Earnings on captcha from 100. Earnings on recaptcha, checks and entering captcha

Earnings on captcha from 100. Earnings on recaptcha, checks and entering captcha


Hello, dear readers of my blog about making money online! If you are looking for employment that would bring you and require minimal effort from you, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will tell you about the Rucaptcha project, which successfully earns a lot of users from different parts of the world. After reading this article, you will understand how to register on this site, get acquainted with the interface features and the basic rules of the service. I will try to simplify your work by talking about the possible level of earnings, the advantages and disadvantages of this site. You will also receive some tips that will help you increase your profits a little.

Description of Rucaptcha service

This project is a specialized platform for solving captcha and getting rewarded for it. You probably came across the concept of captcha when you visited various Internet resources, registered on different sites, etc.

In the usual sense, captcha is a picture on which symbols (letters and numbers of the Russian or English alphabet) are encrypted. Captcha is set by webmasters to protect their online resource from all sorts of bot actions, spamming, etc.

The Rucaptcha project allows the owners of online platforms and advertisers to automate any actions. And for ordinary users, this is a great opportunity to receive a small additional income with a minimum of effort. There is always work here, about a million images are available to users every day for decoding.

You only need to register on this site, enter the characters encrypted in the picture in a special field, and receive your reward. One of the main requirements for cooperation with the Rucaptcha project is a stable Internet connection and good typing speed.

How to register in the project and start working?

In order for you to start completing tasks, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, go to the project and click on the "Register" button, which you will see in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • enter your email address in order to receive important system alerts in the future;
  • come up with a strong password that combines large and small letters, as well as numbers;
  • repeat password entry;
  • read the privacy policy of the resource and check that there is a tick in the appropriate place;
  • click on "Register".

Then go to your mailbox, open the letter from the Rucaptcha service and follow the link that is placed in it.

Congratulations! You have registered on Rucapcha and you can start working!

After logging into your personal account, it is advisable to carefully study the functionality of the site. So, in the menu on the left you will see the “Get Started” button. Click on it, and then click "Start" to start learning how to decipher the captcha. It is recommended that you do not ignore this procedure, as it will greatly simplify your work in the future.

You will be offered both a simple captcha, on which only numbers or only letters are encrypted, and a more complex one, where you need to take into account the input language, case (large and small letters), spaces between words, etc. A complex captcha will be accompanied by a brief instruction. Moreover, in case of incorrect guessing, you will be provided with the correct answer so that you can analyze your mistakes.

After completing the training on the Rucaptcha service, you will be able to get to work. Before starting work, you will be asked to indicate how well you speak Russian, English and other languages. This is necessary so that the system can select a suitable captcha for you.

While decrypting the captcha consider the following features:

  • if you are having difficulty guessing the characters, click on the "I can't parse" button located to the left of the input field;
  • at the top you can choose which pictures you prefer to decrypt (regular captcha or together with recaptcha; read more about these varieties below);
  • if the picture shows large and small letters, they must also be entered in the field in large and small letters (in this case, to the left of the captcha there will be a hint that it is case sensitive);
  • if you are tired and want to take a break, press the stop button.

To the right of the working window, it will indicate how many mistakes you made, as well as the level of your reputation in the project. Remember that if you decrypt characters incorrectly several times in a row, your account on the Rucaptcha website may be blocked. Therefore, it is better to use the “I can’t make out” button if you are not sure that you have correctly guessed the characters.

The main types of captcha

This platform offers users to solve several types of images. So, You will have the following options available:

  1. Text captcha. It is a set of numbers, letters or one full word in English or Russian. Often such pictures are distorted in italics, different styles, letters have different arrangements, etc.

Here it is necessary to take into account that the word may not be one. If the captcha is presented in the form of two images, each of which contains a word, then they must be entered in the field with a space. You will learn about these and other features of captcha during the training.

You may also see text appearing on a logo or next to an image. Here, the system often gives a hint which phrases need to be retyped.

In some cases, the Rucaptcha site requires you to guess symbols of a certain color or letters located under a certain sign. During the training, you will see a line of geometric shapes, under which the letters are located. Your task is to enter characters that are under a certain figure (for example, under a triangle).

  1. Recaptcha. In this case, you get a set of several images (often 9 pieces). Your task is to select from them those that are united by a common theme or that depict the same objects.

