How to get rid of a canoe on a computer. Baidu - what is this program

How to get rid of a canoe on a computer. Baidu - what is this program


Hello, dear blog visitors » » Do you know what kind of Chinese baidu program? What antivirus can be used to remove it without losing any important information? No? Then you are at the right place. Let's get started!

As you guessed, Baidu is software from Chinese developers. As a rule, this program gets on a computer together with another free software, and installed in hidden mode. At first glance, she appears under noble banners:

  • Baidu Antivirus- everything is clear here;
  • Baidu PC Faster— system accelerator;
  • Baidu Rootgetting root rights on smartphones.

However, along with these applications, 5 more appear that slow down the system's performance: unnecessary processes appear in, changes start page, work with files and folders slows down, etc.

Thus, the benefit of Baidu is much less than it might seem at first. Plus, a separate problem is the complete and irretrievable removal of Baida from the computer.

How to remove Baidu from computer completely

  • First stage.

To start, let's open Windows Task Manager the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc. If in the Processes tab there is something on Chinese, so this is the same Baidu.

We need to find out the location of this infection on the hard drive, for this we right-click on each process and select "Open file storage location".

As a result, we get:

Do some windows with hieroglyphs, rockets and shields constantly appear on the desktop? This is an antivirus developed by our Chinese brothers, which, in its essence, is precisely an antivirus program. However, since this software is installed without the consent of the user and independently performs actions on the computer, it can be considered malicious. In this article, we will figure out how to remove the annoying Chinese virus.

The programs that will be discussed below are presented in two varieties - Baidu And Tencent. Both of them have similar properties and can run in parallel on the same computer. Pests are located in the appropriate folders.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu Security\Baidu Antivirus\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQPCMgr\12.7.18987.205

Programs prescribe their components to startup, Explorer's context menu, start processes. Consider deletion using Baidu as an example. Both methods below are only the first stage, after its implementation, some more actions are required, but first things first.

Method 1: Uninstall using programs

To remove Chinese viruses from a computer, the easiest way is to use a program such as Revo Uninstaller. It is able not only to remove software, but also to clean the system from the remaining files and registry keys. In addition, Revo can detect those programs that do not appear in the list, including in "Control Panels" Windows.

In nature, there is also a utility AdwCleaner, with which you can try to remove pests.

Method 2: Standard system tools

Under standard means implied deletion using an applet "Control Panels" "Programs and Features".

If the program is not in "Control Panels", then you need to go to one of the paths indicated above and find a file with the name "Uninstall". After launching it, you should do the same actions with the removal.

Additional operations

Following the above recommendations, the Chinese virus can be removed, but some files and folders may remain on the disk because they are blocked by running background processes. The registry will also necessarily remain "tails" in the form of keys. There is only one way out - to boot the system into "Safe Mode". With such a load, most programs do not start, and we can remove all unnecessary manually.

Read more: How to enter "Safe Mode" in Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 10, via BIOS

  1. First of all, we enable the display of hidden resources. This is done by pressing a button. "Organize" and choice of item "Folder and search options" in any folder, in our case it is "Computer".

    In the settings window that opens, go to the tab "View", put the switch in position "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and click "Apply".

  2. To search for files and folders, you can use the standard Windows function or special programs.

    We drive the name of the virus into the search - “Baidu” or “Tencent” and delete all documents and directories that we can find.

  3. Next, go to the registry editor - press the key combination Win+R and write a command

    Go to the menu "Edit" and choose the item "Find".

    Enter the name of the virus in the appropriate field and click "Find next".

    After the system finds the first key, it must be deleted (RMB - "Delete") and then press the key F3 to continue the search process.

    We do this until the editor displays a message that the search is completed.

    If you are afraid (or just too lazy) to delve into the registry manually, then you can use the CCleaner program to clean up unnecessary keys.

