways to make money on your site

Consider the main ways that will help you earn decent money:

  1. Selling products through one-page sites and direct sales - you can offer your own product or place ads for a fee on your page or site.
  2. Contextual advertising. The easiest way to make money on your site that does not require any special training. You simply place an advertising code on the page and receive a part of the payment for clicking on the link to the advertiser's site. The cost of the transition is from 30 kopecks, depending on the category of the site and the selling company. However, for this method it is required to comply with a number of requirements for the site itself, including its content and attendance.
  3. Selling links - receiving money for posting links to some third-party resource on your site. Usually they are published for a limited period, but there are also so-called "eternal links".
  4. Banner advertising. It is similar to the context one, only it is presented in a graphical form.
  5. Placement of articles - paid publications of an advertising nature.
  6. Earnings on affiliate programs. In this case, the user is required not just to follow the link, but certain actions. For example, if you are participating in an affiliate program with a bank, then this may be filling out a questionnaire and sending an application for a loan. In this case, you will receive payment if the visitor not only views the site, but sends a questionnaire, that is, becomes interested in the product and decides to purchase it.
  7. Teaser advertising - combines contextual and banner ads, while containing a certain mystery, incompleteness, interests the reader in getting an answer to a question.
  8. Promotional reviews and paid posts. The method is applicable to popular information resources, the theme of which is closely related to the promoted product.
  9. Social networks - advertising on your own page in social networks.

Learning any of the above operations is not difficult, but you should not try to cover all areas at once. Focus on the content of the resource. If a person posts informational articles about style, then it will be relevant to sell clothes, advertise boutiques and stores, and try yourself as a dealer.

The main component of the advertising success of your site is high traffic. If the resource is interesting to users, then advertisers themselves will look for an opportunity to be placed on it. Which, accordingly, will increase the cost of advertising. A successful promoted site can bring about 300 thousand rubles and more. But this will also require a significant initial investment. In their absence, the site will remain lost on the Internet, without bringing the owner a penny.

Advantages and possible difficulties

A Russian citizen has the opportunity to earn on domestic and foreign advertising. Working on the Internet has its pros and cons. Benefits of making money online:

  1. Such work allows you to have a free schedule and earn income without leaving your home.
  2. A person can work around the clock. It is actual to use it as a part-time job in parallel with the usual day job.
  3. The World Wide Web does not provide for restrictions. The main thing is not to violate the rules of resources.
  4. Allows self-realization and development.
  5. In many cases, investments and special knowledge are not required.
  6. Opportunity to earn passive income.

But we can not say about the shortcomings:

  1. Learning new things is not for everyone.
  2. Earnings are not always stable, so you have to live for today.
  3. For a solid income, the site needs promotion.
  4. There is high competition among sites for an advertiser.
  5. Without the investment of labor and money, only a low income can be obtained.

There are many examples of those people who were able to earn millions using the Internet. Each of them started as a regular user who learned and improved. Someone considers the global network evil, but in reality it is the future, and it is quite possible that soon all work from stuffy offices will go offline with a home hotspot.

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Online advertising is all over the place. For example, I have had an AdBlock blocker for several years now. So, once I went into the browser without it and was horrified - ads all the time. Plugged it back in right away.

3 main ways to make money

From this we draw simple conclusions on how to make money on advertising on the Internet:

So, let's analyze all these methods in detail.

Sale of advertising

This is the first way to earn money. To sell ads, you need your own more or less popular popular platform. It could be:

Website (any, including bulletin board or social network)

Popular group on social media networks / personal page

Youtube channel

Of course, the sites are not limited to this list, but this will be enough to understand the model. Now let's look in detail.

Imagine that you are the owner of some super popular site. For example, Vkontakte or Youtube. Hundreds and thousands of people will buy ads on these resources daily. Naturally, this is a huge amount of money that goes into the pocket of the owners.

Of course, most of us will hardly ever own such a resource, so it's worth taking a slightly more modest example. You have created a site about auto repair, worked on it for a long time. As a result, a year has passed, several thousand people visit the site every day.

In this case, there is a very high chance that representatives of various companies will contact you and offer cooperation. For example, an online auto parts store may offer you to install their banners on your website. You may be paid for this:

For impressions

For days and months while banners are on your site

You agree, install these banners and receive payment from the advertiser. Interested people go to their store by banners and buy the necessary spare parts there. Everyone is happy with such cooperation.

