What profit has classmates. How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki: step by step training

What profit has classmates. How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki: step by step training


The Internet is a huge platform for making money, social networks with a multi-million audience are no exception. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular networks, so it can be used as a platform for making money. Depending on the type of activity, you can earn money for small expenses, almost without straining, or you can receive quite a decent income.

How to earn money in Odnoklassniki?

Earnings in Odnoklassniki without investments is quite real. But before moving on to the ways of making money and their detailed descriptions, it is worth explaining the principle a little.

The most obvious and basic function of social networks is the ability to communicate with people from anywhere in the world. Social networks make it easy to find relatives, old friends, classmates, classmates and work colleagues. In addition to communication, social networks have an entertaining function - there are a lot of games, music and films for every taste.

But at the moment, communication and entertainment are far from the only functions of social networks and Odnoklassniki in particular. Millions of people registered on the site are a potential audience of consumers and buyers, which makes virtual platforms ideal for advertising and product placement.

People who receive income from activities on the Internet are called moneymakers. They use the opportunities of social networks and other online resources to earn money.

The popular social network attracts more and more users who feel comfortable spending most of their free time on the site. This fact suggests that such a large audience can sell something, offer paid services. Some members of the network do not leave the hope that Odnoklassniki can learn how to make money. Users are trying to create a strategy that allows them to set up effective work on their hobby with the help of network tools. Is it real? Is it really possible to earn real money, and not "oks" in Odnoklassniki?

Why create a group

Each person owns some information, is fond of interesting hobbies, music, sports. You will be pleased to know that with such baggage they create, without investing money, serious projects that subsequently generate income. By making such a decision, you will be engaged in the development of a topic in which you understand better than others. Since this is a hobby, you will never get bored and will like it, you will not feel like a working person.

Turning a hobby into a profitable business starts with creating a group on a social network. To sell your services, information products, physical goods, you need a solid audience. Using the tools offered by the social network, you need to create a group in Odnoklassniki.

  1. By pressing one button, any user can easily create a group.
  2. Next, you need to choose a cover option from the proposed options and fix it on your page.
  3. In the settings, fill in the access rights, make the necessary links (if any, to an online store, YouTube channel or a thematic site);
  4. The following steps are repeated throughout the entire project - they fill the group with content - they post articles, master classes with photo accompaniment, thematic pictures, collages with current "topical" signatures.

Creating and promoting a group in Odnoklassniki

This is how in three clicks you can create a business that will become an important project of a lifetime. Public information is presented in a concise, structured form. Pictures and photographic materials should be relevant to the topic of the group, namely, to arouse interest among subscribers. By regularly posting interesting content in the feed, you will gain more and more subscribers. An audience with a certain degree of trust will gather, ready to buy something from you. If you create a product, then it can be sold in a group. This is what women who know how to knit, embroider do - they successfully sell their work by posting photos on the page.

Selling partner products and physical goods

If the group is just filled with thematic content and you don't have a specific product that you can sell, look into affiliate marketing opportunities. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to register on the site and get the opportunity to advertise and sell other people's products. With at least 10,000 subscribers, start posting links to affiliate products.

  1. There are Admitad, Apishops and others companies on the Internet that provide a wide range of products on various topics and offer to sell them.
  2. Infobusinessmen who agree to share a percentage of the sales of their products.
  3. Many online stores provide loyal conditions if the buyer comes to them on your recommendation (promotional codes).

Affiliate marketing is a very popular way to make money online. It is used by the owners of websites, video channels, as well as publics and groups in social networks. The variety of destinations offered in affiliate programs impresses with a wide range of products. Basically, these are small-piece goods that are easy to send by mail to the buyer. The scheme of earning with affiliate offers is as follows:

  1. The owner of the group registers in one of the partner networks.
  2. The moderator approves the group where the advertisement will be placed. He follows the link and looks at the indicators: the activity of the participants, the relevance of the content.
  3. The system generates a link to the selected item. After that, you can take a banner in your affiliate account or create an advertising collage yourself, put a link to the selling page under it, directing people from the group directly to the product offer.

