WinSxS - what is this folder? How to shrink WinSxS? Can I delete the WinSxS folder? WinSxS folder - can I delete it in Windows C windows winsxs can I delete it.

WinSxS - what is this folder? How to shrink WinSxS? Can I delete the WinSxS folder? WinSxS folder - can I delete it in Windows C windows winsxs can I delete it.


During the operation of the OS, users notice the rapid growth of the Windows folder. The increase in size is due to the fact that the internal winsxs folder begins to weigh a lot. Let's figure out what this winsxs folder is in Windows 7, 10, 8 and whether it can be deleted or cleaned up.

Winsxs - what is this folder and can it be deleted

This folder is located along the path C: \ Windows \ winsxs and stores files of OS components, as well as backup copies and updates to these files. Even if these components are not installed in the operating system, they are stored in the winsxs folder, taking up HDD space.

Note: Under these circumstances, the letter of the local drive is C. Your letter may be different, be careful.

In fact, OS components are in other places, and the contents of the winsxs folder are links to those components. When Windows updates are installed, they and their old copies are deposited in the winsxs folder. Over time, updates become more and more and, accordingly, the winsxs folder takes up a lot of space in Windows.

The winsxs folder can be up to several gigabytes in size. Although this free space does not mean anything for modern hard drives, it will not be superfluous. To find out how much winsxs weighs, just right-click on it, then select "properties", on the "general" tab, see the number of megabytes. This method will not give information about the actual size of the folder, but it will help to judge the amount of free space. Remember this number, it will be needed in the future for comparison.

Important! It should be noted right away that it makes no sense to manually delete the winsxs folder in Windows in the traditional way, since you can remove the components that are vital for the operation of the system.

Cleaning programs will not work, there are standard OS tools that will help you clean the winsxs folder in Windows. Let's take a closer look at the methods.

Removing old updates through the Disk Cleanup utility

This method works in Windows 7 and later, which will reduce the size of the winsxs folder. Run Disk Cleanup in one of the following ways:

In the new window, click the clear system files button (shown in the screenshot). If prompted by UAC, click yes.

To clean the winsxs folder in Windows, make sure that the checkbox next to the "Clean up Windows updates" sub-item is checked, as this section is responsible for deleting files in the winsxs folder. Check other items as you wish. In this window, you can also estimate the approximate amount of free disk space. Finally, click OK and wait for the end of the process, you may need to restart your PC.

Note: the update cleanup function is built into windows 8, 10. For the seven, Microsoft released an update for this option to appear. If you do not find the update cleanup point, then download and install the KB2852386 update package. The methods below do not work on Windows 7.

Cleaning with Task Scheduler

With the release of Windows 8, there was a function that allows you to clean the winsxs folder automatically. The OS has created an automatic StartComponentCleanup task that runs in the background to remove old versions of files after 30 days. This period is given to exclude incompatibility of new updates. You can manually start this task by following the steps below.

To start the task scheduler, in the "run" window (called by the Win + R buttons), write the taskschd.msc command, then click OK.

On the left side of the window, expand the Task Scheduler Library section, then the Microsoft and Windows subsections, find the Servicing section and click it. Select StartComponentCleanup, on the right side of the window, click "Run" to start cleaning the winsxs folder. You need to wait about an hour.

Note: you can accomplish this task through the command line. You must then use the command:
schtasks.exe / Run / TN "\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Servicing \ StartComponentCleanup"

Cleaning up via the command line

Dism.exe is a cmd application that allows you to perform various manipulations with Windows components, which will help you clean up the winsxs folder. Windows 10, 8.1 introduced a new AnalyzeComponentStore parameter to help determine how much space the winsxs pack actually takes up. Bring up a command line with administrator rights, enter the following command and click Enter:

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / AnalyzeComponentStore

As a result of the calculations, you will know if cleaning is recommended. To see the amount of memory that can be freed, take a look at the items marked in the screenshot. The sum of these two items shows the amount of hard disk space used.

