How to build a gaming computer. How to quickly and correctly assemble a computer from components yourself? Instructions on how to assemble the system unit

How to build a gaming computer. How to quickly and correctly assemble a computer from components yourself? Instructions on how to assemble the system unit


In the first part of a detailed manual on assembling a computer with your own hands, we will talk about installing a processor on the motherboard, installing its cooling system and installing RAM.


In recent years, the computer industry has experienced a real boom in demand in the mobile PC segment. Smartphones, laptops, ultrabooks, all-in-one computers and, of course, tablets that have flooded the market are increasingly displacing classic desktop computers from our lives. This trend is evidenced by various reports from various analytical agencies.

But ten years ago everything was completely different. Sales of system units and components for them were the main source of income for many computer companies, and low-power and expensive laptops were practically not regarded by users as an alternative to a stationary home PC.

It was this time that can be called the heyday of “self-assembly,” when the vast majority of system units sold were assembled not at company-owned plants or factories, but in small pavilions of computer markets, by the hands of self-taught sellers. The users themselves did not lag behind them. The most creative and experienced of them preferred to independently assemble the future PC itself at home. And we must admit that this approach had many advantages. Individual components tended to cost less than the complete computer. Moreover, you could choose a suitable hardware manufacturer, eliminating the possibility of low-quality equipment appearing on your desktop, made by nameless handicraft Chinese companies (it was called “noname”).

Today, self-assembly of a system unit is becoming less and less common among users. And this is not surprising. As we have already noted, on the one hand, the desktop PC market is now experiencing a decline due to the rapidly increasing popularity of mobile computers. On the other hand, huge competition and the development of IT technologies have made it possible to saturate the market with inexpensive computer devices, making “self-assembly” impractical for the sake of saving money.

And yet there are still many enthusiasts who prefer not only to independently create the configuration and select components for their future electronic machine, but also to assemble it all with their own hands. This is especially true for mid- and top-end high-performance computers. After all, it is this approach that allows you to choose the right balance between the installed devices and their cost, without worrying that, for example, in addition to a powerful processor, you will be installed with a weak video card with a large amount of video memory, which simply will not be used. Also in this case, there are always ample opportunities for subsequent modernization of the system unit, modding and prompt minor repairs.

Thus, despite the fact that assembling a PC with your own hands is gradually fading into the background, this issue still remains relevant. Therefore, we decided to prepare material, or rather even a manual, for novice users, which will tell you in detail how to assemble a system unit yourself at home.

Before assembly

Before starting assembly, let's get acquainted with the components that will make up our future computer. Here it is worth mentioning right away that we in no way encourage you to assemble a PC of the same configuration and from the same parts that will be involved in this material. All the equipment used to demonstrate the assembly is purely the personal preference of one person and has nothing to do with advertising of certain brands and manufacturers.

So, in our case, solutions from Intel were chosen as the main platform for the future computer, which included a motherboard based on the Z77 chipset with an LGA 1155 socket and a quad-core Core i5 processor. To cool the processor, a low-noise tower fan was selected.

The rest of our assembly included: a pair of 4 GB DDR3 RAM modules, a GeForce GTX 580 video card, a 1 TB hard drive and an additional internal fan for airflow, a DVD-RW optical drive, a medium-sized ATX case and a power supply with power 700 W.

In order to assemble all this into a single whole, we need only one tool - a medium-sized Phillips screwdriver, preferably with a magnetic tip. And of course a pair of straight hands.

Everything is ready to begin assembly and now it’s time to remember one important detail - static electricity, which in some situations tends to accumulate on our body. All computer components, with the exception of the power supply, are low-voltage equipment and can easily burn out even from the shortest high-voltage discharge. But banal combing of hair or rubbing against woolen items can lead to the accumulation of a static charge of several thousand volts. So imagine what could happen if you cut it on some computer part?

To avoid unfortunate consequences, be sure to touch any metal object, such as a heating pipe or refrigerator, before handling components. If your body was electrified, then in this case, the accumulated charge will instantly discharge. Also, during assembly, it is better not to wear things that can contribute to the accumulation of static electricity.

It is advisable to carry out the assembly itself on a surface that does not conduct electricity (wood, plastic). If the work table is covered with a cloth tablecloth, then it is better to remove it for a while, since many fabrics tend to accumulate static electricity.

Processor Installation

At the first stage of assembly, we will install the processor and RAM into the motherboard, and also mount the CPU cooling system. Of course, you can first screw the motherboard into the case, and only then do the above steps. But here it is important to know that some processor fans have mounts, some of which are located on the back side of the motherboard, which may make it impossible to install it when the board is already inserted into the case.

Finding the processor socket on the motherboard is very easy. It has a rectangular shape with sides measuring more than 4 cm, so it is quite difficult not to notice it.

One of the main design differences between Intel and AMD processors is the fact that the former uses contact pads to connect to the connector on the motherboard, while the latter uses contact pins.

Accordingly, motherboards also have different sockets, which for Intel microprocessors are equipped with soft spring-loaded legs, and for AMD, with many tiny holes. Let us remember that in our case we are dealing with an Intel processor and an LGA socket.

Before installing the processor, you must open the connector by pressing the metal lever and pulling it to the side.

Once released from the mount, move the elevator lever up, after which the clamping frame will open.

To prevent incorrect installation of the processor in the socket, manufacturers make auxiliary docking cutouts in the design of their cases. Intel has semicircular recesses on the case, while AMD has beveled corners.

After opening the socket, we take the processor and install it into the socket without any effort or pressing, so that the mating cutouts align.

Now we close the clamping frame by inserting the protrusion located on it with a recess under the limiter, and return the metal elevator lever to its original place, thereby pressing the processor to the contacts located in the connector.

At this point, the black protective cap on the pressure frame should fly off, after which it can be thrown away. At this point, the installation of the processor can be considered complete, so let’s move on to installing the cooling system.

Installing a CPU Cooling System

Today there are a large number of different cooling systems on the market, which use different methods of attachment to the motherboard. Of course, it is difficult to talk about all the nuances within the framework of one material, but this is not necessary, because, as a rule, many coolers with unusual mounting systems are supplied with detailed instructions for their installation.

We will look at the two most common methods of installing fans, which are used with certain nuances in the vast majority of cooling systems.

To install the cooler in the motherboard next to the processor socket, there are four holes.

In most cases, the cooler mount for modern Intel processors contains four legs, which are inserted into these very holes and secured there by pressing on them from above. To avoid distortions, it is better to fasten them crosswise.

Standard fan for processorsIntel

To dismantle fans with this type of fastening, you need to turn the head of the leg counterclockwise 90 degrees, and then pull it up. After removal, rotate all legs to their original position.

