How to enter the BIOS: key combinations. How to enter the BIOS on a laptop or computer How to enter the BIOS without restarting the computer

How to enter the BIOS: key combinations. How to enter the BIOS on a laptop or computer How to enter the BIOS without restarting the computer


The basic input/output system is the beginning of a computer's electronic life. In the case of hardware, or software malfunction BIOS microchip - successful startup of the computing device simply becomes impossible. Despite the extreme degree of reliability of the specified element computer system, software failures in the underlying microsystem (due to many factors!) still occur. In most cases, the problem “BIOS does not start: what to do?” is resolved by simply replacing the CMOS battery, otherwise it is necessary to apply a comprehensive diagnostic plan, and only after identifying the cause of the problem, carry out a repair (correct!) algorithm of actions, -. details in the article!

Not a short introduction: small BIOS and big consequences...

Indeed, everything depends on a small microcircuit, which contains a set of microprograms in its memory, and in totality is the basic microsystem of a computer! A very rare electronic ailment that occurs in our time is damage to the main BIOS record of the system (not to be confused with temporary data stored in CMOS memory!) - this is a “dead” motherboard. That is, the motherboard becomes completely useless, since it is deprived of a startup control element.

A partial malfunction of the microchip BIOS can be accompanied by an incredible variety of surprises, both hardware and software. In general, the beginning of all computing principles is a small microcircuit with a certain set of programs. The degree of efficiency of the computer you are using directly influences the overall service life of the computing device as a whole depends on how correctly you configure the BIOS. If for you, dear reader, everything written above has become news, then it makes sense to think: “Do I comply with the manufacturer’s critical instructions regarding operating rules?”

Why the BIOS suddenly stopped starting: a little about all the reasons

Let's move on to specifics, because the situation “does not start” can look different:

  1. When you press the “on” button, nothing happens - a black screen and silence.
  2. The computer turns on, the screen flickers with a black void (not active) - the noise of the fans is heard and the system speaker (BIOS speaker) beeps.
  3. The computing device starts, some message is displayed on the screen - the buttons do not respond, except that... the restart works.
  4. The system boots too quickly (and safely!), but you can’t get into the BIOS.

There is another interpretation of the problem voiced, when a novice user does not correctly understand what exactly is happening and at the same time wonders how to enter the BIOS in general? Let's start with the last one...

How to enter basic computer settings

Depending on the BIOS version(s), as well as the design features of the computer, access to basic settings may differ radically from the methods that are considered standard.

For example, in most PC modifications, entering the BIOS is done by pressing the “F2” or “Delete” function button. Moreover, the activation of one of these buttons is carried out immediately at the moment of starting the computer system at its initial stage. By the way, there is a special technique for calling the main BIOS menu- repeated pressing of the corresponding button with an interval of two presses per second of time.

There are other “tactile schemes” for entering the BIOS - some manufacturers equip the devices they produce with special mechanisms, push-button or lever type, when activated, the user enters the service menu of the base microsystem. However, there are also more exotic buttons - touch ones. However, the essence of the listed keys and service gadgets is the same - calling the BIOS Setup menu.

As for the “speed resistance” to entering the basic computer settings menu, there are several possible solutions:

  • Enter the BIOS menu through Windows OS - use this link to read about how this is done.
  • Try calling the BIOS using other service keys, for example, “F8”.
  • Finally, you can get to the basic settings using the System Restore rescue disk or Windows distribution.

Black screen and silence: causes and solutions

This “electronic incident” has a rather long list of “causes and consequences”, however, it is possible to identify the main symptoms of the malfunction, namely, to quickly identify the real culprit of the “silent triumph”.

  • There is a 99.9% chance that the power supply has failed. Naturally, replacing the component with a known-good power supply unit will correct the situation in the direction of “Problem resolved!”
  • The power button is faulty - replace the switching element or check the wire for mechanical damage(obvious breakage, deformation of the wire, oxidation of contacts, etc.), of course, with its subsequent restoration (soldering, cleaning).
  • Dust contamination of the inside of the computer case (especially important for portable computer equipment - a laptop) - it is necessary to clean all components of the system board, as well as the attached modules and wiring equipment, from dust. Do not forget to clean the protective mesh of the air intakes and other structural elements of the body.

The computer turns on, but the monitor screen is “full of dark secrets”

As a rule, problems with starting a computer system are always accompanied by a specific sound signal, the tone and sequence of which has its own decoding code.