Scheme of work in an affiliate program using a group in OD

This method has many advantages. The owner of the group does not have any costs, does not have to make purchases and keep a warehouse with goods in order to sell them. The challenge is to place an enticing banner and wait for someone to make a purchase. For each transaction, the owner of the group receives from 100 to 500 rubles. Affiliate exchanges provide statistics on conversions, purchases - you can see for yourself in your personal account in all the details. For the effectiveness of such earnings, you need to have a large audience of participants, and for this you need to work hard, but it's worth it.

The strategy for selling an information product is very similar. To get started, you should find a few infobusinesses who have a good quality product. Register in their affiliate program and get a link in your personal account that you will need to advertise in the public feed. The difference from the sale of physical goods is that information businessmen have a sales system built in such a way that they first offer a person a free useful product, and then offer to buy something. If the topic of the group is relevant to the topic of information products, then you can try selling from their programs.

Affiliate program with payment for registration

If selling a product is difficult enough, then people are much more willing to agree to a simple registration. There are many sites in the Internet space that are ready to pay for the action. Yes, this is a small amount, but it does not oblige you to anything, therefore, subject to a large number of participants, earnings amount to impressive amounts. The group by thematic focus should correspond to the content of the site on which it is proposed to leave the details. Affiliate networks in the range provide links to pay-per-action sites:

  • on the topic of dating (daying);
  • large trading offers that collect a subscriber base are also willing to pay for this service;
  • the possibility of registering in the banking sector to receive a card or a loan;
  • to game offers, where participants write down an e-mail address to enter the site, and you get money;
  • transition and confirmation by e-mail on the site "casino";
  • registration on forex sites.

People are more willing to agree to leave their email as contact details, and you get paid for it. Everyone has a different rate. The amount of payment depends on the subject of the site. For example, dating pays from 20 to 40 rubles, playgrounds offer a smaller amount - up to 10 rubles. The highest paying offers are from financial offers for registering for a loan, card, or confirmation via e-mail on the forex site.

An effective way to promote in Odnoklassniki

For this method, it is enough to simply lead a thematic group. It is necessary to post news in the banking sector and advertise a financial offer. If you tell successful dating stories through online projects, then registrations will not keep you waiting in the subject of dating. If you advertise a company with physical goods, then interesting discount offers will not leave subscribers indifferent and they will go to the site via the link, register there, and you will receive 40 rubles. to the account for each new user.

The scheme is simple and effective, you can start with the smallest number of participants, gradually gaining momentum and promoting the group. Most importantly, you do not need to invest personal savings to get started. The method is absolutely accessible to everyone, legal and real. Owners of large audiences receive serious money on a group in Odnoklassniki. The more members you add to the group, the more referrals you get from your affiliate link.

Earn money by watching promotional videos

If you are the owner of a group with a huge subscriber base, then you will like the offer from services that can post videos in your group and transfer money to your account depending on the number of views. The schema looks like this:

  1. You need to register on the service and confirm the link to your group.
  2. The company manager checks the group, content and approves the referral link.
  3. Further, depending on the subject of the group, promotional videos that are relevant in content appear in your account. For example, if the audience of your group is predominantly female and the topic of the content supports the direction of fashion, style, hairstyles or nail design, then the video files will contain information about advertising for hairspray, nail products, hand cream, shampoo, and so on.
  4. Under the agreement of the OA network, you have the right to place only three advertising posts per day, subject to 10 thematic publications. Based on these conditions, you need to choose the most interesting video in your account and set the time for its release in the public.
  5. For each view by group members, they are charged from 10 to 30 kopecks. At the end of the month, you can withdraw your earnings to the WebMoney wallet.

Watching videos in a group in OD is an opportunity to receive a stable income

It is easy to calculate how to succeed in such a scheme: the more participants - the more views. This is a passive and not labor-intensive way of income. The owner of the group is obliged to regularly print interesting content, add collages, photographic materials, and commercials will be released in the specified mode. But the truth is that only a small number of people view videos. Now netizens are very critical of advertising posts, so a small number of people react to videos with an advertising offer. You should not fully count on a solid income from this type of advertising. If you alternate it with other offers, then your audience will maintain an interest in the novelty of content, albeit advertising.

