How to find out the type and frequency of computer RAM. How to find out how much RAM is on your computer

How to find out the type and frequency of computer RAM. How to find out how much RAM is on your computer


According to Wikipedia, RAM is a volatile part of a computer memory system that temporarily stores the input, output, and intermediate data of a processor program. From volume random access memory depends on the number of tasks that can be simultaneously executed under the control of the operating system.

Purely theoretically, the more RAM the better, since it will allow you to run several “hungry” applications at once. Moreover, if you consider that even one running browser with a pair open tabs can safely consume more than 1 GB of RAM, the words about its volume seem true. But in practice, 4 GB will be enough for the user, and even more so if the memory capacity reaches 8 GB.

Today I will tell you how to find out the amount of RAM in your computer or laptop. Windows 7 is used as an example.

Click on the “Start” button, then go to “Control Panel”. Here we find the “System” section.

Once in the desired section, you can find basic information about your PC, including the Windows version, processor model and, of course, the amount of RAM. I highlighted it in the screenshot.

This is the simplest and convenient way. By the way, you can get to the “System” section in another way. To do this, you need to find the “Computer” icon on your desktop, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In order to find out how much memory is currently being used, you will have to use. If you remember, I recently told you how you can launch it. The easiest way is to simultaneously press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys (relevant for Winodws 7). Alternatively, press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination and select Task Manager from the list of options.

Open the “Performance” tab - this is where you can see how much memory is available, how much is available at a given second, how much is cached and how much is free.

I hope mine simple instructions helped you.

Your computer uses random access memory (RAM) to operate running programs. If it runs slowly, it may be due to low RAM. So, how do you find out how much RAM is on your computer?

Run diagnostics

You can check how much memory is installed, as well as how much is actually used.

First, you should open the “System” form in one of the following ways:

  1. Press the combination at the same time Win keys+ Pause - this will open the “System” form.
  2. Open the Start menu, call context menu from the “Computer” item by right-clicking computer mouse. In the list, select “Properties” - the “System” form will open.
  3. Open the "Start" menu, select "Settings", go to "System", and click on "O" (Windows 10).

Find the inscription " Installed memory(RAM)". You can read the information about how much is installed and actually available for use.

Note that the “useful” amount of RAM is less, since manufacturers report the size differently than Windows recognizes. For example, out of 8 GB, 7.88 GB may be available for use.

Use command line to download a detailed report: find it in the Start menu or by pressing Win + R. In the text field, enter CMD to launch. Type WMIC MEMORYCHIP and press Enter. You will see the size and speed of each installed module.

Check your current RAM usage. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Select the "Resource Monitor" option, find the "Memory" tab. It is intended to be used, so there is no cause for alarm when you see that most of it is currently occupied by processes.

Reasons why the OS does not show the entire volume

There could be several different reasons why the full amount of RAM is not shown.

How to determine why there may be a lack of memory:

  1. If you work in Windows versions 32-bit, no more than 4 GB of RAM will be available for use. Any amount of RAM greater than this value will not be recognized. You can find out which version you have at the top of the System window. Upgrade to 64-bit.
  2. If your modules have different speeds, they may not communicate together properly. Use the command line to view the characteristics of each module.
  3. If one of your memory modules has failed, you cannot work with it operating system. Use free program MEMTEST to scan modules and find errors.
  4. If the modules are not supported by your motherboard, they will not be recognized by Windows. Read your motherboard's documentation to ensure you purchase RAM that will be supported by your motherboard.

How to find out what RAM is in a computer or laptop?

The need to find out what kind of RAM they use arises among users who work or play on an unfamiliar PC or simply were not interested in this parameter before, but for some reason they needed it.

In principle, Windows tools are sufficient to determine only the amount of RAM.

But to obtain more detailed information (memory type and frequency), you will have to use additional programs, mostly free or shareware.

Why do you need to know the type of RAM?

