Knocks out an error in GTA 4. What to do if GTA IV does not start

Knocks out an error in GTA 4. What to do if GTA IV does not start


Some users, when trying to launch GTA 4, are faced with a critical problem Seculauncher failed to start application 2000. At the same time, this nuisance occurs both in pirated versions of the game and in licensed ones. The article will discuss the causes of this failure, as well as several ways to solve it.

Visual C++ update

One of the most likely reasons for the appearance of Seculauncher failed to start application 2000 in GTA 4 is the lack of certain components of the Visual C ++ edition of 2005. Even though the software is usually bundled with the game, it does not always install correctly, which is why problems arise. To fix the error:

  1. Go to the official Microsoft website and download the most current version of Visual C ++ 2005 from there (pay attention to the bit depth).
  2. It is advisable to remove obsolete versions of C++ and then clean up the registry.
  3. Install Visual C++ and then restart your PC.

Now try to launch the game. If everything is done correctly, the Seculauncher failed to start application 2000 error will no longer bother you.

Compatibility Mode

This method is suitable for those gamers who have Windows 8 and higher installed. GTA 4 is already somewhat outdated, so Seculauncher failed to start application 2000 may be due to compatibility issues. So do this:

  1. Go to the properties of the game shortcut by clicking on it with the left mouse button and selecting the appropriate option.
  2. Go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the "Compatibility Mode" checkbox.
  3. Select the Windows 7 option from the pop-up list. Alternatively, you can try to set compatibility with XP SP3 or Vista.

After following the steps above, restart your PC and try launching the launcher again. If the issue persists, disable Compatibility Mode and try other solutions.

Other options

In most cases, one of the methods mentioned above will solve the Seculauncher failed to start application 2000 issue. But if this is not the case, you can try alternative methods to resolve the problem:

  1. If you have a Steam version of the game, try running the client itself as an administrator. It helps some gamers.
  2. Sometimes you can solve the problem by simply reinstalling the game. Although the method is trivial, it works quite well from time to time.
  3. If you have a pirated version of GTA 4, try downloading and installing some other repack. Before that, it is advisable to completely remove the previous version of the game and clean the registry.
  4. When using the service, you can try reinstalling it.
  5. And finally, you can find a modified LaunchGTAIV.exe file on the net. Drop it into the game folder, confirm the changes, and then run as administrator. But be careful, as there is a high probability of running into a virus.

Here, in principle, are all the popular methods for fixing the GTA 4 startup error. In addition, you can experiment using several of these methods at the same time.

In the GTA 4 game, the launch, unfortunately for many users, does not always go smoothly. It often happens that even on the first loading screen, the client suddenly simply turns off, and no errors occur. The player is reasonably lost in what is happening, and the desire to have fun in the open world of Liberty City is gradually flowing away.

To prevent this from happening, users are advised to read this material and always keep it at hand. Here are the most common problems in this direction, as well as ways to solve them.

System requirements

Of course, at the time of 2018, it may seem silly to look for the reason that GTA 4 crashes due to a mismatch with the minimum requested system parameters, but any possibilities should be considered. The project was released ten years ago, but at that time, not every computer could pull it off.

System requirements mismatch in GTA 4

To run at the lowest settings, you must have an Intel Core 2 Duo processor with a clock speed of 1.8 GHz, as well as an NVIDIA GeFore 7900 graphics card. These specifications may be replaced by those from other companies. RAM requires 1.5 gigabytes, and for more comfort 2. The recommended processor is Intel Core 2 Quad at 2.4 GHz. If such characteristics are not a problem for the user, then the problem should be looked for in other directions.

The game does not start with an error

If, when starting GTA 4, it says that the start is impossible due to the lack of files, then the problem is hidden in the depths of the antivirus. This is most often encountered by owners of a pirated version that is downloaded from a torrent. It can be solved in several ways. It is best to immediately add a file with the .exe extension to the firewall exceptions during installation and turn off the antivirus at the same time.

