What is an algorithm in computer science presentation. Algorithm

What is an algorithm in computer science presentation. Algorithm


Municipal educational institution

South Ural Professional Institute

Educational and methodological department

Algorithm for making a presentation

in a programmePower Point 2007

for teachers


Compiled by:

, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ph.D.

, head of educational and methodological department

, methodologist of the educational and methodological department

Algorithm for creating a presentation in the programPower Point 2007 . – Chelyabinsk, South Ural Professional Institute, 2007. 26 p.

Methodological recommendations are intended to help teachers of the South Ural Vocational Institute in organizing the educational process using an interactive whiteboard. These recommendations provide step-by-step instructions for preparing and conducting a training session.

ã South Ural Professional Institute

Launch PowerPoint

1 Right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop.

2 Hover your mouse over the Create tab. The program menu will appear on the right.

3 Click the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation icon (Figure 1)

Picture 1


Figure 2

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image007_12.jpg" width="460" height="358 src=">

Entering text

Each slide in a presentation contains a special placeholder that indicates what text can be entered instead on the slide. To replace placeholder text with your own text, left-click the placeholder field, then enter your own text.

Editing text

Editing text in slides is done in the same way as in the Microsoft Word text editor.

Inserting slides

The new slide can be inserted anywhere in the presentation. To do this you need to do the following:

1 Open the Home tab.

2 Select Create slide (Fig. 3).

You can leave the slide layout the same, or you can choose a different one.

To insert individual or all slides from another presentation into the current presentation, follow these steps:

1 Open the presentation into which you want to insert slides.

2 Select the slide you want to insert slides in front of.

3 Select the Home tab, Slides from structure (Fig. 4). The Insert Structure dialog box appears.

Figure 4

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image009_8.jpg" width="463" height="336">

Hiding slides

Before demonstrating a presentation, you need to think about what questions the audience will have and prepare to answer them. You might even want to create special slides with answer options and keep those slides hidden until you need them. To hide one or more slides, you need to right-click on it and select Hide Slide from the context menu. To unhide a slide, right-click on it and select Hide Slide again (Figure 6).

Figure 6


A slide master is a slide that sets the basic structure and color scheme for the slides in a presentation. The slide master looks like a slide, but isn't actually one. This is a template for the structure of the design being created, into which changes are made that are displayed in each slide of the presentation. When used, the template is actually applied to the master slide and then to each slide in the presentation.

Using design templates

You can apply different templates to your presentation at any time, regardless of what the original presentation looks like. To change design templates, follow these steps:

1 Design tab, on the Themes taskbar, select the More Options button. This panel offers a list of available PowerPoint design templates (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

2 Click on the pattern you want to use (Figure 8). All presentation slides will have the same theme.

Figure 8

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image013_7.jpg" width="454" height="358">

Using color schemes

Design templates can be used to change the overall structure and color scheme of your presentation slides (or selected presentation slides). If you are happy with the layout of your presentation slides, but would like to change the color options, select a different color scheme for the template you are using.

1 Select the Design tab.

2 Under Themes, select Colors. Color Schemes will appear. To select the desired color scheme, you need to left-click on it.

3 If the color scheme needs to be applied only to the selected slides, move the mouse cursor over the desired color scheme and right-click, then select the desired option (Fig. 10).

Figure 10

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image015_6.jpg" width="460" height="361">

2 In the dialog box that appears, select a fill color from the color palette that appears (Fig. 12).

3 To apply a color fill to a specific slide, you must first select that slide.

Figure 12

Koll href="/text/category/koll/" rel="bookmark">collections My drawings stored in the computer's memory.

In order to insert clips from the Microsoft Office collection you need:

1 On the Insert tab, select Clip, Arrange Clips.

2 In the Favorites – Clip Organizer window that opens, select Microsoft Office collections (double-click with the left mouse) (Fig. 13).

Figure 13

3 Select the collection you need from the list (Fig. 14).

Figure 14

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image019_6.jpg" width="450" ​​height="281 src=">

To insert a shape into a slide, select the Insert, Shapes tab and double-click on the desired shape.

What to consider when choosing a layout for SmartArt drawing (smart art) (Fig. 16).

Figure 16

0 " style="margin-left:1.2pt;border-collapse:collapse">

Also evaluate the size of the existing text, since it determines the type of layout and the required number of shapes in the layout. Are some main points provided with sub-points? What's more important: the details or the bottom line? Typically, SmartArt graphics work best when there are enough shapes and text to convey key points. A large amount of text can negatively impact the visual presentation of a SmartArt graphic and make it difficult to read. However, some layouts, such as the Trapezoidal List (List type), include a large amount of text.

Each type of SmartArt graphic has unique layouts available. Some layouts consist of separate shapes for each data element, including sub-items. Other layouts combine sub-items with summary items. Looking at the placement of key information in relation to details helps you understand which piece will attract the most attention from your audience. Make sure the most important data is in a high-profile area.

Some SmartArt graphic layouts have a limited number of shapes. For example, the Balancing Arrows layout (Link type) is designed to display two opposing ideas or concepts. Text can only be contained in two shapes, and the layout cannot be changed to show more ideas or concepts. If you select a layout with a limited number of shapes, you can specify which portions of the content should not be displayed in the SmartArt graphic; A red X (not a bullet) will appear next to these items in the text area.

To show more than two ideas, switch to a different layout that has more shapes for text, such as the Simple Pyramid layout (Pyramid type). Be aware that changing layouts or types may change the meaning of the data presented. In particular, a layout with arrows to the right, such as a Simple Process (Process type), has a different meaning than a SmartArt design with arrows in a circle, such as Continuous Loop (Loop type).

When you change layouts, most text and other content, colors, styles, effects, and text formatting are automatically transferred to the new layout.

The content can be reviewed to see if any part of it is less important to the message. SmartArt graphics that contain fewer concepts and text are often the most acceptable.

If you can't find the layout you want, you can add and remove shapes in your SmartArt graphic to adjust the structure of the layout. For example, a Simple Process layout (Process type) displays three shapes, but an illustration requires only two or, conversely, five shapes. As you add or remove shapes and edit text, their location and quantity will update automatically to fit the original design and layout boundaries of the SmartArt graphic.

When you select a new layout, alternative text (for example, [Text]) appears. Alt text is not printed or displayed during a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation. You can type your own content instead of alt text. If you switch layouts with alt text, the new layout will also display the alt text. Please note that shapes are always displayed and will continue to print until they are removed.

It is also worth considering the size of the space in which the SmartArt graphic will be placed. For example, if the placement area is long and narrow, you should choose a vertical layout, such as Stepped Process (Process type), rather than a horizontal layout, such as Process Arrows (Process type).

Some layouts have constant proportions, so they will not be able to fill all the free space. Proportion is the relationship between the width and height of a drawing. For example, if a Grid Matrix layout (Matrix type) is placed in an area that is wider than it is tall, the SmartArt graphic will not be able to fill the entire width of the area. To change the proportions, you can change the layout of the slide or document, the size of the area where the SmartArt graphic will be placed (thus changing the appearance of the SmartArt graphic), or switch to a layout with different proportions.

Layout Types

Each layout displays content differently and enhances the message. Some layouts simply add visual completeness to a bulleted list, while other layouts (such as organization charts and Venn diagrams) are designed to display specific types of information.

