Numbers in China. Chinese language Chinese numerals pronunciation

Numbers in China. Chinese language Chinese numerals pronunciation


Like any part of Chinese speech, numerals require thorough study and practice. If you go to this country, in any case, compiling numbers will come in handy, because you have to go to shops, cash desks.

There is logic and consistency in writing Chinese hieroglyphs and it is very important to remember it. Note that some clean can be pronounced almost the same.

To know the Chinese numbers from 1 to 10, you only need to remember the spelling of the characters and their pronunciation. They are not difficult to write, especially the first three digits, which are depicted as ordinary horizontal lines. It will be a little more difficult to remember starting from 4. Starting from 11, you need to remember the logical rules for compiling for each ten.

Chinese numerals in hieroglyphs

Like letters, in Chinese writing, numbers are denoted by hieroglyphs. For residents of European and American countries, this is an unusual symbol system. In addition to remembering how they are spelled and pronounced correctly, take into account that in Chinese they cannot be declined by cases, numbers, genders.

It is also necessary to remember that in China there are two types of numerals. The usual form (form) is used in everyday life of the Chinese. Formal notation is used in official institutions: for example, in stores (checks). Numbers in formal notation are a more complicated version of symbols.

Chinese counting from 1 to 10 with notation and pronunciation

It is not difficult to learn Chinese numbers from 1 to 10, the main thing is to remember the spelling of the hieroglyph itself and how it is pronounced correctly:


一 - 1 - yī is the simplest character in Chinese in the form of an ordinary horizontal line. Equally easy to write are 2 and 3.




五 - 5 - wǔ - is associated with the 5 elements of Chinese philosophy.



八 - 8 - bā



Chinese numbers from 11 to 100

The formation of numbers up to 99 has its own characteristics. It's not hard to remember the rules.

The numbers from 11 to 19 are formed as follows: the symbol 十 (10) is placed before the number that denotes units, i.e. if we want to say 12 in Chinese, we get ten two.

Formation examples:

  • 11-十一
  • 12-十二
  • 13-十三
  • 14 – 十四
  • 15-十五
  • 16 – 十六
  • 17-十七
  • 18 – 十八
  • 19-十九

How to write tens

To do this, put the Chinese character for "ten", and in front of it is another character that indicates the number of tens. After the sign "10" a unit is placed.

Formation example:

20 – 二十 [èr shí, 2 + 10]



44 – 四十四



If you need to say “100”, then the hieroglyph 一百 (yībǎi) is put, which means “first hundred” in translation.

Counting words: what is it and what are they used for

For Russians who study Chinese, the concept of "counting words" may seem unusual. But if you pay attention, they are also in the Russian language and often stand between the number itself and the subject that calculates. These can be the words “sheets” - 3 sheets of paper, “pair” - 2 pairs of boots, “pieces”.

There are many more counter words in Chinese - a separate word for each group of nouns. With the simultaneous use of a number and a counting word, phrases are formed according to the following conditional formula: number + counting word + noun.

Which counting word to choose can be influenced by the signs of several objects - their size, shape, condition.

If not a single counter word (hieroglyph) fits the noun, then universal counter words can be used, which may indicate the generalization of the word or its neutrality.

Those who have just started learning Chinese should remember that a counting number is mandatory if there is a number and a noun next to it. If hieroglyphs, for example, are translated as “two friends”, then with a count word, literally the translation will be the following “two pieces of a friend”.

Favorite and least favorite numbers of the Chinese

Today, the Chinese, like hundreds of years ago, continue to honor traditions. If there are plans to visit the country, then before starting a conversation with a Chinese in which numbers are mentioned, it is better to take care of their correct pronunciation and meaning.

What numbers do the Chinese like:

  • The unit denotes primacy, leadership in business.
  • If we literally translate the pronunciation into Russian, then it will mean "no problem, smoothly." It is associated with luck and good fortune, auspicious events. Especially brings good luck to those who are engaged in business or have just begun to develop it. On the biggest public or private holidays, it is customary to wish for a "double 6".
  • In Chinese is associated with wealth. Sometimes they give something or bring it in just such an amount to wish a person a lot of money and good luck in this way. Adherents of Buddhism consider the eight to be something sacred. Not for nothing, after all, even in 2008, the Olympic Games began on 8.08 at 8 pm.
  • Denotes "long, long-term". Most often used with the concept of "eternal love", "harmony". Even under the emperors, 9 dragons were painted on his clothes, each of them had 9 children (according to ancient myths).

