Secrets of "Vkontakte. The most secret functions and loopholes of Vkontakte Secrets of VKontakte on the phone

Secrets of "Vkontakte. The most secret functions and loopholes of Vkontakte Secrets of VKontakte on the phone


Do you want to know about some useful functions of the megapopular social network VKontakte in our latitudes? Then, read about the seven hidden features of VK and use the knowledge gained now!

More recently, we wrote about. Everything was solved there by installing a special plug-in that automatically added the functionality we needed, among which downloading media files is only a small part of the improvements ...

However, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to install something on the computer from which they go online ... And it turns out that in most cases it is far from necessary to use third-party software - the main thing is to know some secrets and be able to use;)

Therefore, I bring to your attention a small but useful selection of tips that will allow you to significantly diversify your VKontakte stay :)

Language change

And we will start with perhaps the most useless but fun function - changing the interface language of our account. Previously, in the "basement" (the very bottom of the page) of the social network, there were links to quickly change the language, among which there were two funny versions of Russian: "Pre-revolutionary" and "Soviet".

Then Contact was redesigned and some of the "chips", among which were the mentioned interface options, disappeared somewhere. But, in fact, everything remained in place, it was simply moved :) The Soviet and pre-revolutionary Contact can still be turned on. To do this, go to "My Settings" and at the bottom in the drop-down list "Language" the last two items will be our cherished parameters :)

Select the desired design option, click the "Apply" button and get the desired result. The only pity is that friends will not see and appreciate your new interface, since it is only visible to you. However, in the company you can laugh, for example, changing one of the comrades on his computer to the pre-revolutionary language, and observing the reaction with an imperturbable look :).

By the way, on the same first settings tab ("General"), you can also change the address of your page like "" to a more readable and memorable version, like "". To do this, just enter the desired name of your account in the "Page address" field, just above the list of languages.

How to add characters and underscores in messages

If the change in the interface language will be visible only to us, then now I propose to study the question of what can be done in VKontakte so that everyone can see it :) Specifically, I mean the possibilities of text design in my messages. Since the last redesign (around April-May), many of the text formatting features have been removed, but some remain ...

The general concept of formatting VKontakte text is as follows: a special code is put in front of the letter that needs to be highlighted in a certain way, starting with symbols and ending with a certain number with a colon at the end. In practice, it looks something like this (we enter the example without quotes): "͠п͠р͠и͠в͠эт":

In addition to the wavy overline, the following codes are still working:

  • ́ - stress (placed before the letter we want to emphasize and works only once in one word);
  • - non-breaking space (replaced by an empty character and allows, for example, to send an empty message);
  • ¯ - overline with a solid straight line;
  • ̅ - overline with a dotted line.

At the moment, everything about formatting, however, is worth mentioning that VKontakte codes overlap with popular ALT codes. If someone is not yet in the know, then the ALT code is a special set of numbers that are entered from the numeric keypad (block of buttons with numbers on the right) with the ALT key pressed. While the button is pressed, we can enter certain numbers that will not be visible, but as soon as we release the key, a certain character will appear.

So ... By experimenting with the numbers after, you can get interesting results. For example, code © will give us a copyright badge - :)

Wall posts visible only to friends

Since the conversation turned to messages, then it is worth mentioning one far from obvious, but useful function, such as hiding information on the wall from all visitors except friends. If you try to do this with normal editing from "My Page", then you will fail, since nowhere is the desired option available.

Someone may justly notice that in the Settings in the "Privacy" tab (the second), you can configure so that only friends (or no one at all :)) can view the wall. But this will be a global setting. What if you only want to hide a single post?

It turns out that this is possible and not difficult at all. You just need to know where to look :) And you need to search in the "All records" section! You can get into it if you click on the inscription on your page, which displays the number of posts on the wall (in the upper left above the field "What's new?"). This will open a page displaying only your wall and an extended news entry field:

Under the news entry field, we will have the cherished "only for friends" checkbox. We activate it, publish the news and it will be invisible to everyone who is not on the list of your friends!

The only caveat is that you cannot hide previously added news. You can hide only new posts that you publish directly to your wall, which has an address like "".

How to find out who visits you most often

In general, many different questions are connected with VKontakte friends ... For example, officially we cannot find out which of our friends came to our page. For this, VKontakte has dozens of applications that show with varying degrees of reliability who allegedly visited you. However, in reality, most often such applications do not work.