You may need to find out the size of memory installed on a computer or laptop running Windows, for example, before launching a program that requires a certain amount of RAM to operate.

If it is not enough, you can solve the problem by installing a new or additional memory stick; You can also, if necessary, replace memory that has failed.

In each of these cases, the RAM must be supported by the motherboard and processor.

In addition, if the memory does not change completely, but is supplemented, it must comply with the already established level.

  • When the computer boots, press the function key to go to the BIOS (usually F2, F5, Del or Esc);
  • find the Memory Information menu (can be located on the Chipset tab).

The new type of BIOS, UEFI, provides full information about memory (type, size, frequency).

Therefore, if there is such an interface, you will not need to use special programs.

The easiest way to view memory size data is:

  • in system properties (“Start” ⇒ “Computer” ⇒ “Properties”);

  • when running the msinfo32 utility (Run menu ⇒ entering the msinfo32 command).

The last two options allow you to find out the amount of working, not installed, memory.

So, if the computer has 32-bit Windows installed, and the RAM exceeds 3 GB, this amount will be determined and strictly used - 3 GB.

A larger volume, firstly, is not shown by the system, and secondly, it will not be used during operation.

To improve the efficiency of your computer, it is worth reinstalling the OS - replacing it with a 64-bit (64-bit) one, which will “see” your amount of memory.

Determining RAM using third-party programs

If no details about memory using standard means If it didn’t work, you’ll have to download and run one of the applications that collects information about the system.

Specialized programs such as CPU-Z, AIDA64 and HWiNFO32-64 will determine the memory frequency, its size and type.

In addition, as a result of their use, you can find out the number of slots for memory sticks on your motherboard and what RAM is installed in each of them.


A convenient and useful utility called CPU-Z can be easily found on the Internet.

It is best to download it from the manufacturer’s official website, where not only working ones are located, but also the latest versions.

To find out memory data after launching the application, follow these steps:

  • go to the Memory tab;
  • Read information about the type and frequency of RAM.

On the tab General you'll find basic memory information, including type and total capacity.

And on the menu Timings– its timing and operating frequency parameters.

To find out exactly how many sticks are on the computer and in which slots they are located, you should go to the following SPD tab:

  • select the SPD tab;
  • open the list of memory slots in the window that appears;
  • Having selected a specific connector, look at the data about the module installed in it.

Using this information, you can easily select not only the appropriate type of RAM, but also ensure dual-channel mode, in which the computer runs faster.

Advice: the system will remain operational even if the memory sticks are different in size and their number is odd.

However, it is more convenient to arrange modules in pairs and of the same size - for example, 2 x 8 GB or 4 x 4 GB.


The AIDA64 application is an improved version of the more old program Everest, however, is intended for 64-bit systems.

The set of utilities is paid, but the user is given the opportunity to use its resources for free for 30 days.

To use the program, you need to download it (preferably from the official website of the Russian representative of the developer) and check the computer resources:

  • launch the application;
  • wait for the system application to scan;
  • find the “Motherboard” item on the left side of the menu that opens;
  • select the SPD sub-item.

The window that opens provides as much memory information as possible, including:

  • module volume;
  • memory type and speed;
  • model, manufacturer and release date;
  • bus width.

Here you can also find out other information that you will need if the task of determining memory parameters was to install a new module.

It is possible that motherboard supports higher performance RAM (DDR4, not just DDR3, increased frequency), as a result of which after replacement you can increase the speed of your computer.


Another universal program for obtaining system data, including information about RAM, is HWiNFO32-64.

It has approximately the same capabilities as AIDA64, but differs from it in the ability to download the full version for free and the presence of a portable version, which you don’t even have to install on your computer.


After determining the volume, type, frequency and other parameters of memory, you can select the modules that are suitable for your computer.

As a result, the performance of the PC will either be restored (if the task included replacing a damaged stick) or improved (if RAM is added).

And, given the simplicity of all these methods and the relatively low cost of memory compared to other computer parts, you will spend a minimum of time and money on this.

