SKY TV - television of England and Ireland. Sky News Sport Mailer - Exposing SkyNews service SkyNews - magic button again

SKY TV - television of England and Ireland. Sky News Sport Mailer - Exposing SkyNews service SkyNews - magic button again


Good afternoon dear friends! Today we analyze whether it is really possible to make money on the site SkyNews - Sky News Sport Mailer. From this article you will learn the whole truth about this service and its author - Valentina Vinogradova. Forward!

So, getting on the service, a certain Valentina Vinogradova offers us to make money on the distribution of sports news, promising income from 6,000 to 9,000 rubles a day. Immediately alarming is the fact that the author has no contact information! A search on the Internet also did not reveal either the author himself or a similar service.

Let's try to reserve a place in the team. By clicking on the "Check for free profiles" button, we are immediately congratulated on the successful booking of "working profile No. 97". Next, you are asked to fill out a form to create your work profile in the service. As it turns out, the form can be do not fill at all! One push of a button is all it takes WITHOUT FILLING IN DATA. Is this possible on a serious service?

sky sports news

Your LOGIN: 001739520097

Your PASSWORD: Qt33zvnNYSKY0097

We are trying to log in from another computer of our editorial office. Surprise knew no bounds, but for some reason, registering from another computer and another IP address, the service gives us EXACTLY THE SAME login and password.

Our regular readers know that in such 99% of cases such sites turn out to be fraudulent. Let's show what happens next.

SkyNews - magic button again?

Getting into an imaginary personal account, we are invited to send out mailings by pressing a single button. Please note that all information that is displayed on the screen is nothing but ANIMATION PICTURE.

After 9 clicks of the "Start Newsletter" button, $150 dollars appears on our non-existent (in reality) account. As we expected, withdraw these funds it just won't work out. To output you need TO IDENTIFY our account by replenishment amounts of 3 dollars or 178 rubles.

The logical question is: why not write off this amount directly from personal account??? We look below - the inscription “Due to the increased number of people wishing to take a place in our company, we are forced to set a time frame” appears, which are limited to three hours for payment. This inscription is insidious PSYCHOLOGICAL trick, when inexperienced users are literally forced to pay the above amount.

Sky News Mailer is a scam!

Do not rush to do it! According to our data, after paying 178 rubles, you will be asked to pay ANOTHER 378 rubles, 592 rubles or 864 rubles TO CHOOSE. CYNICAL SCAM! After paying any amount You won't get absolutely NO MONEY!

The author of today's site is Valentina Vinogradova (or a person who introduces herself by this name), as well as the service itself, which is surprisingly located ON THE SAME DOMAIN with the author's site - CROOKS.

What you need to pay attention to in order not to fall for such fraudulent sites:

No contact method specified

To create a personal account, you can NOT fill out any form

When creating a profile from another computer, exactly the same login and password are assigned


Compliance with the content declared on the site NO
Material novelty 0 out of 10
Video guide NO
Text guide NO
Feedback NO
Accessibility for beginners Yes
Feedback from the author after the purchase NO
Affordable price Yes
Real earning opportunity NO
Return guarantee NO


Service exposed today COMPLETE SCAM! There is actually no talk of any news mailing. A novice user sees only an animated picture on his screen, which only SIMULATES a mailing list, and you won’t be able to earn a penny! If you really want to learn how to earn income on mailing lists, we recommend using the method. This site was created only to swindle your money from you, without providing absolutely nothing in return!

We ask you to be vigilant and remember visually what the above site looks like. In the future, the author may change both his name and the name of the site.

Editorial « ChecksCourses ”sent an official appeal to the hosting and registrar of the above project with a request for a thorough check on the fact of fraud and unconditional blocking of this address on the Internet. Don't fall for the scammers!

We strongly recommend that you use it only to earn money on the Internet! Also, don't forget to share this revelation. in in social networks, to PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED FAMILY from this scam!

sp-force-hide ( display: none;).sp-form ( display: block; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); padding: 5px; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; border -radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center ; background-size: auto; border-width: 2px; border-color: rgba(255, 34, 0, 1); border-style: solid; .sp-form .sp-form-fields-wrapper ( margin: 0 auto; width: 540px;).sp-form .sp-form-control ( background: rgba(247, 244, 242, 1); border-color: #cccccc; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px ; font-size: 15px; padding-left: 8.75px; padding-right: 8.75px; border-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; height: 35px; width : 100%;).sp-form .sp-field label ( color: #444444; font-size: 15px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;).sp-form .sp-button ( border- radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff6500; color: #fff fff; width: 100% font-weight: 700 font-style: normal font-family: "Segoe UI", Segoe, "Open Sans", sans-serif; border-width: 1px; border-color: #d65600; border-style: solid box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00;).sp-form .sp-button-container ( text-align: center; width: auto;)



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Sky News: North Korea conducts fourth missile test in two weeks

While the US and South Korea conduct joint military exercises, North Korea again tested ballistic missiles - the fourth in less than two weeks, Sky News reports, citing data from the South Korean military. In its official statement, Pyongyang confirmed its readiness for dialogue, but stressed that against the backdrop of "hostile hostilities" the negotiations would not lead to the expected results.