It turns out that there is a very real way to find out who has visited you most often lately, even without third-party applications of dubious quality. True, it is not known what proportion of reliability there is in this method, since you can only check by asking people directly if they came to you. Although, everything coincided with me, so I'll tell you about the method, and it's up to you :)

So, first of all we need to go to "My Settings" and at the very bottom of the page find the inscription "You can delete your page". Click on the link in this inscription and go to the page for deleting your account:

You don't need to delete anything! We are only interested in the item "My page is not commented on." We select it and in the field with a standard answer the system will give us the names of two people who have visited your page recently :) If you want to know who else, besides these two, visited you, repeat the procedure and get the names of a couple of more visitors. This can be repeated until we figure out everyone! I got 7 people per day - it looks like the truth, although who will understand their developers :).

How to delete a friend request

The last situation related to friends, which often arises among VK users - applications for adding to friends from strangers, dubious activities :). Previously, there was a button that allowed you to directly delete any add request. Today, we are offered only two options: either add or leave in subscribers ...

Subscribers will not be able to write messages to you directly, but they will be able to read and comment on your posts on the wall ... If you do not want a person to receive information about all your new posts, then you can proceed as follows ...

We leave the person in subscribers, and then go to the "My subscribers" section (in the menu under the avatar on your page). A pop-up window will open with a list of people following you. We find the avatar of the person whom we have just added, and in the upper right corner of it click on the button with the cross "Block". Everything is ready - you will not be disturbed anymore :)

How to download music and videos

There is a whole bunch of services, plugins and full-fledged ones for downloading music and videos from Contact. However, there is a way to download media files directly without additional tools :). To do this, any browser that allows us to view the -code is suitable (usually, the code view is invoked by pressing the CTRL + U keyboard shortcut).

To download music, go to the "My audio recordings" section and look for the track you want to download. For speed, copy its name and call the page code using the context menu (in Chrome, this is the "View page code" item) or the combination mentioned above (works in all popular browsers). We call the search by code (CTRL + F) and paste the copied name of the desired song (if there are several of them, then scroll through the code manually):

For ease of search, you need to know that all the links we need are in the block with id = "audios list". Now we find the name of the desired song, and the link to it will be in the block above in the block with the class class = "play_btn fl_l". Copy the link starting with "http" and ending with ".mp3", create a new tab, paste this link into the address bar and press Enter.

In some browsers (mostly old ones), after such manipulation, the download will start immediately, and in some, a player will appear. If you have started playing, then you need to call the context menu and activate the "Save as" item in it. A standard save dialog will appear, in which you can select the location where the file will be downloaded and give it a normal name.

To download a video, we need to add it to "My Videos", open it for playback and quickly press CTRL + U to access the code. Video in Vkontakte can be stored in two formats: .mp4 or .flv. We enter both options in turn on the search and see the result. You should find a link of this kind:

As you can see, it is not stored in a completely working form. Specifically, its performance is hindered by backslashes, which are three in front of the forward slashes. We need to copy the link, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp4" or ".flv", and then paste it into the address bar and remove the extra slash groups. Further, the algorithm is the same as for links to music: either the video will immediately start downloading to the default download folder, or a player will appear and we can save the video through the context menu.

The only thing worth saying is that we can download a video in this way only if it is uploaded to one of the servers, or friendly video hosting sites, but not YouTube or RuTube. And one more thing :) For some videos there are several links - they are preceded by url240, url360, url480 or url720 codes. These numbers mean the resolution, which means the video quality;).

Status "Online from a mobile device" on a PC

For a snack, one more simple trick :) Recently, in addition to the "Online" status, VKontakte began to display the "Online from a mobile device" status, which is displayed if you are online from a phone or tablet. Some comrades immediately "spotted the chip" and began to brag about the fact that they have cool tablets and smartphones. As proof, of course, they cite their status :)

But the status, if necessary, can be quite easily obtained if your browser is - or similar to it (a new one will do too :)).

We need to go to the browser menu and find there the "Tools" - "Developer Tools" item (also called by the CTRL + SHIFT + I keyboard shortcut). Now in the panel that opens, activate the "Emulation" section and in the "Device" tab, select the device that we want to emulate from the list. I chose the Google Nexus 10 because this tablet has a fairly high screen resolution and will work comfortably on a regular monitor at that resolution.

