Is there bluetooth on PC. How to enable Bluetooth on a laptop and set it up

Is there bluetooth on PC. How to enable Bluetooth on a laptop and set it up


Many, as well as the author of this article, can no longer think about a certain problem for a long time until its decision becomes necessary. Today I ran into a practically vital need to reset a photo from the phone with the built-in memory for my working computer for the absence of a USB cord of the connection and wireless Internet. And only at this very moment I remembered the existence of the Bluetooth function. I remembered - and a lot was delighted.

But what to do someone who has ever had nothing to do with Bluetooth? And many works will need to understand how to enable Bluetooth on a laptop? Next will be description on the example of the HP laptop, but most of the tips are suitable for models of other manufacturers.

Is there a Bluetooth?

Bluetooth (Blue Tooth) - Nickname Danish King of Wiking Harald I. He became famous for connecting various peoples in one country who lived in Denmark - exactly where, on the initiative of Ericsson, this digital technology was launched.

No matter how wild it sounds, but many try to turn on the Bluetooth on a laptop, which is physically not able to support it without an external adapter. To avoid so awkward situation, you need to make sure that there is a built-in adapter in the laptop.

How to understand if there is a bluetooth in a laptop and where is it? Several options.

  1. You can search for information about the capabilities of your laptop on the official website of the manufacturer.
  2. You can carefully examine the bottom of the laptop for the presence of labels on it with the Bluetooth branded logo, which would confirm the presence of this function. Unfortunately, there was no such badge on my HP laptop.
  3. You can also go to the "Control Panel" through me "Start". There to select the "Equipment and Sound" tab. Next - "Device Manager" (it, by the way, can be launched as a whole six in different ways). In the list that opens easily, you can find Bluetooth if it is on your laptop.

And finally, the fourth. The most eloquent sign of the presence on the Bluetooth laptop is the keyboard button with the corresponding icon. On the HP laptop such a button, again, no. But in this and the secret - in my laptop for Bluetooth, the same key is responsible as for Wi-Fi!

Search for enable method

Now that you probably are sure that you have this option, you need to understand how to turn on bluetooth on a laptop.

We will hope that you have already installed the necessary drivers. Otherwise, you will need to download and install them. It is better to do this using the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop, which will not be difficult in any search engine.

So drivers in stock. We find a button on the laptop housing that is responsible for turning on Bluetooth, and simply click it. If this is a lever - drag it. Usually such buttons are located in the upper left corner. Some laptops helps in this F6 key or the Fn + 6 key combination (Fn + F3), and some, as already mentioned about my HP, the Bluetooth key and Wi-Fi coincides.

If the Find button fails (or just for a variety), you can enable Bluetooth on a laptop manually. To do this, click any mouse button on the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar, which is located preferably in the bottom right of the desktop, and select "Enable Adapter".

Now let's see how to set up bluetooth on a laptop.

Connect with the device

In order to fully enjoy all Bluetooth charms on a laptop, you now need only connect the same feature on your phone / tablet. Then click on the Bluetooth active icon in the taskbar and select "Add Device".

If for some reason bluetooth does not work on a laptop and it does not find a new device, it means that in the settings of this device is invisible for non-conjugate objects. In this case, invisibility must simply turn off (or, accordingly, enable visibility). To start pairing, you just need to click on the device found and follow the recommendations that you will see on the laptop monitor. That's what is approximately waiting for you as a result.

What is Bluetooth (bluetooth) - a convenient and easy to use device with which people exchange data.

Actual there is a question how to turn on bluetooth on a computer? Consider options with different series of Windows release.

How to turn on bluetooth

See also: Top 12 best Wi-Fi PC adapters or laptop: USB, PCI, PCI-E | Rating 2019.

Bluetooth is a simple device and incorporate it will not be difficult. The only thing for its proper operation is required to install drivers.

They can not be found complete with the device itself when buying in the store. Often you have to search and download on the Internet. Do not be discouraged - it is not hard.

If you want bluetooth to work correctly - install licensed drivers.

Enable on Windows 7

See also:[Instructions] How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router: TP-Link, D-Link, Zyxel Keenetic, ASUS | 2019.

Consider how to enable bluetooth on a computer with Windows 7.

Some PCs have built-in bluetooth. If you are not like that. It is necessary to purchase it separately in the store along with the adapter.

Also you need to know if you got, along with the data transfer device, driver? If yes - forward them forward.

If not, you need to find the exact name of the device and rummage on the Internet for what to find these the most installers and download.

That the device starts to function, you need to combine it with the computer - connect. Then include and make it possible to find a user.

Then you need to click on the "Start", choose "Devices and Printers" And go down to the "Device". Here you need to search for your PC, then click on it right mouse button "Puzzle Parameters" And choose the name of your computer.

