How do I make the program start after Windows boots? Add the program to startup. Disabling programs that start when the computer is turned on How to make it turn on automatically

How to make the program start after Windows boots? Add the program to startup. Disabling programs that start when the computer is turned on How to make it turn on automatically


If your task is to speed up Windows startup, and you need to do this without using third-party programs, then you definitely need to read this article. Since it contains simple, and most importantly, effective ways to speed up the loading of the Windows 7 operating system, the effect of which you can feel without a stopwatch.

When starting work, any computer first of all launches the BIOS (from the English Basic Input / Output System - Basic Input / Output System), and therefore accelerating the start of Windows must start with it. In BIOS (e), we are interested in two things: the boot priority queue, and the Fast boot function.
The latter is able to significantly speed up system startup by canceling the BIOS search and check for connected devices. However, this function has its drawbacks - by disabling it, the user disables the use of devices connected via non-standard connectors (USB, S-Video, hosts for mobile devices). They will start working after Windows is fully started.

To speed up loading through BIOS setup, you must:

Important! The figure shows the Boot Queue for a Dell Inspiron laptop. It may differ slightly on other devices. As a rule, the differences relate only to the visual component, while the names of the tabs and commands are almost always identical (standardized) for all devices.

It should also be noted that Fast boot sometimes works too well. As a result, users physically do not have time to press the necessary button in time to re-enter the BIOS. This problem is solved by pressing the button that opens the BIOS settings (a) before turning on the computer.

Second step

The next step to speed up boot is to connect all of the processor cores (if there is more than one) to start the operating system. For this:

The performed manipulations will start working the next time the operating system is restarted.

Step three

The next step is to disable unnecessary programs and services that affect system startup.

Disable services

Here it is necessary to disable unnecessary services, since they load the system, even if they are not used by the user. Especially when starting Windows. You can read details about what can be disabled and what is better not to touch on the Internet, however, you can guess about some services yourself. For example, you do not need the "Print Manager" if you do not have a printer.

"Service" is turned off by clicking on it with the right mouse button, where the item "Properties" is clicked. Then a window will open, where in the "Startup type" column select "Disabled".

Step four

Next, we configure which Windows programs are automatically launched at system startup. Since so many programs like to be registered in autorun, the user not only does not use them, he does not even suspect that they are working.

Configuring Windows 7 Startup

The changes you make will take effect the next time you start the operating system.

Step five

The last point to speed up system startup is to organize the space occupied by files on the hard disk, in other words, defragment the hard disk. This procedure is similar to arranging the arrangement of books in a library. What is required for a more convenient, quick search for books (in our case, files) and their use.

The Disk Defragmenter Service in Windows 7 is started by a separate command - defrag.exe. It must be entered in the search bar of the Start menu or in the Run window (Win + R).

By running this command, you will open the "Defragmentation" window, where you should select the disk on which the operating system is installed and start defragmenting it.

The defragmentation process can take a long time, sometimes several hours.

Also, in this window, it is better to immediately enable the function of periodically starting defragmentation by clicking "Configure Schedule".

And choosing the optimal launch parameters for you. Then you can start defragmenting your hard drive.

Advice. You should not boot your computer during defragmentation, it is best to leave it until the process is over.

Launching a program automatically when you boot your computer is a handy feature and should be used if you have a basic set of applications that you always keep open. Some programs have their own settings, in which you can set them to start automatically with each new boot of Windows, others do not have this functionality, but the operating system allows you to do this. As part of this article, we will see how to disable the startup of programs using Windows and, if necessary, enable the automatic launch of individual applications.

Starting with Windows 7, the standard "Task Manager" of the operating system has a lot of useful functions and serves not only to terminate frozen programs and diagnose the load of computer components. In particular, the "Startup" item has appeared in the "Task Manager", which displays all programs that automatically start when Windows starts up. To get to this point, call the task manager by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys and select the "Startup" tab in the upper part of the window that opens.

To disable the startup of an application in Windows through the "Task Manager", you must click on a specific program in the list with the right mouse button and select "Disable".

Note that the Task Manager also shows the effect of a particular application on the speed at which the operating system starts up. Through the "Task Manager" you cannot add new programs to automatic loading at computer startup.

How to enable or disable autostart programs through the registry

The registry allows you to access almost any function of the operating system. Including, through it, you can configure the list of programs that are automatically loaded at Windows startup. To do this, you must:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R and write the command regedit;
  2. Further in the registry, go to the following path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

It should be noted that according to the instructions above, the program startup parameters are set for the user on whose behalf the registry is currently being edited. If you want to set parameters for all users, in the left part of the registry edit window, right-click on the Run folder and select "Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". After that, follow the procedures to add or remove a program from the startup list.

You can enable autoloading of individual applications through a special folder. It is enough to put a shortcut to the program in it so that it automatically starts every time Windows boots. To go to this folder, just press the Windows + R key combination on the keyboard and in the Run window write the command shell: startup.

It should be noted that this folder does not contain all programs that are set to automatically start at the start of the operating system. You cannot disable system applications through it.

Hi. Today I decided to prepare a small instruction on how to add a program to startup. We will make the program automatically open immediately after turning on the computer. Yesterday I was asked this question and I decided that I should tell everyone how to do it.

You probably have already prepared a question: “What is it for?”. You need friends, programs such as Skype, ICQ, etc. add themselves to the startup list and start when you turn on your computer, is it convenient? I think it's convenient, but a lot of programs do not know how to register themselves in autoload and this is good. Are you asking what a mess would have happened when you turned on your computer if all installed programs had started running? But you most likely have a program that you launch yourself after Windows has fully loaded. I have this browser, Opera. After turning on the computer, I immediately open the Opera and for some reason I am sure that you are doing the same, well, except that you have a different browser. And why still turn on the computer now, if not sit on the Internet :).