After analysis, you can start cleaning the winsxs folder. The StartComponentCleanup parameter in cmd produces similar results as in Task Scheduler. However, the removal of components occurs immediately, without waiting. In cmd with admin rights, enter this construction, then click Enter:

Dism.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

Using the ResetBase parameter you remove all obsolete versions of each component. The command looks like this:

Dism.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup / ResetBase

The SPSuperseded setting helps reduce the space that the service pack takes up. Use a command like this:

Dism.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / SPSuperseded

Wait for the completion of these commands. Next, estimate the amount of memory freed through the AnalyzeComponentStore parameter.

Removing Windows Components

Windows 8, 10 allow you to enable, disable Windows components. These functions are located in the Programs section.

All Windows components are stored in the winsxs folder, whether they are enabled or not, and take up space. There is a way to help remove these components from winsxs entirely, thereby freeing up space. In the future, you will be able to download the remote components as needed.

Run cmd with admin privileges. Enter the command below, then press Enter:

DISM.exe / Online / English / Get-Features / Format: Table

The command line will build a table of component names, as well as their states. Remember the name of the component to be removed and use the following command:

DISM.exe / Online / Disable-Feature / featurename: NAME / Remove

In this command, you need to replace NAME with the name of your component. In the example, we will remove DirectPlay.

This will change the status to Disabled with Payload Removed. In these ways you can clear the winsxs folder in Windows.

That's all, now you know winsxs - what is this Windows 7, 8, 10 folder and how to clean it. It is recommended to first of all use the first three methods, although you do not need to resort to the method with the task scheduler, since it is duplicated, but everything is at your discretion. Removing the components is not recommended because it will not free up a lot of space, and the removed components may be needed in the future. You can also, to free up additional space on the HDD.

The WinSXS folder is an integral part of any operating system version 7 and higher. It is an archive that stores information for system backup recovery. The folder is replenished with files with each Windows update and can grow to quite large sizes if the OS is not reinstalled for a long time.

In theory, the WinSXS folder can be cleaned up periodically. However, deleting some files can have a negative effect on the performance of your computer. To find out what exactly can be removed, and what is better to leave, it is necessary to resort to using special software.

How to clear the Winsxs folder in Windows 7

To be able to perform actions with the WinSXS folder in Windows 7, the SP1 update package must be installed on your PC. You can check its presence on the following path: "Control Panel" - "All elements of the security system" - "System". Slightly below the OS version, the line Service Pack 1 should be indicated. If it is not there, then you will not be able to delete the folder.

Before proceeding directly to deleting the folder, you must download the KB2852386 update. Go to the "Update Center" through the "Start" menu. In the list of "Optional Updates", find the number you are looking for and install it.

There are several ways to clean the WinSXS folder in Windows 7. The first of them involves cleaning the disk through the "Properties".

Go to the "My Computer" folder and right-click on the "Local drive C" icon, select "Properties". Next to the pie chart showing the disk fullness is the "Disk Cleanup" button, which must be pressed. Unnecessary files will be deleted automatically.

You can delete unnecessary documents using the "Run" command. In the line "Open:" enter in Latin cleanmgr and press Enter. Select "Drive C" and then check the box "Clean up Windows updates". The command will be executed.

You can use a special utility to clean up the storage. WinsxsLite... It is freely available on the Internet.

Download the program and open it with administrator rights. Enter "1" then "s". The scanning process will start. It usually lasts a long time. After completing it, enter the following data:

  1. Phase 1 + Apply [a];
  2. Phase 2 + Scan [s] + Apply [a];
  3. here write the same as in the second line.

Clear Winsxs in Windows 8

Actions with the WinSXS folder in the "eight" can be performed using the "Disk Cleanup" function. Call the Run command and enter cleanmgr... Next, you should select the C drive. In the new window, you need to click "Clean up system files". Check the box next to "Cleanup updates" and wait until the process is complete. This method will delete the update files from the folder.

To get rid of minor files, we recommend using the DISM utility. Open command prompt as administrator. Set the command: Dism.exe / online / cleanup-image / AnalyzeComponentStore. The search will begin for files that can be “painlessly” deleted from the folder. At the end of the process, you will see the OS recommendations for cleaning up the storage. Automatic removal of unnecessary components can be started by entering the command Dism.exe / online / cleanup-image / StartComponentCleanup.

