Earnings on Seosprint - what is important to know? Seosprint: how to earn more? Ways and secrets of earning How much you can earn on seosprint per month.

Earnings on Seosprint - what is important to know? Seosprint: how to earn more? Ways and secrets of earning How much you can earn on seosprint per month.


Any user who has just come to SeoSprint or is going to become a member of this project will think about this question: “ how much can you earn on SeoSprint?". Let's take a look at each type of income on the project separately and find out how much money each of them can bring.

How much do you earn surfing in SeoSprint?

How much do advertisers earn on SeoSprint?

Find a project with a very profitable affiliate program and start promoting it in SeoSprint. Of course, you will need to spend money on advertising. You can earn them right there, for example, by completing tasks! Or go even easier way - replenish the account on the project through a payment system, such as WebMoney.

You can also advertise your product if you already have an online store or want to start one. Or sell someone else's. Find an affiliate program with good conditions for the sale of any accessories, training courses, books, etc., and advertise it on SeoSprint. The product must be truly interesting, beautifully described and presented. Otherwise, the advertising company will not pay off. If everything is done correctly, it will bring good money.

From this follows only one conclusion - You can make good money on SeoSprint but it takes time and a well-thought-out strategy. Start simple at first, complete tasks and surf links. Attract referrals to the project, which over time will give more and more profit.

Hello dear blog readers! In this article, I will answer the main question: “How to earn more on Seosprint?”, namely:

  • I will share my personal experience and give some advice;
  • I will tell you about the secrets of making money on this site-box.

Do not rush to leave the page. Lots of goodies await you.

There are two ways to earn good money on Seosprint:

  • On assignments
  • At the invitation of referrals
And now, let's take a closer look at each way to make more money.

Method number 1. Earnings on completing tasks

First rule - forget about clicks at all! All attention should be focused on tasks, namely simple and expensive tasks.

Where can you find these jobs?

  • Go to the category "Only registration"
  • Sort tasks by price so that the most expensive are at the top
Now let's open the first task. What do we see?

The example, of course, is not the best, there are tasks that are more expensive and easier. I completed this task in about 30 seconds, and now let's compare this task with clicks.

For how long, in time, did you earn 2 rubles on clicks?

I can say with confidence that the answers will be somewhere in the region of 20-30 minutes. Well, this is self-blasphemy, the most natural. I argue. You need to be able to manage time properly, so you can experience real, serious earnings on Seosprint (see secret #2).

There are more than 1000 similar tasks on Seosprint, and there are other categories, but we will talk about them another time. As promised, I wrote another instruction. We will study there.

Seosprint Job Secrets

As with any project, Seosprint has a few tricks (secrets) that are not so easy to learn right away, but with experience you understand how you can earn more.

Secret number 1. Preparing to work on assignments

In registration tasks, you must have a few things:

  1. New email (yandex.ru, mail.ru, rambler.ru, well, a google-created mail is better right away);
  2. Free virtual number service (I use onlinesim.ru/sms-receive). The rooms there change frequently;
  3. Notepad for inserting mail and passwords and other data;
  4. Program for creating screenshots or photo hosting;
  5. Another, separate browser (more than one is better).


  1. LastPass extension for generating and storing passwords, autocomplete fields.

2.1 Sometimes, during registrations, you are asked to enter and confirm phone number, it is not necessary to enter your own, but you can.

3.1 Notebook is a fast track tool. We drive mail there, and the password for mail can be set the same everywhere if you do not use them later.
Here's how it is for me:

4.1 Sometimes, in registration assignments, it is required to send as confirmation screenshot (screenshot). The procedure is very simple and is performed using special programs (Lightshot) or uploading a picture to a photo hosting server (Pixs). I use the last option myself, since there is an opportunity to use multi-upload, sometimes you need to upload several pictures at once.
Photo hosting is more convenient in this regard.