Motherboards with sockets for AMD processors are equipped with a special frame for installing the cooling device, to which the standard cooler is attached with two screws. So everything is simple here.

Let's move on to our case. We did not use the original Intel fan, replacing it with a more advanced tower cooler with low noise levels. Its installation on the motherboard is somewhat different from the standard procedures described above. Here, to increase the stability of the cooler, a special frame is used to mount it, located under the processor socket, to which it is subsequently screwed. It is with its placement that we will begin.

We attach the frame to the back of the motherboard in such a way that all four holes on both parts are aligned. Then we insert the screws included in the kit and fasten the nuts onto them on the other side of the board, to which the frame will be attached, pressing the base of the radiator into the processor cover.

Cooling of the processor occurs due to the heat exchange process between its cover and the base of the cooler. Ideally, the lid and base should be completely adjacent to each other, which would ensure maximum heat dissipation efficiency. But in practice this is very difficult to achieve, since their surfaces have roughness. Therefore, in order to increase the contact area, liquid thermal paste is used to fill microvoids, thereby improving heat transfer between the surfaces of devices.

As a rule, in many solutions, including inexpensive and standard coolers, thermal paste is applied to the radiator of the cooling system at the factory. So all you have to do is properly secure the fan to the motherboard. But in our case, you will have to apply the thermal paste yourself, since the tube with it is included separately.

You should know that thermal paste should be applied in a very thin layer. The principle, the more the better, does not apply here, as this will only harm normal heat transfer. For application, you can use any available means, as long as your imagination is enough. We used a regular cotton swab, first moistening its ends a little so that the cotton would not peel off.

Squeeze a small amount of thermal paste from the tube onto the processor cover.

Then spread it evenly over the entire area.

Now, everything is ready to install the cooling system. We take the radiator and remove the protective film from its base.

We install the radiator on the processor and secure it using a special clamping frame and nuts that are screwed onto the screws we prepared earlier. To avoid distortions of the radiator, tighten the nuts crosswise.

Now all that remains is to connect the fan to the control connector on the motherboard, and then put it on the radiator, after which the installation of the cooling system can be considered complete.

The connector on the motherboard for the processor cooler is always located next to the processor socket, has four contacts and the name CPU_FAN.

It should be taken into account that the cooler itself may often have a three-pin connector, which in any case will be compatible with the one located on the motherboard. The presence of the fourth pin is not mandatory, since it is responsible for an additional function that makes it possible to use various automatic fan speed control modes, depending on the processor temperature, using the motherboard BIOS.

Regardless of which connector you have on the cooler, to avoid incorrect connections, auxiliary notches are always placed on it, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake when connecting the fan to the motherboard.

Our first stage of assembly is completed by installing RAM. This is a very simple procedure, as you will soon see for yourself. Slots for installing memory are not at all difficult to find, since they have an elongated shape, are always located next to the processor socket and are painted in pairs in different colors. By the way, they have appeared more than once in many previous photographs.

In our case, we have four connectors in black and blue colors, which makes it possible, if desired, to install four memory sticks respectively. In general, different motherboard models may contain 2 (low-cost models), 4 (standard) or 6 (legacy models) RAM slots. As you can see, in any case their number is even. The fact is that it is customary to install memory modules in pairs to enable dual-channel mode, which doubles the speed of data exchange between the RAM and the central processor. That is, if you want to have 8 GB of RAM, then you should buy two 4 GB sticks. Of course, you can install a single 8 GB memory chip instead, but in this case the computer's performance will be reduced.

It’s not for nothing that the manufacturer paints the RAM slots in pairs in different colors. These are the so-called “banks”, each of which has its own color. To use the dual-channel mode, you need to install a couple of memory chips in one bank, and not at random. For example, in our situation, we fill either both black slots or blue ones.

Before installing the modules, move the white locking levers located on the sides of the selected connectors to the sides. Next, using light pressure, carefully insert the memory stick into the slot.

In this case, it is necessary to align the notch on the memory module with the jumper in the connector on the motherboard.

After making sure that the bar is inserted into the slot, fix it by pressing from above on the corners of the memory until a characteristic click is heard. The side clamps should return to their original position.

We do the same with all the other planks.

At this point, the first and most important stage of assembly can be considered complete.

Don’t be surprised, but after installing all the components described above, you can start the system for the first time and check its functionality. After all, most modern processors have a built-in graphics core, and motherboards have integrated connectors for connecting a monitor. Having temporarily connected the power supply to the processor and motherboard, it is not difficult to turn on the assembled system by closing the corresponding contacts on the “motherboard” with any metal object, for example, a screwdriver. Only experienced users should perform this trick. Well, if this is your first assembly, then go straight to the second stage.

Today the world of computer technology is so diverse that it is very difficult to make a choice. For example, when many people decide to get a computer, they often think that it is better to have ready-made equipment or to assemble it at home with their own hands. Of course, young people who understand at least a little technology and quickly figure out what’s what are trying to assemble a computer with their own hands. Moreover, this option is much more economical than buying ready-made equipment.

But still, if you are going to start assembling your PC personally, you should understand the advantages of this option. The first thing you need to do is purchase components that meet your requirements and needs, taking into account their compatibility. Above all, you need to decide which computer to build for gaming or work. Since today's youth are obsessed with various games, we will try to assemble the best version of a gaming computer.

The benefits of buying a PC yourself

What is the most important thing in a computer? Of course, the system unit. As a rule, when buying it in a store and asking the seller about the prices and configuration of the unit, it is difficult to find out, since no one in the store will reveal such important information to you. It's classified. Only by disassembling the block of the house can you find out whether all the components and components have been selected correctly.

Very often, store sellers claim that the system has 4 gigabytes of RAM and a gaming video card, but they do not mention the name of the manufacturer. This is because it is not profitable for them, since usually stores try to sell a system unit assembled from components from unknown or little-known manufacturers. As a result, when you bring it home, connect it, connect all the wires correctly and put the computer into operation, after a couple of months you will feel that there are malfunctions in its operation. And after a short time it may completely fail. All this is because unknown manufacturers do not try very hard with the quality of components; they believe that if they are not visible, since they are hidden inside the block, then it will do just fine, and as a rule, the result of such negligence does not take long to arrive. Therefore, an important rule: all components of the block must be produced by a well-established manufacturer.

Also, an undeniable disadvantage of buying a ready-made system unit in a store is that in the future you may not even think about making any changes to its configuration. So, you will not be able to change its design, nor add or remove a set of functions. As a result, before purchasing, think about whether to buy in a store or start your own assembly.

