How to know that your smartphone will work in the right LTE networks. How to find out the supported frequencies of any phone❓ How to find out if the phone accepts 4g

How to know that your smartphone will work in the right LTE networks. How to find out the supported frequencies of any phone❓ How to find out if the phone accepts 4g


Not so long ago, an auction was held at which frequencies were sold for the introduction of 4G Internet, in which all three major participants in the mobile communications market of Ukraine predictably took part:, and. Each of the operators won their lot (it makes no sense to talk about the details of the auction now) and everyone immediately started working on launching the new product in their network.

The result was not long in coming: as of March 31, 2018, lifecell and Vodafone have already reported on the launch of 4G in the largest cities of Ukraine, and Kyivstar promises to do so in the near future, citing the lack of necessary permits at the moment. However, many subscribers are now concerned about the question: how to understand if their phone supports 4G-technology and do I need to change the SIM card for this?

How to find out if the phone (smartphone) supports 4G

It is important to know that 4G (the name LTE is also often mentioned) in Ukraine operates at frequencies of 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz, and this is indicated in the international classification by such names as Band 3 and Band 7, respectively (they can also be called b3 and b7). This is important for the reason that in the characteristics of your phone, support for the 4G network will be indicated precisely by the list of bands in which the mobile device can operate. All you have to do is find this information on the official website of the manufacturer of your mobile device or in its documentation.

There is a simpler option, but it is not suitable for all smartphone models. Most often, the choice of the mobile Internet option is made in the "Network mode" section (or similar). There you can find modes such as LTE/2G/3G/Auto. In this case, LTE is 4G. But some smartphone models have 4G support, but it’s not so easy to find it in the settings ... Therefore, it’s better to still find information in the documentation or on the Internet.

And what about the SIM card? Does it need to be changed?

In the case of a SIM card, everything is quite simple. Each of the operators offers its subscribers a simple USSD request, by which you can understand whether it is worth changing the SIM card or not. These are the codes:

  • for Kyivstar network users, it is enough to enter the code *245*4# and press the call key.
  • for Vodafone subscribers (former MTS-Ukraine) request *222#
  • for lifecell subscribers: *455#

We hope that now you are fully prepared for the next new generation of mobile Internet.

Not all users are well versed in technology and communication standards. At the same time, advertising on the Internet, on television and radio is full of various slogans and slogans that a particular smartphone supports a particular function and has certain capabilities. The situation is quite everyday, firms that are engaged in sales must make a profit and actively promote their products.

4G mobile phones are becoming especially popular. Technology does not stand still, and in addition, it becomes cheaper and easier to manufacture and maintain due to its scale.

So how do you know if a phone supports 4G? Detailed instructions - further in the text.

What it is?

Before answering the question of how to find out if the phone supports 4G, it is important to determine what exactly we are talking about. As a rule, this term means a modern communication standard that provides an increased data transfer rate when using the mobile Internet and high quality when making regular calls.

4G is an abbreviation from English, which translates and stands for "fourth generation". Accordingly, there were earlier versions of the communication protocol before it, for example, 3G, which was popular a few years ago, was advertised no less actively than its successor.

This technology is based on the increased bandwidth of the mobile network, and, as mentioned above, allows you to use the mobile Internet at a speed comparable to a full-fledged wired Internet.

How to know if the phone supports 4G?

There are quite a few ways to do this. The easiest way is to open the manual of your smartphone and see what communication standards it supports and whether it is on the 4G list. Very often, several separate pages are devoted to this, which are also indicated in the content.

However, there are other ways to answer the question "how to find out if the phone supports 4G". For example, it can be an inscription on the box of your device. Usually, the manufacturer indicates this function for advertising purposes (it is quite popular and has begun to appear even in budget smartphones). Sometimes, instead of the abbreviation 4G, you can find the inscriptions LTE or WiMAX. These are slightly different technologies, but both are actively used in the next generation communication standard.

If you are buying a new smartphone and you need the described function, then it is better to play it safe and just ask the consultant to show phones with 4G support or check the availability of the technology on a particular device. After all, sellers themselves are interested in selling you a smartphone.

How to check if 4G is working

It's very simple, regardless of the carrier and operating system, phones that support 4G inform the user about the type of network connected. Typically, such data is located in the upper corner of the screen, next to the battery indicator. By analogy with packaging, inscriptions may contain the following information: 4G, LTE, WiMAX. However, notifications can also be found in hidden menus or settings. Information related to such indicators should also be included in the instructions.

Tariffs and operators

If you are sure that your device supports 4G, but for some reason it does not work, then it is possible that the selected tariff or telecom operator does not provide such services. What to do in this case? Try to call technical support or come to the sales office, consult and choose another tariff. If the operator itself does not have 4G, then its replacement will be required here. It is possible that in some regions this communication standard is temporarily not supported for any reason by any communication provider. In this case, you will have to use a more conservative 3G, and it works on all devices that support 4G.