There is a recaptcha with numbered pictures. In this case, you will need to enter in the field the numbers of pictures that show the same thing (for example, road signs). But there are also tasks where the pictures are not numbered. In this case, you need to select the appropriate images with the mouse.

Recaptcha usually offers a higher payment. To receive such tasks, you should set the item "Regular captcha + recaptcha" in the settings.

  1. Captcha presented in the form of questions or mini-tasks. Some webmasters order such complicated types of tasks on the Rucaptcha platform. In most cases, in order to write an answer, you will need to have certain knowledge or get an answer from a search engine.

But these types of captcha are extremely rare. And it is advisable to skip them, since the time to provide an answer is usually limited.

If you do not want to receive recaptcha, but want to deal only with text images, then specify this in the settings before starting work.

You can earn money by decrypting the described types of captcha not only from the web version, but also from your mobile phone. For this, a mobile version of the project is provided, which is optimized for phone screens. To switch to the mode of such an interface, in the "For employees" section, find the line "Mobile interface for working from the phone" and click on it.

In addition, the developers have provided a special program, which is beneficial and convenient to work with not only from a computer, but also from a phone.

Features and Benefits of RuCapcha Bot

To be able to solve recaptcha and get a higher reward for it, it is advisable to install a special program on your computer. To do this, just find the button "RuCaptchaBot to access recaptchas", click on it and install the program following the instructions.

There you will find a version of the program for working only with recaptcha, as well as an option that allows you to solve regular captcha as well. There is also a special utility for installation on smartphones with the Android operating system.

Consider the features and benefits of software for solving recaptcha for computers. Immediately after installing the program on your PC, you will need to enter a special key - API KEY, which you will find in the installation instructions for the program or in your personal account on the Rucaptcha website.

The main advantages of such software worth mentioning are the following:

  • higher payment than for transcribing ordinary images in the web version;
  • more convenient work (you only need to select pictures and click on them with the mouse, you do not need to type text on the keyboard);
  • available tasks appear periodically, but you do not need to wait for them to appear, you can go about your business, and when a recaptcha appears, a window with it will pop up on top of all other windows;
  • here you will not be blocked if you complete the task incorrectly, however, payment for the wrong choice will also not be charged.

As you can see, there are many pluses. More than half of the users earn through this program, since it offers a more worthy reward. Payment from the program will be automatically transferred to your personal account on the Rucaptcha website. Once you receive the funds, you can withdraw them using any of the available methods.

How much can you earn on this site?

By logging into your personal account, you will see the current average rate for 1000 correctly decoded captchas and recaptchas. So, for a correctly solved captcha in the amount of 1000 pieces you will receive from 15 to 50 rubles. A 1000 guessed recaptchas will bring you up to 70 rubles.

Important! At night, the rate increases due to the fact that there are a small number of users on the site. Therefore, if you do not know what to do with yourself after midnight, I recommend spending this time to good use.

Thus, in the daytime, the price for one captcha is 0.01-0.03 rubles, and at night it can increase to 0.05 rubles. It is easy to calculate how much income you will receive during the month.

Let's assume that you will spend 1 hour daily deciphering images. You have 20 seconds for each captcha, but often people can solve it much faster. So, even novice users spend an average of 10 seconds per picture. This means that in 1 minute they solve 6 captchas. Thus, within an hour they will successfully decipher about 360 images. The level of income will be from 3.6 to 10.8 rubles.

If you cooperate with the Rucaptcha service for a month, you can count on a profit of 108-324 rubles. Accordingly, if you devote 2 hours to work, then your earnings will be 216-648 rubles. Of course, for a full-fledged living, such income will not be enough. However, it is quite enough for small pocket expenses, payment for communication or telephony services.

You will be redirected to a page where you will get acquainted with the possible withdrawal methods, the minimum amount that you can transfer, as well as the commission that will be charged for the operation. So, You can withdraw money in the following ways:

  • to a dollar wallet in the WebMoney system, as well as to wallets of other payment services, including Yandex Money, Qiwi, Payer, Perfect Money;
  • to the account of any Russian mobile phone;
  • to a bank card;
  • to Bitcoin, AdvCash services.

The minimum amount for this is from 15 to 170 rubles.

The administration of the Rucaptcha project processes all applications within a day (if the transfer amount is more than 100 rubles) or after 10 minutes (if the amount does not exceed 100 rubles).

