Story. Yaroslavl Highway Historical Museum, Korolev

Story. Yaroslavl Highway Historical Museum, Korolev


Yaroslavl highway, in other words, the Federal Automobile Road "Holmogor" or M8. Its total length is almost 1300 km. And it is worth noting, extremely fascinating kilometers! On the existence of this road, I think everyone knows, but not everyone knows that it was on this path that Mikhail Lomonosov was in Moscow, and Muscovites left the capital burned in Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812. Many other historical events were also directly connected with Yaroslavl road. And the sighting attractions in this direction will be able to give you the most holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe historical significance of the Yaroslavl tract.

We list the largest cities and settlements in which you will have to go by going to the auto desk on this highway: Mytishchi, Korolev, Ivanteevka, Pushkino, Khotkovo, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Veelsk, Arkhangelsk.

We will not stop in detail each (at least, not in this article - everything is your time), but you will walk in short on some of them. Moreover, it will go to the long way from Moscow to Arkhangelsk, we will dare a few, but to go on the weekend, visiting one of the nearest cities and inspected the most iconic attractions will be available and curious to everyone.

The first major city on the Yaroslavl Highway - Mytishchi, the existence of which is first mentioned in 1460, not as about the city (they received this status only in the first quarter of the 20th century), but as about the village of Mytisch (emphasis on the first syllable), due to What starting from the 15th century, here was charged by MZD (sot) from merchants traveling with their goods to Moscow.

Mytishchi Historical and Art Museum

If you are interested in the history of this city, then you will certainly look at Mytishchi Historical and Art Museum, in which, however, you will learn not only about Mytishchi, but also another historical and architectural heritage of the region. The exposition presented in the museum is divided into two important components: historical and artistic. There are many of the most diverse information as about the construction of the first Moscow water pipeline and the estates of the Mytishchinsky region and architectural monuments of 18-19 centuries. There are collections of products of Zhostovsky masters, books and icons of 17-18 centuries. The temporary framework of the exposition is from the 17th century to the present day.

Church of the Icons of the Mother of God Vladimir

If you do not turn anywhere, but to move directly on the Yaroslavl highway, then there is a very beautiful church of the Icons of the Mother of God Vladimir, built in 1713 at the site of the 93rd house. The church is valid, although work on its restoration continues.

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Thainsky

If time is allowed, and there is an opportunity to drive deep into Mytishchi, right on the banks of the river Sukhroy, on the outskirts of the city from the west side, you can visit another acting church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Thainsky. The construction period dates back to 1675 from R.Kh. 3-4th century ago, the church was included in the ensemble of the Palace Sovereign on the way to the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. It will not be superfluous to note the fact that the village of Tyaninsky (17 km of the Yaroslavl highway) has its own very rich history, and in the 15th century, when it was still called "Tananskoye", his owner was Vladimir Andreyevich Brave, famous after the battle in the Kulikovsky field. Ivan Grozny attended the village at one time, and in 1605 there was a meeting of Falsmitria L with Maria Nagya.

Historical Museum, Korolev

The next entertaining point of destination on the Yaroslavl destination is the city of Korolev who has become a large settlement relatively recently, in 1938, having gathered under some banners, several villages adjacent to each other. The most ancient monument on the territory of the Queen is a settlement in Bolshevy, dating from the 12th century. There are several Slavic Kurgans nearby. Here at one time there were frequent excavations, it was found products from stone, iron, bones, which were subsequently entered into the exposition of the historical and local history museum, which you can also visit, stopping in the queen.

This museum was opened in 1992 on the territory of the former manor belonging to Kommersant A.N. Kraft. In addition to the various exhibitions of photographers, sculptors, masters of applied art, the museum is interested in its collection of objects of life and instruments of labor 11-20 centuries. In the exposition of the museum, a lot of attention is paid to the beginning of the middle of the 20th century. In the estate itself, for some time, until 1922, V.I. Lenin lived and worked, and during the Great Patriotic War in the territory of Queen was the largest artillery plant. Kalinina.

Church of Kosma and Damian in Bolevo

In the village of Bolshevo, you can visit the cosma church and Damian, built no later than the 16th century. In troubled time, the church was destroyed, and in 1682 restored. In 1786, construction work was finally completed, and the church accepted the type that has now. Feature of the interior of the Bashevsk Church in an elegant bunk iconostasis, a rare sample of icon painting of the end of the 18th century.