How to empty the Winsxs folder in Windows 10

Deleting data from the WinSXS folder in the tenth version of Windows should be extremely careful. It is not recommended to take any action if the folder size is much less than 10 GB. The peculiarity lies in the fact that when you delete items from a folder “lighter” than 5 GB, its volume may increase and the system will work worse.

Cleaning in Windows 10 usually happens through the command line. The algorithm of actions absolutely corresponds to that described for version 8 of the OS.

The system drive C must have a lot of free space.

This will ensure that the system of your laptop (computer) will work stably. drives are faster than HDDs.

The only catch is that the price of an SSD is rather high. In this regard, after Windows is installed and there may not be enough space on the hard disk.

Therefore, the user often stumbles upon the WinSxS folder, it is located in the directory. The size of such a folder can reach several tens of gigabytes.

In this regard, most users ask the question "Is it possible to clear the entire WinSxS folder from a computer (laptop), and also how is it possible to do this?"

You will receive information about winsxs and how to clean it up.

What is WinSxS folder?

There is a specific path to find this folder: C: \ Windows \ winsxs ... This file contains backup copies of various updates.

If they were not installed in the OS, they are still stored in the winsxs folder and take up HDD space.

When Windows is updated, outdated copies also end up in the winsxs folder. After some time, their number increases, as a result of which the folder begins to weigh more.

The volume of such a folder can reach several gigs.

Of course, for hard drives that are now, this amount of free space does not play a special role, but still it will not be superfluous.

In order to determine the weight of winsxs, you need to do the following:

But! This method will not allow the user to know the size of the folder in fact, but it will be possible to find out how much free space is available.

Another important point in how to clear the winsxs folder is that you do not need to solve this problem with the help of special ones that clear this folder.

As a result, the user will have only standard tools with which it is possible to clear the folder in Windows.


Windows takes up system disk space and how to clear winsxs folder in windows. The page file is pagefile.sys. In the event that the RAM is large, the size of this file can be adjusted (changed) manually.

On the menu Disk Cleanup there is a point "Cleaning in hibernation mode"... In the event that this mode is not used by you, you can proceed to cleaning.

If the laptop is constantly in sleep mode, then after cleaning the file, enter in the command line:

Powerrofg –h on && shutdown.

The user's personal folder (for example, my documents or desktop) can be moved to another location both through the property of the desired folder, and through group policies, how to clear the winsxs folder in Windows 7.

Why is the WinSxS folder constantly growing?

Many inexperienced users mistakenly believe that the WinSxS folder is a large disk space after the OS is installed.

Please note that there are files that are in fact located in completely different places.

Their volume is taken into account only due to the fact that Explorer has hard links.

Every user needs to know!

You should not enable the hidden files display mode before you are going to manually delete the entire contents of the folder.

After the hidden ones are removed, the computer will be a little slow and intermittent failures are possible.

Below are several options for cleaning winsxs on different Windows OS. They will be discussed below in more detail so that readers receive comprehensive answers to their questions.

Vista cleanup

Any changes can be reverted back to the position they were before.

If the user wants to rollback everything back to 6.0.6001 (including the initial build), Vista Service Pack 2 must be installed.

To ensure that updates cannot be returned, 2 system utilities are used:

  • Vsp1cln.exe- for garbage collection after installation;
  • Compcln.exe- to perform similar actions with SP

This system allows you to create on demand restore points during the installation of necessary and important or drivers.

This function can be installed both on demand and on schedule. This recovery consumes 15% of the disk space.

You can disconnect such a disk using the function Disk Cleanup... Moreover, on the tab "Additionally" keep the last restore point to save space.

Cleaning in Windows 7

Cleaning up the WinSxS folder is a complex process. You must follow the prompts on your PC. In addition to manual cleaning of WinSxS, unnecessary files can be deleted "Task Scheduler" in Windows OS.

Click on "Create task" in the Planner. After specifying the task name, click "Further".

Then select the frequency of the task launch and follow the prompts. After all the operations performed, restart your computer.

Need to empty the WinSxS folder in Windows 7? You must download and then install the KB2852386 update. You will see the required line in the utility.

For this operation, you must click "Start" and introduce "Update centre" to the search bar.

You need to choose "Search for updates" , it will be in the left menu.

There you will need to choose "Optional Updates" at the end of the scan.

