How to connect a digital receiver to two TVs. Tricolor TV: how to connect a second TV

How to connect a digital receiver to two TVs. Tricolor TV: how to connect a second TV


Almost everyone knows for sure that television replaces us, or rather provides one of the opportunities to have fun. Let's say moreover, it is still quite competitive in relation to the Internet, which has become our everything. The only thing is that even if you have several TVs in the house, you can only fully watch one program on each of them. If someone wants to watch something else or in another place, then there is a need to connect two or more televisions to one receiver. It is this option, when you need to connect two or more TVs to the receiver, that we will talk about in our article.

Options for connecting 2 TVs to the receiver(s)

If we talk about connection options, there are essentially two of them. No, of course, you can come up with a great many variations, but so that they are fundamentally different from each other, there are only two.
The first is when two TVs are connected to one receiver. If I can say so, they are connected in parallel, that is, the TVs show virtually the same thing.
The second option is when we have one antenna, two receivers and two TVs. That is, the signal goes to receivers, is divided to the antenna, and then decrypted by each receiver, for each TV. As a result, each TV shows its own programs, independently of the other.
So, now let’s start looking at both options in order, with their own connection features.

Connecting 2 TVs to one receiver (one signal source)

The first option, as we would say, is simpler. It is for those cases when you need to watch the same thing. That is, one video signal will be broadcast to two TVs. These are options when you can watch the same thing in different rooms. For example, when in one room the TV has already been turned off, and in the second they are still watching TV. The only problem is that you still have to switch programs where the receiver is directly installed. This is of course inconvenient.
So, the connection diagram in this case will be quite simple. The signal from the satellite dish (antenna) goes to the receiver, where it is decrypted and then sent to the TV. In this case, it can come through RF OUT or through tulip (RCA) plugs. Just if the receiver supports the ability to output video and audio signals in different ways, you can use this. For one TV, take the signal from RF OUT, and for the second from “tulips” or Scart. In order for you to better understand what and how, we will provide several connection diagrams and provide explanations for them.
The first connection option is when one of the TVs is connected via an RF socket, that is, actually via an RF cable. We talked about installing plugs on such an antenna cable in one of our articles. But the second signal is taken from Scart.

The next option is when we want to divide the signal into 2 TVs only using an RF modulator. In this case, the modulator is the same as a tee for a power outlet. Here you can connect at least two, at least 4 TVs. Or rather, as many connections as the modulator allows.

Well, the third option, which is quite relevant for modern receivers, is when Scart or RCA and HDMI output are used. In this case, you will not even need to purchase any modulators or splitters. Possibility to connect the receiver via different ways, already actually realizes the receiver’s ability to work with 2 different TVs at once. All you need is the appropriate wires.

I would like to say the following again about all these connection methods. Firstly, the signal to each of the TVs will be the same, which is not suitable for some.
Secondly, the cable from the receiver to the distant TV should not exceed a length of 15 meters. Otherwise, there will be so much interference that you won’t be able to watch the video comfortably.

Connecting 2 TVs to two receivers (two signal sources)

The second option involves connecting two receivers to two TVs. This option, in our opinion, deserves more attention, since, so to speak, it is complete. Here, each of the receivers receives a signal from the dish, and then decrypts and sends the signal for processing by the TV. The advantages here are obvious. You can watch different programs on different TVs at the same time. Program switching is carried out directly from the receiver installed next to the TV. There is no need to run around and switch programs somewhere and by someone. Well, the cables for switching between the receiver and the TV here will require a much shorter length than in the option above.
The only negative is that this option is more expensive. Let's analyze the connection diagrams according to this case.
There are two options here when the receivers are equivalent, that is, if it is fashionable to say so, self-sufficient. Each of them can work without the other and there is a case when one receiver receives an RF signal, and then processes it and, through the transmission of a digital signal, transmits it to 2 receivers.
First, about the first option.
Here the RF signal must be divided before arriving at each of the receivers...

...or do this. The signal arrives at one receiver and goes on to the next...

