Is it possible to delete comments on instagram. Instagram comments: everything you need to know about them

Is it possible to delete comments on instagram. Instagram comments: everything you need to know about them


Initially, Instagram existed as an idea for a beautiful picture, the highest praise for which was a large number of likes. And only recently the format of the network has changed, and now comments have taken the first place in importance. It is they who characterize the profile as high-quality and successful.

Why are comments so important?

Comments on Instagram play an important role in the development and promotion of the page. They display the following characteristics:

How not to miss comments?

When the activity on the page is very high, it is not always possible to respond to comments in time, and some are simply lost. In order not to miss important comments and not to disrespect subscribers, we recommend:

How to delete someone else's comment on Instagram?

Comments are communication between living people, endowed with feelings, emotions, life circumstances. Much of what is described is the result of the appearance of offensive, negative and harsh marks under the posts. And the logical question arises - how to delete a comment on Instagram?

To do this, you need to tap on the unwanted signature, swipe left and click on the button with the image of the basket. If you accidentally deleted it, then immediately after deletion, a banner will appear at the top and clicking on it will cancel the action.

Also next to the basket is an icon with an exclamation mark. It allows you to report a comment if it falls under the category of spam, scam, or is offensive.

How do I delete my comment on other people's posts?

Quite often, in an attempt to quickly put a text mark, we click on the wrong smiley, choose the wrong word, do not add characters and letters, or the ubiquitous T9 comes into play.

How to delete a comment on Instagram that you wrote under someone else's post? Just click on it, swipe left and select the trash icon. Done, comment removed.

How to hide comments from prying eyes?

Instagram strives to make internal communication as friendly and clean as possible. And not so long ago I developed filters that allow you to automatically hide comments with the specified words and not waste time tracking and deleting them.

In order to enable the filter you need:

  • Go to settings.
  • In the "Privacy and Security" section, select the "Manage Comments" item.

  • In the "Auto filter" item, move the slider to the "On" position (it will turn blue). This feature removes flags that are recognized as personal insults, such as about your appearance.

  • In the "Manual filter" item, move the slider and add keywords that will be recognized by the system as inappropriate, separate them with commas, or select standard keywords - other users most often complain about them.

Also in this section, you can block comments from certain people and allow marking publications only to the users specified in the list.

How to turn off comments for a single post?

Quite often there are situations that require you to know how to close comments on Instagram from everyone. The procedure for iPhone and Android is the same:

  1. On a published post, go to the settings menu (three dots) in the upper right corner.
  2. Select "Turn off comments".

After that, commenting on the publication will not be available. If there were already marks under the post, then they will also be closed from prying eyes.


Instagram is the most popular way of doing business created in recent times (see “

How to delete a comment on Instagram is a popular question among photoset users. This operation is required to delete your own statement or left by another person. The main condition is to leave text under the photo or video of the account owner. There are many reasons why you want to delete a comment, but there are many ways to cancel it. After studying the information in the article, you can find the perfect solution for yourself.

If you need to remove a pre-selected comment from a post, there will be no problems with this. It is allowed to perform an operation of a similar orientation from any gadget at your disposal. It can be a smartphone running on any OS, a tablet or a desktop PC. There is a standard scheme of action when deleting a statement:

  • the record should be found and activated;
  • a small blue box will appear at the top of the application window;
  • in the right corner you can see the trash icon.

After pressing the button, the previously selected texts will be deleted. The operation is allowed to be carried out on your own page or in the account of another user who left a comment under the photo. If a person has sharply changed his mind or realized that his statement is no longer relevant, he has the opportunity to immediately remove it.

On the phone

On smartphones at your disposal, it is allowed to delete comments of your own or other people. This is an ideal opportunity to remove unnecessary text if it is irrelevant or does not correspond to the topic set in the post.

The scheme of action for deleting a statement is common and understandable, but differs slightly depending on which OS smartphone is on hand. It is advisable to study each option on how to delete a comment on Instagram from a computer in more detail.