Cherkizovo and Tarasovka

The 27th km of the Yaroslavl highway is interesting, first, one of the most ancient settlements in the Moscow region, the village of Cherkizovo, named after Tsarevich Serkiza, secondly, no less than ancient, Tarasovka, first mentioned in 1573. In addition to those who were here for 60 years in the sports base of the Moscow Spartacus, in Tarasovka, for a long time A. S. Novikov-surf, not far from it was located Dacha D. B. Kedrina.

Church of the Fatherment of the Lord in Pushkino

In the city of Pushkino, on the territory of the new village there is a church of the referee of the Lord. Its main feature, can be the fact that in the period from the 70s to the 90s. The last century (during the period of Soviet power, it continued to function), served here the famous theologian and preacher Alexander Men, here, he was buried at the nearby cemetery.

Museum - Manor "Muranovo"

In the area of \u200b\u200b51 km of Yaroslavl highway is the Muranovo Museum Museum. The manuscripts of 1767 indicate that these lands belonged to the princes of Obolensky. And in 1869, the estate began to belong to the Tyutchev family. Here for many years there was a "literary circle", the famous people of the time were gathered. The museum exposition tells in detail about the people who have been here and about the former owners of the estate. In addition to the estate itself, it is possible to stroll through a very beautiful park.

Don-2NP, Sofrino

Not far from Sofrino (55th km of Yaroslavl highway) is one of the points, which is part of a single system of missile defense of the city of Moscow, more known as the radar station of the circular review "Don-2NP". The height of the structure reaches 33 and a half meters, it takes an additional 6 m. The length of the pyramidalides is about 100 m. Its main purpose is to control the airspace up to Eastern European countries. The structure looks very impressive if you want to look closer, remember that the territory is under guard.


Abramtsevo and Akhtyka

In the area of \u200b\u200b61 km, there are two estates at once: Abramtsevo and Akhtyrka. In the 19th century in the village of Akhtydka, there were possessions of the princes of Trubetsky: a wonderful manor ensemble in an ampir style - a palace with galleries and filties and the church of the Akhtyra Mother of God. Trubetsky, like their Mammoth neighbors, were great connoisseurs of the beautiful. So in these places they boil cultural life.

After the revolution in the estate opened the shelter for benches. Local residents were so unhappy with this fact that they set fire to the house. Now there is little left from him - as from the park. But the elegant church and the bell tower are well preserved.

In Abramtsevo, you will find a whole museum complex with a picturesque park, architectural monuments of 18-20 centuries., A collection of Russian art and an exposition dedicated to the owners and guests of the manor. It is especially interesting to a large collection of ceramics of the work of Vrubel, and in the park there is a bench of the artist, decorated with ceramics.


Pokrovsky Women's Monastery in Khotkovo

On the 65th km of the Yaroslavl highway, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Khotkovo there is a valid Pokrovsky women's monastery. One of the oldest in the suburbs, the year of foundation - 1308. In the history of Orthodoxy, it is known, first of all, the fact that in the monks of Sergius Radonezh and his brother Stefan. Initially, the monastery was built as worldly and lived in it both men and women. Subsequently was subordinated to the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, transformed into female, and in 1764 to an independent unit. Due to the fact that in 1609 the monastery was completely burned with Polish troops, the ancient buildings were not preserved on the territory of the monastery, all the present elements of the monastery architecture are dated 18-19 centuries.


Trinity Sergiev Lava, Trinity Cathedral, Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad is an integral part of any sightseeing trip in the Yaroslavl direction. The most important attraction here was the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, the largest center of pilgrimage and the most important shrine of Russian Orthodoxy. I do not take it in detail in this report, it deserves a separate article, I will try in brief: Golden pantry with treasures, a magnificent refectory, 88-meter bell tower, Assumption Cathedral with the stars on the domes ...

The Trinity Cathedral, the most ancient in the territory of the architectural complex, was built on the site of the Wooden Church, which Sergius Radonezh squirmed with her own hands. In turn, the modern Trinity Cathedral was built over the coffin of Rev. Sergius by his successor to Igumen Nikon. Inside the cathedral - beautiful frescoes, including a copy of the famous "Trinity" Andrei Rublev.

The only minus may be that the shooting in the temples of the Lavra is prohibited, but at least just to see their own eyes the inner decoration of church premises, definitely worth it. For sure, you will not be disappointed!

