How to completely delete a VKontakte group. How to delete a group or public page in contact

How to completely delete a VKontakte group. How to delete a group or public page in contact


Any member of the social network can easily create a Vkontakte community. For this, all the necessary instructions are provided, and in the search engine you can find step-by-step instructions for beginners who are still new to the basic requirements on this issue. However, time passes and everything changes, a person has new interests, in this regard, the inevitable question arises, how to delete a group in VK that he himself created? There are several ways to help solve this problem.

Many people care whether it is possible to delete a group on Vkontakte?

First of all, it is impossible to do it just like that, besides, you need to know some rules:

  • only its creator, who is the owner and administrator, has the right to manage the affairs of the group, including to remove it;
  • the community page should be cleared of any information, this can be considered a deletion;
  • when the group remains "empty", without members and publications, it is eliminated when the Vkontakte server is restarted.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to do this simply, since there is no special button for deletion. Despite the fact that you can create a community in a few minutes, you still have to figure out how to remove it.

Of course, if the group is small, undeveloped, did not last long, it will be easier to remove it, but what if it is a whole clan consisting of a thousand or more people, and the page contains a huge amount of informational materials, including forum branches? In this case, alone, most likely, you cannot cope, and you will have to consult with the network technical support staff... At least the administration has a lot more tools and experience in this area.

To take the necessary steps, you will have to act consistently:

  1. In your profile, click on the "help" section, located in the upper right corner, where the user's name and photo are located. You can select it from the drop-down menu.
  2. A window will open in which there is a list of all possible problems, including answers to the question of how you can delete a group, page, etc.
  3. If the participant is satisfied with the proposed actions, he can do so by following the instructions. Otherwise, you should click "this does not solve the problem."
  4. After that, in the field that opens, you can make a record with a request to delete the community. At the end of the appeal, you should make a link to the address of the required page.

In some cases, the administration may respond to the request and eliminate the problem. If not, you can do the removal process with your own hands.

How to delete a group yourself

If there is a desire, and the user understands that he can do everything himself, especially if the created association is small, then you need to start by removing all existing content, which includes previously downloaded materials, including video and audio files, text documents, pdf copies. Of course, valuable information can be downloaded to your PC using add-ons or special applications.

  • Option I is the fastest... From your account you will need to go to "my groups" and select control. Further, in the list of groups, click on the desired one and go to the control settings, opening the information on the merger. Opposite each element from the list, set "off", after which you can make your own exit from the group by clicking on the corresponding label.

Knowing how to delete a group in VK that you created yourself, you still need to remember to make sure you delete it. You will need to switch to group management again. It must be understood that now the user will no longer be able to participate in management actions, add materials and participants, as well as remove them. And if there is no admin in the community, then the entire group will be deleted a little later.

  • Method II assumes a handwritten, methodical removal of all subscribers and publications:
  1. records and photographs are deleted using the cross at the top in the right corner;
  2. then video clips are deleted in the same way;
  3. remove all existing information by going to the management section;
  4. in the same place, in the members tab, all members of the community and administrator assistants are deleted;
  5. the wall is closing;
  6. the black list of users is cleared;
  7. at the end you can delete all links, after that you can leave the group.

It is advisable to change the name, and put “private” in the “type of group” field. If all participants have not been deleted yet, you cannot delete yourself. Only after checking the settings can you log out of the community.

When everything is done correctly, the group will no longer be in the presented list, but it makes sense to try to search for it with the help of a social network search engine. So, having a basic knowledge of how to delete a group on Vkontakte, which he created himself, it is possible to do this manually, sequentially clearing the content and members.

  1. Method III most simple. Not everyone has the time to spend it on meticulously clearing all the information available, because this can take several hours.

You can do more practical:

  • download important materials to your computer, and then delete them from the group;
  • then you can immediately close both the wall and the community;
  • the third step is to get out of it.

By the way, if the association was not created by the participant himself, but he was selected by the previous administration for the role of the new leader, then he can also delete the group in the listed ways and at the end delete himself.

With respect to the public page, when it needs to be deleted, purification must begin with leadership positions. Having demoted the owner, admins and moderators, they remove posts, clean subscribers and then self-delete.

Situations are different, so it is useful to know how to delete a group in VK that you created yourself. It seems difficult only at first glance, however, it is important not to leave the former community ahead of time, because then, having lost the rights of a leader, it will no longer be possible to bring the matter to an end.

Active users of social networks often need not only to create groups and communities, but also to remove them. There are many reasons for this, we will not delve into them, but rather tell you how to delete a Vkontakte group, which suddenly turned out to be unnecessary. However, note that if you delete a group due to difficulties with its maintenance and filling, we recommend that you take your time and pay attention to - it will remove this heavy burden from you and avoid deletion.

