How to exchange points on a megaphone. Ways to activate points on MegaFon

How to exchange points on a megaphone. Ways to activate points on MegaFon


Do you constantly use the services of a mobile operator Megafon? Then, especially for you, the company has developed promotions for its subscribers, the Megafon Bonus promotion program. So, what is a megafon-bonus, the principle of this program is simple - for using Megafon services you get a certain number of points.

Points can be redeemed for the following services:

  1. Activate bonus free minutes;
  2. Get money into your account for points;
  3. Take additional Internet traffic or a package of free SMS;
  4. also Miles Aeroflot.

After spending points in the future, they are accumulated again, the accumulated bonuses for the current month are accrued at the beginning of the next.

How to connect to Megafon Bonus

In order to enable the accumulation of bonus points to your account, you need to select one of the methods below and activate the option using:

  1. USSD commands (combination of numbers) - enter *115# or *105*5# on your phone;
  2. By sending SMS to the mobile operator to the short number 5010 with the text 5010 (SMS is free);
  3. The third option is through a personal account on the official website of the company (

How points are accumulated

Points on Megafon are accumulated in several cases, for example, when you replenish your mobile phone account, then you are credited for every 30 rubles credited to your account, this is 1 point, which you can then use for minutes, SMS or the Internet.

By purchasing various goods in Megafon stores with the company logo, you receive bonuses to your account in the equivalent of 30 rubles - 1 point. Don't forget to tell employees your phone number to earn points when you buy a phone, tablet, laptop, and other items from the company. It is also worth remembering that not all salons have a promotion, the address of the nearest ones can be found by sending a command from your mobile phone *123#.

How to spend bonus points

Before spending bonuses, look at how much you have accumulated in general. To view the points, dial *115# or the combination *105# on your phone. Also, one of the options for checking points is sending an SMS to number 5010 with the text 0. You can also see it through the subscriber's personal account.

In order to choose what to spend points on and activate, dial *115# and use the prompts on the screen of your mobile phone.

Also, within the framework of the service, you can send the bonuses you have accumulated to your friend, it is important that the subscriber to whom you want to send also participate in the megaphone bonus program. You can please your friends no more than 7 times a month.

In addition to the methods of exchanging megaphone points indicated by you, you can use bonuses when buying various equipment in the operator's communication stores, but the discount must be a multiple of 100 rubles.

Do not forget to check and spend bonus points in time, as the period of their use is limited - 12 months.

Now you know what bonus points are, how to save them and how to use them, you can learn more about gift management in our next related articles or on the Megafon official website.

Our "green" operator, trying to attract and retain its customers, organizes some privileges for them. These are additional services, significant discounts, bonus programs. This is the purpose of the Megafon Bonus program. It works elementary. The subscriber speaks on the phone, sends an SMS or uses a packet data transfer, and bonuses at this time are credited to his personal account, 30 rubles - one point.

This is what many mobile operators do. All these nice little things allow the operator to stand out among its competitors, and the consumer to enjoy a variety of rewards.

It is only necessary to remember that the accumulated points are valid only for a year from the date of receipt. And you need to activate them in a timely manner so that they are not canceled.

Who is the Megafon bonus program for?

You do not even need any additional connections for this. Joining the ranks of MegaFon subscribers, each client automatically participates in the program.

  • corporate clients;
  • owners of special tariff options for accessing the Internet;
  • legal entities.

How to connect to Megafon bonus?

This can be done using any of the following options:

  1. to number 5010 send an SMS with the text "5010";
  2. execute set: *105# and a call key;
  3. make a free call from a cell phone to the already known number 5010 and use the voice menu;
  4. Log in to Megafon's personal account, provided that you are registered in the "Service Guide".

How to check bonus points?

Do you have your phone with you? Please use one of the following methods:

  1. Send SMS to number 5010, and dial "0" as text. You will receive an answer immediately. From it you will learn about the number of points that are credited to your account.
  2. Dial a combination of *105# and a call button. A response pop-up message will notify you of your bonuses.
  3. Call 5010. Following the instructions of the autoinformer, you will find out the information that you need.

If the phone is not at hand, contact the "Service Guide". Here you can quickly check your accumulated points. You will have to log in using the link Enter the required data and on the title page, where the most basic information is located, find data on the number of bonus points. Learn more about the program there.

Why do bonus points disappear?

