How to get legendary equipment in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - the best armor and weapons. Guide: How to get legendary orcs How to get legendary orcs

How to get legendary equipment in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - the best armor and weapons. Guide: How to get legendary orcs How to get legendary orcs


Middle-earth: Shadow of War could not do without legendary items, armor and swords, which each player can collect during the passage. Today our guide Middle-earth: Shadow of War, will tell you about the nine legendary sets that can be found in the game. How to collect all sets of legendary items and where to look for them? Read our guide.

Legendary set Bright Lord

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: you gain Wrath 50% faster, but the duration of Elven Rage is reduced by half. Bonus for wearing four pieces from the set: You receive a full set of Elven Arrows when you kill an enemy during Elven Fury. Below is a list of items from the Legendary Bright Lord set:

Bright lord lord
The weapon can be found behind the Ithildin door in Gorgoroth.
Bright Lord Dagger
The weapon can be found behind the Ithildin door in Seregost.
Bright Lord
The weapon can be found behind the Ithildin door in Nurnen.
Bright Lord Hammer
You should get Gold in all the shadows of past missions.
Bright Armor Lord
The weapon can be found behind the Ithildin door in Ithil.
Bright Cloak Lord
The weapon can be found behind the Ithildin door in Cirith Ungol.
Bright Lord
You should get bronze in all shadows of past missions.

Legendary Vendetta Pack

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: Perform attacks that require Might using 40% of your maximum health.
Bonus for wearing four items from the set: If you do not have Elven Arrows, you can make ranged attacks using 25% of your maximum health. Below is a list of items from the Legendary Vendetta set:

Sword of Vendetta
Complete one online Vendetta mission.
Vendtta Dagger
Use stealth attack for online Vendetta target.
Vendetta Bow
Get a headshot on an online Vendetta target.
Vendetta Armor
Kill an online Vendetta target while you are above 80% health.
Cloak of Vendetta
Attack an online Vendetta target while you ride your gora.
Vendetta Ringcraft
Dominate the target in online Vendetta.

Legendary set Dark

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: you gain 1 moment when an enemy takes damage caused by your poison.
Bonus for wearing four items from the set: all attacks have a 15% chance of causing a poisonous explosion among the orcs. Below is a list of items from the legendary Darkness set:

The darkest sword
Kill the legendary Dark Assassin or Dark Destroyer.
The darkest dagger
Kill the legendary Dark Assassin.
The darkest onion
Kill the legendary Dark Marksman or Dark Tracker.
Dark armor
Kill the legendary Dark Tank.
The darkest cloak
Kill the legendary Dark Beastmaster or Dark Berserker
The brightest ring
Kill the legendary Dark Commander or Dark Trickster.

Legendary set Feral

Bonus for wearing two pieces from the set: you can mount a continuous Graug using Shadow Strike. Bonus for wearing four pieces from the set: you can mount continuous Drake using Shadow Strike. Below is a list of items from the legendary Feral set:

Sword of Beasts
Kill a Legendary Assassin or Wild Destroyer.
Beast Dagger
Kill a legendary Feral Assassin or Feral Berserker.
Beast Bow
Kill the legendary Feral Marksman or Feral Tracker.
Beast armor
Kill the legendary Feral Tank.
Cloak of Beasts
Kill a legendary wild beast.
Ring of beasts
Kill the legendary Savage Commander or Savage Trickster.

Legendary Car set

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: Call Followers summons Sappers and Iron Guard summons even more of them. Bonus for wearing four items from the set: Elven Light also dispels explosives around you. Full list of Legendary set items and how to obtain it:

Threshing Sword
Kill a Legendary Machine Assassin or a Machine Berserker.
Threshing Dagger
Kill the legendary Machine Assassin or Machine Tracker.
Threshing hammer
Kill the legendary machine sign.
Thresher Armor
Kill a legendary machine tank or machine destroyer.
Threshing Cloak
Kill the legendary Machine Beastmaster or Machine Trickster.
Kill a legendary machine commander.

