Which brand of heart rate monitor is better? The best heart rate monitors for running

Which brand of heart rate monitor is better? The best heart rate monitors for running


Did you know that running can cause scars? And on the chest. Of course, not from the running itself, but from the chest heart rate monitor. Why pulse training is needed can be read in.

I have had the misfortune of having a design where the tape chafes, especially over long distances. A long workout of about 30 km with a heart rate monitor - guaranteed blood-gut abrasions, pain in the process and long-healing scars. I tried changing the ribbons, putting the ribbon on a little higher and lower, tightening it tighter and looser - to no avail. In addition, the chest pulse sensor needs to be washed and the battery changed regularly. Otherwise, he begins to delirium, often at the most crucial moment.

All this is quite annoying, so I have long wanted to try an alternative option - optical heart rate monitor. The choice fell in favor of the device Scosche Rhythm+, which was fortunately given to me for my birthday 😉 Read below to see what came out of it. Beware: Lots of graphs!

How does a chest heart rate sensor work?

Chest heart rate sensor, also known as a chest cardiac monitor (HRM strap, HRM band) is an elastic belt with two electrodes in the form of strips of conductive material and a cardiac transmitter. The technology of its work is based on the phenomenon of electrical activity of the heart, discovered at the end of the 19th century.

The sensor is attached to the chest, the electrodes are moistened with water or a special gel for better conductivity. At the moment of contraction of the heart muscle, a potential difference is recorded on the skin - thus the pulse rate is measured. From the sensor, information is continuously transmitted wirelessly to the receiving device: watch, cycling computer, fitness bracelet, smartphone, etc.

How does an optical heart rate sensor work?

Optical heart rate sensor Using LEDs, it illuminates the skin with a powerful beam of light. The reflected amount of light scattered by the bloodstream is then measured. The technology is based on the fact that light is scattered in tissues in a certain way depending on the dynamics of blood flow in the capillaries, which makes it possible to track changes in pulse.

Optical sensors are demanding in terms of tight fit to the skin (they do not work through clothing) and location. Their work is based on determining blood flow in tissues, so the more tissues available for reading, the better.

Chest and optical heart rate sensors for runners: comparable?

Why Scosche RHYTHM+ and not a heart rate sensor built into a sports watch?

The most obvious option when choosing an optical heart rate monitor is to buy a sports watch with a built-in sensor. Most relatively new watch models from well-known manufacturers already include this option. At first glance, it’s convenient: everything is in one, you don’t need to charge it separately and put on another device.

But if you look closely, this option has its pitfalls. The first of them for me was that the optical heart rate monitor must fit tightly to the skin; it does not work through fabric, even the thinnest.

My main training usually occurs in the late fall and winter - preparing for the spring marathon. I don’t adapt well to the heat; in the summer I run more to maintain it, but progress and improvement in form can only be achieved in cold weather.

I always wear my watch over the sleeve of a long sleeve jacket or windbreaker. Lifting up your sleeve every time to look at your heart rate and pace is not an option at all. This is especially true for running on PANO, where the pulse must fall into a fairly narrow corridor and must be controlled all the time so that it does not jump higher.

The second reason why the sensor built into the watch is not suitable for me was discovered during testing; more about it below.

Scosche RHYTHM+ Optical Heart Rate Sensor at a Glance

Full device name: Scosche RHYTHM+ Dual ANT+/Bluetooth Smart Optical HR.

It was released in 2014. It is still considered one of the most successful and accurate models among optical heart rate sensors. You can read more in the mega-thorough review on Ray's website, DCRainmaker.

This is what Scosche RHYTHM+ looks like, simple and with a minimum of bells and whistles

Scosche RHYTHM+ - separate device in the form of a bracelet with an optical sensor, which is worn on the hand and transmits readings to any gadget that supports ANT+ or Bluetooth Smart technology. In fact, these are all modern sports watches, smartphones (iPhone 4s and higher, Android 4.3 and higher) and other devices. Also works with any application that supports heart rate measurement. In short, a completely universal thing.

Scosche RHYTHM+ has three optical sensors

The sensor comes with a USB charger, as stated working time 7-8 hours. Minus: there is no charge level indication. I got around this by simply charging the Scosche after every workout.

Scosche RHYTHM+ on USB charging

By nature, Scosche is a typical introvert. All interaction with the external environment occurs with the help of a single light, which occasionally flashes red while the device is charging, red and blue when turned on, and red again, but more often, when turned off. There is also one button; to turn it on, just press it, to turn it off, press and hold it. No other communication with the device is provided; lovers of minimalism and bare functionality will appreciate it.

The size of the sensor bracelet is adjustable using Velcro

Testing the Scosche RHYTHM+ optical heart rate sensor

To evaluate the accuracy of the optical sensor compared to the chest sensor, I took the simplest route: I put on two watches, both sensors, and went for a run. Scosche sent heart rate readings to a Garmin 920XT, and a chest strap to an old, duct-taped, trusty Garmin Forerunner 410.

Young researcher's set: 2 watches, 2 pulse sensors

As a result, from all trainings we received two heart rate graphs- according to the version of each sensor. The graphs were then superimposed on each other for visual comparison. We assume that the chest heart rate monitor readings are relatively accurate. Although with him, too, not everything is so simple, as you can see in one of the examples below.

Feel like a geek. I ran all January with two watches.

For a month, data was obtained from different types of workouts:

  • jogging at low heart rate
  • easy running at the level of the aerobic threshold (AT), including short accelerations of 20-30 seconds (strides)
  • running at marathon pace
  • tempo run at the anaerobic threshold (TAT)
  • MPC intervals of 1 km
  • 400m repeats

Let's see what happened.