Adding a game to a firewall exception

After that, with the already installed game client, do the same operation. Errors with the fact that GTA 4 crashes or does not start after that should not occur. If the player did not do this, and after installation, the antivirus has already sent the files to quarantine, then they can be restored. After that, it is mandatory to do all the above steps. The essence of this problem is that OS defenders react inadequately to a medicine that allows pirated versions to work. They simply eat pills, and therefore starting the game becomes impossible.

Even if the player has done all the operations indicated in the paragraph, it is better to launch it as an administrator. Extra care can save time on deleting, cleaning all files and reinstalling. The owners of the licensed version are not threatened with the sudden loss of components due to the antivirus.

More about piracy

After installation, fans of downloading games on torrent trackers often ask why GTA 4 is crashing. For experienced users, such problems occur less often, because they understand downloaded files, I know verified release authors, and carefully read the description. First of all, when downloading the client to your computer, you should make sure that the tablet corresponds to the new version and is up-to-date at the moment.

If the crack is too old, then it is at the start of the game that a crash will occur, and errors may not even be written. To do this, it is enough to carefully read the comments under the laid out installation, especially those related to the tablet. You should never go to an unverified site and download any game for yourself there. The player can create a problem for himself more than the fact that GTA 4 crashes at startup. Often, under the guise of a tablet, the authors of the release hide malicious programs, and with the antivirus disabled, the average user will not even understand how to let them into his computer. This may lead to the fact that you have to change the operating system. It is best to look closely at the comments, find verified authors of the release, and then there will never be problems with the crash, and even more so with viruses.

Range of options

Every gamer will need information about why GTA 4 crashes on startup and how to fix this problem. With the pirated version, the options are not over yet, but the most common ones have been considered. License owners are more fortunate, because they do not need to worry about running as administrator, disabling antivirus and file integrity. It is enough that all the components necessary for launching are present on the computer. This is primarily the Social Club service from Rockstar Games, in which it is imperative to have your own account.

Social Club service from Rockstar Games

Second, the xlive.dll libraries that come with Windows Live. Now the utility is not relevant and there are versions without it, but it is worth mentioning the problems associated with it. If the integrity of all components is in place for the owners of the licensed version, then we can safely move on to the next version of why GTA 4 crashes after the splash screen. It should also be mentioned here that this often happens with the "Out of Memory" error.

Error when starting “Out of memory”

In this case, you just need to close all windows and reboot the device. This helps in most use cases. If the problem remains relevant, then the user can try to increase the paging file.

Problems with modifications

It's no secret that Rockstar Games has always had a positive attitude towards the possibility of changing their game by different authors. This happens solely at the request of the user, who can install modifications for himself. They can be aimed at improving graphics, physics, sound, translations, and even adding new content.

Mod for ultra graphics in GTA 4

That is why mods have always been very popular for this series since the days of GTA San Andreas. But it is these additional files that often cause GTA 4 to freeze on the splash screen. A new launch will not help here, because most of the crashes, endless downloads and errors are due to the presence of modifications. Libraries XLiveLess, IVSpeedometr, ENBSeries and others are often used by authors, but it is because of them that problems arise. This is especially true of the first option, which is a boot module.

You can try to fix the problem by removing the add-ons if the user has backup copies of the files, as well as returning the old asi-loader module. If none of this helps, then only a complete uninstall and a fresh install will fix the situation. This time it's better. exe file to be compatible with the current version of the operating system. This can be done through the "Properties" menu in the "Compatibility" tab.


If in GTA 4 the launch does not work the first time, this greatly discourages the desire to play, but there is no need to be upset. All of the above solutions to problems affect 100% of cases, which causes sudden crashes and endless downloads. Users, and especially owners of old personal computers, should be aware that another error may befall them at the time of launch. It will talk about the obsolescence of the operating system and the need for replacement. This means that the player has Windows XP service pack 2 and needs an upgrade. There are two possible solutions to the problem here.

