Lifehack for adding friends to LiveJournal. How to add in one fell swoop all the knocked on friends in LJ and previously unnoticed in this Well, how to create groups of friends

Lifehack for adding friends to LiveJournal. How to add in one fell swoop all the knocked on friends in LJ and previously unnoticed in this Well, how to create groups of friends


As I promised on the page of my friend marathon, I will share a hassle-free way to add everyone who asked and was previously unnoticed to mutual friends in a couple of mouse clicks. I feel sorry for those who always ask those who have been added as friends to write that they have been added because they do not notice that someone has asked. Searching page by page in a long list is simply too lazy or there is no time, as often happens. Your torment is over, friends! From this day on, you will all know how to perform this action very quickly and easily!

So let's get started. We open, as usual, the interface that helps us look at our friends’ lists. Click, accordingly, “edit list”. Who would have thought that there was some other hidden function in the familiar interface?

Wait until the list is updated, that is, the page is reloaded, which is important for slow Internet. And after that, click on the very last page in the list of your friends. For me this is page 77. And then scroll to the very bottom of the page. And already there you will see well-ordered blue checkmarks of friends waiting for your reciprocity. When I first discovered this function, I almost jumped for joy.)

Enjoy mutual friendship, enjoy communication. In short, do what you want with it!)

Yes, don’t add those who have been crossed out - these are deleted pages anyway. And because of this one thing, you will get an error about adding friends to the rest of the list on the page. Well, I think you already knew that without me.)

And here is my friend marathon(

Friends on LiveJournal are less than friends. I mean, you don’t have to be personally acquainted with a person to call him your friend on LiveJournal. You may not know what he looks like, or even secretly hate him - but after clicking the “Add as a friend” button, the system will automatically recognize him as “one of our own” and show him all your secret and secret entries (of course, with the note “Only for friends").

But on the other hand, you will be able to read their hidden posts in your friends’ feed (or friend’s feed, as you prefer), where all the posts that your friends write are automatically added.
Probably everyone knows how to add a person as a friend (that is, to your friends feed), but just in case, I’ll clarify. The easiest way is to go to the magazine profile and click on the button. If you want to add a community to your friends feed, the button looks like this: .

After this you will be taken to the following page:

You can simply click on the “Add” button and all the user’s public posts will appear in your friends feed. If he adds you as a friend in response, you will also be able to read “Friends Only” posts.

Or you can see what settings are on this page. Let's figure it out together - and start today by dividing friends into groups.

What is “Add to groups” and why do I need this setting?

A group of friends on LiveJournal is exactly what it seems: several friends united in a group :) How exactly to group friends depends on you and your needs, interests and imagination. For example, you can create a group of magazines with beautiful photographs. A group that includes only people you personally know. A group of people who love cacti. And so on and so forth :)

In my opinion, it is convenient to divide them into several sections.

Option one, proposed by LiveJournal

If you have never set up friend groups and have not paid attention to this setting at all, you will most likely see that there are already several groups on the page:

  • Mobile View
  • Family
  • School
  • Online Friends
  • Local Friends

In general, LiveJournal invites you to divide your friends in the most primitive way - into family, colleagues, school friends... Do you have many relatives who conduct LiveJournal?:)

But in this selection there is one very convenient group. It is called Mobile View and is useful for those who read LJ from mobile devices. Save this group and add there those magazines that are convenient for you to read from your mobile phone (for example, excluding all magazines and communities with a lot of photos) - and when you go to LiveJournal via your phone, only posts from friends from this group will be displayed in your friend feed.

Option two, for readers

Let's assume you have

  • there are a lot of friends, and you physically don’t have time to read everyone;
  • I have very little time, but I want to read everyone;
  • a very diverse feed of friends: someone posts photos of cats, someone philosophizes about life, someone posts amazing music selections, and then there are friends whose posts you don’t want to miss.