Now it remains only to press the "Emulate" button and reload the Contact page. You will be automatically transferred to the mobile version of the site, and a status icon in the form of a mobile phone will flaunt next to your name :) Close the "Developer Tools" panel and switch to the full version of the site by clicking the "Full version" button in the left menu below. Although, if you are satisfied with the mobile version, you can leave it ...


So our mini-excursion into the hidden possibilities of VKontakte has come to an end. In fact, there are many more secrets in VK, but it is unrealistic to know all of them! And the obsolescence of certain chips is happening quite rapidly. While this article was being written, for example, the function of choosing a language from the footer of the site was returned in VKontakte :) And the article was written only for two days ...

In a word, you can't keep track of everything, so we use to the maximum today what you can still use, and what will happen tomorrow - we'll see :) Fast surfing and more friends with whom you can communicate on any topic!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.


Images from any photo album or news can be viewed in full screen mode. To do this, just click on one of the pictures and press Alt + Enter. And if you check the box in the lower left corner, then a slideshow of all the photos in the album will start.

Can't find your unread messages? This is easy to fix. Go to "My messages", select "Show as messages" and click on "unread". This will display a list of all unread messages.

Can't find important news in your community or on a friend's wall? Use the standard search. Click on the upper border of the wall (where the number of records is indicated) and in the new menu click on "Go to search" in the upper right corner. Search is carried out by news and comments.

Some users re-upload their old avatars to make them the main one. But it is not necessary to duplicate old photos. Just go to the Photos from My Page album and drag the photo to the very end. After that, the photo will automatically become the main one.

If you want to attach a photo or video from VKontakte to the news, you do not have to download it or add it to your albums. Just copy the link and paste it into the news, the necessary content will be attached automatically. By the way, pictures can be attached from the Internet, it is enough to also insert a link into the text field, but a video from another resource (for example, youtube) cannot be attached like that.

You can group your friends using private lists. Go to your friends list and select "Create List" at the bottom of the right-hand menu. These lists will be viewable only for you. They are intended to fine-tune the access rights of friends to your personal content.

Users with more than 100 subscribers can view statistics of visits to their page. To do this, go to your profile and find the "Page Statistics" button in the lower left corner, under the albums.

Don't want to see a bunch of uninteresting content in your news? Go to "My news" and click on the button "Show only interesting". Now you will see only the most important news, for example, new photos of friends, and news from most communities will no longer be shown.

By the way, you can also turn off the display of reposts. To do this, go to "My news", select "List of sources", switch to "Black list" and uncheck "Show copies in the News". Now you will stop seeing friends and communities.

Secrets of Vkontakte ( 1. Viewing closed pages (profiles)

This is one of the most coveted secrets. Well, who has never dreamed of seeing photos of a gorgeous stranger without adding her as a friend? And if access to her page is closed? There is an exit! So the secret is pretty simple. A prerequisite is the openness of the photo album, videos, audio recordings, notes, etc. First you need to find out the user ID. How to find out the ID "Vkontakte"? Very simple! ID is the number that goes to the URL after "". For example, Pavel Durov has ID 1. If instead of a number there is a nickname, then just hover over the "Add to friends" link and a hint should appear in the lower left corner of your browser (where this link leads). This is where you will find the user id. After you have found out the ID, it remains only to substitute it into the desired URL. Below is a list of "secret" URLs for accessing various user sections. Instead of "*" substitute the user ID of the user you need.

Wall posts:*

Photo albums:*


Audio recordings:*



Secrets of Vkontakte: 2. Special characters for "Vkontakte"

You've probably noticed that some users have cool unusual ones in their name, status or just in their profile. symbols... Naturally, you cannot enter them from the keyboard, but the secret is simple. These characters are called special characters and are entered using HTML code. Find out which code for which symbol "Vkontakte" you can need it. At this address you will find practically all codes for "Vkontakte".

Vkontakte secrets: 3. Losing a name (how to remove a first and last name)

Many would like to be incognito both in life and on Vkontakte. You see everything, you know everything, but no one knows about you. It is possible! You can easily create an account for yourself without a name. The secret with one small drawback - first you will need to register again.

  1. We are re-registering on Vkontakte. We fill in all the fields except "First name" and "Last name".
  2. Copy the code into the address bar of the browser: javascript: this.disabled = true; document.regMe.submit ();
  3. Press "Enter" or the "Go" button in the browser.
  4. Ready! You are registered without a first and last name!

