Yandex autocomplete settings. Automatic form filling programs

Yandex autocomplete settings. Automatic form filling programs


During the operation of any programs in Windows, temporary files, various entries appear, extensions are added, etc. Gradually, their number increases to such a level that the application has to be cleaned of debris, otherwise it is uncomfortable to work with it or lags appear. Most of all, the situation concerns programs that we actively use, one of such applications is a web browser. Our favorite browser is Yandex, so we recommend cleaning Yandex browser and repeating the full or partial cleaning procedure at regular intervals, once every 3 days, a week or 2 weeks. The frequency of cleaning directly depends on the intensity of using the web browser and the power of the computer (more often on weak PCs).

There are numerous reasons to reset the entire browser state or its individual sections to zero:

  • Eliminate freezes. If the web browser started to work slower, the first step to restore it is to remove unnecessary history entries, cookies and cache;
  • Maintain confidentiality. The browser stores browsing history, as well as cookies for entering sites. An outsider can easily see where the logins were made, as well as log into social media accounts (if not logged out);
  • Prepare the computer for transfer / sale. We recommend that you carefully delete all user data to prevent data theft. It is important to remember that after deleting files, they can be restored, so it is worth using hard erase using special programs Recuva, Ontrack Erase, etc.;
  • Speed ​​up the system. After cleaning, there is an increase in productivity from 5% to 50%, depending on the degree of litter and the number of installed extensions;
  • Protect yourself from password theft. The browsers store logins and passwords that we have allowed to save. If the master password is not set, they can be viewed by any PC user. We strongly discourage saving passwords on public and corporate computers;
  • Restore browser functionality due to incorrect settings. Especially often disruptions occur due to the conflict of add-ons and incorrect installation of the proxy.

How to completely clear Yandex browser

There are 2 main ways to free the Yandex browser from user data:

  • Auto. We can reset all settings and return the browser to its original state, as after the first installation. A hard reset procedure will result in the loss of all settings and data;
  • Manual. Allows you to clear the main sections with personal information. Its main advantage is its selectivity. We can independently determine what else may come in handy, and where it's time to clean up.

Now let's take a closer look at the 3 main ways to quickly and automatically delete information. It only takes a minute to clean automatically.

Dumping storages with temporary files:

With the help of the third-party CCleaner application, it is easy to completely clean not only the Yandex browser sections, but also the rest of the browsers in the system, as well as cookies, cache, temporary files from system applications. Algorithm of actions:

The final removal method is to restore the browser to its original state. The peculiarity of the method is to completely reset the settings, remove extensions, all temporary files, downloads, login information. The exception is search, the procedure will absolutely not touch the search engine storage, since it is located on the company's server.

How to clear the entire browser:

How to clear Yandex browser manually by sections

In addition to completely removing all elements, we can manually sort and eliminate unnecessary records separately.

Clearing the search bar

You will not be able to clear the search bar in the Yandex browser, since the data and search phrases are stored on the remote server of Yandex. We will have to change our approach and request the deletion of all data on the Yandex website.

How to clear search queries through Yandex browser:

Important! The button will not appear if there is no sign in to your Yandex. Before following the instructions described, you will have to log into your profile.

How to clear autofill forms and bank card numbers in Yandex browser

Autocomplete is the automatic addition of information about an individual, location, or other data to suitable forms on a page. If you often need to enter the same information, Yandex Browser adds it to the storage and fills in the forms with it in the future. Autocomplete often needs to be manually configured to improve the correctness and correctness of the information. If you no longer need this data, it is worth clearing the partition.

How to clear autocomplete in Yandex browser:

Removing files from downloads

There are 3 simple ways to clear the download list in Yandex browser:

Removing bookmarks

We clear the "Bookmarks" section:

We clean up the "Add-ons" section

Lots of malicious and conflicting add-ons can have an extremely negative impact on computer performance and privacy. We do not recommend keeping plugins that we do not use, it is worth removing outdated extensions all the time.

How to return the "Add-ons" page to its original state:

Resetting login details

The simplest way to clear logins from the Yandex browser:

Alternatively, we can double-click on the data to enter the site and change them to incorrect. This will help mislead the person trying to steal data and will allow you to get the IP address of the attacker.

Important! To manipulate passwords, if the master password is enabled, you will have to enter it first. Without a master password, access to the section will be closed.

How to clear cookies and temporary files in Yandex browser

Usually, cookies and temp files are deleted using the "Clear history" tab, as this procedure takes a minimum of time. There is also an alternative way to clear cookies - manually, this allows you to sort them, leaving only useful ones. It will take a long time to manually remove the cocies.

How to free the cookies section:

Manually clear the cache:

Important! First you have to enable the visibility of hidden folders and files. To do this, click on the "View" tab, select "Options" and click on "Change folder and search parameters", click on the "View" tab again and set "Show hidden files ..." at the end of the page.