In the tab "Puzzle Parameters" It is necessary to install a tick "Disconnect the bluetooth adapter".

Now you need to connect Bluetooth itself.

There are 2 options:

1 First option: "Start" / "Devices and Printers"/ "Devices" / Now you need to detect your computer by name and click on it right mouse button. / "Bluetooth parameters"/ RS name / disable "Bluetooth adapter". Ready.

2 second option: right mouse click on icon "Bluetooth devices". It is on the taskbar. Then find and activate item "Enable adapter". Ready

Activate the "Enable Adapter" item

In the future, the connection between the computer and bluetooth will be supported independently and set at the time when they are in the range of each other. It is done.

Now let's look at how to turn on bluetooth on a laptop.

Turning on on a laptop

See also:[Instructions] How to set up router: TP-Link, D-Link and other brands | 2019.

When buying a laptop, in the kit there is a disk with software. If it is not, you need to contact the site of the manufacturer and find, and then download everything you need. Install the driver.

Now the computer will see new equipment. This will be displayed in the Device Manager. Install utilities for proper operation. Their task is to connect to devices even without wired communication.

Now proceed to the PC itself.

Sometimes the question is relevant - where in the laptop to find bluetooth. Go to the Task Manager - it is there.

If the device is not active - "Enter it"

Enable on Windows 10

See also:Bluetooth (Bluetooth) does not see the device? How to solve the problem with connecting

Consider how to turn on bluetooth on a computer in Windows 10.

It is necessary to proceed several steps that would connect bluetooth to Windows 10 on a laptop. Again, we are determined if the drivers are installed with the adapter? This can be done through the task manager.

Hey! Sometimes you need to connect something very urgently to your Bluetooth laptop. Yes! Modern laptops are equipped with Bluetooth adapters, but at the most unexpected moment you do not even suspect how it can be turned on. This is how to include bluetooth on a laptop based on my experience I will tell in this article.

Does he?

But before turning on, you need to confirm if you have this adapter? And it may not, and will we try? If you are sure that it is present on your laptop, feel free to go to other sections under your operating system. And I'm still a little theory here.

For reference. Some laptop / netbook / ultrabook manufacturers are withdrawn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules for one fee. So after the failure of one, maybe the abyss and the other.

Options, how to check the presence of "blue tooth":

  • Checking on a laptop, the presence of an icon or inscriptions about what is Bluetooth. All important radiocommunication stickers are located on the bottom of the laptop housing. But it's easier to find this icon (but sometimes it does not happen):
  • You can go B. Device Manager and see the presence of Bluetooth devices:

  • If nothing on the stickers did not find anything, you can definitely find your exact laptop model (on the same stickers or check), go to any online store and see the characteristics. There, too, it is indicated:

This should be enough. We will not get involved in a lot, today we have another topic. And this question will cut in more detail somehow another time.


One thing is the presence of a radio module, another thing is its hardware inclusion. This is the approach:

  1. The module must be in a laptop.
  2. The module must be enabled physically.
  3. The module must be enabled software.

Now our task is to activate physically. Some laptops are equipped with special buttons or levers to turn on the Bluetooth adapter, but most of the modern devices still provides the user with the ability to enable through the key combination. The main manufacturers and the necessary combinations, to activate the Bluetooth adapter on the laptop, I reduced the following table:

Acer.Fn + F3.
ASUSFn + F2.
Dell.Fn + Pratscr
HP.Fn + F12.
Lenovo.Fn + F5.
MSIFn + F9.
Toshiba.Fn + F12.
SamsungFn + F9.

That's how it looks like (and do not be scared that there WiFay, explanation below):

There are some features here. Remember, mentioned above, what often combine Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? I sit right now on Asus, and here is the same thing. Pressed once Fn + F2 - WiFay turned on, once again - turned off. Once again turned on Bluetooth. And so all possible options. Essence - try flashing to turn on, perhaps you have the same nonsense. The liked himself met on Samsung. But the Chinese DNS was covered with separate remote buttons)

After the manipulations carried out in the tray near the clock, something like this icon should appear:

Sometimes this icon is hiding in a curtain:

And on some laptops there will be a special light bulb:

If it is not visible, or has a different color, go to the following items. We will launch it! Go to activation in the operating system.

Windows 10.

I start a review of actions in different operating systems from Windows 10, because At this moment I sit on it. Everything is very simple here. Do on the steps and not mistaken.

First, the easiest way. Click in the lower right corner, and there you already find bluetooth tiles:

You can use! And now an alternative, you never know what your panel.

Step 1. Start - Parameters

Step 2. Devices

Step 3. Bluetooth and other devices - incl

Step 4. Connection

I will not offer a picture for this item, in the figure above the bottom there will be a list of devices available to connecting. Find the desired, click on it, connect. If suddenly does not find anything - check again if the very blue icon is in the tray, and most importantly - is it available to another device to connect, because It's one thing on another device to turn on bluetooth, another - make it available for detection (relevant for phones).