Part 1, unsuccessful

If you sit, stand or walk, the readings from Scosche and the chest heart rate monitor match almost completely, the deviation is no more than one beat (the optical sensor is slightly delayed).

As long as you're not running, the sensors measure the same

Attempt #1: Easy running at aerobic threshold

Location according to instructions

For the first test workout, I only wore the optical sensor, because... I already had time to run with him a couple of times, the testimony was sane, I didn’t expect a setup.

Glitches began almost immediately, but after a couple of kilometers everything seemed to settle down. A smooth run at 150-154 along the flat Trukhanov, I ran about 8 km, and then bang! The pulse jumps up to 180 and does not decrease. I was wondering whether to run to the hospital or call an ambulance to the scene. For reference: my heart can be accelerated to 180+ only at 1 km intervals, or at the finishing acceleration at competitions. And this is clearly not meditative running and unity with nature, but counting exhalations in order to distract the brain and endure the last few hundred meters.

Optical sensor readings when running on AP, location according to instructions

The graph shows that I stopped 3 times and tried to somehow correct the sensor, but to no avail. Then I ran at my own pace, my pulse fluctuated from 175 to 180. Why these frightening numbers? But because I have something like this cadence. Apparently, due to the unfortunate (in my case) location, when moving my hand, light somehow cleverly hits the sensor, and it counts these vibrations instead of the pulse.

Conclusion: placing the sensor according to the instructions does not suit me.

Attempt #2: jogging

Sensor location: on the wrist - like the built-in one in a sports watch

Positioned like a watch, tight fixation using improvised materials

The result is even sadder, there were no correct readings at all, just cadence. On the heart rate graph from the chest sensor (blue) everything is clear: you can see the ascents and descents of stairs, stopping at a traffic light.

Indications of optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) during jogging, location on the wrist

Later I read that it is recommended to wear watches with a built-in sensor a little higher than usual so that more tissue is available for reading. In my case, this does not help: in both cases there is a deficiency of soft tissues, just skin and bones :)

Conclusion: Wrist sensor placement (and watches with a built-in optical sensor) don't work for me.

Attempt No. 3: warm-up / tempo work on PANO 5 + 3 + 3 km / cool-down

Sensor location: on the biceps, on the inside. I spotted this option from Ray (link to his review above), it works for him. I'm in trouble again.

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) when working on the PANO, location on the inside of the biceps

Attempt #4: jog again

Sensor location: slightly above the elbow, side (front)

In some places, Scosche even worked correctly, but could not resist depicting a tempo workout on the graph.

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) while jogging, located above the elbow in front

Here I got tired and upset and complained on Facebook about all these advanced technologies. The author of the gift, who himself has been running with the same heart rate monitor for more than a year, suggested that he puts it on so that the sensor is located on the outside of the biceps. Okay, one more try. And voila! That helped.

Part 2, successful

Optical sensor placement that works for me

Attempt #5: Another jog

Sensor location: on the outside of the biceps

Perfect match of schedules, including training of stairs and transitions

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) while jogging, located on the outside of the biceps

Attempt No. 6: tempo on PANO 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 km

Sensor location: same place

The chest heart rate monitor has a slightly smoother graph, but all average indicators per km are the same.

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) during tempo work on the PANO, location on the outside of the biceps

Attempt No. 7: easy running on AP + 6 short accelerations for 20-30 seconds.

Sensor location: same place

The only difference is that the optical one shows a higher heart rate on the strides. I don’t know which of them is right, but this is not important - for short accelerations the pulse is absolutely not important.

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) when running on AP with short accelerations, located on the outside of the biceps

Attempt #8: 5x1km intervals + 4x400m repeats

Sensor location: same place

At intervals, the graph with the optical heart rate monitor indicators is a little more “cluttered”, and there are slight delays. However, the deviations are minor and do not affect the overall picture in any way.

Indications of optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) at intervals of 5x1 km, location on the outside of the biceps

But on replays, the discrepancy between the graphs is more serious, although, as in the case of short accelerations, no one runs by their pulse.

Optical (red graph) and chest sensor (blue) readings for 4x400m repeats, located on the outside of the biceps

Attempt #9: Warm up / 13 + 5 km at marathon pace / Cool down

Sensor location: same place

Here is a rare case - chest sensor glitch. It can be seen at the beginning of the blue graph, where the heart rate during the warm-up goes 180.

As already mentioned, the electrodes of the chest sensor need to be moistened for better electrical conductivity - either with a special gel or with water. Personally, I most often just spit on them (sorry for the naturalism), put on the ribbon and almost immediately go out to train. If you do not wet the electrodes in advance, the heart rate monitor may malfunction at first, but then they will be moistened naturally - with the help of sweat.

The algorithm was broken: already fully dressed, I was caught by a phone call, and I was able to get out only after 15 minutes. The tape had dried, and I was in no hurry to self-hydrate outside because of the cold. There you can see another stop at the very beginning of the M-pace - also because of the phone. At a higher intensity, the processes went faster, and the chest sensor came to life.

There was also an incomprehensible jump in the pulse, according to the optics, during a light run between jobs - I couldn’t find the reason.

Indications of the optical (red graph) and chest sensors (blue) at M-tempo, located on the outside of the biceps

Perhaps it’s time to stop with the charts.