5.1 Separate browser used to not clear cookies in the main browser where Seosprint is open and passwords on sites are set (autofill). When working, it is better to alternate browsers. For example, first we perform a batch of tasks in the Opera browser, the next batch in Google Chrom, and you can also use FireFox. I alternate only two browsers - Opera and Chrome. After completing a certain number of tasks, I clear cookies, change the ip-address, since I have it dynamic.

Secret number 2. Weigh the cost of completing the task and the time

For example, if a task requires you to fill in many fields, up to passport data (even if it is false), and the price for completing such a task is 1 ruble, then it is advisable to bypass such tasks. Another thing is if you only need to enter your mail and password and confirm your email address or phone number.

Secret number 3. Add reusable tasks to favorites

The best registration tasks are simple and reusable tasks. If the first completion of the task will take you 5-10 minutes, then in the future, you will spend 2-3 times less time on this task. Here is an example of such a task:

One of the best jobs on Seosprint. The advertiser pays 2 rubles for a subscription and viewing the site. You can complete the task almost every day. He has tasks even more expensive, where you need to subscribe twice for 4.15 rubles.

Method number 2. Earnings on referrals

A generous affiliate program will allow you to get really a lot of money on Seosprint. There is such a myth that there is no point in inviting new users to popular sites. This is not so, because every day new people appear on the Internet who have never heard of Seosprint, they only recently learned that such a thing as "" exists and is available to everyone.

From the whole variety of ways to attract referrals, I chose a few of the most effective (in my opinion):

  • Creation of a partner site
  • Placement of tasks on other boxes
  • Invitation of referrals directly on the project

1. Every person who has decided to seriously engage in online business should have a website where he posts various instructions, shares his experiences with other people, including referrals. By the way, that's exactly what I'm doing now - I'm teaching you what I know myself :)

Someone posts tasks for simple registration, but it's still better to come up with some additional task for your future referral to interest him. So there are more chances that a person will stay and start working.

3. Seosprint has recently introduced a new section - "Working with referrals" - "Invitation". There you can even receive referrals for a ruble, provided that they choose you. Therefore, you need to create a catchy invitation. For example, mine looks like this:

Bonuses for my referrals: for changing statuses, for surfing sites, for reading letters, for passing tests and for completing tasks. Help in work, contests!

At a display speed of 1 ruble, a new referral is added to me every few days, I see no reason to set the amount higher, because no one guarantees that each new user of the project will work. But how to interest a referral?

Ways to "keep" a referral on Seosprint:

  • Drafting an informative welcome letter
  • Creation of bonuses and competitions for referrals
  • on Seosprint

1. Until today, I did not attach much importance to writing. I just painted about bonuses for changing statuses. However, now my welcome email looks like this:

2. You need to stimulate and encourage the work of your referrals. This can be done with the help of bonuses and contests. .

3. An important step in the "retention" of referrals is their training and, of course, help. Create a similar page or shoot a video where you talk in detail about how to make money on Seosprint correctly.


This concludes the writing of this article. I hope it will bring a lot of benefits not only to my referrals, but also to other people who want to

Greetings dear readers of my blog site! In this article, we will analyze one of the best click projects, talk about Seosprint: why it is interesting, consider how and how much you can earn here, and much more. Go!

Seosprint site description:

What is Seosprint?- this is an active advertising service, sometimes called "mailer", "bux", is currently considered one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet on clicks.

The project initially began to gain momentum at a tremendous pace, demonstrating its stable and colossal prospects.

Seosprint appeared in 2010 and consistently makes payments!

There are more than 450,000 active users of the site. The total amount of payments during the operation of the system exceeded 330,000,000 rubles (330 million!).

And here is a photo of one of my payments (screenshot):

Why is Seo Sprint attractive for making money?