We are looking for the section "Management"

First of all, you need to log into the social network using your username and password. Remember that the Vkontakte website has already moved to a new address a long time ago and you can go to it using the link. After you are on your page, go to the "Groups" - "Management" section. Now you have in front of you all the groups that you administer.

Choose a group that you dislike and start working. In order to remove it, first of all, you will have to remove all of its members. You don't need to delete the content, as it can take a huge amount of time. However, if your group has more than a hundred members, then the procedure for removing them will take a huge amount of time from you. Be patient, because you have to do it manually.

Removing all participants

In order to remove members, you need to go to the "Page Management" section.

The administrative part will open in front of you, which allows you to change the basic information about your group, including managing its members. Go to the "Participants" section.

You will see a page where you can manage members of your group. In our case, to manage means to delete. Each name has a "Remove from Community" button next to each name. To remove a participant, just click on it.

Removing ourselves from the group

That's it, the member has been deleted. You will have to do the same procedure with each of them. The main thing to remember is that you must remove yourself from the group last, otherwise you will not be able to complete the procedure and the group itself will remain active.

After the participants are gone, delete the basic information. This can also be done through the "Management" section. In the same place, change the type of the group from open to closed and change its name.

Only then remove yourself from it. Next, refresh the page and check if the group has also been deleted from your page, namely from the "Groups" - "Management" section. She should disappear from this list.

Do not expect that the coveted "Delete" button will appear in front of you. Vkontakte does not provide such a function. After a while, an empty and unclaimed group without members will be deleted by the administration of the social network.

Someone just creates a group on the social network "Vkontakte", and someone, at the same moment, comes to the conclusion that a community created with his own hands is completely useless, and it must be removed as soon as possible. This is how the world works: the passage of time and changing interests prompts a person to take new actions. Even in the digital field, the philosophy of life is unchanged. And the Internet is no exception.

So, dear reader, if you belong to the second category of group owners on the VKontakte social network, that is, you want to consign to oblivion the product of social activity that has been painstakingly created for days, months, and maybe even years, then this instruction is for you. We decided to delete the Vkontakte group - then so be it.

How do I delete a large group?

Labor undoubtedly ennobles a person, only if it is for good. This means that if in a community, for example, 2 thousand members, hundreds of photos, dozens of videos and many forum "threads", it is not entirely advisable to get rid of the created group on your own, although in principle it is possible.

Don't rush to roll up your sleeves! First, try contacting Vkontakte technical support. Trust the administrators of the social network, there are much more opportunities than the average user. It's fair to assume that in order to completely remove the community you organized, they only need to press one button (figuratively speaking).

  1. Log into your Vkontakte account.
  2. Click on the page in the horizontal menu under the "Help" section.
  3. Under the inscription "Here you can inform ..." enter in the field a request to delete your own group. State your will as briefly and clearly as possible. For example: "Please delete my group (+ link to it)".

If the Vkontakte admins are supportive of you, that is, they will respond to your request, the group will soon disappear. And you will no longer need to puzzle your head how to delete the VKontakte group - only memories will remain of it - that's all.
Well, if your "pleas" will not be heard, use the method described below.

How to delete the "Vkontakte" group yourself

Self-reliance is a good trait. Wanted - created, wanted - destroyed, if by force of course. In other words, if you have a small community, you can remove it through your own efforts, without resorting to outside, and even more so, otherworldly help.

1. Go to your page "In contact", go to the group that you want to delete.

2. Before you can delete a Vkontakte group, you must remove all content from it: photo albums, documents, videos, links, discussions, etc.

Advice! Before deleting content, visually preview it. Perhaps among the uploaded material there is information that is of value to you (photo, video, text files, digital pdf copies). It can be easily downloaded from the VK server using special programs, as well as browser applications (add-ons).

3. On the main page of the group in the right panel (under the avatar), go to the "Community Management" section.

4. Click the Information tab.

5. Disable the display of content on the community wall. Set the "Off" setting next to each item ("Photos", "Videos", etc.).

6. In the "Type of group" column, specify "Private".

8. In the same section (Community Management), go to the Members tab. And remove all members (the "Remove from community" button opposite the avatar). If you had assistant administrators, click the subsection "Managers", and in the same way release them from their duties - administration of the group.

Attention! Under no circumstances remove yourself from the group at this stage, otherwise you will lose administrator rights and, accordingly, you will not be able to remove it from the social network.

9. After the list of members is cleared, check the settings again, and then remove yourself from the community. To do this, click in the functional menu (right panel under the avatar) "Exit group".

10. Go to your Vkontakte page and open My Groups. If the removal procedure was performed correctly, the community will not be in the list of groups. Also try to find the group through the internal search on the social network; the system should report that there is no such community.

That's all there is to it! Now your once dearly beloved, and maybe not very beloved group on the social network "Vkontakte" has safely gone into oblivion.

Good luck and enjoy your stay on the Internet! Who knows, maybe after deleting this group, you will create a new one - even better than the previous one - more colorful and interesting.