Since then I have completely switched to Scosche and said goodbye to the scars. With the selected location of the optical sensor, its performance is quite accurate for my purposes, no noticeable glitches were observed anymore. I hope to run a marathon with him soon and finally find out what heart rate I’m doing it with (before this I’ve never run 42 km with a heart rate monitor for obvious reasons).

Pros/cons of an optical sensor compared to a chest strap

Convenience: does not rub, does not slip, does not interfere

It does not run out of battery, which happens rarely, but at the most inopportune moment

It does not need to be washed, unlike the chest strap, which when salted can show incorrect data (during active training, I wash the tape once a week)

It does not need to be wetted before use

When choosing a good placement location, the optical sensor is accurate enough to solve the problems of an amateur runner

Chest or optical heart rate monitor?

— the chest sensor is more accurate by default, the technology of its operation does not require dancing with a tambourine to select the optimal location on the body and an ideal fit

— the optical sensor in the form of a device (not built into the watch) needs to be charged separately, and this is another +1 charge to the entire existing pile of wires

Pros of the Scosche optical sensor compared to the one built into the watch

Through experimentation, you can choose the optimal placement location at which the readings will be most accurate. In the case of watches with a built-in heart rate sensor, the options are limited to the wrist - not everyone's optics work correctly in this place (I'm an example of this).

The optical sensor, as a separate device, can be worn under clothing, and the readings are displayed on a watch worn over the sleeve. A watch with a built-in sensor must fit close to the body, which makes it uncomfortable to use in the cold season.

Have you tried using an optical heart rate monitor? How are your impressions?

Reading time: 21 minutes

A heart rate monitor is a measuring device that measures your heart rate. It is also called a heart rate monitor.

Heart rate monitor is used to monitor heart function, analyze loads, determine heart rate zones and go beyond these zones. A large number of different models for heart rate monitoring are sold on the sports paraphernalia market. Let's figure out what a heart rate monitor is for, what its advantages and benefits are, how to choose one, and also look at the most popular models of heart rate monitors on the market.

Heart rate monitor: what is it for and what are the advantages

If you need information about how your heart works during exercise, then a device like a heart rate monitor is a must-have. During training, the heart rate monitor helps maintain the desired heart rate, measures the number of calories burned and monitors heart function and workload. Most often, a heart rate monitor is used during interval and cardio training, but it will also come in handy during strength training. In addition, the heart rate monitor can be used during daytime activities to monitor heart function.

Who might need a heart rate monitor?

  • For those who do cardio training to lose weight or develop endurance.
  • For those who do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • For those who have heart problems and need to control their heart rate.
  • For those who want to control the number of calories burned during training.
  • And also for those who want to regularly improve their results without harm to their health.

Why is it even necessary to measure your heart rate during exercise? Depending on your pulse or heart rate (abbreviated HR), your body will use different sources of energy. Based on this, there are several load zones that determine the effectiveness of your workout:

The indicated percentage is taken from the maximum heart rate value. To calculate it, we use the formula: Maximum heart rate = 220 – age.

Accordingly, in order for the body to use fatty acids as a source, it is enough to keep the pulse in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For example, if your age is 30 years old, then the following calculations will be used to calculate the possible range of your heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.6=114
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.7=133

With such a pulse (114-133 beats per minute) you can practice for a long time, maintaining a continuous pace. In this case, the exercise will be aerobic, that is, using oxygen. Such cardio workouts help burn fat and train the heart.

If you are doing high-intensity interval training (for example, training according to the Tabata protocol), then at the peak moments your heart rate should be in the anaerobic zone, i.e. 80-90% of maximum heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.8=152
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.9=171

The heart rate monitor helps you monitor your heart rate and keep it in the zone that meets your requirements. If your heart rate monitor model allows it, you can set the heart rate zones you are interested in, and you will be notified when your heart rate leaves the specified zone.

Benefits of a heart rate monitor:

  • A heart rate monitor protects your heart from overload during exercise because you monitor your heart rate.
  • You will exercise in the heart rate zone you need - for fat burning or endurance, depending on your goals, and therefore train more effectively.
  • With a heart rate monitor it is easy to track your progress, analyze the level of load and its perception by the body.
  • You will know exactly how many calories you burned during your workout.
  • You can use the heart rate monitor during your normal daily activities to assess your body's performance or monitor your stress levels.
  • The heart rate monitor is indispensable when running or walking fast on the street, when there are no other sources for determining the level of exercise.

Many cardio machines already have a built-in heart rate monitor. But firstly, such heart rate monitors show inaccurate data, which is better not to rely on. Secondly, to record data you need to hold the handles while running or walking, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you want to receive the most accurate data on heart rate and calories, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor.

You can also use manual heart rate monitoring. To do this, you need to stop and count the beats, recording the resulting values. However, additional manipulations during training are not always convenient, and the obtained values ​​will have a strong error. In addition, constant stopping lowers your heart rate, which disrupts the rhythm of the activity. This is why a heart rate monitor is indispensable: it will record data instantly throughout the entire workout.

Main functions of the heart rate monitor:

  • Heart rate (HR) monitoring
  • Setting your heart rate zone
  • Notification of heart rate zone changes by sound or vibration
  • Calculation of average and maximum heart rate
  • Calorie counter
  • Time and date display
  • Stopwatch, timer

Some heart rate monitors have additional functions: GPS navigation, alarm clock, pedometer, training history, automatic calculation of training zones, fitness test, heart rate calculation for a single lap (useful for runners), synchronization with applications and computer. The more functions a device is equipped with, the more expensive it is.