Independent selection of components will allow you to choose them taking into account your requirements and wishes. In addition, remember that the price of the finished system unit is greatly influenced by the software part of the PC. You've probably noticed that when you buy a computer in a store, sellers of their own free will, in addition to the main Windows system, install additional ones, the existence of which you didn't even know existed and are unlikely to ever use. But they don’t pay attention to this, because the more programs installed, the higher the cost of the system.

In addition, many sellers tell buyers that they install only licensed programs, and therefore the cost is high. But you shouldn't believe everything they say. After all, if you are familiar with software, you probably know that one copy of the licensed software is designed for only one user. In addition, it is very expensive. Therefore, a logical question arises: will stores be able to buy as many licensed programs as they have computer systems. Of course not. In fact, they install such a program on all computers, and tell customers false stories.

Some nuances

Remember, self-assembly will allow you to assemble a system unit with components that you really need and are worth. Moreover, in the future you will be able to upgrade it. Moreover, the computer industry is developing at a rapid pace these days; you just need to keep up with it. If today it seems to you that you have assembled modern and powerful equipment, then in a couple of months it may be considered obsolete.

Also remember, sellers often offer system units with “cut” versions of motherboards to mislead the buyer, but at the same time make good money. They are cheaper, and the functionality of these components is limited. It will be very difficult to modernize such systems in the future.

Assembling the block with your own hands will give you freedom of action. You can install different components at your own discretion.

Components of a full-fledged computer

We will help you and tell you what to do at each stage of component assembly.

First of all, you need to know what a computer consists of, and this is:

  • frame;
  • hard drive or SSD drive;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse;
  • motherboard;
  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • power unit;
  • video card.

When choosing components, remember that you do not need to buy too expensive spare parts, but very economical options will not suit you. It’s better to first get acquainted with prices and manufacturers, and only then choose a middle ground. Pay enough special attention to the processor to be able to add RAM to the video card in the future.

How to properly connect components

Once you have decided on the configuration of your future computer and bought the components necessary for assembly, you can begin work. It is worth saying that in fact, such work is not difficult only for those people who have more than once encountered assembling a PC and are well aware of all the components, some features, nuances and assembly diagrams. People who have not encountered this kind of work will have to sweat a little, since it primarily requires attention and patience. Therefore, if you are ready to start, we provide you with detailed instructions for assembling the system unit, which will help you avoid mistakes and do everything correctly.

So, first you need to check the presence of all components and ensure their integrity. You will need:

  • case and power supply;
  • motherboard, plug, which is included in the kit, for the back of the unit;
  • CPU;
  • HDD or SSD hard drive;
  • video card;
  • cable for connecting spare parts;
  • cooling system;
  • RAM;
  • if necessary, an optical drive.

Lay out all the spare parts on the mat in front of you and double-check their availability again, after which you can begin installing the power supply.

power unit

Before we talk about installing the power supply, let's talk about its power. It is known that computers are used for different purposes. Some people need them purely for working with graphics or office applications, some will work on it at home on the Internet, others want to enjoy a high-quality game. Depending on the area of ​​use, a case with a power supply is selected. So, for working with graphics and high-quality games, a power supply with a power of 500-600 W is better suited. The fact is that a lower power unit will not be compatible with a powerful video card, since the power supply must always be compatible with the video card. The approximate cost of such a block is between 50-60 dollars.

For a computer that will be used at home, working on the Internet or office applications, a unit with a power of 350-400 W will do. Its cost is usually about 30-40 dollars.

Before you begin installing the unit, you must remove the side cover from the housing. In some models the power supply is mounted at the top, and in others at the bottom. Therefore, pay attention to this detail when installing it. In addition, many wires with appropriate connectors must come from the unit to connect other equipment.

Therefore, you need to make sure that the block has the necessary connectors, so that later you do not need to purchase missing adapters. The block is secured with screws using a Phillips screwdriver. So, having considered where in the case the block is mounted, we install it and secure it firmly with screws. The first stage is completed.


So, we have already installed the power supply in the case, now it’s the turn of the motherboard. First, we check whether this part is damaged; if everything is in order, you can begin installing it.

First of all, you will have to install the plug that comes with the motherboard. It is worth saying that it has special holes with which it is attached to the body. In addition, very often the motherboard comes with special spare parts in the form of supports, which are designed to place the motherboard on them. If they are, then install them first, and then the main part. After all, the supports are supplied so that the motherboard is firmly and securely located in its place. In addition, sometimes the methods of mounting the board may differ; this depends on the design of the case itself.

So, if the case is universal and does not have special frills, the motherboard is mounted as follows:

It is very difficult to make a mistake here, since there is only one suitable connector.


Step three - installing the central processor. When installing a processor, you must remember that the motherboard is equipped with a connector for it, which is called a socket. The characteristics of the processor and motherboard must be similar, the sockets must be the same.

The processor is installed in a special place, which is very noticeable. It is presented in the form of a rectangular connector with a clamp and is no larger than a box.

We press the small lever, move it to the side, then open the cover as far as possible and begin installing the processor. Here comes the most important point, which requires great attention. The processor must be installed correctly. How to do it?

There is a triangle-shaped mark on the processor, and there is a similar mark in the place to which it should be attached. During installation, you need to align these two marks with millimeter accuracy. The installation should be performed as follows: we take the processor by the ribs and gently place it in its location; the landing should be light and soft, without effort or pressing. In addition, do not touch the contacts under any circumstances, so as not to damage it. When the processor is installed, carefully fix it with a clamp, returning it to its original place. At the end, we connect the power cable to the connector located nearby.

Cooling system

There are many types of cooling systems; let’s consider installing a standard cooler with snaps. First you need to prepare the cooler, use the latch to open it and remove the protective film. If there is no thermal paste on the edge, be sure to apply it to improve the thermal conduction process between the fan heatsink and the processor. It is applied in a thin and even layer.

Next, we install the cooler on the processor, and it does not matter which side will be installed. However, the installation must be done in such a way that the power cable can be connected to the connector on the motherboard.

Since the cooler has four latches, all of them must coincide with the motherboard connectors when installing it.

We place the cooler on the board, aligning the connectors, and click the latches two at a time, diagonally. Correct fixation is done if you hear clicks and the fan does not wobble or move. If you feel even slight movements, then perform the fixation again. Next, we connect the power to the fan using a cable that has a connector; it must be installed in the connector on the motherboard, which is located close to the processor.


The hard drive is installed at the front of the case. If there is only one hard drive, then it is better to install it in the lower compartment. To attach the hard drive, remove the second side cover from the unit.

We place the disk in the compartment and secure it with screws. The fastening must be made firmly and reliably. Next, connect the power and data cables to the hard drive. Let's consider connecting via the SATA interface - a flat cable, wide, intended for power supply, and a narrow one, in turn, for transmitting information. We connect the power cable to the HDD, and connect the information transfer cable in the same way. In this case, there should be no problems, since the connection system is very simple.

