Several ways to find out: Who bookmarked us on VKontakte. A quick way to find out who you are in the VKontakte bookmarks How to find out who has added to the VK bookmarks

Several ways to find out: Who bookmarked us on VKontakte. A quick way to find out who you are in the VKontakte bookmarks How to find out who has added to the VK bookmarks


Bookmarks are a popular function of the Vkontakte social network. Thanks to her, you can keep interesting people, and even groups, in quick accessibility. Of course, everyone is interested to know if someone has added it to their bookmarks. Is there any way to do this?

Unfortunately not at the moment. But this was possible not long ago, on the website, which has now stopped working. In case it starts functioning again, we will tell you how to use it, as well as how to avoid scammers and find out who visited your page, which is often even more interesting than adding to bookmarks.

How could this be done?

Earlier, when a person visited the site, he got to the English version of "Contact", where on the "Bookmarks" tab, in the "Who bookmarked me" line, you could see everyone who added you to the bookmarks. Not everyone could find this tab, but the problem was solved simply - these people themselves had no one in their bookmarks, it was worth adding at least one, and the problem disappeared. Now Durov has deleted his site and this loophole has closed. It is believed that this happened due to the fact that the information about who added you to the bookmarks is personal and it is illegal to distribute it.

Programs from the Internet

Nevertheless, on the Internet you can find a huge number of programs claiming that they will help you find out both the guests of the page and those with whom you are in the Contacts bookmarks, and even add your votes and rating. Do not believe these promises - not only will you not receive reliable and such desired information, you also risk not only losing your account and being blocked, but even offending your friends, who can be deceived by the person who stole your password. Why do people do it?

The answer is simple:

  1. Advertising placement.
  2. Sending various spam.
  3. Fraud (for example, asking your friends to throw money, fraudulent purchase of votes).
  4. Identity theft.
  5. Normal human curiosity.

Remember that even reviews on forums and pages with the program do not give you any guarantee, they could have been written by the developers themselves. Therefore, download any programs only from trusted resources and do not enter your password and login "anywhere".

We recognize our guests on Vkontakte

And here there are several safe ways. Perhaps, using them, you will receive the desired information and the question "How to find out who I am in the bookmarks" will disappear by itself.

To do this, there are two options - to install one of the popular Vkontakte applications: "My guests" or "My friends: connections, guests". Unfortunately, not all of your visitors will be reflected there. Therefore, in addition to this, you can put on your page a link specially generated in the application, for example, in the line "My site". Now the one who clicks on it will be displayed in your application.

Recently, another opportunity has appeared that is available to those who have more than a hundred subscribers - statistics. It is located on your main page, under photos, videos and audio recordings. There are charts by age, gender, country and city for those who came to you. And you will be able to understand who exactly it was if, for example, he has a city that is rarely found among your friends.

Friends, use the capabilities of Vkontakte, but be careful and do not lose your pages!

Multiple opinions

Why would anyone know this at all? Or just for this, social services were invented. networks. For that matter, there is an administration group on VKontakte where you can write your proposal, and let them do it as in Odnoklassniki.

I remember writing a parser to pull texts from groups (it was before the start of indexing a contact by search engines). At the same time, he made a video about "how he wrote" and uploaded it to YouTube ... And then he was horrified at how many mentally retarded there are in the world with requests: "Make us a program for free."

Today we will tell you how you can find out who I am in the backlog, we will consider all the methods and services that work in 2019. Let's figure out whether a person can find out that you have added him to your bookmarks and consider all the main questions related to this problem.

But let's start everything in order.

Can you find out who I am in the bookmarks on Vkontakte?

Bookmarks are a special function thanks to which each user of the VK social network, without spending time looking for this or that person, can simply save it in this section.

It is worth noting that you can add not only people, photos, videos to Bookmarks, but also links. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in the question: "Is it possible to find out from whom I am in the bookmarks on VKontakte?".

Third party services

I don't want to upset anyone, but to my great disappointment, such a function does not exist. Nevertheless, on the network you can come across information that there is a certain site called "". This service was created by Pavel Durov, and besides, it appeared much earlier than Vkontakte.

A few years ago, each user, entering this site, could get into VK, but over time he began to give an error. So, it is impossible to find out who I am in the VKontakte bookmarks thanks to this service.

In 2019, there is not a single program and service that will 100% tell who you are in your VK bookmarks, they are all viruses or steal account credentials

Surely, many, after reading this article, will decide that there is still a way out and that these are special programs. Of course. Such applications certainly exist, but this is all sheer deception. The fact is that they can present a present in the form of a "non-killable" virus. And if the user is required to send a message to an unknown number, then there is a high probability that there will be no money left on this person's account.

But do not be upset, there is one way that will help, but thanks to it you will only know which people often visit your page.

By deleting a page

Of course, this option will seem dangerous, but there is nothing terrible in it, the main thing is to be attentive to the actions taken and then everything will pass more than safely.

Go to the "Settings" section.

Scroll through the item "General" to the very end.

Click on "Delete your page".

By choosing "My page is not commented", you will see a list of people who often visit your page. If you refresh the page and follow the same steps, you will see a list of other people who are also frequent guests on your page.

After you have done all this, do not forget to click on "Cancel".

How to find out who I am in the bookmarks on VKontakte is impossible, since this function is not there.

However, thanks to the above method, you will learn about who often follows your life.

A topic that is interesting to many. Social users networks can add to bookmarks as all kinds of publics, of which there are already millions, as well as the pages of individual people of interest to them.

Before the site moved to a foreign domain zone, every user had the opportunity to find out the answer to the question: "Who am I in the VKontakte tabs?" To do this, a person only needed to log in with their username and password, and then the site provided all the necessary information in full.