In addition to these cases, at the end of the article will focus on possible problems. But if suddenly, your trouble will not be allowed, leave comments, we will try to solve together.

Windows 8 and 8.1

The next operating system, which has not worked in the people, but still meets. Personally, he sat on them, but automatically moved to the "top ten". Here, too, there is nothing complicated, everything has already been rendered on separate panels.

But you know where is the settings on the "eights"? Correctly - we bring the mouse to the right screen area, and there is a "blind", with which we will start.

Step 1. PC Parameters - Computer and Devices

Step 2. Bluetooth - On

Step 3. We are looking for devices and connect

Similar to the prolve section - the list of devices appears below by clicking on which you can connect. If not finding - go to the problem. But the article is more about the inclusion of bluetooth on a laptop, and not the pairing of devices. So any question is in the comments.

Alternative, through the same right panel:

Windows 7.

Disposable, but still the most frequently found legendary "seven". Here everything was a little confused, but it works on the same principle. The bonus of this instruction - on it you can make the same setting of bluetooth on a laptop and on new versions, but it will be a little more difficult.

Before instructions, I suggest watching a video in this way:

Step 1. Control Panel - Network and Internet

Step 2. Network and Common Access Control Center

Step 3. Changing the adapter parameters

Step 4. Network Connection Bluetooth

Other adapters - Wi-Fi, wired Ethernet will be located here, but our task is to find Bluetooth, click on it right mouse button and select "Enable":

So we turned on our Bluetooth in the system. Connecting to other devices is already in another place.

Step 5. Control Panel - Adding a Device

Step 6. We are looking for and connect

Similar to the actions of new systems, we are waiting for the emergence of new devices and try to connect to them:


Now there is a very rare system, but you never know ... so briefly. Access to the settings is located in the control panel. So we go there, and there we make the above thoughts. The video below is more about connecting to another device, but those who want "Oldmans" will understand without problems:


How could I forget about the owners of McBuki. Honestly, I had to work for them just a couple of times, and in one of them I had to connect my phone on the bluetooth. So with experience. Actions here are also a bit, then this is the poppy)

Bluetooth - Enable Bluetooth

On the top curtain we find a familiar icon, and there already we are looking for an appropriate option:


In some cases, the Bluetooth laptop is initially turned off in the BIOS. You just need to turn it on there. Bios like motherboards a lot, I will not see each model here, after all, this is a rare case. So look for the BIOS settings under your specific laptop model and specify whether there is an inclusion of bluetooth (sometimes may not be at all). Show a couple of screenshots, as it may look like:

External programs

Sometimes other external programs are used to include bluetooth. This is especially true of special utilities from laptop manufacturers. I will not consider, everything is individually from the model, but you need to know - if you have programs that went by default when selling, perhaps it is there that is the most turned on.

Possible problems

The main problems in the inclusion of an adapter, or why it does not turn on at all:

  • It is not in the laptop - check all possible check options, watch the manual for it, open the manufacturer's site for your specific model number (the assembly of laptops is often highlighted).
  • He is polnean - here more by experience.
  • It is not enabled physically - look for a separate button or key combination. Or maybe disabled in bios? If it is not included so, then further actions to perform pointless.
  • Driver problems and other troubles in device manager. Here you just need to open the device manager itself (win + x and select device manager) and make sure that no exclamation red or yellow signs are present near our adapter. If something is wrong - delete it from here, then "update the configuration of the equipment", waiting for it again in the list with the re-drivers and reboot the laptop. Usually helps.
  • Another device is not available - these are also frequent problems. Many are trying to include bluetooth, when everything is incorporated, but another device forget to turn on.

Could not solve? There are cool comments from below - write your question there with all the details, and I will try to answer it here or in a separate article. Have a nice day!

Manufacturers of modern laptops, cover their devices with the Bluetooth module, and the users have a lawsuit, how to enable it. It is important to understand the differences between WiFi and Bluetooth, although it is both protocols for wireless data transmission.

  • WiFi is created for wireless connection to the Internet and is not intended to transfer data between devices. We are talking about modules built into laptops;
  • Bluetooth protocol or as it is called "Blue Tooth", serves to connect devices to each other and exchange information between them. For example, your laptop and wireless speakers.

With differences and destination - figured out, we turn to the practical part.

Determine the presence of the Bluetooth module

Before turning on the bluetooth on a laptop, it would be nice to check the availability of an adapter in your gadget and its correct work.

For the most part, manufacturers combine both of the modules mentioned in one chipset, which in physical failure, often leads to their joint disconnection.

Information about the presence of a wireless adapter may be present on the service label, on the bottom cover of the laptop or to be in the device manager.

Make sure the available module can move to its inclusion.