Optical drive

To install optical drives, remove the plugs on the outer part of the case, then install the device in a special compartment and securely fasten it using fasteners.


Installing RAM is not difficult. The connectors have latches that will need to be bent to the side before installing the RAM. Then we put the RAM stick into the slot and press it lightly. The latches return to their original place. All! We installed RAM. Important detail. Remember, there is a small connector on the RAM stick; it is not located in the middle, but slightly offset to the side. Therefore, if the memory is not in its place, then you need to try to unfold it and install it on the opposite side.

Video card

To install the video card, you will need to remove one metal plug, which is located on the back of the system unit. Next, we repeat the same steps as with installing RAM, additionally securing the video card to the case with a screw.


The most difficult assembly stage of all those described above is connecting the wires. The work is much simpler if the manufacturer has prudently labeled all the wires, so it is clear what needs to be connected to what, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Therefore, when purchasing wires, we recommend that you pay attention to the inscriptions on them, this will make it much easier to complete the last stage of assembly.

We check the performance of our own computer. If everything is done correctly, then when you press the button on the unit body, you will hear a single squeak. Hurray we did it! Next, install the operating system, and you can happily enjoy powerful and modern computer games.

Updated 06/02/2015. The article is relevant for the entire 2015.
How to choose a computer so as not to regret it. Choose a good and inexpensive computer!

If you have never been interested in the parameters of certain computer components, then choosing one will be quite difficult for you. But fortunately, you can read my article and your decision will be easy and correct. The most important thing to remember is that the most expensive is not always the best. And also do not trust consultants in stores, since their main task is to sell stale goods that no one buys. Therefore, they will try to convince you in every possible way, but you must insist on your own. To make sure your choice of computer is informed, read the article to the end!

So, the first thing we must do is decide what we need a computer for. There are three different options:

  • office solutions;
  • home options;
  • and gaming systems.

Office computers These are not necessarily machines that are in offices, but simply a generalized name for budget solutions. They are only capable of working with documents and surfing the Internet. Even watching movies can be difficult due to the lack of a full-fledged video card, games will be terribly slow or will not start at all. After all, office solutions usually use weak components, for example, a built-in video card instead of a normal one.

Home computer this is the average level. Here you can already watch movies, even play some games, but not at maximum graphic settings. Such a computer is quite suitable for most users and will not eat up most of the family budget. It is advisable to assemble the configuration yourself, rather than take ready-made solutions, because usually their price includes assembly, various licensed software, which may not be useful, and so on. It’s always better to assemble everything yourself, especially since by 2015 the home computer has become a simple construction kit, where it is simply impossible to assemble something incorrectly.

And finally, gaming computers. Again, this is a general name, it does not mean that the computer will be used only for games. It just tells us that the hardware of such a machine is very serious and powerful. Allows us to process huge graphic images, for example, in PhotoShop or 3D Max. Cut and convert video at a decent speed, perform complex calculations. Such computers are assembled by the users themselves, often not immediately, since they are quite expensive.

For example, first you buy a good motherboard with a reserve for the future, and then an expensive video card, processor, and RAM are “hung” on it. First one video card, then a second one for SLI mode or CrossFire. First 8GB of RAM, then 8 more for working in Double-Channel or even Triple-channel mode, depending on the configuration.

So, if you need more than just a computer for checking email and typing, but you don't play the latest games in the gaming industry or process gigabytes of video, then a home computer is suitable for you.

Now we will go through all the components and talk a little about them. For each point, I will select examples of components that are successful, in my opinion, specifically for a home computer. As a result, at the end of the article, ideally, I will have a system unit that will delight its owner with its performance and potential.

Choosing a computer monitor

We will start not with the system unit, but with the monitor, because this is actually the first thing the user sees, and if the image on it is bad and of poor quality, then what is the point of powerful hardware? If you agree with this, then we continue, and if not, then go straight to the point about system units.

So, how to choose a monitor so that it pleases you with a rich and clear picture? It's easier than it seems. Monitors have only a few important characteristics. Well, I hope everyone has long understood that there can be no talk of any CRT monitors. This is a relic of the past, I don’t know if they are even sold anywhere now or not, but, in any case, forget about them like a bad dream!

Naturally, this will be an LCD monitor, which should have an acceptable response time of 2-8 milliseconds, and it will most likely be widescreen, this is also almost a standard. The resolution is 1920x1080 for watching movies and games in Full HD format, you can, of course, take more, for example, 3840x2160.

Viewing angles are actually not as critical as many people write and talk about them. An angle of 170 horizontally and 160 vertically is a common option, because you are not going to look at the monitor by placing it in front of you on the sofa or bed, right? Everyone sits and looks at the monitor at the right angle, and even with minor deviations the picture will not lose its brightness.

The matrix will most likely be either TFT PLS or TFT IPS. And this is no longer a toy for true aesthetes or photographers, as it was before; now these technologies are used in almost all modern models. It is used everywhere (to replace fluorescent), which consumes little electricity and improves color rendition. I also highly recommend purchasing monitors with a matte screen!

We will give examples in each section so that you roughly understand what we are talking about. The DELL U2414H and ASUS VX239H monitors may well serve as examples, each in their own field. They have different formats, different matrices, different response times, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Read descriptions, reviews and understand.

That's all about monitors, now let's move on to the periphery, without which normal work at the computer is not possible.

Peripherals (select mouse and keyboard)

As already mentioned, peripherals are a very important thing that you shouldn’t skimp on too much. Of course, I don’t encourage you to buy a wireless gyroscopic mouse for 10 thousand, but you shouldn’t buy a mouse for 100 rubles either. Either she scratches the table, then the cursor begins to twitch. And many cheap mice also have low DPI, which will cause you a lot of inconvenience if you have a large widescreen monitor.

General advice for both mouse and keyboard: don't buy cheap wireless devices. If you don’t have the money for expensive models, then buy one with a wire, otherwise later, in the vast majority of cases, problems with the signal will appear. These are not just my thoughts - this is really true. No money - we choose wires and no problems with the signal. If you have money and desire, we take quality products.

Let's start with mouse selection. It should be comfortable and fit the size of your palm well. Don't buy laptop mice for use on a desktop computer, really. Your hands get tired quickly when working with such a mouse, as it is uncomfortable to hold. The palm should rest completely on the body of the mouse, and not lie on the table. I also don’t recommend chasing the number of additional buttons on a mouse; most people don’t use them at all. But 2, maximum 4 additional keys on the side of the mouse can be allowed, the main thing is that they do not interfere with work. DPI is image resolution, and in relation to a mouse, in simple terms, this is the speed at which the cursor moves on the screen. More precisely, the ratio of the distance by which you physically moved the mouse to the distance on the screen by which the cursor moved.