Rhythmic waterfall

The last place that I would like to illuminate in this review is a rattling waterfall located in the 80th km of the Yaroslavl highway. Unique phenomenon for the Moscow region. Its height reaches 25 meters. But water does not fall from height, but the hollow flows. So the rattling is more like a stormy mountain river than on the waterfall. According to legend, he appeared on Prayer Sergius Radonezh. In any case, the water in it is very "correct" and tasty. At cleft, from which the water beats is a chapel.

Moscow legends. According to the cherished road of Russian history, Vladimir Bronislavovich Muravyev

Yaroslavl highway

Yaroslavl highway

A. D. Litovchenko. Sokolniki Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Figure 1880s.

For Rosokin road rises up, on the hill. Previously, this place was called Poklonnaya Mountain. And it is in connection with this place S. M. Lyubetsky writes: "In general, many Russian cities on the departures have their own positive mountains; They met a long-distance guest, on them with sadness and tears they accompanied them into the distant road; They seen the city with shiny crosses of the temples, who were diligently worshiped by travelers, also encountered and accompanying them. "

Nearby, behind the Poklonnaya Mountain, where the prospect of the world is erected, moving to the Yaroslavl highway, the Trinity road fledged so that in Mytishchi to merge into one. Hence the right road (the current Yaroslavl highway) led in Mytishchi, left (now the street pilot Babushkina and its continuation - Thainskaya street) - to the royal travel palace in the village of Thainsky. From here, the royal trains turned to the left, and simple travelers and the Bogomolians continued the path on the Trinity Road.

Like any closed and inaccessible for an extraneous place of stay of crowned persons, the Thainsky caused great curiosity and many senses among the walking and traveling along the Trinity Road.

In ancient documents, the name of the village was written in other things: Toninskoye or Taninskoye, because it stood on tone -on ponds, comfortable for fishing, and only from the end of the XVIII century began to be called Tainitsky and Tinitsky. In the fact that the prosaic word "tonya" was preferred always the exciting word "mystery", there is a reason; And this reason is the historical fate of the village.

The village has long been princely, and then royal possession. In the XIV century, it belonged to the cousin Brother Dmitry Donskoy, the hero of the Kulikovsky battle of the Serpukhov prince Vladimir Andreevich, ninnable brave. Then returned to the Moscow prince.

Ivan the Terrible stayed in Taninsky, returning after taking Kazan. During the years of Okrichnin, he turned the Tananskoye to the place of orgies and executions. The house was delivered, which he called the Socational Chamber, in him the king was surrounded by the nearest girlfriends - Malyuts Skuratov, Basmanov, Vasily dirty, During Pirov, death sentences were taken out, the ryrichniki ocked unfortunate, people tied in bags and treated in the surrounding swamps.

Then I drove Boris Godunov with my courtiers. In the Taninsky Lzhedimitri, Mary Naguya brought from the monastery of the monastery, in Monastic Martar, to recognize him with his son. (She refused to confess his confession after the murder of falsehood.) Some of the second liedmitria, the so-called Tushinsky thief. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich came here on a falcony hunt, built the palace and instead of the wooden church stone in the style of Naryshkinsky Baroque, which was preserved by Donyn. In 1749, in the place of the disassembled Palace of Alexei Mikhailovich, Empress Elizabeth, also a big lover of falconry, put a new, more comfortable palace, arranged the park around him. They said that she had bathed in ponds along with village girls and gave them to ribbons. Subsequently, Solva added that here Ekaterina II was not at the light of a single illegitimate infant.

Church of the Annunciation in the village of Tinyansky. Photo of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Karamzin was still found the Palace of Elizabeth, burned in 1823, and described it.

"The place is secluded and pleasant! - tells Karamzin. - Here the banned Jauza seems to be a big river and the Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna's palace, which (loving traces of her grand grandfather) built him near the ruins of the palace Alexei Mikhailovich. It also collapses and, as I told me, sold on the SOV. I inspected it, there are big rooms, and it can be seen that some were well finished. Mrs. Radcliffe could take advantage of the Slim Palace and compose a terrible novel on him; There is everything you need for her skill: empty halls, corridors, high stairs, remnants of rich decorations, and (which is only more important) the wind will in the pipes, whistles in the broken gravestone and chlorides the doors from which the gilding rolling. I walked on the rotten stairs in the scary thunder and brilliance of lightning, it could indeed actually act on imagination. It is a pity that such a pleasant place surrounded by water and densely autonated with old trees that could close and the most huge building, now remains the wild desert. Everywhere grass in the belt; Nettle and wormwood grows on freedom. Sleepy Water Yauza dressed Tinos. Bridges rotted, so I could move with great difficulty through one of them ... "

Karamzin drove into the Tsarcheskoy road, by that time abandoned, broken and all available. However, in his time, the palace, in which he had not lived for a long time and in which nothing happened, the interest was missing, the senses subsided, turning into historical traditions, - in a word, serious reasons to make a hook, who driven to the trinity was not, and They followed directly.