Sky News: Prince Harry will stop at two children for environmental reasons, but will not give up flying

The heir to the British crown, Prince Harry, said he intends to limit himself to two children for the sake of protecting the environment. However, as noted by Sky News, many criticized the words of the Duke of Sussex because of the lifestyle of the royal family and their frequent flights around the world.

Sky News: Police in Wales are accused of violating human rights because of the facial recognition system

South Wales Police are at the center of a lawsuit, Sky News reports. She is accused of violating human rights due to the use of a facial recognition system. The verdict in the case is expected to be delivered in September.

Sky: in the British Parliament complained about the "pathetic" size of the Royal Navy

In an interview with Sky News, the chairman of the British Parliament's Defense Committee, Julian Lewis, called the size of the Royal Navy "pathetic". The politician urged the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson to pay special attention to the financing of the navy, especially against the background of the growing crisis in the Persian Gulf.

Sky News: Trump predicts a fivefold increase in trade between Britain and the United States after Brexit

Trade between Britain and the United States has been seriously hampered by London's relationship with the EU, US leader Donald Trump made such a statement, according to Sky News. At the same time, the President of the United States expressed confidence that after Brexit, the volume of trade with the UK will increase up to 5 times.

Sky News: Time to act - Johnson promises Britain a 'no-if' Brexit

Newly minted British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called leaving the EU by October 31 his priority as head of state, Sky News reports. In addition, in his first speech, Johnson said he was ready for a no-deal Brexit if the EU refused further negotiations.

Sky: “failed to protect” - the May government was reproached for the seizure of a ship in the Strait of Hormuz

The hijacking of a British merchant ship in the Strait of Hormuz raised concerns about the lack of protection for merchant ships in the Persian Gulf amid tensions between the United Kingdom and Iran, Sky News reports. According to the channel, the government is being criticized for failing to provide protection to British courts. According to the correspondent, many are wondering if such a lack of attention to international politics is connected with the upcoming change of power in the country.

Sky News: EU concludes Iran deal can still be salvaged

EU foreign ministers insist on the effectiveness of the nuclear deal with Iran, which currently has no alternative, Sky News reports. At the same time, the EU is dissatisfied not only with the US decision to withdraw from the deal, but also with Iran's latest actions to violate its terms.

Sky News: Europeans will try to save the "nuclear deal" - or make a new one

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt will attend a meeting of EU foreign ministers to discuss an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, Sky News reports. As the journalist of the channel notes, the main task for the ministers will be to determine whether the "nuclear deal" can be saved after Washington withdraws from it, or whether it is time for Europe to declare the agreement invalid and "move the other way."

Sky News is a British news channel

Sky News TV channel: news, news online, official website on the Internet

Sky News (Sky News) is, definition

Sky News is British 24-hour news channel. It is part of the channel group of the organization BSkyB (British Sky Broadcasting), which in turn is part of the News Corporation corporation Rupert Murdoch. The channel broadcasts digitally via a network of satellite receivers and is one of three BSkyB channels available on terrestrial television (the other two being Pick TV and Challenge). The audience of Sky News is mainly located in England, as well as in other parts of the world where the channel can be received (including in international hotel chains). The audience is estimated at 150 million people worldwide.

is a British news channel. It is part of the media corporation of Rupert Murdoch, a well-known television mogul in the UK. By channel format resembles such popular channels as CNN, World, CCTV, Russian Federation Today. Sky News is published in several versions for each of the parts of the world.

Sky News began broadcasting in February 1989, becoming the first Britain round-the-clock news channel. In May 2010, the TV channel became the first information TV channel in England that started broadcasting in the format television high resolution(HD). The headquarters and central studio of the channel are located in London. Organization has 18 bureaus outside of Britain, including a bureau in Moscow.

Sky News comes out in several versions for each of the parts of the world (there are versions of this channel Sky News Ireland, Sky News Australia, etc.). In the European part Russian Federation Sky News in FTA-form can be received in the Ku-band from the Astra 2A satellite (28.2 E).