The larger the monitor and its resolution, the more DPI you need for comfortable work. If you purchased a Full HD monitor with a resolution of 1920×1080 (I recommend choosing this), then you will need at least 800 dpi, and preferably 1200. Then you will not have to make unnecessary movements to move the cursor to the right place. An example of a good mouse is the A4Tech XL-750BK and in general the x7 series from A4tech is very successful.

Keyboard should be standard so that there are as few additional and, moreover, useless keys as possible, then it will last longer and typing on it will be more comfortable. Choose a device with short key travel, that is, small, thin keys. If you know how to touch-type, then getting used to such a keyboard will not be difficult for you; it will take a maximum of 1 - 2 days. It may also have outputs for headphones, microphone and USB. It all depends on your preferences; if necessary, choose a model with outputs. An example of a successful model that will fit into the budget of your home computer is Logitech K200.

We've sorted out the periphery. Now you have everything except the most important thing - the system unit! And we’ll start with the body for it, since very often people neglect the “box”, but in vain, and here’s why, read on.

How important is the system case?

The point here is this. Many people think that there is no point in buying a good case. I screwed all the hardware, even to a cardboard box, the main thing was that it didn’t fall off. But the fact is that powerful hardware, especially the video card and processor, get very hot. The temperature of a video card without a cooling system can soar over 150 degrees in a few seconds. Accordingly, when a cooling system is installed on it, it removes heat from the video card itself and releases it into the surrounding air layers. This is where you need a well-designed case so that air can flow in and out of the box freely, otherwise the cooling system will become ineffective. Then the computer will crash.

If you don’t want to keep the case open all the time, then make sure that coolers (fans) are installed inside it for intake and exhaust. Again, a rather delicate point: if there is no balance between the amount of incoming and outgoing air, then dust will begin to accumulate inside the case and it will need to be constantly cleaned.

Sizes matter too. For example, most modern video cards have impressive capacities. CPU coolers can also be large. All this will lead to the fact that the components will simply interfere with each other and it will be impossible to install them. Make sure the case is spacious enough to accommodate all the parts you purchase. Example - Thermaltake Chaser A31 VP300A1W2N Black.

A few words about power supplies, an easy choice

Recently, power supplies have stopped being installed in cases, and they have to be purchased separately. In fact, this is correct, because the standard blocks that came with the case were almost always weak, and they still had to be replaced, but the cost of it was included in the price of the box. Accordingly, now we buy only the case, and select the power supply to suit our needs ourselves. It is worth noting that it does not grow in proportion to the increase in productivity.

Yes, it is growing, but mainly due to video cards, since processors and hard drives somehow restrain their appetites in this regard. Reducing the CPU process technology often leads to reduced power consumption. Hard drives are starting to have so-called “green” models, which also operate at lower power consumption and generate less heat. But video cards constantly require more and more watts. Actually, because of this, we will need a power supply of 600-800 Watts. In this case, it is desirable that the wires can be disconnected from the unit itself. This will save a lot of space in the case, everything will be neat, beautiful and practical. Thus, you can focus on models such as Thermaltake TR2 RX 650W (detachable wires) and Thermaltake TR2 600W (not detachable).

Now, finally, let's move on to the components. This will be the most interesting part, especially for those who simply have not read the text until this point. The first thing we need is a motherboard, since it will determine which processor, video card, RAM and hard drive we install.

The motherboard is the basis of your computer

Now I will explain everything briefly so as not to fill your head with unnecessary information. Of all the parameters of the motherboard, we can highlight the most basic ones. For example, we will not consider the form factor, since for a home computer you will buy a motherboard of either standard ATX size (305x244 mm) or microATX (244x244 mm), which is more preferable, since this particular format is not overloaded with extra slots. So let's look at the options that will really be useful to you when choosing:

  • socket (the processor type depends on it);
  • RAM connectors (quantity, type);
  • slots for video cards (number, type).

As for, for example, IDE or PCI connectors, forget about them, they are a relic of the past. You can also somehow justify the presence of PCI-E 1x, 2x, and so on, but they are also not a parameter that you should pay attention to when buying a motherboard.

The socket can be either for Intel or AMD processors. Moreover, each of them can also be different. For example, LGA1150 is currently relevant for Intel. AMD has FM2+ and AM3+ sockets. But soon the situation will change again, I am sure of it. RAM must be DDR3, 2 or 4 slots. Of course, there are two connectors for a PCI-E 16x video card, if you plan or you can limit yourself to one slot, support for PCI-E version 3.0 is mandatory. An example is ASUS B85M-G, which has everything you need for a home system.

RAM, nothing complicated

Once we have chosen the motherboard, nothing can stop us - we have reached the finish line of assembling our system unit and the computer as a whole. There is nothing complicated in choosing RAM. It is only worth noting that it will be DDR3, the total volume is at least 8GB, the frequency is 1600 - 2800 MHz.

This volume can be achieved in various ways. For example, buy one 8GB stick, but it would be better to install 2 4GB sticks. It will be much better both in price and performance. Here, as an example, let’s take a regular one, or better yet 2 pieces, in total we get 16 GB and excellent performance for a low price. Perhaps you have heard about RAM timings, but I do not advise you to change them (overclock the system) without knowledge in this area. The standard factory settings are quite sufficient.

Video card: one, two or zero?

Since we are talking about a budget home computer, and not a powerful gaming solution, there will be only one video card. But you can spend a little more money on it, instead of buying two cheap ones just for SLI or CrossFire. As a result, one good video card can satisfy the requirements of even modern games at ultra settings.

The connector, naturally, will be PCI-E 16x, there can be no other option. Regarding the choice of a specific model, you should refer to the same overclockers and their reviews. You should aim for 2 - 3 GB of memory, you don't need more. After all, we, I repeat, are assembling a budget home computer. So, after reading dozens of reviews, I settled on two models, you can buy the one that will be in your store. Also, personal preferences may come into play here, so choose for yourself: MSI GeForce GTX 970 and MSI Radeon R9 290. They both show good overclocking potential, if anyone is interested. But even at standard frequencies, their power is enough for all everyday tasks and for a pleasant relaxation while watching movies in Full HD, playing tanks, battlefield 4 and GTA 5 on ultra settings.

