Correction rules. Single, double and other spaces

Correction rules. Single, double and other spaces


Good afternoon Quote from Derzhavin according to the edition of Y. Grot: “Therefore, I think, more, and not for anything else, the odes of Pindar and Horace have come down to us, that sparks of reverence and instruction for kings shine in the first, and in the second, with the sweetness of life , rules of wisdom". What do you think: merged spelling _for this reason_ and separate _for what else_ is it correct? Or is it necessary in both cases to write together? And why? Thank you.

The correctness of spelling can be argued from the point of view of the rules of 1956 (i.e., it can be argued that today separate spelling Why is not correct in the given context). At the same time, the logical grounds for writing the combination why else with a space, of course, there is: in the indicated combination Why another has a meaning ("for some other reason") that is different from the adverb Why("for what reason").

Consolidated spelling therefore complies with modern spelling standards.

Question #301389

How to write correctly in texts for people: "individual" or "individual" or something else? We write legal texts, where this definition is often found. Sometimes even in the headlines: for example, "Bankruptcy of an individual: who is it suitable for." It seems that "natural person" sounds somehow unnatural: no one talks like that anymore.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Word natural person recorded by the Russian Spelling Dictionary, ed. V. V. Lopatina and O. E. Ivanova 2012, reduction physical face(with a space after the period) follows the rules, so both options are possible in written speech.

Question #300855

Hello. How are extensions written in English? For example, 21(st)? 21 st - with space ? 21st - no space? Or should it be a superscript (no space, apparently)? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Unfortunately, we are ready to advise only on issues related to the Russian language.

Question #299588

Hello, what is the correct way to spell "moore meow"? Through a hyphen or separately?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The spelling is not codified. You can write with a space or a hyphen.

Question No. 298191

Hello! How to put a footnote sign with a space after a sentence or without a space? This is an example with a footnote*. Or so. This is an example with a footnote *.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question No. 297191

Good afternoon We didn't like them. Please, tell me, is it necessary to put a hyphen "to your liking"? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct spelling with spaces: to your liking.

Question #296030

Hello, please tell me how to write the abbreviations "that is", "and the like", "and so on" correctly. Do I need a space between the exact and the letter? For example, i.e. or i.e.? And the second question - a footnote to the word with or without a space? Thanks in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces in abbreviations are needed: i.e., etc., etc.

The footnote mark is separated from the word by a space.

Question No. 295027

Good afternoon. Faced the following question: how to correctly specify the size of p.43 or with a space p. 43? And what about sizes like S, M, XL?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space between the abbreviation and the number (or Latin letter) naming the size is required.

Question No. 294432

Good afternoon Can you please tell me if there is a space between the number and the percentage symbol (%)? For example, 10% or 10%, which is correct? Thanks a lot!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with a space.

Question No. 293205

Hello, please tell me the correct declension of complex foreign names, such as Jean-Jacques, Pierre-Michel, Frank-Walter. Jean-Jacques or Jean-Jacques? With Pierre-Michel or Pierre-Michel? As far as I understand, in such variants as Pierre-Henri, the first name is declined

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

As a rule, the first parts of names written with a space (separate from the subsequent name) are inflected, and the first parts of names written with a hyphen are not inflected.

Is there a space after "P." abbreviated P.S. (i.e. postscript)? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with spaces: P.S.

Question No. 291077

Please tell me how the initials are written in a business letter - to I.I. Ivanov or I.I. Ivanov. In one of your answers to a question, the first option is indicated, and in answering another question, you offer the second option. What is the correct way to write initials? claw

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Initials are written with a space: I. I. Ivanov.

Question No. 290051

Do I need a hyphen in the phrase old-new friend?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct spelling with spaces: old new friend. A hyphen option is also possible.

Question #288867

Dear employees of Gramota, for some reason you completely stopped answering my questions. But I'll try again. Tell me, please, how to write the word "complex coordinated" correctly (jointly, separately or with a hyphen). And the second question: how is it correct to write the initials before the surname on the cover of the book - with a space between the initials (A.S. Pushkin) or without (A.S. Pushkin)? I look forward to an answer. Thank you! Sincerely, Gapa

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. There is no dictionary fixation. Correctly: complexly coordinated. Wed: compound abbreviated.

2. Correct with a space.

If the placement service "forgot to boot" :)

The program "Space +" itself will put the spaces in their places! From now on put spaces between words- no longer a problem. The program is easy to use:

Paste the text into the box and click on the button (with an arrow) at the bottom.

The Space + program allows you to remove spaces online without manual editing of the article. Now you don't have to think about how to remove spaces. Now correct spacing, removing double spaces and much more - a matter of technology!

Previously, in order to space the gaps, you had to remember a lot of rules:

  • Space in text placed after punctuation marks, A space before they don't need it.
  • Space needed before the opening bracket, but space after she is not needed.
  • A space is placed after the closing brace, but no space is needed before it.
  • Spacing Rules for quotation marks are the same as for brackets.