Sale of advertising posts

Earnings on Odnoklassniki are quite real if you promote a group and place advertising posts there from online stores, owners of other groups that recruit subscribers or entrepreneurs from the info business.

  1. These can be offers for promotions, discounts.
  2. Event invitation, webinar.
  3. Message of a promotional code for a certain period of time.

If there are many members in your group, then the cost of a post can reach several thousand rubles. Agree that for one post out of three possible per day from 1500 to 7500 serious income. All group owners strive for this, but collecting subscribers is not an easy task and depends on many factors. If you do not use the "black" way to recruit participants, then real people will show a lot of interest in publications. Managing a group requires sharing interesting content. The group must be promoted and popular, then it will have high activity rates, and the advertising post will be quite expensive.

Group for advertising services or your own online store

If you provide services or want to sell products, then you need a group. Before deciding what to sell in order to earn serious money in classmates, think about the popularity of Chinese goods. Many entrepreneurs organize clearance services, send goods, or accumulate purchases on foreign sites. For such activities, a thematic group is suitable. At first, its owner can only count on savings on shopping and delivery, and in the future, completing large orders, you will definitely start earning and spending money without restrictions on online shopping.

Group for selling audio greetings

The audience of the social network Odnoklassniki is 70% female. There is a friendly attitude towards everyone here. Women love to give gifts and receive congratulations in return. The theme of creating postcards is very popular. Many will be interested in how to make a spectacular congratulation on an anniversary, New Year, birthday or make a fun prank through the Internet? There is a solution – congratulatory traffic can make good money in OA. To send an audio recording, you only need to provide the phone number of the person to whom the congratulations are addressed. The service is simple and understandable for the user, and the demand is guaranteed.

Earnings on audio greetings using a group in OD

This is a real earning opportunity that the Grattis website offers. On its platform, you can create an affiliate platform (a real website) and successfully advertise in your group. You don’t need to invent anything - audio recordings are already on the site in a large assortment: congratulations, practical jokes and touching confessions. The creators offer reliable proven tools for making money. Gradually, by developing the group and advertising with an invitation to a new personal site, you get the opportunity to set up a legal stable income.

Selling tickets online through Odnoklassniki

This is a very well-known affiliate program, which is advertised through groups in various social networks: VK, Facebook and OD. A simple registration in the affiliate program allows you to generate a referral link. Telling in public about travel, about interesting facts from different countries, you can invite interested readers to look at offers for cheap plane tickets in different directions. The cost of tickets, even the most inexpensive, starts from a few thousand rubles and ends with a few tens. It is easy to calculate how profitable it is to offer expensive flight services around the world. By entering a referral link in the publication, the owner of the group will receive a reward for each purchase made on his site.

Selling plane tickets around the world through a group in OD

Creating and maintaining a thematic public does not require financial investments. You need a creative approach and free time about four hours a day, ingenuity and the ability to think analytically. If the topic of the group is interesting and understandable, then you can safely engage in filling content. By promoting the group, the owner gets more monetization opportunities. Advertising agents will bombard you with offers to place paid posts, and you will only have to choose which one to approve for advertising. By registering a group, in the long run you create a reliable source of personal income.

Is it possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki? This question worries many. It's no secret that making money on the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks not only in Russia, but also in a number of countries of the former Soviet Union.

Basics of earning in Odnoklassniki

How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki? To do this, you must, first of all, create a group and promote it. The more visits a group has during the day, the greater the chance to earn. So, with the number of participants up to 10 thousand people, they can make a profit of up to 5 thousand rubles a month, but if the group has more than a million people, there is a chance to earn 250 thousand rubles each.

Main ways to earn money

How to earn money in a group in Odnoklassniki? They can be earned by likes, which is done daily by millions of people from different countries. In addition, in this social network you can earn on advertising: the more popular the group, the more interested the advertiser is in placing their advertisement. You can also start reselling goods from various affiliate programs that pay their percentage, or you can promote the group and sell it, earning good money for it.

