What is a Facebook timeline. My path, my experience, my wealth...

What is a Facebook timeline. My path, my experience, my wealth...


I offer you the second part of the frequently asked questions about the social network Facebook and the official answers to them.

What is a Facebook Timeline?

Chronicle is a collection of all photos, publications and applications that tell about you.

What happens when I turn on the chronicle?

Timeline on Facebook is your new profile. When you update your profile and switch to the timeline, all of your information from the old profile will be transferred to the timeline or to the Information section at the top of your timeline.

You will have 7 days to preview your timeline before others can see it. At this time, you can add a cover, add events from your life and mark important events. After 7 days, your timeline is published automatically. Or, you can publish your timeline at any time by clicking the Publish Now button at the top of your timeline.

Note: Until your timeline is available, people will see your old profile, although they may see news in the News Feed about new content you add to your timeline (such as cover photos and life events). Likewise, you won't be able to see your friends' timelines until they turn them on or publish them.

How can I get the Chronicle?

To make the Timeline appear, go to the Timeline view page and click Get Now. Or you can wait for the announcement to appear at the top of your profile.

What should I do if my network connection is too slow for a video call?

If you encounter connection problems, you can take the following actions:

1. Check hardware compatibility.

  • To run Skype, your computer must have a 2GHz or higher Intel Core processor with 1GB of RAM or more. Most netbooks, including netbooks with an Intel Atom processor, are not powerful enough for video calls to work properly.
  • Try another computer if your computer's processor is not powerful enough. These processors include Intel Atom, Intel Pentium D, and AMD64 CPUs.

2. Check your network connection.

  • Some wireless networks may give intermittent connections. Use wired connections whenever possible.
  • If you have an auto-switched network, try switching to broadband. We recommend 500 kbps in and out.
  • Some corporate networks block Skype traffic, which prevents the service from working properly.

What should I do if I have a problem with the Skype software?

When you receive an error message "The program that provides video calls is temporarily unavailable", you can do the following:

  • Restart your browser.

Close all windows and exit the browser. Then open it again and try to make a video call again.

  • Set up video calls in another browser.

Open another supported browser and follow the simple steps to set up video calls in it.

  • Try again to set up the video call feature in the browser you were using earlier:

Facebook. Photo from pixabay.com

A couple of phrases for the possibility of setting up publications in the Facebook timeline by friends. How to restrict access to your timeline to other users.

Friends! Unfortunately or fortunately (time will tell) today (January 23, 2018) I had to go deeper into some Facebook settings. I chose this option instead of mindlessly banning.

What are we talking about?

This is when my friends post a video or photo to my timeline. I understand why Facebook came up with this feature (or I think I do, I'm not Citizen Mark Ts.).

I also understand that the Russian-language Facebook connects not so much people for the sake of communication (as Facebook itself stated when it was created and proclaimed its purpose), but also has a commercial direction for its use.

However, I am a little saddened by the attempts of some of my friends, without my consent, to use my feed to publish their commercial (or socio-political) videos or photos, in order to promote (as I understand it) their services, activities, businesses, and so on.

It's great that you have an occupation that fascinates and draws you in. And it's great that you want to tell the whole world about your commercial (or socio-political) hobby.

I'm probably old fashioned and misunderstanding the true purpose of my Facebook timeline, but the deeds described sadden and surprise me.

For understanding, I want to explain how it is perceived by me.

And for a better understanding, I will go by using analogies.

How is it perceived by me?

The publication in my timeline without my desire or consent by a friend from FB of his video or photo of a commercial or socio-political nature is personally perceived by me as an attempt, without my knowledge, to put on me a T-shirt with the logo of your company, political movement or public association. And so that I walk in it among my circle of friends and all my acquaintances and friends see it.

How do I change my Facebook timeline settings?

If any of my friends may need appropriate action in terms of closing their chronicle from the described friendly publications, I will gladly describe the process.

Everything is extremely simple.

You need to select "Settings" in your FB. Then, in the column on the left, select "Chronicle and Tags" and in the "Chronicle" section, mark who can post on your timeline. There are two options "Only me" and "Friends". I accordingly chose "Only me".