If you nodded after reading any of the points above, you might want to set up friend groups. Roughly speaking, music is separate, cats are separate :)

Option three, for writers

We have already tried to decide. But observations show that few people write on only one topic: we are all living people and sometimes we like to write something personal, sometimes not even intended for prying eyes.

For example, some abstract girl keeps a journal. She draws a little, writes a little stories, is interested in handicrafts, writes about her dog, and she recently had a baby, and she posts detailed reports about what her child has learned this week.

At the same time, she loves all her readers and understands that those who came to look at her drawings may be completely uninterested in the stories about her dog, and the photographs of her son are so personal that she would like to share them only with a narrow group of readers. What to do? That's right, set up groups.

So how do you create groups of friends?

Elementary Watson! Let's go to the page "Change friend groups" (the page with my groups is used in the screenshots below) and create everything we need:

This way you can create up to 30 friend groups. And by adding a person as a friend, you can immediately “send” him to the desired group.

How else can you set up friend groups?

Additionally, on the Edit Friend Groups page, you can:

    Rename an existing group: Click on the group name and click on the “Rename” button. Please note that only the name of the group will change, not its composition.

    Edit the composition of an existing group: Click on the name of the group you want to edit and move members from “Not in the group” to “In the group” (or vice versa).

    Change access. This setting is related to filtering the friends' feed, which I will write about next time.
    In short: anyone can go to your friends feed and see all the public posts in it. By default, only you can filter your friends’ feed (and only after you log into LiveJournal under your account). But you can select a group and click on the "Public" button - this will allow everyone else to filter your friends feed according to those groups.

    Delete group: Select a group and click on the “Delete” button. In this case, all entries that were previously available only to this group of friends will become visible only to you.
    If after some time you create a group again with the same name, entries for the old group will not be automatically visible to the members of the new one. If you want anyone to see them, you will have to edit each entry manually.

Magic group " Default view"

There is one “trick” in LiveJournal: if you create a group called Default View, only posts from its members will appear in your friends feed by default.

This, by the way, often explains why you don’t see the posts of a particular friend in your friend feed: perhaps, once upon a time you created such a group (by the way, they used to be created by default), and when adding this person as a friend, you forgot to include it to the Default view group. I’m guilty of this from time to time: I have a group like this, but I forget to sign people up for it :)

Another feature: if you make the “Default view” group public, all visitors to your friends feed will only see the posts of the members of this group (and not all your friends).

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Try setting up friend groups using this tutorial! If you have any questions, ask me in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

: how to filter friends’ posts by tags and why you need it.

Is your friend feed divided into groups? By what principle - for reading, to restrict access to your records, or something else?

First, let's decide why we need add a lot of users as friends? It’s very simple - many of them can add us as friends in return and we, thus, get regular readers. I don’t think there’s any need to explain why regular readers are needed.

You may ask what does this have to do with LiveJournal (LJ)? Yes, at least despite the fact that this is one of the most popular blog platforms, accordingly there are many potential readers and it often indexed by search engines. Accordingly, (and better not only in it) is a reasonable step.

For convenient and easy adding of friends to LiveJournal is now available!

So we we need to increase the number of readers for the blog broadcast on LiveJournal. We decided to do this by adding friends in bulk. What do we need? Of course it is possible write a bot which will search for potential friends using keywords your site and then automatically "friend" their. This is exactly what you should do if you are faced with the task of constantly promoting a fairly large number of sites. But will such a bot be publicly available? I doubt.