Vkontakte secrets: 4. Become invisible

Another way to approach the invisible man. Thanks to this secret, you will be able to navigate the pages of the social network, and other users will think that you are offline. However, you cannot visit the "profile.php" page, i.e. your profile and the main profile pages of other users. There are 3 ways, or rather a secret:

Secret # 1 (only suitable for Firefox)

  1. Enter "about: config" into the Firefox address bar. The browser settings will appear.
  2. We need to temporarily disable forwarding. To do this, in the "Filter" field, enter "network.http.redirection-limit" and change its value to 0. My default was 20.
  3. Open a new tab and go to the page and enter your username and password.
  4. An error message will appear. Don't worry, this is how it should be.
  5. We go to any other page "Vkontakte" (except for "profile.php").
  6. Go back to the settings tab and change the "network.http.redirection-limit" parameter back to what it was by default.

Secret # 2 (only works for Opera)

  1. Go to Tools> Options> Advanced> Network.
  2. Uncheck the "Enable automatic redirection" checkbox.
  3. We repeat the steps for the Firefox browser, starting from point 3.

Secret # 3 (simple but takes time)

  1. We go to the section "Personal messages"
  2. We are waiting for 15 minutes (timeout for connecting to Vkontakte).
  3. All is ready. You can navigate through the pages of the social network, except for "profile.php".

Secret # 4

The same can be done using the Vk A-Vision program. We will talk about programs for "Vkontakte" in one of the following posts. A must not to miss.

Vkontakte secrets: 5. How to marry yourself

There is no particular benefit in this secret, but you still want to stand out in front of your friends. Marrying yourself is pretty easy. To begin with, I will explain how it does it in the Opera browser. Go to the page for editing your profile ( and open the source code of this page. look for the dropdown code and add yourself at the very end ... Click "Apply Changes" and select yourself on the edit page. After that, all that remains is to save the profile. The same operation can be done in the Firefiox browser, but for this you need to install the Firebug plugin.

Vkontakte secrets: 6. We mark all friends on the video

Tagging friends on video manually is long and painful. It's easier to do this using the following secret. It contains only 4 steps:

  1. We go to the page with the desired video.
  2. Click "Mark".
  3. Insert the script into the address bar of the browser: "javascript: for (blabla = 0; blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById("f"+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }».
  4. Press "Enter".

In my opinion, an absolutely useless thing, but still it can be useful to someone. First you need to ensure that on your page at the top it says "The information on this page may not correspond to reality." How to do it? Just. Create a page for some star, upload a couple of photos of Marilyn Monroe and sign that it's you. The profile must be 100% completed - this is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the secret won't work. Then sign off in one of the groups that have moderators. As soon as you receive the long-awaited message "The information on this page may not correspond to reality." start deleting information from the page. For example, if you delete an avatar, the rating becomes -30%.

I will also tell you about what constitutes a rating and how to increase it to the maximum mark. So, how to increase the rating of Vkontakte and filling in which fields in the social network affects it:

Percentage: Photography - 25%
Personal information (hobbies) - up to 20%, tricky dependence on how filled
University - 5%
A school with all the data…. - twenty%
Career - 10%
About myself:
— 10%
- gender - 2%
- marital status - 2%
- date of birth (in full) - 2%
- hometown - 2%
- political views - 1%
- religious views - 1%)
Seats - 10%
(1st place - 1% if up to 10 pieces)
Contact information - 10%
mobile phone - 4%
ICQ - 4%
home phone - 2%)

Vkontakte secrets: 8. Change language

With this simple secret, you can play a great prank on your friend. The bottom line is this: when you click on the link, the language changes from Russian to the one you specified. Russian language - 0. And then experiment! Don't forget to write good catchy text. For example: “ - a special New Year's version of Vkontakte! Come in - you won't regret it! "

Secrets of Vkontakte: 9. Cancel the request to add to friends

Sometimes it happens: you added a person as a friend, and then changed your mind. It doesn't matter, the application can be deleted, or rather canceled. Enter* in the address bar of your browser, where * is the ID of an unnecessary friend. After that, a message will appear: "Do you definitely want to remove Friend_name Friend_name from the list of friends?". Feel free to click "Yes".