  4. This completes the removal of the Chinese antivirus virus.


In conclusion, we can say that you need to be more careful when installing various programs, especially free ones, on your computer. Do not give consent to the installation of additional software, uncheck all the checkboxes in the installers. These rules will help to avoid problems with the subsequent removal of any muck from the system.

Removing the Chinese program Baidu PC Faster from the user's computer is a certain difficulty for those who do not know how to do it. Today we will tell you how to solve this difficulty.

What prompted you to install the Baidu PC Faster optimizer on your computer, we will not find out with you. But how to remove such nonsense, we will consider in this article.

Baidu PC Faster can be installed with some program, it happens sometimes, you want to install one free program, and they begin to impose on you something else that you absolutely do not need. This is happening now all the time (remember mail ru or Yandex browser).

Some sites recommend installing the SpyHunter utility in order to remove Baidu, just forget to warn the user that this utility will find a bunch of problems (and sometimes non-existent ones) on your personal computer and offer to buy for $ 40 to remove these problems, and in free mode - the utility will not do anything.

And so, how to remove Baidu from the user's computer:

1. First of all, you need to look into the task manager (press the key combination Ctrl + shift + Esc) or right-click on the taskbar and select the task manager.

2. You need to disable some processes in order to remove Baidu. The picture shows the processes that we will disable (their name may differ, you can safely disable processes with the letter B), to do this, point to the process of interest to us and click the right mouse button, select end the process in the window that appears.

Such processes may or may not exist. safe mode or it will say "Access Denied", then we take the next step.

3. Usually Baidu puts 4 folders under itself, but sometimes it happens more, then we go into the search (there is such a line in the start) and enter the word Baidu

What we found, we delete everything calmly! What can not be deleted - rename the folder (right-click rename) and delete. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to delete it, then we leave it, we will delete all this with you after restarting the computer, while performing a second search.

If everything was done correctly through the search, then it is not necessary to read below and immediately proceed to the next step. If not, let's see where the baidu folders might be:

C:\Program Files\Baidu- delete this folder. If you can’t delete the folder, then rename it and delete it (right-click and select rename).

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Baidu perform the same action. An inscription may appear notifying us that the files will be completely deleted after the computer is restarted.

C:\ProgramData\Baidu- perform the same steps as before. To see hidden folder you need to press alt and select the folder options in the service, put a tick in front of it - show hidden files and folders.

4. Install the Ccleaner program on your computer (if you do not have it installed). We start and go to the service, then autoload and delete all the inscriptions in which there is baidu.

we immediately find the context menu and delete everything that is written in Chinese

5. In order to play it safe and for sure completely remove Baidu let's go to system registry, and to do this, click on "Start" - "Run" enter in the field regedit, go to "Edit" - find and enter baidu and click "Find next". We delete all the lines that will be found without regret, and there can be a lot of such lines.

In the registry, only what is found in the search phrase baidu should be deleted. If you delete something else, you may not load the operating system at all. If you can't delete it, rename it with the right mouse button and then try to delete it again.

First, delete one line, and immediately look for another, press the combination ctrl keys+ f or go to edit - search. There may be many such lines.

We go to "Start" - "All Programs" and if there is a folder in Chinese, then we rename it with the right mouse button, after copying its name. Next, we look for files by this name in the registry and delete them.

We reboot the computer. And now we delete those folders that we could not delete earlier, for this we will use the search again.

From now on, be careful what you install on your computer!

Not all Chinese antiviruses are equally useful. Don't believe? In vain! This fact has been proven more than once or twice by user experience. And, unfortunately, sad: some of them cause too many problems. That's free antivirus Baidu is also persona non grata (that is, an undesirable person) in operating system Windows.

Yes, the developers of the company of the same name from the Celestial Empire ardently and furiously declare that, they say, our brainchild tirelessly and continuously protects computers from hacker attacks and does not ask for money, and updates its signature databases, and everything else, of course, is necessary and effective. But all these positive properties fade against the background of their opposite - negative ones. Which, by the way, are more.