When you notice that there are fewer bonuses than there were before. This could mean the following:

  1. the validity period of the accumulated bonuses has expired, which is 12 months;
  2. your new tariff plan from among those that cannot participate in the program (for example, corporate);
  3. you are now a legal entity;
  4. you terminated the contract with Megafon.

How to spend bonuses?

Any Megafon client has the opportunity to use the accumulated bonus points with maximum benefit. You can activate them by choosing any of the rewards offered on the operator's website. Let's take a look at the top options.

Exchange points for money

It is possible to exchange bonuses for money in several ways. For example:

  1. Use the USSD command. It is enough to send a command from the phone *115*code of the selected package#.
  2. Send a message to a number 5010 and enter the same code as in paragraph 1. Keep in mind that only fixed amounts are exchanged: 5,10,30,50,100,150 rubles.
  • 010 for 10 rubles. for 35 points,
  • 030 for 30 rubles. for 95 points,
  • 050 for 50 rubles. for 140 points,
  • 100 to 100 rubles. for 195 points,
  • 150 to 150 rubles. for 265 points.

Of course, no one will give you real cash in your hands, but this amount will be credited to the account of your mobile phone, tablet or router - you can use it at your discretion. You can activate in the following ways:

  1. Through your personal account, go to the program section, select the desired reward, click "Activate".
  2. A call to a call center operator. If you call from a landline phone, number 88005500500, if from a mobile phone - 0500. From the menu items listed for you, you select "Megaphone Bonus".

Purchase in the salons of the operator

First, find out how many bonuses you have accumulated, then contact the Megafon communication salon and exchange your points for a gadget, if there are enough points, or buy it at a discount.

For gift certificates

You can exchange your points, for example, for Aeroflot miles (its bonuses). You will find all the conditions for such an exchange at the office. The site in the "Megafon bonus" section.

Payment for SMS messages

Megafon offers packages of SMS messages: you can receive 10, 50, 100 or all 200 sms. You can activate the reward by sending a USSD request *115*2# and selecting the desired menu item. This is easy to do in your personal account. Or send a message from your phone to 5010:<код бонуса> <свой номер телефона из 10 цифр без +7 или 8>to activate the desired option.

Codes (for Moscow and Moscow region) - number of bonuses:

  • 111 for 10 SMS for 25,
  • 113 for 50 SMS for 100,
  • 115 for 100 SMS for 150,
  • 117 for 200 SMS for 200.

We spend on Internet traffic

Bonuses are exchanged for Internet traffic in one of the following ways:

  1. You can call 5010 and follow the prompts offered by the autoinformer.
  2. Use your personal account.
  3. Execute USSD request: *115# with call button. The exchange of bonuses is carried out using the proposed menu.
  4. From the phone, send a message to 5010, where the following must be indicated:<код вознаграждения> <собственный телефонный номер из 10 знаков, +7 или 8 не вводить>.

Codes (on the example of the Moscow region) - points:

  • 165 for 100 MB for 40,
  • 175 by 200 MB for 80,
  • 180 by 500 MB for 180,
  • 185 for 1000 MB for 270.

Activation for minutes

Megafon provides the ability to make outgoing calls to phones within the network, numbers of other operators, throughout Russia, even the CIS countries. And again, it is enough to use one of the known methods for this, and activation codes can always be found with the operator on his official website or from messages received in response to a sent request.

At the moment, you can only get minutes for calls to the same operator:

  • 10 minutes within the network in your region for 10 points;
  • 30 minutes - for 30;
  • 10 minutes throughout Russia in 30;
  • 30 minutes within the Russian Federation to Megafon for 80.

For Roaming services

There are only two offers in this part, and both of them are for Internet traffic in roaming. One call to 5010 or an SMS message - and you will find out all the details on this type.

How to transfer bonuses to another subscriber

The program also provides an opportunity for any MegaFon client to transfer/donate their bonuses to some other participant. And it's easy to do. SMS is sent to number 5010, which indicates:<код вознаграждения> <телефонный номер одариваемого, состоящий из 10 цифр, без 8 или +7>.

In the personal account, you can also not give, but activate the reward for points for another subscriber, and not just for yourself - for this, when choosing a reward after pressing the "Activate" button, enter the phone number of another Megafon subscriber instead of your number. In this case, he will receive minutes for calls, a certain number of SMS messages or additional Internet traffic.