Legendary Marauder's Pack

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: for 20 seconds, each silver coin you collect increases your damage by 2%. Bonus for wearing four items from the set: When you pick up silver coins, you receive 2 health points for each amount collected. List of all items in the Legendary Marauder's Set and how to obtain it:
Rider Sword
Kill the legendary Marauder Assassin or Berserker Marauder.
Raider's Dagger
Kill the legendary assassin Marauder or Marauder Tracker.
Junior Hammer
Kill the legendary Maruder Marksman.
Raider Armor
Kill the legendary Marauder or Marauder Destroyer tank.
Raider Cloak
Kill the legendary Marauder Beastmaster or Mauder.
Rider's Mail
Kill the legendary Marauder Commander.

Legendary Mystic Pack

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: Weak dominated orcs take 50% less damage. Bonus for wearing four items from the set: Weak, dominated orcs receive cursed weapons. Below is the full set of the legendary set, as well as how to obtain it:

Arcane Sword
Kill the legendary Mystic Assassin.
Secret Dagger
Kill a legendary Mystic Assassin or Mystic Berserker.
Arcane Bow
Kill the legendary Mystic Marksman or Mystic Tracker.
Arcane Armor
Kill a legendary Mystic Tank or Mystic Destroyer.
Arcane Cloak
Kill the legendary Mystic Beastmaster.
Arcane Ringcraft
Kill a Legendary Mystic Commander or an Mystic Trickster.

Legendary Armor of Terror

Bonus for wearing two items from the set: Quick Throw automatically kills retreating weak orcs. Bonus for wearing four items from the set: gives you 100 health points for killing a weak retreating orc. Below is a list of all the items in the Legendary set, as well as how to obtain it:
Sword of Horrors
Kill the legendary Terror Killer or Terror Destroyer.
Dagger of Horrors
Kill the legendary Terror Killer.
Bow of Horror
Kill a Legendary Terrorism Marker or Terror Tracker.
Armor of Horror
Kill the legendary Terror Tank.
Cloak of Horror
Kill the Legendary Terrorist Beast or the Terrorist Berserker.
Ring of Horrors
Kill a legendary terror commander or trickster.


Bonus for wearing two items from the set: Gives you 50 health points for killing an enemy that has been set on fire. Bonus for wearing four of the set items: When you're on fire, you'll periodically explode, revealing a burst of flame. Below is a list of the entire Legendary set, as well as how to obtain it:
Sword of War
Kill the legendary Warmonger Killer.
Dagger of War
Kill the legendary Warmonger Assassin or Warmonger Tracker.
Hammer of War
Kill the legendary Marksman.
Armor of War
Kill a legendary Warmonger tanker or a Warmonger destroyer.
Cloak of War
Kill a Legendary Mounted Fire Pistol or Berserker.
Ring of War
Kill a legendary Warmonger Commander or Warmonger Trickster.

Orcs in Middle-earth: Shadow of War have received the status of things (and wherever animal defenders look), since they are also divided into several categories depending on their rarity and strength. In the game you can get both regular and epic orcs under your command. The latter, naturally, will be much stronger. You will be able to recruit only those orcs that correspond to your level, that is, do not expect to get some famous troll killer at the first levels, capable of tearing apart Karagor with his bare hands.

However, there are exceptions to any rule, and in this game they turned out to be Legendary Orcs, since obtaining them does not always depend on your current level, so they can significantly strengthen your army even in the later stages of the game. These captains are considered the strongest in the game.

There are several main ways to get orcs from the higher echelons. Some of them allow you to be guaranteed to get the right commander in your army, while others will require you to perform monotonous actions for several hours. In this guide, we will describe each of these methods.

Obtaining Epic and Legendary Orcs through Subjugation

A very tedious way. When you return to Mordor, you will encounter a huge number of Orc captains and some of them may well be epic or legendary. Such enemies appear extremely rarely, but we still advise you to constantly monitor the balance of power on the map and mark the necessary orcs. If you notice such a military leader, then you should immediately start tracking him down in order to subsequently add him to your army.

Let us also add that most top-level orcs have immunities and strengths that ordinary captains do not have. Therefore, when hunting such an enemy, you should first track down the “mole” (Worm) in order to find out more information about your target and be ready to meet him. For example, if you prefer ranged weapons, then you will probably find it useful to know whether the orc you are tracking is immune to arrows.

