CPA marketing is the gold mine of online business. How to make money on CPA, the best ways Is it possible to make money in cpa reviews

CPA marketing is the gold mine of online business. How to make money on CPA, the best ways Is it possible to make money in cpa reviews

Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to make money on CPA networks.

  • How much can you earn A: From $100 per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: the presence of a traffic source or from 10,000 rubles in free money.
  • Is it worth doing: if you want to develop in marketing .

What are CPA networks

Step 4 Setting up a traffic source.

If you have your own traffic source that has been working for some time, by changing something, you can lose regular visitors, and therefore the opportunity to earn.

But if you do not change anything, in the long run you will lose profits.

It is necessary to find the weak points of the target audience, “hit” with a specific offer and show that this particular product will solve their problem. And it doesn't matter what it is: a weight loss cream, an online game or a banking product - the scheme is the same.

Step 5 Attracting clients.

After setting up, you can start attracting customers. If this is your traffic source, place links, advertisements and banners on it. If you want to be an advertiser, then work with an advertising campaign.

Step 6 Twist.

For example, you did everything right and even got some profit. But to dwell on this is the height of stupidity. You need to constantly tweak to get more money. A client clicks on one of 3 ads, what is in your personal account? Remove those two and make others. A client clicks on your ad but doesn't stay on the site? So, we need to make another one.

Working with CPA networks is not about creativity. This is about hard, constant analysis, tweaking and endless mathematics.

Step 7 Receiving a profit.

This is the simplest step: you have received the money and put it into circulation. You can go back to step 2. The main task of working with affiliate programs is to establish a work cycle so that everything is like a perfected mechanism:

Waste of money - leads - profit - waste of money.

These 7 steps sound very simple. In fact, everything is more complicated. Each stage can be twisted, improved and look for additional options for earning.

How much can you earn in CPA networks

A beginner without a source of traffic cannot earn. Even if you're lucky, you "poke your finger in the sky" and, for example, raise several thousand rubles from 300 rubles in a couple of clicks, then in a week you will merge. Because there is no system.

Therefore, I do not promise mountains of gold at all. Yes, and restrictions on withdrawals from CPA networks can specifically hit the budget. Because the money is spent, the profit is received, and the withdrawal has to wait for another whole week. But the average arbitrageurs, working alone, receive a net income of 50,000 rubles.

Focus on this one first. It will get taller over time.


Working with CPA networks is really interesting. If you want to become an information businessman, then this will be an invaluable experience. But in order to really earn money, you have to be a person without morality and learn how to sell what the client does not need. And the rest is a risky, interesting, complex business.

Hello dear friends. Today, I will show you a very interesting scheme for making money on the Internet. It will be based on CPA and traffic arbitrage. Earnings on the Internet will be made in the ActionADS network.

We will work with the BonusMall offer.

How much does this offer pay?

  • The first purchase in the amount of 250 rubles - 200 rubles
  • First paid order - 150 rubles
  • Registration - 10 rubles.
How much did you earn on the affiliate program?

Let's take a look at the statistics:

Tested about 2 weeks ago. I received money both for registrations and for one completed purchase. Besides, I didn't work very hard.

How to make money online at BonusMall?

Now I will show you the essence of this way of earning. First, you need to register in this network and find the "BonusMall" offer. Press the "Connect" button and write to support with a request to connect to this offer.

Now we need to make a laying site. And I will tell you how to do it. I used the website builder from Ucoz. It is, by the way, more than enough.

Then I bought the "takemore.rf" domain and linked it to the site created in the constructor. When we go through the "take more.rf" domain, a redirect occurs to the link that we received in the "BonusMall" offer.

Now, let's get down to business. We open "Control Panel" your website which was created on Ucoz .

Choose a section "Design" - "Design Management (Templates)".

Finding a string "Page Editor" - "Main Page".

By clicking on it, we see the working field, in which we need to insert the redirect script.


The workspace should look like this. Instead of the word "link", insert your link.

Where to get affiliate traffic from?

We will direct traffic from message boards. And I'll tell you how. We go to Google. Pictures. We enter a request, for example, "I will sell an iPhone" and select the most natural and suitable photos for us.

It doesn't have to be an iPhone. We are looking for pictures depending on what we will offer visitors. We place an ad like this:

The most important thing is to indicate a very low price and "excellent condition", "in the box" and stuff like that. We indicate there the working number that is at hand. I advise you to create a separate number for this, because after placing several such ads, a huge number of calls will go to the number.

After a potential buyer is interested in the ad, he immediately calls our number, and the dialogue goes like this:

- "Hello, do you sell an iPhone for 5000 rubles?".
- "Yes, we sell, we are an online store, you can order on our website take more.rf".

