Setting up and designing a Facebook group. How to search on Facebook and how to get to the top of search results, as well as what is social search and how to activate it? Finding big groups on facebook

Setting up and designing a Facebook group. How to search on Facebook and how to get to the top of search results, as well as what is social search and how to activate it? Finding big groups on facebook


You can take advantage of Facebook Groups to promote your business. It's no secret that brand promotion in social networks is one of modern Internet marketing.

Moreover, using all the opportunities that this or that social network can provide, the effectiveness of this kind of promotion increases significantly.

Thus, working on the basis of the Facebook social platform, it is possible to take advantage of the benefits and prospects that open up the correct use of Facebook groups as a marketing tool.

How to find Facebook groups

If you're looking for Facebook groups you'd like to join, you can follow the Facebook suggestions, or you can search using the Facebook Search GRAPH.

To find Facebook offers, look at the control panel on the left side and select Groups, then click on Search for new groups. The results that the system will offer you are based on your interests in the social network and your activities in other groups.

The results page also allows you to view groups by friend groups, local groups, and new groups. Or you can return to the list of groups that you joined earlier - they should be used more actively.

Facebook Graph Search Search Tool

However, experts note that the most effective and accurate tool for finding a group is a search using the Facebook Graph Search tool.

To use Graph Search, enter a keyword in the search field and then click "Show All Results" at the bottom of the initial search results.

The default view shows messages. To find groups, select More > Groups from the toolbar. Now you will see the groups that contain the keyword you are interested in.
View the results to see which groups are best for you, then simply join the conversation.

Proper and Effective Use of Facebook Groups

You can use groups in several ways. If you are interested in creating your own group, consider creating one for VIP clients or for a product. And, of course, you can create a dedicated group for the network.

If you decide that you want to create and manage a group, you just need to know that the administration process is a lot of work. You will need to regularly post and respond to other people's comments and messages. Watch out for spam and make sure people get the information they're interested in.

To connect with your fans on Facebook, you can find out what groups they have and connect with them through those groups. To do this, all you have to do is go back to Facebook Graph search and work on the search results.

If the next 5 minutes you can invest in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

Facebook is also no exception. This resource is aimed at a more adult audience, unlike VK. In addition to communication, you can also find Facebook groups join them and share your opinion with others. To start searching:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. There is a search bar right above your page image. There you see your name and a magnifying glass icon next to it.
  3. Type in the name of the group you are looking for. Click on the "Enter" button. Facebook will show you all the groups, pages and people with the query that you entered in the search. To the left of the many options, you can notice the type of results.

These can be events, groups, users, as well as the best results for your query. It shows the most popular groups with high activity. To become a member of a particular community, click "Submit Request".

A list of all the groups you have added to yourself will be shown on your main profile page at the bottom left. Sometimes people confuse Facebook communities with public pages. The main difference between these two types is that public pages are created for advertising and can be found and viewed on the Internet by all users, regardless of whether they have a Facebook account. For , you need to submit a request.

most popular groups on facebook

See what most popular groups on facebook exist at the moment, statistics will help This site shows you a rating of the largest communities that constantly update content and have an influx of audience. Most often, you can find groups of world-class brands here, such as KFC, Nike, pages where celebrity fans gather, groups with entertainment content like "Humor", Love and Relationships, Online Games.

This rating is based on the number of communities - the more participants, the higher the group's place in the rating. It also depends on the involvement of people in the life of the group. If you are promoting your Facebook account, you have then this rating will help you more accurately choose a community to order advertising. Also, depending on your requests, Facebook compiles a list of recommended pages for you.

You can find it in the menu on the left. If you join the groups that are represented there, it will most likely be easier for you to find . For a more detailed analysis of the rating of groups, the site is suitable This service provides information not only about the number of participants in a particular community. In it, you can see the ratios of involvement - namely, how many people and makes reposts to his page from a particular community.

The most popular Facebook groups in Russia

The most popular Facebook groups in Russia are not very different from those groups that are widely distributed around the world.

These are also pages of famous brands, profiles of celebrities, sayings of great people, pages with entertainment content and games. It also includes a group dedicated to Facebook itself, a portal with news from the first channel. Groups aimed at the development of intelligence and for the development of creative abilities.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to continue talking about such a wonderful social network (especially for doing business) like Facebook (read about if you need it).