In the proposed list, you need to find KB2852386, then install it and then restart your computer ().

After the above steps, be sure to type in the search engine Disk Cleanup.

Of the proposed options, mark "Backup files" and press "OK".

Cleaning in Windows 8

There is one additional method for solving our problem - using the "Disk Cleanup" utility, its plus is that no decisions from users are required.

To clean up the folder, you should take some steps:

First you need to press the key combination Win + R and then enter "Cleanmgr" ... Then select the C drive and click "OK". As a result, the free space will be evaluated, after which you must choose the option - "Cleaning up system files".

Check the box "Clean Windows updates" and click OK. It will then start the process of cleaning up Windows updates.

Another utility to clean up Windows updates is the DISM utility.

The advantage of this utility is that with its help the user can also get rid of other garbage from the WinSxS folder.

First, open a command prompt as administrator. This can be done with the keyboard shortcut Win + X.

Please select "Command line".

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / AnalyzecomponentStore

It will inform you how much free HDD space you have at your disposal.

If necessary, you can clean up the backups and. Be sure to examine the line "Recommended cleanup of component store""Yes".

Run the following command to remove unnecessary files:

After that, the cleaning mode will become active.

Cleanup with a Scheduled Job

Windows will clean up the winsxs folder on a specific and accurate schedule. Do the following: Microsoft → Windows → Servicing → StartComponentCleanup .

Because the cleanup is done by the COM object handler, you will not be shown the specific command.

If there are no triggers, this may indicate that the task is running in automatic mode.

By starting the task contained in the schedulers, the user achieves the same result as from the DISM command with the / StartComponentCleanUp switches.

However, there are some differences:

  • Updates installed in the last month will be ignored;
  • Due to a pause that lasts for an hour, files may not be completely cleaned up.

After performing cleanup in Windows 8.1, the user can once again analyze the storage to evaluate the changes.

Cleaning in Windows 10

Use a command prompt with administrative rights, it will help clean up the WinSxS folder. To start this process, you need to type:

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

At this point, the function is complete and the folder is considered to be cleaned up.

In order for you to be able to determine how much the folder has become smaller in size, you need to analyze the component store, for this you need to do the following:

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / AnalyzeComponentStore

If you really need it, it is possible to reduce the file size even more, because its parameter has an additional ResetBase key, which will help to delete everything old and unnecessary.

To do this, enter:

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup / ResetBase

Automatic deletion

In order not to increase the size without your knowledge, you need to configure the function of self-cleaning of data and documents that you do not need.

To configure this feature, you need to use the operating system's task scheduler.

You can find this program using the menu "Start"... After starting the program, check the section "Creating a simple task", which is located on the right side of the window.

Then you should generate the StartComponentCleanUp task. To do this, you need to go to the branch Microsoft → Windows → Servicing ... After that click OK and restart (laptop).


Serving system Dism.exe means the system is a command-line program, which is also an assistant in configuring and removing the components of Windows and. The Clean up image option is most commonly used by advanced users

You need to set the StartComponentCleanUp parameter in the Dism.exe program... Please note that previous versions of such components will be quickly erased.

There will be no time limit here.

From a command prompt with administrative rights, enter

Dism.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

We hope that the above information in this article will help you clean up the winsxs folder on your computer yourself, clean up the free space on your computer and yours will work properly.

Follow the tips above!

Operating systemWinSXS Cleanup Run Command
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 1
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
DISM / online / Cleanup-Image / SpSuperseded
Windows 8
Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

The problem of free space on the hard disk of the computer, and what is this folder winsxs- the questions are topical and topical, and this is despite the fact that the volume of today's hard drives is already measured in terabytes. Gradually and imperceptibly, day by day, the hard drive is filled with many different files, until it turns out to be crammed to capacity.

Comparing Windows folder sizes

Chaotic searches for the most expensive files and directories often lead the user to the winsxs folder, which is located in the main directory of the Windows 7 operating system. When I measured the size of this winsxs folder on my hard drive, it turned out that it takes about six gigabytes! Of course, the first step is to remove winsxs along with its content in order to simply and effectively get rid of such a "load". But this just should not be done, since such a step can lead to very sad and unpredictable consequences. How, and with the help of what methods, you can reduce the size of the winsxs folder, I will tell you in the material below.