The more often you talk, send SMS and MMS, the more bonuses you will accumulate, which means that you will be able to use the greater number of rewards provided by the Megafon Bonus program.

Subscribers of the MegaFon mobile network receive points on their account for using the services provided by the operator. They gradually accumulate, and the accumulated points can be exchanged for real money. One of the following methods will help you do this.

Points received during the loyalty program can be used to purchase the required package of services. Can be exchanged for cash. They go back to the person's personal account, and are considered as a kind of discount.

USSD request

The current method is considered the easiest and fastest to perform. It will take less than 5 minutes to create a USSD request. Using the keyboard of the mobile device, you should dial the characters and numbers: *115* the sequence code of the package * #.

Having typed the above characters, you should press the "call" key. It is worth remembering: the exchange is possible only for certain amounts in rubles: 10, 30, 50, 100, 150. Each amount of money has its own package code: 010, 030, 050, 100, 150. This will be enough for MegaFon exchange points for money into an account.

Service "GUIDE"

This mobile operator has a special service for performing various operations, including exchange. You need to go to the main page of the MegaFon portal by entering the appropriate data in the fields, go to the user room (Personal Account) of the Guide. To gain access, you should write an SMS with the numbers "41" to 000105. You can also dial *105# on your mobile phone and press the "call" button. After completing full authorization in the user's room, you should proceed to the MegaFon bonuses point, where you can actually resolve all issues regarding the exchange of points.

By special number

To get money by exchanging a certain number of points for them, people connected to the MegaFon mobile network just need to dial the number 8-800-550-05-00. Its shortened version is 0500. Initially, the caller will be greeted by a voice menu. There, the choice should be stopped on "Mobile Telephony". It will not be difficult to exchange points there: it is enough, guided by the prompts, to get into the “MegaFon Bonus” section, and then activate the reward for which the accumulated points are enough.

A few more ways

There are other possibilities for transferring bonuses to your MegaFon account. So, often use sending SMS. It is enough to enter the amount of remuneration in the form of a code in the message (the minimum is 50 rubles, that is, 050) and send it to 5010. The operator does not charge money for sending an SMS message.

There are several ways to check the number of bonuses:

  • write an SMS message with only one character "0" to 5010;
  • make a USSD request with the following content: *105*5*5*1# by pressing "Call" after typing the specified characters;
  • on the website through your personal account go to the section "Bonuses and gifts";
  • call 0510.

Whatever method a person uses, money for verification will not be charged from his mobile account. Points have an expiration date of 1 year. After passing it, unused points burn out.

Exchange price

There is a special scale that allows you to determine the price of the 10th point:

  • 10 rubles - 35 points;
  • 30 -95;
  • 50 — 140;
  • 100 — 195;
  • 150 — 265.

The exchange rate may differ slightly depending on which region the user is from. The more points you exchange at a time, the more favorable the rate for this business, and therefore the most voluminous packages are recommended to be used more often.

Is it possible to cash out for points?

Not everyone would like to use points to get extra perks and discounts on points. It would be more expedient for some to withdraw the funds received by the bonus method to the card for subsequent cash withdrawal from an ATM. This feature is not available. Only a discount on the account for MegaFon points is possible.

Features and list of limitations

Although when exchanging points, the money goes to the user's account, he cannot withdraw the funds. Also, payment for services of a secondary nature for them is not possible. Outside providers will also not be able to pay from such an account. Mobile transfer of funds is not available for operation. It is possible to make an exchange of accumulated points only on the scale indicated above, and in the amount of not more than 150 rubles.

Only individuals can activate points on a MegaFon account. It turns out that the bonus system with the subsequent exchange of the accumulated balance for cash is not available to legal entities. Money received by exchange is not eternal. Their validity period is 30 days. If, after its passage, all or part of such funds have not been used, they burn out.

It is strongly not recommended to exchange points for the same package several times within 30 days. If you perform such an action, then the period of points received for both exchanges made on different days will end within the same day, calculated even when the first exchange action was performed. So, as soon as the third ten days pass, the funds received as a result of several exchanges on different days will burn out.

Various bonuses, discounts, and benefits are offered by mobile communication service companies in order to attract more customers. Against this background, fierce competition can be traced between them, never fading away.

In MegaFon, it became profitable to replenish the bonus much earlier than with other representatives of the cellular connection. The company in the forefront provides favorable conditions to subscribers.