This is the cheapest, but at the same time the most unreliable and time-consuming method of obtaining epic and legendary orcs. The fact is that it is not known exactly when such a captain will appear. You can try to cut off all the military leaders in the location and wait until new ones arrive. But even after killing 50 captains, there is no guarantee that 51 will be legendary.

Purchasing chests

Thanks to the Shadow of War in-game store, you can quickly and easily get a legendary orc into your army, but you will have to pay for it. For 1.5 thousand Mirian you can purchase a Silver Chest, which is guaranteed to contain one epic and standard orc. There is also a small chance that the Silver Chest will drop a Legendary Orc, but it is extremely low.

These fighters are guaranteed to drop from Gold and Mithril chests. The first one gives at least one legendary and two epic orcs, and the mithril one gives four legendary captains at once. However, you won’t be able to purchase these chests for Miriana, since they can only be purchased for premium Gold, that is, by spending real money.

You can also get top-tier Orcs from Trophy War Chests, which can be purchased with Spoils of War points. They are earned by participating in online sieges, completing challenges and completing vendetta missions. The advantage of grinding is the fact that you don't have to spend Mirians or Gold. In addition, you can use Spoils of War boosts to double the rewards given for completing quests.

Create legendary orcs

Any normal orc in the game can become a captain if he can kill you. When this happens, he is given a title and personality traits. Once you've completed the initial missions and have some extra time to figure out your orcs, you can influence the creation of the captains you want by simply letting the right enemy kill you.

If you need an archer captain, then die by an archer. Do you want to get a good defender for your army? Then let yourself be killed by an orc with a shield. The formation of an orc's personal characteristics is influenced by the place of your death, because each region in Mordor is ruled by a certain tribe with its own characteristics. To find out which tribe controls the area you are in, simply look at the banners hanging around.

Dying is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because you need to be killed by a certain orc. If you are fighting with a group of opponents, we advise you to first kill all extraneous enemies, and then die from the blow of the desired orc. After he kills you, the game will start sending requests to the god of randomness and he will choose what kind of captain this orc will be - ordinary, epic or legendary.

It is also worth knowing that if there are no free places for captains in the area, the newcomer will enter into a duel with one of the military leaders. Of course, he may die in this battle, so we advise you, before giving your life to a random orc, to clear a place for him so that he does not have to fight for him.

This method is also not very reliable. You can die a couple of dozen times, but still not get a legendary orc, so the most effective method is still buying chests.

In a conversation about "Shadow of War" ( Middle-earth: Shadow of War), perhaps dominated by the question of how much loot boxes and microtransactions contribute to the experience (namely: none), but on the inside, this is a skillful, innovative and quite original game.

"Shadow of War" is based on the "Shadow of Mordor" Nemesis system, where any random enemy can kill you and rank up (during revenge missions and other confrontations between enemies). Now you recruit new orcs (recruited in-game or perhaps purchased from the vendor The Headhunter) and set them against a series of fortresses in need of capture.

You can assign spies to get ahead of some high-ranking warlords when the siege begins, deploy your friendly orcs to thin the ranks overall, and even call in others to act as active bodyguards in the game.

There's a lot to use here, but if you're going to Mordor, make sure you know how to get to the other side.

12. How to automatically select items

"Shadow of War" requires awkwardly holding R1/RB to select items or equipment. It's the same button as capturing orcs or activating missions, and it's... a little annoying, to be honest.

But there is nothing to be afraid of - there is a way to move around and select items, just like in any other game. Simply go to the character screen, then scroll down to the Wraith row and you'll see "Treasure Hunter" next to the four icons.

Grab it and that's it - when you go through items, they are added to your inventory. Of course, those four badges mean you'll need to level up four times to get the required points, but Treasure Hunter is a vital level that eliminates one of the game's biggest drawbacks.

11. Intentional death has its benefits.

The very foundation of the Nemesis system is based on the fact that Talion cannot die, and makes the orcs the regional antagonists, allowing them to collect abilities and armor to boot.

But this also has its benefits.

Let's say there's a special Orc with a specific skill set that you'd like to recruit. Set up a mission to trigger their arrival or search the world and then fail on purpose.