Usually, potential buyers begin to suspect something is wrong and ask about various details. We answer questions quickly, but talking for more than 30 seconds is undesirable, so say something like:

"Sorry, we have too many calls at the moment, I can't talk for long" and discard. After that, they usually call back and ask for the name of the site again. The visitor goes through our site and registers there, after which we are paid 10 rubles. If he buys something, then we will be paid 150 rubles. And if he buys something worth more than 250 rubles, then we will be paid another 200 rubles. As a result, in theory, we can get 360 rubles from one such visitor.

As a result, I can say that if you scale this method of making money on the Internet, then you can safely earn from 1,500 rubles a day, or even more. Thank you all for your attention, bye.

With the right approach, CPA affiliate programs can be a great source of income for a website. However, many beginners hesitate to get started in this area, as they do not find good, digestible information.

In this article, we will tell you about how to make money on CPA affiliate programs. We will describe everything in short and understandable words, and you will understand where to start.

Check out the beginning of this article.

How to start making money with CPA affiliates

To get started, you need a website. It is desirable that it be well visited - the more traffic the site has, the more earnings will be.

The first thing you need to do before making money on CPA affiliate programs is to choose an offer. Then you should get acquainted with the working conditions that the offer offers: commission, types of traffic that can be used, description, and so on.

Everything. Now wait for visitors to click on your link. For each targeted action, you will receive your percentage. CPA networks allow you to view statistics on clicks and actions.

For more effective earnings, try to establish links in different places and use different types of links. This will help you choose the best option.

Mistakes Newbies Make

There are several common mistakes that beginners in the field of CPA earnings tend to make. Get to know them and don't repeat:

  • Many choose an offer at random, without analyzing it, without getting acquainted with the conditions. It doesn't make good money.
  • Offers set their own conditions under which webmasters must work. If you do not comply with the conditions, then you will not receive a reward, even if the audience performs the target action.
  • If beginners see that the offer does not bring any income, they simply abandon the idea of ​​​​earning CPA. However, it often happens that just an affiliate link is located in the wrong place, in the wrong form. Therefore, you need to test, try different options.

CPA and ethics

Not all offers that will be offered in the CPA network are fair. Among them there are those who do not deliver the product on time, or deliver, but in inadequate quality. There are those who significantly inflate prices or are not ways to provide full support. Whatever negative to the product manufacturer comes from the client, all of it will pour out on you, since you and your site have become an intermediary. Therefore, in order not to spoil the reputation of your site, choose only adequate offers that customers love.

The most relevant today is to make money on the Internet, so a fairly large number of people are engaged in such a type of income as PP ( affiliate program). You can earn on affiliate programs from scratch, without investments, that is, to make any fees or that there is no need to buy. This type of income is promising for those who cannot spend money on traffic (advertising) or if there is no money at all.

What should beginners take into account when working on CPA affiliate programs on the Internet?

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It should be emphasized that it is extremely difficult to start working on the Internet from scratch, without investments, so only the most hardworking, persistent and patient become successful. In the case when there is money at the initial stage, as a rule, in 95% of cases they go to the minus, since beginners simply do not have enough knowledge. That is why at the initial stage, a free option is relevant, which will allow you to deal with various aspects (statistics, holds).

Everyone initially works as beginners, but for some such work is fundamentally not suitable. The reason for this is banal laziness or misunderstanding of the matter.

In order to start working, you need to register for affiliate programs, add advertisers, your sources and sites, and most of them cannot overcome such small technical issues at the initial stage. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this and it is not difficult to figure it out on your own, and it will only benefit.

How to choose an offer for work?

The offer (advertising offer) in the affiliate program is extremely important, the envelope (conversion of traffic into actions) largely depends on it. Since at first you will have free traffic, in no case should you take loans and other expensive topics. The first is to observe and take a closer look at what products are popular and sell well., for example, to free applications for rejuvenation and spa, payment for registration on advertisers' websites.

First you need to look at EPC and CR, in the PP (affiliate program), if it is zero, then, perhaps, you should not work with this offer, you should not chase fabulous profits from each click (EPC), because it can be traffic to an increased degree of their landing pages, interested traffic.

It is equally important to analyze the market, find out what is advertised in social networks (twitter, vkontakte, etc.), see the most popular queries. But you should not copy everything, always try to draw your own conclusions and act on their basis, choose a product or service for further promotion on the Internet.

Watch the video - CPA affiliate programs and earnings from them from scratch

How to make money on cpa affiliate programs: getting traffic

Traffic, or as it is customary to call "users", who perform the actions for which we receive earnings, this is the basis of this type of activity on the Internet. Traffic can be obtained using spam, advertising, contexts and many other free and paid methods.