However, if we need to do all the operations once or twice and for one or two sites, it will be easier and cheaper to do it with our hands (and of course with our hands :)):

  1. We go to and look for users using the keywords of our site;
  2. We look through the profiles of N found users (after all, we are not robots). We look at their lists of interests and how fully our keywords are represented there;
  3. We create a text file and copy the list of mutual friends of the found users (mutual friends often have the same interests, which increases our chances of becoming friends);
  4. Having copied the friend lists of all N users, we will have a file like:

000sap, 007man, 00o_f_i_r_e_o00, 00×00, 01ratay, 063_rus, 0t4_ru, 0tricalo, 10571057, 11_57, 13hero, 1cbooks, 1pravda, 20minut, 24companyru, 2_extra_life, 2che , 2pizza, 2tanic, 45mmlj, 4ezaro, 4love4you, 4uzhaya_zima, 64arien64, 72_m, 777anton777, 7799, 7nv, 848604, 8kitekat8, 999333, …

It's time to process it! It's not "easy", but very simple!
1. We feed our file to two sequentially called sed‘am:

sed "s/,/ \n/g" lj_users.txt | sed "s/^\s/friend add /g" > result.txt

For clarity, you can write it like this:

cat lj_users.txt | sed "s/,/ \n/g"| sed "s/^\s/friend add /g" > result.txt

2. And at the output we get the following result:

friend add 007man
friend add 00o_f_i_r_e_o00
friend add 00×00
friend add 01ratay
friend add 063_rus
friend add 0t4_en
friend add 0tricalo
friend add 10571057
friend add 11_57

As is not difficult to notice, for the first user we will have to manually add the words “ friend add“... But this is not a problem! :)
And you can clean the file from duplicates (if some users have entered it more than once) and mix the entries in random order (maybe this is paranoia, of course, but in my opinion there will be less suspicion when adding as a friend) like this:

sort -ubR result.txt > lj_add_to_friends.txt

By the way, you can use my help, which just requires you to specify the name of the LJ user and in response you will receive a list of friends to add;)

3. Now you only need copy parts of this user list(it’s better to take 150-200 lines at a time) in and press “ execute". After each addition of friends, you need to wait some time before adding a new one, otherwise the console will return an error, the meaning of which is that “ You've added too many friends in too little time.«.

I decided to write several articles about my experience in LiveJournal.
Part 1. Where and how to look for friends and readers.
There is currently no alternative to LiveJournal. Yes, it flounders, but there is no such audience of smart and interesting people anywhere else. And it is not yet in sight, no matter how much they shout about the death of LiveJournal. everyone who shouted is here and continues to write and communicate and is in no hurry to leave...
I won't repeat myself. About how to conduct LJ. This is well written in the community school_lj
We assume. what do you know why you need LJ.
Yours is not empty - several posts have been written so that you can understand who you are and what you breathe.
It could be business, communication, work, hobby... whatever brings you to the LiveJournal network.
Let's start by answering one question. Who you are? Reader or writer?

If you started a blog to read your favorite authors, then just read and forget,
or just in case, copy or save to favorites.
Who knows, maybe one day it will dawn on you and you will want to tell this world something...
If you are a beginner and tired of writing for yourself. Then this post is for you.

First rule.
Forget about Social Capital - SK. And don’t think about him at first.
Yes, you will be fined for some time, to be precise, after 3 months everything will return and the insurance company will be restored, but during this time you will make a qualitative leap. And you will get those same readers and, let’s say, like-minded people.
Let's look at how to find friends and increase your audience.
Make no mistake, no matter how interesting you may be, this is a two-way river at first.
The easiest way to find friends is based on mutual interests.
It is clear that a person who values ​​the Strugatskys will be closer to you. And even closer if he, for example, is also interested in psychology. At a minimum, your views on life coincide, and you can be interesting to each other. It’s simple. You need to think twice and put your key interests in the magazine’s profile, try to be more honest. And then you click on your interest, for example the Strugatskys, and you have a whole list of Magazines in which the interests also include the Strugatskys. And add them. Look, there is still a mark there when the person last wrote. Later 2-3 days does not make sense, they either do not write or rarely enter the journal. In practice, 10-20% will reciprocate your feelings. You have received friends “close” to your interests and potentially interesting to each other. And what is not unimportant is “living”, i.e. writing in their journal.
Because if you have completely different views, for example, you are for same-sex marriage, but he is not, then your paths will diverge sooner or later...
Friendmarathons. So popular before, now they have completely died out. Everyone is afraid of fines for mass following, or simply for mass adding friends. Therefore, many are afraid to do it first. I recently spent a lot of time
friend marathon for February 14th.

and the freshest...