Types of heart rate monitors

Heart rate monitors can be divided into 2 large groups: breastplates(using a chest strap) and carpals. Heart rate monitor with chest strap used O more popular among practitioners, but thanks to new technologies, models have appeared that allow you to accurately measure your pulse without a chest sensor.

A chest heart rate monitor is a sensor with electrodes that is worn under the chest and transmits data to a receiver watch or mobile application. There are two types of chest heart rate monitor models, which differ in configuration:

  • Heart rate monitor without watch receiver. In this case, the data is transferred to the smartphone via Bluetooth Smart technology. The sensor is synchronized with special applications on the smartphone, where all the necessary information about heart rate and calories burned is automatically stored. This is convenient for training analysis, since the application stores the entire data history. Most often, heart rate monitors are synchronized with applications on Android and iOS operating systems.
  • Heart rate monitor with watch receiver. In this case, the sensor sends data to the receiver watch, where it is processed and you can see it on the screen. Such models are more expensive, but also more convenient. You do not need to additionally use a smartphone; all information will be displayed on the watch. For example, it is more convenient to use such heart rate monitors outdoors.

If you purchase a heart rate monitor with a watch, then also pay attention to the type of data transmission. There are two types of data transfer from the chest strap to the watch:

  • Analog (uncoded) type of data transmission. May be subject to radio interference. It is considered less accurate, but if there is an error, it is very small. The analog heart rate monitor can sync with cardio equipment, picking up heart rate data from your belt. But if someone in your immediate vicinity (within a meter) is using a heart rate monitor with the same type of data transmission, for example in a group training session, then interference may occur.
  • Digital (encoded) type of data transmission. A more expensive and accurate type of data transmission, not subject to interference. However, a digital heart rate monitor cannot be synchronized with exercise equipment.

Both analog and digital heart rate monitors are quite accurate, so The type of data transfer does not play a key role when choosing a heart rate monitor. There is no point in overpaying additionally for digital data transmission.

Wrist heart rate monitors

The convenience of wrist heart rate monitors is that you don't have to wear a chest strap with the sensor. To measure the data, you only need a watch that is worn on your wrist. However, this version of heart rate monitors also has a number of features and disadvantages, so despite the apparent convenience, wrist heart rate monitors are still less popular.

There are two types of wrist heart rate monitors, which differ in the principle of heart rate monitoring:

  • Pulse is measured upon contact of fingers and sensor on the front side of the device. You simply place the heart rate monitor on your wrist, touch it, and the device gives you your heart rate readings. The disadvantage of such monitoring is that you will measure your pulse not for a certain period of time, but on demand, only after contact of your fingers and electrodes on the body. This heart rate monitor is more suitable for tourism, mountaineering, or for those who, due to health restrictions, are forced to periodically monitor their heart rate zone.
  • Pulse is measured via tracking behind blood vessels. The principle of operation of such heart rate monitors is as follows: you put the bracelet on your hand, the LEDs shine through the skin, the optical sensor measures the narrowing of blood vessels and the sensor displays the obtained values ​​on the watch screen. But the disadvantages of such devices are also obvious. For data accuracy, the belt must be tightly tightened on the wrist, which is not always convenient during training. Additionally, heavy sweating or rainy weather may interfere with the sensor's performance.

Of course, a watch is a more common piece of equipment than a chest strap. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a belt under your chest, we recommend purchasing a second version of a wrist heart rate monitor. But discomfort and inconvenience are perhaps the only argument in favor of a wrist heart rate monitor. Most trainees still opt for a heart rate monitor with a chest strap because of the convenience and accuracy of the data.

Prices for a heart rate monitor are determined by the following parameters:

  • Manufacturing company
  • Heart rate monitor type: chest or wrist
  • Contents: is there a watch receiver, replaceable straps, cases, etc.
  • Data transmission type: analog or digital
  • Moisture protection
  • Belt, its width, quality, ease of fastening
  • Quality of the watch receiver case
  • Availability of additional functions

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitor models with a brief description, prices and pictures. Based on this review, you can choose the right heart rate monitor for yourself. Prices are indicated according to Yandex Market data as of September 2017 and may differ from the cost of the heart rate monitor in your store.

Sigma heart rate monitors

Popular models of Sigma heart rate monitors are developed by a Taiwanese manufacturer. Among heart rate monitors, Sigma is considered one of the market leaders; their models are almost ideal in terms of price and quality ratio. They mainly offer heart rate monitor models with a chest strap and a watch:

  • Sigma PC 3.11: the most primitive model with a basic heart rate counting function. There is no calorie counting.
  • Sigma PC 10.11: the optimal model with all the necessary basic functions, including calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 15.11: This model is suitable for running enthusiasts, as it adds functions such as lap counter, average and maximum heart rate per lap, number of calories burned per lap, lap time.
  • Sigma PC 22.13: This heart rate monitor uses digital data transmission, so the price is a little more expensive. The model is offered in several body colors. Standard functions: calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, zone indicator, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 26.14: model similar to the previous one, but with the addition of new functions. For example, this device has a lap counter, an automated function for calculating the target zone, memory for 7 training sessions, totals per week.

Polar heart rate monitors

Polar is one of the most famous brands in the heart rate monitor market. Polar produces high-quality devices, but their prices are much higher. You can purchase a chest strap with a sensor that will transmit data to your smartphone, or a set of strap and watch receiver for easier data tracking.

Chest straps with sensor:

  • Polar H1: GymLink communication interface, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H7: GymLink and Blutooth Smart communication interfaces, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H10: a new generation of heart rate sensors, replacing the H7, one of the popular heart rate monitor models.