Turning on Bluetooth with hot keys

The fastest way to activate the "blue tooth" () is to use a combination of hot keys, carefully pre-installed by the manufacturer. The key combination may differ not only depending on the manufacturer, but also from the model. Below is a table with popular combinations.

Before pressing, make sure that the wireless connection icon is applied on the "F" button.

Found? Now check if the icon appears on the right side of the taskbar and add the necessary device to connect.

If there is no specified icon on the keyboard, the Bluetooth turning on the Windows settings.

Enable Windows 10 on Computers

Enable bluetooth in Windows 10, you can in several ways, we will look at the fastest, through the computer parameters.

1. In the Start menu, select "Parameters" and go to the "Device" tab.

2. The first section will be "Bluetooth and other devices". Slide the slider to the "On" position. The search for accessories available to connecting accessories will begin.

3. From the list of the list, select the desired to start synchronization.

Nothing found? Check whether the adapter is activated on the second machine. If you are confident that everything should work, pay attention to the end of the article, where we will analyze typical problems and solutions.

Connection on Windows 8 / 8.1

1. Move the mouse to the edge right side of the screen to jumped the new panel, go to "PC Parameters" - "Computer and Devices".

2. Open the "Bluetooth" section.

3. Move the slider to the "On" position, after which the search for mapping devices will begin. Among the results, find the necessary and click Connect.

The fastest way to get to the wireless configuration is to use Windows Search tools.

Instructions for Windows 7

Turning on the "blue tooth" on Windows 7, you can call universal - The method is 100% suitable for senior versions of the operating system, although it is very problematic.

1. Open the "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet".

2. Go to the "Network and Shared Access Control Center".

3. Select "Changing the Adapter Settings".

4. Among others, find the Bluetooth Network Connection label. Click on it right-click and click "Enable". You have included a wireless adapter.

5. To synchronize with other devices, go back to the "Control Panel" and select "Adding the device".

6. Windows will begin searching for mapping of gadgets, they will appear in the specified window. To connect, select the equipment found and click "Next".

7. Depending on the type of the gadget, you may need additional confirmation.

Once again, this is a universal method suitable for the versions of the operating system 7 and above.

Solving possible problems

The situation is not excluded when you have done all the actions described, but the bluetooth has not turned on. The reason can be a software failure in the equipment or OS itself. One way to correct the situation will be deleted and re-adding the module with the subsequent update of the drivers.

1. Go to "Device Manager" (quick access is performed by the Win + R keys combination) and find your wireless adapter in the list.

2. Highlight it by clicking the right mouse button and delete it in the context menu.

3. On the Action tab, click "Update Equipment Configuration", Bluetooth Module will appear again in the list.

4. Finally, search for new drivers through the context menu.

In the same way, the installed antivirus software can be interfered with or vice versa - the virus is treated, it is treated by reinstalling the system, or the antivirus temporary disconnection. In other cases, I advise you to contact the service center to solve the problem.

To enable Bluetooth on your laptop, you need to do several pretty simple manipulations. First, make sure the laptop supports this technology. Secondly, determine your operating system: Windows or Mac. After that, go to the appropriate section in the table of contents and go through step-by-step instructions for enabling this device.

How to turn on bluetooth windows 7, vista

Check the module in the Bluetooth radio modulus list list (step 3).

Necessary steps on the inclusion of bluetooth on a laptop:

1. Go to the "Start" menu, find the "Control Panel" there and click on the link.

2. Find in the Device Manager control panel.

3. In the device list, find the Bluetooth Radio Row. Right-click on the corresponding model (highlighted yellow) and select "Properties".

4. Go to the "Driver" tab and if it is missing, then go to "update". If everything is normal to close the window.

6. In the "Network and Shared Access Control Center", go to "Changing the Adapter Settings".

7. Select the Right-click Bluetooth Network Connections and select "Enable".

Windows 10.

How to turn on bluetooth on Mac

On MAC laptops, the process is even easier:

1. Click on the "Bluetooth" icon;

2. Select the "Enable Bluetooth" option.

Features of individual models of laptops

ASUS or ACER brand laptops are a light bulb that tells us about Bluetooth turned on. On them, the burning light carries completely different information. On laptops there is a sticker on the housing, showing the main characteristics of this laptop. On these stickers, we can see either just an icon in the form of the letter "in" or the full word Bluetooth. The inclusion is made by pressing the button above the keyboard in the upper left corner.

There are two more options:

On laptops, not all stamps are installed special drivers, which can be installed from the manufacturer's official website.

Checking the correct connection

First check how bluetooth works on any device. When you try to connect the phone to other devices, you can see the phones in the Program window, which were discovered with the included and affordable bluetooth.

From above shown, as it looks like on the iPhone. In the "Settings" section, Bluetooth subsection can be found and test the performance of the Bluetooth module..

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