We clear Yandex browser on Android

There is an easy and effective way to free up the main sections of the Yandex browser on Android:

Using the listed methods, it is easy to clean absolutely the entire Yandex browser: login data, search queries, passwords, cookies, downloads, cache, etc. Usually, after cleaning, the browser starts to work better, often it is possible to get rid of crashes, crashes and freezes.

Form autocomplete is a feature that allows you to automatically enter personal information in forms on websites, such as your name, address, email, or phone number. By default, autofill in Yandex Browser included.

Autocomplete is handy, but in order to insert your data into forms, the browser needs to store it on your computer. If malware enters your computer, an attacker can steal your data. And if, during your absence, a stranger opens a browser, he will be able to log in to sites under your name or find out your data in another way. Therefore, if the security of your data is much more important to you than convenience, you might want to disable autocomplete.

  1. Remove autocomplete data
  2. Disable autocomplete forms

Save autocomplete data automatically

Attention. If you want to prevent autofill data on a specific site from being saved in the browser, use Incognito mode. If necessary, you can turn off auto-completion of forms in the browser.

The first time you enter information into a form (such as an address or phone number), the browser remembers it. When you type again in the field, a list appears from which you can select the previously saved auto-complete option.

Set autocomplete data manually

Remove autocomplete data

Disable autocomplete forms

Search query autocomplete

Browser Smart Line queries

By default, the browser saves the history of all requests, except for those that you asked in Incognito mode. When retyping, queries are highlighted with a dot to the right.

"," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top "," left "]," alt ":" Saved search query "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false)]))">

To delete a search term saved in your browser, right-click on it, and then click Remove hint... If you want to delete all searches, you will have to delete your entire browsing history.

Yandex search queries

If you are logged in to Yandex, then your requests are saved by default - when you enter them again, they will be highlighted in purple. In addition, sites you visit frequently appear first in the list of search suggestions.

"," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top "," right "]," alt ":" Saved searches "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout " : false)])) ">

You can disable saving queries in Yandex search and frequently visited sites on the page.

Firefox can remember what you enter in forms on web pages, also known as text boxes. Once you have entered something into such a form on a web page (such as a search box), the next time you visit the page, the previously entered values ​​will be available for reuse. This article describes how to use the automatic form filling feature and how to clear or prevent form entries from remembering.

Using autocomplete

To use the previously entered value:

  1. Enter the first few characters of the entry in the form field. Firefox will display a drop-down list with the initial matching values ​​that you entered earlier.
    • You can see a list of all records saved for a specific form field by pressing the ↓ key when the field is empty.
  2. Press the ↓ key to select the entry you want to reuse. When the matching entry is highlighted, press EnterReturn... The post text will appear in the form field. You can also select the desired value by clicking the mouse.

Deleting individual memorized values

If you want to remove any value from the autocomplete list:

  1. Place the cursor in the form field and press ↓ to display all memorized values. You can also refine your selection by entering the first few characters.
  2. Use the mouse pointer or the ↓ key to highlight the desired value.
  3. Click on Shift + Delete. The entry will be deleted.

Repeat the process for each entry you would like to delete.

Clearing form fill history

If you want Firefox to remove all previously entered form entries:

How to turn off autocomplete and prevent Firefox from remembering further values ​​entered in forms

If you want Firefox not to remember the values ​​entered in the form fields, you can turn off the autocomplete function of the forms:

Disabling memorization of the entered values ​​will also disable the search history in the Search bar in the navigation bar.


If you find that Firefox does not remember the values ​​entered in the form fields, or you cannot select them, please read the article

Browsers can help you fill out fields and forms by storing the data you enter on web pages (logins, passwords, phone numbers). To prevent the browser from saving this data, disable this feature in the browser settings.

Internet Explorer

Determine your browser version:

Note. To determine your browser version, just go to the page

or use the instructions below.

    In the browser menu, select reference(Help). Menu bar can be hidden - press key Alt to see her.

    In the menu that opens, select the item About the program(About Internet Explorer).

    In the window that opens, the version of the browser used can be seen in the field Version(Version).

    Internet Explorer 10

    Internet Explorer 9

    Internet Explorer 8

    Internet Explorer 7

    Internet Explorer 6

Web Form Data(Form data) and Passwords Delete(Delete).

  1. On the menu Service(Tools) select item Internet options(Internet options).
  2. In the tab Content(Content) in block Autocomplete Options(Settings).
  3. In the window Setting up autocomplete

  4. Click the button OK to complete the setting.

To delete data that the browser has already memorized, click the button Delete autocomplete history(Delete AutoComplete history). Then check the boxes Web Form Data(Form data) and Passwords(Passwords) and click Delete(Delete).