MegaFon-Bonus is considered one of the most popular loyalty programs in MegaFon. With its help, it becomes possible to accumulate new points in the process of making calls, and subsequently the “spoken” points can be exchanged for funds by replenishing the account in this way. The more a person communicates over the mobile network, the more bonus units he receives.

Participation in this promotion is available to each client of the company. Moreover, it connects automatically from the moment the purchased SIM card is activated. Many subscribers could become MegaFon customers even before the appearance of such a loyalty program. They can also activate it, but in manual mode. It is enough to send SMS to number 5010 with the content "5010". It will be even faster to make a USSD request by calling *115#. As soon as one of the above actions is performed, the accumulation of bonuses for making calls to any numbers will begin.

Give points to others

It is always possible to transfer MegaFon points to the account of another subscriber who also uses the services of this operator and takes part in the promotion. To make a small original gift in the form of additional points to a good friend, friend or relative, it is enough to send an SMS using the number 5010, indicating not only the amount through the available exchange packages, but also the phone number of the person to whom you want to transfer the points.


No matter how much the subscriber uses the services of MegaFon, he will not be able to receive more than 150 rubles for one exchange. To become a member of the loyalty program, it is enough to be an individual and have a SIM card of this operator with you. The effect of bonuses is limited to three dozen days. If after the specified amount of time some part of them remains, it will be automatically written off. Therefore, the most correct solution would be to constantly check the number of points, and spend them regularly little by little to connect important mobile services (free minutes and SMS, Internet).

How to transfer points to a personal mobile account?

Most subscribers usually begin to think about how to activate money on a MegaFon account after they have accumulated an impressive amount of points. The company's specialists have come up with several ways to replenish only so that everyone can choose the most convenient for themselves:

  • If a person is friends with the Internet, he can go to the site, and there - to the Personal Account, where he can choose the number of points and the service purchased for them.
  • One call to 8-800-550-05-00 (from a cell phone to 0500) will help you contact the autoinformer. Then all that remains is to carefully listen to the prompts of the voice menu, which will allow you to convert points into money or purchase any service from the list of the main ones for them.
  • The simplest and fastest option is the USSD command. It looks like this: *115*sum.#1, where the sum. - the amount of money in ruble equivalent. When specifying the amount, you must be guided by the package code that the subscriber receives for a certain number of points. It can vary between 005-150 (the numbers indicate the number of ruble units that a person wants to receive when exchanging bonuses or use them to purchase services such as free minutes for calls or the Internet).

So, it turns out that activating points on a MegaFon account is quite simple, and a person of almost any age can cope with this. In all cases, mindfulness is of the utmost importance. If you show it when listening to the prompts of the voice menu or entering numerical data, then the exchange will be fast and will not be difficult. The main thing is to remember the nuances described above regarding the exchange of the package several times within 30 calendar days, and also about the expiration date of the funds received through the bonus system (30 days from the date of receipt). This number of days is enough for the systematic regular operation of the bonus system with the most "delicious" discounts.

The mobile operator Megafon, one of the three largest mobile operators in the Russian market, has its own bonus program that encourages customers to spend more money on communication services and receive nice bonuses in return. You will learn how the Megafon Bonus program works, how to activate points on Megafon and how to exchange them for minutes, messages, Internet traffic or transfer them to the balance, from this review.

A detailed overview of the Megafon Bonus program

The essence of such a promotion is that the client connects the program, after which he is awarded points for all paid actions on the phone - for calls to numbers of other operators, for sending SMS messages, and so on. Naturally, points will be awarded, for example, for calls to other subscribers, only after the end of the package with minutes, since the minutes in the package are not paid separately, they are included in the subscription fee. But in addition to the package, you pay for every minute of the conversation, from which points are added up and credited to the bonus account.

Subsequently, all savings can be exchanged for the following services:

  1. Outgoing calls within the network in the home region,
  2. Outgoing calls within the network in Russia (except for the home region),
  3. Internet traffic in the home region,
  4. Outgoing SMS messages within the network in Russia,
  5. Outgoing calls within international roaming (CIS countries and all other countries),
  6. Phone balance discount.

Attention! A distinctive feature of the Megafon bonus program is that only this mobile operator allows you to replenish the balance using accumulated points (discount on the account).

To get all the above features, you just need to activate the program, which is provided completely free of charge - free connection and no monthly fee. You just have to accumulate bonuses and exchange them at your discretion at any time.