More than 500 interesting and lively magazines, with photos and interests. And most importantly, ready for friendship, if you are not a repeater. More than 4200 comments. You can come in and browse through the pages, adding magazines that interest you. Write in the comments in advance so that the person understands that you are not a bot.
There are communities for finding friends.
Main communities - friends_ru , ru_friends .
With a slightly smaller audience - add_friend_new , add_me_ru , friend777 , PR_jj .
And here at the same time you can find your other half)) - poznakomlyus_ru
From a variety of LiveJournals, here you can choose what you like. They usually don’t yet hang at the top of the ratings, but they are no less interesting. Promote yourself with dignity, add friends you are interested in, perhaps it will be mutual :) This is where the average people and beginners live. Who are looking for each other.
There is also a TOP 500 “Most Friendly LiveJournal Users” Once it was compiled by Promych ljpromo
it's a little outdated, but basically correct. The friendliest LiveJournal users
You may not find readers in them, but you will definitely gain more SC. But who knows... I always go to people who have friended me, look through the magazine, sometimes I stay in them for a long time, or after reading an interesting or witty comment, I also go there. Sometimes I stay...
And yet, if you are a star, then fans will come running.
Then go into real life, become the best artist, director, singer and return to the blog, you will be guaranteed initial attention.
And finally, just write well. In the hope that you will be seen, appreciated and added... But this is a long way.
As in business, to get a good start, you need not only to have interesting content, write beautifully and correctly, but also have initial capital. In this case, these are your friends who could support you at first and tell others about you.
It would be wrong if I did not mention the use of PROMO. You can advertise your magazine by placing it in PROMO magazines, then your magazine will rank higher than TOP bloggers. Only this is more a way to attract attention, it should be supported by interesting posts.
You can also post your posts in PROMO, on the main page of LiveJournal. But this does not provide a large influx of readers.

I don’t really like arrogant and snickering bloggers who consider themselves the center of the earth and cherish their “stardom”.
Considering everyone trash, not worthy of their attention. To each his own...
Usually these are unhappy people with whom it is very difficult in real life.

Here's an example on my journal...

we get the result of interest - the Strugatskys.

The next part will be devoted to the so-called buns. To what you can get in LiveJournal. Film premieres, theaters, festivals and others.
I also live in

Very often we have questions: how to add friends if you haven’t received a notification in messages and the person hasn’t unfollowed you. In this post I will tell you two different ways: what to do when you have been added and you don’t know about it.
First you need to find out where you can find friends. There is a very simple way out to solve this issue: friend marathons. Personally I can recommend v_top100 And slavikap . Their marathons really help, they are new and popular, you can find quite a lot of friends there just by leaving a comment. And this is where our problem arises: what to do if the person hasn’t unsubscribed from you or the notification about adding hasn’t arrived?

1st method. It is only available to those with a paid account.

1) First you need to go to statistics

3) There you see your friends’ statistics for the day. Blue - those who were added, red - those who left. You need to click on the number, a window will appear in which there will be a list of those who added you today.

4) Go to this person’s page, and then add (or delete) all those who did the same to you. In this way, you will have all those who have recently been added as your friends. No one will hang out with you as friends.

This is where the first method ends. Let's talk about the second one, which is available to absolutely everyone!

1) To begin, click on the profile button.

3) A window appears with accounts in alphabetical order, and we need to sort it by mutual and non-mutual friends, to do this, click on the button circled in red.

4) And we see how friends change, now the mutual ones are at the beginning of the list, and the non-mutual ones are at the end. Let's move on to the last page.

6) Check the boxes opposite the blue ones and move to the bottom of the page.

8) Everything is ready. You no longer have "hanging" friends.

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