In the Facebook timeline you searched for what it means. About blocking posts on your Facebook timeline

In the Facebook timeline you searched for what it means. About blocking posts on your Facebook timeline


Posts missing from facebook timeline? People write that it is impossible to fix ...

And now I will tell you what to do if you are in the same situation as me.
Facebook eats posts, not even giving them the opportunity to see them and, moreover, to like them.
All these posts are nevertheless hidden and I found them. In addition, the network writes that it is not possible to restore them to the chronicle, that this is an ancient Facebook glitch and that no one is doing this task. But here comes the evil me.

Now my guesses why this happens: I assume that FB automatically filters out posts that appear on the wall with a certain frequency. Well, for example, more often than 1 post in 15 minutes. He cannot filter this out as spam, because it is not spam, the posts were not officially cursed. But it is necessary to filter out, because posts appear with the same frequency as spam. In short, they are automatically filtered. Delete types do not have the right. Although they do, because everything on the territory of the FB is automatically its property (mind you, not intellectual, but Facebook). But, we digress.

I offer an option how to avoid such a thing. We create an immodest post, like "Congratulations here." Thus, we have 1 post that no one is going anywhere. And everything (congratulations, for example) will be in one beautiful pile.

The introduction of the chronicle, like any innovation, in addition to positive feedback, gave rise to a lot of controversy and dissatisfied statements about the developers. Let's figure out why there is still a barrier of misunderstanding of how to use the timeline on Facebook, weigh all the pros and cons of Facebook's "Timeline".

Chronicle (Timeline) on Facebook

For starters, how do you turn on your Facebook timeline? For owners of pages with the old interface, this procedure will not take much time. A suggestion to taste the "chronicle" will appear as a pop-up line at the top of the page. Just click on the link and “voila!”, set up and use!

So, turn on - turned on. Now you need to set up your Facebook timeline. Not a problem either! We go into the account settings, and find in the links on the left "Your chronicle". By clicking on the link, sections will open, which, if desired, can be edited. Or simply, being on your profile page, click the "Update information" button.

Compared to the old version of the interface, Timeline allows you to set your own page cover. This is done with one click on the button, which is located just above the "Update Information", called "Add Cover". After clicking, two options will be offered, add a cover from photos already uploaded to the album or upload new ones from files on your computer.

Pleased with the innovation "Map". Using this section, you can mark places on the map where a person lived, rested or just passed by. All marked places are accompanied by photographs and specifying the dates in which period the person was in this place.

And, of course, do not forget about the privacy settings. For all changes to the timeline on your page, you can close access to other users or open it only to close friends. To do this, in each block of the timeline, whether it is a photo, a record or a place on the map, there is a button “Available to everyone”, when clicked, options are offered from whom to hide the publication. Some sections, such as "Like" or "Following" marks, can be removed from the "Favorites" section under your photo or replaced with another position.

With all the advantages of the chronicle, it is necessary to mention the significant disadvantage of everything that has been said above. Even if, after connecting and setting up the Facebook timeline, you nevertheless came to the conclusion that all this progress was started only for the sake of progress itself, and chasing new products is not your style, then turning off the Facebook timeline will be much more difficult. The fact is that this option is not provided in the standard account settings. This is a huge mistake of the developers, at least from the point of view that sometimes you need to turn off the chronicle simply because of a slow connection to the Internet, and then return it back.

Fortunately, in the age of high technology and constant progress, the problem of how to remove the chronicle on Facebook is completely solvable. By installing a small extension for your browser, the page can return to its previous form or return to the chronicle mode again. For example, an extension called Timeline Remove is convenient and free to download and install. An application icon appears on the toolbar of your browser, when you click on it, a daw is placed or removed, with the help of which the chronicle is turned off.

Perhaps due to this small nuance, with the impossibility of returning to the old version, the creators of the chronicle first offer to try it out for several days, and only then move on completely. Therefore, before you switch to Timeline, it’s better to try out all its features, and only then make a choice: to switch or not.

