Bonus bet promotion register the official code. How to get Bon Pari stickers on the VK social network

Bonus bet promotion register the official code. How to get Bon Pari stickers on the VK social network


The ice cream brand Nestlé Bon Paris has summed up the results of the national action, the main prize of which was a trip to Paris with a visit to the famous Disneyland amusement park with the whole family.

07 November 2016, Moscow- Ice cream brand Nestlé Bon Pari completed a win-win promotion that ran from May to October. The main prize was a trip to Disneyland Paris.

To participate in the promotion, it was necessary to buy Bon Pari Jungle, Tianuchka or Explosive Hurricane ice cream with the emblem of the promotion, find a unique code on a stick, register it on the promotion website, get a guaranteed prize, save up for one of the travel prizes and take part in the drawing of the main prize ... For each registered code, participants received access to a unique interactive coloring book, with which you can have fun and educational time with your child. With the help of the application, it was possible not only to color the inhabitants of the jungle and "revive" with the help of the Devar Kids application, but also to learn many new and interesting facts from their lives. The most loyal fans could save up for one of the travel prizes, stylized as funny and funny animals: 15 registered codes could get a travel pillow, 20 codes - a backpack, and 30 codes - a travel suitcase.

By the end of the campaign, almost 130 thousand coloring pages had been activated, and 3,100 pillows, 1,200 backpacks and 156 suitcases were given to the winners. The main prize, a trip to Disneyland Paris, was won by a resident of St. Petersburg. Irina and her husband Mikhail are raising their three-year-old son and were especially delighted with the opportunity to see the famous amusement park with their own eyes and show it to their baby. The trip included a flight to Paris, a 3-day hotel stay with breakfast, tickets to an amusement park, and a 4-hour tour of Paris.

Returning from the trip, the winner shared her impressions: “We learned about the action from ... our child, who once, having eaten Bon Pari ice cream, asked me what numbers were written on a stick. Together we read the rules for participation on the packaging of the product, and the son said that he really wants to win a suitcase. So we began to purposefully collect sticks with promo codes, register them on the site and track the results of the action. Previously, we only occasionally participated in small promotions, and, to be honest, I did not really believe that it was possible to win in them. My child said, “Let's not think about the prize. When you don’t think, you will definitely win ”. Therefore, when the organizers called me and said that we had won the main prize - a trip to Disneyland Paris, at first I thought it was a drawing. But at the end of October we really went on a trip and enjoyed it immensely. Everything was wonderfully organized, and the impressions of Paris and the amusement park will stay with us for a long time. Many thanks to the organizers of the action for the opportunity to get such unforgettable emotions. We also won a travel pillow, which my son did not part with the whole trip. "

About the Bon Pari ice cream brand

BON PARI ice cream and fruit ices is the choice of the smallest consumers and the absolute leader in the children's segment. BON PARI Jungle, which can be eaten peeling like a banana, was launched in 2012 and revolutionized the idea of ​​baby ice cream. And in 2016 the product was updated in the BON PARI Jungle Surprise concept. Only by "cleaning" ice cream from delicious banana peel, you can find out which Jungle you got - vanilla or strawberry. BON PARI Hurricane - refreshing strawberry and orange ice with explosive caramel that will delight any fidget. And BON PARI Toffee - strawberry jelly that changes color and stretches, it is worth warming it in your mouth.

BON PARI products do not contain artificial colors and flavors; each product contains fruit juice or berry puree.

Vkontakte periodically releases new sticker packs and today we are talking about a series from Bon Pari. Many users ask themselves the question: "How to get Bon Pari stickers for free?" But everything is not so simple, there are rules that no one can get around.

First, in order to get the desired pictures, you need to subscribe to the official community, then unsubscribe to the bot. He will explain to you that you can get a sticker pack only if you enter the code, and the promo code can be found in a pack of marmalade with a special badge. Therefore, we boldly go to the store and look for the coveted packs.

Conditions are standard. There were the same rules in the action from Nescafe 3 in 1.

How to get Bon Pari stickers for free?

Not buying candy? There is an option - to share unnecessary codes with friends. For example, if you have already received the desired sticker pack, but purchased the promotional pack again, then do not rush to throw it away, send the promo code to a friend or share it with collectors of funny pictures on social networks. Feel free to leave extra promo codes in the comments.

The exchange experience has already been a similar action, this is not prohibited by the rules.

The action is held on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Created specifically to stimulate sales of promotional products. Held from November 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. The participant must be at least fourteen years old. Company representatives cannot take part in it.

In the penultimate month of autumn, the producer of juicy marmalade "Bon Pari" launched a new campaign to get stickers. It is quite simple to get Bon Pari stickers in VK, but read how to do it below.

Terms of action

As in its previous promotion, the manufacturer of gummies gives sticker packs for the purchase of Bon Pari goods. The action covers the territory of Russia, Belarus, as well as Crimea. In order to take part in the promotion, you must:

  • buy a pack of Bon Pari gummies;
  • find the code in the middle of the pack, which consists of 10 characters (English letters and numbers);
  • send the code. This can be done by writing a message to the bot using the official Bon Pari page in VK.

Note! You can get stickers from Bon Pari only by purchasing a package of gummies, which has a corresponding image.

Popular questions

Promotion period

Bon Pari stickers are available throughout the year.

  • Start of the promotion: 01.10.2018.
  • End of the promotion: 09/30/2019!

Number of gifts given

The number of stickers that can be obtained from Bon Pari is limited and amounts to 500,000 units. One code gives the right to receive one set of emoticons. The number of stickers for one VK account is not regulated by the rules.

Bon Pari bot does not accept the code, what to do

  • Most likely this means that the code has already been used before.
  • It is also possible that the code is fictitious (in the case of buying not a pack, but the code itself).
  • An error occurred while entering characters. Perhaps, entering any character, you made a mistake, check the correctness of the input again.

What sticker pack from Bon Pari will I get

According to the terms of the promotion:

  • The participant automatically receives a link to the VKontakte sticker store, where the user can install any paid set of stickers for free, except for the previously installed, branded, partner and animated ones.
  • Further, for each subsequent sent Code from the promotional package, the Participant receives 1 (one) set of Stickers from the VKontakte catalog, except for branded, partner and animated stickers.

What is the code and where to find it

The code for receiving stickers from Bon Pari is a 10-digit set of Latin letters and numbers. Located on the inside of the gummy pack. A pack of gummies must participate in the promotion (there must be a corresponding inscription and image on the pack).

Each promotional package contains one non-repeating code.

One code cannot be used multiple times.

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