Sooner or later you will think about how to start earning more. I bring to your attention Here are some top tips to increase your income:

  1. work harder. Try to devote as much time as possible to such activities. Since it does not require much effort from you, you will be able to decrypt the captcha within 2-3 hours daily.
  2. If possible, work at night. As mentioned above, at night (namely, from 2 am to 7 am), the rate for each captcha increases almost 2 times.
  3. Strive for reputation. The longer and more responsible you work, the more opportunities you will get. So, when your reputation reaches 3, you will be able to select only recaptcha in the settings. When you reach 10 reputation points, it will be possible to set up showing only Russian captcha, which is much easier and faster to decrypt.

To get 1 reputation point on the Rucaptcha service, you need to solve 1000 images. Accordingly, to achieve 3 points, you need to correctly decipher 3000 captchas. It is quite possible to do this in a few days.

  1. Improve your typing speed(including practice on the English layout). This will allow you to spend less time decoding captcha, which means you will receive more reward per hour.
  2. Take part in the affiliate program. In your personal account, in the "Finance" section, find the "Affiliate Program" button and click on it. You will be redirected to a page where you can see your unique referral link. Share this link with other users and motivate them to become members of this project.

Everyone who follows the link and registers in the system will become your referral. And as soon as this user earns his first money or spends it ordering captcha decryption, you will receive an income in the amount of 10% of the amount earned or spent.

Accordingly, the more active participants you invite, the more profit you can count on. Such passive income may even exceed your main income in the project. Therefore, I recommend not to miss this opportunity.

You can learn more clearly about this resource, the registration procedure and the rules of work from the video.

As you can see, this project is very convenient for cooperation. With little effort and doing work at any convenient time, you can earn a little extra income.

Today I will introduce you to a new (for some) type of earnings. captcha- this is a special code, when you enter it, the system understands that you are not a robot-spammer, but a person and that you can safely be allowed access to any information. I will not load you with information why services for entering captcha for money Yes, you don't need it at all! Before presenting the services on which you can earn, I want to say a few words…

You should not expect big money, for 1 entered captcha you will be paid an average of $0.0005, with referrals things will go more fun! You don't need anything but a keyboard and straight arms to work! So far, I know only a few similar servers that seem more or less reliable to me. Well, let's see what services we have available.

How to work with captcha

On all services, the interface is intuitive, so I think you'll figure it out, you just need to enable the English keyboard layout. To get started, you need to find a button like "get started", after which a window will open where you can enter the specified characters.

Cons and pros

The pluses include the fact that this work is mechanical and does not require special mental effort or any knowledge, in short, it will suit even a beginner, another thing is how much you can earn. For an hour of work, you can fill $ 0.4 -0.5 $, if you try hard.

Where to earn by entering captcha

Good service. Your earnings are directly dependent on the number of successfully entered captchas. The more pictures you guessed, the greater the percentage of the increase in payment. Withdrawal of money is possible with the accumulation of $1. Pays in webmoney.

An unusual service in order to register there you need invites, here they are: 5d5c81cd e9e2425c e879c92d 14527779 b4238a88 4da43249 6705ce45 fc5dfb30 bf6c7b10 d663709c. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1.51$. Pays in webmoney.

A foreign project pays a lot of money by the standards of this type of earnings, that is, $ 0.85 for 1000 successful captcha entries. Unfortunately, there is no output in webmoney! But there are payments in . When registering, you need an Invite: 1OFG, 1P74

Such services are ideal for getting started on the Internet, no knowledge is needed here, but you can understand that there is definitely money on the Internet and you will wake up with a desire to work more and progress. So this is a good way to make money for beginners.

Many of those who come to our site, as a rule, are looking for simple and quick earnings on the Internet. Those. did something simple - received money for it to the account - withdrew money. In the end, not everyone can be programmers, copywriters, designers and infobusinessmen!

So, for example, many of our subscribers are interested in. Does anyone really pay money for entering captcha and who can benefit from it? Are there honest services where you can earn on captcha and how to avoid scams?

Once Detective himself tested earnings on captcha, so he shares his opinion and experience with you. We hope our review will be useful for you!

What is captcha and why does someone pay money to enter captcha?

captcha- this is a special protection for the site, a kind of bot filter, which is a simple test (most often - entering characters from a picture with distorted text, a little less often - an answer to a question or a series of pictures from which you need to select images of a given topic). It is assumed that any adequate person will cope with the test, but the robot cannot.