Now you don't have to worry about where and how to make a gap. After all, the online service "Space +" will do it for you! Let's return to the conversation about the rules for spacing.

And the finished text with spaces can buy on Etkt - a good copywriting exchange.

How to remove spaces between words?

The need to remove spaces appears when:

  • there are double spaces in the text
  • it is necessary to replace the space with another character (for example, a dash)

The second option is more related to creating a site, when you need to write a human-readable address in the URL. You don't have to look far for an example. Just look at the address of this page. All words in the URL name are connected with a hyphen, not a space. Such an address looks much more attractive in the eyes of search engines.

The case when you need remove spaces due to the fact that they are repeated side by side, it is most often found in copywriting. Double spaces occur unintentionally. Such errors are born in the process of typing by a copywriter. The spell checker in Text will help you detect double spaces. Well, if you work using "Space +", then you will not need this, because:

One of the functions of the program is the automatic removal of double spaces.

Removing spaces happens automatically (at the push of a button). The program will help remove spaces in text, without understanding once again the rules for spacing. double space no longer afraid of your texts and articles!

The program is not limited to double spaces. Filling in the gaps(double, triple, and so on) is only one of its sides. "Space +" will not only delete extra spaces, but also fulfill in some sense " filling in the gaps' will add them where needed.

How to put a space?

  • Is put space before opening bracket or quotation mark.
  • A space is placed after a closing quote or parenthesis.
  • Space between characters put like this: after a comma, after a period, after an exclamation or question mark.

The latter can be generalized and reduced to one short rule:

They put a space after the punctuation mark, but before it - no!

Now you know, how to insert a space- after a comma or other sign. AND how to remove extra spaces You also know - you need to remove all spaces up to commas. However, remove extra spaces the Space+ service will help you. And the question is how to put a space next to punctuation marks, you will also stop worrying.

The program was created to remove spaces from string where needed. That is space after dot she won't touch and space after comma Same. Because the answer to the question Do you need a space after punctuation marks ”the program knows, and this answer is in the affirmative. Put a space after period, comma, colon, semicolon, exclamation point and question mark. Put a space after closing brackets and closing quotes, the program can also automatically. They don't need a space before them. need a space after.

The program "Space Plus" will automatically arrange spaces online

The online service "Space Plus" knows how to remove spaces in text. But him remove spaces function not without analytics: before removing a space, the program checks whether is there a space after current sign. space delimiter in the end it will be placed only where it should be. Removing extra spaces does not take much time or system resources if you adopt the "Space plus".

For comparison, in Word remove extra spaces more difficult - you need to look at the underlining of errors and correct them one by one. "Space plus" will save you from unnecessary hassle and carry out remove spaces in a string quickly and correctly!

To questions No. 291389 and No. 291406. In chess theory, there is an opening called the Caro-Kann Defence. As follows from the answers to these questions, the name of the opening should be with surnames in the nominative case, and a dash should be used. Clarify please, do i need to put a space s before and after dashes (Caro-Kann defense) or spaces are required (Caro-Kann defense). There is no single spelling in chess literature, hence the confusion.

Spaces are required before and after dashes.

Question #302681

Good afternoon Please help me write down the time period in the following sentence. Spatial patterns .... in the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. The work was reviewed by two editors and each of them makes different edits. Do I need to put a space s before and after the dash? Should the word "century" be abbreviated to c.? Is it necessary to write the word "century" twice: after the XX and XXI? Thank you in advance

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are needed. Reduction is possible. "Vek" is written once.

Question #292739

Hello! Do I need to put a space between the initials of the given name and surname. How true: "Respectfully, A.P." (A.P. - Alexander Pushkin) or “Respectfully, A.P.”?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are needed. The first option is correct.

Question #290568

Hello! Tell me please, do i need to put a space s between an abbreviated word and a number in a reference to regulatory legal acts, for example: "clause 4.1 of article 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation"? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Numbers are separated by spaces from abbreviated words. Right: clause 4.1 of Art. 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Question No. 290088

Hello, please explain do i need to put a space between initials and surname when addressing a letter? A.I. Ivanov or A.I. Ivanov

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #278809
Do I need to put a space after the dot in the initials - A.S. Pushkin or A. S. Pushkin?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Space required: A. S. Pushkin.

Good afternoon
Please tell me, do i need to put a space between the initials and the surname, when the initials are written before the surname? GOST R 6.30-2003 states that a space is not needed, that is, P.A. Ivanov is the correct spelling. But everywhere I meet spelling with a space, that is, P.A. Ivanov.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed for linguistic reasons (an initial is a graphic abbreviation of a word; spaces separate words), but in practice it is not set for extralinguistic (non-linguistic) reasons.