The SmartArt Design Select gallery contains all available layouts, grouped into nine different types - All, List, Process, Loop, Hierarchy, Link, Matrix, Pyramid, and Other. (The Other type appears only if the custom SmartArt graphics you added were not added to one of the other types.) Descriptions of the information types that match this layout appear below its large image on the side of the Select SmartArt gallery window. List of layout names and their descriptions:

1) All

All available layouts for a SmartArt graphic appear in the All type.

When choosing a layout, consider the following points.

Ø Layouts that do not contain connecting lines or arrows display a collection of objects or ideas that have no strong connection with each other.

2) List

When you want to highlight bulleted text, you can easily move the text into shapes, which you can color, size, and highlight with visuals or animations. Using the List type layout, the main points can be visually highlighted in colored shapes, which emphasizes their importance. List type layouts group information that is not incremental or sequential. Unlike Process type layouts, List type layouts typically do not contain arrows and are non-directional.

As shown in the example below, a bulleted list can be more impactful if it is converted into a SmartArt graphic.

Some List layouts include picture shapes, so you can highlight the text by adding a small picture or drawing. Although placeholder picture shapes are designed to display pictures, you can apply a picture as a fill to any shape.

Layout Vertical list with offset pictures with replacement pictures (small circles on the left)

ADVICE. Instead of putting a lot of text in a SmartArt graphic, put only the main points there and then elaborate on them on another slide or document.

3) Process

Unlike List layouts, layouts in the Process type are directional and are used to illustrate steps or stages in a process or workflow, such as sequential steps to complete a task, general stages of product development, or to show steps in a timeline or schedule. Use Process layouts when you need to show the steps or steps that follow to achieve a result. Process layouts can display the process vertically, horizontally, or as a polyline.

Layout Vertical process

Layout Simple process (horizontal)

Layout Round broken process (vertical and horizontal)

Process Layouts can be used to display key dates on a production calendar or a timeline with milestone markers.

Layout Simple Timeline

Another layout that is recommended for displaying dates or numbered steps is the Process Arrow layout. Numbers or dates can be placed in the main shapes (circles), and text to describe the steps can be placed in the corresponding arrow shapes.

Process Arrow Layout

ADVICE. To create a flowchart, use a layout such as Vertical Polyline process, and then replace the different shapes with flowchart shapes.

Layout Vertical broken process

4) Cycle

Although a Process layout can be used to present data step by step, a Cycle layout typically illustrates a circular or repeating process. Cycle layouts can depict product or animal life cycles, training cycles, repeating or ongoing processes (such as the ongoing preparation and publication of data for a Web site), and the cycle of annual goal setting and employee performance evaluation.

Layout Simple Loop

5) Hierarchy

Perhaps the Hierarchy layouts are the most commonly used layouts in an organization chart. However, Hierarchy layouts are also used to display a decision tree or product family.

Layout Horizontal hierarchy with labels

ADVICE. If you need to create an organization chart, use the Organization Chart layout. When you work with this layout, you'll have additional options available, such as Assistant, Subordinate, and Colleague shapes.

Layout Organization Chart

6) Connection

Layouts in the Relationship type display non-evolving, non-hierarchical relationships between parts (such as the concepts of interconnection and overlap) and typically show semantic relationships or connections between two or more sets of objects. A good example of Connection layouts are Venn diagrams, which show the overlap and overlap of areas or concepts in an area of ​​intersection; target layouts that display nesting; radial layouts depicting relationships to a central element or concept.

Simple Venn Layout

Layout Simple Target

Layout Simple Radial

Radial layouts can be used to show converging parts that form a main or central idea.

Layout Convergent radial

7) Matrix

Matrix layouts typically classify information and are two-dimensional. They are used to show the relationship of parts to a whole or central concept. Matrix layouts are suitable if there are four or more key points and you are working with a lot of text.

Layout Simple Matrix

8) Pyramid

Pyramid layouts display proportional relationships or hierarchical relationships, which are usually arranged in an ascending line. They are recommended for use with data that needs to be displayed top-down or bottom-up. If you want to display a horizontal hierarchy, you must select a layout from the Hierarchy type.

Layout Simple Pyramid

To display information schematically, you can use Pyramid layouts. For example, the Pyramid List layout allows you to enter text into shapes outside the pyramid.

Layout Pyramid List

9) Other

This type can be used for custom SmartArt graphics that don't fit into any of the types described above.

Presentations often contain slides with bulleted lists. Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, you can convert bulleted list text into a SmartArt graphic that illustrates the message. A SmartArt graphic is a customizable tool that helps you communicate information visually.

Overview of converting slide text to a SmartArt graphic

Converting text to SmartArt is a quick way to turn your existing slides into professional-looking illustrations. For example, with one click you can turn your Agenda slide into a SmartArt graphic. You can choose from a variety of built-in layouts to effectively convey your message or ideas. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail to find the best drawing layout for your bulleted lists.

Once you select a SmartArt graphic layout, the text on your slides will automatically be placed in the shapes. The arrangement of the shapes will be determined by the selected layout. You can customize your SmartArt graphic by changing the color or applying a SmartArt style.

Convert slide text to a SmartArt graphic

1 Click the frame (Frames (placeholders). Boxes with dotted borders that are part of most slide layouts. These boxes contain titles and body text, or objects such as charts, tables, and pictures.) containing the text on the slide that you want to convert.

2 On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Convert to SmartArt Graphic.

3 From the gallery, select the SmartArt graphic layout you want.

This collection contains SmartArt graphic layouts that are best suited for bulleted lists. To view the entire set of designs, choose More SmartArt Graphics.


https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image001_24.gif" alt="*" height="13 src="> If the presentation was not closed and reopened, you can cancel the conversion to a SmartArt graphic by clicking Cancel button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

If you've closed the presentation, you can't use the Undo command, but you can copy the text in the text area to the clipboard and paste it into the slide. All formatting will be lost, but the data will be saved.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image001_24.gif" alt="*" height="13 src="> When converted to a SmartArt graphic, some settings that were made for the slide text will be lost , such as changing text color or font size.

Change the colors of an entire SmartArt graphic

You can change the colors set for shapes in a SmartArt graphic. All the different color combinations are taken from the theme colors (Theme colors. The set of colors that is used in the file. Theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects make up the theme.) presentation.

1 Select a SmartArt graphic.

2 In the contextual SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors.

3 Select the desired color.

Apply a SmartArt style to an entire SmartArt graphic

A SmartArt style is a combination of various professionally designed effects, such as line styles, borders, or 3D graphics, that you can apply to a SmartArt graphic.

1 Select a SmartArt graphic.

2 In the contextual SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, under SmartArt Styles, select the SmartArt style you want.

To view additional SmartArt styles, click the Additional options button https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image045_0.gif" alt="Button image" width="15" height="20">, а затем кнопку Очистить WordArt.!}

To remove WordArt from a portion of text, select the text from which you want to remove WordArt, and then follow the steps above.

Inserting Charts

1 You need to select a slide layout that allows for insertion into a slide diagram.

2 Place the mouse cursor on the diagram figure and click on it once (Fig. 17).

Figure 17

3 The Insert Chart dialog box appears.

4 Select the desired diagram and double-click on it.

5 Two dialog boxes will appear (the left one is a slide from the presentation, the right one is a table with chart data) (Fig. 18).

Figure 18

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image048_0.gif" alt="Image of the Excel ribbon" width="147" height="83">!}

2 In the Change Chart Type dialog box, do one of the following:

§ Select the chart type in the first field, and then the desired chart subtype in the second field.