This winsxs folder is located in the Windows operating system share, usually at C: \ Windows \ winsxs, and it is designed to store previously installed Windows system components.

  • In fact, this is a special kind of storage that contains all the necessary information about the system, from the system keys to the necessary installation files.
  • Thanks to the winsxs folder, it is always possible to rollback to the previous version of the system files, which was relevant before the update.
  • Every time during the next update of the operating system, old versions of files and data about changes are written to this directory so that the user can always return to the previous version if something goes wrong.
  • Accordingly, the more updates are installed and the longer the operating system has been used, the larger the size of the folder in question.

I also note that the actual size of the winsxs directory can be smaller than the explorer and file managers show us, due to the use of the so-called. "Hard links". The real size of this directory can be viewed by typing in the command line with administrator rights (relevant for Windows 8 and higher):

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / AnalyzeComponentStore

I think we figured out what winsxs is and what its purpose is, now let's talk about shrinking the folder and clearing the contents.

What happens if you uninstall winsxs?

If you uninstall winsxs, Windows will simply stop working, and you will most likely have to rearrange it or try to recover previously deleted files. And even if the OS starts up, it still won't work fully. Therefore, you need to try to avoid such a development of events by using other, more effective methods.

Reducing the size of the winsxs folder

There are several options for reducing the size of the winsxs folder, I will focus on the most common and effective ones.

Cleaning up winsxs using the Disk Cleanup utility

To use the capabilities of this utility, you need to click on "My Computer", and in the window that opens, hovering over the system drive "C", press the right mouse button by selecting "Properties". In the window that appears, click on "Disk Cleanup", and in the next window, click on "Clean up system files", and then confirm the start of the procedure. The system will analyze the removal of unnecessary system files, and then delete them. After uninstalling, you will need to restart your computer.

Another option for clearing the winsxs folder is to use the utility cleanmgr.exe... Run the command line as administrator, and there type cleanmgr, select the system drive and click "Ok". You can also run this utility through "Start" - "Run", or use any popular file manager, in the line of which you need to type cleanmgr. In the menu that appears, you will need to select "Clean up system files", confirm the operation, and then restart your computer.

How it looks visually can be seen in this video:

Such procedures are quite simple, and can free up several gigabytes of previously occupied space in the winsxs directory for the user. Note that old versions of files will be deleted, except for the penultimate ones.

We use dism.exe

This program is designed to work with file images, unpack and run them. In this case, you just need to type the following on the command line:

Dism.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

and wait for the program to perform the necessary operations. After completing them, restart your computer.


After I found out that this winsxs folder is necessary, and its contents are valuable, no more thoughts about deleting winsxs arise. The presented methods allow you to easily and conveniently reduce the size of your winsxs folder, freeing up to several gigabytes of free space on your hard drive. It is important to remember that the size of the folder in question grows over time, so it is necessary to systematically reduce its size using the tools provided in this article.

At the same time, it is also important to observe regular "hygiene of the hard drive", to prevent chaotic filling, to regularly clean and delete unnecessary and unused files, thereby increasing the amount of free space for your primary tasks. Good luck.

In contact with

Many are faced with the problem of lack of free hard disk space. Especially often the disk on which the operating system itself is installed becomes clogged. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of folders on it, which the system itself fills with the information it needs. This problem is also relevant for Windows 7. You can clean up system folders from unnecessary garbage either manually or using special programs.

Windows 7 system folders: the need to clean up and the possible consequences

Each of the system folders has its own purpose and stores information of a certain kind. Before clearing the disk, carefully read what function this or that folder is responsible for, otherwise you may lose important data or severely harm the operating system, which will lead to its breakdown:

  • System Volume Information - by default, this folder is hidden so that the user does not accidentally add unnecessary files to it and damage existing ones. It stores restore points that are created periodically after a certain period of time. Thanks to them, in the event of an unrecoverable error in the system, you can roll back all changes and updates to Windows and everything in it until the moment when everything worked fine. So think about whether to delete restore points, maybe someday they will be very useful to you;
  • Temp - This folder is also hidden by default. It contains all temporary files, that is, information about passed games, application settings, cache, passwords, and more. You can clear the entire folder or delete only some of its components, if you are sure that they are definitely not needed anymore;
  • Temporary internet files is one of the subfolders located in the Temp folder. It stores all temporary files related to the browser: passwords, history, cache, cookies, modules and add-ons. Also, if you use the offline mode in the Internet Explorer browser, after deleting this folder, the previously saved sites will no longer be available without an Internet connection;
  • Winsxs is a folder that stores information about system updates. If you install updates, this folder will retain the previous version of the updated process or program. It is needed in order to roll back the computer to a previous version in case of an unsuccessful system update, when no errors occurred. It is worth cleaning it only if you are not going to update your computer, since there is always a risk of getting a critical error during the update;
  • AppData - this folder stores data about all third-party programs. If you have installed any application or game, then all settings and actions performed will be recorded in this folder. You can selectively delete files belonging to programs you no longer use;
  • System32 is a very important folder and should only be cleaned as a last resort. It contains data on system settings and many programs installed in Windows by default ("Notepad", "Calculator" and others);
  • Drivers is a subfolder located in the System32 folder. Responsible for storing most of the drivers installed on the computer;
  • Pagefiles.sys is not a folder but a file. It is needed to swap the RAM. The point is that many computers do not have enough RAM to run large programs. For such cases, this file exists. It is not recommended to delete it, as after that some applications will stop working due to lack of RAM;
  • Assembly - it contains one of the versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework, which is responsible for the compatibility of various programs written in different programming languages. Deleting this folder may cause the system to freeze or some third-party applications may not turn on;
  • Installer is a folder containing applications necessary for the correct removal or updating of other programs. It also stores patches, updates and other files intended for the full operation of applications;
  • DriveStore - a folder with drivers necessary for the correct operation of such computer components as a video card, processor, keyboard, mouse. If updating the current drivers leads to the failure of one or another component, then drivers of previous versions are also stored in this folder, just in case;
  • Downloads is the folder where all files are downloaded by default. If you started the browser for the first time without assigning a different folder through the settings, then all downloaded files will be sent to this location. This is one of those folders that you need to clean up regularly;
  • folders with media files - this item includes folders such as "Videos", "Music", "Pictures". By default, they store desktop screensavers, standard pictures, videos and music of Windows 7. Their contents can be safely deleted or moved to a more free disk;
  • Windows is a folder, the deletion of files of which will certainly lead to a breakdown of the operating system. It is not worth clearing up disk space at the expense of the contents of this folder;
  • Downloaded Program File - This folder contains modules downloaded when using the Internet, that is, ActiveX controls and Java applications;
  • "Trash" - the folder where files are sent before they are permanently deleted. This folder should be cleaned as often as possible, almost daily;
  • "Quick Access" is a folder that stores thumbnails of recently opened files for quick access to them;
  • "Desktop" - everything that you save to the desktop is also transferred to the disk with the operating system in the "Desktop" folder of the same name.
  • Video: what files can be deleted on the system drive

    What not to do when cleaning up system folders

    Please read the specifics of the above folders carefully. Before clearing one of them, consider if its contents will be useful to you in the future. Some folders, like Windows or System32, shouldn't be touched at all. And don't try to clean up folders by simply deleting their contents. This will lead to the fact that the remnants of them will remain in the computer's memory, which in the future will begin to litter and overload the system. There are only a few folders that you can clean up manually:

  • "Basket";
  • "Downloads";
  • "Images";
  • "The documents";
  • "Video";
  • "Music";
  • "Desktop";
  • Temp and Temporary internet files;
  • AppData.
  • Do not under any circumstances delete the folders themselves, this will lead to critical errors in the operation of the system, you only need to erase their contents. Also, before clearing system folders, make sure you can free up memory by other methods, for example, by uninstalling third-party applications and games.

    Methods for cleaning up Windows 7 system folders

    If you nevertheless decide to clear your hard drive of accumulated third-party files, then the easiest way is to use the built-in Windows functions. There are two initial options - standard and advanced cleaning.

    Standard cleaning

    Using the standard cleanup method, you will get rid of the following files and folders:

  • Downloaded Program File;
  • cache, temporary browser files, downloaded offline pages;
  • game statistics, application settings, temporary files created by various applications;
  • "Basket";
  • "Fast access";
  • system restore points.
  • To perform a standard hard disk cleanup, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the disk you want to clean up and go to the "Properties" section.