If "Baida" suddenly appeared in Windows, shout "Trouble!"

So, here are five reasons (or five troubles, whatever you want) indicating that you need to remove Baidu, and then not regret what you did:

  • spreads over the Internet using viruses. adware modules and malware;
  • arbitrarily, “silently”, is installed into the system (like a virus!);
  • is not removed from the OS when using the built-in uninstaller (the remaining drivers after cleaning and rebooting the system re-install Baida);
  • the procedure for removing individual elements of the antivirus is difficult (the developers have provided for the protection of registry entries and files from access);
  • The Chinese PC protection program in most cases conflicts with other installed anti-virus products: Windows performance slows down dramatically, the security level decreases, etc.

So, let's take a closer look at how to remove Baidu from your computer completely, "without noise and dust."

Uninstaller activation

1. In the "Start" window, go to the "Control Panel".

2. Activate "Uninstall a program".

3. In the installed software directory, as a rule, there are two Baidu components (they are easy to find in the list, since the names are indicated in hieroglyphs). Start the uninstall from the blue shield icon (guard module).

4. Select it with a mouse click, and then click the "Delete / Change" function in the top panel.

5. In the uninstaller panel, press the left button (it is not highlighted in blue).

6. In subsequent requests, also activate the button located on the left.

7. When the uninstall process is complete, press the blue button at the bottom of the panel.

8. Return to the list of software and run the "green shield" uninstaller in the same way: left-click → Change/Remove.

9. To confirm the deletion of Baidu antivirus, click the left button at the bottom of the window. Also click it on subsequent requests.

10. When finished cleaning, click on the big green button to close the uninstaller window.

Disable services and processes

1. Restart your PC in safe mode:

  • during the restart process, hold "F8";
  • in the menu, use the cursor keys to set "Safe Mode";
  • press "Enter".

2. Disable the services that use the antivirus:

  • open the "Control Panel";
  • in the "View" setting, set "Large icons";
  • go to "Administration";
  • double-click the left button on the "Services" shortcut;
  • disable the services used by the antivirus (they are not difficult to identify by name): double-click on the service → select the "Disabled" setting in the "Startup type" option.

3. End the "baida" processes:

  • press "Ctrl+Shift+Esc";
  • open the "Processes" tab in the dispatcher window;
  • disable the active files of the BaiduProtect antivirus, bddownloader: right-click on the name → End processes.

Note. Baidu processes may have other names. Their characteristic feature is the presence of hieroglyphs in the description (see the corresponding column in the object field).

Startup cleanup

You can configure autoload as regular means system, and with the help of special utilities. We will analyze each of the options for solving the problem separately.

Method number 1: OS functions

1. Click "Start" and type in the line - msconfig, and then press "Enter".

3. Disable baidusdTray and other elements in the autoload, the name of which contains the name of the antivirus:

  • click to uncheck the box next to the element;
  • click "Apply" and "OK";
  • when exiting the "System Configuration" window, refuse to restart the OS.

Method number 2: CCleaner utility

  1. Launch CCleaner, select the "Tools" section.
  2. Activate the "Startup" panel by clicking on it.
  3. Click with the left mouse button on the element "canoes".
  4. Click Remove.
  5. Close the utility window.

Deleting remaining folders and files

1. Open the Program Files / x86 directories and delete the BaiduSD folder in them<номер версии>: Right click → Delete.

2. To completely remove all leftovers, scan your system for files named "baidu":

  • press the combination "Win + E";
  • in the line "Search: Computer" (located in the upper right corner), enter "baidu" and press "Enter";
  • delete all found objects in the standard way (the "Delete" command or dragging to the "Recycle Bin").