Chest heart rate monitor with watch included:

  • Polar A300: in addition to the standard functions, this device also has many additional features: pedometer, sleep monitoring, reminder function, goal setting, accelerometer. It is also possible to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
  • Polar FT60: this model includes a calorie counter function, as well as a number of auxiliary, but very convenient and useful functions, such as: alarm clock, second time zone, low battery indicator, locking buttons from accidental pressing.
  • Polar M430: Another very multifunctional gadget, waterproof, with GPS navigation and backlight. Added notification function for incoming calls, received messages and notifications from GPS social networking applications.

Beurer heart rate monitors

This brand offers models of heart rate monitors with a chest strap and models in which you need to touch the sensor of the device to measure data. For training, we recommend choosing heart rate monitors with a chest strap; it is more convenient and practical.

  • Beurer PM25: a simple and convenient model, there are all the important functions, for example, a built-in calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, calorie counter, alert when leaving the training zone.
  • Beurer PM45: The set of functions is similar to the PM25 models, but adds interchangeable straps, a bike mount, and a storage case.
  • Beurer PM15: This is a wrist-based heart rate monitor with a touch sensor, the device monitors heart rates, alerts you when you go beyond the training zone, but does not count calories. Price: 3200 rubles.

Suunto heart rate monitors

Another well-known company in the sports equipment market, which produces a series of sports watches with the ability to measure heart rate. Suunto offers chest straps and chest straps included with your watch:

  • Suunto Comfort Belt: Chest strap suitable for all T-series sports watches and computers that can be used as a heart rate monitor.
  • Suunto Smart Belt: Chest strap with Bluetooth Smart technology. Compatible with Suunto's Movescount app.
  • Suunto M2: a chest strap with a watch that has all the basic functions, including heart rate control, calorie counting, automatic selection of the desired heart rate zone.
  • Suunto M5: This heart rate monitor comes with additional features to help you determine the best training regimen for your individual performance, as well as get reliable speed and distance information during your running workouts.

Sanitas heart rate monitors

Sanitas does not have many models, but they are notable for their low prices, so we also mention them.

  • Sanitas SPM22 and SPM25: Heart rate monitor with chest strap that includes all the basic functions and is perfect for regular use.
  • Sanitas SPM10: You don't need a chest strap to measure your heart rate with this model. You simply place the device on your wrist and touch the sensor on the front of the device with your finger. This device is suitable for people who do not want to wear a chest belt or, for example, for tourism.

Other models

  • Nexx HRM-02. A budget option for a chest strap with a sensor, which is suitable for those who are not ready to seriously spend money on fitness gadgets. The device has built-in Bluetooth Smart and is compatible with almost all mobile applications that support the function of transmitting data from a wireless heart rate monitor. Counts heart rate and calories burned.
  • Torneo H103. Chest strap with watch receiver. Equipped with all the basic functions: heart rate calculation, calorie counter, setting heart rate zones, measuring time in the target zone, stopwatch, calendar and alarm clock, water resistance.
  • Wahoo TICKR. Another option for a chest heart rate monitor that transmits information via Bluetooth to a smartphone. In addition to heart rate, such characteristics as steps taken and calories burned are recorded.

Which heart rate monitor to choose:

  • If you want to purchase a heart rate monitor with an optimal price-quality ratio, then buy the Sigma or Beurer models.
  • If you want to purchase the most reliable and accurate device, then buy Polar or Suunto models.
  • If you want to purchase the simplest and most inexpensive option for a heart rate monitor, you should pay attention to the models offered on the Aliexpress website (review below).

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models on Aliexpress

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitors that can be purchased on Aliexpress at an affordable price. All heart rate monitors have similar functions and are in approximately the same price range, so we suggest you focus on customer reviews, the average product rating and the total number of orders for this product.

Chest strap without watch

If you purchase a chest strap without a watch, your heart rate data will be sent to an app on your smartphone. The chest straps are compatible with all Bluetooth Smart (4.0) and ANT enabled devices. The presented sensors are quite accurate in measuring heart rate.

We suggest you pay attention to the following chest sensors:

Proper running should be effective, safe and definitely enjoyable. Some people get this pleasure from the process itself, while others care about the results. To ensure that all three conditions are met, both will not be harmed by professional assistance in the form of a trainer or special devices designed specifically for athletes. There are a lot of running watches on the market now, but how do you choose from them? What to look for?

First, immediately look for a watch with a heart rate monitor or a heart rate monitor itself. Correct work with pulse zones is the key not only to a good result, but also to health and recovery. Secondly, the choice depends on your experience, level of training and requirements. If you are just starting to run without a coach, a watch with training programs for distances from 5 km to a marathon will be a great help. Third, think about where you most often run or plan to run, and estimate your GPS and map needs.

We advise you to choose from the products of three leaders in the sports watch market - Garmin, Polar and Suunto. Of course, there are Apple Watch and other popular devices, but it’s unlikely that their fans will need the advice from this article. We have selected 9 models for you that will definitely help you at one or another stage of your running training, and we have also prepared a discount at the end of the article. Study and choose.

1. Polar H10 chest heart rate monitor

Let's start with the main basic assistant - a chest heart rate monitor. Many companies today produce proprietary heart rate sensors, but Polar was the first to patent in 1979, and 3 years later introduced a wireless wearable heart rate monitor, so we recommend its devices.