To solve the problem described, you can also try changing the computer’s power supply, but more likely this “PC behavior” indicates that the BIOS has detected a faulty component in the system: one of the memory sticks (RAM) has failed, the hard drive has broken, or The processor temperature has reached a critical value. In the latter case, it is necessary to replace the thermal paste and check the cooling system cooler for serviceability.

Otherwise, user actions should be as follows:

  • Disable everything peripherals(printer, fax, web camera, external storage devices, etc.).
  • Remove all RAM modules.
  • Disconnect hard drives.
  • Switch to a different graphics mode - change the video circuit from integrated to discrete, or switch to the built-in video chip if you used an external video card.

If an empty continent starts up, add one component at a time from the previously disabled components and carefully monitor the reaction of the microsystem as a whole. In any case, if the BIOS starts, it means you have already achieved a positive result!

By the way, do not forget that a black screen may be the result of a failed monitor. In laptops, the integrity of the connecting cable is often compromised, which is constantly subjected to dynamic load when opening/closing the display cover. In the latter case, it is better to contact service center for laptop repair. In both the first and second cases, to check the truth of the assumption, you can always try connecting an external monitor to the VGA connector.

In conclusion

Here, in brief, is the entire list of instructions for the problem “BIOS does not start: what to do.” We hope everything worked out for you and access to basic settings is restored. Of course, you should not lose sight of another not described way to resolve the problem - switch the CMOS jumper to the RESET position (then return the contact element to its original position).

And you know, this article has a big continuation, because the BIOS may not start due to swollen capacitors, as well as “dead” transistors... Don’t miss it!

Almost every laptop or computer user has to restore the operating system over time. And in most cases you need to go into the BIOS to select a boot disk?

What is BIOS anyway? Translated into Russian this is basic system input and output. The operation of such a system can be seen during the computer startup process.

In this case, the user can see a black screen with numbers and white letters.

On a modern computer, this is not the system itself, but its more advanced descendant, called UEFI.

In short , When turning on the computer, such a program is used to test the subsystem entrusted to it.

Why do you need to go there?

Read also: How to Save Passwords When Reinstalling System: 2019 Methods

Those who have to log into the system using a computer have probably wondered why they need to do this.

So, to reinstall systems, you first need to enter this program. And this happens quite often.

In other words, they go there with the goal of changing the boot of their computer from a regular one or to a flash drive.

Often, to protect a computer or laptop from prying hands, users set a new password through the BIOS.

Thanks to a password set in this way, the system will not boot until the user enters the password correctly.

Sometimes users don't really like it if they accidentally touch the touchpad on their computer while typing. However, you can easily disable it completely if you use the bios mentioned above.

This program also checks the temperature of some components and controls the speed of installed coolers or fans.

Ways to log into this system on Windows 7

Read also: [Instructions] How to enter Safe Mode in the Windows operating system (XP/7/8/10)

Entering the BIOS on Windows 7 is very simple - to do this, click on hotkey after the computer is turned off.

Perform this action before rebooting your computer. It is recommended to click on the hotkey before the user enters the BIOS system menu.

Often an inscription appears on the user’s monitor screen: English language, prompting you to go into the settings of your personal computer.

Motherboard creators often use the Delete key. Often the F2 key is used as a hotkey.

There are also some other key combinations that help you enter the BIOS on computers running XP or Windows:

  • Escape ;
  • F10 ;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Escape ;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Ins ;
  • Ctrl + Alt.

If you couldn’t find the answer to your question from our article, read the instructions for motherboard, which details which keys should be used to enter the BIOS.

After entering the BIOS, the user may see a blue or gray screen in front of him. Most often, the settings are arranged in several rows.

Since the description of all keys is only in English, those who do not know it well should use English-Russian dictionary.

Ways to enter BIOS in Windows 8/10

Read also: [Instructions] Calibrating the screen on a laptop or monitor for a PC running Windows 10

This method is a simple solution on how to enter the BIOS on a computer on which the Windows operating system version 8.1 is installed.

Since loading this system on a modern computer is almost instantaneous, quickly click on the desired button very hard. The same answer can be given to the question of how to enter the BIOS on an Acer laptop.

To get into the BIOS, Windows users must click on reboot, and then click on Shift.