The point here is simple. Each of the receivers receives a similar signal and works with it separately. In principle, it turns out like one receiver, one TV, the connection diagram is the same. Unless there is one antenna for two.
Another option for connecting two TVs and two receivers was implemented by the Tricolor company. In this case, the GS e501 and GS c591 receivers work as follows.

The main receiver receives the signal, receives it on the receiver, or rather even two, and decrypts it. Further already digital signal transmitted to the second receiver. In this case, the second receiver is deprived of a receiver, which allows the manufacturer to save somewhat on the cost of such a connection, and therefore slightly reduce the price for the user.

To summarize...

So, if we summarize the topic of connecting two TVs to one and two receivers, then we can say that each of the options is possible. The only thing here is to decide what suits you. After all, it is this condition that will become the starting point for the implementation of connection diagrams. It should be noted that in addition to the connection diagram, receivers need configuration. Here it is necessary that the signal from the antenna arrives at the proper level, that is, the circuit is not a panacea for solving the problem. It does not relieve you of the need to configure receivers and this must be understood.

If you want to have more television in your home, we recommend reading this article. In it you will learn how to connect two TVs to one receiver yourself.

What is important to know when connecting

This connection can be made in several ways, and it will depend on the receiver model. However, remember that watching different channels on two TVs at the same time is not possible and you will only be able to watch one channel on two TVs. This can cause discomfort, especially if there are two TVs in the same room, because you can only change channels directly next to the installed receiver. But this problem can be easily solved: you need to buy a remote control remote control. Well, now let's move on directly to the instructions.

Connection using RF cable

Connecting a second TV to the receiver is quite simple using an RF (high frequency) TV cable via the RF OUT output, which is located on the back cover of the device. You will need a regular TV cable with input and output plugs. One end is inserted into the RF OUT output of the receiver, the other is connected to the TV antenna socket (it can be located on the back panel of the TV). That's all: all that remains is to search for television channels (for which you need to go to the settings menu of your TV).

Connecting the receiver to several TVs

New receiver models are often not equipped with a high-frequency modulator and RF OUT output. To connect several TVs to such a receiver you will need:

  • portable RF modulator;
  • “tulip” cable (LF RCA cable, usually this cable is supplied with the device);
  • coaxial TV cable 75 Ohm of the required length;
  • F-connectors and F-plug for input.

The modulator has its own power supply, and it needs another connection point for 230V. The connection steps are as follows: connect the “tulip” cable to the RCA output connector on the back cover of the receiver, and connect the other end to the RCA input of the modulator. If your device does not have an RCA output, then you can use a SCART-RCA cable.

Next, connect the TV cable to the RF OUT output (on the modulator) using the F connector, and screw on a special 75 ohm plug (in most cases supplied with the device) to the RF IN input (most often marked this way). Connect the opposite end to the IN connector of the divider. Using a divider, you can divide the signal into several TV devices in the room, since this equipment has more than one output. All that remains is to connect all the equipment to the power source and auto-search for TV channels (as with the first connection method).

Connection with RCA cable

This method is suitable for owners of satellite equipment that supports multiple video outputs (HDMI and RCA). If connected on one TV hdmi cable, then you can use the RCA or SCART outputs to connect the second one. Just remember that to connect to the SCART connector, you will have to use a SCART-RCA adapter. Next, using the remote control, switch the input signal (AV or SOURCE) on the TV you are connecting.

You may notice that this connection is much easier to implement than the previous ones, because here you do not have to spend money on buying a DX modulator. But in this connection there is a drawback, and this is the limited length of the cable - only up to 15 meters (since with a longer length the image will disappear and the quality will deteriorate significantly), as well as the availability of a long cable, since it may have to be soldered from several.

Lately I've been asked this question quite often: How to connect second TV(and more) to the receiver Tricolor TV? Let's try to figure out how this can be done. To begin with, if we look at the entire line of receivers starting with dre4000 and dre5000, we see and remember that these devices were produced by Chinese brothers and they had an RF output (antenna), scart, tulips. Well, of course, the consumer had the opportunity to connect a TV via the LF output, and using a signal taken from the HF output of the receiver, connect the Tricolor signal via an antenna cable to other TVs, which, given our constantly improving standard of living, may still have more than one in the house. Of course, there were certain inconveniences in that you can only watch the same channel and to switch channels you have to run to the room in which the satellite receiver. By the way, I could fix the second problem remote control extension It’s true that I can’t say that it’s quite inexpensive, the cost is about 1000 rubles.