Church in the village of Tinyansky. Engraving XVIII century.

At the end of the XIX century, the Thainsky has become popular among Muscovites a countryland - a Tinika - with all the necessary for the summer country holiday by institutions: a dance circle, pop, summer theater, a volleyball court, a football field. Now the guide is practically merged with Moscow, and a little bit left in it, although she officially continues to be called a village. On May 26, 1996, a monument was established in the central anniversary of the coronation of the last Russian Emperor Nikolai II in Tinyansky, the monument was established by the last Russian king of the work of the outstanding modern sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. The construction and installation of the monument was made on the author's personal funds. V. Klyov and his like-minded people when installing the monument spoke in the sense that this place is in the Kremlin and that they hope that someday it will come true. But on April 1, 1997, the monument was blown up by unknown "revolutionary". Two and a half years left at V. Klykov for his recovery, and on August 20, 2000, the monument again stood in the same place. Now this monument is not only the last king of Russia, not only the king of martyr, as written on the pedestal, but also the Holy New Martyr Russian, ranked in the Saints of the Bishops' Cathedral in August 2000.

Not far from the ancient Tyaninsky turn of the Yaroslavl highway intersects the Moscow District Railway. To the left of the intersection is the Station Rosokino, on the right of the railway line goes to Sokolniki.

The construction of a Moscow district road was intended back in the 1860s, when the rapid activity on the construction of railways was unfolded, and it became obvious that Moscow would be a major railway node. It was assumed that the circumferential road would perform the role of transport junction that transit trains follow it, which arriving in various directions of goods will be distributed and transported to it closest from the recipient.

In 1903-1908, the District Railway was built. It was constructed during the years of high rise of Russian industrial architecture, so platforms, posts, villages, bridges and other technical facilities, most of which were built by individual, original projects, beautiful, expressive and constitute magnificent monuments of Moscow modern.

However, the calculations for the district road as the transport junction were not justified: its vice was in the principle of the intracity transport ring scheme, which was not even suspected of. The radial-ring circuit of travel, rational for cities to a certain size of the occupied area, after overcoming the critical border becomes irrational. By time, the construction of the district railway Moscow oversailed this border. Hands around the ring too extended the path, so for driving transit cargoes, all Moscow Railways used their, more comfortable, connecting branches. Getting cargo through the district managed much more expensive than getting them from commodity stations. A passenger movement could be more promising, but at the beginning of the 20th century the city was just beginning to master the areas adjacent to the railway ring, so the number of passengers was small. True, to the prewaging 1914, a trip around the district rail has become a very popular excursion among Muscovites. In the "news of the Moscow City Duma" in 1913, a short guide to the "area around the district rail" was printed, in which several rows are devoted to the segment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Trinity Road: "On the 6th mile, on the right side of the railway, along the Yaroslavl highway , spread on both sides of the Yauza River village Rosokino. Near him is the famous aqueduct, a plumbing channel, supported by 21 gigantic arch. At the beginning of the 8th verst, the district railway crossing Yaroslavl through an iron bridge and heads in an open area up to the Losinoostrovsky forest, in which the "Belokamena" station is located.

Currently, the Moscow Government discusses the use of the district railway as a passenger line. Now she will have enough passengers. The implementation of this truly necessary Moscow and Muscovites project will bring very tangible benefits. It is the real benefit that this project differs from many others offered by the Institute of General Planning Moscow to the government of non-agricultural or harmful projects, such as the 3rd transport ring through Lefortovo, repeating the error of designers of the initial project of the Moscow District Railway.

At the line of the district railway, the Northerner's platform, named by the city that existed here before the war was absorbed by the city, officially ends urban street - the world's prospectus, and then in the highway, its old name Yaroslavl highway left.

Even on the map of the central part of the Moscow region of the middle of the XVIII century, called "the plan of the reigning grade of Moscow with the testimony of the lying places for the thirty miles to the district," on the map, there is only one village - Raevo on the map, and it is not The road itself, and a quarter of the versts to the right of it, along the same road - and on the right and left - designated a mixed forest and several large ravines. You can imagine what kind of forest deaf was these places of the century and a half before, in the reign of passionate fans of Hunt Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexey Mikhailovich.