They'll immediately get a level/ability boost, some new equipment, and a new title, all of which you'll then get if you find them and defeat them in this new form.

Of course, it will be harder to fight, but there is no other way to level up your orcs so quickly, and although this may sound like an excuse, it is a much more effective and quick way to create a strong army.

10. Return a stolen/broken sword (even in better shape)

I wonder why you can't delete your starting equipment in your inventory? This is because the game keeps it around just in case the orc decides to break your new set.

In fact, during any encounter with a captain/warlord/overlord, it is possible to encounter an enemy who (if you are knocked down and left alive) will literally take your current blade and break it in half.

Even though you thought he was gone forever, find the new mission "Vendetta" that appeared with the mentioned orc and complete it.

After defeating a new enemy (don't recruit them), they'll drop the stolen gear again - thankfully with extra levels that match any upgrade they got to kill you.

9. You can assign several assassins to the governor

Tiny stats on the army screen - assigning orcs/captains to capture a warlord and assigning spies.

Shortly after you've dominated a certain Orc and given him a target, press the "Command" option on another and hover over the same Warlord whose days are already numbered.

After assigning a few traitors, start this mission and watch as your orcs reveal their true commands, draining the Warlord's health so you can get an easy kill.

8. How to use fighting pits effectively

Fighting Pits are one of the coolest features in Shadow of War - they're where your best orcs fight the game's random creatures, which only have AI controlled animations.

But while you can order any recently captured captain to infiltrate the upper echelons of the fortress as an assassin, you will always return to the same location (the fighting pits themselves) for the duel to take place.

To get around this, capture the orcs and lure them to your side, but wait to assign the mission until you are literally in place in the pit. Once you're there, click on the Army screen and then tell your orcs who's fighting who. A mission will appear nearby and you can start it.

Repeat this for all your captured orcs and you'll save a lot of time. Just remember: capture/dominate as many orcs as you need, then fight.

7. Only quests and killing the captain give experience

It's unclear how they made such a mistake, but Shadow of War literally forgets to tell you how the XP system works.

In other words, if you think you can roam the open world killing thousands of orcs and increasing your rank, then don't expect an increase in XP.

But the only ways to gain experience are by killing the captain (found in the world) or through missions. Yes, killing Warlords and Overlords gives XP, but they are triggered from the map in the form of icons.

Note that story missions give over 10,000 XP once you get into the second act, so if you need to rank up your entire army, prioritize these missions and objectives. Your army's strength is equal to Talion's level, so sometimes you need to engage in battle, story or whatever.

6. Ghost Vision reveals rats that give health

Recovering health is much more difficult in Shadow of War, mainly because there are no items that restore it and your meter will only regenerate to the gray part.

Basically the rats will spawn nearby once the health level is low enough, so back away, hold circle/B and poke the little tiny heads.

5. You need to jam properly to ride Olog

It's a small but significant difference, although the game tells you that a stunned Olog will let you ride him, and it's not the circle/B button that will help. You'll get flattened while you're trying to achieve this.

It's best to wait until Olog starts attacking, a prompt will appear with a button icon above his head, and then press circle to stun him. Then press R1 / RB, and you will successfully mount the beast, now you can control it to clear the territory.

The same goes for missions where you need to “quietly kill” or “quietly dry out” enemies. "Shadow of War" just wants you to see the melee animations rather than take a long-range headshot.

Hopefully this will be fixed in post-launch patches, but just remember: it's probably not you, but the game being picky.

4. Power-ups and stones

These are two extremely important components of the game, and can be easily seen in the pile of menu prompts that make up the game's first act.

Gains: Perhaps when you take part in your first Siege or when you tell an Orc to kill another, you noticed the "Training Orders" option and found a couple of buffs there. Typically it's elemental damage, a troupe of extra orcs, or a special weapon change, etc. that the orc uses in each subsequent battle, but then... they disappear from the same equipment screen.

The reason is that these are additions locked in loots - equipment drops from the market that you can purchase with real money or gold coins that are given for daily tasks. Extremely useful: try to complete a few tasks before equipping your favorite Borgface The Stab-Lover with the best boosts.