You can perform a similar operation by going to the command line when, for example, the keyboard on the laptop you are using does not work.

To do this, simply open and type shutdown.exe (without the quotes). You can say the same thing about the vaio laptop, how to enter the BIOS.

To open command line the following steps should be taken. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run".

If this item is missing, click on the free space in the Start menu and select the "Properties" option. Next, in the menu, click the checkmark next to the option "Run command".

As a result, the operating system will load an additional menu. It requires the following steps:

  • Select the "Diagnostics" option;
  • In the submenu open "Additional options";
  • Next, select the Settings option. If this item is missing and you cannot enter the new BIOS through Windows, it means that the user does not use UEFL technology on the computer. In such a situation, boot the BIOS using certain keys. This must also be taken into account when wondering how to enter the BIOS g50, as well as how to enter the BIOS on a Samsung.

Actions if the system boots immediately

Read also: [Instructions] How to disable the built-in video card on a laptop or computer

New version of the output system, as well as the eighth and tenth Windows version Instant loading of the operating system is supported.

This means that entering the BIOS is much more difficult. Those who encounter a similar situation should restart Windows while holding down the Shift key.

Instead of a subsequent reboot, the user may see the option "select action". To do this, press the “search” key and "troubleshooting".

IN Windows system 8 press the “Diagnostics” button. Next click on « additional options» And “properties of installed software”.

BIOS on a laptop

Read also: [Instructions] How to increase RAM on a laptop: a step-by-step description of the process applicable to all models of Asus, Acer, Lenovo, etc.

It is necessary to take into account one more small but important detail. In most used laptops, manufacturers practice new key combinations.

To be more precise, the entry key, for example, F2, remains the same. However, on a laptop keyboard you should hold down not only the F2 key, but also the Fn key.

Finding out exactly when to hold down the Fn key is very simple. When the keys F1 to F12 on the keyboard are blue, it means that it is recommended to use the additional Fn button to press these keys. It is also important to consider that the color of the keyboard can be anything, however main feature– the same color for the letters F1 to F12, as well as Fn.

Login on different laptops

Read also: TOP 3 Simple ways to clear RAM on a computer or laptop running Windows 7/10

To the question of how to enter the BIOS on a particular laptop, you can answer this way - to do this, follow the same rules as for logging in on a regular computer.

The same prompts appear on the monitor with rare exceptions. The main thing is to look carefully at the monitor and choose the appropriate options.

If you look at home screen during the system boot process on the laptop fails, and the standard Delete and F2 keys do not work, contact the laptop manufacturer’s website for help.

By looking at the model name, anyone can easily find a way to open the system setup program.

Manufacturers of HP laptops advise quickly pressing the Escape key during the system boot process, and then the F10 key.

This instruction does not apply to a specific model. Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that it was written for various models of a similar company.

Manufacturers of Samsung laptops advise to successfully enter the BIOS (system settings) by pressing the F2 key several times before booting. The same actions during the system boot process must be performed when working with Asus laptop(how to enter the BIOS, which will be described in other articles) or Dell, as well as a Lenovo laptop (how to enter the BIOS, which will be described in other articles).

On some laptops, you can enter the BIOS by pressing the F12 key, and then select the device from which to boot your . This is a simple way to go into the BIOS on hp.

To fine-tune your computer, there is a so-called BIOS. It controls how the computer turns on, allows you to change some of its settings before the operating system boots, and selects which disk to boot from. Those. When the computer turns on, it immediately looks at its settings in the BIOS.

In this article I will show you how to enter BIOS on different computers and laptops. There are many of them, but the logic is approximately the same. For a better understanding, there will be several videos where I show everything using real examples.

General understanding of BIOS entry

I made several videos for you from different computers. If you watch the whole video, but it turns out a little wrong on your computer or laptop, then don’t despair. Using the information received, you can easily figure out how to enter the BIOS. There are three main types of BIOS: Award (Phoenix-Award), AMI (American Megatrends) and UEFI. Award BIOSes mainly come with blue windows, AMIs with gray-blue windows, and UEFI with a beautiful graphical interface.

In order to enter the BIOS, you need to press one button or, in rare cases, a combination of buttons when the computer starts. The whole question is WHEN and WHAT to press. Please note that as soon as the computer turns on, a certain icon is displayed on a black background and at the bottom or middle of the screen you are asked to press one or more keys. One of them is entering the BIOS.