Fresh interface is quite practical and easy to use, you just need to understand what's what. Then the question arises, why is there such a flurry of disapproval and misunderstanding in the use of the timeline on Facebook? This is what our article is intended for, to understand the positive and negative aspects of the work of the Timeline section.

How do I get my timeline to work on Facebook?

For new users of the site, this will not be a huge problem. At the top of the page, you will see a pop-up line asking you to try the chronicle. You just need to click on the link and now you can already try the innovation of the developers.

How to configure the work of the chronicle?

Turned it on - it's great, but it's only half the trouble, now you need to set everything up! Settings, as well as inclusions, will not make any special worries.

To get started, go to your account settings and in the links that appear on the left, we find "Your Chronicle". By clicking on it, items will open in front of you, which, if desired, can be “customized” to suit you. Or go the easier way and add information while on your personal profile page by clicking on the "Update information" command.

In the Timeline interface, you can set a personal cover. This can be done using the "Add cover" command, which is located above the "Update information" command. The user will be offered two options: upload an image for the cover from a computer or from a list of photos previously uploaded to the album.

Using the "Map" section, it will be possible to indicate the places where the user has traveled, vacationed or lived before. Marked coordinates are illustrated with dates and photographs of the place and period of stay.

But what about the privacy of the timeline?

How to make your page on Facebook?

All changes that you do not want to show to other users can be hidden or vice versa - open them to the elite (only for colleagues or friends and relatives). In any block of the timeline (map, photo) there is a command "Available to all". By clicking on it, you will see lists of people from whom you can “hide” information. The sections "Subscriptions" and "I like" can be replaced with a different mark or removed altogether.

Disadvantages of working Chronicles

Despite all the advantages listed above, the chronicle has a number of disadvantages.

It will be impossible to disable the Facebook timeline, since this option is not provided by the developers in the factory settings. This is a huge minus in the operation of this application, because the chronicle must be turned off periodically due to the slow operation of the Internet.

But, fortunately, there is a little secret.

By installing the extension on your browser, you can leave and return to the timeline apps. The free extension Timeline Remove will become an indispensable and faithful assistant for you. With it, you can turn off the chronicle mode with one click.

In view of the fact that the desktop version of Facebook is already sooooo slow, this method will have to be used quite often ...

Facebook. Photo from

A couple of phrases for the possibility of setting up publications in the Facebook timeline by friends. How to restrict access to your timeline to other users.

Friends! Unfortunately or fortunately (time will tell) today (January 23, 2018) I had to go deeper into some Facebook settings. I chose this option instead of mindlessly banning.

What are we talking about?

This is when my friends post a video or photo to my timeline. I understand why Facebook came up with this feature (or I think I do, I'm not Citizen Mark Ts.).

I also understand that the Russian-speaking Facebook connects not so much people for the sake of communication (as Facebook itself stated when it was created and proclaimed its purpose), but also has a commercial direction for its use.

However, I am a little saddened by the attempts of some of my friends, without my consent, to use my feed to publish their commercial (or socio-political) videos or photos, in order to promote (as I understand it) their services, activities, businesses, and so on.

It's great that you have an occupation that fascinates and draws you in. And it's great that you want to tell the whole world about your commercial (or socio-political) hobby.

I'm probably old fashioned and misunderstanding the true purpose of my Facebook timeline, but the deeds described sadden and surprise me.

For understanding, I want to explain how it is perceived by me.

And for a better understanding, I will go by using analogies.

How is it perceived by me?

The publication in my timeline without my desire or consent by a friend from FB of his video or photo of a commercial or socio-political nature is personally perceived by me as an attempt, without my knowledge, to put on me a T-shirt with the logo of your company, political movement or public association. And so that I walk in it among my circle of friends and all my acquaintances and friends see it.

How do I change my Facebook timeline settings?

If any of my friends may need appropriate action in terms of closing their chronicle from the described friendly publications, I will gladly describe the process.

Everything is extremely simple.

You need to select "Settings" in your FB. Then, in the column on the left, select "Chronicle and Tags" and in the "Chronicle" section, mark who can post on your timeline. There are two options "Only me" and "Friends". I accordingly chose "Only me".

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