There are other cases, such as incomplete network coverage. The Internet or even the mobile network may be temporarily down. This problem is quite normal, and the coverage of communication towers is growing exponentially every year, as is the quality.

Example of devices with 4G

This communication standard is supported by the entire iPhone line, starting from the fifth model. There may be nuances associated with specific chips and operators, but again, every year the urgency of this problem decreases, and manufacturers and communication providers come to a compromise. As for other devices, they include all Samsung flagships, starting with the Galaxy S5, and some earlier models, as well as gadgets from other manufacturers.

Recently, the technology is spreading faster and 4G phones are getting cheaper. Even budget models, which are sold for a small price, increasingly have a similar function.


Time flies very quickly, so 4G-enabled phones are becoming quite commonplace. However, in just a decade, this has happened with many other features and innovations, such as color thin displays, cameras, sensors, and then powerful processors became widespread, capable of processing even high-quality 3D graphics directly on a mobile device.

As mentioned above, the answer to the question "how to check if the phone supports 4G" should not cause difficulties even for inexperienced smartphone users, since modern devices do not contain any hidden features. A potential buyer learns about the availability of any demanded technologies either from advertising or at the time of purchasing a new gadget, because technical characteristics and specifications are the second thing that a client sees after the cost of the goods.

Whether you're planning to use a local LTE-enabled SIM card in a foreign country or buy a smartphone overseas, our cheat sheet will help you determine if you're having issues with your device's compatibility with the LTE network. Indeed, with LTE it is a little more complicated than with 3G - different countries use different bands, and only a few devices support any world standards. Usually, when sellers say that the model is designed for the US, Europe, India, China, Russia markets, then it is not only about the firmware, but also about what frequency range and even what communication standards (the same 4G Internet is not everywhere) she supports.

1. Find out what standards the smartphone supports

It does not require third-party applications and services. Usually all the necessary information is on the box with the device. But if it is just not there, then you can find it on the case or in the smartphone interface.

If you have Android

Android smartphones have too many different body design options, respectively, and places where the inscription we need can be located. One of the options is at the bottom of the back of the device, on the cover. The other is under the battery, next to the IMEI, if the case is collapsible. If the cover is not removed, look at the bottom of the rear panel. If there is nothing there, you need to look in the menu.

For this you need to go to Settings-About phone(may also be called "About the device" or something else, but with the same logic, it all depends on the manufacturer and the antiquity of the model). Next, you need to find the item " Model number” (it can also be hidden in the additional menu item “ general information"). We need the model number. Remembered.

If you have an iPhone

Look at the back of the smartphone (yes, alas, the case will have to be removed) - there is this code. It's the letter A and four numbers. For example, A1634, A1687, A1699.

What to do with the model index

For example, you have an iPhone 6. The model version is A1586. Next, we go to the Gsmarena website, enter the model name (iPhone 6) or the index (A1586) in the search bar. We get to the device page. At the top we see NETWORK (sorry, the site is in English, you can look at others, but there are usually the fewest errors), press the Expand button and get a list of supported networks depending on the version of the device.

2. Find out what standards the operator works in

Now it remains to find on the Internet at what frequencies the operator works: there, LTE 700, 800, 850, 1800, 2500, etc. - the list is long. The correct request will look something like this: communication standard + frequencies - country - operator (preferably in English). If you know English, then finding the right information will not be difficult. The most important thing is that the characteristics of the device and the standards of the operator match. Learn how to choose an external battery or adjust the power consumption of your smartphone so that it lasts longer and remains useful.

According to Megafon, LTE should be available. The first thoughts that came to mind: the phone does not support our 4G LTE or something from the operator ?! Well, is it possible to catch a connection at all 😀 everything turned out to be easier! Forcibly enable LTE support in the phone. We launch the Play Market, look for applications LTE Setting or LTE OnOFF, install.

We launch the application and see a little information about the current communication mode:

Some carriers require you to register a new phone directly with them in order to be fully functional and ask you to take your purchase receipt to the carrier's store. Contact the operator directly to make sure this is necessary.

If you have any suggestions for the guide please drop me an email and if you have comments you can leave it below or tweet me. What does the group of each operator mean? A topic that is talked about a lot is spectrum and bands. This is the space in which the signal passes.

As expected - HSDPA mode. We scroll down, and in the item "Set the preferred type of network" set the value to LTE only.

Watching the network indicator ... and cheers. Shows LTE connection!! We look at the information:

It is a limited government-run resource awarded through auctions to telecommunications companies that want to provide voice and data services. Pay attention to the following table. And the key is in the box where your new computer came from. The box, in addition to giving instructions for using the equipment, informs each user about which spectrum bands can be connected.