They also have a positive attitude towards 10. The modern image and what it used to be are slightly different. Today, this hieroglyph is associated with integrity, the completion of some business.

Numbers that the Chinese bypass:

  • In the truest sense of the word, the Chinese are afraid of this figure. For them, it is comparable to death and is able to terrify the locals. They try to have a minimum number of "4" in their lives and do not choose apartment numbers, phone numbers with it. Even if you order a table for 4 in a cafe, then you can hear from the waiter that the order is for 3 + 1 people, but the number 4 is not pronounced. But there are people who do not adhere to these superstitions - it is much easier for them morally. In addition, they have the opportunity to purchase items related to the number "4" with a huge discount.
  • Associated with scandals and bad luck. Although there is ambiguity in these data - according to Chinese beliefs, the world is divided into two parts - Yin and Yang.

Learning Chinese numerals is not the easiest task, but there is consistency and logic in this knowledge. If you understand it, then no difficulties will be terrible.

We continue to break the stereotypes about the complexity of the Chinese language with the book "Chineasy every day". Today we will try to learn how to count from 0 to 99. To do this, just remember a few characters and catch the logic. Shall we start?

一 one (yi¹)

The hieroglyph that conveys the meaning of "one" is a simple horizontal line. It consists of one line (in Chinese it is called heng), and it is quite reasonable that the study of Chinese writing begins with it. Its pronunciation may vary depending on the phrase in which it is used.

二 two (er4)

This hieroglyph is as simple as the hieroglyph "one". We just added a second, slightly longer horizontal line under the first horizontal line. The number "two" in Chinese culture is considered auspicious, there is even a saying: "Good things come in pairs."

三 three (san¹)

The hieroglyph with the meaning "three" is formed by adding a third horizontal line to the hieroglyph "two". "Three" often means "many". In Confucianism and Taoism, the character "three" stands for Heaven, Earth, and humanity.

四 four (si4)

The number "four" is considered extremely unlucky, since the hieroglyph sounds almost the same as the hieroglyph meaning "death". This explains the lack of floors in some high-rise buildings that have the number 4. The waiter is more likely to say "table for three and one more" than "table for four."

五 five (wu³)

This number is associated with the five elements of Chinese philosophy and the Chinese emperor. That is why there are five arches in the gate on Tiananmen Square.

The Chinese show all the numbers with one hand, which is very convenient.

六 six (liu4)

Initially, this hieroglyph was an image of a hut, but now it only has the meaning "six". This is a lucky number in China, especially for those in business. A very famous saying is "double six". It is used when wishing all the best on your wedding day or birthday, as well as in wishes of good luck in the lottery.

七 seven (qi¹)

Seven denotes unity and is considered an auspicious number, especially for those whose heart is not free. In traditional Chinese religions, 49 (7 x 7) is the number of days the soul of the deceased stays among the living. Therefore, the funeral ceremony lasts 49 days, and all this time the appropriate prayers are read.

八 eight (ba¹)

In Beijing and Cantonese, the character for "eight" is pronounced the same as the words for "prosperity" and "luck", and this has made it the most popular character among Chinese speakers around the world. For example, the 2008 Olympic Games began at 8 pm on August 8, 2008. What a luck!

九 nine (jiu³)

The number "nine" is also considered lucky because it is associated with the emperor (and with dragons) and is pronounced like a word with the meaning "long-term". Traditionally, nine dragons were depicted on the clothes of the emperor. According to Chinese mythology, the dragon has nine children. This hieroglyph also means "harmony".

十 ten (shi²)

In oracle bone inscriptions, the character for ten was often depicted as a vertical line with a dot in the middle. This is how the number "ten" was designated in ancient times - a knot tied in the middle of a rope. "Ten" in Chinese culture means wholeness, completeness.

Let's test your knowledge. How many pandas do you see in the picture? You can only answer in Chinese!

By the way, literally translated from Chinese "panda" means "bear-cat". Sounds logical, doesn't it?

Count from 11 to 99

Learning the numbers 11 to 99 in Chinese is easy if you learn the numbers 0 to 10 and the following three rules.

For numbers from 11 to 19, we use the number (ten) and another number after it.
11 = 10 (十) + 1 (一) = 十一
12 = 10 (十) + 2 (二) = 十二
And so on, so 19 is 十九.

The number 0 in Chinese is represented by the character 零 (ling²), but the Arabic numeral 0 or circle is often used, especially when referring to dates or numbers.