Helpful video:

RAM is a volatile memory that contains temporary processor program data. The size of RAM affects the ability to simultaneously work in several programs.

How can I find out the amount of RAM in Windows 7?

Below are several ways to find out how much RAM is in a PC or laptop if Windows 7 is installed on it.

The standard steps for Windows 7 are as follows:

  1. In the menu that opens, find “System” and “Installed memory/RAM” - the amount of RAM is displayed here.

You can also use the following algorithm:

  1. Click “Start”;
  2. Log in to the “Control Panel”;
  3. Find "System".

PC parameters are indicated here: operating system version, hardware models, amount of installed RAM.

There is another easy method to enter the “System” menu:

  1. Right-click on “My Computer”
  2. Click on “Properties”.

How to find out how much RAM a PC is using on Winodws 7?

To find out the amount of RAM used, you need to do the following:

Obtaining detailed information about your computer's RAM

To see detailed information about the RAM used by Windows, you need to open the command line. It will allow you to find out the speed parameters and capacity of all memory modules.

The following steps are required:

Column Explanation

The “BankLabel” displays a list of slots where the RAM modules are located. “Capacity” shows the size of all of them in bytes. Also in “DeviceLocator” is a list of slots. “Speed” shows the speed of all modules individually.

Why doesn't Windows 7 see all of the computer's installed RAM?

This issue can be clarified by analyzing the following reasons:

  1. In the case of 32-bit Windows 7, which uses no more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. Even if RAM is installed greater than this value, 32-bit Windows version will see only 4. How many bits the operating system is on your computer can be found in the “System” menu. To make higher RAM available, it is required Windows update to 64-bit.
  2. Conflict of RAM modules due to their operation at different speeds, i.e. do not work correctly in dual-channel mode. It is necessary to determine the operating speed of each of them using the command line (instructions for its use are given in the previous section of the article);
  3. If a module does not function correctly, the OS cannot see it. You need to run a test using the freely available application "MEMTEST";
  4. If there is a conflict between the RAM hardware and the computer's motherboard, Windows will not see them. In order to determine the type of RAM suitable for your computer, you need to study the instructions that came with your PC equipment.

The amount of computer RAM, or random access memory (RAM), is one of its most important characteristics. Even if your computer has enough powerful processor, but the amount of memory is not enough to run resource-intensive applications, then this will immediately affect the performance, which will be significantly reduced. The situation is aggravated by the fact that with each update software As a rule, the demands on computer resources used increase.

Therefore, sooner or later, users have a question - how to find out the computer’s RAM in order to increase its volume if necessary?
RAM capacity in modern computers measured in Gigabytes (GB). To check the amount of RAM installed in your computer, follow these steps:

On Windows XP

  1. Click the “Start” button and in the menu that appears, right-click on “My Computer.” The same can be done on the desktop if there is a “My Computer” shortcut on it.
  2. After right-clicking, a context menu will appear, in which select “Properties”.
  3. In the window that opens, go to the “General” tab, where basic data about the computer will be displayed: information about the processor and the amount of RAM.

IN Windows Vista and Windows 7

On Mac OS X
In the upper left corner, click the Apple icon () and select “About This PC” from the menu that appears. A window will open in which you can obtain the most important information about this computer, including the amount of its RAM.

On Linux
You can find out the full amount of RAM on your computer in Linux by running system monitor from the “System” - “Administration” section or by running the following command in the terminal:

cat /proc/meminfo

You can also view RAM data third party utilities to diagnose a computer like Everest, CPU-Z, Sandra Sisoft, or by logging into Computer BIOS. If the computer does not turn on, then you can determine its RAM only by looking at the labels on the stickers of the memory modules and gaining access to them.

Based on data on the current amount of RAM on your computer, you can outline ways to increase it and improve performance in resource-intensive tasks. When increasing the amount of RAM in 32-bit systems, note that they cannot address more than 3.0-3.5 Gigabytes of RAM.

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