Polar H10 is a worthy result of this 40-year expertise. The chest heart rate sensor is equipped with electrodes and changes the pulse according to the ECG principle, which ensures high accuracy of measurements. Polar H10 does not need to be charged: the battery is replaceable and is designed for 400 hours of training. The device supports Bluetooth Low Energy technologies and the Bluetooth Smart sensor can be synced with Polar devices and third-party applications so that the data goes directly to them.

Polar H10 comes standard with the Polar V800 smartwatch and provides the accuracy of an orthostatic test. The heart rate monitor is perfect for swimming, as it is protected from moisture at a depth of up to 30 meters and supports data transmission at a frequency of 5 kHz. If the accuracy of heart rate measurement down to a percentage is important to you, then we recommend using the H10 - either paired with a watch or standalone. True, the memory is only enough for one training session, but synchronization is fast.

Read more about Polar H10.

2. Polar OH1 shoulder heart rate monitor

A less traditional, but more convenient to wear format is the shoulder heart rate monitor. Polar OH1 is the first standalone heart rate sensor, which means that it can be either synchronized with a smartphone or used independently. Unlike the H10 and other chest heart rate monitors, the OH1 uses an optical heart rate monitor rather than an ECG. Thanks to this, it became possible to mount the sensor almost anywhere and not constantly check the fit of the electrodes. This is especially true for girls: cardio tape under a sports bra or competition jersey can cause a lot of chafing.

On the downside, unlike its predecessor, OH1 does not support data transmission at a frequency of 5 kHz (Gymlink). But the internal memory of this sensor is 4 MB; this is enough for 200 training hours. The Polar OH1 battery is rechargeable, one charge lasts for 12 hours. The sensor can be used in water. In general, a suitable option for those who like not only to run.

Read more about Polar OH1.

3. Smart watch Polar V800 H10

If you want a watch for serious running and an equally serious chest heart rate monitor, we recommend choosing the Polar V800, as it is a combination of a great watch and the H10, no compromises. The watch is shock-resistant and the glass is scratch-resistant—perhaps even more so than the premium sapphire displays on top-end Garmins. Yes, the V800 is inferior to other models (and even the younger M430) in terms of black-and-white screen resolution, but this is compensated by an excellent viewing angle and battery life - the watch holds a charge for up to 30 days.

The device is ideal for triathletes. Firstly, the watch is not afraid of water (neither open water nor a swimming pool) and thanks to H10 it correctly displays your heart rate. Secondly, the firmware allows you to combine several sports in one training session, changing modes with the press of one button. Thanks to the built-in altimeter, you can also determine the ascents and descents of the distance. The function of returning to the desired point is available, which is useful in everyday life. In the Polar Flow app or its desktop version, you can find out the maximum pace, cadence and load level for each workout, as well as receive motivating information about the effect of the exercise. In addition, V800 owners have the opportunity to regularly conduct a Vo 2 max test and an orthostatic test.

Polar V800 is suitable for you if you engage in cyclic sports, especially running and triathlon, monitor your aerobic threshold, calculate R-R intervals and conduct serious analytics of your training.

Read more about Polar V800.

4. Polar M430 sports watch

Of course, it is best to combine the readings of a watch and a full-fledged heart rate monitor, but the benefits of a built-in wrist heart rate monitor are difficult to overestimate. If the V800 comes in conjunction with the H10, then in the case of the M430 let’s remember about the OH1. The devices share the same optical heart rate monitor, the most accurate in its class and developed by Polar. Heart rate tracking occurs 24/7. The model weighs only 51 grams, and the charge lasts about 10 days using GPS for training 2-3 times a week.

The Polar Flow ecosystem supports about 100 sports profiles and contains training programs for races of 5, 10 km, half marathon or marathon, scheduled for every day for 2-3 months. In the app, you can create your own training plan and track progress using analytics and Running Index and Polar OwnIndex - indicators that reflect aerobic running efficiency and (VO₂max), respectively. Users have access to several GPS accuracy modes, interval training, as well as analytics of sleep duration and quality and planned recovery time after exercise.

The Polar M430 is a very functional, yet affordable (especially compared to other models) watch that is tailored specifically for runners.

Read more about Polar M430.

5. Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR

Let's move on to another Finnish company - Suunto. It has been producing liquid compasses, dive computers and sports watches for over 80 years. Alas, the legendary Ambit 3 was discontinued, but Suunto Spartan was launched. Suunto Spartan became the first line of the Finnish company with a color display, and Sport Wrist HR was the first model of this line with a built-in PerformTek optical heart rate sensor from the American Valencell. They weigh 72 g, the display is touch-sensitive, color and made of crystal glass

What can this watch do? Suunto has its own Movescount ecosystem, which offers more than 80 sport modes (including multisport and triathlon) and customizable displays. The watch supports interval training and provides post-workout information. There is route and elevation navigation with GPS/GLONASS, a built-in accelerometer and FusedSpeed™ technology. In Sport Wrist HR training mode, it lasts up to 40 hours with energy saving.

Runners will benefit from tables with heart rate milestones, pace measurements, recovery projections, personal bests, and planning with a coach. Bonus for girls: in addition to colorful models, there is a very beautiful one - Gold, in white with gold edging. This watch can withstand 10 days in “time” mode and up to 12 hours with a working GPS module.

Read more about Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR.

6. Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro

Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Barо is the optimal model of the Finnish brand: it is equipped with both an optical heart rate monitor and a barometric altimeter. In terms of their dimensions, the Baro is absolutely identical to the Sport Wrist HR; they differ in design: there is a steel Stealth and an amber Amber. The model is almost indestructible: it can withstand immersion up to 100 m, and is protected from shock and damage.