§ If the chart type was saved as a template, select Templates and then select the chart template to use in the second field.

NOTE. You can only change the chart type of one data series at a time. To change the chart type for multiple data series, repeat the above steps for each data series.

ADVICE. If you often use a particular chart type when creating charts, you can set that type as the default chart type. After selecting a chart type and subtype in the Change Chart Type dialog box, click Set to Standard.

Changing data in an existing chart

If the data used in a presentation chart changes after it is created, you can update it to keep the chart accurate.

1 Select the chart you want to change.

2 In the Chart Tools area, on the Design tab, in the Data group, click Show Data.

3 Microsoft Office Excel opens a split window and displays the worksheet you want to edit.

4 To change the header content or data in a cell, in an Excel worksheet, click the cell that contains the header or data you want to change, and then enter the new information.

5 Do one of the following:

§ If the chart is linked, save the worksheet.

§ If the diagram is embedded, go to step

PowerPoint automatically saves embedded diagrams.

Deleting a chart

Select the chart you want to delete, select it and press Delete

Inserting tables

This is done in the same way as inserting diagrams.

Setting Slide Animation Schemes

An animation outline is the way the content of a slide appears on screen during a presentation. For example, you can choose a Blip-Out animation scheme, where the slide text appears to “jump” onto the screen as the slides show.

To apply animation to a slide, follow these steps:

1 Open the Animation tab and select Animation Settings (Fig. 19).

2 The Animation Settings window will open to the right of the slide (Fig. 20).

Figure 19

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image050_0.jpg" width="454" height="205 src=">

Show presentation slides on screen

The slide presentation can be viewed at any time; To do this, follow these steps:

1 Open the presentation you want to view.

2 Select Slide Show, Start Show. The first slide of the presentation will be displayed in full screen.

3 To show the next or previous slide, do one of the following:

To show the next slide, left click, press Or press the right or down arrow key;

To show previous slide, right click, press key Or press the left or up arrow key.

4 When you've finished viewing your slide presentation, press .

Create an automatic presentation

Automatic presentation allows you to disseminate information without the participation of a presenter. For example, you can configure a presentation to run offline in a booth or kiosk (Kiosk. A computer and monitor typically located in a frequently visited area; may include touch screens, audio, or video. Kiosks can be configured to display PowerPoint presentations automatically, continuously, or in both modes.) during an exhibition-fair or conference. In addition, you can send the client a CD with an automatic presentation.

Most controls can be disabled to prevent listeners from making changes to the automated presentation. After the end of the show, automatic presentations are restarted; the same thing happens when changing slides manually when any slide remains on the screen for more than 5 minutes.

When developing an automatic presentation, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of its use. For example, if the presentation will be performed in a booth or kiosk in a public area - it may or may not be possible to supervise them. Depending on your specific circumstances, you should determine what elements should be included in the presentation, what controls users can trust, and how to prevent misuse.

Rehearsing and recording slide show timings

NOTE. Be prepared to set presentation slide intervals immediately after completing the first step of this procedure.

1 On the Slide Show tab, in the Settings group, click Time Settings. The Rehearsal toolbar appears and the Slide Time box begins timing your presentation.

Slide show time

Total presentation time

2 During the countdown for a presentation, do one or more of the following on the Rehearsal toolbar:

§ To move to the next slide, click Next.

§ To pause time recording, click the Pause button.

§ To continue recording time after a pause, press the Pause button again.

§ To specify the exact duration of the slide, enter it in the Slide Time field.

§ To repeat the time recording for the current slide, click the Repeat button.

3 After you have set the time for the last slide, a message box appears containing the total presentation time and prompting you to do one of the following:

§ To delete recorded time slots, click No.

The Slide Sorter view opens, displaying the timing of each slide in the presentation.

Adding a control button

A control button is a ready-made button that you can insert into a presentation and define hyperlinks for it. Control buttons contain shapes, such as right and left arrows, as well as intuitive symbols for moving to the next, previous, first, or last slide and for playing animations and sounds. Control buttons are often used in automated presentations, such as presentations that are shown continuously in a tent or kiosk (Kiosk. A computer and monitor typically located in frequently visited areas; may include touch screens, audio, or video. Kiosks can be configured to display PowerPoint presentations automatically, continuously, or both).

1 On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the arrow on the Shapes button, and then click the More Options button.

2 In the Control Buttons group, select the button you want to add.

3 Click a location on the slide and drag a shape for the button there.

4 In the Set Action dialog box, do one of the following:

§ To select the behavior of the control button when the mouse is clicked, go to the On Mouse Click tab.

§ To select how a control button behaves when the mouse is hovered, go to the On Mouseover tab.

5 To select the action that occurs when the mouse clicks or hovers over an action button, do one of the following:

§ If nothing should happen, select No.

§ To launch an application, select Launch Application, click Browse, and select the application you want to launch.

§ If you want the control button shape to perform an action, select Action, and then select the desired action.

In Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, a hyperlink links one slide to another in the same presentation (for example, a hyperlink to a custom show), or to a slide in another presentation, email address, Web page, or file.

3 In the Link field With select a location in the document.

4 Do one of the following:

5 In the Select a location in your document box, click the custom show that you want to use as the hyperlink target.

6 Select the Show and return check box.

§ In the Select a location in your document box, click the slide that you want to use as the target of the hyperlink.

1 In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

2 On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink.

3 In the Link to field, select a file, web page.

4 Specify the presentation that contains the target hyperlink slide.

5 Click Bookmark, then click the title of the slide that you want to link to.

1 In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

2 On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink.

3 In the Link to field, select email.

4 In the Email Address field. email, enter the email address that the link will point to, or click the email address in the Recently Used Email Addresses box.

5 In the Subject field, enter a subject for the email message.

1 In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

2 On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink.

3 In the Link to field, select a file, web page and click the Internet button https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image058_0.gif" alt="Portrait or landscape orientation" width="268 height=117" height="117">!}

https://pandia.ru/text/78/295/images/image060_0.gif" alt="Callout 2" width="13" height="13 src=">Альбомная ориентация страниц!}

1 On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Page Setup button.

2 In the Page Setup dialog box, in the Slides group, select Portrait, and then click OK.

Use portrait and landscape slide orientations in the same presentation

In Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, slide layouts are set to landscape orientation by default. You can specify only one orientation for your entire presentation—landscape or portrait—but to show slides in both portrait and landscape orientation, you can link two presentations into one. To link two presentations, follow these steps:

NOTE. It is recommended that you place both presentations in the same folder before creating links. If the folder is copied to a CD or moved, the presentations will remain linked.

· In the first presentation, select the text or object you need to click to move to the second presentation.

· On the On Mouse Click tab or On the Mouse Over tab, click Hyperlink To, and then select Other Presentation from the list.

· Browse and select the second presentation and click OK.

· On the Insert tab, in the Links group, select Action.

· On the On Mouse Click tab or On the Mouse Over tab, click Hyperlink To, and then select Other Presentation from the list.

· Find and select the first presentation and click OK.