In the first, you can try to find a special file on the net that can change SP2 to SP3. If such an operation did not help, then the only way to immerse yourself in your beloved GTA 4 world is to reinstall the entire operating system. Now this can be seen extremely rarely, because in ten years technology has gone far ahead. Most users use Windows 7 or even 10, as evidenced by official statistics. In any case, problems with GTA 4 crashing can be easily solved, you just need a little patience.

If your "GTA-4" does not start, lags or constantly crashes, then our article can help you, where we will tell you about all the errors that the game knocks out, and also tell you how to optimize it in order to achieve the highest FPS.

A small review on GTA-4

Almost all Rockstar Games games deserve the highest praise and devoted love from fans. So it happened with GTA-4 - the story of a Serbian immigrant Niko Belik, who decided to seek his fortune in the "City of Liberty" - Liberty City, the prototype of which is New York. The plot, frankly, cannot boast of any innovations in the presentation or exciting twists, but Rockstar managed to tell a good story with memorable characters and its own philosophy. The gameplay since the days of San-Andreas has undergone impressive changes for the better: physics and animation have become more realistic, shooting is more dynamic, and the number of entertaining things to do in your spare time from passing the main line just rolls over. We can take a job from our friends, work as a policeman, have fun with comrades in bowling or billiards, have an affair with a girl, visit an Internet cafe and so on. Of course, no one will stop you from making uniform chaos on the streets, scaring people, stealing cars and fighting cops. In general, GTA-4 turned out to be a wonderful game that can colorize the gray tones of a boring evening. Needless to say, there is also an exciting multiplayer and 2 exciting DLCs? But from pleasant to sad: if you are constantly "chased" by errors starting the game, then read the article below, where we will talk about their solution. So, why doesn't GTA-4 start?

Errors in GTA-4 and how to solve them

It so happened that for the PC the game came out very unoptimized, which gave rise to endless errors, bugs and other shortcomings, forcing the developers to release as many as 7 patches. Unfortunately, sometimes even they are not enough for a comfortable game. If you are wondering about "GTA-4", then read our article. Perhaps she will help you. So, we will analyze in order all the errors that players encounter.

  • If you get a critical error DD3D10 D3D Error, then just try restarting your computer.
  • DD3D50- make sure your graphics card supports DirectX-9.
  • DD3D60- make sure you have support for Shader Model 3 or higher.
  • AE10 Insufficient Memory to Start Game - try close unnecessary applications, then re-enter the game.
  • TEXP60- try updating the DirectX libraries or video card drivers.
  • If your "GTA-4" does not start, knocking out an error RESC10 Out of video memory, - restart your computer/reinstall the game.
  • RMN20 Windows Vista - make sure you have Service Pack-1 and above installed.
  • RMN30 Windows XP 64 / Server 2003 - make sure you have Service Pack-2 or higher installed.
  • RMN40 Windows XP - you need to install Service Pack-3.
  • If it is impossible to create textures, an error occurs TEXP110 D3D Error. Her solution would be to restart the game.
  • DWIN20 - about The error is thrown when a conflict occurs when accessing RAM memory. Try restarting the game.
  • DD3D10/30 - try restarting your computer.
  • DD3D20- try updating the DirectX libraries or reinstalling the game.
  • DD3D70 / GPUP10 / TEXP20 / TEXP30 / TEXP80 - errors occur when a D3D device conflicts. Try restarting your computer.
  • DD3D40- video card conflict. Try up to the latest version.
  • DD3D80- if "GTA-4" won't start due to this error, just try restarting the game/restarting the computer.
  • STRB10- The error occurs when uninstalling the file. Try restarting your computer.
  • RMN10 / STRM10 / STRM20 - The error occurs when there is a file read conflict. Try restarting your computer.
  • VOIC10- The error is due to a voice chat conflict. Try restarting the game.
  • BA10 / EA10 - errors occur when full Try restarting the computer.
  • TEXP60- occurs when a color rendering error occurs. Try installing the latest video card drivers.
  • TEXP70- occurs when a depth rendering error occurs. See paragraph above.