Sport Wrist HR Baro will work for 10 hours in the GPS tracking mode every second and 40 hours when accessing satellites every minute in energy-saving mode. The watch is charged using a magnetic docking station - very convenient.

The model is designed for outdoor sports and especially in the mountains, be it running or mountaineering. Thanks to the built-in barometer, Baro will warn the owner about weather changes and also tell the exact time of sunset and sunrise. Route navigation, POI (Points of Interest) and ETA functions will also be useful - navigation to selected points with calculation of time of arrival. We especially note the route heat maps in Suunto Movescount.

Read more about Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro.

7. Suunto Spartan Trainer Wrist HR

Finally, the third model from Suunto is the lightest and smallest: its weight is 56-66 g and its thickness is 14.9 mm, so the Trainer looks good and fits even on narrow wrists. There is, of course, the other side of the coin: the watch has lost quite a lot of autonomy, and you have to charge it every other day. Although Suunto is much inferior to Polar and Garmin models in terms of battery life, it is superior to them in display quality: the resolution is 300 x 320 versus, at best, 240 x 240. In addition, the Trainer model has more color options for every taste.

In terms of functionality, this version is almost no different from the Sport Wrist HR: the same 80 sports profiles, customizable displays for runners, full GPS navigation and tracking. Is that the depth of immersion has become smaller - and, in fact, the operating time. As a result, we have a slightly less “long-lasting”, but quite competitive model for less money.

Read more about Suunto Spartan Trainer Wrist HR.

8. Garmin Forerunner 935 sports watch

Unlike Polar, Garmin has always specialized in working with GPS, which could not but affect the functionality of their devices. The Garmin Forerunner 935 is practically an on-board computer that you can learn for several weeks. At the same time, the watch is light (49 g) and stylish, it looks good even under a suit. Without recharging, the watch lasts up to 2 weeks, and charges in just an hour and a half. With continuously working GPS, they will last for as long as 24 hours, and in economy mode – up to 50 hours.

FR 935 are equipped with a Wi-Fi module and a barometric altimeter. The heart rate monitor is optical; heart rate is measured around the clock every 2 seconds, making it convenient to work with heart rate zones during training - the watch warns you when you leave the desired zone. The same data is used to calculate HRmax, HRR and recovery time. Using analytics in Garmin Connect, you can find out your lactate threshold, recommended exercise level, functional power threshold, and even predict your results in competitions. There is an opportunity to work out with a virtual “partner” or compare results with real people, as well as a paid option for contacting a trainer. A participant in the 2017 Moscow Marathon wrote about how to use the Garmin Forerunner 935 to prepare for a marathon and at a distance. in his review. There are a lot of possibilities for running - from customizing watch faces and widgets to measuring cadence and step frequency. You can even control your music on your phone!

Read more about Garmin Forerunner 935.

9. Garmin Fenix ​​5 sports watch

If even the most advanced functionality is not enough for you, but your finances allow it, then you should think about a premium watch - such as the Garmin Fenix ​​5 with a stainless steel case and sapphire crystal. They are like a luxury car: they can do a lot of things, are incredibly comfortable to use and will make the right impression on business partners.

We are, however, interested in their “professional” sports capabilities. This model differs little from the Forerunner 935 - except that the Fenix ​​5 has more functions for tourism. This Garmin model also supports ANT+ and allows you to connect third-party sensors. Both the Garmin Elevate optical heart rate monitor and GPS navigation work great. Water resistance is 10 ATM, so you can swim and dive. As for autonomy, in Fenix ​​5 smartwatch mode there are 336 hours, with GPS always on - 24 hours, and in Ultratrack saving mode - 75.

If you train in the city, choose the basic model of Fenix ​​5, if in nature, then the support for topographic maps and the ability to plot a route on versions 5X and 5S will come in handy.

Read more about Garmin Phoenix 5.


Of course, these 9 models are far from the only ones that will be useful to runners, but their range of capabilities is quite indicative. You can compare the listed models with each other in more detail in a convenient calculator D.C.Rainmaker, and choose any model on the website Inspector Gadgets with a 5% discount using promo code MARAFON. In the meantime, we remind you that running is about fun, and we wish you excellent results - with or without a watch.

Recently, heart rate monitors have become quite popular devices on the market. Moreover, not only athletes, but also ordinary people who decide to monitor their health or have problems with their heartbeat are interested in them. If you have been interested in such devices for a long time, but could not decide on a model, thanks to our article you will know which one is right for you. In it you will find a rating of heart rate monitors from various price categories.

No. 10 – Beurer PM15

Price: 3,400 rubles

Beurer PM15 is an inexpensive but good heart rate monitor. You won’t find any exotic functions here; the device’s arsenal is modest – a stopwatch, a clock, an alarm clock and a heart rate sensor.

However, the latter works quite accurately - the manufacturer notes that the error in the values ​​is literally several units. In addition to this, the owner of the model can finely control his heart rate by fine-tuning the upper and lower limits.

Unlike other representatives of the entry-level segment, the gadget fits well on the hand and is also not afraid of moisture. Therefore, drops of rain or sweat will not damage the heart rate monitor. The disadvantages include the low brightness of the display, due to which it begins to glare on a sunny day.

No. 9 – SIGMA iD.GO

Price: 2,850 rubles

SIGMA iD.GO is interesting because it comes with an analog chest transmitter and a strap for it. Thus, if for some reason you don’t like the arm mount, you can wear it in a different way.

Which one is better is up to the user to decide. However, if you attach it to the wrist, you won’t be able to use the watch, which is the main disadvantage.

