Watch two TVs from one receiver. All about connecting Tricolor TV to two TVs

Watch two TVs from one receiver. All about connecting Tricolor TV to two TVs


Today it is difficult to surprise someone with several TVs in one living space, but many users have a question about how they can connect a second TV to Rostelecom without a second set-top box. We are, of course, talking about a new offer from the largest provider of communications services - interactive television (IPTV). Most modern televisions have the ability to view media files over the Internet, and with the advent new service from Rostelecom, user capabilities have been significantly expanded.

Interactive television is a real breakthrough in the development of telecommunications. The service offered by Rostelecom involves the ability to view more channels, and in the best quality. In addition to watching films, a unique opportunity to rent films has appeared; users can also take advantage of a huge collection of karaoke and record their favorite show. This can be done either on your own media or on a set-top box if you choose a more expensive device with built-in hard drive. By the way, the purchase of a receiver is the main condition for the provision of the service. You can connect it either independently, following the instructions, or with the help of a technician from a service provider company.

Connecting the receiver

If you decide to use the interactive television service from RTK, just visit the company’s office, buy one of two device options and pay subscription fee. After a short time, the service will be activated, and all you have to do is connect the device. This is not difficult to do, but some difficulties may arise.

Remember: in order to use the TV tuner, you must have high-quality Internet access, connecting cables and a remote control remote control TV receiver and set-top box. Cables, all kinds of adapters and a remote control are included in the kit, so it is highly advisable to check the package when purchasing.

You can connect interactive television using one Rostelecom set-top box in three ways: using an Internet cable, via Wi-Fi and using PLC adapters. It will be easier and cheaper to connect via cable, so we suggest considering this option in more detail:

Important: most modern plasma and LCD TVs have an input for HDMI cable, so if it was not included in the kit, you will have to buy it additionally. This will significantly improve the quality. This is especially true if you decide to connect a TV tuner from Rostelecom to two TV receivers at the same time, and this is possible.

Setting up the set-top box

After plugging in the receiver, all that remains is to make the necessary settings, for which the remote control of the television receiver is switched to video mode, where all the necessary settings are made. First of all, the system will ask you to enter your account login and password - you can find this data in the registration documents. If you think that there is further configuration to be done, then you are mistaken - the system will do everything for you, and the user will only have to select one of the offered channels.

Methods for connecting a second TV

Considering the presence of several television receivers, I would like to separately discuss the possibility of connecting a second television to the Rostelecom set-top box. The ideal option, of course, is a second console, but not every family’s budget can handle such extravagance. Therefore, users have to decide the question: how to connect a second TV and use only one set-top box from Rostelecom.

This is important: if you have one interactive TV receiver, you can technically connect a second TV signal receiver, but this is only if all family members agree to watch only one channel at the same time. There is no other option for connecting and connecting a second TV, except for purchasing another receiver.

Connecting two TVs to one set-top box

If you are ready to come to terms with the opinions of others regarding the uniformity of the TV menu, you can start connecting two TVs to one Rostelecom set-top box, and you will now find out how to connect. First of all, you need to examine the receiver itself, and, most likely, the jack for connecting the HDMI cable is already occupied. In this case, you will need to use the adjacent socket intended for an RCA cable. Most likely, to watch television channels from Rostelecom through 2 devices, you will need to buy this cable. This is necessary in order to connect the second TV receiver to the set-top box.

How to connect a second console

Most likely, representatives of different generations will not agree to watch one channel, so you will have to visit the RTK office and ask if it is possible to connect two TVs. You will be offered to buy a second TV tuner and draw up a corresponding agreement with the provider. Fortunately, you won't have to buy another router if your device has free LAN ports, of course. You will need a cord to connect to the Internet, check the availability of cables. Further steps are similar to those you would do for one receiver. If you decide to connect a second set-top box from Rostelecom to a second TV, just remember that each TV tuner is configured for its own TV receiver.

Provider digital television Tricolor TV provides services High Quality. Despite this, users are in no hurry to buy additional equipment when using the system. Even if it is necessary to connect Tricolor TV to two rooms, they are looking for non-standard solutions. The provider allows the use of one receiver on several TVs. How to connect a second TV to Tricolor TV without a second receiver?