Malicious bots send multiple requests to various sites, thereby undermining the system's performance. Others just send spam. Still others are trying to hack the system by "brute force". One way or another, entering captcha makes life much more difficult for bots, on the one hand, and reduces the load on the site, on the other.

Why would someone pay to enter a captcha? Many webmasters work with special programs that connect through proxy servers to read statistics to search engines (Yandex, Google), which, in turn, require captcha input. Or, for example, if a person works with software for automatic distribution on social networks, he will also need to enter captcha every now and then. To fully automate the work, webmasters submit captcha requests to special services and pay money for someone else to enter the captcha while their software is running.

How much do you pay to solve captcha? On average, from 1 to 3 kopecks for entering one captcha. At the same time, it takes an average of 5 to 10 seconds to enter captcha itself (if you fill your hand, you can achieve faster results). So, if you work for an hour without being distracted at a rate of 1 captcha in 5 seconds, then you will earn from 12 to 36 kopecks. Agree, it's not good.

However, do not rush to get upset: the more you work and enter captcha, the higher your rating and, accordingly, the higher your rate for entering captcha. Moreover, all captcha solving services have a referral program: therefore, you can simultaneously invite other people to the service and receive 10% of their earnings by entering captcha.

Where can I earn by entering captcha? We'll talk about this below.

Services for earning by entering captchas that really pay

As we wrote above, there are special services that, on the one hand, accept money from webmasters for solving captcha, and, on the other hand, give paid tasks for entering captcha to people who want to make money on this business. Thus, on such sites you can register as a webmaster and as a performer.

The office for performers, as a rule, has a simple interface, so every teapot can cope with the work.

We have prepared for you a list of proven Anticaptcha services where you can earn money by entering captcha. You can try any of them (or all at once).

  1. RuCaptcha . One of the most popular services for making money by entering captcha.

The main features of the Rucaptcha service:

  • Russian language service;
  • supports entering captcha in Russian and English (and it is also possible to enter captcha in other languages, but it is very small);
  • payment for captcha: from 0.01 rubles to 0.35 rubles;
  • instant payments to all popular electronic wallets, to mobile and even to cryptocurrency wallets;
  • a lot of tasks, the captcha waiting time is very small;
  • dependence of the task price on the rating;
  • the ability to work even from a mobile phone.

To be honest, Detective was enough to enter 2845 captchas. He spent several evenings on this business (even nights, because at night the rate for captcha increases). The work is simple, but monotonous. Sometimes it can be perceived as a game or listen to music in parallel. However, you still get tired quickly. At the same time, he earned on this business ... 100 rubles maximum.

Further, the Detective decided to attract referrals to the project. He used his own video instruction for this, which he distributed for free. As a result, 104 partners were involved in the work, which for the entire time (2 years of work) brought the Detective earnings ... 339 rubles.

All this money was easily transferred by the Detective either to WebMoney, or to QIWI, or to the phone. Therefore, there are no complaints about the service: Rukapcha pays money for captcha and for active referrals and withdraws you to any account without any problems. Another thing is that this money is a penny.

Yes, of course, the Detective could have spent much more time entering captchas, gaining a rating and earning more. But, you know, he felt sorry for his time. For the hour that you spend driving 30-50 captchas (and earn a maximum of 1 ruble), you can write, for example, an article that you sell for a price of 100 to 1000 rubles. Feel the difference, as they say.

Of course, if you do not know how to write articles and you like to enter captcha, then go ahead. Personally, our opinion: it is better to spend this time on the development of a more profitable niche of earnings.

Earnings by entering captcha. findings

So, we figured out what captcha is, who needs to pay for it, and how much webmasters are willing to pay for entering captcha. Moreover, we have analyzed the most popular and convenient services where you can actually enter captcha and get paid for it.

Moreover, the Detective himself tried to make money by entering captcha and shared his results with you.

Considering all of the above, we will conclude that earning by entering captcha is a reality. What do they really pay for. Another thing is that the work is thankless and poorly paid. Suitable for complete beginners who don’t want to learn anything and just for fun enter captcha and get a penny for it.

Those who are smarter will always find other ways to make more serious money on the Internet. For example, .