Stones: You might think that they need to be collected again, first you want to spend some Mirian to open the necessary "gem" slots for each weapon, because they greatly affect the gameplay.

They work like this: (besides the fact that “red” = “damage”, “green” = “life” and “white” = “XP / recruitment level”) all stones of a lower level can be given to a higher one. You will need three first levels to create one second; three second for the third and so on. So don't let go of the orcs collecting gems (indicated by white arrows on the minimap), kill them, and even if you get a standard gem, combine them all together in sequences for better buffs.

3. Distract the orcs with noise

The Distraction ability in Shadow of Mordor has been updated so you no longer have to aim at the Orc for the tooltip to appear.

Now, instead of looking to see who's ahead, just hold L2/LT and aim. Whether you're in Ghost Mode or Normal Mode, use this to create a triangle/Y noise distraction at the location your crosshair is pointing at.

A very useful thing for destroying Captains who have moved away from their bodyguards. This can also be used to lure out enemies if you're on that annoying mission where you can't be detected.

2. Orcs can serve as human shields

In normal combat, we all run out of supplies. And when the screen quickly fills with many orcs from different factions, hold R1/RB to grab one.

This can be done in any part of the group, then leave with the loot, and every other orc that strikes deals damage to him.

This is a great way to get out of trouble, especially if the captain can be grabbed without giving in. Take advantage of the chaos: when more bodies appear on the screen, hit your target and then take him away.

1. Instant dominance and recruitment of multiple captains

One of the deliberately designed disadvantages is the reduction of your nearby. Before you manage to dominate/recruit the captain when you hold circle/B, another enemy will almost always interrupt.

To fix this, use the Combat Drain ability (press X + O / A + B at the same time), which allows you to grab someone immediately, rather than after 5-6 seconds.

And if you combine it with Double Charge (an ability that allows you to take on two enemies at once), you can dominate two captains at the same time. Both game "rollers" will dissolve one after the other, and even if there are no captains in sight, grab a regular orc for backup.

It also has a role-playing component, which allows you to improve the equipment you find with special stones. This guide is dedicated specifically to them, because if used correctly, they can make Talion much stronger!

Equipment in Shadow of War

First, let's look at what gems (aka runes) are in general, why they are needed and what to do with them.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the main character got the opportunity to collect trophies from defeated opponents. There are 6 pieces of equipment in total:

  • Dagger;
  • Armor;
  • Cloak;
  • Ring of power.
Talion does not list all other items due to his profession as a ranger, which means he will not be able to use a variety of orc weapons. The developers, however, came up with another way to diversify the process of improving a character’s equipment.

Stones, gems, runes - call them what you want!

Each item can be enhanced with one runic gem. In the game itself, they are most often called simply gems, but other names also appear - stones, runes. But their essence is the same: adding special properties to elements of equipment.

The stones come in three colors - red (Power), green (Vitality) and white (Wealth). Depending on the color, they can give different effects: increase damage, increase health, give weapons vampirism, and so on.

The strength of the effect depends on the quality of the gem. There are 5 quality levels, while 3 low quality gems can be combined to get one higher quality one. In this case, only numerical indicators grow, the properties themselves do not change.

Gems have different effects on different objects. For example, if a red gem is inserted into a weapon, it will increase the damage dealt, and if it is inserted into the Ring of Power, then it will not be Talion who will hit harder, but his subordinates.

Once inserted, a gem can be easily removed to replace it with another, so for a gem player it is a great help to adapt to any situation.

What gems to put into weapons

With weapons everything is quite simple. When in doubt, just “poke” the red ones. They increase damage, and this is never superfluous. Of several red stones of different quality levels, the best one should be placed in the sword. Next priority is the onion. The dagger is used less frequently and is usually used for sneak attacks that kill instantly, so it is not as important.

Green gems in weapons can also be useful, especially when you need to quickly restore your health, but there is no way to absorb one of your opponents. In this case, we simply place green runes and watch how each attack steals part of the enemy’s health. “Regen” is especially strong during sweeping attacks with a glaive - in a couple of hits you can restore half your health!

If the enemies are too weak, and instead of damage and regeneration you need to get more miriam (that’s the name of the local currency), then you can insert white gems. With a certain probability, they force the dead to leave behind coins. True, you still can’t collect much.