You can use one antenna to provide signals to several devices at the same time. Tricolor TV offers to independently transfer the antenna to a second TV. There are two ways to do this:

  1. To view the same channels on two screens at the same time, just purchase a cable of the required length and a signal splitter. This option is the most economical and not labor-intensive. A separator is only necessary if the device does not have a two-output system. To connect a second TV, you need to connect one of them to the output, and the second - connect via HDMI or SKART.
  2. If watching the same TV channels is not suitable, then you can connect the receiver in such a way that the channels can be switched on two TVs. To do this, you need to purchase a GSE-501 receiver and a special GSC-591 attachment. Connection procedure: stretch the cable from the convector device to the receiver. The set-top box is connected directly to the second TV and is intended to perform a secondary role: carrying out the signal. The installed equipment makes it possible to change the firmware and update the software.

Connecting Tricolor TV to 2 TVs with your own hands: video

To connect Tricolor TV equipment to two TVs, you can install it via a local network or use a router for these purposes. In order to create your own local network You must first crimp the cable with special connectors, and then connect the auxiliary set-top box to the main device. In order for everything to work, it is necessary to connect the wires in such a way that they do not cross.

After installing the equipment, you should configure the channels using the sequence of actions presented above. Please read the instructions carefully to avoid any setup problems.

If you don’t want to install a lot of cables that spoil the environment, then you should purchase a video sender for a satellite dish. It consists of 2 devices, one of which is connected to the receiver itself, and the other to the TV. Signal transmission is provided via wi-fi.

In this case, the use of a remote control is also provided.

In order for the presented circuit to work, before connecting two TVs to one Tricolor receiver, carefully read the manual instructions and purchase all necessary equipment. Any of the chosen methods will cost much less than buying another receiver.

Setting up the Tricolor TV system yourself so that it works on 2 TVs at once is not a problem. The main thing is to observe the frequency of actions so as not to encounter unplanned problems when making subsequent settings.

Technology in our time gives a person a lot of opportunities. Not so long ago, having a TV in our home that showed several channels was considered an achievement. Nowadays, TV can show hundreds of channels, but this is no longer enough. Many users want to install two TVs at once that receive satellite signals and get a high-quality image.

When purchasing and installing a satellite television set at home, few people know that this set is intended for one TV. And since the tastes of residents do not coincide when watching programs and films, many have two or even three televisions. And in this case, the owners of several televisions are faced with the problem of connecting this equipment to one antenna and dividing the signal between them.

There are two options with which you can watch TV simultaneously with another:

  • Connection using 2 receivers;
  • And using the RF module.

There is a very simple way to connect one satellite dish to two TVs, but few people will like this method. This method involves using one receiver. In this method, the first device is connected to the first TV through tulips, and the third device, that is, the RF module, is connected to the second output to a tuner, which allows you to connect other monitors.

But, unfortunately, such a connection has a huge number of disadvantages. Channel control can only be done in the room where the tuner is located. And at the same time, 2 TVs show the same channels. The image quality also decreases.

Diagram for connecting a satellite dish to 2 TVs

There is an option to connect 2 TVs using a splitter or splinter, which divides the antenna signal into 2 TVs. For such work, modern equipment is used and for this reason we will not need a soldering iron, tin and rosin.

These branching patterns use screw sockets. The stripped end is inserted into the nut, and the second with a similar plug is connected to the TV. We insert the central antenna cable into a special hole in the splinter screw socket, and tighten the nut and tightly press the copper sheath of the cable to the device body.

Before carrying out work, disconnect the device from the network until final connection.

Connection instructions, step by step:

  • We buy a special cable, as much as necessary, at least 12 meters long, from the right choice cable depends on the image quality, and a splinter with two outputs;
  • If the satellite dish is already connected to one of the TVs, then insert this end into the output port on the separator and tighten the nut;
  • Next, we cut off a small piece of cable from the coil and put the ends of a standard plug on it (the so-called head) and crimp them;
  • We perform the same crimping on the remaining section of the cable; it will make it possible to connect the signal splitter and the TV in another room;
  • We insert the plugs into the corresponding connectors on the splinter body and connect to the TV;
  • We hide the section that goes to another room under the baseboard so as not to step on it;
  • In order to shorten the length of this cable, you can drill a hole in the wall between the rooms.

After connecting the antenna to 2 TVs, we check the image quality and if it is distorted or intermittent, then we check the connection or redo the crimping.