Consider these and some other methods.

money from likes

All Odnoklassniki users know that there is a "Class" button there, which affects the popularity of groups and individual accounts. There are special exchanges on the Internet that pay for likes. These include QComment, ForumOK, Sociate, Plibber and others. In order to choose the site that is right for you, you need to test them all - work for a while to understand what suits you best. This work is mechanical, requiring no special effort. You can’t earn a lot of money, but it’s enough to pay for the phone, the Internet, going to a cafe.

In addition to real money, the so-called oks are earned here, which are the virtual currency of this social network, with which you can purchase access to some games, you can purchase some options.

Other simple methods of making money on this social network include reposts, adding comments, adding friends, joining groups.

Advertising as a source of income

One advertising banner brings about 500 rubles per day to the average visited group. The owner is immediately tempted to fill everything with advertising so that there is more profit. However, we should not forget that advertising turns away users, and gradually the group may become unpopular, so advertising should be unobtrusive, promoted products should be useful.

To increase attendance, you need to post useful and relevant information on the page, provide it with high-quality pictures and interesting videos, in this case the question of how to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki will disappear by itself.

Financial resources from affiliate programs

With the help of affiliate links, you can attract users to register on partner sites, apply for the purchase of something, subscribe to mailing lists.

Affiliate programs can be found independently or using automated services.

The size of the commission depends on the partner and is not limited by anything. The more well-known brand the partner has, the more profit the owner of the group receives.

We earn on sales

Products do not have to be sold through a store or online store. Is it possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki? Can.

To do this, you need to make an electronic product catalog from the group page. At the same time, all photographs must be of high quality, accompanied by a detailed description of the goods sold. It’s not bad if the one who chooses this way of earning will own the basics of marketing and periodically conduct various marketing promotions, such as discounts for regular customers, and occasionally - and non-permanent ones, holding various contests to attract potential buyers. It is necessary that the "buyer - seller" feedback work like a well-adjusted clock. The involvement of trade via the Internet involves, first of all, payment through bank cards. In addition, it is good to provide other payment methods, which can attract additional customers.

It is better to sell such products that may be of interest to the users of the group. When placing ads, you can involve the user in the process by polling with the help of testing - whether he likes a particular product or not.

The most active users are at half past nine in the morning and half past ten in the evening, at this time it is best to place advertising posts.

If you already have an online store, you can start advertising it in your group.

We implement game accounts

Quite a large number of people tightly "addicted" to the game.

At the same time, it must be remembered that earnings rest on the promotion of the group. The more people attend the group, the greater the chance that among them will be those who urgently need a "pumped" account of a computer toy. When answering the question of how to make money by creating a group in Odnoklassniki, you can advise this method, because once you get into this group and buy what he needs, the user will advise his friends, and soon this group may become popular, which, as already noted, leads to more earnings.

As part of this method, you can "pump" a game character for some real user, receiving material benefits for this.


Question "How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki?" is no longer worth it for many thousands of users. Repost, put likes, sell goods, and maybe some remote services, make money on affiliate programs, place ads, don't forget to use marketing moves, earning the popularity of your group.

Anyone can make money in Odnoklassniki if they follow the tips presented in this article.

How to make money in classmates using your page?

However, to earn about 10,000 rubles. per month for pocket expenses, you can make almost no effort.

The most common and easiest ways to make money in Odnoklassniki:

  • Putting likes on orders.
  • Community administration in Odnoklassniki.
  • Advertising.
  • Writing posts and comments.
  • File sharing.

    To start receiving money, you need to create your own community or become the administrator of an existing one.

    In this case, the profit is small, but not much time is spent on work.

    Likes and comments are also great ways to make money on social networks.

    Orders are placed on various exchanges for freelancers:

    • Workion.ru
    • forumok.com

    These exchanges offer a large number of tasks for likes, comments and registration in groups.

    Many will be surprised why someone would pay money for this.

    However, community owners, for the sake of promotion and attracting people, are really ready to part with their money.

    Earnings using a profile in Odnoklassniki.

    That is, you need to use the page to find customers.

    It is suitable for those who do needlework or offer any service.

The best ideas for making money in classmates

Those who do not know how to make money in classmates can choose one of the ideas listed and start acting.

In the first month, you will have to make a lot of efforts to raise your level, but in the future, the money will drip into the account as if by itself.

At the same time, you will be able to work at your home office, get up at any convenient time and not depend on your superiors.