Alexey Mikhailovich preferred birds - falcony - hunt. According to his command, the subiabry, attached to the Affairs of the royal hunt, was a detailed guide on falconry, which was called: "Book, a verbal vernacarinist, a new exhibition and the dispensation of Sokolnichiya path". This is the leadership of the king of the rules and complemented his own.

His father, Mikhail Fedorovich, loved the hunt for the beast. Her preparation was engaged in a special court division - Lovely Path, at the head of which stood court chin, called lovek Moskovsky Path"What a position was to have a care and watching over all that the sovereign hunting concerned, like something: for beasts, hunters, races and other gresses." In his jurisdiction and submission, simple centers were held - hunters, horrors, psari - equestrian and hiking, skaters - Psares assistants, greasy dogs, bear, tubes, dying, dosing and hunters of many other specialties.

The best hunt for the beast in the vicinity of Moscow was in the forest called the Elk Island, as there was a lot of moose here. The forest was since the time of Ivan the Terrible protected, through it, and the Trinity road was held.

Each royal hunt in the Loss Island was carefully prepared, so, as a rule, she was successful and delivered a lot of pleasure to the king. In the order of the skilled path, the record of all the departures of the king on the hunt. From such a record, it is known that in January 1620, the "big tsarist hunting" was arranged, that dosing was "deposited", that is, laid out several moose that dogs gambling and boldly took them, the signers skillfully brought to the royal shooters, - in short, hunting There was a "cheerful and hot," and then touched two moose. Such hunts were held every year.

But the protected wild forest is the joy of hunters - the traveler turned into a different party. Approximately in the verslet from Rostockin was a red pine tract. At the beginning of the XIX century, local residents showed this notable pine, according to which the tract was called. Pine was already very old then, and the name of the name apparently should be attributed to the beginning of the XVII century.

Red pine served with milling robber.

In 1685, the consequence of the robbery on the Trinity Road, near the bunch of red pine, the wrapper from the royal treasury, in which two men from the security were killed, found that the robbery was made by the Knights of Knight Yakovy Ivanovich Lobanov-Rostov, and His ambassadors were the nobleman Ivan Nikulin and servant-Kalmyk.

This is the case in which the criminal performed a man who belonged to the informant nobility, whose relatives himself, and he himself occupied senior positions at the court of sovereigns, for a long time she took the imagination of contemporaries.

Bytovel of Petrovskaya Epoch I. A. Zhelovabi - a servant nobleman who performed diplomatic assignments, driving the rank of Sound, a person close to the court, who, of course, he personally knew Prince Yakov Lobanova-Rostov, in his "day notes" described this case. From his story, it is possible to understand that Prince Lobanova was judged only for the crime on which he was caught, but it was not the only one: they were with Ivan Nikulin in general "robbed on the Troitskaya road."

"Searching," says Zhelobabovsky, "Prince Yakov Lobanov took from the courtyard, brought to the red porch in simple nurses, and he was punished with him: Bit whip in the Zhiltsy focus, according to the riding stroke (that is, approximate to the queen and having access to the top" - in the royal chambers. - V. M.) Boyfriend and Moms of Princess Anna Nikiforovna Lobanova (according to the law he was relying the death penalty. - V. M.) Yes, it is taken away by him irrevocably 400 yards of the peasant, and His His Kalmyk da Treaschade (apparently, he was in collusion with the robber. - V. M.) for that theft hung; Mikulin was a bit on Square mercilessly, exiled to Siberia, and from him the estates and behavior are irrevocably. "

Later, Yakov Lobanov served in the army, participated in hostilities, served to the rank of major Life Guard Semenovsky regiment.

PS Hunt Vasily III. Miniature of the chronicle of the XVI century.

Tradition also talks about the fact that there was one of the favorite places of Tankie Rostokinskaya, where her sleek lasted her victims. And the collector of the legends about it is the famous folkloride P. A. Bessonov in 1872 wrote: "The place is so based for robbery that since then it is accustomed to the night picket from the surrounding peasants, in turns going with the doubles."

At the beginning of the 20th century, the country village "Red Pine" appeared in Pine Bor near the village, in the 1920s there were 18 streets in it. After this territory in 1960 entered Moscow and there began massive housing construction, high-rise buildings were put on the site of the village. The name of the tract was preserved in the title of the street - Red Pine Street, which is located about the 10th line of the former village and goes to Yaroslavl highway.