On the back of the box, where the device is located, information is received about the networks and ranges to which the device can be connected. Below the reference find 2 lines: The first indicates the technology or the general format of the equipment for voice and text messages, and the second indicates the operation of the data network.

The same, everything is fine: the presence of a signal is there, the LTE connection is there ...

Now the cross on the network indicator confuses. This happens because there is NO opportunity to CALL!! Well, of course, no one will get through to you)) You are on the Internet)) Yes, this is a minus of the current implementation of 4G LTE among operators. What to do, we were interested in the Internet - we check that with speed ... Here are some statistics on ping requests to the Google DNS server:

It's very simple, regardless of the carrier and operating system, phones that support 4G inform the user about the type of network connected. Typically, such data is located in the upper corner of the screen, next to the battery indicator. By analogy with packaging, inscriptions may contain the following information: 4G, LTE, WiMAX. However, notifications can also be found in hidden menus or settings. Information related to such indicators should also be included in the instructions.

We suggest that you contact your service provider to find out if there is any instability in the area or the configuration is missing. If your device is running other carriers and only one is not, you need to check the carrier because chip-related unevenness is less likely to occur.

The signal is provided by the operator from antennas located throughout the city. If by chance the nearest antenna, if your place of residence is uneven, or some configuration is missing, this operator may not work on the device. Even if the chip worked before, the device may stop reading because we do not guarantee compatibility.

Tariffs and operators

If you are sure that your device supports 4G, but for some reason it does not work, then it is possible that the selected tariff or telecom operator does not provide such services. What to do in this case? Try to call technical support or come to the sales office, consult and choose another tariff. If the operator itself does not have 4G, then its replacement will be required here. It is possible that in some regions this communication standard is temporarily not supported for any reason by any communication provider. In this case, you will have to use a more conservative 3G, and it works on all devices that support 4G.

Therefore, we suggest that you purchase your own chip. In this case, we suggest contacting your service provider. If by chance the nearest antenna, if your place of residence is irregular or too far away, it may cause no signal or intermittent signal. If possible, try a chip from a different carrier to see if the bug is on the device.

It is important to note that if your chip is sheared, the cut may result in poor reading, meaning the device may have difficulty "reading" and sending the antenna signal. Some violations may depend on checking the internal components of the device. Thus, the action in these cases is given in the help itself.

In order to achieve the maximum speed of 3G / 4G Internet, you need to increase the signal level to the maximum, but where to see these values ​​​​will be discussed in this article.

Definition in the modem interface.

Information about signal quality can be obtained on almost any 3G/4G modem. Run the program for the modem or go to the web interface, in the "Settings" menu, select the "Modem Information" item, in it you will see the "Signal Strength" line.

In Megafon modems, run the Megafon | Modem program, click the "Help" - "Diagnostics" button.

Open the Network Status menu. In it you will see the modem signal strength (RSSI).

With the help of third party programs.

You can also measure the signal level of a 3G / 4G modem with third-party programs, such as Mobile Data Monitoring Application (MDMA).

Attention!!! for the Mobile Data Monitoring Application (MDMA) program to work, you need to close the native program of the 3G/4G modem.

You should see such a picture, where the signal level will be indicated in the RSSI term.

If the program did not work correctly, look at task manager which port your 3G/4G modem is using.

Then create a program shortcut.

In the properties of the shortcut, specify the COM port that the modem uses.

Now you can launch the program shortcut.

The disadvantage of this program is that it is suitable for most 3G modems, but not 4G.

Detect using tablet/smartphone.

You can also measure the signal level on a smartphone / tablet, here's how to do it on gadgets with the Android operating system.

Go to Play Market.

Search for "Network signal Info" program and install it.

Open it after installation, select the "Mobile" menu and on the graph or in the "Signal strength" line you can see the signal strength values.


Everything described below is not only theory, but also supported in practice, by installing 3G / 4G antennas, and is also based on customer reviews.

After you have determined the level of the 3G / 4G signal, I propose to attribute it to the appropriate group:

1 group, -50 dBm to -60 dBm - excellent signal. You don't need an external antenna.

Group 2, -60 dBm to -70 dBm - good signal level. You can use a weak antenna up to 15 dB.

Group 3, from -70 dBm to -80 dBm - the average signal. An antenna with average performance up to 15 -21 dB is suitable.

Group 4, from -80 dBm to - 90 dBm - poor signal level. Requires an antenna with medium and upstart gain values ​​from 15 dB

Group 5, from -90 dBm to -100 dBm and less - disgusting communication quality. You need the strongest antenna 27 dB.

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