Someone just creates a group on the social network "Vkontakte", and someone, at the same moment, comes to the conclusion that a community created with his own hands is completely useless, and it must be removed as soon as possible. This is how the world works: the passage of time and changing interests prompts a person to take new actions. Even in the digital field, the philosophy of life is unchanged. And the Internet is no exception.

So, dear reader, if you belong to the second category of group owners on the VKontakte social network, that is, you want to consign to oblivion the product of social activity that has been painstakingly created for days, months, and maybe even years, then this instruction is for you. We decided to delete the Vkontakte group - then so be it.

How do I delete a large group?

Labor undoubtedly ennobles a person, only if it is for good. This means that if in a community, for example, 2 thousand members, hundreds of photos, dozens of videos and many forum "threads", it is not entirely advisable to get rid of the created group on your own, although in principle it is possible.

Don't rush to roll up your sleeves! First, try contacting Vkontakte technical support. Trust the administrators of the social network, there are much more opportunities than the average user. It's fair to assume that in order to completely remove the community you organized, they only need to press one button (figuratively speaking).

  1. Log into your Vkontakte account.
  2. Click on the page in the horizontal menu under the "Help" section.
  3. Under the inscription "Here you can inform ..." enter in the field a request to delete your own group. State your will as briefly and clearly as possible. For example: "Please delete my group (+ link to it)".

If the Vkontakte admins are supportive of you, that is, they will respond to your request, the group will soon disappear. And you will no longer need to puzzle your head how to delete the VKontakte group - only memories will remain of it - that's all.
Well, if your "pleas" will not be heard, use the method described below.

How to delete the "Vkontakte" group yourself

Self-reliance is a good trait. Wanted - created, wanted - destroyed, if by force of course. In other words, if you have a small community, you can remove it through your own efforts, without resorting to outside, and even more so, otherworldly help.

1. Go to your page "In contact", go to the group that you want to delete.

2. Before you can delete a Vkontakte group, you must remove all content from it: photo albums, documents, videos, links, discussions, etc.

Advice! Before deleting content, visually preview it. Perhaps among the uploaded material there is information that is of value to you (photo, video, text files, digital pdf copies). It can be easily downloaded from the VK server using special programs, as well as browser applications (add-ons).

3. On the main page of the group in the right panel (under the avatar), go to the "Community Management" section.

4. Click the Information tab.

5. Disable the display of content on the community wall. Set the "Off" setting next to each item ("Photos", "Videos", etc.).

6. In the "Type of group" column, specify "Private".

8. In the same section (Community Management), go to the Members tab. And remove all members (the "Remove from community" button opposite the avatar). If you had assistant administrators, click the subsection "Managers", and in the same way release them from their duties - administration of the group.

Attention! Under no circumstances remove yourself from the group at this stage, otherwise you will lose administrator rights and, accordingly, you will not be able to remove it from the social network.

9. After the list of members is cleared, check the settings again, and then remove yourself from the community. To do this, click in the functional menu (right panel under the avatar) "Exit group".

10. Go to your Vkontakte page and open My Groups. If the removal procedure was performed correctly, the community will not be in the list of groups. Also try to find the group through the internal search on the social network; the system should report that there is no such community.

That's all there is to it! Now your once dearly beloved, and maybe not very beloved group on the social network "Vkontakte" has safely gone into oblivion.

Good luck and enjoy your stay on the Internet! Who knows, maybe after deleting this group, you will create a new one - even better than the previous one - more colorful and interesting.

Hi friends! In this small article I will tell you about deleting my VKontakte group. Looking ahead, I will say that it will not be possible to completely delete the community, it will exist until the administration deletes it. But for the administration to take up this process, it will be necessary to take certain actions, which we will now talk about.

What needs to be done to delete a deleted community on VKontakte?

2. After that, go to "My groups" and look for our own.

3. As you find, go to it.

4. Now go to the "Community Management" tab.

5. In the "Information" tab, set the following:

  • Wall: Closed;
  • Photos: Limited;
  • Video recordings, Audio recordings, Documents, Discussions, Materials, set "Off";
  • Group type: Closed or private.

6. After you set the same parameters, go to the "Participants" tab, and delete all participants to one, except ourselves.

7. There is only one member left in your community, and that's you. Now you also need to get out of it. On the main page, click on the "You are a member of the group" tab, after which an additional menu will pop up, in which click "Leave the group".

As I said at the very beginning of the article, these actions do not completely delete the group, it must be erased by the administration, and this may take some time. I don’t know exactly how much time is needed, always in different ways.

If you are unbearable and want to delete it as soon as possible, then you can write to the VK support service and ask the administration to do it as quickly as possible. If you contact the support service, then in no case leave the community so that the administration sees that you are the creator, and then your request is legal, so to speak. But again, I have not personally tested this method, so I will not say whether it works or not. If anyone checks, then please write down in the comments what happened.

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