Question #266942
Please tell me whether it is correct to put a dot after the reduction of pcs (12 pcs) and do i need to put a space between number and contraction? Thank you

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The point is needed. A space is placed.

Question #265156
Please say, do i need to put a space after punctuation mark

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, spaces are placed after punctuation marks (exceptions are the opening parenthesis and opening quotation marks).

Question #257895
Tell me, (I ask not for the first time), do i need to put a space s between the surname and initials and between the initials themselves? For example, "A.S. Pushkin" - the correct option?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In both cases, spaces are needed: A. S. Pushkin.

Question #243365
Good afternoon

Do I need to put a space between number and % sign?

Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is placed.

Question #243155
Hello! Do I need to put a space between number and number? Example: #123

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, a space is put (in typographical practice - a short space, half-pin).

Question #239945
Just asked a question. (Good afternoon, tell me if the word "year" is abbreviated as "g.", do i need to put a space

Evgeny Bragin
The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed, right: 2008)
Please, tell me, is there any document that you are guided by? Thank you

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

An example of such registration is given in the Standard Instructions for Paperwork in Federal Executive Authorities (clause 2.6.9). But even without fixing this norm in any document, the use of a space has a purely linguistic justification: a space is a sign of a new word.

Question #239938
Good afternoon, tell me if the word "year" is abbreviated as "g.", do i need to put a space between, for example, 2008 and "g"? It seems to me that this is necessary, because two different words. But we had doubts in the department, maybe it was 2008? Please clarify.

Evgeny Bragin

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed, right: 2008

Hello! Please tell me how to format a letter fraction in an address, i.e. uppercase or lowercase must be a letter and do i need to put a space between the immediate house number and the letter fraction (for example, Gogol 3A, ZA, 3a or 3a). Thanks in advance for your reply

It is customary to write a letter in a lowercase letter and together with the last digit of the number. Right: Gogol, 3a

Question #236981
Hello! Please tell me when writing the last name and initials - do i need to put a space between the letters of the name and patronymic? Pushkin A.S. or Pushkin A.S.? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A gap is needed.

Question #234143
Do I need to put a space after the number and before the degree symbol: +7 °C?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is required before the degree sign.
Question #233170
I'm still hoping for an answer to my question... Do I need to put a space s between numbers and multiplication sign when specifying dimensions: 25x25 cm or 25x25 cm? Thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It is correct to write with spaces.
Question No. 230207
Do I need to put a space s before and after the slash in similar cases: "experimental/experimental" or "experimental/experimental";

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are not required.
Question No. 229201
Hello! Do I need to put a space s between initials and surname, for example: A.A. Ivanov or A.A. Ivanov or A. A. Ivanov? Maria.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spaces are required: _A. A. Ivanov_.
Question #228529
Please tell me, do i need to put a space and a dot at the end in "sq.m." And also how the word "jackpot" is spelled; what kind of word "sushi"; and yet - the name of the metro is written in quotes or without?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

That's right: _kv. m_ (with a space without a dot), _jackpot_. The word _sushi_ is neuter. The names of metro stations are written in quotation marks.
Hello. Do I need to put a space when specifying a page with a number, for example C. 38 or would C.38 be more correct? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

How to draw up a caption when there is a need to indicate the place of residence of the hero? Do I need to put a space between the abbreviation "city" and the name of the settlement? For example: "Ivan_Ivanov_resident_of_Moscow" or "Ivan_Ivanov_resident_of_Moscow"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A gap is needed. Possible options: _Ivan Ivanov - a resident of Moscow_ and _Ivan Ivanov, a resident of Moscow_.
Hello! I have two questions related to the abbreviation of words in the singular and plural: 1. "Point 1" (for example, in a document). When abbreviated, "item 1" is written. Is there a space before the "1"? "item 1" or item 1"? 2. "Entrance 1" (in the house). When abbreviated - item 1. Similar to the previous question, do i need to put a space in front of the entrance? "item 1" or item 1 "? Plural - entrances. Example: entrances 1-10. How to write with the abbreviation: item 1-p.10 or item 1-10? And how to correctly place spaces in front of the entrance numbers? Best regards, Maria

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with a space: 1. _Point 1 - item 1._ 2. _Entrance_ is abbreviated as _under._, therefore: _under. 1_. 3. Plural: _pod. 1-10_.
Question #213450
Do I need to put a space after the comma if followed by a dash? In the literature, it seems, there is no gap between these signs. That is, which option is correct? 1) And this, in fact, is correct. 2) And this, in fact, is correct.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The technical rules for typing do not provide for a space (breaks). See A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova's Handbook of the Publisher and Author.
Question #213381
do i need to put a space between the abbreviation "im." (name of something) and the next word? for example, im. N.A. Dobrolyubova?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A space is needed not only between the abbreviation _name._ and the next word, but also between the initials and the surname: _name. N. A. Dobrolyubova_.