On Android

Using an android smartphone, you need to delete texts according to the following scheme:

  1. The selected publication opens with the unwanted entry.
  2. The message is pinched with a finger.
  3. The icon with the image of the basket is selected, which is located in the upper right corner.

In your posts, you can put things in order among other people's messages on your Android phone. In this case, the post where the comment was left opens, the notification is selected and the finger is held until the menu appears. The basket option is also activated.

The advantage of working with messages of other users is the ability to activate the item for deleting or appealing the message. This will allow the administration to pay attention to offensive or vulgar text, began to show increased attention to violators.

On iPhone

On the gadgets of this OS, the photo network is also used through a special separate application, previously downloaded through the App Store. To solve the question of how to delete someone else's comment on Instagram, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

Following this scheme of actions, it is allowed to remove your own statements and the words of other visitors to the photoset. In the latter case, the program will allow you to delete comments only under a post written by the owner of the social network.

From a computer

It is allowed to remove what is written in Instagram not only on a smartphone, but on a PC page. To achieve this goal and solve the question of how to delete your comment on Instagram from a computer, you need to perform simple operations:

If you need not only to remove the entry, but to punish the commentator for offensive behavior, you should contact the moderators or the support service. There are quite a lot of complaints about such users per day, respectively, after a while they are mandatory blocked and denied access to their account.

How to delete your comment?

You can delete entries in your profile through your smartphone or from a computer. If these devices are temporarily unavailable, you can use dedicated third-party Microsoft Store apps.

A similar utility allows you to delete entries in Instagram posts on a Windows 8 PC. If this PC is available, you can do the following to delete a message:

  1. The required utility is downloaded and loaded.
  2. Authorization is carried out in the photo network.
  3. Open the required post and the messages assigned to it.
  4. A notification will appear asking you to delete it.
  5. On the selected entry, click the left mouse button on the cross.
  6. After the action is completed, the deletion is carried out. The method can be used to eliminate the message on their own previously posted posts.

There is also a button for leaving a complaint about a social network user. It is necessary in order to let the administration know that there is a user who leaves texts under the photo that are unpleasant or prohibited by the rules of the application. This is a good opportunity to make the use of the resource more comfortable for yourself.

How do I delete someone else's comment on my page?

The statements of other users arise a desire to delete much more often than their own. Make it real. The scheme of actions in such a situation directly depends on which device is on hand, from where you enter the photo network and what functions are available.

To remove the words of another person under your own post from the message feed, you don’t have to do anything special. Each owner of a photograph has the right to carry out all possible operations with it. You will need to swipe the comments to the side and activate the option with a basket.

There is a way to delete an opinion left through Facebook. You need to make the following instruction:

  • the desired message is selected;
  • the cursor or finger is hovered over it;
  • menu activation;
  • choice of cross or basket;
  • click on the delete function.

Performing such actions will automatically delete the message. If the user's words are of a prohibited offensive nature, they can be reported. As soon as the system receives a lot of such complaints about the presence of bad comments, it will itself erase what was written and, if necessary, can completely block the author of what was written.

Summing up

Today, Instagram is the most famous social network. It is ideal for sharing videos, photos and other types of content. On the pages of the photo network, it is allowed to communicate with each other through personal messages. Instagram is constantly evolving. Users are required to spend less time. Message filters in the account are updated, and many of them are deleted as spam immediately after posting.

Answer for android owners, how to delete a comment on instagram on android? The operating system () specifically for the Instagram application, and in particular comments, has minor differences. Let's take a closer look at the answer to questions such as deleting a comment on Instagram on android, how to complain. How to highlight and delete in bulk multiple comments below a post inside the instagram app.

Open your Instagram account, select the desired post and click on "view all comments" ( rice. one). After it opens the "comments" page, which displays all the comments. You need to touch and hold your finger for a few seconds on the comment you want to delete. By holding down a comment, touching it will automatically highlight it in blue, and an additional field will appear at the top of the screen ( Rice. 3). In which there will be, a cross is to cancel the operation, the number of selected comments to be deleted (similarly, you can select several comments). Next, the "exclamation mark" icon and the "cart" icon.