  • Payment for the performance of various tasks - from 0.2 rub. up to 500 rubles(Sometimes there are tasks for 600, 700 rubles and more).
  • Payment for reading paid letters - from 0.04 RUB
  • Pay per surf (clicks) - 0.02-0.06 rub.
  • Payment for passing tests - from 0.15 rub.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount - 2 rub. I recommend withdrawing every full 10 rubles. at a time, because at the same time the rating is +0.2. When withdrawing money for 2 rubles, it is not charged!
  • Payments are made to the WMR wallet of the Webmoney system, Yandex-Money, Qiwi-wallet, Payza, PerfectMoney.

How to make money on Seosprint?

To get started and earn money on Zeo Sprint, you just need to go through a simple free registration that takes 3-5 minutes!

If you have any difficulties with registration, then follow!

Immediately after registration, be sure to write down your password and PIN in a safe place! This completes the registration, by entering the project, in the menu, find the "My mail" section, a message will come there in which you will find a link to detailed instructions for earning money from me.

Earnings on Seosprint (Seosprint):

I will try to find time and make a video lesson for you on how to work and make money on Seo sprint, but for now, use this instruction ↓

How to make money on Seosprint? Main ways:

The Seo Sprint project gives us the opportunity to earn in 5 ways:

  1. site surfing,
  2. reading letters,
  3. passing tests,
  4. completing tasks,
  5. Referrals.

Now we will talk in detail about each, learn to work and earn. Consider each type of earnings step by step!

1) Surfing sites - How to make money on surfing sites / Seosprint clicks (seo sprint)?

For surfing sites (clicks) they pay from 0.02 to 0.06 rubles. An average of 20-40 clicks comes per day, sometimes more.

Step 1) We go to the section - "Surfing sites", in which you will find all available sites for surfing (clicks). To open the site, you must first click on the small circle (if it is not there, then on the name of the link), after which the link-inscription "View the advertiser's site" appears, click on it and the site will open:

Step 2) A countdown timer will appear at the bottom of the page, at the end of which you need to confirm the view either by a simple mathematical calculation or by counting the number of stars:

Then you will see "Thank you for visiting!" and billing:

Step 3) We close the site and similarly view the following sites.

2) Reading emails - How to read emails on seosprint?

The algorithm of actions when reading letters is the same as when surfing sites, the only difference is that after clicking on a small circle, you need to answer a question, the answer to which can be quickly found in the text of the letter. Example:

3) Passing tests - How to make money on passing tests in Sio Sprint?

Making money here is very simple, all you need is to visit the advertiser's website, study it and answer the control questions in the test, the payment here is high from 0.15 rubles and more. The algorithm of actions is exactly the same as in surfing, only at the end it is not the site that opens, but the page with the test:

Of course, you won’t be able to earn much on tests, surfing and letters, so I recommend doing easy tasks. After all, having done 2-3 tasks, you can get paid equal to viewing 40-50 sites.

4) Completing tasks - How to earn fast and a lot on Seosprint?

Guys, I will once again draw your attention to the fact that the main income on Seosprint is the completion of tasks. The minimum fee for completing 1 task is 0.20 rubles. On average, payment for tasks ranges from 1 to 50 rubles, but there are also expensive tasks of 100, 200, 300 rubles, and sometimes they cost 500 rubles and more. At the same time, there are more than 20,000 active tasks. You can really earn money here!

It is noteworthy that you do not need any special skills or work experience to complete the assignments - you read the assignment, completed it, received payment, everything is simple! This type of income is great for beginners!

How to complete tasks on Seosprint? Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1) Go to the "Completing Tasks" section, select the appropriate category and open the task that you like:

Step 2) We read the description of the task and what needs to be indicated in the report, if everything is clear, click "Start the task":

Step 3) A field will appear where you will need to enter the data required for the report. After completing the task, fill it out and click "Send Report":

You all completed the task, as you can see, everything is very easy and simple. Tasks are paid within 10 days, but in most cases payment is received within 1-5 hours, it all depends on how often the advertiser comes in to check.

5) Referrals on Seosprint - Is it possible to earn on them?