The remaining numbers up to 99 require elementary arithmetic, for example:
22 = 2 (二) x 10 (十) + 2 (二) = 二十二
45 = 4 (四) x 10 (十) + 5 (五) = 四十五
99 = 9 (九) x 10 (十) + 9 (九) = 九十九

No one will doubt the complexity of the Chinese language. To study it, it is better to be patient and prepare to spend a lot of time. After all, Chinese characters and numbers are completely different from those that we are used to using every day.

Is it easy to study?

The main difficulty in Chinese is hieroglyphs. Ancient, invented 1500 thousand years BC, is currently the only system in the world that uses drawings rather than letters. There are so many of them that it is impossible to remember them all. The number of hieroglyphs reaches several thousand, which is why its study is a long and painstaking process.

The Chinese system, unlike its counterparts invented in ancient times in many ancient civilizations, has adapted to world changes, but for the Chinese themselves it is a suitable and traditional way of writing and counting.

For other people, not only the words contained in such drawings are difficult to understand, but also the numbers in Chinese. After all, keeping in mind so many images denoting a certain amount is quite difficult.

Well, the simplest aspect from which they begin to learn this language is simple numbers.

Learn to count from 1 to 10 with pronunciation

But not only are important, but also their pronunciation. Counting from one to ten with Russian transcription:

  • 1 (一) - Ii. Pronounced with a long "and" sound;
  • 2 (二) - Ar. Lower your intonation by pronouncing the sound "r";
  • 3 (三) - San. The voice does not change;
  • 4 (四) - Su. The intonation goes down;
  • 5 (五) - Woo. First lower, and then raise your voice;
  • 6 (六) - Lii-yu. Lowering the voice. When pronouncing, the sound "y" smoothly turns into "y", so it is almost not heard;
  • 7 (七) - Chii. The voice does not change;
  • 8 (八) - Baa. The intonation also does not change.
  • 9 (九) - Ji-yuu. The long sound "and", similar to the number 6, turns into a long "y". The voice drops at the beginning and then rises;
  • 10 (十) - Shur. Pronounced with a gradual increase in voice.

Numbers are fairly common characters in any language. They are used when we want to know how much time or the price of a product when paying in transport. Therefore, they need to be studied as soon as possible.

Numbers 11 and up

Numbers in Chinese are grouped into specific digits. This system is logical and has a certain sequence. But not without peculiar features that at first seem difficult to understand.

In the count from 11 to 19, the character 10 (Shur) is written, to which the numbers from 1 to 9 are added. So, the number 15 will sound like Shur Vuu (十一).

Dozens are added almost according to the same logic. In this case, the number 10 is added to the number indicating the number of tens, as a prefix:

  • 20 (二十) would be read as Arshur;
  • 30 (三十) - Sanshur;
  • 40 (四十) - Sushur and so on.

The difficulty is that each numeral has its own hieroglyph. Therefore, only the most patient and burning with real desire can remember such a stream of drawings.

What the numbers look like in China

The number 2 has its own peculiarity. Acting as a numeral, that is, when we need to count something, it is pronounced neither “ar”, but “liang”, and the corresponding hieroglyph will look like this: 两. However, in plurals, the deuce retains its basic appearance. Therefore, the phrase "22 books" will have the translation "二十二本书". If it is repeated several times, then “liang” is written first, and subsequent ones will be read as “ar”.

In phone numbers, the number 2 will be normal, but the pronunciation of the unit changes. Instead of "Ii" they dictate "Yao" - yāo. For example, the number 16389294872 would look like 幺六三八九二九四八七二.

Many numbers in Chinese have the same consonance with words. This fact has not been left aside, and carriers very often resort to this. So they can talk about their love with the help of the numbers 520 - 我爱你.

Favorite and least favorite numbers of the Chinese

China is a country where traditions are remembered and honored. Therefore, in order to understand the pronunciation of some numbers, you need to know what they mean for this people.

The Chinese show their love to:

  • 1. It is most often used to indicate leadership or priority - "first in competition", "first in university", "first to read this book".
  • 6. The Russian translation of the Chinese character - "smoothly, without problems" - 溜 (顺溜 (shùnliu). It is associated with auspiciousness and luck and therefore fell in love with China so much.
  • 8. Sounds similar to the word "wealth" -发. The Chinese like to wish big money, so the number is considered lucky. Also, the figure eight is found in mythology and among Buddhists is something sacred.
  • 9. How "long" (久) sounds the character nine, which is associated with eternal love.