Algorithm executor

Slides: 8 Words: 170 Sounds: 1 Effects: 2

The concept of an algorithm. The word "algorithm" comes from the Latin spelling of the name of the Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi (Algorithmi). Al-Khwarizmi first described the rules for performing four arithmetic operations. An algorithm is an accurate and understandable instruction to the performer. The algorithm is to perform a sequence of actions on given objects. The executor of the algorithm is a person or device that can perform a certain set of actions. The executor is the means of implementing the algorithm. The performer is characterized by: Environment is the environment in which the performer works. The performer is characterized by: The performer's command system is a set of commands understandable to the performer. - Algorithm.ppt

Theory of algorithms

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Algorithms. Sequencing. Executor. Properties of the algorithm. Garbage collection. Ways to describe the algorithm. Create an algorithm for collecting a portfolio. Follow the path indicated by the arrows. Algorithm for preparing any dish. Wolf. Boat. First shore. Types of algorithms. Product of arbitrary numbers. Algorithm. Transition algorithm. Algorithm steps. Algorithm of operation of the machine. Crossing. Way. - Theory of algorithms.ppt

Algorithm and its properties

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Algorithms. Algorithmic language. What is an algorithm? Pour water into the kettle. Sequence of commands. Sequence of steps. Sequencing. Methods of presenting algorithms. Rules for depicting a flowchart. Stepmother. Unambiguity. Limb. Unique interpretation of the rules. Productivity. Clarity. Mass character. Linear algorithms. Linear algorithm. Get ready for school. Tree planting algorithm. Graphics editor. Stages of work. Geometric figures. Sequence of steps in solving a problem. - Algorithm and its properties.ppt

Definition and properties of the algorithm

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Algorithm. Algorithm definitions. Properties of algorithms. Discreteness. Clarity. Certainty. Mass character. Limb. Productivity. Examples of properties. Instructions. Casket. Father. Porridge. Mouse. Executor. Algorithm executor. Characteristics of the performer. Types of algorithms. Ways to describe the algorithm. Recording a sequence of commands. Graphical representation of the algorithm. - Definition and properties of the algorithm.ppt

Algorithm Basics

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Algorithms: basic concepts. An algorithm is a precise prescription. Properties of the algorithm. Basic ways of writing algorithms. Stages of development and analysis of algorithms. Basic data structures. Important types of tasks. Fundamentals of algorithm efficiency analysis. Measuring the execution time of an algorithm. Growth order. Approximate values ​​of functions important for the analysis of algorithms. Efficiency of the algorithm in different cases. Asymptotic notation. Strict definition. "Omega". "Theta". Properties of notation. Using limits to compare the order of growth of two functions. Examples. Main efficiency classes. - Basics of algorithms.ppt

Computer Science "Concept of an Algorithm"

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What is an algorithm? Computer. How can a computer be used? Where a computer can be built in. Can a computer solve a problem on its own? A huge number of tasks of varying complexity. Stepmother. Algorithm. Only humans can develop algorithms. Material for the curious. Practical task. Stages of work. The final sequence of steps. - Computer science “The concept of an algorithm”.ppt

The concept of an algorithm and its properties

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Algorithm and its properties. The concept of an algorithm. Algorithm – description of a sequence of actions. Each algorithm is created based on the execution of a specific executor. Objects on which the performer can perform actions. Creating an algorithm for solving problems of any type. Algorithmic way of human activity. Properties of algorithms. What will happen as a result of executing this algorithm? Chessboard 2x2. Selecting a rectangular area. Chessboard 4x4. Construction of volumetric figures. Create a composition. Sequencing. Which of the following documents is an algorithm? - The concept of an algorithm and its properties.ppt

Algorithmic language

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Algorithm. Instruction to the performer. Wednesday; elementary actions. Basic properties of algorithms. Forms of presentation of algorithms. Algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor. Graphic representation. Pseudocode. Basic function words. General view of the algorithm. Part of the algorithm. Assignment operator. An example of writing an algorithm. Following. Branching. School algorithmic language. Flowchart language. Cycle. What concepts are used in algorithmic languages? Names. Expressions. Calculations of frequently used functions. Table of standard functions. Constants. Arithmetic expressions. Examples of writing arithmetic expressions. - Algorithmic language.ppt

Algorithm and algorithmization

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Algorithm. Executor. Rules. Forms for recording algorithms. Verbal form of recording. Block diagram. Program. Types of algorithms. Teams. Linear algorithm. Clean the carpet. Algorithm with branching. Branching. Algorithm with repetition. Repetition. Algorithms in our lives. Blackcurrant marmalade. Algorithms in proverbs. Algorithms in songs. Algorithms in Russian folk tales. Hen. Fairy tale. The episode with the river. The episode with the apple tree. The episode with the stove. The children ran away from Baba Yaga. Grandma baked a bun. The commands are executed one by one. Either one or the other sequence is executed. - Algorithm and algorithmization.ppt

Construction of algorithms

Slides: 12 Words: 679 Sounds: 0 Effects: 70

Algorithms. Way. Algorithm executor. Executor. Detailed description of the sequence of arithmetic and logical operations. Properties of the algorithm. Methods for writing algorithms. Tools and rules for constructing block diagrams. Connectors. Program design language. A system capable of performing actions. Topics for research. - Construction of algorithms.ppt

Drawing up algorithms

Slides: 19 Words: 519 Sounds: 0 Effects: 78

Computer science. New concepts. Student actions. Algorithm. Entering information. Properties of the algorithm. Condition. Series. Teams. Examples. Boil water. Sort out the beans. Performance. Action. Complete the task according to the algorithm. Harvest the harvest. Algorithm for crossing the road. - Compilation of algorithms.ppt

Execution of Algorithms

Slides: 24 Words: 1383 Sounds: 0 Effects: 178

Execution of algorithms for the performer. Executor command system. Free from below. Left is free. Command system. Free on top. Search for an algorithm of minimum length. Calculator. Reverse move. The robot operates on a checkered board. Let's draw. Teams. Shift left. Command code. Action. Type "string". Train. Length. Materials. - Execution of algorithms.ppt

Algorithm Executors

Slides: 15 Words: 494 Sounds: 0 Effects: 86

Decipher the rebus. Algorithm executors. Make a calculation. Dictation. Evaluation criteria. Habitat. Examples of performers are all around us. Executor. Create an algorithm. Calculator. We work at the computer. - Algorithm executors.ppt

Graphic artist

Slides: 13 Words: 359 Sounds: 0 Effects: 54

Graphic educational performer. Situation. Graphic artist environment. Two modes. Command system. Working in program mode. Software control. Programming language. Length of vertical and horizontal segments. Letter program. Teams. - Graphic artist.ppt

Algorithm and its formal execution

Slides: 22 Words: 1167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Basics of algorithmization. Algorithm and its properties. Let's take text as an object. Algorithms consist of individual commands. The algorithm should be clear. Recording the algorithm. The initial state of the object. Formal execution of the algorithm. Editing text. Formal model. The computer is an automatic executor of algorithms. Development of programming languages. Programs were written in machine language. Procedural languages. BASIC. Stages of program development. Selecting or developing an algorithm for solving a problem. Top-down design. Coding. Getting the result. Publication or transfer of the work result to the customer. - The algorithm and its formal execution.ppt


Slides: 38 Words: 1169 Sounds: 0 Effects: 43

"Algorithms in our lives." Problem. Formation of algorithmic thinking. Content. Practical part. Research results Conclusion. Purpose of the study: Objectives of the study: Apply the classification of algorithms in the study of computer science. Object of study: “Algorithmization” as a way to develop logical thinking. Subject of research: “Algorithmization” in Computer Science, as a way of classifying algorithms in the surrounding world. A little about the origin. Algorithm. Characteristics of the performer. Algorithm executor. The performer's environment. Elementary actions. Executor command system. - Algorithms.ppt