For Award this is usually the Delete (Del) key, and for AMI it is the F2 or F10 key. At the bottom of the screen it will say something like this “Press Del to enter Setup”. Setup is the same as BIOS. There are also buttons: F1, F3, F10 (Hewlett Packard), F12, Esc and combinations: “Ctrl+Alt+Esc”, “Ctrl+Alt+Ins”.

On IBM Lenovo Thinkpad laptops, press and hold the blue “ThikVantage” key until the menu appears. And on some Toshiba laptops, press “Esc” and then “F1”.

You must press quickly and several times (just in case), otherwise the computer will continue to boot and will not enter SETUP. If you don’t have time, simply restart your computer using the “Reset” button on the system unit or using the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key combination. And if you don’t have time to read the information, then click on the “Pause” button.

If, when you turn on the computer, the screen saver fills the entire screen, but nothing is visible behind it, then try pressing the “ESC” key to hide the screen saver and read the information from the screen on how to enter the BIOS. Also, which button to press can be found in the manual for the motherboard of your computer or laptop. It also happens that, then study these articles.

How to enter BIOS on different computers and laptops

You can see which BIOS you are using when you turn on the computer, when it appears on the screen general information, but in principle this does not matter, the main thing is to see which button needs to be pressed:

The example shows that the computer has Award BIOS version 6.00PG, and at the bottom you are asked to press the “Del” and “F9” buttons. In this case, the “Del” button is used to enter SETUP, and “F9” brings up a menu for selecting boot device. The BIOS itself may look like this:

Watch the video on how to enter the Award BIOS and also set the boot device:

And here is another variety of “Award”

No information about the version is written, but it is clear that you need to click in order to go there. Watch a video with this example:

But in this picture you can see that the computer is controlled by the “AMI” BIOS and the usual “Delete” key is used to enter:

But here is a completely different option, which uses the “F2” key

And the BIOS “AMI” itself in all cases looks something like this:

Watch the video on how to enter BIOS on a laptop with “AMI”, using an example ASUS Eee PC:

In fact, the procedure for logging into SETUP on computers and laptops is no different, because everything depends only on the version of the BIOS used.

Another option is how to enter the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop. There are no hints at all, you just need to know that during the splash screen you need to press “F2”

On Lenovo G500 series models, you need to press the OneKey Recovery key when the laptop is turned off, and on some models Fn+F2 (or F12) works.

Recently, you can increasingly see computers with UEFI. But this is not even a BIOS in the usual sense, but a small operating system that is compatible with the BIOS and performs its functions. It can be with a graphical interface, or it can be in regular text mode. Entering there is also not difficult, for example using the “Del” button

In general, I think you understand the logic of entering different BIOSes, because there is nothing complicated here. In 90% of cases, SETUP includes to . Well, if for some reason you cannot do this, then refer to the instructions for your motherboard or search the Internet by the name of the computer or laptop model.

My BIOS is asking for a password, how do I reset it?

If someone set a password before you, then when entering the BIOS you will need to enter this same password. On laptops, the process of resetting a password is quite a non-trivial task and for each specific model need to look for information. But with computers everything is much simpler, so how to reset BIOS password you can use a special jumper, which is found on almost any motherboard. This jumper is called “Clear CMOS” and you can find it next to the battery:

There are three contacts on the board, two of which have a jumper. Usually it’s enough just to move it to the other two contacts for 10 seconds, and then back. Before doing this, you need to unplug the power cable from the computer. If the password is not reset or there is no jumper at all, then additionally remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes:

The BIOS password should be reset, as well as all its settings. Please take this into account, because... settings can significantly affect the overall .

These are the pies, ask in the comments if anything is unclear.

Due to the wide range of computer manufacturers, there are many ways to enter BIOS. Below is a list of these methods, as well as other recommendations for entering BIOS settings.

Many people think that access to BIOS settings occurs through Windows. This is a misconception. The BIOS begins to perform its functions even before the operating system starts. Then he gives her control.

It is a chip located on the motherboard that contains instructions and settings for starting the equipment. There are three main ones, AMI, AWARD and UEFI.

Basic functions of BIOS

  1. POST is a testing procedure that runs before the OS boots. It checks the hardware for errors and malfunctions. In case of a problem, it emits sound signals.
  2. Boot loader - if windows is installed, it searches for its files and transfers control.
  3. Low-level drivers are responsible for controlling computer components.
  4. BIOS settings is a program that allows you to configure hardware and system parameters.