It would seem that Facebook has already greatly simplified the management of privacy settings, but numerous questions and complaints still continue to come. On and in the comments, we almost daily receive questions of the same content: “ How to hide a post from everyone?«, « I don't want to be found in the search«, « How to close your page?" and others.

We will not consider all the possibilities of confidentiality and write an online manual. You can easily find all this in the Facebook help center. Let's just try to highlight the most popular questions and give the most concise and understandable answers.

Post visibility

The most popular question. But in fact, everything is elementary. We can make publications visible for these options:

  • Visible to everyone
  • Visible to friends
  • Visible to friends other than acquaintances
  • Visible only to me
  • Visible for people list
  • Visible to everyone except the list of people

Settings: go to SettingsConfidentialityWho can see my content?

And choose the marker you need. If you want to set visibility for a separate list of users, then select User Settings.

Please note that these settings will only apply to new posts, but to apply them to old posts, click the button Limit access to past posts. You can also set the visibility scope for each post separately (right in the timeline).

Chronicle Visibility

The second most popular question is: How to make timeline invisible?". Unfortunately (or rather, to the article), you can't be invisible on Facebook. You can hide/reveal posts, photos, personal information, but not hide the entire profile. The only option is to remove the chronicle from the search results.

Settings: Confidentiality

Annoying Users

Facebook is not VKontakte for you, there is much less spam and a higher communication culture, but sooner or later you will still meet characters who will try to sell you some product, invite you to another business training or just annoying stupid questions. Spam can be combated by strengthening filtering or even a personal ban.

As you know, Facebook has two private message folders. First - inbox, the second - Other. It’s clear with inboxes, but others are something like a spam folder in mail services. By switching the filter to Enhanced Filtration, you will receive messages in a folder inbox only from your friends. Everything else will fall into Other without any notice.

Another useful feature is the complete blocking of the user. Add his name to the input field (as in the screenshot below) and forget about his presence.


It is impossible to contact the Facebook administration directly (via email, phone, etc.). There is a feedback form for this.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I will please you with another "minced meat", namely, I will tell you about how to add a stylish facebook chronicle to wordpress.

In general, a Facebook chronicle is a specific design of your page over the years from the moment your page exists and its representation in a tree form from the moment of creation to the present day.

You yourself can choose who to show the Facebook timeline and who not. It resembles the design of a timeline. This is the style we will use on our blog. About this sowing article, dear readers.

Moreover, we will apply this style of timeline to certain events and successes on a specific topic in your life or business. For example, it is perfect for those who indicate their goals for the blog in the appropriate column or run contests on a regular basis.

What is most interesting, your resource will not be affected. The plugin does all this work.

Here's what we'll get as an output:

The first thing you need to get started is TimeLine Ultimate and activate it. After that, you will see a block with its menu. To create your personal timeline you need to go to Timeline Ultimate -> New Timeline Ultimate.

You will be prompted to select a Chronicle Event, i.e. in Russian a name that can be anything “My goals”, “My achievements”, “My contests”, “My life”, “My trips”, etc. Below this block, you will see three tabs: Timeline Options, Timeline Style, and Timeline Content, whatever you put there. By default, the plugin will show you a timeline tab where you can choose the number of posts and set thumbnails in the settings.

This product comes with already built-in style settings for facebook timeline on wordpress. You can choose the background image, font color and size.

After that, go to the “Timeline Content” tab and already in it you can adjust the content parameters. Supports custom post types (categories, single posts, pages, attachments, revisions (backups)).

You can also choose to display your latest posts, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, yearly or even monthly archives.

Once you've made your changes, simply click on the "Publish" button for the changes to take effect.

Display your timeline in a note or page

Each timeline you create comes with a unique shortcode and a template tag that you can insert wherever you want on your blog, be it a page or a single post.

That's all, now you can go to the post and see the stylish facebook timeline on your blog in action.

I sincerely hope this article helped you add a Facebook Timeline to your WordPress site. It is not necessary to be limited to one thing, you can create any number of them.

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