A little earlier, we got acquainted in detail with that in this social network, and today we’ll talk about how to learn how to effectively and profitably use the search built into this network.

The problem here is that in the Russian-speaking segment of Facebook, the search works rather poorly, but even with the help of it, as well as a group or business page for keywords. There are, however, a few nuances that you need to know and which I will definitely tell you about.

In addition, we will talk about ranking factors and the basic conditions that you need to fulfill in order to promote your page or group to the Top of Facebook for the desired key request. Well, we will also get acquainted with, which allows you to solve almost any problem and find anything, though entering queries only in English. But first things first.

How does Facebook search work by default?

let's get a look how Facebook search works? In fact, it works a little differently than we are used to. For example, in Yandex () or Google () you can actually enter the query phrase as it was formulated in your head. The search engine will understand you and will give you the sites that are most relevant to your query (as far as possible). It goes without saying that you can also use all sorts of operators, which I wrote about in the articles on the links above.

On Facebook, the search is not so flexible at the moment. In any case, in its Russian-speaking segment. A little later we will talk about social search, which has been launched only in English so far, but it can already be used to solve very interesting and useful tasks. What? I’ll write about this a little lower, but for now let’s look at what they “slip” to us in the Russian-speaking segment and what can be found with this tool.

So, Facebook search bar located at the very top of any page (white box on a blue stripe). After entering a query into it, the most relevant results in the opinion of this social network will be shown in the drop-down box below. To see the entire list, you will need to click on the link located at the bottom of this drop-down window, or on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the search bar (pressing Enter will open the topmost search result, not the issue page). Not quite familiar after Yandex or Google, but you can adapt.

Facebook can divide search results into sections (people, business pages, groups, etc.). Depending on the text of the request, the drop-down box will be dominated by the results from the most appropriate group.

When you go to the page with the full issue (there will be a lot of options), then in the left column this social network will kindly provide you with the opportunity to select only those results that will correspond to a certain section:

By default, the filter from the left column is used. "Most Close". How exactly the ranking of the results is carried out in this case (arranging them according to their positions and forming the Top) we will talk a little lower, but for now you can see how the rest of the filters work.

In principle, their purpose is obvious - to weed out the results from the sections of Facebook that you do not need. For example, if you are looking for a person by last name, then it makes sense to use the "Users" filter, and if you are looking for a business page for "website promotion", then by entering this query it makes sense to apply the "Pages" filter. You can read. I think that everything is obvious here.

Now what directly related to the search. The query you entered in the search bar will be searched for in usernames, the names of their pages, profiles, groups, etc. Moreover, if the request consisted, for example, of two words, then in the results you will be offered, for example, business pages containing these two words in their title (or they will be included in more complex words).

Therefore, if you, for example, want to collect a database of groups or business pages on a specific topic (for some of your business tasks), which can be described by several keywords that are close in meaning, then it would be better to enter these words separately in the search line so as not to narrow down your target audience too much. For example, instead of the query "website promotion and promotion" it would be better to break through two separate queries: "website promotion" and "website promotion". I think that the meaning will become more clear in practice.

It gets pretty rough. Well, no fantasy and detailed semantics. It also becomes obvious that by default (and even by full name), but not by areas with information about the user, his interests, etc. Although, this information can be displayed in the search results as a snippet (depending on the section to which it belongs - users, groups, pages, places, events or applications).

How to find a person on Facebook?

In a social network, ordinary users most often look for people, not pages or groups. To do this, by default, this system provides several options, which boil down to narrowing the search circle by specifying any data from the user profile (Email, phone, place of residence, study or work). Everything is quite simple and primitive, but I think it's worth talking about it anyway. Below we will look at a more advanced way of social search, but for now let's talk about the "classics".

How to find people on Facebook by phone or email?

Actually, in addition to searching by name and surname, you can find the person you need by entering his or her phone number in the search box. If it was them that the user used during registration or indicated when filling out the profile, then the only correct search result will be displayed.

The same will happen when entering a mobile phone number:

Quite an effective and fast way if you know these opponent's contact details. True, there are several nuances.

  1. Firstly, it’s easier to search, of course, by mailbox than by phone number, because it must be indicated during registration (unless some special box was used, to which everything is registered, so that you don’t receive spam later).
  2. Secondly, the user can close this information from indexing by Facebook's internal search in the privacy settings. In this case, searching by E-mail or phone will not give anything.