Algorithm lessons

Slides: 14 Words: 369 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The topic of the lesson is “ALGORITHMS”. The steamer hit the shore. The captain shouts: Forward! How can such a bastard be trusted with a steamship? A l g o r i t m In life, we constantly perform different algorithms. We create a daily routine so that we can get a lot done. The concept of an algorithm is one of the fundamental ones in computer science. Examples of algorithms. We follow traffic rules when crossing the street. Algorithm executors. The algorithm is compiled taking into account the performer. The performer can be a person, an automatic machine, or a computer. Linear. The commands of such an algorithm are executed sequentially from top to bottom. For example, finding the product of four numbers. - Algorithm lessons.ppt

Algorithm of actions

Slides: 18 Words: 341 Sounds: 0 Effects: 86

Algorithms. The appearance of algorithms is associated with the origins of mathematics. The scientific definition of the concept of algorithm was given by A. Church in 1930. In a school computer science course, you will use the following definition: Algorithm. Discreteness. Mass character. Limb. Productivity. Determinism. Properties of the algorithm. Discreteness: Each individual action and algorithm must be able to be completed. There should be no errors in the algorithm. Description of actions that are performed once in a given order. Linear. Cyclical. Depending on the condition, either one or another sequence of actions is performed. - Algorithm of actions.ppt

What is an algorithm

Slides: 18 Words: 688 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Elements of theoretical programming. What is an algorithm? A class of problems of the same type is called a general problem. When substituting specific values ​​for parameters, we obtain a particular problem. Algorithm. 1. Exact prescription. 2. Clear instructions. 3. Action. And you can name thousands more types of actions. 4. Solve any problem. What does it mean to “solve any problem” from a given class of similar problems? Obtaining a result in a finite number of steps is a property of the effectiveness of the algorithm. And every such set has the property of discreteness. That is why they say that the algorithm has the property of discreteness or discrete structure. - What is an algorithm.ppt

Algorithm command

Slides: 7 Words: 179 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Properties of the algorithm. 1.Accuracy. Each command of the algorithm must determine an unambiguous action of the performer. 2. Understandability. Linear algorithm. An algorithm in which commands are executed sequentially one after another is called... Command 1. Command 2. Command n. Branching algorithm. Series 1. Series 2. Condition. Cyclic algorithm. An algorithm in which a series of commands is executed repeatedly is called... Series. Writing flowcharts in ms worde. - Algorithm command.ppt

Action algorithms

Slides: 7 Words: 405 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

Algorithms in our lives. What will we get as a result? Light the gas. Put the kettle on the fire. Pour water into the kettle. Wait until it boils. Turn off the gas. To complete a task, you first think through a sequence of actions. What is an algorithm? Any algorithm can be depicted graphically or described in words. Both verbal and graphic algorithms must be understandable to the performer. Drawing up a work algorithm is especially important when working on a computer. Where does the word "algorithm" come from? When translated into Latin, the author's name was written as follows: Algorithmi [algorithms]. Let's summarize the lesson. - Action algorithms.ppt

Computer Science 5th grade Algorithm

Slides: 7 Words: 184 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

Algorithms in our lives. Laboratory work. Beginner course. Answer the questions: What new concept have we learned? Algorithm What is an algorithm? Description of the sequence of actions. How can you depict the algorithm? Describe in words or depict a sequence of actions in the form of pictures. How should the algorithm be described? How should the algorithm be executed? Strictly following the sequence of actions. Let's repeat the ways of writing algorithms. Any algorithm can be depicted graphically or described in words. Graphical algorithm. Orally write a verbal description of the graphical algorithm. - Computer Science 5th grade Algorithm.ppt

Algorithms in computer science

Slides: 17 Words: 404 Sounds: 1 Effects: 83

Types of algorithms. Algorithms can be described: verbally; tabular; using the program; graphically. Standard flowchart graphical objects. Indication of the beginning and end of the algorithm. Organization of data input and output. Performing an action or group of actions. Selecting the direction of execution of the algorithm depending on the fulfillment of the condition. Use of auxiliary algorithms. Types of algorithms. Linear. Branching. Cyclical. Linear algorithm. We meet the linear algorithm in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault. Action1. Action2. Action N. Output the result. Entering initial data. - Algorithms in computer science.ppt

Algorithm properties

Slides: 22 Words: 289 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lesson plan. Checking homework New material “Algorithms” Problem solving Testing. Algorithm for “sowing” prime numbers (Sieve of Eratosthenes). Testing. "Definition and properties of algorithms". Any sequence of actions is an algorithm. A strict sequence of a finite number of actions is an algorithm. The algorithm must necessarily be executed in a specific (certain) number of steps. An algorithm can be developed for any problem. Algorithmization is a mandatory stage for solving a problem using a computer. The “discreteness” property indicates the possibility of dividing the algorithm into separate steps. - Algorithm properties.ppt

Properties and types of algorithms

Slides: 9 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of algorithms. Properties of algorithms: Graphical way of describing the algorithm (block diagram). The beginning, the end of the algorithm. Condition for performing an action. The action being performed. Sequence of actions. Linear algorithm. Incomplete form of a branched algorithm. Full form of the branched algorithm. A cyclic algorithmic design in which the condition is set at the beginning of the cycle. A cyclic algorithmic design in which a condition is placed at the end of the cycle. - Properties and types of algorithms.ppt

Algorithm concept

Slides: 9 Words: 149 Sounds: 10 Effects: 29

Formalization of the concept of an algorithm. Algorithm (lat. algorithmi - al Khorezmi - cf. Asian mathematician of the 9th century). The algorithm is always designed to be executed by a non-reflective performer - formal execution of the algorithm. There are problems for which it is almost impossible to create a formal algorithm. Properties of algorithms. Discreteness Determinism Effectiveness Massiveness. The definition of an algorithm is an intuitive concept and not a strictly mathematical one. The need to clarify the concept of an algorithm. It was not possible to construct algorithms, and the concept of an algorithmically unsolvable problem arose. - Concept of algorithm.ppt

Algorithm basic concepts

Slides: 40 Words: 6786 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Algorithms: basic concepts, examples of practical development. Intuitive concept of an algorithm. Input data for tasks of the same type. A computer that uses an algorithm for solving a problem of this type. Result. Key concepts. An executor who does not understand the purpose of the algorithm is called a formal executor. The commands of such an algorithm are executed in a natural sequence, unless otherwise stated. The order of actions is indicated by arrows. Writing algorithms using flowcharts is regulated by GOST. Linear structure algorithms: actions are performed sequentially one after another. - Algorithm basic concepts.ppt

Algorithm as an activity model

Slides: 12 Words: 640 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

Algorithm as a model of activity. What is an algorithmic model? But every plan or description is an information model. Therefore: The algorithm is an information model of the performer’s activity. Algorithmic model: Defining the goal (setting tasks). Construction of a plan - algorithm. Performer's work. Getting the result. Model of the performer's work. When composing an algorithm, one must not go beyond the framework of the SKI. A programming language is a formalized language for describing algorithms. An example of an algorithmic model. Algorithm trace – model of processor operation. By performing manual tracing, a person simulates the operation of the processor. - Algorithm as an activity model.ppsx