    Opening the properties of the system disk

  • In the window that opens, go to the "General" section.

    Go to the "General" section

  • In the Disk Cleanup section, select the files you want to get rid of and click OK.

    Select the files you want to delete

  • Also, if you go to the "Advanced" tab, you can delete all system restore points except the last one. To do this, in the "System Restore and Shadow Copies" section, click the "Cleanup" button.

    Click the "Clear" button in the "System Restore and Shadow Copy" section

  • Extended cleaning

    Using the advanced cleaning option, you will delete the following folders and files:

  • temporary files created when installing third-party programs;
  • Debug dump files - files created by the Windows debugger, a program that deals with errors in the system;
  • old files of the Chkdsk application - excess leftovers of files that appeared on the computer during a hard disk check;
  • files from the previous version of Windows - located in the Windows.old folder if you updated the version of the operating system;
  • error reports, history of errors encountered;
  • system update log - files designed to resolve errors that occurred when updating Windows.
  • To perform Advanced Disk Cleanup, follow these steps:

  • Open "Command Prompt" through Windows search. Click on its icon with the right mouse button and select the "Run as administrator" section.

    Run "Command Line" as administrator

  • Type in the cleanmgr command and press the Enter button on your keyboard.

    We register the cleanmgr command

  • In the list that opens, select the drive you want to clean up and click OK.

    Select the disk on which to perform cleaning

  • Check the files you want to erase and click OK. Selecting the files to be deleted
  • Video: how to clean a disk using Windows

    Disk cleanup using third-party programs

    Before proceeding with manual cleaning of each folder separately, you should use special third-party programs created to automatically search for and clean the disk from unnecessary files:

  • Download CCleaner from the developer's official site and install it on a free disk.

    Download the CCleaner app

  • Launch the application and go to the "Cleaning" section.

    Go to the "Cleaning" section

  • On the left side of the program there is a list, here we mark all the sections that we want to get rid of.

    Selecting the sections to clear

  • We press the button "Analysis" and wait for the end of the process.

    Press the button "Analysis"

  • Press the button "Clear". In the top header of the program, we can see how much memory is approximately free on the computer.

    Before deleting files, you can view their details

  • Video: Deleting System Files Using CCleaner

    Features of cleaning individual system folders

    If the previous cleaning methods did not solve your problem or you need to clean one of the folders selectively, then find it in the sections below and follow the instructions.

    But many folders are hidden by default so that the user doesn't accidentally damage them. To display hidden folders in the general list, do the following:

  • Open File Explorer.

    Opening the explorer

  • Expand the Tools menu.

    Expand the "Service" menu

  • Go to the "Folder Options" section.

    Go to the section "Folder options"

  • In the window that opens, go to the "View" section.

    Go to the "View" section

  • Uncheck the box next to the words "Hide system-protected files" and put it in front of "Show hidden files, folders and drives."

    Changing the parameters of hidden folders

  • Winsxs

    Cleaning the Winsxs folder on Windows 7 is done through a standard disk cleanup. This method has already been described above. Before starting the cleanup, you are presented with a list of files that you can delete. Check the section "Files of the backup copy of the update package" in it.

    We mark the "Files of the backup copy of the update package"

    Video: how to empty the Winsxs folder in Windows 7

    System Volume Information

    To clear the System Volume Information folder, you must first access it:

  • Click on the folder with the right mouse button and go to the "Properties" section.

    Open the properties of the System Volume Information folder

  • In the window that opens, go to the "Security" section.

    Go to the "Security" tab

  • Click on the "Change" button.

    Press the button "Change"

  • In the opened settings, click on the "Add" button.

    Click the "Add" button

  • In a special field, enter the name of your account and click the OK button.

    We register the username

  • In the list "Permissions for the group ..." put a tick in front of the words "Full access".

    We give full access to the folder

  • We press successively the buttons "Apply", OK.
  • Now let's move on to the properties of the computer.

    Go to computer properties

  • Go to the "System Protection" section.

