Vessel movement in real time online. Real-time ship locations

Vessel movement in real time online. Real-time ship locations


Marine Traffic is a resource with which you can track the position of ships on an AIS (Automatic Identification System) map. This is done very simply: in the search window you need to enter the name of the vessel, and the service will show where it is currently located. In addition to the name and type of the ship, you can find out its course, the country to which it belongs, its speed and other useful data.

The service is convenient to use - vessels of different types are highlighted in different colors, the direction of their movement is shown, and those at anchor are separately indicated.

Video: MarineTraffic - the world's most popular online vessel tracking service

When you hover the cursor over the icon, information about the ship appears in a pop-up window: name, country of registration, destination. If you click on it, the system will show more detailed information, including photos.

How does Marinetraffic work?

AIS technology, an automatic identification system, is used to create a vessel map. Each ship has a transmitter that constantly transmits information over the air using radio waves. Mobile and satellite communications are not used here, so this technology is cheaper than analogues. Any receiver operating on VHF or VHF frequencies can pick up the signal.

Broadcast coverage depends on several factors. The most significant ones are the transmitter power and the height of the receiving antenna. But even the weakest repeater can broadcast within a range of 75 km. This is enough for ships to become aware of each other's presence from a safe distance.

We present to you a unique map with which you can find the location of any ship in the world's oceans, as well as determine the direction of its movement.

The technology behind the card relies on a network of satellites capable of receiving encrypted Automatic Identification System, or AIS, signals. This system was developed specifically for civil navigation and is an encrypted signal transmitted by the ship into orbit. The signal contains basic information not only about the direction of movement of the vessel, but also key data about it - name, type, speed, cargo, destination port, etc. Information received by satellites is transmitted to the ground, where it is automatically processed.

The result of this processing was embodied in an interactive map of vessel movements, which can be seen below.

Interactive map of maritime traffic

Search for a ship by its name

A legend is attached to the map, thanks to which you can determine the type of ship being monitored. Similar data can be obtained by clicking on its icon on the map. You can monitor the movement of ships both in satellite mode and in the mode of overlaying a real image. In addition, knowing the name of the ship, you can find it on the map. To do this, you must enter the name in the appropriate field in English. If everything is done correctly, the map itself will be centered on the selected ship.
Video instructions for finding ships on the map

Map update

Almost all data shown on the map is updated in real time. It is worth remembering that the speed of movement of a ship on the open sea is relatively low, so if it seems that the ship is not moving, then perhaps you should just wait. However, this may not be the only reason for the ship’s “freezing” - the AIS satellite network still has “white spots” in the world’s oceans, into which ships periodically fall. In this case, you just need to wait until the ship can communicate with satellites again - its location will be updated.

Real-time ship traffic map. AIS

AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a system in shipping that serves to identify ships, their dimensions, course and other data using VHF radio waves.

Recently, there has been a tendency to interpret AIS as an Automatic Information System, which is associated with the expansion of the functionality of the system compared to the ordinary task of identifying vessels.

In accordance with the Convention, SOLAS 74/88 is mandatory for ships of over 300 gross tonnage engaged on international voyages, ships of 500 gross tonnage or more not engaged on international voyages, and all passenger ships. Vessels and yachts with a smaller displacement can be equipped with a class B device. Data transmission is carried out on international communication channels AIS 1 and AIS 2 in the SOTDMA protocol (Self Organizing Time Division Multiple Access). Frequency modulation with GMSK keying is used.

Purpose of AIS

AIS is designed to increase the level of navigation safety, efficiency of navigation and operation of the vessel traffic control center (VTCS), environmental protection, ensuring the following functions:

as a means of preventing collisions in ship-to-ship mode;

as a means of obtaining information about the vessel and cargo by competent coastal services;

as a VTS tool in ship-to-shore mode for controlling vessel traffic;

as a means of monitoring and tracking ships, as well as in search and rescue (SAR) operations.

AIS components

The AIS system includes the following components:

VHF transmitter,

one or two VHF receivers,

global satellite navigation receiver (for example, GPS, GLONASS), for ships flying the Russian flag, the GLONASS module in the AIS device is strictly required, the main source of coordinates. GPS is auxiliary and can be taken from a GPS receiver using the NMEA protocol;

modulator/demodulator (converter of analogue data to digital and vice versa),

microprocessor based controller

equipment for input/output of information to control elements.

