How to find out how many VKontakte messages are in total. How to find out how many messages are in a VKontakte dialogue

How to find out how many VKontakte messages are in total. How to find out how many messages are in a VKontakte dialogue

Today we will reveal one simple secret of counting the number of messages in a single Vkontakte dialogue. Despite the fact that many twist at their temples, noting: "Why do I need these extra numbers ?!" - the question "how to find out the number of messages in the VK dialogue" interests many :). There are several ways to count messages. Let's figure it out.

Method 1: via mobile version

In order to calculate the exact number of messages, you will have to stock up on a calculator, but if in your mind you do not think worse, then go for it with your bare hands :). It should be noted right away that in the usual version of VK, it will not work to do the count. For an accurate calculation, you need to go to the mobile version of VK. You can do this by following this link - mob. VK version.

  1. Select the conversation in which you will count the number of messages;
  2. Scroll down the dialog and click on the button » ;
  3. You will be taken to the beginning of the chat, the total number of pages will be displayed at the bottom.
  4. Take the penultimate one and multiply by 20 (the number of messages in one page), add to this number the number of SMS on the last page.

So for my dialogue the following figure turned out: 1644 * 20 + 13 = 32893.

There is also another counting method through the built-in VK script. To do this, follow the link - VK script for counting... Fill in the fields in the "Request example" block:

  • In the line "user_id" enter your ID;
  • In the line "chat_id" enter the number of the chat you need;
  • Click on the "Run" button.

To be honest, the method is not very clear to me, and so I personally did not manage to calculate :(.

Method 2: Intter service

If the first method does not suit you, then you can use the Intter service. This service sums up general statistics on the number of messages in each chat (rating of the largest dialogues when the first and last letter and other data were sent). It is very simple to work with him - for this you need to go to their official website -

We choose the Web version, if you want to check on an Android device, download the application from Google Play. Then you enter your username and password from VK and click "Start processing" (in total, 1 free processing is given, but this, I think, will be enough for you). So I got the following picture through this service:

As you can see, the number counted through the Intter is: 32895 ... If we compare with the first method (32893), then the difference was 2 sms, which is not so significant.

The only drawback of this method is that we essentially give our data to the left side (service). Therefore, it is advisable to change the VK password immediately. That's all, I hope you figured out how to find out how many messages are in your Vkontakte dialogue.

Sup! VK dialogue statistics are not included in the standard set of the social network. But if you want to know who you sent the most messages to, and which words dominate your conversation, then you've come to the right place. Today we will tell you how to view the statistics of dialogues on Vkontakte.


What statistics can be seen:

  • how many messages and to whom you wrote in VK in digital and percentage ratio;
  • analyze the dialogue with any person;
  • find out how many words, stickers, emoticons, documents, notes, obscenities, insults and much more you sent to another person;
  • find out the top 100 most used words in VK dialogue;
  • see the most active days of "communication";
  • save the correspondence in JSON format (do not forget to format it later in .doc);
  • analyze your wall: the number of posts, photos, albums, links, etc.

Attention: Info about deleted dialogs is not shown!

Girls, just imagine, you can check how many messages and emoticons of kisses your boyfriend (possibly already ex) sent to that scum? If you have a password for his VK, of course.

API dog

VK dialogue statistics are shown on one interesting site. Do not be afraid for your data, nothing will happen to your account. The site is verified, it does not steal passwords.

How to view the statistics of messages in VK dialogs:

  1. Go to the API dog website.
  2. Enter your username and password from the Vkontakte website. If you failed to log in from the new version of the site, try with the old one. You can go to it by clicking at the very bottom of the screen.
  3. Then go to the tab Messages - Analyzer.
  4. Here you can analyze the list of dialogues, analyze the dialogue with a specific person and analyze your wall. And also keep all the correspondence.
  5. Everything ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯.


Good news for android owners. VK dialog statistics are also shown in the TopChatWords for VK application. The application is absolutely free and available for download.

The program helps you view the most active users with whom you communicate the most. If you want to find out how many VK messages you wrote to someone, then this program will help you with this. It also shows the most popular words that you used in the dialogue on VKontakte.