But in modern times, Tricolor satellite receivers are produced in Russia in Kaliningrad, and when designing, the company seems to adhere to the best Russian democratic traditions. To begin with, MPEG4 was added to the 8300 and the number of received channels was increased, but the RF output and tulips were removed, apparently based on good intentions to reduce the cost of the product and make it impossible connecting a second TV via HF Well, for the consumer, after all the changes, this model has only become more expensive. Well, from now on everyone has connect a second TV via HF an additional expense item appeared. In addition to purchasing a remote control, you need to buy an RF modulator, which costs about another $50-70

or buy a video sender for $100 or more. It transmits video signal, sound and IR remote control commands via Wi-Fi over a distance of 10-30 meters, depending on the shielding of the building.

The next domestic model was the GS 8304

In it, the manufacturer pleased consumers with scarts, tulips, the absence of HF output and, apparently, so that life would not seem completely raspberry by the lack of the ability to scan and receive open channels not included in the Tricolor TV package. After that, the GS 8302 model appeared for 2-3 months

With an RF output, scart, tulips, HDMI output and neutered channel scanning like the 8304, the most amazing thing is that the luminaries of domestic design managed to make an HDMI output that does not have the ability to transmit a signal from high-definition channels, but only a regular video signal.

After this, the next phase of development of domestic satellite TV began, called Tricolor Full HD .

The manufacturer pleased consumers for a short time with the GS 9303 receiver introduced into the series; it was delivered to warehouses for two months; one was sold to dealers when 10 8304s were purchased.

Also, in my opinion, a mysterious model. He also got as clever as possible with video outputs. Only one HDMI output, but a full one! Obviously, this model was designed for Kremlin residents and oligarchs who had snatched a piece of their homeland but were aware of the onset of a crisis and the need to save. It’s amazing the carelessness of people who order a project, introduce a product into a series that is then sold for two months and happily disappears. Although most likely the reasons are much simpler, obviously the company is simply avoiding paying taxes in this way or sharing money with the necessary structures. What's the point of ordering and putting into production a model that will be sold for two months? In my opinion, more idiotic projects can only be in the Duma and the government. There, everything is understandable; there are enemies of the population living in this territory; it’s like a private company!

Well latest model sold by the company at this time, all others are not supplied to warehouses (from 05/03/2013 not supplied to dealers)! GS 8306 in person!

This receiver has an HDMI output and a video output and two audio outputs. But as is customary, your inconvenience, as always, was already thought about during the design. The same lack of open channels as is already customary. Those. Only frequencies prescribed by the manufacturer are scanned, and there is an aggravating circumstance with video outputs. When you first start on the first factory firmware there is a signal from the tulips and on HDMI you need to switch to the menu. By the way, it is critical to flashing. If it is incorrect (accidentally touching the power connector) it crashes motherboard and quite often, according to reviews, it glitches. It looks like they think and act not with their heads and hands, but in some third place, but this is quite typical. The video signal from this satellite receiver can only be taken from one video output, either HDMI or tulips. But taking into account the possible desire of the consumer connect a second TV It is necessary that the signal be present on both HDMI outputs to the TV and tulips to the modulator or video sender (it won’t work, the manufacturer decided that you don’t need this!).

Connecting Tricolor HD GS 8306 to two (2) TVs

But alas, it will be possible to watch Ttricolor TV either on one HD quality TV or on two TVs via antenna input. And it’s smarter to buy 9305, it’s made like people’s and has an output signal satellite receiver simultaneously goes to HDMI and tulips without distortion. It makes more sense to use a “satellite” divider because If you are ready to purchase a second receiver, you can connect it with minimal alterations in the cable management. Simply connect the cable from the converter to the input of the divider from the output to the input of the receiver, and on the second TV all you have to do is connect the receiver since the cable from the divider is already laid.