Algorithmization Basics

Slides: 11 Words: 286 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Basics of algorithmization. Definition Methods of description Types of algorithms. Here you can read the basics about algorithms. An algorithm is a finite sequence of commands to the performer. Verbal form of recording - the algorithm is written in words and is intended for humans. Program Amount Description a,b,c:Integer End_of_description a:=5 c:=9 c:=a+c Output ('sum= ', c) End_of Program. Linear algorithm. Branching algorithm. Algorithm with repetition. - Basics of algorithmization.ppt

Execution of algorithms by computer

Slides: 12 Words: 208 Sounds: 0 Effects: 67

Computer as a formal executor of algorithms (programs). Basic questions: Formal executor Algorithm and program Features of program execution. Formal performer. Data. Program. Solution. Result. Algorithms and programs. Executor. Team. Executor Command System (SCI). The composition of the YaMK teams was proposed by John von Neumann in 1946. Computer. Ski. Machine Command Language (MCL). Each command is a directive for the processor to perform a specific action. Input device. Output device. CPU. RAM. Stages of program execution. - Execution of algorithms by computer.ppt

Algorithms assignments

Slides: 25 Words: 798 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

1. Select the File? Save as. 2. In the window that opens, select the desired folder. 3. In the “Name” field, specify the file name. 4. Click the “Save” button. Algorithms. From the history. In translation, any rule began with the words: “The algorithm said.” Algorithm for sending SMS. Step by step. Consistently. It's clear. Leads to the goal. Algorithm. Only a person can develop an algorithm! Create an algorithm for collecting a portfolio. 1. View the schedule. 2. Remove everything unnecessary from your briefcase. 3. Place textbooks and notebooks according to the schedule. 4. Check the pencil case. 5. Put down the diary. Before you are problems for which you need to create an algorithm. -

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Abstract for the presentation

A presentation on the topic “Algorithm” has been prepared to familiarize students with the concept of an algorithm, its properties, algorithm executors and basic algorithmic structures. The presentation can help teach students how to create flowcharts of algorithms.

  1. Definition
  2. Origin of the word "algorithm"
  3. Work of students in groups
  4. Algorithm Executors
  5. Algorithm properties
  6. Algorithm recording forms
  7. Flowchart elements
  8. Types of Algorithms
  9. Practical work


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Ermakova V.V.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

      To conduct a test / verification work

Slide 1

From the work experience of Ermakova V.V., computer science teacher at MBOU Secondary School No. 19 in the city of Belovo.

Slide 2

Slide 3

Origin of the word "algorithm"

In the Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi’s book, the rules began with the words “Algorizmi said.” Over time, people forgot that “Algorism” is the author of the rules, and began to simply call the rules algorithms. Currently, the word “algorithm” is one of the most important concepts in computer science.

Slide 4

Work of students in groups

  • How do you understand Norbert Wiener’s statement: “A machine is only worth as much as the person who operates it is worth?”
  • Slide 5

    Algorithm Executors

    Algorithm Executors

    Slide 6

    From the list of tasks given, select those that are clearly formulated.

    • Go there, I don’t know where. Bring something, I don’t know what.
    • Count the stars in the sky.
  • Slide 7

    Algorithm properties

    • Efficiency
    • Discreteness (step by step)
    • Determinism
    • (certainty)
    • Understandability
    • Feasibility
    • Mass character
  • Slide 8

    • Productivity.
    • Discreteness (step by step)
  • Slide 9

    • Determinism (certainty).
    • Clarity.
    • Feasibility.
    • Mass character
  • Slide 10

    Algorithm recording forms

    Verbal and formulaic.

    • 1 step 23+34=57
    • Step 2 57*57=3249
    • Step 3 3249/3=1083

    Using an algorithmic language.


    • argy,z:int
    • resx:int
    • x:=2*y
    • x:=x+z


    Slide 11

    Flowchart elements

    1. Start
    2. Data
    3. Command Sequence
    4. Condition
    5. Declaring Variables
  • Slide 12

    Types of Algorithms

    • Linear
    • Branched (algorithmic structures “branching” and “selection”)
    • Cyclic (algorithmic structure “cycle”)
    • Auxiliary
  • Slide 13

    • A linear algorithm is an algorithm in which instructions are executed sequentially, one after another.
    • A branched algorithm is an algorithm in which, depending on the truth or falsity of a condition, one or another series of commands will be executed.
    • A cyclic algorithm is an algorithm in which the same sequence of actions is performed repeatedly (or not once) until a condition is met.
    • An auxiliary algorithm is an independent algorithm equipped with a header that allows this algorithm to be called from other algorithms.
  • Slide 14

    Linear algorithm

    Example. Tree planting algorithm

    1. Start
    2. End
    3. Dig a hole in the ground
    4. Place the seedling in the hole
    5. Bury the hole with the seedling with soil
    6. Water the seedling with water
  • Slide 15

    Branched algorithm

    Example: Of three coins of the same value, one is counterfeit (light). How to find it using one weighing on a cup scale without weights?

    Slide 16

    Round robin algorithm

    Math homework.

    Slide 17

    Let's repeat...

    4. List the main elements of a flowchart and their purpose.

    Slide 18

    Practical work

    Think over and create on a computer using a graphical vector editor block diagrams of linear, branched, cyclic algorithms.

    Explanation: When working, use the elements of a flowchart.

    Slide 19


    • A creative message on the topic: "Algorithms around us", using reasonable sources (optional).

    A creative message will definitely be appreciated!

    Slide 20

    When creating the presentation, the teaching materials of N. D. Ugrinovich and L. L. Bosovoy were used.

    View all slides


    Lesson topic



    Lesson type: A lesson in learning new knowledge.


    2. Multimedia projector.


    Power point presentation.

    Duration: two lessons of 45 minutes.

    Progress of the lesson

    1.Organizational moment



    Teacher: Well done boys!


    Speech example . The word “algorithm” comes from the name of the Arab scientist Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khorezmi lived and worked in the 9th century; he formulated the rules for performing arithmetic operations in the decimal positional number system.

    Teacher: So, ah algorithm is a description of a deterministic sequence of actions aimed at obtaining a result from the initial data in a finite number of discrete steps using commands understandable to the performer.

    What algorithms do you know, and who or what is executing the algorithms?

    Exchange of opinions in groups.


    Count the number of windows in your house.

    Count the stars in the sky.

    Give a detailed description of the road from the door of your house to school (on foot, by bus or other transport).

    Go there, I don’t know where.

    Bring something, I don’t know what.


    Productivity. Obtaining the required result in a finite number of steps; this means that an incorrect algorithm that does not achieve the goal does not need to be considered an algorithm at all.

    Discreteness (step by step). By discreteness we mean that the algorithm consists of a sequence of actions, steps. It is impossible to complete each next step without completing the previous ones. The last step, as a rule, produces the result of the algorithm.

    Means that the actions performed at each step are uniquely and precisely defined.

    Clarity. The algorithm must be understandable not only to the author, but also to the performer.

    Feasibility. The algorithm must contain commands written in an understandable language and executable by the performer.

    Mass character. The same algorithm can be used to solve a large number of similar problems with different conditions.



    For example, Create an algorithm for solving the arithmetic expression (23+34)*57/3

    1 step 23+34=57

    Step 2 57*57=3249

    Step 3 3249/3=1083

    For example, Create an algorithm for solving the algebraic expression x=2y+z

    alg Expression

    args y,z:int

    3. Tables

    4. Block diagrams,

    Teacher: ).

