Can't connect to minecraft server. Why does not it connect to the minecraft server over the local network

Can't connect to minecraft server. Why does not it connect to the minecraft server over the local network


Hello! In this article, you will learn how to connect to for minecraft server . I tried to reveal all the pitfalls and describe in detail each step of connecting to the server! Hope you enjoy this article!

It has long been no secret that minecraft pe is becoming as popular as the PC edition. Over time, the number of servers grows and grows and many players have a question: “ How to connect to mcpe server?". Many do not answer this question, and as a result, PE servers are still not popular.

In general, let's get down to business! How do we connect to the server? In fact, everything is simple. First, we need to find out the server ip and port. As a rule, the port is always standard, ie 19132. But the ip is different for everyone (there are also alphabetic ones, but this is a completely different story). I will connect to a fictitious server.

First, start the game and click on the "Play" button. Next, we have a window like this:

Here you have to click on the "New World" button. After you will be transferred to the next tab, in which you can create a new world. But we don't need to create a new world, so we click on the button with the plus sign:

By clicking on the button with the plus sign, you will immediately see 3 sections. This is:

  • Server Name - server name
  • IP-Addres - server address
  • Port - server port.

I would like to note that port 19132 is standard and if, when you ask someone "Which port", you get the answer: standard, do not be surprised, they meant 19132.

Let's move on: we have 3 tabs: in the first (Server Name) you write the name of the server, you can name the server in different ways, even though “KrytoiServer”, even “FreeCheats”, it doesn't matter. After entering the server name, you must enter the server address, in other words - ip. For some, this ip consists of numbers, for others it consists of letters. Now on to the last one: port. Of course, if you are not sure that the server port is standard, it is better to ask in advance and only then enter it, however, you can immediately try to enter with the standard one. After I entered the port, I saw the following:

Now, by clicking on the "Add Server" button, we will see our server in the "Play" section along with the cards:

As you can see, in the list of maps in the first place is the server I added. Minecraft is trying to find this server, but it is offline and therefore nothing else is displayed. If the server is online, then its name will be displayed and the gray circle will turn green.

This concludes our connection to the server! Now you know how to connect to mcpe server! You can find minecraft servers on special sites. Good luck!

The game has long introduced the ability to create a local server in your own world, while everyone who is on your same network will be able to connect to your server. In general, everything is simple, but there are many limitations, in this article everything is described in detail. Select the desired setting type from the contents and follow the steps described.

Setting up a server when you are on the same Wi-Fi or Lan network with another player

If several computers are not far from each other and are in the same network: Wi-Fi or Lan (connected via cable), then this setting will suit you.

Windows: On the computer where the server will be opened, open Start and enter into the search cmd, open this program:

In the window that opens, enter ipconfig, press enter... We are looking for your local IP, which starts with 192.168.*.* , in the example it is (you will have another one!), copy it.

MacOS: To find the local IP, open the Terminal, you can enter this program in the Mac search and find it, enter in the window ifconfig | grep inet and look for an IP that starts with 192.168.*.* , copy it.

version with TL icon

We go into our world and in the menu Pause (Esc) click 31790 (you will have another one).

Now on another computer which should connect to your server, you must also open the version with the TL icon (plus, the version of the game must be the same with the first computer), go to Multiplayer, open .

Now we enter in the field the IP address + port that we received earlier, in the example it is

Setting up a server when playing over the Internet with another player using Hamachi

If physically you cannot be on the same network with another player, computers are far from each other, then you can create a special network using the Internet using Hamachi.

On both computers, we do the following: Create a Hamachi account and download their program (after clicking on the link, the Download button is in the center).

Now open TLauncher and select the version with the TL icon and launch the game (It is also better to log in under the account of the site). If you select without the TL icon, you will not be able to connect to the server without a Mojang license.

We go into our world and in the menu Pause (Esc) click Open to Lan, a message will appear in the chat about the successful opening of the server, as well as the server port, in the example it is 60000 (you will have another one).

On another computer click "Connect to an existing network", enter the network name and password created earlier. If the connection is successful, your friend's computer will be visible in the Hamachi window.

Then you need the same open the version with the TL icon (plus, the version of the game must be the same with the first computer), go to Multiplayer, open Direct connect.

Now we enter in the field the IP address from Hamachi (the computer where the server is open) + the port that we received earlier, in the example it is ... If everything is ok, then a connection to the server will occur! You can now play on the server with a friend.

Setting up a local Minecraft server with mods

Once you have configured the server to play on the same WiFi network (Lan) or using Hamachi, you can install mods and play with them with your friends. The instruction is very simple.

We install absolutely the same mods on all clients so that everything is identical, plus the Forge version itself must be the same, for example, ForgeOptiFine 1.12.2. Unforgettable that the version must be with the TL icon!

Now we create and connect to the server using absolutely the same instructions above, depending on your network. Done, you can play with mods in Minecraft!