How to delete or restore a comment on Android

cross icon on the left side of the screen, with the number of selected comments - this is the cancellation of the deletion.

Exclamation mark icon in octagon, this is an opportunity to complain about a comment. When you click on it, a modal (pop-up) window will appear on your screen. Which will have a title asking why you want to report this comment? And two active fields that you can choose. The first column is spam or fraud and the second is offensive content.

  • If you click on one of the options to complain, the comment will also be deleted below the post. After that, you will see a page with the same name "complain about violations." On it you will be offered additional answers to questions that may interest you the most. Four reasons why this comment should be deleted. Some tabs have additional pages. It's all a choice, the exact reason why you decide to complain. After successfully selecting a reason, you will be shown a text, thank you for reporting this. And then the text that the Instagram administration will check this comment for violations and terms of use of the application. Information about the senders of such complaints will remain confidential.

The trash can icon is the main delete function. If you are not interested in the details described above, then this icon is what you need. It is she who deletes the comment on Instagram, pre-selected and highlighted. After clicking on the trash icon, the comment will be deleted, and you will be shown a pop-up line in red (Fig. 3). In which the number of deleted comments will be written and important! Within a few seconds, if suddenly your consciousness lit up and you decided not to delete this comment, then when you click on the field, you will cancel the deletion of the comment!

Can I recover a comment after deleting it on Instagram?

The answer is simple, no! After clicking on the trash can icon, which is responsible for deleting comments, it will be impossible to restore it. The same goes for complaints. Therefore, beforehand, think carefully before making an operation, which will be impossible to cancel!

How to delete your comment on instagram left in another account

  • By analogy with the instructions described above, you can delete any of your comments, no matter where it is, located in your account or in someone else's. Only in your account, you can control the deletion of all comments left under your posts. But, in someone else's account, you can delete your comment, only yours. On someone else's comment, you can, as described above, leave a complaint or complain about spam!

Comments on Instagram are an important part of bloggers' activities, an effective way to get feedback from followers and do business through a popular platform. However, not all users use this tool for its intended purpose - spam, meaningless inscriptions often come across, and sometimes there are insults with threats. How to delete a comment on Instagram in order to clear your space of negativity and informational garbage, or if you made a mistake by writing an inappropriate review and want to fix it, we will tell in this article.

Initially, consider the option when you need to delete someone else's comment. Since 80% of actions on Instagram are performed through a mobile application, we will also consider ways to delete from phones on different platforms.

On Android

  1. Open the app on your mobile device, go to a post whose comments are embarrassing you, or go to it from a page showing subscriber activity (heart icon).
  2. Tap (highlight) a comment. You can select one message at a time.
  3. A trash can icon will appear in the upper right corner. Click on it and the comment will be removed.

On iPhone

Since the Instagram application is multi-platform, the functions on the versions for users of the Android and iOS operating systems do not have significant differences, and it is possible to delete someone else's comment under your post using the same actions as on Android.

Please note: this is how someone's opinion is edited on their page. You cannot delete someone else's review, you can only leave a complaint about spam and offensive user actions.

How to delete your comment

If you wrote a comment with an error, incorrect data, or in impulses of feelings that soon subsided and your words seemed awkward to you, you can delete your message under any of the posts. An exception may be when the user on whose page you left the message has blocked you and you no longer have access to his posts.

To erase your words, go to the entry where the comment was left (by default, your message is shown first in the list), activate it by clicking and click the cross - the comment will be deleted, the ability to restore it is saved until the page is refreshed by clicking on the appropriate button.

How to delete a comment from a computer

For those users who are accustomed to using a computer to work in a social network, it is possible to delete comments from the web version of the application. For this:

  1. Log in to your account in the web version
  2. Go to your page if a comment was left on your post, or find the post where you left the signature.
  3. Hover your mouse over the sentence and click the cross - the message is immediately erased.