Disable autocomplete:

  1. On the menu Service(Tools) select item Internet options(Internet Options).
  2. In the tab Content(Content) in block Autocomplete(AutoComplete) click item Options(Settings).
  3. In the window Setting up autocomplete(AutoComplete Settings) uncheck the boxes corresponding to unnecessary data.
  4. Click the button OK to complete the setting.

Deleting data that the browser has already remembered:

  1. On the menu Service(Tools) select item Internet options(Internet Options).
  2. In the tab General(General) press the button Delete(Delete).
  3. In the window Deleting browsing history(Delete Browsing History) check boxes Web Form Data(Form data) and Passwords(Passwords).
  4. Click the button Delete(Delete) to complete the deletion.
  1. On the menu Service(Tools) select item Internet options(Internet Options).
  2. Go to the tab Content(Content) and in the block Autocomplete(AutoComplete) click the button Options(Settings).
  3. In the block Forms(Forms) and
  4. Click the button OK to complete the setting.

Clear forms(Clear Forms) and Clear passwords(Clear Passwords).

  1. On the menu Service(Tools) select item Internet options(Internet Options).
  2. Go to the tab Content(Content) and section Personal information(Personal Information) click the button Autocomplete(AutoComplete).
  3. In the block Use autocomplete for(Use AutoComplete for) uncheck the boxes Forms(Forms) and Usernames and passwords in forms(User names and passwords on forms).
  4. Click the button OK to complete the setting.

To delete data that the browser has already memorized, in the autocomplete settings, click the buttons Clear forms(Clear Forms) and Clear passwords(Clear Passwords).


Disable autocomplete:

Opera 10 and up

    Opera 10, 11 and 12

To delete data that the browser has already saved, open the corresponding forms with the buttons Managing saved passwords and Manage autocomplete settings and delete individual entries.

Previous versions of Opera only allow you to save passwords and some personal data for auto-complete. To disable this feature, follow the instructions provided.

To delete data that the browser has already memorized:


Disable autocomplete:

To delete data that the browser has already memorized:


Select the Safari preferences menu (the gear-shaped icon in the upper right corner), then Settings... Go to section Autocomplete and uncheck the boxes From my card in the Address Book and Other forms.

To delete data that the browser has already memorized, click on the button Edit(next to the field Other forms). V

lines and press Delete, or delete the entire list at once using the button delete everything.

People hate filling out forms, especially on mobile. Forms can be long and intimidating, often have a lot of steps and checks, and filling them out can be frustrating and annoying for the user. To simplify this process, browsers have added the ability to autocomplete fields on behalf of the user for quite some time now. Chrome did this in 2011 with the introduction of Autofill, which can fill out an entire form using data from a user profile in Autofill.

In the next version of Chrome (M43), we will make filling out forms even easier and faster by expanding support for data from credit cards and addresses from Google maps. This means that the same data can be used for purchases on Google Play and on external sites. If you will use the standard attributes autocomplete, you can be sure that users will be comfortable with the forms on your site, because Chrome's autocomplete will be able to fill them out with 100% accuracy.

Autocomplete attributes are a way for you as a developer to control how the browser should fill in a particular field. For example, if you expect the user to enter a street name, you can use autocomplete = "address-line1" to tell the browser exactly what data you expect to receive. This will prevent the browser from guessing incorrectly and filling out form fields, which would be inconvenient for the user.

Our observations show that when used correctly, autocomplete attributes on forms, users complete them about 30% faster. And since autocomplete is part of the WHATWG HTML standard, we hope other browsers will start supporting it in the near future.

In the past, many developers added autocomplete = "off" to form fields to block any browser autocomplete actions. While Chrome still uses this attribute for autocompletion, he won't use it for autocomplete... When should you use autocomplete = "off"? For example, if you made your own version of autocomplete for search. Or you have forms on your site in which users enter various data that the browser does not need to remember.

Most common attributes autocomplete are listed in the table below, they are also described in the Web Basics.

Basic Attributes



" " required autocomplete = "email"> " " required autocomplete = "email">



Autocomplete attributes can be appended with the section name, for example:

  • shipping- name
  • billing- Street address

Example of payment form

Good habits when working with forms

    Use labels for input fields and make sure they appear when the field has focus. The label element tells the user what information to enter in the field. A label can be associated with a text box by placing the box inside a label element. Labeling form elements also makes it easier to enter data: the user can click on either the text field or its label to set focus to the field and start typing.

    Use placeholders as hints for input fields. The placeholder attribute tells the user what content is expected in the text field. Typically, hints are shown in light text until the user starts typing, and disappear as soon as the user starts typing. Thus, placeholders are not a substitute for labels, and should be used rather as hints to guide the user about the field's content and format.


Original article: Help users checkout faster with Autofill This article was proofread by: SilentImp, greybax, yoksel, FMRobot

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