What are referrals? - These are the people you invite to the project.

What do referrals give in Seu Sprint? You will receive additional income for the work of referrals - from 10% to 40%. For example, if a referral earns 100 rubles for himself, then you can get up to 40 rubles for this!

The most interesting thing is that the Seus Print sponsor has a 2-level referral system 40%-10%. However, this percentage depends on your rating and status on the project, you can learn more about this by going to the official Seosprint website in the section: "Career".

The 2-level system makes it possible to make a profit not only from the referrals whom you personally invite, but also from those who are already invited by your referrals. Therefore, having recruited a large team for yourself, you will earn good money, remember this!

Friends, if you want to receive new project reviews and working ways to earn money!

How much can you earn on Seosprint per day, per month?

Making money on the Internet is very difficult, with the same difficulty as in real life. Often you will be offered to earn $500, $1000, $5000 in a matter of moments, DO NOT BELIEVE!
Thus, they are trying to lure you and pull out money! I have gone through all this myself and I want to warn you. Do you want to make money on the Internet? You have to work, and work hard!

How much do they earn?

I recently saw a discussion on one of the forums: “How much do they earn on Seosprint?”. The figures, of course, were different, but I can say with confidence: actively working on the Seosprint project at first, you can easily earn 1000-5000 rubles a month. These are real numbers! By active work, I mean doing tasks, because I consider surfing and writing “lazy” earnings, so the pay is low there.

Therefore, how to earn 100 rubles a day on Seosprint, I think you understand? - you need to complete tasks! And if you study these, then 200-300 rubles a day is far from the limit, some even manage to earn 500 rubles or more per day.

What's in the future? Further, by inviting new people to the site, you can increase your earnings. The most important thing is to work hard and not give up if things don't work out. Set a goal that you want to achieve and go for it. What goal can be set? Yes, at least this one: I want to earn 5000 rubles on Seo Sprint! Not bad? Strive and the result will not keep you waiting long!

I am often asked: in what currency does Seosprint pay money in hryvnias, dollars or something else? No, all payments are made in rubles. However, remember that you can always easily exchange earned rubles at the best rate for any currency you need or immediately withdraw them to a bank account.

Friends, below you will find sites like Seosprint (analogues), these are projects that have been working stably for a very long time, on which I constantly receive payments and which I can safely advise you!

Russian sites:

1) VIP- This unique project has been operating since 2003! I will emphasize the main feature: here the performance of various tasks, surfing, letters and clicks is carried out using a specially designed program, it prompts everything that needs to be done - it is very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

2) Public- Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and paying money steadily since 2008. Actively developing, modern design, well-designed and understandable interface of the site. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project will be in the near future. After registration, to enter your account, leave the "Secondary Password" field empty. Orange links after registration must be viewed every day, in the future I will explain why.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, its main feature is making money on autosurfing (browsing sites in automatic mode). There is also a section with clicks/letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most "ancient" projects in this area, do not believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and .

People are more interested in simple networking, which is why services such as click-through sponsors are extremely popular.

Everyone heard about Seosprint, this mailer for several years of its existence outperformed all competitors in terms of the number of tasks. Working on it is extremely simple, but before you start, it is better to know what to expect.

How much can you earn on Seosprint per day? Income depends only on how actively the performer works. Some collect a ruble a day, others have hundreds of profits. Working on Seosprint is not difficult, it’s better not to expect a big payment, but everything is simple and suitable for all beginners.

Is it profitable to work for Seosprint?

Often on the Internet there are malicious comments and reviews about mailers as scams. Due to low profitability, axle boxes are poorly treated. For a few cents you need to get the job done. If you do not know how to create websites, trade currencies on Forex or provide promotion services, who is to blame?

This is at least an ideal way to earn additional income.