Possible problems and solutions

- When connecting to the server appears: "Invalid session" or "Check username".

Solution: You need to run the version with the TL icon (otherwise you need a game license), if you run this, check if there is a check mark (in the launcher) in "Account Management" -> "Use TLauncher skins".

- When connecting to the server appears: " $ AnnotatedConnectException: Connection time out: no further information"

Solution: the game could not find information about such a server, which means that the network setting is not correct. Try to disable the antivirus and firewall on the host computer or configure it correctly.

- When you connect to the server, the chunks are loaded and immediately thrown from the server (disconnection).

Solution: the network configuration is correct, but the antivirus and firewall are dropping the connection. Disable them or configure correctly.

When connecting to the server, the following appears: 1.14.2: Bad packet ID 26; 1.13.2: Bad packet ID 27; 1.7.10: Stuck on Logging in ... or "received string length longer than maximum allowed"

Solution: the length of your nickname is more than 16 characters, make it less.

I can't enter official launcher or in profile on the official website Minecraft? Below we will consider one error that occurs upon entering the game.

If you are an account in our store and after entering your login and password in the official launcher or on the website ( You see an error, then in the process of answering our support, you can read this article too!

Failed to connect to server

This error does not mean that you could not connect to the game Minecraft server, this error means that you cannot connect to Mojang authorization servers, in other words, you cannot log in.

When entering the official site, this error can also lead to the fact that in response to clicking on the green button " entrance" Nothing happens, the button turns gray, but at the same time, the entrance to the site does not occur.

Why am I getting this error when logging into Minecraft?

This is one of the most inadequate mistakes, since she does not tell us anything, there is no explanation. And we did not manage to see through it right away, let's consider in what cases it may appear and for what reasons:

    You don't have an Internet connection, quite trite, but it could be like that

    Your location is blocked by Mojang, periodically there are complaints from residents Crimea

    Your ISP is blocking the connection, the most common reason

    Something on your PC is blocking the Mojang servers

There are others, here we are only listed Most Popular.

How do I resolve the error?

It is not always the case that the reason for the login error Minecraft lies behind only one of items listed above so the only correct way to solve is to check all items... So:

    We check if your computer is connected to the Internet... To test the connection, you can open your page in the browser. in social networks.

    Checking the blocking from the provider... We call the provider and find out if it is blocked Minecraft on the territory of the area in which you live, and after a negative answer, ask if access is blocked locally on the provider's equipment.

    Testing the entrance to the game on another computer or laptop. If you don't have a second PC at hand, you can ask a friend to test your account. Also you can check and blocking from the provider, provided that the friend has a different provider.

In custody

Login failed. The username or password you entered is incorrect

Also besides the error "Failed to connect to server" an error may occur "Login failed. The username or password you entered is incorrect"... While it is difficult to understand where the logic is, but this also happens and this must be taken into account.

In this article, we have analyzed the most common causes of the error. "Failed to connect to server" when entering the game or to the official website. If you are a buyer of our store and have encountered a similar error, just contact us in any way convenient for you and we will help you understand the reasons and show you how to resolve the situation and start playing Minecraft.

Good luck in the game!

When trying to connect to the Minecraft server, the user may encounter the message " Connection timed out: no further information". The appearance of this message usually signals the occurrence of various kinds of network problems when gaining access to the game server, which is why the user's desire to enjoy the game worlds of Minecraft remains unfulfilled. Below I will analyze the essence of this dysfunction, describe its causes, and also explain how to fix the error on your PC.

Connection timed out: no further information - dysfunction features

Translated, the text of this message sounds something like “Java network failure. Connection timed out: no further information available ".

The specified error usually occurs when connecting to the server of the Minecraft game, but there have also been sporadic cases of this error when other products using Java are running (for example, on the Azure notification hub).

The appearance of the problem " Connection timed out: no further information" has the following reasons:

  • The user is using an unstable network connection with a slow Internet connection;
  • An outdated version of Java is installed on the user's PC;
  • The user is using an outdated version of Minecraft;
  • There are failures in the operation of the game server to which the user is trying to connect (the resource is not available, technical work is underway, etc.);
  • Antivirus or firewall blocking connections to the game server;
  • The user is using a dynamic IP;
  • The custom router is not working correctly.

How to fix " Connection timed out"

There are several ways to get rid of the error. Let's consider them in order:

  • Reboot your PC. In some cases, this simple method resolved the connection refused error;
  • Install the latest Java version on your PC. A fairly common cause of the problem under consideration is an outdated version of "Java" on the user's PC. Go to Control Panel, then to "Programs", there find "Java" and click on it. After the window of its settings appears, go to the "Update" tab, click on the "Update Now" button there, and install the required updates in the system.

This procedure must be carried out both on your machine and on the machine of the user with whom you are going to play Minecraft on the network;

Update your Java version


The most common causes of the "" error are the user version of "Java" is out of date and the firewall is blocking the connection to the desired game server. Follow the tips above to fix the error on your PC.

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