Of course there are options where HDMI connection signal to the second TV uses one cable

twisted pair and splitter

or HDMI video sender

But alas, these devices cost almost price of Tricolor TV set! For those who are mature buy a second receiver And connect yourself look

If after reading the situation is like this

Then you need !

Of course, there is equipment that allows you to watch channels with one card and several receivers, but that’s a completely different story.

Search to help you! But this is more for enthusiasts than for consumers. You will have to change firmware, etc. from time to time.

What does the manufacturer promise in the near future?

The closest Tricolor model declared by the manufacturer with delivery in April 2013 HD9305

Is available for sale! New from the Tricolor company, the General Satellite HD 9305 (GS 9305) receiver. This is the same GS 9303, only with an added tulip-type output. The HDMI and “tulip” outputs work simultaneously; you don’t need to switch anything like in 8305 and 8306. The receiver's response to pressing buttons on the remote control is also excellent. No problems were noticed during operation! So those who want to connect a second TV now just need to change their satellite TV receiver on HD 9305 buy RF modulator which was mentioned above, install the cable and enjoy watching! I'm glad that the manufacturer has moderated its level of greed this time. Residents of the Taldomsky district can order a satellite kit with home delivery. At a convenient time for you.

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 9305


Format DVB-S broadcasting and DVB-S2 in the full range 950-2150 MHz
DRE Conditional Access Smart Card Slot
The optimal set of connectors for connecting to modern audio/video
equipment: HDMI, digital audio output S/PDIF, composite video, stereo
audio output
One USB port
HD and standard definition channels in formats
MPEG-4/AVC and MPEG-2 (video output in 1080i/720p/576p resolutions)
Working with motorized antennas
Support for cascadable DiSEqC switches
Teletext, subtitles

New Tricolor at the end of May GS8307

GS 8307 is now on sale! The first impression is that the GS 8307 differs from the 8306 only in the body and the presence of digital indicators. The tulips on the rear panel of the receiver were replaced with scarts. All the same switched HDMI or scart output. I suspect that the motherboard, if the firmware is not installed correctly, will die just as readily as on the 8306. According to an authorized employee service center During the month of May they locked up 150 dead GS8306s, i.e. about 5 pieces a day! The positive thing is that satellite kit price GS 8307 did not rise and installation cost and kit price should remain at the GS8306 level!

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 8307
with built-in conditional access system

TV channels "Tricolor TV"
Connectors: SCART, USB connector, HDMI connector, loop antenna output
signal in MPEG-4 AVC/ H.264 and MPEG-2 formats
Menu languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian
"Tricolor TV-Mail", Infokas, "Cinemas "Tricolor TV"
Detailed Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for 7 days
DRECrypt v. 3.0
4-digit 7-segment indicator
Teletext, subtitles

New Tricolor TV at the beginning of July GS6301

Digital satellite HD receiver GS 6301
with built-in conditional access system

DRE Crypt conditional access smart card slot
SD (Secure Digital) memory card slot (8Gb memory card included)
DVB-S and DVB-S2 signal
2 Tuners
Connectors: composite video, stereo audio output, USB connector, HDMI connector,
2 loop antenna outputs
GUI: 256 colors
PVR and Timeshift functions
MPEG-4 AVC/ H.264 and MPEG-2
Menu languages: Russian, English
"Tricolor TV-Mail", Infokas, "Cinemas "Tricolor TV"
Detailed Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for 7 days
DRECrypt v. 3.0
Teletext, subtitles

A slightly belated new product appeared in stores and dealers in January! Let's test and write how good it is!

And so GS 6301! After you take it out of the box and connect it to the antenna, you understand that you are dealing with the already well-known GS 8305 line...... about this model, what I wanted to say has already been said above. The same stupid display system with mysterious switching of outputs, the same brakes when turned on and obviously the same jambs when flashing it yourself. What has been added is a second tuner with a separate antenna input and the ability to record programs on a memory card. For normal operation, it is advisable to install a converter with two outputs and connect a tuner. Perhaps you can become the owner of this product either by a court verdict or if kind people donate it! Buying with your hard earned money is stupid and unprofessional!