How to connect 2 TVs to one tuner

To successfully connect 2 TVs to one satellite, you need to have the right tool.


  • The simplest cable stripping tool;
  • Satellite dish or standard antenna;
  • Tuner;
  • Splitter or splinter for 2 outputs;
  • 2 TVs;
  • A set of necessary cables.

If one TV is located, for example, in the living room, and the second in another room, then we connect the nearest TV with a receiver and a purchased cable. We turn on the TV in the hall and start tuning.

We perform the following actions:

  • Press the menu button;
  • We determine and mark the desired source for the signal;
  • In the found source, mark the connector to which the TV is connected;
  • We search for programs;
  • After the search is complete, we remove channels with low-quality images from the list.

Now we’ll tell you how to connect a second TV to the tuner. We measure the minimum distance from TV to TV. We run the cable along the baseboard so as not to touch it when walking around the rooms.

Next, we take a high-frequency or regular television-type cable, which is connected to the output on the back panel of the tuner, the other end to the antenna input, which is located on the TV. After connecting, all that remains is to configure the TV.

Optimal connection of two TVs to one satellite dish

In order to properly connect 2 TVs to one satellite and make it possible to view different channels on these TVs, you need to connect each of them to its own tuner. Once the signal reaches the tuner, the signal can be divided as you wish and you can view your favorite channels without disturbing the other occupant of the house.

All channels are switched on the tuner - this makes it possible to watch different channels on two TVs at the same time.

Making such a connection is not cheap, but there is no such method.

A separate such device is installed in each room. The connection is made in a chain. When connected in a chain, all devices are connected to the loop-through output.

How to install a satellite dish on 2 TVs (video)

After you read our article, you realized that there are many options for connecting. Each of them has not only its own characteristics, but also certain difficulties. Based on this, we can say that it will be easier for some to take up their free time and cope with the task on their own, while others will decide to spend cash and contact the experts. In any case, both options have a right to exist.

Lately I have come across the question quite often - How to connect second TV(and more) to the receiver Tricolor TV? Let's try to figure out how this can be done. To begin with, if we look at the entire line of receivers starting with dre4000 and dre5000, we see and remember that these devices were produced by Chinese brothers and they had an RF output (antenna), scart, tulips. Well, of course, the consumer had the opportunity to connect a TV via the LF output, and using a signal taken from the HF output of the receiver, connect the Tricolor signal via an antenna cable to other TVs, which, given our constantly improving standard of living, may still have more than one in the house. Of course, there were certain inconveniences in that you can only watch the same channel and to switch channels you have to run to the room in which the satellite receiver. By the way, I could fix the second problem remote control extension It’s true that I can’t say that it’s quite inexpensive, the cost is about 1000 rubles.

But nowadays, Tricolor satellite receivers are produced in Russia in Kaliningrad, and when designing, the company seems to adhere to the best Russian democratic traditions. To begin with, MPEG4 was added to the 8300 and the number of received channels was increased, but the RF output and tulips were removed, apparently based on good intentions to reduce the cost of the product and make it impossible connecting a second TV via HF Well, for the consumer, after all the changes, this model has only become more expensive. Well, from now on everyone has connect a second TV via HF an additional expense item appeared. In addition to purchasing a remote control, you need to buy an RF modulator, which costs about another $50-70

or buy a video sender for $100 or more. It transmits video signal, sound and IR remote control commands via Wi-Fi over a distance of 10-30 meters, depending on the shielding of the building.

The next domestic model was the GS 8304

In it, the manufacturer pleased consumers with scarts, tulips, the absence of HF output and, apparently, so that life would not seem completely raspberry by the lack of the ability to scan and receive open channels not included in the Tricolor TV package. After that, the GS 8302 model appeared for 2-3 months

With an RF output, scart, tulips, HDMI output and neutered channel scanning like the 8304, the most amazing thing is that the luminaries of domestic design managed to make an HDMI output that does not have the ability to transmit a signal from high-definition channels, but only a regular video signal.

After this, the next phase of development of domestic satellite TV began, called Tricolor Full HD .

The manufacturer pleased consumers for a short time with the GS 9303 receiver introduced into the series; it was delivered to warehouses for two months; one was sold to dealers when 10 8304s were purchased.