Let's see how you can disable this search feature if you feel like it, i.e. how to stop people from finding you on facebook by email or phone number. First you will need to go to the settings of your account by selecting at the top of any window from the drop-down menu of the rightmost arrow (pointing down or a triangle - as you please) the item "Settings":

On the page that opens, select "Privacy" from the left settings menu. On the page that opens, we are interested in the area located at the very bottom under the name, namely the first two fields in it. To change these settings, you will need to click on the "Edit" button in the desired line on the right:

By default, the option is “Everyone”, but you can change this and narrow down the range of people who can successfully conduct such a search only to their friends in this social network. Well, or choose the middle option - friends of friends, which will significantly expand the circle of "chosen ones".

How to find people on Facebook by region, place of study or work?

When you enter the name or surname of the person you want to find in the search box of this social network, then open all the results (using the corresponding link at the bottom of the drop-down window) and select the “Users” filter from the left menu, then in addition to everything, you will be offered more three filters that you can use to narrow down your search and avoid seeing a bunch of results that you don't care about.

To the first filter line "Location" you can enter the geographic name of the city. A drop-down list will appear, allowing you to specify which locality you had in mind:

You can also try to use the field and enter the name of the company where the person you are looking for works. The same can be done with a field, i.e. enter, for example, the name of the higher or secondary educational institution where he studied.

However, it should be borne in mind that the search will be conducted according to the user's profile, and it is difficult to guess how he wrote there (for example, MPEI or Moscow Power Engineering Institute), because the same educational institution can have many spelling options.

By the way, if you don’t need any additional filter fields now (for example, you changed your mind about filtering by city), you can click on the cross to the right of it. You can return the field back using the "Add filter" button that appears below.

How to get to the top of Facebook search results?

When you type something into the search bar of this social network, then an analysis of the results obtained may lead you to think about what is not entirely clear, but why, in fact, the issue was built in this way.

Why is your business page or group, with a huge number of fans or subscribers, lower than other pages (), which have much less of this goodness? Where's the justice? BUT? And it is, but it lies behind those things that we sometimes do not notice.

Let's take a closer look at the SERPs and try to find some kind of relationship to figure out which factors most influence Facebook search rankings. Let's say I want to make a joke about "website promotion" business pages. There is no logic in the formation of the issue, as already mentioned (a page with a huge number of readers is lower than a page with practically no fans at all):

Also in the snippet (under the heading of one of the search results) the number of your friends (they simply do not exist in this topic under my account) who joined this page can be displayed, but this number is not the main ranking factor on Facebook, because at the top it can be a page with far fewer of your friends involved than the one below. The number of occurrences of the key query in the page title or its description also does not give any explicit dependence.

It turns out that there is no obvious criterion by which the issue is ranked. However, it remains relevant. In ordinary search engines, we can somehow imagine (by the way, there are a lot of them). Here it is also necessary to take into account the fact that we are dealing with a social network, which means that it would be logical to take into account the criteria characteristic of this environment.

Facebook ranking criteria you can probably think of it like this:

  1. in the title of the page, group, (not real) profile, where not the full name is used, but the keys. Those. the presence of keywords is a prerequisite for getting into the Facebook search results, but not yet sufficient for getting into the Top (read about that). The ranking of the results selected in this way will be carried out using the following criteria.
  2. (those who clicked on the "Like" button on the pages included in the search results) or. But not a prime number, but taking into account the number of your Facebook friends who fell into this number of fans or members. Obviously, in this scenario, the issue will be different for different users, because a different number of their friends will be involved.
  3. with pages and groups participating in the issue. Interaction should be understood as likes, writing posts, comments and other activities. This ranking factor further individualizes search results for the same query made by different users of this social network.
  4. , ranked for this keyword. That is, it takes into account how often and how regularly new content is added. This is a social network, which means that the “lively” presentation of information is an important criterion and an undeniable advantage.
  5. Quantitative reflection within a Facebook page or group. All likes (not only from your friends), comments, etc. are taken into account. things. Their total number is taken into account, as well as the regularity and duration of this activity.

