How to check who unsubscribed on Instagram. We calculate the fugitives, or find out who unsubscribed from your Instagram account

How to check who unsubscribed on Instagram. We calculate the fugitives, or find out who unsubscribed from your Instagram account


Instagram is one of the most popular social networks for uploading and viewing photos. There is a function of subscribing to other users whose photos you liked. But what if the number of subscribers began to drop sharply, and you are sure that people are unfollowing you? Instagram does not allow you to keep a list of unsubscribed followers, but you can find such people in other ways.

You don't have to use a mobile phone to track who unsubscribed from you. It is enough to use a computer and visit special services that allow you to find out this information online. Let's start with the Unfollowers site. Follow the link to the resource and click on the "Login to Instagram" button. Enter your username and password if necessary. We go through the authorization procedure. The service will prompt you to enter your email to follow the news. This operation is optional and not mandatory. If you want to immediately switch to viewing unfollowers, select "New Unfollowers". The resource will display a list with those users who have unsubscribed from you. In this example, there is no information in the screenshot, because none of the followers unsubscribed. The next service that can help you find unfollowers is the Unfollowgram website. Once on the resource, immediately click on the main button "Sign in with Instagram". With it, you can go through the registration process on the site, but only through Instagram. Enter your username and password for your Instagram profile. Click "Authorize". It remains to complete the last step: copy your email address into a special field on the site, and then click on the "Continue" button. Select the "Who unfollowed me" function. The resource will display statistics, which will include only those users who have unsubscribed from you. The last method, which is also convenient and comfortable to use, is downloading a special application through the Play Market. There are many such applications, and they are present on different mobile platforms. Go to the Play Market and enter a search query. For example, "followers tracker for instagram".

The search engine will return a lot of results. We select the first application in the issue list, under the name "InstaFollow for Instagram".

This application is very popular, and its average rating is quite high. This means that the program is effective and can be used. Click on the "Install" button.

We are waiting for the installation process to complete. After that, the application will become available for launch both in the Play Store and on the phone itself. Touch the "Open" button and the program will start.

The program will prompt you to register. This process will take place through Instagram. Touch the "Sign in with Instagram" button.

Undoubtedly, when a certain part of the users unsubscribes from you, it is quite unpleasant. Especially when you mutually subscribed to them. In search engines, you can find a large number of services and applications that allow you to determine who unsubscribed from your page.

To find out who unsubscribed on Instagram, you can use several services that track the number of followers. Available options are represented by official applications in the Play Market and web analytics resources.

Method 1: mobile apps

The catalog of mobile services and utilities offers features with a notification: the user will see a message that the subscriber has unsubscribed. A popular app to find out who unfollowed on Instagram is: "Who unfollowed on Instagram".

To set up work, you need:

  1. Find in the Play Market, install.
  2. Log in to the app and enter your username and password.
  3. Wait for notifications about unsubscribers.

The program features include: unsubscribing from the TOP-10 users and individual positions, viewing statistics, setting up notifications. Shows who exactly left the page - the profile of the unsubscriber. Statistics appear after the first user unsubscribes.

The program does not show users who have retired earlier.

The second application is Unfollowers. As in the past: log in and go to the data collection tab. Information is also presented by country, the number of inactive users, bots.

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  • Powerful Instagram account boost

To view the latest unfollowers, you should open the "Recent Unfollowers" section. The program will issue accounts that have left the ranks of subscribers in the last time, while the application was installed.

Hello dear blog readers. Today we will talk about the social network Instagram, and in particular we will understand how to find out who unsubscribed on Instagram. Agree, if we develop our account in this popular social network, it will be a shame to realize that the number of subscribers is rapidly decreasing. Instagram has a subscription form for the account you like, but it does not make it possible to maintain a list of unsubscribed followers. At the same time, there are other ways to find such people. What? Find out if you read the article to the end.

Agree, we all monitor the number of subscribers in our Instagram account. And when the number of subscribers starts to dwindle, we experience a nagging feeling inside.

But why does such a seemingly trifle as a simple, meaningless number produce such a strong effect on our lives? That it's just our human nature? Vanity is skyrocketing in the age of the selfie? Pride?

Who knows. What do we start to do when we realize that the number of subscribers is dropping sharply? After exclaiming "WHY DO THEY UNsubscribe BECAUSE I HAVE SUCH GREAT PHOTOS", our next question will be...

WHO. Who did this to me?

As I already mentioned, currently Instagram does not give you the opportunity to find out who unfollowed you. Perhaps this is done by the developers on purpose so that you experience only joyful emotions when working on Instagram.