Sky News is a television channel that broadcasts internationally, sometimes called Sky News International. The channel is broadcast through some cable and satellite networks. While it was broadcast in 16:9 in England, the international version was in 4:3 until mid-August 2010.

Sky News (Sky News) is

Sky News International

Information channel Sky News International is part of the British media corporation British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB). The international version is intended for distribution outside the UK. Information TV channel corporations Sky today is trying to compete even with BBC world news. And, sometimes, successfully. After all, BSkyB has more than 5 million subscribers on the islands alone. The news channel broadcasts around the clock in English. The content of the thematic channel is very easy to describe. In this case, this is news at the beginning of every half hour. Information money issues reflect all the events that have taken place in the world by that time. Of course, special attention is paid to those news that, to one degree or another, concern the interests of the British themselves. However, they are interested in a lot, because the subjects of the English crown have always been distinguished by their desire to change places. The thematic coverage of the channel's programs is very wide. They cover events in the world, business, show business, sports, weather, finance and tourism. Well, between money issues news, as expected, analytical programs, interviews, reviews and much more are broadcast, which makes the viewer more informed and competent in evaluating events. Since the broadcast is not encrypted, Sky News International's programs are available for reception on individual satellite systems. television. Legal retransmission of the signal in the cable networks of countries outside the cross-border broadcasting zone is most likely possible. But it will be necessary to negotiate directly, since in Russian Federation the channel does not have its own representative.

Sky News named UK TV channel of the year

Sky News TV channel was named the best news TV channel of the year in England according to the Royal Television Society (Royal television Society, Russia Trading System). As stated in the message on the website of the organization, in this nomination he bypassed CNN and the English-language service of the Al Jazeera TV channel.

The official statement emphasizes that Sky News has managed to find a balance between high-quality coverage of international news and traditionally quick response to events taking place in Britain.

Sky News journalist Alex Crawford wins award Russia Trading System in the TV Journalist of the Year nomination. The channel is also assigned reward"For an innovative approach to the news" (for company online broadcasts of the funeral of British soldiers who died in Afghanistan, and a successful combination of professional material with spectator content) and premium in the category "Coverage of international events" - for the Terror "s Frontline program about the history of the Taliban movement in Pakistan. The jury called the winning program "fantastic", noting that it combines the exclusivity of the material, the courage of reporters and the thoughtfulness of the story.

The BBC received seven awards Russia Trading System against four at Sky News. However, from the main nominations of the award, the British Broadcasting Company received an award only in the category "News program of the year" - for BBC News at Ten. This program wins in this category for the second year in a row.

BBC staff and products also won in the categories Specialist Journalist, Sensation of the Year, Current Affairs in England, Current Events in the World, Local News and Young Journalist of the Year.

The Royal Television Society Television Journalism Award has been presented every February since 1978. Broadcasters whose programs are received in Britain, as well as agencies that supply information to British news channels, can apply for the Russia Trading System awards.

Investigation into mail hack by Sky News journalist

British media regulator Ofcom launched an investigation into Sky News. Reports about it. In early April, the head of Sky News John Riley (John Ryley) confessed to the hacking by a journalist of the TV channel of someone else's mail.

We are talking about two cases of hacking someone else's mail journalist Sky News Gerard Tubb (Gerrard Tubb). Tubb once hacked into the account of John Darwin, a Briton who faked his own death so his wife could collect insurance payments. Through the couple's correspondence, Tubb established that Darwin's wife, Ann, was actively involved in the plan, despite the fact that she claimed in court that her husband forced her to become his accomplice. As a result of the information received, the court sentenced Ann Riley to six and a half years in prison. Tubb later did a Sky News report on the case, including quotes from the Darwins' correspondence. On another occasion, Tubb hacked into the mail of a man suspected of being a pedophile. material from this mailbox did not get into the media.

Recounting these incidents, Riley stated that Tubb's superiors authorized the mail hack because they thought it was justified in the public interest. The head of the TV channel then noticed that Sky News journalists regularly violate formally in order to draw public attention to serious problems. Riley said that one of the channel's journalists bought an Uzi submachine gun on the black market to prove how easy it is to get weapons in England.

Ofcom representatives said they would look into issues of private property and the legality of journalists' behavior raised in Riley's statement. According to News, John Riley will also soon testify to the Leveson Lord Justice Commission, which is investigating the case of wiretapping and computer hacking in the British tabloids.