Numbers that are treated with concern:

  • The Chinese suffer from what is called tetraphobia. The number 4 is consonant with the word "death", which makes the inhabitants of the country tremble. They avoid everything that is connected with the four: phone numbers, apartments, houses and even floors. Although this has its advantages for those who are not subject to superstition: all such items can be purchased at a huge discount.
  • The number 2 has an ambiguous position in Chinese society. It is considered unlucky, as it is associated with quarrels. But at the same time, according to the beliefs of the inhabitants, the whole world is divided into two parts: black and white, better known as Yin and Yang. Therefore, along with conflict, the Chinese deuce is a symbol of marriage and love.


Despite all the complexity, the Chinese language is quite logical and consistent, and for a patient student it will be a fascinating immersion in the world of Chinese culture. The study of hieroglyphs will open up another side for you - the art of calligraphy, which the locals call "music for the eyes."

Many people know that in China they attach great importance to numbers: some of them are considered lucky, others - on the contrary. And, meanwhile, the knowledge of many does not go further than the meaning of the numbers 4 and 8. The number "four" in Chinese is consonant with the word for "death". Therefore, fours in China are not particularly favored. Eight, on the contrary, the number is good, means prosperity. In China, according to beliefs, each number has its own meaning, influence and power.

Even numbers are considered happier in the Celestial Empire, since they are associated with the energy of the living, and odd numbers with the energy of the dead. The exception is the four ("4"), which I have already written about. If you have fours in your phone number, that's bad. There is also no fountain in the car room. In many houses there is no fourth floor, it is replaced by floor 3A. In the photo - look, I made it in the house where I live. In short, the four in China is not in authority. The number 14 is also considered negative in terms of energy, as well as 13, since the sum of its digits is reduced to the number four: 1 + 3 = 4. In Hong Kong, they made it a rule to skip all negative floor numbers. They are way too superstitious.

In China, when giving money as a gift, they usually try to give an even amount, because. odd is associated with a funeral donation. Keep this in mind so you don't get embarrassed.

Meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 in China:

"1" - masculinity, a new beginning, loneliness.

"2" - symbolizes couples, is considered a lucky number. The Chinese even have an expression: "All good things are doubled." Two is a positive number for the Chinese.

"3" is associated with birth. Not marked negative.

"4" is the most unlucky number for the Chinese.

"5" - symbolizes 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water, which are related to the "heavenly stems" of the Chinese cyclic calendar. That is why the five (“5”) is a positive number, albeit an odd one.

"6" - the Chinese associate with happiness and business.

"7" - is associated with a sense of unity, but is odd, and therefore is considered by the Chinese ambiguously, depending on the situation.

"8" is the luckiest number for all Chinese. Sounds like "wealth" and "prosperity". The Chinese are very often willing to pay huge sums of money for a phone number, car number or apartment number in which the number 8 is present. In addition, the shape of the eight resembles an infinity sign, and therefore the Chinese associate the eight with a never-ending flow of money. Attached pictures of a Mercedes (don't ask whose, I won't tell) with a number of eights. Pay attention to the letter in front of the number, it looks like a figure eight - B! This auction number starts at $300,000. There is such a number, believe me, no less than the car itself. And the car, pay attention, stuffed seriously. Brawling for a beautiful number at auctions is not for children!

At the moment, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. After all, the Chinese language, which, as a rule, takes quite a long time to learn, is absolutely different from the European ones we are used to.

Is it easy to learn Chinese?

If in Russian the grammatical aspect is the most difficult, then in Chinese it is hieroglyphics. - this is the only hieroglyphic writing system of the world, invented one and a half thousand years BC. e. and still in existence. The difficult thing is that there are so many hieroglyphs that they number in the thousands. For example, in one of the latest Chinese dictionaries, the number of characters reaches as much as 50 thousand characters. Therefore, the study of this language takes many, many years.

Other hieroglyphic writing systems invented in almost all ancient civilizations, namely in Central America, South Asia, the Middle East, China, gradually disappeared, leaving behind only a few monuments that currently serve only as historical property. But the Chinese hieroglyphic writing system managed to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the development of civilization and remain a rather complex, but quite acceptable way of writing for the territory of this country.

But it is important to note that it is not only the hieroglyphs denoting words that are the most difficult to learn. Chinese numbers are also particularly difficult to learn. After all, it is very difficult to remember so many new images that represent quantities. The Chinese numerals from 1 to 10 are mostly easy for learners of the language. This is the easiest part of the curriculum.