"GTA-4" does not start on Windows-7/8

This error is quite common among players, but its solution is quite simple. If you are playing on Windows-7, then before installing the game, try making changes to the registry. How? Follow the algorithm: Start => Search => regedit => "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Windows" => "CSDVersion", change its value from "0" to "100" => Restart => Install GTA-4 = > We return the changed values ​​back to "0". If this method does not help, then try the second method, which will be similar to solving the problem of Windows-8 owners (why "GTA-4" does not start on Windows-8): set the properties of the executable to be compatible with Windows XP SP3 (service pack 3) .

Game optimization

We already wrote earlier that the port of the game turned out to be too crooked, which is why GTA-4 optimization is at a deplorable level. And yet it can be slightly improved in terms of performance in order to remove some bugs and increase FPS by 10-20 units. So, try doing the following:

  • First, update the drivers for all programs that the game uses (Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, DirectX, video card drivers, etc.).
  • At the root of the game, create a text file called commandline.txt. You can write many commands in it, which you will find on the Internet, but it is recommended to write the following: -availablevidmem 2 (number 2 - for video cards with 256 MB of video memory, "3" - 512, "4" - 1024 and so on), which increases the available video memory, which can solve the problem with missing textures; -noprecache (allows you to disable pre-caching of files); -nomemrestrict (allows you to disable the memory limit, although the performance is not too high in this case); -norestrictions (allows you to open hidden settings); -novblank (allows you to disable -minspecaudio (the game starts with minimal sound quality, which significantly reduces the load on the processor). Each command is written on a new line and with a "-" in front of it.
  • If you have a weak PC, then try to "dig" in the graphic settings. First, turn off shadows and reflections, because they consume a lot of resources. Second, try lowering the quality of the textures. If after these steps you still experience slowdowns, reduce the depth of detail, the density of auto traffic and the viewing distance, which also "eat" the order of resources, albeit not as much as the settings for shadows and reflections. Another setting item that can increase FPS by 5-10 units is "Clip Recording", which must be disabled.
  • If you have a licensed copy of the game, it will automatically update to the latest version. If a pirated copy is available, install the 4th patch, where the best optimization is observed.
  • Disable unnecessary applications when entering the game: browser, Skype, antivirus and more. This will reduce the load on the processor and RAM.

If all of the above methods do not help, then you may need to upgrade your computer.

Launching the game on Steam

The first thing to know is that GTA-4 can only be activated on Steam when purchased directly from Steam. If you purchased the game at retail or other online stores, you will need to play through GFWL. There are times when some gamers do not start the "GTA-4" STIM version, but the reasons for this in most cases coincide with the errors described above. If problems occur directly with the Steam service, then simply try restarting it or contact support. Finally, to be clear, even if you purchase the game from Steam, you still need to install Rockstar Social Club in order to play the game.


Rockstar Games is not too loyal to PC players, as evidenced by their policy regarding this platform (delays in the release of PC versions for six months or a year, or complete disregard for it, poor optimization, etc.). So if your "GTA-4" does not start, then do not rush to be disappointed, because almost all errors have their own solutions, which you could see above. Know one thing: GTA-4 is one of the greatest games of the last 5-10 years and is sure to give you many hours of fun.

Are you wondering how to run GTA IV, solve a problem, error, or maybe run on a weak computer? Then read on.