Sky News is part of the BSkyB channel group, 39 percent owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch's media corporation. Ofcom is also investigating BSkyB itself, looking into the distribution of the organization's shares and the nature of its interactions with the Murdoch family. On April 3, Rupert Murdoch's son James announced that he would step down as chairman of the board of directors of BSkyB so as not to expose the organization to unnecessary risk.

Sky News is held to the highest editorial standards. Like other news organizations, we are acutely aware of the conflict that can arise between responsible investigative journalism and the law. We supported these actions, considering them justified from the point of view of editorial policy and committed in the public interest," the channel said in a statement.

Sky News Channel and Crunchyroll Launched on Apple TV

Popular news channel Sky News and Japanese anime video service Crunchyroll have begun distribution on Apple TV, the firm said. Apple.

In addition, through the service Apple TV began distributing products from content providers HBO GO and WatchESPN — TV channels HBO (movies and series) and ESPN (sports).

Apple TV gives users access to content stored in iTunes. Over the entire period of the service, users have downloaded more than a billion episodes of TV shows and 380 million films. More than 350,000 movies and 800,000 TV shows are bought daily on iTunes

Now Apple TV users have more than 60,000 movies and 230,000 episodes of TV series at their disposal. The availability of certain channels depends on the country where the user is located.

In the fall, the organization plans to launch iTunes Radio, which will be available on Apple TV. iPod Touch, iPad, and through iTunes for Mac and PC.

Apple TV is a digital media player developed by the Apple organization. It connects to your TV and plays content from your iTunes library. Built-in AirPlay technology allows you to stream video from PCs, smartphones and tablets.

Sky News wins best news channel award

The British Royal Television Society has named the winners of its traditional award. According to The Guardian, Sky News was recognized as the news channel of the year, ahead of the BBC News Channel and the British Al Jazeera.

The award was also given to Sky News correspondent Alex Crawford, who covered student unrest in London.

Ten o'clock news (News at Ten) of the ITV channel was recognized as the best information program. The British Royal Television announced the winners of its traditional award. According to The Guardian, Sky News is recognized as the news channel of the age, ahead of the BBC News Channel and the English Al Jazeera.

The award was also given to Sky News correspondent Alex Crawford, who covered student unrest in London.

Ten o'clock news (News at Ten) of the ITV channel was recognized as the best information program. That channel won prizes for the best explanation of international (in Haiti) as well as domestic (mass murder in Cumbria) events. Jon Snow (Channel 4) was named Best Host, Gary Gibbon (Channel 4 Political Correspondent) was named Best Journalist and Rohit Kachru (ITV) was named Best Young Journalist. These six prizes allowed Independent television News (ITN), which produces programs for whom Channel 4 and ITV, to be the main winner of the ceremony.

The award for innovation in TV news journalism went to the American television channel CNN for its private interactive World Cup Twitter Buzz during the pre-football World Cup season in South Africa.

Award due to many years work received by BBC News Channel political commentator David Dimbleby.

The Royal Television Society of Great Britain is the oldest association of television companies in the world (there is almost 1927). He is patronized by the nobleman of Wales Charles.

Sources for "Sky News" article - the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - and information portal - online magazine - entertainment internet portal - information and analytical IT portal

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .

See what "Sky News" is in other dictionaries:

    Launched 5 February 1989 Owned by British Sky Broadcasting Picture format 576i (SDTV 16:9) 1080i (HDTV) International … Wikipedia

    Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang Deutsch Wikipedia

    Nombre publico Sky News Eslogan First for breaking news Inicio de transmisiones 5 de febrero de 1989 Área de transmisión Internacional Sitio web Sky News … Wikipedia Español

    British 24 hour news channel. It is part of the media corporation of Rupert Murdoch, a well-known television mogul in the UK. In its format, the Sky News channel is very similar to such well-known channels as CNN, BBC World, CCTV, Russia Today. Sky News goes to ... Wikipedia

    51° 29′ 13″ N 0° 19′ 48″ W / 51.487, 0.330 … Wikipédia en Français

    This term has other meanings, see Sky. The Sky News channel logo is a British 24 hour news channel. Part of the BSkyB channel group (Bri ... Wikipedia

    Sky News reporters and presenters- Sky News has approximately 600 staff of which approximately 50 work on screen. Contents 1 Main schedule news presenters 1.1 Monday Thursday 1.2 Friday 1.3 Saturday … Wikipedia

    Sky News Radio- is the radio arm of the Sky News division of British Sky Broadcasting. It has been operating since June 1999, providing a news bulletin service for radio station operators across the UK. )

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