Once upon a time, I myself started by completing tasks on mailers. A lot of time has passed since then, prices have changed a lot, so there is no point in voicing income. It is not worth considering all orders on axle boxes as unprofitable, because sometimes it is required spend only a few minutes (or even seconds):

The main mistake of beginners is trying to work only on tasks with high pay. Look, for joining the VK group they pay 45 kopecks. It takes a maximum of 10 seconds to complete. For registration on the site and activity pay 30 rubles.

Let's say it takes an hour. It turns out 50 kopecks per minute or 0.8 kopecks in 10 seconds. It is obvious that a simple task is more profitable, but to collect a large amount, you will have to take a lot of orders.

There are almost 20,000 orders on Seosprint There are many small orders. People complain about low profitability from this site because they don't want to spend a lot of time at the computer. If every day to allocate at least 6 hours to work, it is quite possible to secure a good income.

This is the statistics of one of the users who performs at least 100 tasks every day. If these are simple orders for 1 ruble, then it takes a maximum of an hour to complete them (3,000 rubles per month). If these are complex tasks with payment of at least 5-10 rubles, it takes many times more time, but the income is 5-10 times higher.

This is a more profitable option for using Seosprint.

After starting the blog, I stopped doing tasks on mailers, but I still receive payments. I use the affiliate program exclusively. For the activity of invited participants, a percentage of their profits comes. Here are my stats on this site:

How much can you earn on Seosprint on referrals? Income is unlimited. Attract as many performers as possible and increase your rating to the title of "Businessman" so that the conditions of the affiliate program are as profitable as possible.

The best way to figure out how much money Seosprint brings in is to try it out. Registration will take a few minutes, and after it, try to work actively for one day. Draw your own conclusions, because everyone has a different amount.

SEOsprint is an online resource with which the development and effective promotion of various network projects is carried out. This is a kind of active advertising system. There are many such sites on the Internet, but this one is considered the most promoted.

Seosprint administrators claim that the service paid out more than 100 million rubles to its users. There is no reason to doubt this, since the site has been operating for more than seven years.

There are no original ways to make money on this box. Seosprint offers types of earnings, like many other boxes on the Internet.

When registering for Seosprint, you should remember that you can not visit your account for no more than 60 days. If the profile has not been active for at least a day longer, then the account is blocked.

You can learn how to make money for a beginner on Seosprint in this video:

Benefits of Seosprint

The main difference of the resource from many other competitors is a serious list of undeniable advantages. Thanks to them, the site has been popular among job seekers for online earnings for a long time.

The main advantages of Seosprint are as follows:

  • the most simple interface with calm graphics that does not distract from the earning process;
  • earned funds are automatically paid to the details specified during registration;
  • you can work on the site at any time of the day, when it is convenient for the user;
  • the number of different paid tasks is unlimited. The list is constantly updated;
  • a lot of advertisers place their advertising material on the site, because they are confident in the reliability of the resource.

On the project, you can earn money, albeit small, but sitting at home in a comfortable environment and without leaving your computer.

Are there any cons

Ways to make money on Seosprint

Before you start working on Seosprint, you must first register. The process is quite simple and short. During registration, you must enter personal data, as well as read and accept the rules of the web project and pass a small test.

The site administration has introduced a test in order to exclude automatic registrations or, as they are called on the Internet, bots.

What are the ways to earn money?

There are several ways to earn on Seosprint:

  • reading advertisements;
  • visiting (surfing) sites;
  • passing tests;
  • receiving bonuses from your referral;
  • participation in referee competitions;
  • performance of paid tasks;
  • referral trading at the fair.

Visiting websites and reading emails

Website visits is the easiest way to make money. However, the cost of such surfing is the cheapest on the service. Surfing is carried out as follows: the user follows the link and gets to the advertiser's website.

The timer immediately starts, after which the reward is transferred to the account. The cost of execution depends on the time spent on the site. Usually it is 15-60 seconds. On average, they pay 0.05 per view of one site.

Scheme of earnings on Seosprint.

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