Where can I find out how to enter the BIOS on my computer? Study the documentation of the motherboard, you will find a lot there useful information. If you have a laptop, go to the manufacturer's website.

There is another tricky way. When you start your computer, the required keys appear for a while. To avoid wasting your time, below are the frequently used buttons.

How to enter BIOS

Majority modern computers, allow you to enter settings by pressing one key while the PC boots. Older systems may use combinations of three keys, we will also consider them below. I recommend pressing until you get to the menu in English.

Possible login options:


More often keys help to enter BIOS with numbers 1 and 2. The last three points are outdated combinations, maybe they will be useful to someone.

If F10 launches the BOOT MENU, then F2 will open the BIOS. The BOOT MENU sets boot priorities. By default, the hard drive comes first. If you are going to install windows 7 or another, be sure to select in the first paragraph bootable USB flash drive or disk drive.

You will hear sound signal. Continue holding the button until the computer stops booting. Next you will be asked to enter the BIOS settings or press another button to continue loading.

From the recommendations above you know how to enter BIOS. Why would you even go there? By playing with the settings, you can increase performance by up to 30%. By overclocking the processor by increasing the system bus (FSB) frequencies. Also, with the increase in FSB, all other frequencies increase, and the performance of the entire system increases.

Most PC users know about the existence of BIOS, some even have an idea of ​​its functions and purpose. At the same time, the average user does not need to directly access the BIOS. Working with a computer every day for many years, people do not know how to enter the BIOS and what may be needed in it. Meanwhile, some operations, for example, reinstalling the operating system from a flash drive or enabling/disabling hardware elements are impossible without changing the BIOS settings. Understanding what it is will be useful for everyone.

What is BIOS and what is it for?

BIOS (BIOS, English BasicInput/Output System) is an information input/output system that communicates between the hardware and the computer’s operating system. It contains information about the composition, configuration and current state all elements of the computer, determines the boot order of the operating system, and performs dispatch functions for monitoring systems and security. The BIOS code is located on a special chip with corresponding markings located on the motherboard. It can be updated, i.e. re-record, but this undertaking is complex and risky.

To change the system boot order (used when reinstalling the OS installed on your PC), go to the Boot tab

The most common way a user accesses the BIOS is to change the system boot order. When installing an OS from a flash drive, you must set USB boot as the first number, otherwise after the first reboot the computer will install the old system and the process will go in an endless circle. In addition, other actions can be performed:

  • Change or return to factory (optimal) settings.
  • Changing the processor operating mode.
  • Obtaining information about the processor temperature.
  • Fan operation mode control.
  • Enable/disable some ports or functions, etc.

After the changes have been made, the program will offer the choice of saving them or leaving the setting unchanged. To do this, you will need to press the appropriate keys.

Attention! Making changes to the BIOS settings can radically change the operating mode of the motherboard and processor. For an unprepared user, such a step is fraught with undesirable consequences, including the complete failure of the components. Without precise knowledge and understanding of the essence of your actions, nothing should be changed.

Are there any differences in running UEFI BIOS

The main difference is that UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is not a BIOS. This is firmware with similar functions, created for the same purposes of interaction between the hardware and the operating system. At the same time, UEFI is designed for 64-bit systems, which makes it stand out and not applicable to all computers. The developers claim that the future belongs to UEFI, which will displace BIOS due to its obsolescence and low capabilities. Already today UEFI has access to more memory, does not limit the size of disks, is able to operate drivers and interact with the OS for more high level. In practice, UEFI becomes another intermediate operating system. Booting a computer via UEFI is only possible with hardware support, which is available only on new motherboards, so for now the boot type is selected in the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS on a desktop computer or laptop

Unlike programs recorded on HDD, you won’t be able to enter the BIOS by simply clicking on a certain icon. You need to do this after turning on the computer, but before the screen appears Windows boot. Moreover, different manufacturers assign their own methods for their motherboards. Often the user sits and does not know how to enter the BIOS, because the key assigned to enter is not the one that someone advised him, and the start picture on the monitor flashes in a split second, not allowing him to see which key needs to be pressed. In addition, there are several login options, although not all are usually available. Let's take a closer look at them:

Standard login method

The standard method is used most often. As the computer boots, a picture flashes on the screen indicating different combinations of buttons for executing certain commands. Among them is BIOS Setup, or something like: “Press Del to enter BIOS Setup”. Most often you need to press the “del” or “F2” button, but there may be other options, which the start picture informs about. It is recommended to press the desired key continuously so as not to miss the right moment. Sometimes the starting picture is delayed for a few seconds, but most often it flashes too quickly. In order to pause the download, you need to press “Pause/Break” at the right moment. Then you can calmly examine the inscription on the screen. If you couldn’t click on the right button in time, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination to start the system booting again. Alternatively, you can press the restart button.