Separately, it is worth mentioning that there are many pseudo-services where they promise to pay fabulous money for entering captcha. For example, 100 rubles for one captcha. Only here you will not see your “earnings”: when you try to withdraw, you will be asked to pay something (for example, a VIP account) and, as they say, they will simply swindle you for money.

No one will pay such big money for captcha. We have announced the approximate rates for entering captcha above. Focus on them when you come across services that promise to pay for captcha.

Have you tried to make money by entering captcha? Did you earn a lot? Share your experience in the comments!

Earnings on captchaconsidered to be the easiest way to make money online. In addition, earnings by entering captcha require absolutely no investment. Entering captchas is a fairly simple and affordable job. It does not require professional skills and knowledge.

Earnings by entering captcha is suitable for both beginners and those who are just looking for additional ways to make money on the Internet.

The disadvantages of earning on captcha recognition include a relatively low income. Therefore, you should not consider this way of earning as your main job. The money earned on the captcha will be enough to cover the cost of the Internet, mobile communications and still remain for small pocket expenses.

Earn money by entering captcha You can use special services and sites for manual captcha recognition. The phrase “manual captcha recognition” means that a person is engaged in entering the captcha.

What is a captcha?

Captcha is a picture with distorted letters and numbers. Captcha can be found, for example, by leaving comments on sites, registering e-mail or downloading a file from file hosting, and the like.

Also, captcha (ReCaptcha) is found in the form of a variety of images: cars, planes, buildings, nature, animals, etc.

Why do you need a captcha?

This invention (Captcha) helps to distinguish a person from a robot and protect Internet resources from automatic registrations and all kinds of spam.

For example, webmasters who are engaged in the promotion of sites need to list the site being promoted in various Internet directories and resources. At the same time, webmasters carry out a myriad of registrations during which it is necessary to enter captcha.

Such a task is beyond the power of a person, tk. this process takes a very long time. Therefore, the whole process is fully automated and registration is performed by a machine (program, robot, bot) instead of a person.

But there is one problem. Such programs, unlike humans, are not able to recognize the text or picture shown in the captcha, and this confuses them (blocks them).

Why do you get paid to enter captcha?

Since programs that perform automatic registration cannot recognize and enter captcha themselves, a person must do this for them.

Therefore, webmasters order captcha recognition in specialized Internet services that provide captcha recognition services.

Captcha recognition services, in turn, require employees who, for a fee, will recognize and enter captcha sent by customers (webmasters).

That is, the customer pays money to the captcha recognition service, the service gives a certain part of this money to the employees who solve the captcha.

How much can you earn by entering captcha?

On average, captcha recognition services pay employees 30-60 rubles for 1000 correctly recognized captchas.

Simply put, your earnings per hour can be 20 - 30 rubles. It is possible that more.

The higher the speed of work, the more will be the earnings.

Note for those from Alpha Centauri)). I often see from the statistics of visits to my site what people are looking for earnings on captcha with payment of one or ten, or even 100 rubles for one recognized captcha! People, please be realistic, well, no one will pay you such money for just one solved captcha. If you see such an offer, then run from it like the plague. This is without a doubt a scam!

And yes! Earnings in fully automatic mode by entering captcha also impossible!

There is no software that could completely replace manual captcha recognition by 100%.

Otherwise, there would be no need to pay for the work of captcha recognition to its performers.

Where can I earn by entering captcha?

There are few sites that offer earnings by entering captcha, and even less worthy of attention. In general - one, two and miscalculated!

1st place - RuCaptcha

Registration on the site is very simple, so I will not focus on this.

2) To make money on captcha, it is better to use the official program RuCaptchaBot to solve ReCaptcha. It is more convenient to work through the program than on the site, and most importantly, it is more profitable, since the work flow in the program is greater and the payment for ReCaptcha is higher.

Therefore, the first thing after registering in the section "Employee", follow the link « RuCaptchaBot for access to recaptchas" .

And download the program. And also immediately copy the key (needed for authorization).

3) Unpack the archive (the program does not require installation).

4) Launch the client by double clicking on the application RuCaptchaBot.

6) We press the “Start” button, solve the recaptcha and get the money.

For faster recognition of ReCaptcha, the program has a sticky button function. That is, you can mark pictures without clicking on each square separately. It is enough just to hold down the left mouse button and drag over all the sectors with the image at once, and with the right button you can confirm the decision.

To receive captcha in two windows at once in the program settings, set the parameter “Flow x2”.