If everything goes very well, the store may offer you closer cooperation in the future. For example, writing texts where you will advertise the store and its assortment.

Naturally, this was only 1 example, in reality there are thousands of such situations. You can have a website on any topic and they can write to you with a wide variety of proposals. Remember that this is already selling advertising.

Your own website is only 1 platform for selling advertising. You may have a popular Vkontakte/Facebook/Twitter community, etc. Wherever there are visitors and subscribers, you can sell ads.

And if you are the owner of such a community, you just have to wait for offers from advertisers. And if you want to speed up the process, find them yourself and offer cooperation.

Thus, to make money on the sale of advertising on the Internet, you only need a more or less popular site. I did not note 1 important point - the more “money” the theme of the site, the better. Because even having a popular site with a description of bird species, you can not earn much from it.

So, your plan of action in this case is to create such a platform. And it's not as difficult as you think.

By the way, we even have a course on this topic. This course is a step-by-step guide to growing your personal blog from scratch to traffic and a good profit. What is not an example of a platform from which you will be able to sell ads and earn money in the future? Here it is if you're interested.

Buying and reselling ads (traffic arbitrage)

A direction that is actively developing in Runet is traffic arbitrage. The main thing that attracts people to this niche is that you don’t need anything, neither a platform nor your company. All you need is some knowledge and money. And the more knowledge, the less money you need to start.

Actually, the earnings model in this case is very simple. There are hundreds and thousands of companies and shops on the Internet that need to be sold. To sell, they need customers. You can attract customers through advertising.

So, these companies could run this ad themselves and wait for sales, but many of them decided to do something much more interesting by making this decision:

Let's create an affiliate program, let thousands of webmasters buy ads for us, and we will pay them money for it.

So let's imagine the situation again. There is a big store. He needs to sell a lot. There is you - a webmaster (as everyone who one way or another earns on advertising on the Internet or tries to earn money is called today). The store launches an affiliate program - 8% of the order value of each client you bring.

There are already hundreds of such affiliate programs in RuNet. Go to Admitad and see for yourself.

Actually, you just have to competently buy an online store advertisement, insert your affiliate links into advertisements, launch all this and pay.

Yes, if you want to make money by buying and reselling ads, you will first have to buy it, that is, invest your money. And there is no guarantee that they will return. You can invest 10 thousand rubles and get back, as a reward from the store, only 2 thousand, or you can get 50 thousand. It all depends on how good your ad will be.

Thus, traffic arbitrage is not a path for everyone, but only for those who are ready to study a lot and, in fact, master a new profession. Yes, you do not have to go to work, but believe me, you will need to know and understand quite a lot.

If you think that to earn money it will be enough to go to Yandex.Direct, somehow create ads (perhaps even automatically using software), fund the campaign account and wait for profit, then I have to disappoint you. Then everyone would earn on advertising.

Because there are hundreds of advertising sources alone, thousands of ways to work with them, and almost tens of thousands of affiliate programs themselves (shops, services, information products, tourism). Continue? This is a huge ocean and you don’t need to understand absolutely everything, but if you want to make money in traffic arbitration, you will have to become a specialist in at least a narrow niche (for example, Yandex.Direct - online stores or social networks - tourism).

I hope I gave you the right direction, and then it all depends on you - whether you act or not.

Buying ads for your services

It is very different from the previous way of making money when you advertised someone else's site. At least the fact that your earnings for one client is much higher, because you provide a service / sell a product - you, which means that you will receive not 5/10/15%, but all the profit.

The main problem is that you need to create a product / service. Something that people will want to buy. For example, you found two old acquaintances. One has to draw website design, the second - to program, and you - typesetting.

That's it, the team has been assembled to open your own web studio, you have to create your own website / landing page, on which you will clearly tell the client what he can buy from you (which sites), what is the cost of work, benefits, development time, etc. .

After that, you start advertising this same landing page. Here you will also need knowledge in the field of online advertising, but not so deep. Here there really is a chance that you just run an ad and it will be profitable, that is, it will bring you customers, and hence profit.

But even if it doesn’t work out that way, you can always hire an advertising setup specialist (now there are plenty of them). You will simply give him a part of the profit, but in general, such cooperation can now be seen all the time. And each side can be satisfied, as it is doing its own thing.


I have given you in this article several ways to make money on advertising on the Internet. As you can see, each of them requires some effort from you, but they are worth it. Briefly summarize the 3 main ways:

The main source of virtual money constantly supplied to the Internet is advertising. A lot of money is spent on it and this niche is diverse in ways to earn money.