7 ways to make money in Odnoklassniki:

    Putting likes, classes, writing comments and moving to pages.

    Not a lot of money is paid for the implementation of such tasks, but the work itself is very easy and does not take much time.

    As a rule, they earn in this way at the initial stage in order to understand the principle of the system and raise their own rating.

    Selling goods or services using your account.

    You can sell anything: things, cosmetics, books, jewelry, perfumes.

    The main condition is the availability of high-quality photographs and customer support, the answer to all incoming messages.

  1. Placement on the page of advertising by order of the advertiser.
  2. Placement of referral links on your page.
  3. Posting a link to a file for download.
  4. Creation of own games and applications.
  5. Designing T-shirts is a recently appeared way of making money on the Odnoklassniki social network.

The most unusual way to earn money is to design T-shirts in the Odnoklassniki application - Vsemayki.ru.

If you can draw beautifully, then you can earn big money on this application.

From each T-shirt sold with your design, 15 rubles are credited to the account.

If the logo is really beautiful, then it turns out to earn more than 10,000 rubles per month.

The money will be credited to the account for a long time.

What do those who want to earn money in classmates need to know?

Starting to make money on a social network, you should take into account the existing ways to increase.

10 tips for beginners:

    It's just that no one pays money, and applications that offer to earn money "for free" turn out to be a scam.

    For a few dozen likes, you can earn about 50-100 rubles.

    The same goes for writing comments.

    For the sake of money you have to really work.

    Try different ways to make money.

    You may not like writing comments, but you will enjoy group administration.

    Define your priorities.

    Get at least 4-5 hours of work every day.

    Spending just an hour or two you can not earn a lot of money.

    In order to receive a stable, high income, you need to work hard in the beginning.

    To earn more, you can combine different ways to generate income.

    If you lead a group during the main time, and put likes in the evenings, then you can consistently receive more than 20,000 rubles per month.

    Set up your workspace.

    Put a cup of tea nearby, block access to popular sites on your computer while you work.

    When accepting orders for comments and likes, strive to create your own group.

    Spend at least an hour a day creating it.

    Make your page attractive to customers.

    A few good quality photos, a large number of friends and followers can play into your hands.

  1. Find a job you love– toy making, nail design, hairdressing – and offer your products or services with a social media profile.

How to make money in classmates by promoting your own group?

You can earn the most money with your own group.

To promote a group and start making good money, you need:

    You should come up with a topic and a name for the group so that none of the users of the social network can pass by without popping in at least for a minute.

    Take beautiful photos and write interesting posts on your own.

    So you will quickly gain a large number of visitors.

    The main rule for promoting a group is regular updates.

    All news is displayed in users' feed, attracting attention.

  • By agreement with the administrators of other groups, you can help each other by posting links.

The video below provides brief overviews of the services,

with which you can earn on a group in Odnoklassniki:

Online store and earnings in classmates

It is best not to call a group intended for the sale of things or cosmetics by its proper name.

Today you can meet "Alina Platevna", "Victoria Cosmetics" and many others.

However, to transfer money for the goods, you will have to provide real numbers of a bank card or electronic wallet.

Particular attention should be paid to filling the group for the sale of things or cosmetics:

  • Detailed description of the goods.
  • Delivery methods.
  • Delivery terms.
  • Possibility of self-delivery.

To inspire confidence in potential buyers, always respond to messages, provide real photos of the product.

You should start filling contacts with acquaintances and adding friends of your acquaintances.

Strive to add people from your city.

Buyers trust the seller more, knowing that he is in the same city as them.

A store in Odnoklassniki must necessarily hold various promotions - this allows you to attract more customers and pay attention to the product.

Those who don't know how to make money in Odnoklassniki, can explore the options proposed in the article and choose the best way for themselves to earn without leaving home.

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  • partnership programs;

How to make money on your group in Odnoklassniki

We attract advertisers

How much can you earn?