Operating principle of AIS

The operation of AIS is based on the reception and transmission of messages in the VHF range. The AIS transmitter operates at longer wavelengths than radars, which allows the exchange of information not only over direct distances, but also in areas with obstacles in the form of small objects, as well as in bad weather conditions. Although one radio channel is sufficient, some AIS systems transmit and receive on two radio channels in order to avoid interference problems and not disrupt the communication of other objects. AIS messages may contain:

identification information about the object,

information about the state of the object, received automatically from the object’s control elements (including from some electro-radio navigation devices),

information about geographic and time coordinates that AIS receives from the global navigation satellite system,

information entered manually by facility maintenance personnel (security-related).

The transfer of additional text information between AIS terminals (paging) is provided. Transmission of such information is possible both to all terminals within the range, and to one specific terminal.

In order to ensure the unification and standardization of AIS, the International Radio Regulations stipulate two channels for use for AIS purposes: AIS-1 (87V - 161.975 MHz) and AIS-2 (88V - 162.025 MHz), which should be used everywhere, with the exception of regions with special frequency regulation.

The digital information transmission rate in the AIS channel is selected at 9600 bps.

The operation of each AIS station (mobile or base) is strictly synchronized to UTC time with an error of no more than 10 μs from the built-in GNSS receiver (in the Russian Federation, according to signals from the combined GNSS receiver GLONASS/GPS). To transmit information, continuously repeating frames lasting 1 minute are used, which are divided into 2250 slots (time intervals) each lasting 26.67 ms.

Text uses 6-bit ASCII codes.

Displaying information about the environment in modern AIS is possible in 2 modes - both textual in the form of a table with a list of nearby vessels and their data, and in the form of a simplified schematic map depicting the relative positions of vessels and distances to them (calculated automatically based on the data transmitted by them geographic coordinates.) AIS is included in the list of equipment that is required to be provided with uninterruptible battery power.

If you want to find out where and what vessels are located or find the location of a specific vessel in real time, then select the desired quadrant on the map and view the movement of vessels. To find out what kind of ship it is and who it belongs to, just click on the marker you are interested in on the ships map.

More options (if the map above is not available)


Information on Russian river steamers (with photos).


Find the ship and see its photo.


Information about the location of training ships.
Information on the location of vessels is provided based on data from the industry monitoring system (OSM). The positioning time is set to UTC.


Information on Polish courts.
“The Maritime Shipping section consists of the following modules: Maritime Agencies, Vessel Catalog, List of Regular Lines.
This section contains a list of Polish ships in service with their full characteristics. In addition to detailed technical data, photographs, illustrations and specifications can be found here. It is possible to find all the information for any vessel by specifying its name, type of vessel, ship owner or technical parameters.”


If you want to see a photo of the ship and brief information about the ship.


Website to monitor the vessel in real time

search by container name. You can search for a ship by name, by IMO, etc.

In general, search across all courts in the world, but registration is required.

You can find a ship in real time by name.
Overall a great site.

The search contains a lot of information on the vessel, photos, descriptions, and upon registration, access to the full database.

shows a photo of the vessel, brief information about it, current location, ports of call..
registration required

View information and photos on the ships of the shipping company MSC Ships.
Photo super quality!!!

Finders of marine vessels can now track their position on an interactive map in real time. You can find detailed information about each vessel's movements on the map below. online and even look at photographs of many of the ships shown on the map.

The map can be dragged with the mouse directly in the interactive window. Ships can be tracked worldwide. If you want to see more ships, drag the map with your mouse to another area. Ships can be sorted using the menu in the upper right corner of the map map options.

Use the slider on the left to zoom in and out on the map:

Search vessels in real time begins with the fact that you are asked to select a sector on the map, which indicates the number of ships currently located there.

We click the mouse, for example, on the region of Europe and get the above picture.

For example, this is what the coastline of Germany looks like:

If you hover your mouse over a boat, its name will appear. Also, the resource has another important vessel search function.

To search for the required ship, you need to enter its name (and localization, if known) into the search bar on the map and click search. Will be indicated real-time location and position of the vessel.

This map can also be very useful for those who are interested in international transport, as it allows you to track the movement of goods on sea vessels.

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