Ordinary banners can bring a good profit, and not only site owners can use them, there are alternative options.

Earnings on banners is profitable, regardless of the chosen direction.

In this article, we will look at how you can earn income from installed banners on the site, by creating them and by arbitrating traffic. Each method involves working with the most popular format of promotional materials.

How to make money on banners with a website?

Even newcomers to the Internet know what banners are. These are ad blocks that contain different information. They come in different sizes and types, but they have the same essence - to attract the attention of a potential client.

If you do not understand what we are talking about, scroll down the page a little and you will see the 24Option broker banner on our website:

The most common way to make money on banners is to place them on your website. All major affiliate programs offer such promotional materials.

In addition, banners can be installed through advertising services, the most popular in this niche is RotaBan.

It is chosen for a number of reasons:

  • after installing the block with advertising, you do not need to do anything, advertisers themselves will follow it and order placement;
  • payment is made without your participation, advertisers choose the time during which their banner will be shown;
  • webmasters receive detailed statistics on transitions, clicks, and so on;
  • the administration monitors the honesty of transactions, so all banners will be guaranteed to generate income before the selected time, the advertiser will not be able to remove them;
  • advertised sites are moderated, so you will not direct people to resources that spread viruses or deceive them.

As for the possible earnings, it all depends on the popularity of your site. Site owners set their own prices for adding a banner for a month. Here is a specific example from one of the sites:

As you can see, for adding a banner to the side column for 30 days, the site owner asks for 1000 rubles. Impressions are 15700 or about 500 per day. Two advertisers have already ordered banners from him.

However, not a single system can do without minuses, RotaBan is no exception. Firstly, only 1% of the income of invited webmasters is paid here.

Secondly, the administration takes 15% of the profits. Although this suits many, because you don’t have to do anything, monetization of the site is completely automatic.

Best Banner Networks

This site has a lot of analogues, but not everywhere offers automatic placement and convenient payment. We have already talked about Ginads and Wizard Banners. Both services offer to earn on banners.

  1. Tbn is one of the oldest resources where you can monetize sites with more than 100 hosts per day. The site must be Russian-speaking and 50% of the generated traffic must be from Russia. All topics are accepted, except for adult. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles, and you can get money on Webmoney.
  2. Adskape - the system offers earnings on banners and teasers. Sites with adult content are accepted, as well as sites of any other subject. The only limitation is resources on the topic of making money on the Internet. To add a site, you need to reach the attendance of more than 1000 hosts per day, and you can get money on WebMoney by collecting 300 rubles.
  3. Bodyclick is a more interesting banner network as it offers colorful Flash banners. Any sites are accepted (except for resources about making money online) with attendance above 100 uniques per day. If free hosting is used, then attendance should exceed 500 per day. Withdrawal to Webmoney with a minimum threshold of 100 rubles.
  4. Advbox - for young sites, this is the best option, as they accept sites with only 50 visitors per day. There is one more requirement - this is the second level of the domain. Also, there is no minimum wage for withdrawal, applications are processed instantly, and funds are transferred to Webmoney.
  5. Traffic is the only banner network in which there are no requirements regarding site traffic. You can add any resource, as well as set your price for impressions and clicks. The minimum for withdrawal is 150 rubles, payments are available only on WebMoney, they are held weekly. Although the service appeared later than others, according to statistics, it outperformed many competitors.

Add your resources to the best banner networks and start making money from it. If you are a beginner, then you will need instructions. And if you have not yet acquired your own resource, you can use alternative ways to make money on banners.

Freelancing advertising banners

If you're good at graphics and have some design skills, try venturing into freelancing. Exchanges often offer to develop banners, teasers and other promotional materials.

Payment can be different, but you decide for which orders to send applications:

This is one of the examples from the Weblancer exchange, where the customer is willing to pay $20 to create 4 banners of different sizes.

It comes out at $5 for one banner, the requirements are not high, and the Jpeg format (that is, they are not animated), so it will not be so difficult to develop them. Look for similar offers and get paid for your work.

Earnings on banners without a website

There is one interesting way in which you have to use ad networks and affiliate programs.

We talked about it in detail in the article -. Its essence lies in the fact that you first need to find a profitable affiliate program, and then buy traffic and convert it.

For example, you can find some offer on ActionPay and connect to it:

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