In Russian, for many decades there has been a tradition not to beat off (that is, not to separate with a space) the percent sign from the last digit of the number to which it refers, in contrast to the designations of other units and similarly to the designation of degrees, minutes and seconds. This tradition is reflected in the handbook M. V. Schulmeister(1967):

Percent sign (%) applies only after numbers, you can dial 5%, but you can’t five%. As an exception, the percent sign without numbers can be used in the headings of tables and outputs (in %). The percent sign is never beaten off from the numbers to which it refers, it is beaten off from the text with the usual interword space. If the sign refers to several numbers in the enumeration, it is put only with the last number, for example, in 5, 7, 10 and 15%, and not in 5%, 7%, 10% and 15%. The same applies to the sometimes used sign ‰ (ppm).

- Shulmeister M.V. Manual set. - M .: "Book", 1967. - S. 117, second paragraph from the bottom.

Probably, this tradition is explained by the fact that the percentage can be considered not as a unit of measure, but as a mathematical sign denoting a hundredth, i.e. the designations “1%”, “0.01”, “10 -2”, “0.00 (9)" is just a different notation of the same number.

In 1982, GOST 8.417-81 was put into effect, according to which the percent sign should be written according to the same rules as the designations of other units, that is, a space should be left between the last digit of the number and the unit designation. However, an exception was made for the notation for degrees, minutes, and seconds.

A space should be left between the last digit of the number and the unit symbol.

GOST 8.417-81. Units of physical quantities. Official publication. - P. 18, first paragraph from above.

The rule introduced by GOST 8.417-81 did not become generally recognized in Soviet times. After the introduction of this GOST, reference books by V. A. Vigdorchik (1985) and P. G. Gilenson (1988) were published, in which it was still recommended to adhere to the traditional dialing rules and not to beat off the percent sign:

The percent signs (%), degrees (°), minutes (′), seconds (″) cannot be beaten off from the figure to which they refer (Fig. 5.25). From the numbers following them, these characters are beaten off by 2 p. This beat does not change when the line is turned off.

5%; 36°; 2'; 31″; 16° 15' 3".

Rice. 5.25. Set of percent, degree, minute and second signs

- Vigdorchik V. A. Manual set. Directory. - M .: "Book", 1985. - S. 63, third paragraph from the bottom

In particular, in the following editions, the percent sign is not beaten off:

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed., 1975.
  2. Space Physics: Little Encyclopedia / Ed.: R. A. Sunyaev (Editor-in-Chief) and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1986. - 783 p., ill. - (Bib. series).
  3. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov; editorial board: A. A. Gusev and others - 4th ed. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1987. - 1660 p., ill.
  4. Polytechnic Dictionary. Editorial: A. Yu. Ishlinsky (editor-in-chief) and others - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1989.- 656 p., ill. ISBN 5-85270-003-7.

6.1.7. The combination of numbers with the notation of physical quantities Physical designations. values ​​cannot be torn off from the digital form of the values ​​of these quantities, i.e., cannot be transferred to the next line. The last digit of the number is beaten off from the designation of the unit by 2 p., Including from the designations ° C and%, except for special. characters raised to the top line of the font (…°, …′, …″), which are required to be written together with the last digit. For example:

- Publisher's and Author's Handbook. Editorial and publishing design of the publication. - M .: "Olympus", 1998. - S. 111, first paragraph from above.

However, A. E. Milchin's reference book is somewhat inconsistent. If section 6.1.7 of the handbook requires the percentage sign to be beaten off by two points, then section 6.4.2 already talks about beating the half pin:

6.4.2. Signs №, %, §, ° in the text

Set rules. Signs №,%, § beat off the numbers on the half pin.<...>

- Milchin A. E., Cheltsova L. K. Publisher's and Author's Handbook. Editorial and publishing design of the publication. - M .: "Olimp", 1998. - S. 116, 117.

At present, the percentage sign rule is not generally accepted. Until now, many Russian publishing houses do not follow the recommendations of GOST 8.417-2002 (replacing GOST 8.417-81) and still adhere to traditional typing rules, that is, according to their internal technical rules, when typing, the percent sign is not separated from the previous number.

The signs of percent (%) and ppm (‰) are used only with the numbers related to them, from which no break is made.

- Gilenson P. G. Reference book of artistic and technical editors. - M .: "Book", 1988.

In Runet, judging by the prevailing spelling, the de facto rule can be considered a language norm, according to which the percent sign should be distinguished from the designations of other units and written together with a numerical value. (Comment from the side: there are no sources for this phrase and cannot be. This essay is nothing more than an original study of the issue, as will be any other attempt at analysis by the author on the side. This is not a Wikipedia article, where original research is not allowed .Please understand this.)

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