New from Tricolor TV for connecting two TVs with the ability to watch different channels. This kit is used receiver server E501 with an access card with two tuners to which a signal is received from the antenna from a converter with two outputs, and client C591 connects to the server via twisted pair cable. There is undoubtedly much more fuss when installing this kit because... you need to lay two cables from the antenna to the server and UTP from the server to the client. Accordingly, crimping for UTP connectors and network installation skills are required. Naturally, the cost of installation for these kits will be higher than for a single kit. The cost of an annual subscription will be 1500 rubles, which is undoubtedly less than two for 1200! For those who do not have the opportunity to lay a cable from the server to the client, there is the opportunity connect via Wi-Fi or via PLC adapters via power supply .

In many families, the number of televisions per apartment is equal to the number of family members. This is normal, because everyone would like to watch television in their own room or nook - be it the kitchen or the children's room. Therefore, the question arises of how to send a picture from the receiver to all TVs in the house at once. And how to do it at the lowest possible cost. _______________________________________________________________________________________

TricolorTV supplies its customers with special equipment for receiving and decoding signals from the satellite - a receiver or receiver. It is through its connection with a specific TV that a high-quality television program is transmitted to the screen. There are two ways you can use the receiver to broadcast to two or more TVs:

  1. Separation of data transmission - no additional equipment required, only cables.
  2. Using a receiver client with increased subscription fee in a year.

Let's look at them in more detail - each method has its own nuances.

Connection using one set-top box

One set-top box is enough to transmit TV broadcasts to several TVs. However, you will have to endure some features of such a connection, which can quickly neutralize the joy from the cheapness of the method.

Firstly, if you don't use additional equipment, every TV in the house will broadcast the same thing. That is, if dad turns on a series on the “main” TV, then only this channel with this series will be shown on the child’s TV in the nursery.

Secondly, the second TV will need to be connected to the receiver in a different way than the first. If the first one is connected via an HDMI connector, then the second one will have to be connected using tulips. Here another limitation arises - on the number of connected TVs. If the receiver does not provide more than two connection methods, then you will not be able to connect more than 2 TVs.

Thirdly, if your receiver and TVs support Wi-Fi transmissions, you can set up the broadcast through them. However, receivers are usually not equipped with the necessary modules, so you will have to purchase a video sender - a set of blocks connected to both the TV and the receiver. This is an expensive pleasure, which can be replaced by purchasing a standard kit from TricolorTV.

Fourthly, most likely, paid channels will not be displayed on the second TV. The main broadcast will be possible, but a “no signal” error may appear on the second screen.

If you still decide to choose this method, you won’t need to perform any particularly complicated actions:

  1. Take an HDMI or HDMI splitter and “tulips” and connect everything to the receiver’s connectors.
  2. Stretch the selected cables to the TVs and connect them to the required connectors.
  3. Set up channels on your main TV as usual.

Connection using additional equipment

TricolorTV offers its subscribers to pay a small price and enjoy full broadcast of TV channels on several TVs. Wherein:

  1. You will be able to watch something different on each TV.
  2. Pay TV channels will work on all connected devices.
  3. Connecting the second and subsequent TVs will be done when using a receiver-client, but the receiver will remain the same.
  4. The subscription fee for broadcasting may be higher than the standard one (not much).
  5. You will need to purchase an additional UTP cable to connect the entire system.

Typically, TricolorTV sells clients a special set of equipment - a kind of system for decoding a signal. Usually it consists of two receivers: one is the server-receiver, the main one, to which everything will connect; the second is a client-receiver that will help connect a second screen. The system works in such a way that both receivers broadcast TV independently of each other.

The connection is made like this:

  1. After assembling the antenna, you need to connect the cables (two) to the receiver connectors (usually called LNBIN).
  2. The server-receiver needs to be connected to the client-receiver via UTP twisted pair cable - this is done through Ethernet ports.
  3. Insert the smart card into the slot and start new search channels.

The only problem with this method may be the inability to find channels. This will mean that the UTP cable was crimped incorrectly and the wires crossed in the crimp. If this is eliminated, there should be no problems with further broadcasting.

Important! If using a cable is expensive, you can use a video sender and transmit a digital signal via Wi-Fi.

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