We should also talk about built-in video cards. No, no, these are not those useless video cards built into the motherboard, which even when working in Word slowed down and could not draw the picture properly. This is a completely new technology for building a system, when there is both a processor and a graphics core on one chip. Such models include A-Series from AMD, and most of Intel's modern models have such a graphics core. As for their performance, judging by the tests, it is enough even for some games, but this is purely individual for each processor, you need to read the tests. It is only worth noting that if you want to save on a video card, now you can do it easily and simply. An example of a typical solution from AMD: AMD A10-7850K Kaveri, when for very reasonable money you get an excellent processor and good graphics. From Intel, look at the Core i3 - Core i7 line, but the built-in AMD graphics cores are much better, I warn you right away!

Choosing a good processor - the heart of our system unit

Almost all computer performance depends on the processor. The fact is that it is the processor that is responsible for all calculations, so its power should be enough and even a little in excess, with a reserve for the future. It is also worth noting that many processors can be easily overclocked, that is, you can increase their performance without overpaying. But this is a separate topic, but for now let’s focus on the characteristics of the processors.

  • Socket.
  • Frequency.
  • Number of Cores.
  • Cache volumes at different levels.

We won’t go into detail on the first parameter – the socket, because we have already chosen the motherboard, so we look at what socket it is. In our case, this is LGA 1150. Therefore, the entire Intel Core line from i3 to i7 is suitable for us, but the price range here is too large. For our budget solution, you can take the modern version of Core i5. You can look, for example, at. Its power is enough for you to solve everyday tasks and all modern games.
The number of cores in our case is 4, the processor frequency is 3500 MHz, the 3rd level cache is 6 MB. You can use these numbers as a guide when making your choice.

Hard drive or cloud?

Recently, there has been a trend towards storing information on the Internet. Such technologies are called cloud technologies. The most striking and well-known examples are cloud data storage services: Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, DropBox. You can listen to music on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex.Music and the like. Watch films in online cinemas, in general, you understand me. Thus, many can generally get by with a 200GB hard drive and will not feel discomfort or lack of memory.

However, if you still want to keep a collection of music, movies in good quality, high-resolution photographs and much more on your computer, then you simply need a large hard drive. I think 1TB is enough for a huge collection of anything.

As for the other parameters, there is only one form factor for a home computer - 3.5 inches. The disc rotation speed is 7200 rpm. The connection interface is SATA 6Gb/s, the buffer volume is proportional to the volume of the disk itself. So, for a volume of 500GB the buffer will be 16-32MB, and for 1TB it will be about 64MB. Here I would recommend, for example, Western Digital WD10EFRX. This is the WD Red server series, which is distinguished by its survivability and reliability.

In general, the advantages of SSDs include greater speed. But besides this, they are silent, since they have no moving parts, are more reliable and consume less energy.

Now you can assemble a computer yourself, without outside help. Choose all the components for both the budget version and a completely powerful machine. I still advise you to assemble a home computer if you do not need a gaming option. Since the prices for components are falling very quickly, accordingly, chasing after new products, you can very much overpay! Also, it is most profitable to buy in online stores.

The first thing you need to understand is why you need such a system. This affects not only the cost of assembly, but also the nature of the choice of components. The most ordinary computer that performs standard tasks can be assembled from entry-level elements. There is even an opportunity to play low-cost games. If you are an avid gamer or are demanding on graphics, then this choice is indispensable. You need a so-called gaming computer. You will need more RAM (from 16 GB), a processor with at least 4 cores, one or two discrete video cards, and, of course, a powerful power supply that will handle it all. The price of this pleasure can exceed 100 thousand rubles. Is it worth pursuing? Everyone decides for themselves. But it is more advisable to opt for a mid-level car.

What do you need to assemble a computer?


The “heart” of a computer is considered to be the CPU, on whose power a lot depends - whether the external video card will show its full potential, whether it will be possible to open several resource-intensive applications at once, whether it will be comfortable to watch videos in UltraHD format. Intel processors (i5 or i7) are suitable for these purposes. The clock speed starts at 3 GHz. It should not be surprising that over 10 years this parameter has increased insignificantly. Engineers achieved a reduction in the technological process, which made it possible to increase the number of transistors on a chip, reducing power consumption.

It’s better to immediately pay attention to the seventh generation of Intel processors, since the built-in graphics card allows you to play video content in the H.265 format, which is gaining popularity. The latest generation codec not only supports high frame rates, but also 10-bit color. A dual-core processor with four Pentium threads, the cost of which is minimal, can currently decode such material. Therefore, such a CPU is suitable for assembling a non-gaming system. For games in FullHd format, you need to take a closer look at the i5 line, for 4K games - at the i7 series.

A landmark event in 2017 was the release of competitive models from AMD. The Ryzen 7 1800X can perform on par with the Intel i7-7700k. The most powerful platform for the average user will be based on one of these “stones”. But you cannot build the cheapest computer on AMD Ryzen, since these processors do not have a built-in video core.

CPU cooling system

When the “stone” operates, heat is generated that must be removed. Therefore, a fan is required. Central processors are supplied with a cooler (BOX version) and without (OEM). If you are a connoisseur of silence in the room, then it is better to choose the second option. Typically, third-party coolers have lower noise levels. For example, in the model from Arctic Cooling - Alpine 11 PRO - this figure reaches 14 dB, which is 9 dB lower than that of “box” fans. Despite this, it is capable of cooling processors up to 95 Watts. But it will not work if you are going to increase the CPU clock speed specified in the specification. For a gaming system, you need to choose a cooling system with copper heat pipes. Copper base improves heat dissipation performance. For example, the TITAN Hati TTC-NC15TZ/KU cooler is designed for a maximum processor heat dissipation of 160 Watts.

Today, most cooling systems are made with speed control depending on the CPU temperature. When the system is not loaded, less energy is required. Therefore, the fan should rotate more slowly (from 500 rpm) and create less noise. This modification has a 4-pin power connector, without control - a 3-pin connector.

The cooler has different mounts for AMD and Intel platforms. The most common sockets are LGA 2011 and 1151, and boards with AM4 have begun to be released for AMD Ryzen processors. Compatibility is very important, check it in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.


The foundation on which the entire system rests is called the computer motherboard. Models differ in the socket where the central processor is installed. This has been said before. In turn, they are divided according to the type of chipset, which is the connecting link between the components. For example, Intel has Z270 or X99, AMD has X370 or 970.

The form factor also matters (ATX, mATX or mini-ITX). It depends on the type of case in which all the elements of the computer are located. You can get an inexpensive machine based on mATX. This motherboard has shortened dimensions while maintaining all the necessary functions. The gaming modification does not involve savings; the ATX type is suitable for it. For enthusiasts who need maximum performance and detailed rendering in games, manufacturers have added SLI and CrossFire functions (combining the power of several video adapters). Modern technologies allow you to install up to four video cards with one graphics processor. If the model name contains the word “Gaming”, rest assured that it is supported here. A nice addition could be the presence of backlighting.