List of possible hotkeys for entering BIOS

There are a large number of options for entering BIOS. Developers have their own combinations different versions BIOS:

Different BIOS developers offer different keys or key combinations to enter the BIOS

Manufacturers of computers or laptops set their own keyboard shortcuts:

Computer manufacturers have decided to keep up with BIOS developers and are also offering their own options.

It should be noted that such diversity does not make it easier to solve the problem, but, on the contrary, introduces unnecessary confusion. The introduction of a single standard in this matter has significantly facilitated the solution of the issue, but so far the situation is only complicated by the constant introduction of new combinations.

Login using the command line

It is necessary to immediately clarify: it is impossible to go directly into the BIOS using the command line. But you can give the computer a command to restart, during which it will be possible to log in in the normal way. Procedure:

  • In the “Start” menu, click “Run” (alternatively, press Win and R at the same time).
  • In the window that opens, write cmd.
  • A black command prompt window opens.
  • We write “shutdown.exe /r /o”, press “Enter”.

Command Shift+Reboot

This login option is used on Windows 8 and 10. In the “Start” menu, click on “shut down”, a pop-up menu will open in which you need to click on “Restart” while holding down the “Shift” key.

Login option through the Start menu on Windows 8 and 10

When the system starts booting, press the appropriate key (or combination) at the right time to call up the BIOS settings.

Entering BIOS via “Recovery” (for Windows 8 and 10)

IN operating system Windows, starting from version 8 and higher, has a system recovery function. The procedure goes through rebooting the computer, during which it becomes possible to enter the BIOS. Procedure:

  • In the panel (or in the Start menu, if available), open the Settings tab.
  • In the window that opens, select “Change computer settings.”
  • Go to the "Update and Recovery" tab.
  • Open the “Recovery” item, action options will appear on the right. In the "Special Boot Options" section at the bottom there is a "Restart Now" button. Clicking on it will cause the computer to restart, during which you can enter the BIOS in the normal way.

Login option via System Restore on Windows 8 and 10

Launching BIOS using a special button without a keyboard

There are ways to enter the BIOS settings using simpler hardware methods. Some laptops (for example, Lenovo) have a special button on the keyboard or panel, clicking on which directly opens the BIOS.

ThinkVantage button on Lenovo laptops- another simple one and quick way go to BIOS

This feature is very user-friendly, but, unfortunately, it is only found on some models from certain manufacturers.

For owners of system units, entry may be available using a special button located on the motherboard, usually near the battery.

A method for advanced users - entering the BIOS using a button on the motherboard

You will need to remove the cover system unit, but in some situations this method may be the most convenient or possible.

other methods

Considering the proposed options, you will notice that all of them (except for pressing the special direct entry button) initiate a reboot of the computer, and do not directly enable the BIOS. Therefore, any option to call the computer to restart can be considered an additional way to enter it.

What to do if a password is required to enter the BIOS

A password is usually not set when entering the BIOS, but some manufacturers or repair companies protect the entrance in this way. The easiest way is to enter the required combination, but often it is lost or completely unknown. In such cases, you have to turn off the computer, remove the system unit cover and remove the battery that powers the CMOS memory. It contains the password. After removing the battery, you need to close the contacts of its socket for 15 seconds. This will clear the CMOS and reset the password. After this, the battery is installed in place, the computer is assembled, turned on and logged in without a password.

It must be remembered that all changes made to the BIOS can damage the computer. Without an idea of ​​what will happen when you change a particular parameter, you should not do anything. Attempts to act on the principle of “what will happen if...” in this case are completely unacceptable. If you are not sure that everything is being done correctly, it is better to turn to specialists. This will help solve the problem while maintaining the functionality of the computer, in particular its hardware.

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