WITH Orvi applause

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

Whatever they say, the main purpose of the social network Vkontakte and others is communication between people. If a person is sociable, then whole conversations are formed from messages. Often the need for statistics arises when selling personal pages. After all, the cost of the account will depend on the user's activity.

There are many ways to calculate statistics. For some, a calculator and knowledge of mathematics will be required, for others the ability to install additional browser extensions. You can view vkstat in different ways.

It is more convenient to open dialogs for counting in the mobile version of VK, but you can also do this from a computer. Go to the page with the letter m in front of the main link. To view the conversation of interest, simply move the scroll bar down and find the counter button there. Scroll down to the new open window and scroll down the page again. The numbers at the bottom indicate page numbers. The standard posting is twenty messages.

To manually calculate vkontakte stat, you will have to use an arithmetic operation - multiplication. Multiply the last number by 20. For a more accurate result, you can take not the last, but the penultimate number, and the conversation from the last page will be counted manually.

There is another way to manually count messages. To do this, you are prompted to enter the user ID in the User_id line, you can also use the chat_id line, then just click on the "Run" button. The number of messages can be seen in the line after the word count. Vkontakte message statistics - how to find out how many messages are in a dialogue, conversation counter and analysis? For example, a script is available in the VK itself.

Messages opens a counter from a private conversation and also does a count of dialogs.

Counting VKontakte messages

It is possible to check the number of messages in VK using an additionally installed browser plug-in. The functionality of the application has been tested in such browsers as:

  1. Google Chrome.
  2. Mozilla.
  3. Yandex browser.

There are many similar extensions, consider one of the popular ones called VK Stats. Activating it may take as long as manually calculating statistics. The installation process for the Chrome browser is intuitive and straightforward.

After the installation process is complete, an additional button (icon) will appear in the right corner of the browser.

The extension is activated by clicking on this icon. The correspondence is constantly updated, though not in automatic mode, but after clicking on the "Let's go" button.

In addition, the installed add-on will require access to personal account data.

If you confirm access, the statistics of private messages will be available for all active dialogs. It will be displayed on the page automatically. In this case, deleted messages in the contact will not be counted.

There are enough useful applications for VK within the popular social network. With add-ons, you can improve the usability of many data. For example, if you are the administrator of a community, you might be interested in learning how to see the number of posts in VK in the community. Communiti Stats makes available user ratings based on the number of comments, likes, and other easily customizable data.

VK message counter - VK scan collects statistical information on communities, comments, subscribers.

If you need to get statistics quickly without long counting, as well as installing applications and add-ons, it may be useful to use the Vnutter online service. Wnutter is an online resource where you can quickly get statistics of messages in VK. Data becomes available in just a couple of steps.

Information about the number of messages for a common user is to satisfy their own curiosity. Calculating the data is useful for those who are promoting groups selling pages, etc.

Surely you know about such a popular social network as VKontakte. Perhaps you even have your own personal page on this site, with the help of which you can perform various actions, or rather, communicate with your loved ones and relatives. These can be both voice conversations and text messages. Here you can also view messages and participate in various communities, search for pictures, listen to music and play videos.

Service statistics

Often people communicate with each other on this social network, and after negotiations, some of them delete the correspondence, but after some time, for some reason, they regret it. It is then that an interesting question arises about how to use the VKontakte message counter - Wnutter. Thanks to this tool, you can determine how many messages were sent and, accordingly, received. Few social network users know what a hit counter is and how it can be used. In this article, we decided to analyze in detail all the little things, and each reader will be able to understand why such statistics are needed, as well as how they can be viewed.


Currently, on the Internet, you can find a wide variety of scripts that allow you to view the statistics of messages. There are also various methods that can help perform such an action. On VKontakte, the message counter is simply not visible, therefore, you need to know some of the nuances of its use. Some may even need a special script, however, now you can find out about all this in detail.


As we said a little above, there are many scripts present, but we do not recommend that you use the first one that comes along. Also, do not turn your attention to specialized services that supposedly can provide you with all the necessary information on any account. Most likely, in this case, scammers work, and you can lose not only your money, but also access to your personal page on the VKontakte social network. "Intter" is a message counter that is currently not very popular, but it is constantly increasing. Few users know about this excellent option, which is able to provide all the necessary information in detail.