Today every Internet user knows that publics in social networks can, in addition to information, also bring money. But the advertisers and brand owners often bypass the Odnoklassniki service, concentrating the injection of advertising money into social networks popular among young people - VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook. However, the results of marketing research show that it is possible to set up a profit channel in OK.ru as well. Let's try to figure out whether it is really possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki, and if so, how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Some time ago, Mail.ru Group followed a closed policy. However, later it became clear that in order to develop the Odnoklassniki service, it still needs to be made open for indexing by search engines. As soon as these changes came into force, public administrators and brand owners got the opportunity to make more money on a group in Odnoklassniki.

In general, Odnoklassniki is inherently no different from other social networks. Accordingly, you can use this service to make money in exactly the same way as VK, FB, and Instagram. And there are several options here:

  • sale of their goods / services through the public;
  • partnership programs;
  • promotion of the group in order to attract advertisers.

The first way is the most understandable and common. Let's say you manufacture or sell some products, or provide some professional services. In this case, it is very convenient to use the OK.ru group as an online store or portfolio. You post information about goods/services, take orders, communicate with potential and loyal customers - all without the need to create a separate website.

Earnings in Odnoklassniki on a group

In general, convenient and simple. However, no one can guarantee the absolute success of this “event”. First, the offered goods/services must be competitive. Secondly, the group itself must be competitive. There are a lot of communities in Odnoklassniki, and it is very, very easy to get lost among them. So, no matter how unique the product is, after creating a group, you also need to promote it.

The second way is partnerships. The bottom line is that you receive income from sales made when you go to the "partner" site through a referral link posted in your community. Practice shows that publics earn approximately 300-1500 rubles per sale. Naturally, you will start making a profit if you manage to reach a solvent and active audience. So again it all comes down to questions about the promotion of the group.

The third method often turns out to be a little more effective than the first, but it requires perseverance and, most often, financial investments. The point is that you initially create a public in order to monetize it by publishing promotional posts. The task is to create a community with active members to attract advertisers. In fact, your public turns into an advertising platform, and you get money just for advertising. In words, everything is easy, but the most important point is to promote the group in Odnoklassniki. And here, most likely, you will have to resort to advertising services yourself.

We attract advertisers

To make money from the community in OK.ru, you need to seriously approach its promotion. Often, administrators reduce this process to cheating the number of participants. However, advertisers are not interested in "dead souls", they need groups with real users. That is why visits and views are taken as the basis for statistics.

Based on this, the primary task is to find the target audience. An active group of 70,000 people can be more effective in terms of making a profit than a public with a nominal number of participants of 200,000. It is important to understand that the target audience is, first of all, a solvent public. In Odnoklassniki, by the way, people of the 25+ and even 30+ age category mainly communicate, so by understanding their interests, you can create an interesting group in terms of content. Monetization will be successful if your publications begin to "walk" around the site, attracting the attention of the public.

Activity in the community is also achieved through interactive. Holding contests, organizing raffles, just bringing participants to communicate is a sure way to maintain interest in the group. Vyshka is a viral publication. If you manage to create a viral post, it will quickly spread not only on Odnoklassniki, but also on the Internet. Accordingly, the influx of visitors will increase.

How much can you earn?

Theory is theory, but you are probably wondering why bother with the creation and promotion of groups. Is the game worth the candle? How much can you earn on a group in Odnoklassniki? As you understand, we cannot give you an exact figure. And not because we do not rummage in this topic. It's just that the spread of real earnings in Odnoklassniki is too large. You can earn 1500-3000 per day, or you can even be in the red. Everything directly depends on the promotion of your public. The higher the traffic, the more interesting the community is for potential advertisers.

Advanced administrators lead several groups at once. Profits can reach very decent amounts - about 70-80 thousand rubles a month. However, achieving such results is not as easy as it might seem. And the problem, first of all, is high competition - there are so many communities in OK.ru today that it becomes quite difficult to attract the attention of an active audience and, as a result, advertisers. But, if you have free time and don't mind testing your marketing skills, go for it. The main thing that you know for sure is that you can make money on a group in Odnoklassniki. Read books on marketing, watch videos on how to make money on social networks, and it is quite possible that everything will work out. Good luck!