The backplane contains two or four RAM slots. For the future, it is better to purchase with four, so that later you can increase the total memory capacity. It is more profitable to choose a platform that supports DDR4 memory, the price of which is the same as DDR3. Check compatibility on the manufacturer's website.

If video is built into the central processor, you need to pay attention to which outputs are used to communicate with the monitor. HDMI and DVI interfaces are common.

There are also USB ports on the rear panel. At the moment, their fastest type is USB 3.1, including the input for various gadgets - Type-C.

All modern motherboards have PCI-E 3.0 x16 slots.

An audio controller will be important for music lovers or movie lovers with high-quality sound. We choose the most effective - SupremeFX S1220 or Realtek ALC1150/1220. Digital audio has better performance than analogue. Therefore, manufacturers began to include an optical S/PDIF connector. An audio device with an HDMI input can be connected through the corresponding output of the video card.

The power supply to the motherboard and processor must be 24+8 pin.


Previously, its volume was measured in megabytes. Now even 4 GB is not enough. Memory sticks are located in slots on the motherboard. Some applications and, especially, games require large resources. The minimum required volume can be considered 8 GB. For gamers, 16 GB is already required.

RAM performance increases if it operates in 2 or 4 channel modes. Therefore, we choose two sticks with a capacity of 4 or 8 GB, depending on the needs.

The bandwidth of DDR4 is higher than that of DDR3. At the same time, energy consumption is less. If the first operates in the voltage range of 1.2 - 1.35 V, then the second - at 1.5 V.

Memory frequency is critical if the video adapter is integrated into the processor. Otherwise, strips with a frequency from 2133 to 2666 MHz and a voltage of 1.2 V are suitable. Increasing the frequency will require increasing the supply voltage to 1.35 V, which will lead to greater energy consumption.

The ideal option is to purchase two sticks of 8 GB RAM with a frequency of 2666 MHz.

Video card

The graphics card is an important element for transmitting video information from the computer to the display. It comes in two types - built-in and external. The first does not require additional power and is not intended for gaming. The most advanced video core in Intel processors is HD Graphics 630, which is capable of decoding high-bitrate video in H.265 format. If you are happy with this, then you can save a lot on assembly without resorting to an external adapter. Otherwise, you can’t do without it.

It all comes down to price and performance. The market offers many options for discrete video cards. Their power has grown so much that not one of them can do without fans, the number of which reaches three. Another important parameter appears - noise level.

Two manufacturers are fighting for the buyer in this segment - NVidia, which is more productive and cooler, and AMD, which balances price and quality.

For the average user, for whom the maximum requirement is the availability of online games, a model from NVidia’s junior line – GTX 1050TI – is suitable. It is equipped with a sufficient amount of video memory of 4 GB, a recommended power supply of only 300 Watts, and supports a high resolution of 7680 x 4320.

Fans of high-end games need a more powerful video adapter. They have the following models to choose from: GeForce GTX 1060, GTX 1070, GTX 1080, GTX 1080TI and GTX Titan X. The latter has 12 GB of the fastest GDDR5X memory, but requires 250 Watts of energy. GeForce GTX 1080 with 8 GB of video memory and 180 Watt consumption is the best option for gaming in 4K resolution with the highest detail. If you are comfortable playing with medium settings, then we choose the GTX 1070 based on the price/performance ratio.

To improve energy efficiency, some cooling systems can stop fans from spinning when idle to reduce noise. The use of two or more coolers increases the reliability of the video system as a whole in the event of failure of one of them.

Information carriers

Any computer cannot do without hard drives on which personal data will be stored or the operating system will be installed. For faster loading and operation of Windows, you will need an SSD drive of at least 120 GB. It consumes less power than a mechanical drive, is silent and takes up less space in the case. But it is not without its shortcomings. The main ones are time between failures and a higher price. Therefore, if you record a large amount of information, it is cheaper to buy an internal or external hard drive with a size of 4 TB or more.

power unit

When all components of the PC platform have been selected, we will begin to search for the most important element on which the stability of the system depends. The power supply is involved in energy distribution and voltage stabilization.

If you have an office version of the computer (for example, without an external video card), then 400 watts of power will be enough. The average video adapter will require a 500-watt power supply. To power the GTX Titan X or several devices in SLI/CrossFire mode, you need a unit of 750 watts or more.

There are two main indicators - efficiency and PFC. Power supplies with an efficiency of more than 80% (80 Plus standard) are considered more efficient. The efficiency determines how much useful energy is transferred to the PC components. The larger it is, the less the power unit heats up. It is recommended to use a PSU with active power factor correction (APFC), as it further smoothes the voltage supplied to it. But it has a significant drawback - this type of device does not require the use of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).

More details about choosing a power supply are written in the article choosing a power supply for a computer.


All elements of the future system are placed in a metal box. The thicker the sheet, the more reliable it is. By size they are divided into ATX, mATX and mini-ITX. The choice is yours. Small enclosures have limited volume for good ventilation, but take up less space. The ATX size allows you to install a long video card.

A case with a transparent lid, where you can see the LED lighting inside, will look impressive. Expensive models are equipped with an additional cooling system. This is important for a gaming PC that experiences intense heat.

It is better to choose a lower location for the power supply, as it takes in cold air from under the bottom.


But the choice is not over yet. Without input keys it is impossible to use a computer. The mouse and keyboard are wired (USB and PS/2) and battery-powered. The second option is more practical, but the communication signal sometimes disappears. It's cheaper to buy a set right away. For a gaming PC, a mouse with multimedia buttons or a gamepad is suitable.

If there is a need to record information on optical media, then we purchase any DVD-RW drive.

Finding a monitor is a separate issue. We only note that you need to select LED displays, without flickering and with the ability to reduce blue radiation. It is recommended to check viewing comfort in the store, since TN+film, IPS and VA matrices differ in contrast and color rendition. Otherwise, the only difference is in resolution and diagonal.

How to assemble a computer yourself from components

PC components purchased. You can proceed directly to assembly.

We take the motherboard out of the box and place it on cardboard or foam rubber. We find a socket on the board for installing the CPU. We take the processor and carefully insert it there without any additional effort.

Thermal paste is included with the CPU cooler. Apply a thin layer of it to the surface of the “stone”. After reading the instructions, install the propeller on the base of the board. We check the tightness of the bases to each other. Connect the cooler power wires to the “CPU_Fan” connector. We find a similar connector for connecting a case fan.

We place the power supply in the case, which is secured with screws.

In the front part of the case, we attach the existing hard drives, SSD drives and floppy drives to a metal rack.

Before installing the motherboard, we screw special legs into the holes of the case to prevent short circuits.