    4. Stage of consolidation of knowledge.

    4.1 .

    Sample questions:

    1. Give examples of algorithms known to you.

    2. List the main properties of algorithms and illustrate them with examples.

    3. What forms of description of algorithms do you know?


    4.2. Individual work on the computer:

    Teacher: Write down your homework:

    1. Computer science and ICT: textbook for grade 9 / N. D. Ugrinovich, pp. 105-109 (required).

    Command Sequence

    Declaring Variables

    Ermakova Veronika Vikentievna, computer science teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 19 of the city of Belovo

    Methodological development of a lesson in computer science

    for 9th grade students on the topic “Algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Block diagrams"

    Lesson topic: Algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Flowcharts.

    Target: Familiarization of students with the concept of an algorithm, its properties, algorithm executor and basic algorithmic structures.


    1. Give the concept of an algorithm, an algorithm executor and consider the properties of algorithms.

    2. Introduce students to basic algorithmic structures.

    3. Teach students to create flowcharts of algorithms.

    4. Promote the development of students’ information culture and logical thinking.

    Lesson type: A lesson in learning new knowledge.

    Equipment: 1. Modern computers with Internet access.

    2. Multimedia projector.

    Equipment: Poster "Basic Algorithmic Structures".

    Power point presentation.

    List of used literature: UMK N. D. Ugrinovich, L. L. Bosovoy

    Duration: two lessons of 45 minutes.

    Progress of the lesson

    1.Organizational moment

    Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Today, we will begin to study the most interesting and important topic of the computer science course “ALGORITHM”. (Presentation demonstration, 1 slide)

    2. The stage of preparing students for active conscious assimilation of knowledge.

    Teacher: I suggest you independently find on the Internet the meaning of the word “ALGORITHM”.

    Individual work of students on a PC, brief recording of the concept of an algorithm in a notebook, exchange of opinions.

    Teacher: Well done boys! is a description of a deterministic sequence of actions aimed at obtaining a result from the initial data in a finite number of discrete steps using commands understandable to the performer. (Presentation demonstration, 2 slide)

    My assistant, your classmate, prepared a historical background on the origin of the word “algorithm”; for this he used a textbook, reference books, and Internet resources.

    Student. Historical reference. Origin of the word "ALGORITHM"

    Speech example . The word “algorithm” comes from the name of the Arab scientist Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khorezmi lived and worked in the 9th century; he formulated the rules for performing arithmetic operations in the decimal positional number system.

    In the Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi’s book, the rules began with the words “Algorizmi said.” Over time, people forgot that “Algorism” is the author of the rules, and began to simply call the rules algorithms. Currently, the word “algorithm” is one of the most important concepts in computer science. (Presentation demonstration, 3 slide)

    3. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge.

    Teacher: So, ah algorithm is a description of a deterministic sequence of actions aimed at obtaining a result from the initial data in a finite number of discrete steps using commands understandable to the performer.

    What algorithms do you know, and who or what is executing the algorithms?

    How do you understand Norbert Wiener’s statement: “A machine is only worth as much as the person who operates it is worth?” (Demonstration of presentation 4 slide)

    Exchange of opinions in groups.

    Teacher: Performer - a person, a group of people, an animal, a technical device capable of executing given commands. (Presentation demonstration 5 slide)

    Any task can be successfully solved only when it is clearly described. From the list of tasks below, select those that are clearly formulated:

    Count the number of windows in your house.

    Count the stars in the sky.

    Give a detailed description of the road from the door of your house to school (on foot, by bus or other transport).

    Go there, I don’t know where.

    Bring something, I don’t know what.

    (Presentation demonstration 6 slide)

    Teacher: Let's consider the properties of the algorithms (teacher's story with elements of conversation).

    Productivity. Obtaining the required result in a finite number of steps; this means that an incorrect algorithm that does not achieve the goal does not need to be considered an algorithm at all.

    Discreteness (step by step). By discreteness we mean that the algorithm consists of a sequence of actions, steps. It is impossible to complete each next step without completing the previous ones. The last step, as a rule, produces the result of the algorithm.

    Determinism (certainty). Means that the actions performed at each step are uniquely and precisely defined.

    Clarity. The algorithm must be understandable not only to the author, but also to the performer.

    Feasibility. The algorithm must contain commands written in an understandable language and executable by the performer.

    Mass character. The same algorithm can be used to solve a large number of similar problems with different conditions.

    (Demonstration of presentation 7, 8, 9 slides)

    Teacher: Guys, here are the forms for recording algorithms (d demonstration of forms for recording algorithms).


    For example, Create an algorithm for solving the arithmetic expression (23+34)*57/3

    1 step 23+34=57

    Step 2 57*57=3249

    Step 3 3249/3=1083

    2. Using an algorithmic language

    For example, Create an algorithm for solving the algebraic expression x=2y+z

    alg Expression

    args y,z:int

    3. Tables

    4. Block diagrams, in which geometric shapes are used to indicate the steps of the algorithm.

    (Demonstration of presentation, 10-11 slides)

    Teacher: What types of algorithms are there? ( Teacher's story showing examples of various algorithmic structures).

    Linear is an algorithm in which commands are executed sequentially one after another.

    Branched (algorithmic structures “branching” and “selection”) - an algorithm in which, depending on the truth or falsity of the condition, one or another series of commands will be executed.

    Cyclic (algorithmic structure “cycle”) is an algorithm in which the same sequence of actions is performed repeatedly (or not once) until a condition is met.

    Auxiliary - an independent algorithm, equipped with a header that allows you to call this algorithm from other algorithms.

    (Presentation demonstration, 12-16 slides)

    4. Stage of consolidation of knowledge.

    4.1 . Independent work in groups by cards. The group leader reports the results to the teacher.

    Sample questions:

    1. Give examples of algorithms known to you.

    2. List the main properties of algorithms and illustrate them with examples.

    3. What forms of description of algorithms do you know?

    4. List the main elements of a flowchart and their purpose. (Presentation demonstration, slide 17)

    Teacher: Information break (physical minute).

    4.2. Individual work on the computer:

    Creation on a computer using a graphical vector editor of a block diagram of linear, branched, cyclic algorithms. Explanation: When working, you must use the elements of a flowchart. (Presentation demonstration, slide 18)

    5.Homework information stage.

    Teacher: Write down your homework:

    1. Computer science and ICT: textbook for grade 9 / N. D. Ugrinovich, pp. 105-109 (required).

    2. If you wish, you can prepare a creative message on the topic: “Algorithms around us”, using reasonable sources. A creative message will definitely be appreciated!

    (Presentation demonstration, slide 19).

    Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye, guys.