Most likely, it is the above criteria that determine (in combination) which result of the search results will be in the first place, which in the second, and so on (i.e., they are responsible for building the Top). The mechanism itself is not known to anyone, and the degree of influence of each criterion has not been fully studied either. But it’s enough just to know them and try to improve them as much as possible, thereby getting into the Top for an increasing number of users of this social network, if you decide to use the internal search.

Basically, based on the above arguments several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The results for the same search query for different users will differ (greatly or not), because they all have different people recorded as friends, and they have a different number of these same friends. And they can interact differently with ranked business pages or groups (more active or more passive). Your activity is also taken into account, but not as some kind of prevailing factor.
  2. Therefore, if you want to have as many network users as possible, you would be in the top of the issue for some request you need, then you need to:
    1. This keyword would be in the title of the page or group.
    2. Have on the page (those who clicked on the "Like" button), because this increases the likelihood that among them there will be friends of the one who enters this request. In fact, this can be called an increase in the social ranking of your Facebook page.
    3. On your page or in a group. Content drives not only on sites, but also on a social network (there is a way). If it is interesting (likes, comments, reposts), then Facebook will increase the search ranking of your page and it will rise in the search results (it will strive to the Top).

It is precisely the degree of compliance with the last three conditions that will determine whether you will get into the Top of the issue of the current user or not.

Facebook social search

This is a new type of search that appeared a couple of years ago. It is available, however, so far only for English-speaking users of this social network. It is different from what we discussed above, is that, and not stupidly looking for entered words in group names or usernames. At the same time, it takes into account social ties and preferences of the user who performs this search.

You can enter whole sentences and he will understand you (for example, “music that my friends like” or “a cafe in Moscow where my friends have been” or “motocross lovers from Uryupinsk”). But, unfortunately, all this works only in English and the introduction of the given queries “as is” into the search box (in Russian) will not lead to anything good. Trying queries in English is also useless:

What to do? You just need switch the interface of your Facebook account to English and semantic search is activated automatically. How to do it? Pretty simple. Go to main page

Today Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. Here you can create your own group, which can be used for various purposes. It can be: communication, advertising, sales, etc. But what to do after creating, how to properly set up and arrange a group on Facebook? This article will be devoted to this - we will consider all the points in detail.

And if you don’t have your own group yet, then our article “ How to create a group on facebook' will help you do that.

Setting up and designing a Facebook group

Before we step through each step of setting up and designing a group, let's consider the need for such gestures. Why is it still necessary to correctly set up and design a group in an interesting way? In fact, everything is determined by the goal. As a rule, these can be different types of activities, organizations, after all, these are different goals. But regardless of what it is created for, you need to approach the design with all responsibility. The success of further promotion depends to a greater extent on the design. People should want to visit your group, and not only its proper promotion, but also design can help with this.

You should also pay attention to the settings - they determine the progress of the group and the functionality available to the members. To do this, you initially need to clearly understand what you want to see from the group.


Competent settings begin at the stage of creation. For example, the initial choice of the type of group determines its characteristics, development goals and the possibility for people to be members of it. There are three types of groups:

  • Secret. They are invisible to the search engine, and you can become a member only by receiving an invitation.
  • Closed. Visible in the search, but you can join by submitting an application, which will be approved by the administrator.
  • Open. Anyone can join this type of group.

The type you choose depends on what goals you are pursuing. Having decided on them, you can proceed to create a group, while choosing the level of its privacy. Of course, this will determine in the future its ability to be an island for "their own" or accessibility for everyone.

Next − setting up publications. Here you can highlight such features as: accessibility for everyone, publication only by the administrator of the group, approval of the publications of participants by the group moderator. But you can change them at any time in the settings menu.

Also possible setting up group membership new members. In this case, you can choose to automatically approve users who wish to join on their own or were invited by one of the members who have already joined, or leave the administrator the right to approve candidates for joining the group.

It is possible to add the site address to go to it from the group page or mail as an additional contact.

A powerful tool in promoting a page is linking it to a business page. To do this, you first need create a business page on facebook- one that will be entirely devoted to a certain business activity (and possibly several). Personal pages are not suitable for this. In this case, it is better to create a new one, aimed specifically at a specific area. Next, we attach the selected group already from the business page through the settings of the latter.

Often large groups with a large number of members, activity and wide functionality are managed by several administrators at once. To do this, the creator of the group can assign one of the participants to this role by selecting them from the list in the menu section "Page Roles". It is also worth noting that, in addition to the administrative staff, you can choose moderators and other "positions". You can do it all in the same section.