Today every Internet user knows that publics in social networks can, in addition to information, also bring money. But the advertisers and brand owners often bypass the Odnoklassniki service, concentrating the injection of advertising money into social networks popular among young people - VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook. However, the results of marketing research show that it is possible to set up a profit channel in OK.ru as well. Let's try to figure out whether it is really possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki, and if so, how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Ways to make a profit through groups in OK

Some time ago, Mail.ru Group followed a closed policy. However, later it became clear that in order to develop the Odnoklassniki service, it still needs to be made open for indexing by search engines. As soon as these changes came into force, public administrators and brand owners got the opportunity to make more money on a group in Odnoklassniki.

In general, Odnoklassniki is inherently no different from other social networks. Accordingly, you can use this service to make money in exactly the same way as VK, FB, and Instagram. And there are several options here:

  • sale of their goods / services through the public;
  • partnership programs;
  • promotion of the group in order to attract advertisers.

The first way is the most understandable and common. Let's say you manufacture or sell some products, or provide some professional services. In this case, it is very convenient to use the OK.ru group as an online store or portfolio. You post information about goods/services, take orders, communicate with potential and loyal customers - all without the need to create a separate website. In general, convenient and simple. However, no one can guarantee the absolute success of this “event”. First, the offered goods/services must be competitive. Secondly, the group itself must be competitive. There are a lot of communities in Odnoklassniki, and it is very, very easy to get lost among them. So, no matter how unique the product is, after creating a group, you also need to promote it.

The second way is partnerships. The bottom line is that you receive income from sales made when you go to the "partner" site through a referral link posted in your community. Practice shows that publics earn approximately 300-1500 rubles per sale. Naturally, you will start making a profit if you manage to reach a solvent and active audience. So again it all comes down to questions about the promotion of the group.

The third method often turns out to be a little more effective than the first, but it requires perseverance and, most often, financial investments.

Cases on earnings on affiliate programs from a group in Odnoklassniki

The point is that you initially create a public in order to monetize it by publishing advertising posts. The task is to create a community with active members to attract advertisers. In fact, your public turns into an advertising platform, and you get money just for advertising. In words, everything is easy, but the most important point is to promote the group in Odnoklassniki. And here, most likely, you will have to resort to advertising services yourself.

We attract advertisers

To make money from the community in OK.ru, you need to seriously approach its promotion. Often, administrators reduce this process to cheating the number of participants. However, advertisers are not interested in "dead souls", they need groups with real users. That is why visits and views are taken as the basis for statistics.

Based on this, the primary task is to find the target audience. An active group of 70,000 people can be more effective in terms of making a profit than a public with a nominal number of participants of 200,000. It is important to understand that the target audience is, first of all, a solvent public. In Odnoklassniki, by the way, people of the 25+ and even 30+ age category mainly communicate, so by understanding their interests, you can create an interesting group in terms of content. Monetization will be successful if your publications begin to "walk" around the site, attracting the attention of the public.

Activity in the community is also achieved through interactive. Holding contests, organizing raffles, just bringing participants to communicate is a sure way to maintain interest in the group. Vyshka is a viral publication. If you manage to create a viral post, it will quickly spread not only on Odnoklassniki, but also on the Internet. Accordingly, the influx of visitors will increase.

How much can you earn?

Theory is theory, but you are probably wondering why bother with the creation and promotion of groups. Is the game worth the candle? How much can you earn on a group in Odnoklassniki? As you understand, we cannot give you an exact figure. And not because we do not rummage in this topic. It's just that the spread of real earnings in Odnoklassniki is too large. You can earn 1500-3000 per day, or you can even be in the red. Everything directly depends on the promotion of your public. The higher the traffic, the more interesting the community is for potential advertisers.

Advanced administrators lead several groups at once. Profits can reach very decent amounts - about 70-80 thousand rubles a month. However, achieving such results is not as easy as it might seem. And the problem, first of all, is high competition - there are so many communities in OK.ru today that it becomes quite difficult to attract the attention of an active audience and, as a result, advertisers. But, if you have free time and don't mind testing your marketing skills, go for it. The main thing that you know for sure is that you can make money on a group in Odnoklassniki. Read books on marketing, watch videos on how to make money on social networks, and it is quite possible that everything will work out. Good luck!