It was at this time that Internet users wrote many useful tips for working with this site, which now, alas, no longer work, because the resource has merged with the main network. But this, however, does not mean at all that an ordinary ordinary user will not be able to find information on the question: "Who am I in the" Vkontakte "tabs?"

Thanks to the introduction of the API, local developers have a great opportunity to create hundreds of independent useful (and not so) applications. Some of them were just written so that any netizen could find the necessary information about the transitions of other people to his page. To do this, in the "Applications" window, you need to click the "Who am I in bookmarks" button. "Vkontakte" will provide the program with all the data, and you can find out who has been on your personal page recently and added it to your "Favorites".

In particular, the application called "My guests and fans" does its job quite well. The free version allows you to view lists of visitors to your page, find out statistical information about visitors. There is a function of automatic publication of the information received on your personal page, but it is not recommended to abuse it, as you risk turning your own wall into a dump and losing visitors. Everything is good in moderation.

"How else to look," asks a user who has ignored the first half of the article. There is a developer page on the social network where you can ask them the required questions and get detailed and accurate answers. You don't even need to be a confident user - site specialists will always tell you where to click to see a list of all the people who have bookmarked your page.

In addition to online services, you should not forget about programs that require download and installation in your operating system environment. Many applications of this kind require you to enter your personal login and password that you use on the network. This should be treated with caution, since even positive reviews on the forums cannot guarantee you one hundred percent data safety. To test the "honesty" of a software product, it is best to create a fake account and try to log into the program from under it for several days. Remember that programs of this kind can use your data to automatically rate "I like", so do not be surprised if your "Like" is found under any picture or news.

The answer to the question: "Who am I in the VKontakte bookmarks?" - thus lies on the surface. However, you should think 100 times before you start looking for your fans in this social. networks. After all, as they say, you know less - you sleep better.

There is a lot of information in the public domain about VK bookmarks. It is worth remembering the function that allows you to remember and go to the necessary pages without driving their names into the search. Here you can add images, videos, hyperlinks, etc. of course, the addresses of the users' pages. How to find out who you are in the bookmarks of VKontakte "bookmarks"?

Is it possible to find out who you are in the bookmarks

You can immediately give an unambiguous answer to this question: no, this is impossible, since this function is completely absent in the VK social network.

  • Once upon a time it was possible to go to the web resource (belonged to the creator of VK - Pavel Durov). It was created even earlier than this social network appeared, and was its "mirror". There you could see a lot of interesting information about friends;
  • Now, when you enter it, you can be transferred either to VK, or simply display "Error 403: Login denied", so this method can be discarded immediately.

On the Internet, you can find various services and programs that can show users who have added you to bookmarks. Of course, this is a deception.

  • By downloading such software, you are guaranteed to receive a "nice" bonus in the form of a virus or Trojan;
  • Or, during installation, you will be asked to send a "free" SMS to confirm the number. It is clear that all the money will suddenly disappear from the balance, and the program will turn out to be another dummy.

A working option to find out those who visit your page most often

There is one interesting method that will allow you to display the members who visit your profile most often. Simply put, find out the guests who most likely bookmarked your page.

Try refreshing the tab and follow the same steps. This will help you see other users. Just do not click on the "Delete profile" button - close the section in due time after checking the guests. Of course, the list of your "secret admirers" can be viewed through the corresponding VK applications - surely among them there are those who, for whatever reason, added you to bookmarks in order to visit your profile again after a while and look at updates.

One of the convenient options of the Vkontakte social network is bookmarks. Thanks to it, a registered user can quickly search for the necessary accounts, interesting records, videos, groups and links. Everyone who wants to know everything about their page was unequivocally asking the question, who am I on Vkontakte's bookmarks? In this article, we'll look at ways to find out.

Ways to find out who you are in the bookmarks on "VKontakte"

Previously, this information was available on the official website of the creator of the social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov Today this resource does not work, and redirects all visitors by the link But you should not despair, there are the following effective ways.

Using personal page statistics

Users whose accounts have more than 100 subscribers have the opportunity to find out who they are in the bookmarks using the "Page statistics". In this case, friends are not included in the number of subscribers. That is, access to statistics will be open when 100 or more people subscribe to your profile. The statistics page contains the following information:

  1. Who has visited your account.
  2. Country and city from which the profile was entered.
  3. Gender and age of the guest.

In order to open a page with such information, you will need:

  1. Log in to the Vkontakte social network using your username and password.
  2. Under the profile photo, click the button with the diagram image.
  3. A page with three categories will open: traffic, reach and activity.

Thus, with the help of simple data analysis, you can understand who exactly visited your account.

Using the VKontakte application

A higher percentage of accuracy in determining the range of users with whom you are in your bookmarks belongs to the applications "My guests" or "My fans and guests". You can find program data using the search engine, which is located on the main page of your profile. Type in the name of one of these applications in the search bar, then click on it. After that, a window will open with a description of the program's capabilities, as well as data, access to which will need to be confirmed. Then tap on the "Launch application" option. It should be noted that "My guests" displays a list of only those users who have visited your profile by leaving a "trace". That is, they put a “like” under the post or photo, commented on the post, and so on.


  1. Vkontakte does not have a direct function that allows you to find out the circle of people whose account is bookmarked for.
  2. Page statistics allow you to determine who came to your Vkontakte profile, but still does not give specific data about users. The percentage of successful identification is 50%.
  3. The guest list using Vkontakte applications is formed depending on the user's activity.

To avoid personal data leakage, please read the terms of use and small print links before using the applications. Do not fall for the tricks of Internet scammers who offer to recognize the guests of your Vkontakte profile for money.

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