Also, in my opinion, a mysterious model. He also got as clever as possible with video outputs. Only one HDMI output, but a full one! Obviously, this model was designed for Kremlin residents and oligarchs who had snatched a piece of their homeland but were aware of the onset of a crisis and the need to save. It’s amazing the carelessness of people who order a project, introduce a product into a series that is then sold for two months and happily disappears. Although most likely the reasons are much simpler, obviously the company is simply avoiding paying taxes in this way or sharing money with the necessary structures. What's the point of ordering and putting into production a model that will be sold for two months? In my opinion, more idiotic projects can only be in the Duma and the government. There, everything is understandable; there are enemies of the population living in this territory; it’s like a private company!

Well latest model sold by the company at this time, all others are not supplied to warehouses (from 05/03/2013 not supplied to dealers)! GS 8306 in person!

This receiver has an HDMI output and a video output and two audio outputs. But as is customary, your inconvenience, as always, was already thought about during the design. The same lack of open channels as is already customary. Those. Only frequencies prescribed by the manufacturer are scanned, and there is an aggravating circumstance with video outputs. When you first start on the first factory firmware there is a signal from the tulips and on HDMI you need to switch to the menu. By the way, it is critical to flashing. If it is incorrect (accidentally touching the power connector) it crashes motherboard and quite often, according to reviews, it glitches. It looks like they think and act not with their heads and hands, but in some third place, but this is quite typical. The video signal from this satellite receiver can only be taken from one video output, either HDMI or tulips. But taking into account the possible desire of the consumer connect a second TV It is necessary that the signal be present on both HDMI outputs to the TV and tulips to the modulator or video sender (it won’t work, the manufacturer decided that you don’t need this!).

Connecting Tricolor HD GS 8306 to two (2) TVs

But alas, it will be possible to watch Ttricolor TV either on one HD quality TV or on two TVs via antenna input. And it’s smarter to buy 9305, it’s made like people’s and has an output signal satellite receiver simultaneously goes to HDMI and tulips without distortion. It makes more sense to use a “satellite” divider because If you are ready to purchase a second receiver, you can connect it with minimal alterations in the cable management. Simply connect the cable from the converter to the input of the divider from the output to the input of the receiver, and on the second TV all you have to do is connect the receiver since the cable from the divider is already laid.

Of course there are options where HDMI connection signal to the second TV uses one cable

twisted pair and splitter

or HDMI video sender

But alas, these devices cost almost price of Tricolor TV set! For those who are mature buy a second receiver And connect yourself look

If after reading the situation is like this

Then you need !

Of course, there is equipment that allows you to watch channels with one card and several receivers, but that’s a completely different story.

Search to help you! But this is more for enthusiasts than for consumers. You will have to change firmware, etc. from time to time.

What does the manufacturer promise in the near future?

The closest Tricolor model declared by the manufacturer with delivery in April 2013 HD9305

Is available for sale! New from the Tricolor company, the General Satellite HD 9305 (GS 9305) receiver. This is the same GS 9303, only with an added tulip-type output. The HDMI and “tulip” outputs work simultaneously; you don’t need to switch anything like in 8305 and 8306. The receiver's response to pressing buttons on the remote control is also excellent. No problems were noticed during operation! So those who want to connect a second TV now just need to change their satellite TV receiver on HD 9305 buy RF modulator which was mentioned above, install the cable and enjoy watching! I'm glad that the manufacturer has moderated its level of greed this time. Residents of the Taldomsky district can order a satellite kit with home delivery. At a convenient time for you.

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 9305


Format DVB-S broadcasting and DVB-S2 in the full range 950-2150 MHz
DRE Conditional Access Smart Card Slot
The optimal set of connectors for connecting to modern audio/video
equipment: HDMI, digital audio output S/PDIF, composite video, stereo
audio output
One USB port
HD and standard definition channels in formats
MPEG-4/AVC and MPEG-2 (video output in 1080i/720p/576p resolutions)
Working with motorized antennas
Support for cascadable DiSEqC switches
Teletext, subtitles

New Tricolor at the end of May GS8307

GS 8307 is now on sale! The first impression is that the GS 8307 differs from the 8306 only in the body and the presence of digital indicators. The tulips on the rear panel of the receiver were replaced with scarts. All the same switched HDMI or scart output. I suspect that the motherboard, if the firmware is not installed correctly, will die just as readily as on the 8306. According to an authorized employee service center During the month of May, they locked up 150 dead GS8306s, i.e. about 5 pieces a day! The positive thing is that satellite kit price GS 8307 did not rise and installation cost and kit price should remain at the GS8306 level!