The functionality of the model is modest, exactly the same as that of the previous competitor. Due to this, switching between modes is carried out using just one button. The device will be a good option for those who don’t need extra bells and whistles that can get confusing. It copes with its direct task no worse than more expensive models.

No. 8 – Sanitas SPM25

Price: 3,600 rubles

Sanitas SPM25 has more interesting functionality. So, in addition to the usual heart rate measurement, the popular model can calculate the average value of indicators and indicate the maximum frequency.

In addition to this, there is a convenient function that allows the device to adjust to the time and intensity of the workout and, based on this, count the number of calories burned. This is complemented by a standard set of calendar, alarm clock, stopwatch and clock.

To more accurately display the values ​​of the heart rate monitor, the user will be able to configure his personal parameters - gender, age, etc. The design of the solution is laconic, and therefore you can wear it on your hand even with a business suit. The only weak point we can highlight is the rather weak screen brightness.

No. 7 – DFC W117

Price: 2,990 rubles

DFC W117 is a profitable option in terms of price and quality. In their reviews, users especially note its autonomy - the device can work for about a year on a pair of batteries.

The functionality here is decent - you can calculate the maximum and average heart rate, set training zones, and also monitor calories. The screen has a backlight, and it is bright enough so the display will not glare in the sun.

The weak side of the model is the body – it is made of not the highest quality plastic. Thus, it will be able to survive the ingress of moisture, but it is unlikely to fall on the asphalt. Despite this, the watch fits well on the hand, and the strap can be adjusted if necessary.

No. 6 – SIGMA PC 15.11

Price: 3,500 rubles

SIGMA PC 15.11 is a model from a long-established manufacturer. He managed to equip the heart rate monitor with a fairly large screen on which many different numbers can be placed, and, due to the fact that each value has its own font, it is impossible to get confused in them.

In order for the device to calculate the number of calories burned, you will have to enter your personal data.

The power source used here is a CR2032 battery, whose capabilities are enough for more than a dozen workouts. The good news is that the case is waterproof - you can dive with a heart rate monitor even to a depth of 30 meters. One of the downsides is that the strap is not the most comfortable.

No. 5 – Polar H10 M-XXL

Price: 6,200 rubles

Polar H10 M-XXL is an advanced model and the first fully chest-mounted heart rate monitor in our top. Its features include the ability to display data from the last workout and send data to a smartphone. This way, you don't have to carry your mobile device in your pocket while exercising.

The manufacturer also took care of the design - the strap can be precisely adjusted and locked in the desired position.

The sensor for measuring heart rate here is modified with signal protection, and therefore it is not interfered with by interference during measurements. The only downside we can highlight is the price – some users think it’s overpriced.

No. 4 – Polar FT4

Price: 9,800 rubles

Polar FT4 is a product from a Finnish company that, although it looks simple, has impressive functionality.

The device can not only display the maximum and average values, but also save them to its memory in order to give the user the recommended maximum amount of physical activity next time.

Variation of indicators over time is demonstrated graphically. There is a display backlight and a sound signal that is triggered when the maximum value is exceeded. The device body is waterproof. In addition to this, there is a high accuracy of the displayed values, the presence of a GPS module, as well as reliable materials that allow us to talk about the durability of the device.

No. 3 – PUMA PU91129100

Price: 11,500 rubles

PUMA PU91129100 is equipped with a built-in heart rate sensor, due to which it is able to display the most accurate heart rate. All the functionality inherent in analogues is also here - maximum and average heart rate, saving values ​​​​in memory, screen backlighting, allowing you to use the device even under bright sunlight. The product was made in Germany, and therefore there is no doubt about the quality of the assembly - all components fit perfectly.

The strap of the heart rate monitor is comfortable; judging by the reviews, there were no cases of allergies among users. The case is waterproof and can withstand immersion under water to a depth of 50 m. The only disadvantage is the price, due to the popularity of the brand.

No. 2 – Beurer PM90

Price: 6,600 rubles

The Beurer PM90 heart rate monitor is designed in a watch format and is complemented by an external heart rate sensor. It does not look very attractive - its large dimensions affect it. The manufacturer made such sacrifices in order to save money. However, the device is not intended for everyday wear, and therefore this is not so critical.

But during training, it earns back every penny invested - in addition to measuring heart rate, the gadget is able to display the amount of fat burned and calories. Running enthusiasts will appreciate the lap counting feature.

Such a heart rate monitor will also help in climbing any mountain. The fact is that there is a barometer and a heart rate monitor. They will warn you in time that the conditions ahead are too difficult. Based on them, the determination of the maximum volume of inhaled oxygen is also implemented. The gadget also includes a thermometer, although its measurements on the wrist cannot be called particularly accurate.

#1 – Polar V800 HR

Price: 30,000 rubles

Polar V800 HR is definitely the best heart rate monitor of 2020, and no other model can compare with it. This is a full-fledged smartwatch that can synchronize with smartphones based on Android and iOS to transmit training data, notify the user about incoming calls and messages, and is equipped with an LCD display with a bright backlight, which is enough for glare-free operation even on a sunny day.

In addition to its direct responsibility - measuring heart rate, the gadget can monitor sleep, calories, and warn about lack of physical activity. Useful sensors include an accelerometer, gyroscope, thermometer and altimeter. Such an extensive arsenal allows the device to be relevant in any conditions.

Autonomy is provided by a 350 mAh battery. Thanks to it, you won't have to change batteries. The disadvantages include not only the price. Thus, according to user reviews, the device has problems with updates - some lead to reset of settings or failure of some functions.

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