What gems to put into armor and cloak

In fact, any, all of them are useful to some extent. But when you're getting started with the game, it's best to choose green, as it increases your maximum health.

Often, the addition of two gems (one for armor, the other for a cloak) helps to survive battles with very strong opponents, but you need to remember that the most difficult thing is not to withstand the blow, but to recover from it, since in order to regenerate Talion must absorb his enemies.

If you need to squeeze out maximum damage, then you should put red gems. When equipped with armor and a cloak, they slightly increase the damage of all weapons Talion fights with.

However, sometimes you just need to level up. In such cases, white gems are perfect. They increase the amount of experience gained.

Which gem to insert into the Ring of Power

In the second act, the protagonist of Middle-earth: Shadow of War finally gets the opportunity to wear his own Ring of Power. This extremely powerful artifact not only allows you to subdue orc leaders, it can also be endowed with additional properties using gems.

During sieges, it is worth placing a red or green gem in the ring. The first strengthens attacks, and the second makes Talion's servants more durable.

But outside of major battles, when the main character is traveling alone, it is best to keep a white gem ready, which increases the captain’s level when recruited. This is very convenient and saves a lot of time, since when you capture an enemy commander, he increases his rank. A white gem of maximum quality gives you 5 additional levels at once, and this is a very cool bonus!

Other guides

  • 6 useful tips for Middle-earth: Shadow of War: how to survive in Middle-earth
  • Nemesis in Middle-earth: Shadow of War: how to capture fortresses, subdue orcs and kill leaders
  • How to upgrade a swordsman in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - executions, finishing moves, counterattacks and critical hits
  • How to decipher the verses in the burial grounds and get the Light Lord set in Middle-earth: Shadow of War? Solutions of all Ithildins
  • How to upgrade the "Ghost" in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - ice storms, blades and absorption
  • How to upgrade an archer in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - all about ranged combat skills
  • How to quickly earn a lot of money in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - money tasks, orcs with treasures, arena battles and other ways to get rich
  • How to improve stealth in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - rogue skills and improvements
  • How to fly dragons and ride caragors and graugs in Middle-earth: Shadow of War - all about leveling up the “Rider”

Middle-earth: Shadow of War finally has a sane equipment system. The developers added so many innovations as if they were trying to make amends for the greatly reduced Shadow of Mordor system. And they succeeded.



Middle-earth: Shadow of War finally has a sane equipment system. The developers added so many innovations as if they were trying to make amends for the greatly reduced Shadow of Mordor system. And they succeeded.

Now Talion can be dressed in different types of cloaks and armor, equipped with several types of weapons, and even upgraded the ring. All of these items can be enhanced with gems, and some of them can be upgraded separately. Let's start in order.

What equipment does Talion have?

The character's virtual "doll" is divided into six cells: Sword, Dagger, Bow, Armor, Cloak and Ring. In some cells it is allowed to insert not only weapons of the same name: for example, a bow can be replaced with a throwing hammer. At the same time, Talion will still pick up arrows - don't let this bother you.

Dressing a hero in a breastplate, bracers and leggings from different sets in Shadow of War will not work: armor is an indivisible set of armor. Talion does not wear a helmet at all.

What quality is the equipment?

Each piece of Talion's equipment is painted in one of the colors indicating the quality level of the equipment. In total, items have four quality levels:
  • White color: common item. A simple piece of metal or fabric has no additional bonuses.
  • Yellow: rare item. All rare equipment has one additional effect: for example, your ring can increase health recovery when exhausted, and armor will increase the chance of setting an enemy on fire.
  • Orange color: the highest subject. Higher equipment can have two or three additional effects.
  • Purple: Legendary item. The rarest and most valuable equipment in Shadow of War. Legendary items not only have an impressive number of additional effects, but can also be stacked, enhancing each other.
Unlocking some additional effects of Rare, Ultimate, and Legendary gear may require completion of challenges. We'll talk more about these tests below.