If you often come across an intractable ReCaptcha (slowly disappearing pictures, etc.) ... in this case, you can try to copy your User Agent (user agent) into the RuCaptchaBot program. To do this, open the settings.

And in the corresponding field indicate your User agent. Click "Save".

How to find out your user agent?

To find out your user agent, we type in the Google search engine the phrase: my user agent and copy what Google gave us. Or go to this site and look at your agent.

It is not necessary to specify your user agent, you can specify any other. It might even be better that way. Try to choose a user agent for mobile devices.

You can find a list of various user agents.

Perhaps after these manipulations, ReCaptcha will be easier to recognize. And if ReCaptcha is already solved easily, then nothing needs to be done.

And even when you solve a lot of recaptcha Google can temporarily block your ip-address. In this case, if you have a dynamic ip - address, then you just need to restart (Off / On) the router or modem to bypass this blocking. If you have a static ip, then use vpn. For example, you can use free vpn speedify or Windscribe.

Also, the RuCaptchaBot program can earn money without your participation by solving the invisible version of ReCaptcha (ReCaptcha V3). You don't even have to press the "Start" button to do this. You just need to run the program and that's it! The main thing is that the parameter "Score" was not less than 0.3, otherwise ReCaptcha V3 will not be solved. This parameter and the amount that the bot earned itself can be seen in the program window below.

If the "Score" fell below 0.3, then you need to close the program. Then you need to change the ip - address and run the program again. If after these actions the “Score” has not increased, then you need to repeat the whole procedure again.

I also advise you to periodically visit the RuCaptcha community Vkontakte, there you can find out the news of the site and ask questions of interest.

2nd place - Enigma Solvers

Then launch the emulator, sign in with your Google account. Then install the “Captcha Objector” application in the emulator, which you downloaded earlier on the EnigmaSolvers website.

How to install"Captcha Objector" andBluestacks emulator.

The number of captchas solved for the last 24 hours is displayed at the top of the program window, next to the inscription “Solved”. Full statistics can be viewed in your account, section Statistics (Statistics).

Also, under one account, several people from different computers can work at once. This is also allowed by the rules of this project. For example, you can work with a relative using the same account. It is also allowed to use one e-wallet to withdraw funds from different accounts.

In general, in terms of accounts, complete freedom, of course, except for multi-accounts.

Description of the program menu:

Pause Bypassing - Pause

Show Statistics - Show statistics

Beep On Captcha - Turn sound on / off

Report Unsolvable - Skip captcha

Sign Out - Sign out of your account

To complete the work, pause and close the program.

3rd place - X-Captcha

X-Captcha is a domestic project that specializes only in recaptcha solving. Pays 40 rubles for 1000 captchas. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 10 rubles. Payments are made within 2-5 minutes on WebMoney.

To get started:

1) Register on X-Captcha.ru. To register, you will need a WebMoney or Payeer wallet number.

2) Download and install the X-captcha program to solve recaptcha.

3) Launch the X-Captcha client. Enter your username and password, click save.

The login must be entered in this format CapR00000000000 for WebMoney, and in this format CapP000000 for the Payeer wallet that was specified during registration.

4) Click "Start" and solve the recaptcha.

In the program settings there is a “Clone mode +1”. If you enable it, then in this case, instead of one window with recaptcha, two will open. The work will be doubled.

To open the settings, right-click on the program window.

If a lot of slowly disappearing images come to recognition, then in the settings you can turn on “CAPTCHA MOD”. Then the pictures will change a little faster.

The program also has an assistant that automatically solves some recaptchas. To enable the assistant, click “Advanced” in the settings, then check the box “X-Assistant” and click “Apply”.

Important, I almost forgot! After restarting the program, the balance always shows zero, even if there is money on the account. To see its current status, hover over “Balance”, right-click, then click “Update Balance”.

As for the withdrawal of money, they are ordered in the X-Captcha client itself. If you do not see the button “Order payment”, then update the balance.

If you need to change your login (wallet), go to the X-Captcha website using the link in the client (question mark icon).

Also, do not forget to follow the release of new versions of the program. You can follow the client updates on the X-Captcha page

Earn money by solving captcha is one of the easiest ways to earn extra income online. Consider the basic principles of the method of earning by entering captcha, its positive and negative sides.