Secrets of Vkontakte: 10. Status on several lines

Like other secrets, this one is pretty simple. The only condition is that we need the Opera browser. Open your profile page and switch to source view mode and find the following piece of code:

« »

We replace it with:

« »

We save the result. Now you can write Vkontakte status in several lines.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 11. Insert music into a note "Vkontakte"

A very useful feature, actually. If you store a huge number of tracks, you can create a kind of playlists using notes. 5 steps are waiting for us. Let's get started.

  1. We find the song we need. This can be done at
  2. There is an "Add" link next to the song. We copy it. You can do this as follows: open it in a new window and immediately stop loading the page. I got this link: audio.php? Act = add & add = 1 & gid = 0 & aid = 47083679 & oid = -4536434 & hash =
  3. Copy from this link the numbers that come after & oid = and & aid =.
  4. Insert these numbers into ["]", where * is the number after & oid, ** is the number after & aid.
  5. Insert the resulting tag into the note. I managed []. Everything works.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 12. Secrets of graffiti "Vkontakte"

Often wondered how some users get chic graffiti? Secrets, as always, are simple and lie on the surface.

  1. To draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, you need to switch the mouse control to the secondary keyboard. It does it simply by the combination - Shift + Alt + NumLock.
  2. Working with scale will help you to better draw small details. You can zoom in in the browser or you can use the standard Windows function - "Magnifier". To enable it you need to go to: Start> All Programs> Accessories> Accessibility> Magnifier.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 13. If you have been blocked by Vkontakte

This secret will be especially useful to you if you have a blocked "Vkontakte"... As always, there is a way out. Even "Vkontakte" is blocked you can still access the social network, and in two different ways. The fastest and easiest way is to log in through an anonymizer. Some anonymizers can also be blocked, but I think there will definitely be one worker from the proposed list in one of the search engines.

A problem with blocked "Vkontakte" solved.

It should be noted right away that this secret does not always work. But you can try. So to find out the author of the anonymous opinion on Vkontakte required:

In the “Offers” section, create a new offer. Try to come up with something interesting.
After that, turn on “Offers” in the “My Settings” section.
We send the following link to the author of the opinion *** & dec = 1, where *** is your Vkontakte ID. I already wrote how to find out the ID above. The link must be “completed” with interesting text so that an anonymous person can click on it.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 15. How to view closed photos of "Vkontakte"

This is a fresh secret that became known after the New Year. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • We turn on the freshly baked function - "Accelerated mode of viewing photos".
  • We go to the section "Photos on which the user is marked" (you need it to be open). Usually, most of the photographs there are closed for viewing.
  • We select a photo that is open and further already with arrows or by clicking on the photo, as usual, we browse the album. All closed photos will be visible to you.

This secret "Vkontakte" works thanks to the new function "Accelerated mode of viewing photos", which is implemented a little crookedly.

If you know any other secrets of "Vkontakte" - do not hesitate, write to me in private messages "Vkontakte". Then they will be added to this post. Secret information about also does not hurt.

With full or partial copying of the material, an active link to this article is required.

In one of the next posts I will tell you about useful and cool programs for Vkontakte. not to be missed.

"The world belongs to the optimists, the pessimists are just spectators." © Francois Guizot

There are many interesting things ahead! Subscribe to updates via or.

Secrets and loopholes are constantly closed, so hurry up to use it before the shop is closed. PP # 10 does not plow in my opinion.

1) View photos / videos / groups on a closed page
You can view photos from closed pages if only the user's page is closed. That is, if he went to the settings and in the tab “ Privacy”Forbade only viewing of his page, but not photos and videos.

To view photos / videos / groups on a closed page, you must:

1. To use this advice, first find out the ID of the person whose photos / videos / groups you would like to view. To do this, find him on the resource and hover over the "Message" link to the right of this person's avatar. Even if the page is hidden, when you hover the cursor in the browser status bar (bottom of the screen), a link containing the user ID will be displayed. The link will be of the following type: “ The last few digits are the required ID.

2. To view the user's photo albums (provided that he / she has hidden only the page, not the photos themselves), insert the link “” into the browser line ( where the site address is) and instead of “ID” enter the user number. Press “Enter” or the “Go” button in the browser.

3. To view “Photos with me” on a hidden page (provided that only the page is hidden, not the photos themselves), insert the link “” ... Further chain steps described above.