Today every Internet user knows that publics in social networks can, in addition to information, also bring money. But the advertisers and brand owners often bypass the Odnoklassniki service, concentrating the injection of advertising money into social networks popular among young people - VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook. However, the results of marketing research show that it is possible to set up a profit channel in OK.ru as well. Let's try to figure out whether it is really possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki, and if so, how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Ways to make a profit through groups in OK

Some time ago, Mail.ru Group followed a closed policy. However, later it became clear that in order to develop the Odnoklassniki service, it still needs to be made open for indexing by search engines. As soon as these changes came into force, public administrators and brand owners got the opportunity to make more money on a group in Odnoklassniki.

In general, Odnoklassniki is inherently no different from other social networks. Accordingly, you can use this service to make money in exactly the same way as VK, FB, and Instagram. And there are several options here:

  • sale of their goods / services through the public;
  • partnership programs;
  • promotion of the group in order to attract advertisers.

The first way is the most understandable and common. Let's say you manufacture or sell some products, or provide some professional services. In this case, it is very convenient to use the OK.ru group as an online store or portfolio. You post information about goods/services, take orders, communicate with potential and loyal customers - all without the need to create a separate website. In general, convenient and simple. However, no one can guarantee the absolute success of this “event”. First, the offered goods/services must be competitive. Secondly, the group itself must be competitive. There are a lot of communities in Odnoklassniki, and it is very, very easy to get lost among them. So, no matter how unique the product is, after creating a group, you also need to promote it.

The second way is partnerships. The bottom line is that you receive income from sales made when you go to the "partner" site through a referral link posted in your community. Practice shows that publics earn approximately 300-1500 rubles per sale. Naturally, you will start making a profit if you manage to reach a solvent and active audience. So again it all comes down to questions about the promotion of the group.

The third method often turns out to be a little more effective than the first, but it requires perseverance and, most often, financial investments. The point is that you initially create a public in order to monetize it by publishing advertising posts.

How to make money safely on a group in Odnoklassniki

The task is to create a community with active members to attract advertisers. In fact, your public turns into an advertising platform, and you get money just for advertising. In words, everything is easy, but the most important point is to promote the group in Odnoklassniki. And here, most likely, you will have to resort to advertising services yourself.

We attract advertisers

To make money from the community in OK.ru, you need to seriously approach its promotion. Often, administrators reduce this process to cheating the number of participants. However, advertisers are not interested in "dead souls", they need groups with real users. That is why visits and views are taken as the basis for statistics.

Based on this, the primary task is to find the target audience. An active group of 70,000 people can be more effective in terms of making a profit than a public with a nominal number of participants of 200,000. It is important to understand that the target audience is, first of all, a solvent public. In Odnoklassniki, by the way, people of the 25+ and even 30+ age category mainly communicate, so by understanding their interests, you can create an interesting group in terms of content. Monetization will be successful if your publications begin to "walk" around the site, attracting the attention of the public.

Activity in the community is also achieved through interactive. Holding contests, organizing raffles, just bringing participants to communicate is a sure way to maintain interest in the group. Vyshka is a viral publication. If you manage to create a viral post, it will quickly spread not only on Odnoklassniki, but also on the Internet. Accordingly, the influx of visitors will increase.

How much can you earn?

Theory is theory, but you are probably wondering why bother with the creation and promotion of groups. Is the game worth the candle? How much can you earn on a group in Odnoklassniki? As you understand, we cannot give you an exact figure. And not because we do not rummage in this topic. It's just that the spread of real earnings in Odnoklassniki is too large. You can earn 1500-3000 per day, or you can even be in the red. Everything directly depends on the promotion of your public. The higher the traffic, the more interesting the community is for potential advertisers.

Advanced administrators lead several groups at once. Profits can reach very decent amounts - about 70-80 thousand rubles a month. However, achieving such results is not as easy as it might seem. And the problem, first of all, is high competition - there are so many communities in OK.ru today that it becomes quite difficult to attract the attention of an active audience and, as a result, advertisers. But, if you have free time and don't mind testing your marketing skills, go for it. The main thing that you know for sure is that you can make money on a group in Odnoklassniki. Read books on marketing, watch videos on how to make money on social networks, and it is quite possible that everything will work out. Good luck!

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