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 8307
with built-in conditional access system

TV channels "Tricolor TV"
Connectors: SCART, USB connector, HDMI connector, loop antenna output
signal in MPEG-4 AVC/ H.264 and MPEG-2 formats
Menu languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian
"Tricolor TV-Mail", Infokas, "Cinemas "Tricolor TV"
Detailed Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for 7 days
DRECrypt v. 3.0
4-digit 7-segment indicator
Teletext, subtitles

New Tricolor TV at the beginning of July GS6301

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 6301
with built-in conditional access system

DRE Crypt conditional access smart card slot
SD (Secure Digital) memory card slot (8Gb memory card included)
DVB-S and DVB-S2 signal
2 Tuners
Connectors: composite video, stereo audio output, USB connector, HDMI connector,
2 loop antenna outputs
GUI: 256 colors
PVR and Timeshift functions
MPEG-4 AVC/ H.264 and MPEG-2
Menu languages: Russian, English
"Tricolor TV-Mail", Infokas, "Cinemas "Tricolor TV"
Detailed Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for 7 days
DRECrypt v. 3.0
Teletext, subtitles

A slightly belated new product appeared in stores and dealers in January! Let's test and write how good it is!

And so GS 6301! After you take it out of the box and connect it to the antenna, you understand that you are dealing with the already well-known GS 8305 line...... about this model, what I wanted to say has already been said above. The same stupid display system with mysterious switching of outputs, the same brakes when turned on and obviously the same jambs when flashing it yourself. What has been added is a second tuner with a separate antenna input and the ability to record programs on a memory card. For normal operation, it is advisable to install a converter with two outputs and connect a tuner. Perhaps you can become the owner of this product either by a court verdict or if kind people donate it! Buying with your hard earned money is stupid and unprofessional!

New from Tricolor TV for connecting two TVs with the ability to watch different channels. This kit is used receiver server E501 with an access card with two tuners to which a signal is received from the antenna from a converter with two outputs, and client C591 connects to the server via twisted pair cable. There is undoubtedly much more fuss when installing this kit because... you need to lay two cables from the antenna to the server and UTP from the server to the client. Accordingly, crimping for UTP connectors and network installation skills are required. Naturally, the cost of installation for these kits will be higher than for a single kit. The cost of an annual subscription will be 1500 rubles, which is undoubtedly less than two for 1200! For those who do not have the opportunity to lay a cable from the server to the client, there is the opportunity connect via Wi-Fi or via PLC adapters via power supply .

As a rule, one digital set-top box is designed to connect one TV. If there are several TVs and all of them do not support the DVB-T2 standard, a separate receiver should be connected to each TV. Despite the low cost of set-top boxes, many people want to minimize costs and use one set-top box for at least two TVs. This is possible, but with certain limitations:

- One of the TVs must have a digital HDMI input (in older CRT TVs it cannot exist).
- Both TVs will show the same image; viewing different digital channels in this case is impossible.
- Channels are switched on the remote control of the set-top box, and the remote control only works in the line of sight of the set-top box. That is, if you watch TV in one room and the set-top box is in another, you will need to go to the other room every time you change the channel.

A typical example of the use of such a scheme is when one person watches channels from a digital set-top box alternately in different rooms, for example, in the room and in the kitchen, and does not need to constantly switch channels. However, with a good location of the rooms and good reflective surfaces, the signal from the remote control can “fly” to another room through an open door.

Connection diagram for DVB-T2 set-top box for two TVs

If the limitations listed above do not scare you, then you can connect the digital receiver according to the diagram shown in the figure. The first TV, with an HDMI input, is connected with an HDMI cable to the corresponding output of the set-top box. The second TV is connected to the set-top box using an RCA cable, which is usually called “tulips”.

If the distance is short, then you can use a ready-made RCA cable of the required length (usually they are no more than 5 meters). If it is not possible to buy a ready-made cable, you can purchase RCA plugs and use a regular cable to transmit the signal. To transmit an image with stereo sound you will need three cables, for mono sound two will be enough. We recommend using the plugs shown in the figure. They are reliable, easy to use and do not require any tool other than a knife for installation. Initially, an F-connector is installed on the cable, and then an RCA plug is screwed into it.

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