    Command Sequence

    Declaring Variables

    Download abstract

    Algorithm Concepts ALGORITHM CONCEPTS
    An algorithm is a precise prescription that
    defines the process leading from the initial
    data to the desired end result.
    Example: rules of addition, multiplication, solutions
    algebraic equations, matrix multiplication, etc.
    Note: The word algorithm comes from algoritmi, which is Latin
    transliteration of the Arabic name of the 9th century Khorezmian mathematician al-Khorezmi.
    Thanks to the Latin translation of al-Khwarizmi's treatise, Europeans in the 12th century
    became acquainted with the positional number system, and in medieval Europe
    the algorithm was the decimal positional number system and the rules of counting in

    Algorithm and algorithm concepts

    In relation to an electronic computer
    the algorithm determines the computational process,
    starting with the processing of some population
    possible initial data and aimed at
    obtaining certain initial data
    results. The term computing process
    also applies to processing of other types
    information, such as symbolic, graphic or

    Basic properties of algorithmsBasic properties of algorithms

    Productivity. Indicates the possibility of receiving
    result after performing a finite number of operations.
    Certainty. Consists in the coincidence of the received
    results regardless of the user and applied
    technical means.
    Mass character. Lies in the possibility of application
    algorithm to a whole class of similar problems that differ
    specific values ​​of the source data.
    Discreteness. Possibility of process dissection
    calculations prescribed by the algorithm into separate stages,
    the ability to select program sections with a specific

    Setting the algorithm: setting the algorithm

    To specify the algorithm, it is necessary to describe
    its following elements:
    a set of objects that make up a set of possible
    initial data, intermediate and final
    start rule;
    rule of direct information processing
    (description of the sequence of actions);
    ending rule;
    rule for extracting results.

    Ways to describe algorithmsWays to describe algorithms

    Verbal - formulaic;
    structural or block - circuit;
    using graphs - diagrams;
    using Petri nets.

    Verbal-formular algorithmVerbal-formular algorithm

    With the verbal-formula method, the algorithm is written in
    in the form of text with formulas for points that determine
    Example: you need to find the value of the following expression: y = 2a – (x+6).
    An algorithm for solving this problem using a verbal and formulaic method
    can be written as follows:
    1. Enter the values ​​of a and x.
    2. Add x and 6.
    3. Multiply a by 2.
    4. Subtract the sum (x+6) from 2a.
    5. Output y as the result of evaluating the expression.

    Block diagram - diagrams

    - SCHEME
    When describing a block diagram, the algorithm is depicted
    geometric shapes (blocks) connected by
    control lines (flow directions) with arrows. IN
    blocks record a sequence of actions.
    1. visibility: every operation of the computing process
    depicted as a separate geometric figure.
    2. The graphical representation of the algorithm clearly shows
    branching ways to solve a problem depending on various
    conditions, repetition of individual stages of the computational process and
    Other details.
    Please note: The design of programs must comply with certain
    requirements. Currently there is a unified system of program documentation
    (ESPD), which establishes the rules for the development, execution of programs and
    software documentation. The ESPD also defines the rules for the design of flowcharts
    algorithms (GOST 10.002-80 ESPD, GOST 10.003-80 ESPD).

    Example block diagram Example block diagram

    Algorithm for finding the sum of 10 numbers

    Blocks on block diagrams Blocks on block diagrams

    Data processing operations and storage media
    are depicted in the diagram corresponding
    Most of the construction blocks are conditionally inscribed in a rectangle
    with sides a and b. Minimum value a = 10 mm, increase a
    produced in multiples of 5 mm. Size b=1.5a. For individual
    blocks, a ratio between a and b equal to 1:2 is allowed. Within
    It is recommended to depict blocks of the same size in one diagram.
    All blocks are numbered.

    Types of block types of blocks

    Performing an operation or group of operations,
    as a result of which the value changes,
    form of presentation or arrangement
    Input Output
    Converting data into a usable form
    for processing (input) or display
    processing results (output).
    Choosing the direction of execution of the algorithm in
    depending on some variables
    Using previously created and separately
    written programs (subroutines).
    Outputting data on paper.

    Types of blocks

    Data input/output, media
    which serves as a magnetic disk.
    Start, end, interruption
    data processing process.
    Specifying the relationship between
    broken lines
    connecting blocks.
    Specifying the relationship between
    broken lines
    connecting blocks
    located on different sheets.
    A comment
    Relationship between circuit element and

    Rules for creating flowcharts Rules for creating flowcharts

    Lines connecting blocks and indicating sequence
    connections between them must be parallel to the lines
    The arrow at the end of the line may not be placed if the line
    directed from left to right or from top to bottom.
    A block can include several lines, that is, a block can
    be a successor to any number of blocks.
    Only one line can come out of a block (except for a logical one).
    A logical block can have as a continuation one of
    two blocks, and two lines come out of it.
    If there is a merging of lines in the diagram, then the intersection
    highlighted by a dot. In the case where one line approaches another
    and their merging is clearly expressed, there is no need to put an end to it.
    The algorithm diagram should be executed as a single whole, but in
    if necessary, it is allowed to break the lines connecting

    Block diagrams of algorithmsStructural diagrams of algorithms

    A sequence of two or more operations;
    choice of direction;
    Any computing process can be represented as
    a combination of these elementary algorithmic structures.

    Types of algorithmsTypes of algorithms


    Linear algorithmsLinear algorithms

    In a linear algorithm, operations are performed
    sequentially, in the order they were written. Each
    the operation is independent, independent of
    any conditions. In the diagram, blocks displaying
    these operations are located in a linear
    Linear algorithms occur, for example, when calculating
    arithmetic expressions when there are specific numeric
    data and tasks corresponding to the conditions are performed on them

    Example of a linear algorithmExample of a linear algorithm

    Create a block - an algorithm diagram
    arithmetic calculations


    An algorithm is called branching if for its implementation
    There are several directions (branches). Each
    a separate direction of the data processing algorithm is
    a separate branch of calculations.
    Branching in a program is choosing one of several
    sequences of commands during program execution. Choice
    direction depends on a predetermined sign,
    which may refer to the original data, to
    intermediate or final results. Sign
    characterizes a data property and has two or more values.
    A branching process that includes two branches is called simple, more
    two branches - complex.
    A complex branching process can be represented using simple branching

    The branching direction is selected by a logical check, in
    which results in two possible answers:
    “yes” - the condition is met
    “no” - the condition is not met.
    It should be kept in mind that although the flow diagram should show all
    possible directions of calculations depending on execution
    a certain condition (or conditions), with a single passage
    of the program, the process is implemented in only one branch, and the rest
    are excluded.
    Important! Any branch along which calculations are carried out must lead to
    to the end of the computational process.

    Example of an algorithm with branching Example of an algorithm with branching

    Create a flowchart of the algorithm
    with branching for calculation
    the following expression:
    Y = (a+b), if X<0;
    s/b, if X>0.

    Cyclic algorithms Cyclic algorithms

    Algorithms containing
    A cycle is a section that is repeated many times

    Stages of organizing a cycle Stages of organizing a cycle

    preparation (initialization) of the cycle (AND);
    performing loop calculations (loop body) (T);
    modification of parameters (M);
    checking the cycle end condition (U).
    The order in which these steps are performed, such as T and M, may

    Types of cycles

    Depending on location
    checking the loop end condition
    distinguish between cycles with lower and
    upper ends.
    For a cycle with a lower ending
    (Fig. a) the body of the loop is executed as
    at least once, since at first
    calculations are made and then
    exit condition is checked
    In the case of a cycle with upper
    the end (Fig. b) is the body of the cycle
    may not be executed even once
    case, if immediately complied with
    exit condition.
    Examples of cyclic algorithms

    Types of cyclesTypes of cycles

    A cycle is called deterministic if
    the number of repetitions of the loop body is known in advance or
    A cycle is called iterative if the number
    repetitions of the cycle body are unknown in advance, and
    depends on the parameter values ​​(some
    variables) involved in calculations.

    Example of Cyclic Clique Algorithm

    finding the sum
    10 numbers


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