Since the deletion occurs pointwise and you do not have the opportunity to collect and eliminate all negative and spam messages at once, in order to avoid such messages in the future, we recommend that you close your account and moderate the subscribers manually, filtering out advertising and spamming pages. If a user insults the account owner or subscribers, you can leave a message for the administration with a complaint about him - after the complaint is considered, such an account can be temporarily or permanently blocked. You can block the user's ability to see your page and write messages under publications by blacklisting him.

Most experienced Instagram users have long known how to delete comments, not only their own, but also other users. But for this, it must be left only under the publication of the owner of the page. Such a need most often arises due to the fact that the user does not like the feedback left or considers it inappropriate. Sometimes people leave ads in publications that no one will like either.

Some people turn on comment filtering and think it will be enough, but it's far from it. Despite the inclusion of this feature, it will not protect against spam or unflattering words addressed to the account. All reviews left under a photo or video can be removed both from the phone and from a stationary PC.

How to remove your comment on Instagram

You can delete your own or someone else's comment from any device, a smartphone on the IOS operating system or, a desktop computer or tablet. To do this, you first need to log into your account and select the review you want to remove. After selecting, an icon in the form of a trash can will appear here, it is on it that you need to click, after which the action will be completed.

This can be done both on your page and on someone else's, where the user commented on someone's photo, but now wants to remove this entry. This feature is very useful, because sometimes people write a message under a lot of emotional pressure, but after a while they change their mind. Therefore, to uninstall, you must follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to find the entry and click on it.
  2. After that, a blue field will appear in the top window of the application.
  3. In the right corner you will see a trash icon. After pressing this button, everything will be erased.

Is it possible to delete someone else's comment

Almost every Instagram user has encountered a situation where there is a desire to delete someone else's comment left on their page or. The specific method in this case depends on which device was logged in from. If a computer is used for this, here you can act according to the standard scheme, which is almost the same as that provided for the Facebook social network.

After an unwanted entry is found, hovering over it, you can see a cross. After clicking on it, the review will be removed. If we talk about other people's thoughts left not on their page, they, of course, cannot be erased.

Note! The only thing that can be done here is to complain about the comment to the administration. If there are many such requests, the review will be deleted over time.

How to erase via computer

For people who first thought about whether it is possible to delete a comment on Instagram from another user on their own page, the method that involves using a computer for this will be the easiest, since it does not require any complicated actions. To do this, you should follow the following procedure:

  • first you need to go to the official website of Instagram and;
  • after that, in your feed, you need to select the publication where the unwanted entry is located. In order to see all your published information, in the upper right corner you need to click on your profile icon and then go to the “edit account” tab;
  • after that, you need to hover the mouse cursor over the comment that you want to remove. Now a cross will appear here. After clicking on it, you must confirm your action and after the entry will disappear.

At the moment, Instagram can be considered one of the most famous social networks, which is well suited for sharing videos, photos, and any other content. In addition, here you can communicate using private messages. But since here you can very often notice various links to goods and services that are not of interest to the user, a desire immediately arises, and remove all these entries.

For their part, the moderators of the social network Instagram are also trying to play the role of “cleaners” and, with the help of various filters, do not allow making a “dump” out of reviews. To avoid conflict situations, there is a “complain about a comment” function, and after that a person must indicate the reason for such a choice. If the feedback left concerns a specific user or he considers it unacceptable for any reason, after consideration by the administration, it can be deleted if hints of insult to someone are really noticed here.

Note! But despite this, it is impossible to follow absolutely every record left under a photo or video. In this regard, the moderators introduced the function of automatically deleting records that are spam in nature.

Delete comments from a smartphone on Android or iPhone

A person who has used different operating systems at least once noticed that the ways to delete a comment or phone on Android are somewhat different. These differences cannot be called significant, but when switching from one OS to another, minor difficulties may arise. To delete a record on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. First you need to open Instagram and select unwanted content.
  2. After the selected entry, you need to click on the comment button.
  3. Now the feedback feed needs to swipe left on the line where the review is located.
  4. The shopping cart will now appear here. You need to click on it, and then confirm your actions using the "Delete" button.
  5. If this entry was left by another user and on a different page, you can report the review stating that it is prohibited material, spam or fraud.

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