Let's first talk about what post statistics are and why users need them at all. This term means a special script, which is completely unique in its way, it is he who performs the function of counting letters on the VKontakte social network. If you use this add-on, accordingly, you will be able to get all the necessary information that concerns your personal account. By the way, I would like to say a few words right away that this message counter in VK is completely free, and it also works without any interruptions. Ultimately, if you do everything correctly, you can get reliable information.

More information about the script

The above script is capable of transmitting only some data, or rather, you can find out the exact number of messages in the correspondence with a specific user. A special analysis will also be carried out, which gives information about how many replicas you have sent to your interlocutor and how many responses the vis-a-vis sent you. Each VKontakte user can find a message counter useful, however, you will not be able to view deleted messages in any way, but you can still find out their exact number.

After using this script, you can get complete statistics. The message counter will help the user of "VKontakte" to do this. Also, a beautiful schedule will be provided for you, which is very comfortable and convenient to get acquainted with, while on it you can see additional details that will surely interest you. The message counter "VKontakte" Wnutter works at any time, respectively, you can use it when it is really convenient for you. A tool like this can also provide additional information that you may find useful. This type of counter is currently used by few people, but nevertheless after a while it will certainly gain great popularity.


You can also find out your statistics using other methods, but today we decided to give only the most popular of them. "VKontakte" message counter can be opened without additional scripts, only for this you need to use a specific browser and add-ons to it.

Recently I was interested in the statistics of VKontakte messages. It is interesting to find out who the most active interlocutor you have, and how many messages have already been written by you or you. After a little googling on this topic, I came across one small JavaScript that just knows how to count the number of messages written and received by a certain person, and how many messages were in the conversation. But this was not enough for me, I decided to modify it. In addition, that script had to be inserted into the browser's JS console, and the results were displayed there. But not all browsers can do this. Therefore, I offer slightly more generic ways to use the script. It was also interesting to find out how many characters were written in total, and how many I wrote, and how many they wrote to me. Therefore, I slightly finished the script, and posted it right there. How to use it - below.

The script also shows how many characters the largest message consists of, as well as the smallest one. Well, this all, of course, refers to a certain chosen person 🙂
This means that you first need to open a dialogue with a person, and then count the number of messages, otherwise the result may be unpredictable ....)

Whatever they say, the main purpose of the social network Vkontakte and others is communication between people. If a person is sociable, then whole conversations are formed from messages. Often the need for statistics arises when selling personal pages. After all, the cost of the account will depend on the user's activity.

Dialogue statistics in VK

There are many ways to calculate statistics. For some, a calculator and knowledge of mathematics will be required, for others the ability to install additional browser extensions. You can view vkstat in different ways.

It is more convenient to open dialogs for counting in the mobile version of VK, but you can also do this from a computer. Go to the page with the letter m in front of the main link. To view the conversation of interest, simply move the scroll bar down and find the counter button there. Scroll down to the new open window and scroll down the page again. The numbers at the bottom indicate page numbers. The standard posting is twenty messages.

To manually calculate vkontakte stat, you will have to use an arithmetic operation - multiplication. Multiply the last number by 20. For a more accurate result, you can take not the last, but the penultimate number, and the conversation from the last page will be counted manually.

There is another way to manually count messages. To do this, you are prompted to enter the user ID in the User_id line, you can also use the chat_id line, then just click on the "Run" button. The number of messages can be seen in the line after the word count. Vkontakte message statistics - how to find out how many messages are in a dialogue, conversation counter and analysis? For example, a script is available in the VK itself.

Messages opens a counter from a private conversation and also does a count of dialogs.

Counting VKontakte messages

It is possible to check the number of messages in VK using an additionally installed browser plug-in. The functionality of the application has been tested in such browsers as:

  1. Google Chrome.
  2. Mozilla.
  3. Yandex browser.

There are many similar extensions, consider one of the popular ones called VK Stats. Activating it may take as long as manually calculating statistics. The installation process for the Chrome browser is intuitive and straightforward.

After the installation process is complete, an additional button (icon) will appear in the right corner of the browser.

The extension is activated by clicking on this icon. The correspondence is constantly updated, though not in automatic mode, but after clicking on the "Let's go" button.