Captcha is an encrypted set of characters shown in the picture. This is an effective way to protect against automated bots, auto-registrations and bulk spam.

Everyone who spends time on the VKontakte social network has come across a captcha decryption - it has to be entered when the user performs “suspicious” activity (performs several identical actions too quickly). And on special projects for the same decoding you can receive real money.

Why pay for entering captcha?

As conceived by the authors, the encrypted text is easily recognized by a person, but such an operation is not subject to an automatic program. In order to recognize captcha, webmasters are willing to pay. For this, services have been created where you can earn money by testing the generated encrypted images.

Where can you earn on captcha?

Proven services for earning

Sites that pay for captcha in rubles

In fact, there are not so many services that would pay money for decrypting captchas in rubles. By the way, not a single service pays in hryvnia at the moment. So you still have to register a ruble wallet, and then transfer funds to an account in hryvnia. Consider two sites:

Websites for earning on captcha in dollars

There are many foreign services for captcha decryption. However, it is worth remembering that it may be necessary to register with foreign payment systems (for example, PayPal) in order to be able to withdraw the money earned.

Here are some of the foreign sites:


earnings from $0.35 for 1000 captchas

2captcha.com- an analogue of the site rucaptcha.com.

  • The interface is similar to Russian analogue.
  • Payments are made to dollar and ruble webmoney wallets. Payments in the Payeer, Paxum system are also possible. You can withdraw funds to Visa and MasterCard credit cards.
  • Payout Percentage affiliate program similar to the handcaptcha site - 10%.


earnings from $0.49 for 1000 captchas

MegaTypers- American service for solving captcha.

  • Give a chance make good money by entering Latin characters and numbers.
  • Payments are made to Western Union(need to earn more than $100), WebMoney Z Wallet, PayPal(from $3) and other payment systems.
  • Top left you can choose Russian language, but the translation will be rather curved.
  • When registering, you must enter an invitation code (Invitation Code). You can enter any of these codes: BQHU, BQHV, BQI0, BQI1.


earnings from $0.34 for 1000 captchas

kolotibablo.com- aka antigate.com and anti-captcha.com for customers.

  • Payment is made in American currency.
  • To withdraw the amount earned, even during registration it is necessary specify an existing Z-purse, otherwise, the account and IP address of the artist will be blocked.
  • A feature of earnings on this project is accumulative rating- the higher it is, the greater the reward for correctly solving the captcha.

It should be remembered that when choosing foreign sites, you will face additional costs in the form of interest for currency conversion.

  • Does not require special knowledge and skills. After a simple registration, you can immediately start working. Therefore, this method is perfect for workers starting their Internet career.
  • Does not require financial investments. On honest projects, registration is always free, you don’t need to buy a monthly subscription, etc. to work.
  • You can withdraw money immediately. A small amount for withdrawal, which can be collected in the first hour of work.
  • Affiliate program. Most projects have an affiliate program that allows you to organize passive income. To do this, you just need to invite interested users to the project and receive a percentage of their earnings.

Disadvantages of making money by solving captcha

If you choose the right project, then, in principle, difficulties and disappointments should not arise. The only negative is, of course, a small income. For an hour of work with continuous input, you can earn from 15 to 30 rubles. Not bad, considering that the work is not so difficult.

Secrets of earning on captcha

  • Each project has its own specifics. For example, on a handcaptcha website, the more performers work at the same time, the cheaper the captcha. Therefore, in order to increase earnings, it is first necessary to choose the right time to work. The most expensive captcha is late in the evening, at night or early in the morning. And on kolotibablo, in order to increase pay, you need to increase your rating, and for irregular work it goes down.
  • It is better to skip a difficult captcha than enter the wrong answer. The fact is that for a large percentage of mistakes you can get a ban account forever, in this case, the earned money will not be withdrawn.
  • The skill of "touch typing" will significantly increase the amount of earnings, because the artist's income directly depends on the speed of guessing and input.
  • Take advantage of all earning opportunities: invite interested performers to your team, teach them how to earn money, work not only at home, but also at any free time (in line, public transport, etc.), most projects support mobile versions of their sites, which expands the user experience.

You can make money by entering captcha, but this method is hardly suitable for experienced webmasters, but for beginners without special knowledge and skills who have recently brought to the Internet for money, this is an ideal option. The income is enough to pay for the services of an Internet provider, a mobile operator, or hosting your developing blog.

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