The most popular ways to get traffic:

  • If you have done SEO before and you own your own website, then you can place it on the selected offer and give a link. This will give free traffic and stable payment, although it will be low.
  • Youtube is a pretty good source of traffic., upload videos regularly and give a link in the description. Over time, it will also start to generate income. It is important to understand that 2-3 videos are not enough, and the more you post, the better, it is desirable that there be at least several hundred views per month. Videos can be created in a variety of ways (adding pictures, overlaying music on videos, and a host of different ways).
  • Posting with links on social networks. It is not important in which social network the post will be created, the most important thing is that the profile is popular. To attract, you need to correctly design your profile, write comments in thematic groups, and much more. Also on social networks, you can place advertising posts in other people's groups, but such advertising on the Internet can be paid. Here you need to choose the right community for advertising, compose a competent text, and also insert an appropriate picture to this text. It is important to understand that if the text is large, then this may scare the user, as it takes a long time to familiarize. Therefore, the text of advertising on the Internet should have a brief content.

Making money on affiliate programs is not difficult if you approach this type of activity with enthusiasm, show perseverance, patience and, of course, you will notice the fruits of your labor very soon.

Earnings on CPA networks

In the previous article, we examined CPA (What is CPA) networks in detail and tried to answer the question of what they are and how they work. In the same article, we will try to explain how to make money on CPA affiliate programs. Many will be surprised, but in order to make money on CPA networks, it is not necessary to have your own website, and sometimes you can even do without groups on social networks. You can start making money on CPA without having anything to do with the Internet, but using your skills in developing advertising campaigns or sending messages.

A little higher, we have already noted that in order to make money in CPA networks, you do not need to have your own website. There are other options for making a profit, but most of them require financial investments from you. Do not forget that each offer has its own conditions, for example, one may allow advertising only on social networks, and the other only on its own website. Therefore, read the rules of work before proceeding with the promotion. Let's see how you can earn on CPA:

- Own website . Everything is simple here, if you have your own website on the Internet (it is desirable that it be placed on a paid hosting and have traffic), then you can start earning on CPA affiliate programs. To do this, register in one of the CPA networks and connect affiliate programs to your site. After that, place a link or banner on your site and get income. At the same time, it is important to choose the right affiliate programs that will match the theme of your site.

- Doorways. If you have a group of doorways, then you can also start your earnings in CPA. The main thing is to make sure that the affiliate program is not against you using a network of doorways instead of one site.

- Youtube channels. Many CPA offers allow the user to place advertisements on YouTube channels. For example, if you are shooting a video about online games, then why not post a link to a gaming affiliate program on your channel and make a profit from it.

- PopUp/ClickUnder - it is also possible to order an advertisement with aggressive advertising. By placing in this ad the link received from the offer. Here you will have to make an investment in an advertising company.

- Contextual advertising/Teaser networks - in this case, you can create an advertising company in Google Adsense, Yandex Direct and other teaser networks. In your advertisement, place a link to an affiliate offer and active actions will be paid. Here you will have to have initial capital to earn on CPA in this way.

Email - mailing - another way to make money on CPA affiliate programs. If you have a database of email addresses, you can create a high-quality ad in which you place the link received from the affiliate offer.

Motivated traffic - this method supports a small part of the offers. It implies rewarding the user for certain actions on the advertiser's website. For example, a person went to an online store using a link posted on your website, and if you buy a product, you promised him to send 50 rubles to your mobile account - this will be motivated traffic. Also, the use of tasks on sites such as Vmmail or VMZON and other boxes is considered motivated traffic.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of earning on CPA networks. We will give you the necessary algorithm of actions to start earning. This algorithm is only a general scheme and is intended to familiarize users with the possibility of earning on CPA affiliate programs. If you are already familiar with CPA, you can skip some of the points in this guide.

1) You need to acquire at least one tool to make money on CPA. We have described the possible tools above.

2) Choose one or more CPA networks and register in them.

3) After registration, select an offer (or several offers) with which you will cooperate. Pay attention to which traffic sources this offer accepts and how appropriate it is to use it. Also, see which countries this offer accepts traffic from and carefully read all the rules.

5) We begin to attract users to click on these links.

6) We get paid for our efforts.

Here is a small algorithm of actions that is necessary for making money on CPA networks. It should be borne in mind that this type of earnings is not too simple, and will not bring instant profit.

How can you earn on CPA

Now let's talk specifically about the offers (affiliate programs) that are presented in CPA networks. All affiliate programs can be divided into several categories, each of which has its own approach. Usage email mailing lists or the creation of advertising campaigns is suitable for any offer and will depend on your professionalism. We will also give an example of the topics of sites and groups that are suitable for a specific group of offers. Let's take a closer look at the main types that are presented in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bearnings.

Online stores are very popular in CPA networks. The main purpose of these offers is to promote and sell goods from these stores. The principle of working with such offers is quite simple. You place an advertising banner or an advertising link for an online store on your site and receive income from the purchases of visitors who came to this online store via a link from your site.