See how this person gains several dozen followers a day on his Instagram account without spending a dime on it

And trying to figure out a deserter among subscribers, acting like an egoist, we certainly look far from ideal. Fortunately, now there are a large number of opportunities to understand who unsubscribed on Instagram from a computer online or from an application.

And, as a Good Samaritan, I'll show you the apps, both paid and free, as well as the ones I use myself.

Because, in all seriousness, if you're not just for hanging out with friends, it's crucial to keep track of your loyal followers. So, let's see those services and applications that will help us find out who unsubscribed on Instagram.

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

5 best tools to find out who unfollowed us on Instagram

status brew

Go to the resource and if you are not registered yet, then register. Since I'm already registered, all I have to do is log in.

After registering, you will be taken to the section where you can choose to manage publications or see the number of "New Unfollowers" who have unsubscribed:

The resource will show the unsubscribed subscribers of the account, but only from the moment you signed up for it. Also, the disadvantages of the resource include the fact that it is paid, and although its basic version is free, its capabilities are extremely curtailed, and the Premium version will cost $20 per month.

Unfollowgram (online only)

Unfortunately, the ability to view unsubscribed followers on Instagram has been disabled in this service, which is indicated when trying to enter it through Instagram. But, on the other hand, it provides an opportunity to find out those who have unsubscribed on the social network Twitter.

Crowdfire(there is also a smartphone app)

Formerly known as Justunfollow, this resource, available both online and on all mobile apps, is the most popular choice among those who decide to find out the number of unfollowers on Instagram. Crowdfire is beautifully designed, easy to use, and available in all formats. You can add multiple accounts to Instagram and Twitter at once.

Another method that you can use is to download a special application for your phone. Now it is possible to choose different applications of this plan for phones on different platforms. Go to the Play Market and ask for example "Followers Insight For Instagram"

The search engine will show several options for choosing applications that are similar in functionality, but we should choose the first one from the list:

As you can see, the application has more than 5 million downloads, and the score is quite high, therefore, the developers have made it of high quality, feel free to install it on your phone by clicking on the "Install" button.

It remains to wait until the installation of the application is completed. Once the installation is completed, it can be opened both in the Play Store itself and on the phone. Click the "Open" button and perform the suggested actions:

Enter your login and password to access Instagram and after authorization, connect to your account:

The menu that opens displays information about the number of subscribers added and how many were lost. Just the same parameter “Subscribers lost” shows how many subscribers have unsubscribed. In my case, it shows zero unsubscribers, since the application collects data only from the moment it was installed, and not for the entire history.

I hope the listed applications will help you better understand how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. Of course, it is not very pleasant to realize that someone is unsubscribing from your account, especially if it was a mutual subscriber, but I think you still need to know this information in order to change the tactics of maintaining your posts and recruiting subscribers in the future.

Update: 2020-01-04.

We solve your problem for FREE: non-reciprocal followers on instagram, how to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal instagram followers, how to find out who is not mutually followed on instagram and delete? After publishing about, many letters of approximately the same content arrived: the number of my subscriptions is growing faster than the number of subscribers to my account, what is the reason for this and what should I do about it? The answer is simple, someone who subscribed to you and after some time unfriended you, but remained on your friends list or your subscription remained without a mutual response.

One of these accounts, which you are most likely following, but he is not on you, is @instagramrussia. Immediately after registering on the Instagram social network, you are invited to follow this account as one of the first. @instagramrussia broadcasts the most interesting photos, reflects the interests of the Russian segment of Instagram and deservedly has more than 3 million subscribers, although he himself is subscribed to only 244 users.

This is the situation with all popular accounts, but even if they wanted to make friends with everyone, they still could not do it. The fact is that there is a limit of 7500 friends. You cannot follow more, but you can be followed by an infinite number of followers. To come to this, you need to make your account interesting, and until you reach the limit of 7500 followers, you will either have to put up with the fact that you have more subscriptions than those who have subscribed to you, or look for non-reciprocal followers and delete them until you reach the limit.

Secret #1

New users are more willing to make mutual friendships if you have about the same number of subscriptions and subscribers. If you have significantly more subscriptions than subscribers, then your account may be mistaken for a spam one, and if, on the contrary, there are significantly more subscribers than subscriptions, then you may be regarded as a snob and a snob with whom it is useless to make friends and who most likely will not reciprocate. These rules are valid until your number of followers exceeds 3000-5000 subscribers, then other rules apply.