Included with the backplane is a rear strip for connectors of external parts of the PC: monitor, sound speakers, USB devices.

Carefully place the board on the legs and fasten it with screws.

Remove the plug on the back of the case and insert a discrete video card into the PCI Express x16 slot.

Now is the time to connect all installed elements with cables.

We connect the plugs on the front panel of the case - indicators of hard drive operation and power availability, buttons for rebooting and shutting down the PC, as well as for USB ports. The connectors are usually located in one place under the PCI slots and are labeled.

We connect hard drives and drives to the system board with SATA cables.

Now is the time to start connecting components to the power supply. First, we insert a 24-pin (or 20+4 pin) cable, which is responsible for supplying power to the motherboard, then an 8-pin cable that powers the CPU.

Let's supply power to the recording and storage devices.

An external video accelerator usually requires additional power. We find this wire from the power supply (6 and 8-pin) and insert it into the connector on the device.

The computer assembly from scratch is completed. Close the housing with a lid. We connect the monitor with a wire for transmitting video data, plug the network cable into the power supply, and the mouse and keyboard into the corresponding USB or PS/2 ports. Turn on the computer.

Important steps in assembling a PC are determining the functions it will perform and calculating the power of the power supply. This will help save a lot of money. Next, we find out whether an external video card is needed. It's not cheap either. SSD drives are a necessary element for maximum system performance. Effective cooling in the case will require an additional turntable. If the motherboard and graphics card have LED backlighting, then it is advisable to choose a frame with a window on the side wall. The main advantage of assembling it yourself is the ability to replace components at any time.

Many people want to build a gaming computer in 2017, while staying within a small budget. But this is a very difficult matter, because the cost of computer components increases every year, as well as the demands of games regarding PC performance. At the same time, I want to build a computer whose hardware will remain relevant for at least several more years, because it is not profitable to invest in its modernization every year, and not everyone can afford it. In our material you will learn which parts are most important in games and how to assemble an inexpensive gaming computer.

Assembling a gaming computer 2019 with your own hands


The first step is to decide on the choice of processor - the most important element of the computer, which is responsible for all computing processes. You have to choose between the products of two world-famous brands, Intel and AMD. It is recommended to find performance tests on the Internet and compare the results with each other. The optimal choice, in our opinion, is the Intel core i5 processor - its power is enough for any games and the fast operation of the operating system.

The higher the processor generation, the better the performance, so take this into account when choosing. To build a powerful budget gaming computer, you can use the i5 7500 - practically the top-end solution in the line, which copes well with resource-intensive tasks. Of course, Intel core i7 processors will be better, but the performance gain in them is not as great as the overpayment. The AMD Athlon II X4 640 will be an excellent solution for building a budget computer, although its capabilities are inferior to solutions from Intel.

Choosing a motherboard

You need to find a motherboard that will support the format of the selected processor. When choosing it, you need to pay attention to the processor socket (for example, to connect an Intel i5 you need an LGA 1151 socket). Also important is the standard of RAM slots, their number and frequency. There may also be additional connectors, which is worth paying attention to in order to choose a motherboard with suitable functionality.


When assembling a gaming computer 2017, the optimal solution would be DD4 standard RAM with a capacity of 8 or 16 GB. There is simply no need for a larger volume, and everything will fly that way. But 4 GB will not be enough for modern games, especially since part of the memory is consumed by the system. You need to choose the amount of RAM based on your budget - the more you install, the faster games will load and the smoother the interface will work. But keep in mind that if in the future you want to expand the volume, then you need to install a bar with a similar frequency and preferably from the same manufacturer, otherwise it may turn out to be incompatible. It is better to choose memory with the maximum frequency; its performance largely depends on this. When deciding how to build an inexpensive gaming computer in 2017, you need to make sure that the selected RAM standard is supported by the motherboard.

Please note that if you set the RAM level to more than 3 GB, then the operating system must have a 64-bit architecture. Otherwise, no matter how much memory you install, no more than three will be available.

The video card is the most important part when assembling a gaming computer.

The question of how to build a good gaming computer is impossible to imagine without choosing a video card that is responsible for processing graphics in games. The video card and processor are the most expensive parts on which gaming performance is most dependent. When choosing, it is better to read reviews, since manufacturers offer a huge variety of models that vary greatly in their capabilities. For a budget PC, an Nvidia Geforce 1050 Ti with 4 GB of memory will be enough. But lately, not everything is so simple with video cards - they are being snapped up by miners, and if they can be found on sale, they are much more expensive than they should be. This applies to the entire video card market. If you have a large budget, then you should pay attention to Nvidia Geforce 1060, 1070 and 1080 cards - the top solutions today, purchasing which you will get maximum performance.

When deciding how to assemble a gaming computer yourself, you can also pay attention to cheaper solutions from ATI or Nvidia. When choosing, consider the connector to which the video card is connected. DDR5 is in the lead - this is the latest format with which almost all motherboards are equipped. Therefore, it is better to opt for it; DDR3 will become less and less popular over time until it becomes completely extinct. And remember that a higher model number doesn't always mean it's better. You need to look at reviews and comparisons of performance tests on special sites.

Selecting a drive

The best option today is to use an SSD drive paired with a standard one. The system is installed on the first one, which gives a noticeable increase in productivity. But due to the high cost, it will be unprofitable to buy a large-capacity SSD, which means that over time you will no longer be able to store all the files on it.

This is where a standard hard drive, which costs much less, comes to the rescue. So, for 3000-4000 rubles you can buy a 1 TB hard drive, while for the same amount you can find an SSD with a maximum capacity of 128 GB. Again, when deciding how to build a good gaming computer inexpensively in 2017, you should read reviews and pay attention to such characteristics as rotation speed. It must be at least 7200 rpm. The speed of writing and reading data depends on this parameter. A fast drive allows games to launch faster and also reduces installation time.

power unit

When thinking about how to assemble a gaming computer in 2017 yourself, you need to calculate the required power supply power. To do this, you need to look in the specifications to see how much energy each part of the computer consumes, add up the sum and add about 20% just in case. Most power supplies come with 20 or 24 pin connectors, make sure they are compatible with your motherboard. You should not take the power supply included with the case. As a rule, it is not of high quality. For a gaming computer, you will need an option with a power of at least 500 W.


The case should not only be beautiful, but also contain all the connectors necessary for use. Particular attention should be paid to cooling, because even on the most powerful hardware, games will slow down if it overheats. Some cases have 80mm fans, others have 120mm fans. The top solution is a liquid cooling system, but it is unreasonably expensive, so it is better to opt for a case with 3-4 powerful coolers. The more powerful the filling, the more efficient the cooling system should be.

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