In addition, the installed add-on will require access to personal account data.

If you confirm access, the statistics of private messages will be available for all active dialogs. It will be displayed on the page automatically. In this case, deleted messages in the contact will not be counted.

There are enough useful applications for VK within the popular social network. With add-ons, you can improve the usability of many data. For example, if you are the administrator of a community, you might be interested in learning how to see the number of posts in VK in the community. Communiti Stats makes available user ratings based on the number of comments, likes, and other easily customizable data.

VK message counter - VK scan collects statistical information on communities, comments, subscribers.

If you need to get statistics quickly without long counting, as well as installing applications and add-ons, it may be useful to use the Vnutter online service. Wnutter is an online resource where you can quickly get statistics of messages in VK. Data becomes available in just a couple of steps.

Information about the number of messages for a common user is to satisfy their own curiosity. Calculating the data is useful for those who are promoting groups selling pages, etc.

For a number of reasons and circumstances, it became necessary for you to find out how many messages were in the VK dialogue with a certain person. As you will see, this can be done in several quite simple and safe ways - choose the most suitable one.

Method 1: mathematical

If you count excellently in your head or have a calculator at hand, you can suggest how to find out how many messages are in the Vkontakte dialogue, you can use this method:

  1. Open the mobile version of the site.
  2. Find the desired dialogue and scroll through the page with it to the end.
  3. Click on the ">>" symbol at the bottom of the page.
  4. Scroll to the end of the opened page too. The numbers you'll see are the number of post pages. There can be 30, 2000, or 12345.
  5. Each page contains exactly 20 messages. Therefore, we need to multiply this number by the number of pages minus one. For example, 20 x 29 if there were 30 pages, 20 x 1999 if there were 2000 pages, etc.
  6. How to find out how many messages are in the Vkontakte dialogue? Count the number of messages on the page from item 4 and add this number to the product from item 5. You've got the final result!

Method 2: for young programmers

So, another way to explain how to find out how many messages are in the Vkontakte dialogue without deleting them:

  1. Go to the full version of the site, scroll to the bottom and click on "Developers".
  2. Further - "Documentation" - "List of methods" - "Messages" - "messages.getHistory".
  3. Scroll to Sample Request.
  4. In "user_id" copy your digital ID, and in "peer_id" - the ID of the dialogue. Click on "Run".
  5. The required number will appear in the "count" line.

Method 3: through the app

How to find out how many messages in the Vkontakte dialogue with the person you are communicating with is easy and simple? Download an application called "Intter", which is available for both PCs and smartphones. After installing it, you need to enter your login and password from your "VK" page and find the "Start processing" button. The program will present the following statistics for each dialogue:

  • the total number of messengers;
  • received / sent;
  • date and time of sending the first message;
  • date and time of sending the last message.

How to find out how many messages are still in the Vkontakte dialogue? Download another application with similar functionality - Vkontakte-stats. It will not only allow you to find out the total number of messages, but also present the dates of the highest communication activity in the form of a record and a graph.

After you find out everything you need, we recommend changing your password - it is not known how the third-party software will dispose of the personal data you have entrusted to it.

Method 4: via plugin

And the latest version, which tells us how to find out how many messages are in the "Vkontakte" dialog, is to install the plugin on your browser. This method is safer than downloading applications - when added to the public, plugins are thoroughly checked for the presence of schemes harmful to users.

One of the most convenient is the familiar Vkontakte-stats. It is available for Chrome, Opera, Firefox for free. The installation scheme is similar for all browsers:

  1. Go to the page of this plugin, click "Install".
  2. In the pop-up window, click on "Install extension".
  3. Pay attention to the upper right corner in the browser window - after installation, the plugin icon will appear there - click on it.
  4. Allow Vkontakte-stats access to your VK account in the next pop-up window.
  5. After a while, the plugin will provide you with complete information about the number of messages (including incoming and outgoing messages) in all your dialogs.

If you want to view the data in the form of a convenient graph or diagram, then you should download the VK Messages Visual Statistics extension. In addition, it will introduce you to information that reveals which person in which year you interacted best.

So, to look at the number of messages in any of your Vkontakte dialogs is not painfully troublesome. You can deal with it both on your own or with the help of applications and browser extensions.

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