How and when points are accumulated

Bonuses accumulate automatically. This happens as follows - for every 30 rubles spent, you are awarded 1 point. However, expenses should not be related to calls or SMS messages in roaming, infotainment services, connection and payment of a subscription fee within the framework of the “Change dial tone”, “Mobile commerce”, “Subscriber number saving” services. Points are not awarded for cash spent on the listed services.

For expenses in the current month, bonuses are accrued on the first days of the next month.

You can also earn points by shopping in Megafon stores. When you buy mobile phones, modems, netbooks and other devices, you will also earn points. For every 30 rubles - 1 point when buying goods with the logo of this mobile operator. In order for bonuses to be accrued for a purchase, you need to tell the employee your phone number and ask to transfer the accruals. At the time of registration of the goods, accruals will be transferred to the bonus account.

Important! Legal entities, corporate clients and subscribers who have activated special tariff plans for accessing the Internet cannot participate in the bonus program.

Bonus expiry date

The savings have a validity period of 6 months. After this period, unused savings burn out.

Also, bonuses may expire if you switch to another tariff that cannot participate in the program, for example, a corporate tariff, as well as if the contract is terminated and the client is no longer serviced by Megafon, or if the client's status has changed to a corporate or legal entity.

How to connect the Megafon Bonus program

There are three main ways to activate bonuses on a Megafon number:

  1. Send USSD combination: * 115 # or * 105 * 5 # and follow the instructions.
  2. Send a message to 5010 with the text "5010". The answer will come within 5 minutes in an SMS message.
  3. Use the Personal Account (section "Spend bonuses").
  4. Call the Call Center, switch to the operator and ask to activate the program.

If you were unable to activate the program yourself, contact the company's office so that employees can help you connect.

How to check accumulated points

You can check the bonus balance on Megafon in the following ways:

  1. Via USSD command,
  2. Through the Personal Account,
  3. Through a mobile application.

Checking the bonus balance via USSD command

Send command * 115 # . The screen will display a menu with the number of balances on the bonus account, and the following actions will be offered:

  • "1 - Spend bonuses",
  • "2 - Balance of rewards",
  • "3 - Info".

If you want to spend your savings, click on the word "Answer" and enter the number "1", then follow the instructions and select a reward in the same way. You can get detailed information about the program by sending the number "3". You can check the rewards through the number "2" (see the section "What is a reward, how to check and activate it").

Checking the bonus balance in the Personal Account

You can check bonuses on Megafon and write them off through your Personal Account according to the following instructions:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account by entering your phone number and password. If you have forgotten your password, dial the command * 105 * 00 # on your phone and a new access code will be sent to you by SMS.
  2. In the left column you will see the status of the balance and the balance on the bonus account.
  3. In the "Account" section, click on the "Spend bonuses" subsection and you can see what rewards are available to you for the accumulated number of bonuses.

Checking the bonus balance in the mobile application

To check the bonus balance through the mobile application on your phone, enter the Megafon Personal Account application by entering your phone number and password. On the main page at the very top there is information about the state of the balance and bonus account.

Scrolling down the page, you can find the "Spend Bonuses" section, which will display the rewards available to you, and all other rewards available.

In addition to the above verification options, you can find out the balance on the bonus account by calling the Call Center at 0500 or by contacting the company's office.

What is a reward, how to check and activate it

"Megafon Bonus" does not allow the subscriber to give his points, but allows you to give rewards. To give a friend a reward, you need to enter your Personal Account and in the "Activate" column indicate the phone number of another Megafon client who also participates in the bonus program.

If the reward was transferred to you, then you can also activate it through your Personal Account or using the * 105 # command.

You can view the available rewards using the * 115 # command. Next, in the menu, you need to click on the word "Answer" and enter the number "2".

If you have received a reward, but it cannot be activated, then the reason is as follows:

  • This reward is not available for your tariff plan,
  • There are not enough funds on the phone balance,
  • The contract period has ended.

How to exchange bonuses for minutes

Megafon bonuses can activate minutes, but bonus minutes can only be used within the Megafon network. Activated minutes are valid for 30 days.

The subscriber can choose the following bonus packages:

By sending the selected USSD command, for example, to activate "10 minutes in your region", a menu containing 2 items will be displayed on the screen:

  1. "Get 10 min. to Megaphone of the home region "for 10 points",
  2. "Info".