4. To view the "Video with me" on a hidden page, insert the link
“Http://” and follow the already familiar algorithm.

The “Enter” key should be pressed only after you have replaced the ID in the above links with the unique number of the person whose photo you would like to see.

2) Mark all friends in the photo

1. It's pretty simple - you just need to upload photos to your page. After that, go to the page of the photo on which you want to mark your friends and then click “Mark”.

2. The next step is to paste the code below into the address bar of your browser. Only you need to insert it on the page where you clicked the "Mark" button. You need to insert this code:

javascript: (function () (function getPhotoInfo () (if (res = /(+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href))return (”mid”: res, “pid”: res); else return (”mid”: 0, “pid”: 0);) p_mark = function (i) (if (i> = window.friends.length) (ge ('rotating'). innerHTML = “

All friends have been marked on this photo!

”; ClearTimeout (timerID); return;) request_uri =“ /photos.php?act=put&pid=?+mid+????????????????????????????????????????????????????? id + ”& name =” + encodeURI (window.friends [i] .name) + ”& add = 1 & x = 0 & y = 0 & x2 = 100 & y2 = 100?; img = new Image (); img.src = request_uri; ge ('commentArea' ) .innerHTML = (i + 1) + ”of” + window.friends.length + ”friends have been marked!”; timerID = setTimeout (”p_mark (” + (i + 1) + “)”, 500); ); p_markall = function () (if (! confirm (”Are you sure want to mark all friends? \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ nBugs & Thanks: 5500005?)) Return; ge ('rotating'). InnerHTML = “

Please wait ...

”; Ajax = new Ajax (function (a, r) ​​(eval (r); window.friends = fr; p_mark (0);), function (a, r) ​​(alert (” Request problem. Try again ”); )); ajax.get (”/ photos.php? act = get”);); if (! (location.href.match (/ && location.href.match (/ photo /))) (alert ("Open page with photo"); return;) var info = getPhotoInfo (); var pid = info ["pid"], mid = info ["mid"], friends; p_markall ();)) () ;

3. Press “Enter” and wait for all friends to check in. Approximately 100 friends check in in one hundred seconds at a speed of 1 Megabits per second.

3) Mark all friends on video

1. Upload the video to your page, click “Mark” to bring up a list of friends.

2. Paste the code below into the address bar of the browser on the page where we clicked “Mark”. You need to insert this code:

javascript: for (blabla = 0; blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById(’f’+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }

3) Press “Enter” and wait, as in the previous paragraph.

4. We write the surname from a new line

Do you want to stand out in front of your friends with the unusual location of your full name. "In contact with"? If you follow the instructions, then there will be no problems

1) Go to the “My Settings” page and right-click on the white background, and in the menu that appears, click on “View HTML Code” (for Interet Explorer) or “View Source Code” (for Mozila Firefox and Opera).

2) On the opened page of the code, look for the word “hash”. To do this, press "Ctrl + F", and in the search menu that opens, type the word "hash" and press "Enter", after which the word will be found. To the right of this word there will be a set of symbols like name = ”hash” value = ”?. It is necessary to copy the set of characters enclosed in quotes after the word "value" - this is hash. Let's copy it to notepad! The character set for each account is unique.

3) On the page “VKontakte” “My settings”, insert the link “” into the address bar of the browser. In the above link, change the word “hash” to the same set of characters that was copied, and then replace the word “NICK” at the end of the link with any desired nickname (nickname, patronymic, etc.), and then press the “Enter ”.

5) Find out the person's age by birthday

1) We look at the day and month of a person's birth on his VKontakte page - remember or write down.
2) Open the calendar - “”.
3) We are looking for the right month, the right day, find this person in the calendar, hover the cursor over his avatar, after which a tooltip appears below, showing the name of this person and his age in brackets.

6. Add to bookmarks the person who hid his page

1) Find out the ID of this person.
2) Insert the link “” into the address bar of the browser.
3) Replace “ID” with a unique user number.
4) Press the "Enter" key, after which incomprehensible characters will appear. We press "Back", and after that the person is already in the bookmarks.

7. We look at the history of statuses if a person does not have a status

8. How to make a status in a column?

This is best done through the Opera browser or using the VKStatus program.

1) Open Opera and go to your VKontakte page. Right-click anywhere on the page and select the "Source Code" context menu item. After that, press “Ctrl + F”, and in the search menu that opens, insert the code of the form - .

2) Replace this code with -