Errors when the game does not start

SecuLauncher: failed to start application. - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Libraries not installed (one of the reasons) - Download
RMN20 - (Windows Vista) requires Service Pack 1 or higher to continue;RMN30 - (Windows XP 64 / Server 2003) Service Pack 2 or higher required to continue;RMN40 - (Windows XP) Service Pack 3 or higher required to continue;
If you have no desire to download and install a multi-megabyte SP3, then the following solution will do:
1. Open "START" -> Run (Win + R) In the "Open" line, write "regedit"
2. In the registry tree, look for " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows"
3. In the window that opens, select the line "CSDVersion" and change the value " 0x00000200"(SP2) to" 0x00000300"(SP3)

4. Close the registry editing window
5. We restart the computer. Now GTA 4 will think that you have Service Pack 3

Critical error RMN60- Launching the game from the wrong shortcut. Run via LaunchGTAIV.exe / LaunchEFLC.exe
Critical error SMPA60- Start a new game. The error occurs due to a replaced vehicle saved from save houses
Critical Error DD3D40 – D3D Error – Failed to determine device functionality. Please install the latest video card drivers and/or reinstall DirectX ;
Critical error TEXP10 - D3D Error - Failed to determine the functionality of the device. Please install the latest video card drivers and/or reinstall DirectX ;
Critical error AE10- Not enough memory to run the game. Disable unnecessary programs and restart GTA 4 ;
Sequence number 5372 not found in DLL xlive.dll- You don't have Games for Windows Live- Download the files from the archive and unzip to the game folder
If none of the methods helped you, make sure that the game is installed correctly, there are no Russian letters in the path to the game and reinstall the game.

Problems with the game

Having dealt with the problems of starting the game, let's go directly to the game problems.

If you have a brick on gas, a drunk camera or a smoking car, then you are lucky - this is the protection of the game from mods, cracks and other changes to the original files

If the problem is with DirectX, then download archive and install all the files from the folder - and (put all the files!)

Many faced the problem when the game did not save progress

So this little FAQ will help you create an offline profile (without internet)

2. We start the game.

3. In the game menu, press the key [Home] , a window will come down from above Games for Windows, select the item [Create a new profile]

4. Choose an item [Create a local profile]

5. Enter the profile name in English letters and click [Send]

6. Click [Ready] , press [Home] .

7. And that's it, you can play!


1. Right-click on the desktop, select Screen resolution.

2 .In the window that opens, click Advanced Options.

3 .In the window that opens, in the Adapter tab, remember the Available graphic memory parameter, in my case it is 1792 MB.

4 .Now let's start manipulating the game, go to Steam, in the Library click on Grand Theft Auto IV RMB and select Properties. In the window that opens, in the GENERAL tab, click SET LAUNCH OPTIONS.


quite common on Windows 7/8/10. Most often, this error prevents you from playing due to inappropriate or missing Windows software, namely Microsoft Visual C ++.

Solving the problem with the SecuLauncher error

How to fix the error SecuLauncher: failed to start application.? Very simple! Solve the problem of You can install the correct version of Microsoft Visual C++. And so, for this you need:

1. Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from official site . Link to download the official software below:

2. Uninstall previous version of Visual C++

3. Install the previously downloaded Visual C++ 2005

4. Enjoy the game

You can also download the Visual Collection 2005-2017 if you have any difficulties with the installation from the link above. To install, simply run the downloaded file.

(Unofficial source)

Other ways to solve the problem

If the game does not start after reinstalling the visualizer, then try to solve the problem in one of these ways:

- Make a backup LaunchGTAIV.exe and download the new Launcher. Copy the new file to the game folder and confirm the replacement. Run as administrator.

Download LaunchGTAIV.exe for GTA 4

– Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. The download link from the official site is below:

Net Framework 3.5

Attention! This is the last way to apply. Through testing, it turned out that incorrectly selected compatibility could be the cause of the error. SecuLauncher.

Sometimes GTA IV won't launch due to compatibility issues with your version of Windows. Especially relevant for owners of Windows 8, 10. To solve the problem, right-click on the GTAIV.exe file and select compatibility.

Try these options: first Windows 7, then XP (Service Pack 3), and then 98/Windows Me. Be sure to click OK after each selection.

We hope that our article was useful for you.
If you have any questions - ask! We'll be happy to help 🙂

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