    Go to the "System Protection" section

  • Select the disk containing the System Volume Information folder and click the "Configure" button. We indicate the path to the folder.

    Press the button "Configure"

  • In the window that opens, click the "Delete" button. We can also set the maximum amount of memory allocated for this folder by moving the corresponding slider.
  • We successively press the buttons "Apply", OK.


    To remove outdated drivers from the DriversStore, follow these steps:

  • Open a command prompt as administrator through Windows search.

    Opening the command line

  • Write the command pnputil.exe –e and press Enter on your keyboard. This command will open you a list of all drivers installed on your computer. Remember the number of the one you want to delete.

    We register the command pnputil.exe –e

  • Close the command line and reopen it also as administrator.
  • Add the command pnputil.exe -d Oem # .inf, where instead of the pound sign (#) there will be the number of the driver to be removed. If you try to remove the driver of the device currently connected to the computer, a corresponding notification will pop up. Remove the device, or use the –f code in the command to remove the affected driver. But remember that without a driver, the connected device may stop working.

    We register and execute the command

  • Installer

    The Installer folder may contain files necessary for the system or programs, but there is a special third-party application PatchCleaner that will automatically determine what can be removed from the content:

  • Download the PatchCleaner app from any trusted site.

    PatchCleaner searches for obsolete update files and allows you to move them to another media or completely remove them

  • Launch the program and click the Browse button to start searching for the folder.

    Click the Browse button

  • We indicate the path to the Installer folder.

    Specify the path to the Installer folder

  • After the program analyzes the folder, information will appear about how many files are still in use and how many of them can be deleted. The program will also calculate how much disk space will be freed. Press the Delete button.

    Press the Delete button

  • We confirm the action by clicking the Yes button.

    We confirm the action by clicking on the Yes button

  • Pagefile.sys

    If you are sure that the computer can handle the required tasks without the Pagefile.sys paging file, you can remove it by following these steps:

  • We open the properties of the computer.
  • Go to the "Advanced system parameters" section.

    Go to the section "Additional system parameters"

  • In the window that opens, go to the "Additional" section and click the "Options" button.

    Press the button "Options"

  • In the window that opens, go to the "Additional" section and press the "Change" button in the "Virtual memory" subsection.

    Click the "Change" button in the "Advanced" tab

  • Uncheck the box next to the words "Automatically select the amount of swap memory" and select the option "No swap file", press the "Set" button.

    Setting the required parameters

  • We reboot the computer. The sys file will disappear, and with it the additional RAM.

    Restart your computer

  • Folders with history, cache and browser cookies

    Browser files can take up a lot of disk space. The easiest and safest way to remove them is through the settings of the browser itself: We mark the files. which need to be removed from the browser history

  • Select the "For all time" parameter and press the "Clear history" button.

    We set the parameter "For all time" and clear the history

  • Disk cleanup problems

    If, after you have deleted any files from the system folder, errors appear or the computer starts to slow down, there is only one thing to do - perform a system restore. This could happen if the disk was not cleaned correctly or the necessary files were deleted. System recovery is only possible if the computer has restore points:

  • Start your computer in safe mode.

    We start the computer in safe mode

  • Search Windows for the System Restore app.

    Open the "System Restore" application

  • In the window that opens, click on the "Next" button.

    Press the button "Next"

  • Select one of the restore points. It is better to roll back the system to the point where all processes worked as well as possible.

    Choosing a restore point

  • Video: Windows 7 Recovery

    What to do if there is no "Clean up system files" button

    If, when trying to free up disk space through the standard cleaning method, you encounter the absence of the "Clean up system files" button, this means that you have disabled UAC (User Account Control), and the program starts immediately with the ability to clean up system files. That is, pressing the "Clear system files" button gives you administrator rights and, along with them, the ability to edit and clear system folders. But if UAC is disabled, then you have access to changing system files immediately and you do not need to press any additional buttons.

    If the button "Clean up system files" is missing, User Account Control is disabled

    If you want to clean up disk space or are sure that a part of the virus has survived in the system files, then the operating system itself has a standard and extended disk cleanup function for this case. You can also use third-party programs or clear each folder separately. But do not delete everything, otherwise it will lead to a breakdown of the computer, and the only way out is to roll back the system to the last restore point.

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