It's not your fault that "friends" leave your account, well, except for those cases when you post frankly not interesting photos or behave differently from what is expected of you. In all other 95% of cases, those who unsubscribed from you are most likely advertising spammers or bots. They received a mutual following from you, for the same number on their wall with him, and after 2-3 days they unsubscribed from you. With more than a hundred followers, finding exactly who unfollowed you through the Instagram interface is almost impossible.

How to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal subscribers?

Brief instructions for unsubscribing from all non-reciprocal followers on instagram.

  • 1) you need to identify all non-reciprocal among your account subscriptions;
  • 2) sort all non-reciprocal into a separate list from mutual subscribers;
  • 3) then you need to start the process of unsubscribing from the list without violating Instagram limits.
What if it is almost impossible to do it manually? There is a free service for this, the link to which is indicated - instaflow.

Secret #2

Any active actions through the web interface or application, especially to remove mutual or non-mutual friends, can lead to a ban on Instagram. There are those that are strongly discouraged from exceeding. They are constantly changing and about them.

If you sit and deal with the service, you can find other useful features for working on Instagram. Monitor the situation constantly, every time after you use the withdrawal tactic, if you want to maintain a balance between your followers, but do not rush to get rid of those who did not reciprocate after 1 day or even after 2 days, they simply could not be online at that time.

In one of the most popular social networks Instagram, which is designed for viewing photos, you can subscribe to users and leave comments under their photo. But sometimes it happens that the number of subscribers starts to decrease.

In the Instagram application itself, you cannot see the list of users who have left you, but you can still find out who unsubscribed from your account. We will talk about these methods in this article.

To track unsubscribed followers on Instagram, not only a mobile phone will do. If you have a computer at hand, you can use it to go to special services that provide this data online and see who unsubscribed.

Unfollowers tracking through the Unfollowers website

To enter this site, you first need to log into your account. To do this, click the "Log in with Instagram" button, after you are on the login page, log in using your username and password. Now you can find those who have unfollowed your blog.

Unsubscribe Tracking Steps :

  1. The service will require you to enter your email address. You can ignore this requirement if you do not want to receive newsletters from this site.
  2. If you want to start viewing unfollowed users immediately, click the NewUnfollowers button.
  3. A list of followers who have unsubscribed from your channel will appear.
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Find unfollowers through the Unfollowgram service

It is also easy to find out the list of users who have unfollowed you using the Unfollowgram website. After switching to it, you need to find and click the inscription “Sign in with Instagram”. After that, you can log in to the site using your Instagram account.


  1. Enter your data, under which you are registered on Instagram, and log in to the Unfollowgram website.
  2. Enter your email address in the dedicated field. Click Continue.
  3. The next step is to select the Who unfollowed me statistics feature. Only those users who have unsubscribed from you will be displayed here.

View unsubscribers through the InstaFollow app

A convenient and comfortable way to check the list of those who have unsubscribed is the InstaFollow application. Before you learn about the followers who left you and start searching for them, this application must be downloaded to your mobile device through the Play Market.

Search sequence:

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  1. After registration, a list of accounts that have been authorized here will open. Log in to your profile and wait until all program functions are loaded.
  2. Find the word "Non-Followers" in the list. It is in this section that you can find out the list of those who unsubscribed from you on Instagram.

Of course, it is not very pleasant when subscribers leave you. But do not get hung up on this and constantly monitor everyone who unsubscribed. Find new interesting contacts, develop them, share information and be active by posting interesting photos, leaving your comments and meeting new people.

How to promote your Instagram account

To monetize your Instagram, use the following services.

DoInsta - This service does not require installation and constant online access. It works without breaks and days off, works from any device and provides simultaneous promotion of any number of accounts. Among the advantages of Do Insta: low cost (1000 rubles / month), the ability to test the service for free for three days, full automation of processes, safe limits and filters that allow you to accurately determine your target audience and subscribe only to the accounts you need.

Self promotion Instagram without tasks

Promote your Instagram account yourself ➡

Instaps - After logging in to Instaps, the client selects one or more promotion strategies and suitable parameters using system prompts. According to these, the Instaps setting searches for target accounts on Instagram that match your search parameters. Due to this, you attract not random people, but your target audience. Instaps then analyzes the information received and draws attention to your accounts.

InstaPlus - The intelligent function of this service gives an additional 30% - 40% to efficiency due to the simultaneous likes and subscriptions to target customer accounts that are selected according to a given filter (subscribers, hashtags, geotags). You can connect up to 5 profiles, automatically search for target accounts, like, write comments and unsubscribe from subscribers you don’t need.

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