So why not add this browser (or any other program) to startup? If you still open it after starting your computer. Let's try it, everything is very simple.

I will add Opera to startup for example, and you can add absolutely any program, all we need is the shortcut from which the program is launched.

If you are interested, there are three ways that I know that you can add a program to startup. It:

  1. Editing the registry.
  2. Editing a system file win.ini.
  3. Easily add a shortcut to a folder.

We will choose the third method, because it is the simplest and will not harm the computer in case of incorrect actions. And why dig into the registry or edit system files, if you can do everything simply and quickly.

In short, we need to copy the shortcut of the program we need to the folder. This folder is easiest to find in the Start menu.

So we open "Start", then "All programs" and right-click on the folder, select "Conductor".

A folder will open in the explorer and all programs whose shortcuts you put in this folder will start automatically.

Therefore, we just copy, or transfer the shortcut of the program we need to this folder.

That's it, you can restart your computer and watch the result. If you want to remove the program from startup, simply remove its shortcut from this folder.

And do not forget that startup programs slow down the process of turning on the computer, or rather the loading of the operating system. And not all programs that start automatically are located in this folder. For example, it was empty for me, but I have several programs in startup.

For details on how to clear the startup list, I wrote in the article. Read it, I think it will come in handy. Good luck!

For many Internet users, everything that is needed at the first launch is on one page of the main Runet service - Yandex. We will tell you how to make Yandex your start page so that it opens immediately when you start your browser.

It is convenient to start working with the launch of a site like Yandex. It contains news, currency rates, weather, and access to mail, and many other services. You can configure browsers so that Yandex will automatically open when you launch the browser. Let's consider several of the most popular browsers of our time, in which you can install the Yandex start page.


If you use the standard Windows browser InternetExplorer, then you need to make Yandex your start page in the startup section. To do this, open your browser settings.

In the upper right corner there is a settings icon with a gear image. Click on it and select "Internet Options".

In the menu that opens with several tabs, select the "General" tab and enter the address: http: // into it. Click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the menu. That's it, now, by launching the browser, you will automatically open Yandex.

You can also enter other start pages that will open at startup. Each of them must be written on a new line. The first page to be opened is the one inscribed in the topmost line.


For this operation, Google Chrome users must open the Settings menu (as shown in the figure) or enter chrome: settings in the address bar.

The settings page will open in front of you, where you can see the "Initial group" item. He is responsible for the pages that the browser opens at the start.

Select the last item - "Next Pages", click the blue link "Add". In the pop-up window, enter and click OK.

Restart your browser. From now on, it will redirect you to the Yandex home page from the doorway. You can add other pages in the same way. Then, when Chrome starts, it will open several tabs at once. The first one will be the one you added first, so start with Yandex.


For Firefox browser, you need to click on the settings icon at the bottom of the blank default page.

If all you need from Yandex is a search, then in the Russian version of the browser it is already installed on an empty page. If you still want to install Yandex as the start page, then open the settings and on the first open tab enter the address in the line of the start page.

That's it, now Yandex is the home page of your Firefox.

By the way, if you actively use Yandex services, then it would be better to immediately download the localized version of this browser with built-in Yandex search and other integrated services. The version is officially localized, so you don't have to take any additional steps.

Yandex browser

Finally, the most uncompromising option is to install Yandex Browser and make Yandex your home page automatically. Naturally, your own project without any additional settings will show you the Yandex home page at the first start.

This is more than convenient if you use not only Yandex news and search, but also maps, a market, online music and other services. Perhaps, for users actively working with Yandex services, this is really the best option.

Other browsers

The automatic loading of Yandex at startup is configured in a similar way on other browsers: Safari, Opera, and other, more exotic versions. The general algorithm for making Yandex a start page is as follows:

  • Go to browser settings
  • Find the section "Home" or "Homegroup"
  • Register there
  • Restart browser


Do I need to give up other start pages of your browser for the sake of Yandex?

There is no need. You can add several pages at once to the start group, and they will open each in its own tab. For convenience, you can register Yandex as the first page in all groups.

Will be required to open?

Not necessary. Perhaps for your country it will be the local version of Yandex (for example, for Ukraine - But this will affect authorization, search and use of services only in the best sense.

Is it possible to make Yandex the home page in a similar way on mobile devices?

Sure. Today, mobile browsers are not inferior to desktop browsers in terms of functionality. A special version of Yandex will be displayed in the mobile browser, but this is also only beneficial.

For most users of personal computers and laptops, it is no secret that the more programs are automatically launched when the computer is turned on, the slower it boots. This is obvious, because system resources in this case, in addition to loading itself, are also spent on launching these very programs. Therefore, one of the most effective and, meanwhile, simple ways is to remove all unnecessary from startup.

How to disable automatic startup of programs in Windows?

Windows operating system developers. This is done as follows. Regardless of the version of Windows, you need to press the combination of buttons "Windows" + "R".

The combination of buttons "Win" + "R" on the keyboard

The Run window will appear.

Open the system configurator with the msconfig command

In it you need to type the command "MSCONFIG" without quotes and click "OK".

In the window that opens, go to the "Startup" tab where all the necessary functionality is located to disable programs that are launched when the computer is turned on.

To disable the startup of the program, you need to uncheck the box next to it and click "OK".

When you go to the Startup tab, you will see a link to the Task Manager. Since it is through it that the autostart programs are sent.

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