Getting better items

In terms of obtaining more powerful equipment, practically nothing has changed in Middle-earth Shadow of War. Talion obtains new items while completing quests (both story and side quests) and after killing orc captains. There are a lot of captains in Shadow of War, you will meet them often, so there shouldn’t be any problems with getting higher level equipment.
There is a way to influence the quality of loot received after killing captains. In the "Ghost" branch there is the "Treasure Hunter" skill: its "Discrimination" improvement increases the chance of killing captains dropping high-quality loot. The most useful skills of Middle-earth Shadow of War are described in more detail.

Legendary kits

We have already mentioned that legendary items obtained by Talion can be combined into sets and enhance each other, unlocking special bonuses for wearing multiple items of the same set. There are ten such sets in the game:
  • Shadow Tribe Set: Gain power when using poisons.
  • Savage Tribe Set: the ability to mount an unbroken graug and dragon from the shadows.
  • Meat Grinder Tribe Kit: "Summon Supporters" summons demolitions, "Elven Light" scatters explosives around.
  • Marauder Tribal Set: Picking up game currency increases damage and restores health.
  • Mystic Tribe Set: Subordinate Orcs take 50% less damage and have cursed weapons.
  • Dread Tribe Set: Quick throw kills fleeing soldiers, killing a fleeing enemy restores 100 health.
  • Warmonger Tribal Bundle: Killing a burning enemy restores 50 health, and occasionally Talion will burst into flames and release a burst of flame.
  • Light Lord Set: Accelerates the accumulation of anger, reduces the duration of the elven rage, all elven shots are replenished after killing an enemy in a state of elven rage.
  • Vendetta Kit: Can use health instead of Power Charge and Elven Shots.
  • Ring Ghost Set: Awarded after completing the third act. Allows you to summon the wights and restores 20 health after the death of the nearest undead supporter.

Why are gems needed?

The effectiveness of Talion's weapons and equipment can be increased by inlaid with special gems: they also drop from captains, are obtained during quests, or are found directly in the open world.
  • Red Gems: power. If you insert such a gem into a weapon, the damage caused by this weapon will increase. Inlaying armor or a cloak will increase the damage dealt by any attack. Inlaying the ring will increase the damage your followers deal.
  • Green Gems: survivability. Weapons inlaid with such a gem increase the amount of health stolen. Inlaid armor and cloaks increase Talion's maximum health. If you insert a green gem into the ring, Talion's allies will take less damage.
  • White Gems: wealth. Inlaying a weapon increases the chances of getting extra money from enemies killed with that weapon. Armor and cloaks with white gems increase the amount of experience gained. A ring with a white stone increases the captain's level when recruited.
Gems can be changed or removed at any time, it's free. The gem is not bound to an item, but to an equipment slot. If you change one piece of armor (or any item) to another, the gem will automatically transfer from the old item to the new one.

How to improve gems

Each gem has five quality levels: Gem, Rough Gem, Honed Gem, Refined Gem, and Flawless Gem. The higher the quality level of a gem, the more effective its bonuses are. For example, a regular Life Gem increases maximum health by 10%, and a Flawless Life Gem adds 30% to health.

The mechanics of upgrading gems implemented in Shadow of War should be very familiar to fans of the Diablo series. Several regular Gems are combined into a Rough Gem, then several Rough Gems are transformed into a Polished Gem. To create a gem of the next level, you need three gems of the previous level.

In other words, to get one Flawless Gem you need to find or create three Fine Gems.

How to improve equipment

We wrote above that in order to unlock some effects of rare, higher and legendary equipment, Talion will have to pass special tests. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The lower the quality level of the item, the easier the test: a rare item will ask you, for example, to “hit a burning enemy with a quick throw” - nothing complicated. The Supreme One will offer to intimidate the enemy five times, and completing a test of a legendary item may require, say, recruiting an orc captain of a certain level from a certain tribe.

The challenge only counts for those items that Talion is currently wearing. You won't be able to play as if nothing had happened and upgrade items lying somewhere in your backpack: you will have to keep track of test goals and think in advance what equipment you want to improve.

After successfully passing the test, you will finally be able to improve the item - to do this you will have to spend some amount of game currency. Upgrading not only unlocks an additional equipment bonus, but also slightly increases the level of that item. Tags: Middle-earth: Shadow of War , Games , Guide

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