The choice of such offers is quite large and you can start cooperating with a large number of online stores. Also, many CPA networks offer their users to install additional applications that help increase the conversion of sales from your site. Mainly:

- Coupon and discount generators . You place on your site a code that generates coupons and discounts for goods in online stores. These coupons contain information about all current discounts in online stores. And as you know, discounts always cause increased demand from buyers.

- Generators for unloading goods from the store . You can also place on your site a catalog of goods from one or more online stores. The task is quite laborious, but brings its own profit. There are special applications that will allow you to post products and update them almost automatically.

This type of earnings is suitable for site owners of almost any subject. For example, having a site about cars, you can place affiliate links from offers that sell auto products, having a site about fashion, you can place links to online clothing and footwear stores. The same applies to VK groups.

Bank offers are also very widespread. Here you will receive payment for loans and user deposits in various banks, ordering a bank card, applying for insurance, etc. The essence of the offers is quite simple. You connect to an affiliate program and place an advertising link on your website (in a group, in a mailing list). After that, users who follow this link and apply for loans will bring you profit.

These offers are suitable for owners of financial websites. Also, if you have a good database of email addresses, you can create a mailing list by inserting an advertising link there.

A large number of gaming offers in CPA networks. Here you will receive payment for registering users in various online games or for reaching a certain level. The principle of working with such offers is also quite simple. You advertise the link received from the offer and earn on it. Many offers pay for direct registration in the game, and some require more activity from users (reaching a level, entering the game for several days, etc.). At the same time, information about which level the user needs to receive is not disclosed.

For cooperation with such offers, sites and groups that are dedicated to online games, entertainment topics, etc. are suitable. Also, having a base of addresses of gamers, you can create a mailing list of messages containing a link to a game offer and earn money on it.

Dating site offers are also represented in CPA networks. Basically, it requires the registration of new users, for which you will receive payment. Although there are also requirements for completing questionnaires or adding photos, activity for some time, etc.

Almost any site is suitable for working with such offers. Only strict and scientific topics should be excluded. Agree, it would be absurd to see an ad on a site about taxes, about meeting cute girls (though?).

This group should include offers that pay for orders of users of various services. For example, payment for hosting or an application for an online seminar. Basically, payment for such offers is based on the deduction of a certain percentage or a fixed amount from one order. Let's say the user paid for hosting for 1 year, while you receive a percentage of the user's costs or a fixed amount.

This segment contains offers of various topics. For each of them, sites or groups of certain topics are suitable. For example, having a project dedicated to the creation and promotion of other sites, it makes sense to advertise hosting.

There are also offers in CPA networks that pay users to install applications on smartphones and tablets. Basically, these offers require installation on devices running OS IOS or Android . For each installation you will receive a fixed amount. Also, mobile offers require from partners a certain percentage of returns from users who have installed the application. For example, in the terms of the program, the percentage of the return of the user after 7 days is at least 10%. This means that 10% of users who install this application should use it after a week. If these conditions are not met, you may be denied payment.

For such offers, sites and groups dedicated to technology and mobile devices are suitable. If you have a group in which you sanctify news from Apple , then why not post links to applications in it, the installation of which will be paid for you.

I would also like to single out the offers of various travel companies in a separate group. Here you will earn by selling tours via the Internet or by ordering air and railway tickets through partner offers.

For this type of earnings, sites dedicated to tourism are suitable. For example, if you have a blog about the countries of the world, then the link to purchase tours will fit into it very colorfully and will find its customers.

Well, another category of offers is goods for mailing. These offers are similar to online stores, but here you will need to sell a certain product, and receive a reward for this. Surely, you have often seen messages in various groups about watches (analogous to Rolex) or about wallets, purses, umbrellas, etc. I hope you did not buy this consumer goods, because the price on such sites is overpriced by 300-500% of the retail price. Well, now the conversation is not about what kind of bullshit they are trying to shove you, but about making money on the search for users who are interested in these products. Basically, such offers have a certain payment for the sale of goods. And you will earn from each order from the site (and quite good amounts). For example, if a user clicked on the link advertised by you and bought a "trendy" watch for 1500 rubles, then you will receive 500-700 rubles from this purchase.

In order to sell these products on the Internet, you need to look for suitable customers (in other words, suckers who will buy this crap). To do this, you must either have a group or site with high traffic (from 10,000 site or a group with at least 100,000 users). Or know where to find such buyers.

On this, a brief overview of the offers and the possibility of earning money on them can be considered completed. Now it remains to talk about the amounts that can be earned in CPA.

How much can you earn on CPA

The question regarding the amount of earnings on CPA networks is quite complicated. It is impossible to unambiguously answer exactly how much you will receive. Here It all depends on how exactly you will promote your traffic sources and how muchthousand rubles, and at the end you get many times less. Or, on the contrary, it is correct to draw up an advertising company and earn at minimal cost. In this case, it all depends on you and your ability to attract visitors.

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