If you just want to receive information without activation, click on the word "Reply" and enter the number "2". If you want to activate "10 minutes in your region", click on the word "Answer" and enter the number "1". You will see the inscription: “Request accepted. Information sent via SMS. Wait for an SMS message confirming the operation.

How to exchange bonuses for SMS

You can also exchange points within the Megafon Bonus service for SMS messages. There are 2 types of SMS rewards available under the program:

  1. "10 outgoing SMS to numbers within the network throughout the Russian Federation" for 20 points - activation by command * 115 * 9310 #,
  2. “30 outgoing SMS to numbers within the network throughout the Russian Federation” for 45 points - activation by command * 115 * 9330 #.

How to exchange bonuses for Internet traffic

To get additional Internet traffic in exchange for points, you need to select the appropriate amount of traffic and enter the command:

  1. 1 GB (105 points): * 115 * 9407 # ,
  2. 2 GB (120 points): * 115 * 9408 # ,
  3. 3 GB (250 points): * 115 * 9409 # ,
  4. 10 GB (745 points): * 115 * 9410 # .

Attention! All offered Internet packages can only be used in the home region. The validity period of the reward is 30 days from the date of activation.

How to activate bonuses on your phone account

A distinctive feature of the Megafon Bonus program is the ability to receive a discount on the account using points. You can activate points on the Megafon SIM card and get money to your phone account in one step, but remember that this money cannot be cashed out or paid for debt on the phone, as well as activate any paid service. The discount on the account can only be spent on communication services.

The following discount sizes are available:

Important! You can activate all of the above offers in your Personal Account in the "Spend bonuses" section, then in the "What to spend on" tab. Select the desired option from the list and click on the word "Activate". Activation can also be done in the Megafon Personal Account mobile application in the “Spend bonuses” - “What to spend points on” section. Here you can also read how to accumulate points and see the history of operations, that is, all the latest activations.

All offers that are available to you will be highlighted in green, and those that are not available will be greyed out. If any offer is grayed out, it means that you do not have enough accumulated funds to activate it, or its connection is impossible on the established tariff plan.

How to disable the Megafon Bonus service

You can disable the program so that points are no longer awarded in the following ways:

  1. In the Personal Account in the "Spend bonuses" section. In the first tab "Basic" at the bottom of the page there is a button "Disable the service".
  2. In the mobile application "Megafon Personal Account" in the "Spend bonuses" section. At the end of the page, there is a "Suspend Participation" button. In a similar way, you can resume participation, while points will be saved.
  3. Through the Call-center by phone 0500. After connecting with the operator, ask him to turn off the service.
  4. Contact the Megafon office and ask a specialist to turn off the service.

Attention! If you have not redeemed your rewards within 12 months, you will be assigned the status of "Permitted Membership". This means that points will not be awarded and all accumulations will be cancelled. Despite the suspension of membership, you can reactivate the program in the ways described above.

When replacing the SIM card, but keeping the phone number, all accumulations under the Megafon Bonus program will be preserved.

Subscribers of the mobile operator Megafon accumulate points automatically by sending SMS or making calls to the numbers of other users. Bonuses are accumulated and summed up within a month.

To find out what rewards are available now, dial *115*01#; the remaining points will appear on the screen after sending the USSD request *115*11#. If you want to activate the bonus offer, you must use *115#. After completing these steps, your phone will receive a menu in the form of an SMS message, in which you will need to select the "Get bonus" item. Each reward is assigned its own number, which will need to be indicated.

There is a simple and affordable way to activate bonuses - through the Service Guide system. The user needs to go to his personal account and open the "Bonuses and Gifts" section, then select the "Reward Activation" item. Before completing the operation, the subscriber can transfer bonuses to the account of another user. Once you have made your final choice, click the "Activate" button. Immediately after performing this action, a list of available bonuses will open. It is worth noting that it will take some time to process your request.

In our previous article (), we considered several options for transferring points into various rewards (SMS package, discount on communication services, etc.). It is worth noting that there is another option for exchanging bonuses; In this case, we are talking about Internet traffic.

How to redeem points online

Use voice prompts by calling 0510 or visit your personal account registered in the Service Guide system. By sending a short USSD request *115#, you will get access to a menu where you can exchange points for a reward. Another way, send SMS to number 5010, in the message you must specify: bonus code, space, phone number (only 10 digits). You can find more detailed information on the official website of Megafon.

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