We have covered the main points of setting up the created group. After that, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures.


Having decided on the type of group, its settings and further development strategy, you should arrange it according to the chosen topic. Visualization plays an important role, because it affects the desire to be a member of the group, be interested in its content and actively participate (if possible) in its life.

Initially, you will be prompted to choose group icon. It is desirable that it correspond to its thematic focus, and not be chosen randomly. Such disagreements can cause bewilderment in the eyes of the participants.

As they say, they are greeted by clothes. This is exactly what the cover of the group is. As a cover, you can select a photo and video that will be played against its background. You can do this using the standard settings on Facebook:

So, using specialized services. For example, it could be Canva, which can be used after registering a profile on Facebook or Google. In the "Social media graphics" section, you can select "Facebook background", which will allow you to customize the cover in the way you want:

Do not forget about the description, according to which users will be able to understand why the group was created and what it does. It can be written immediately when creating a group, or you can change (or write) after - in the settings. An important point in writing it is the absence of "water" in this information. Try to be concise, competent and as informative as possible create description.

In order for your group not to get lost on the vast expanses of the Internet, you should attach to it tags(maximum five). This will help the search engine determine its focus and issue it with the user's thematic query. For example, here is what a search returns when you enter the query "social media":

It is the presence of well-chosen tags that will allow a Facebook user to find your group.

Also you can choose geographical label. This will be especially useful if the group really has a certain attachment to the address or city (various stores, organizations, associations, etc.).

As an additional feature, you can change the background color of the group cover. For this you need:

  • open a group
  • in the "More" tab, select "Edit group settings";
  • in the "Color" section, find "Select color";
  • choose the background color of interest;
  • click the "Apply" button.

Facebook is the largest social network in the world. For some users, it has become a platform for business development, for others it has become an opportunity to communicate and find new acquaintances around the world. Knowing how to search for groups on Facebook, the user can easily meet people with the same interests, find music, photos and articles.

Facebook groups can be found in the Groups section.

Community Search

To use all the features of Facebook, create an account. To do this, confirm your e-mail or mobile phone number. Immediately after registration, all functions of the site will be available.

Log in and go to your page. To find content, use the search bar, which is located at the top of the page above the navigation buttons. Type in search words such as Alternative music and press the magnifying glass button or the Enter key on your keyboard. The search results will include user pages, their posts, videos, public pages, and communities.

To limit your search to groups, click the Groups button on the top navigation bar. You will receive a list of all communities that contain the search words in their names or descriptions. Click the "Join" button next to the name to read the community's news in your feed, or click on its name or image to go to the Facebook page.

An admin can customize their community page to personally approve new members. In this case, by clicking the "Join" button, you submit a request to join the group. When the application is approved, you will be able to see all the information posted on the group page and receive news from it in your feed.

There are also closed communities that cannot be found even if you know the exact name. You can only become a member by invitation of the administrator.

Facebook Graph Search Tool

There are two types of information search on the site. In the Russian-language interface, only one is available: keyword search. It will be enough to find people, pages and communities by entering a name, title or key phrase in the line. The English-language interface has a smart search engine Graph Search. It's a semantic search engine that returns results that are meaningful to your queries, not just specific search words.

This tool is actively used by brand marketers. Thanks to Graph Search, they can see what posts are posted by people who like the promoted trademark. Knowing the interests of their target audience, the marketer will be able to develop a strategy for the next advertising campaign that will attract more customers.

Joining groups will help make your news feed rich and interesting, allow you to find people to communicate or learn new information.

If you do not know the exact name of the group or cannot find active communities to discuss a topic that interests you, use the site's recommendations. Facebook takes into account your activity, likes, topics of communities in which you are already a member, hashtags for your posts. Based on this information, the system recommends new groups.

You can find the group through Search.
  1. Log in to the site.
  2. Go to the main page. To do this, click the "Home" button at the top of the page. You'll see your news feed, links to profiles of people you may know, and more.
  3. In the left navigation block, click "Groups".
  4. Choose from the proposed interesting communities and join them.

Groups that may interest you will be displayed in the first block of the page. Below is the thematic directory. Click on the desired category and select from the list. To make the recommendations of the site more in line with your needs, mark interesting posts with likes or fill in personal information in your profile.

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