Unfortunately, the exact time of the emergence of writing in China is unknown. But archaeologists have managed to discover various ceramic vessels with ornaments that are more than five thousand years old. Scholars believe that perhaps these vessels depict the first rudiments of writing in China.

There are a huge number of different legends and myths regarding the origin of Chinese writing. Scientists attribute this invention to various historical figures. However, nothing is known for sure, unfortunately. The fact remains that this system of hieroglyphs was able to hold out, actively functioning, until our time.

Chinese language system

Also, in addition to all sorts of legends, there are specific theories of the development and origin of the hieroglyphic writing system in China. They say that the first sign system consisted of only two simple symbols. They were solid and interrupted straight lines. These signs had many variations and combinations.

In turn, these two signs, as a rule, were combined into trigrams, which acted as non-repeating combinations of whole and interrupted lines. There were eight such trigrams in total. All of them had a specific meaning, changing depending on the specific purpose for which these trigrams were used.

Chinese calligraphy

As for the language, it is rightfully considered a whole national treasure. It is understood as an art, to which in China every person joins much earlier than anything else. The art of fine writing should be learned by anyone who wants to know Chinese.

Teaching a child to read and write begins simultaneously with classes and calligraphy. This happens not only in order to facilitate the very difficult process of memorizing a huge number of hieroglyphs, but also in order to instill in the child an aesthetic taste, the ability to perceive great art.

Calligraphy as an art in China

Chinese sages believed that calligraphy is music for the eyes. It is also customary to call it in this country soundless music and non-objective painting. True connoisseurs of art consider calligraphy to be a dance without a performer, architecture without structures. Such enthusiastic comments express admiration for Art with a capital letter. But indeed, the movement of a hand with a brush soaked in ink, similar to a kind of dance, subject to the inner creative concentration of the master, capable of creating on a white sheet a special rhythmic harmony of black lines, strokes, dots - a harmony that conveys an endless range of human thoughts, feelings, moods. That is why calligraphy is a kind of key to many related art forms.

Beautiful writing of hieroglyphs was considered a great art. Calligraphy was equated with such art forms as poetry and painting. Since ancient times, people have had special respect for someone who knows classical books and knows how to write hieroglyphs beautifully and gracefully. The posters, which were written in large print and beautifully, were hung out on the street for everyone to see.

As for the paper on which the hieroglyphs were written, they treated it very carefully, as if it were a gift from heaven. The Chinese have never crumpled, much less dared to throw away paper.

Styles of Chinese calligraphy

That the Chinese take calligraphic art very seriously, so there are quite a lot of different styles of beautiful writing of hieroglyphs. In general, there are five types of calligraphy in Chinese, which include:

  • Chuzhan acts as the official font.
  • Lishu is also the official script, but more simplified than the Chuzhan script.
  • Kaishu is a charter letter that was created from Lishu.
  • Caoshu is a cursive script suitable for fast and sloppy writing.
  • Xingshu is somewhere between cursive and statutory writing.

What do Chinese numerals look like?

The Chinese number system is actually very logical and consistent, but there are a number of features that at first glance seem incredibly difficult for a person starting to learn the language. But with a careful study of the topic, everything begins to fall into place.

Chinese numerals from 1 to 10 are not particularly difficult. They are fairly easy to write. And it is important to note that the first three digits in Chinese are represented as simple horizontal lines, the number of which corresponds to a certain digit. Therefore, even the person who has not seen Chinese numbers and hieroglyphs will understand the first three numbers. The main thing is to explain the logic to him.

But starting with the Chinese number 4, it becomes a little more difficult. Because its appearance does not tell what number it is. Therefore, native speakers of European languages ​​​​at first glance will not be able to determine numbers ranging from 4 and above.

Numbers 11 and up

As for numbers starting from 10, the scheme is quite simple. It's just a comparison of Chinese numbers from 1 to 10.

Numbers from 11 to 19 are formed quite logically: the hieroglyph denoting 10 is usually placed before the (single) number from 1 to 9.

As for numbers starting from 100 and above, here the system is similar to the system for matching Chinese numbers from 1 to 10. First you need to remember how 100 will be in Chinese. And the number 100 will look like 百 - bǎi - 100.

Naturally, each figure has its own image-hieroglyph, so there is no way out except to learn it all by heart. And that is why the Chinese language is so difficult for foreigners. Success can only be achieved by those who patiently sat, writing out and memorizing every hieroglyph, including numbers.

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