3. Open the directory drive C: (or the partition on which the system is installed) → Windows → System32 → Drivers.

4. Delete the following files in the Drivers folder:

  • BDMWrench.sys
  • BDSafeBrowser.sys
  • bd0004.sys
  • BDMNetMon.sys
  • BDArKit.sys
  • bd0003.sys
  • bd0002.sys
  • bd0001.sys
  • bd64_x86.dll
  • bd64_x64.dll

Registry check

1. Press "Win+R".

2. Enter the regedit command in the "Run" field, click "OK".

3. In the registry editor interface, open: Edit → Find (or "Ctrl+F").

4. In the "Find" line, enter the query "baidu". Start the directory analysis with the "Find next" button.

5. Remove the detected antivirus key:

  • click on the record (right button);
  • "Delete" (directive in the context menu).

6. Press "F3" to resume scanning.

7. Analyze all directories.


Download Dr.Web CureIt! and check all partitions of the disk for viruses. Clean Windows of junk files and keys in the registry with CCleaner or Reg Organizer. Update the bases of the main antivirus.

Baidu is a Chinese antivirus and that says it all. The program was developed by the creators of the largest search engine after Google. The application is distributed as malware, is installed on the computer in background(silent installation) without notifying the user, and after launch it constantly monitors active processes, slowing down the computer and conflicting with installed antivirus. Many Windows users, having become a victim of such an “antivirus”, they are looking for ways to remove Baidu. Today we will deal with this.
In general, the procedure for uninstalling Baidu is not much different from uninstalling other products, in addition to the absence of the uninstall.exe file in the directory with the program and its interface in Chinese, which complicates even such a simple task as clicking on the "Yes" or Ok button.

  • End all Baidu-related processes in Windows.

To perform this action, launch the task manager. It is called using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" or context menu in the Windows taskbar.

Go to the "Processes" tab and sort them by name by clicking on the name of the first column "Image Name".
Then we find all the processes whose name begins with the word "baidu" and complete them all in order: select the process with a mouse click and press Delete or select the "End Process" command in the context menu of the process and confirm its execution in order to be able to delete the application with all traces.

More simple option to do this is to use the Process Explorer utility. In it, select the main process with the name Baidu, press Shift + Del and confirm the completion of the process tree.

  • We remove the program from the computer using the built-in uninstaller through the Taskbar tool called "Programs and Features".

To uninstall the application, open the "Control Panel" and go to "Programs and Features" - the application responsible for removing any Windows components.

We go down to the bottom of the list of installed in Windows Applications and find the “antivirus”, focusing on its blue icon and the name containing hieroglyphs.
We call the context menu of the element, which is Baidu, and select the only item of the drop-down menu "Delete / Change".

After the appearance of a yellow window with a white sun inside, click on the white button located to the right (as in the screenshot).

This will launch the Baidu uninstaller on your computer. In order to remove this garbage, in the next window we also press the white button, launching the uninstallation of the antivirus from the computer.

We confirm our intention to rid Windows of applications by clicking on the same white “Delete” button.

After that, the last dialog box will appear, where we simply press a single button, analogous to the classic "OK". You don't need to leave any checkboxes.

  • We perform the removal of the second program, which is installed with Baidu.

We launch the Windows Control Panel item called "Programs and Features" and, as with removal of Baidu, we call the only item of the context menu of the remaining program with a green icon.

In the window that appears with a green title, also click on the button located to the left, which allows you to remove Baidu.

Immediately after that, the remaining program will be uninstalled from the computer under Windows control. We wait until the process is completed.

In the last window, also click on a single button.

Again, we launch the "Task Manager" by any method and try to complete the process remaining after Baidy. It is usually protected and the operation will fail.

We restart the computer in safe mode by pressing the F8 key and selecting the appropriate item from the menu that appears after loading the BIOS.

We go into the “Program Files” and “Program Files (x86)” directories one by one, find the directories whose name begins with the phrase “Baidu” and delete them from the computer, preferably using the “Shift + Delete” combination, bypassing the trash.

After that, you can use the functionality CCleaner programs or similar to her. This utility will scan your computer for remnants of an unsafe application and allow you to quickly remove them from both the disk and the Windows registry.

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