Halfway from the street Red Pinea to the Moscow Ring Road, which is now the border of the city, on the highway (address: Yaroslavl highway, 63) is a small, well-groomed and repaired church, built in such a loved one at the beginning of the 20th century Byzantine style, not with a bulbous dome , and helmet. The architect, which built it, S. M. Ilinsky, called her style of Novgorod-Byzantine, meaning a belfry attached from the North-West, reminiscent of medieval Pskov-Novgorod belas. This church in his appearance reflected the search for Russian architects of the beginning of the century, in the general direction of the modernity of the oldest to use the traditions of national Russian architecture, and therefore appealing to its origins.

According to the Moscow Church Vedomosti, it is laid down "in the country's countryside" Losinoostrovskaya "Moscow county with great solemnity." The following it was reported that it was built on donations of local residents, that its capacity is 750 people, the estimated cost of 70,000 rubles.

The church was built because the village village "Losinoostrovskoe" by this time for many of his inhabitants - small employees, clerks, merchants - became the place of year-round residence. Especially great participation in the construction of the temple, and then, when in 1916 he was consecrated, and the inhabitants of the two settlements of trading employees took it in the content - Dubnyaki and Red Pine.

Church of Adrian and Natalia in Babushkin. Modern photography

In the church there are two came: in the name of Vasily blissful and in the name of the icon of Our Lady "Inadequate Joy."

The church in the 1930s did not close, it retained the bells and the inner decoration of the early XX century.

The church of the Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia in Losinoostrovskaya is an architectural monument and stands on state security.

Against the Church, on the other side of the Yaroslavl Highway is the grandmother's cemetery, and the forest begins behind it - the Losina Island National Park.

Throughout the Yaroslavl highway, new residential neighborhoods leave the Moscow Right side of it. Now this area of \u200b\u200bMoscow is the same as other new regions. Its fully can be called the area of \u200b\u200bthe XXI century.

The beginning of mass housing construction was held here in 1898, when the specific authority made by the lands belonging to the royal family, broke a part of the elk island to the dacha sites and opened their sale. Sale went Boyko. Since the prices of the plots were low, their purchase could afford themselves and people of medium wealth. The developers organized a public "improvement society", and its concerns in the first one and a half decades of the existence of the country village (more than 1500 possessions) there were various public institutions: post office, pharmacy, two schools, sports grounds, library, tea and others.

The countryside of Losinoostrovskaya persisted in the 1920s. The guidebook of that time depicts it a typical countryside: "There are no rivers here, but there is a big deep pond, dug" for his pleasure "by the famous former Moscow millionaire Jamgarov. So far, this pond for some reason keeps the surname of this capitalist. On the pond, the boat pier, bathing, and he himself is connected to the River Yauza (proceeding at the Perlovka station) by the channel, torn in the time of Catherine II. This channel is called Ekaterininsky. Through it was thrown by the bridge, preserved and post. Old-timers say that in this channel Moscow from Jousy received water.

There are large railway workshops in the town, and therefore part of the population are working and railway workers.

Almost all cottages are in a pine forest, and doctors often send pulmonary patients. Cost of cottage fluctuate from 200 to 500 rubles., For 3-4 rooms. In the services of residents - two cooperative, scattering 8 stores, a number of stalls and tents. Edible products, such as meat, milk, vegetables, are cheaper here than in Moscow ...

In the center of the town there are two large pine parks. In one of them - the Summer Theater, where concerts, performances and other productions are given. In addition, there is an exemplary sport fence, satisfying all kinds of sports. Mainly, of course, football flourishes here. In winter, a ski station is functioning. By the summer of 1926, the construction of a large building will end, in which there will be a movie, a library, a buffet with hot tubs and a playground for all citizens, both local and coming ...

Here in general terms Losinoostrovskaya. "

After the revolution in Losinoostrovskaya, industry develops. The country village turns into a worker, the nature of the development is changing, and in the early 1930s he receives the status of the city and the name of Losinoostrovsk. In 1939, the city was renamed Babushkin in honor of the local native of the famous polar pilot Hero of the Soviet Union, a participant in the rescue of the Chelyuskintsev who died in an aviation catastrophe in 1938.

The guidebook of the 1950s no longer mentions the country's summer pretty of Babushkin-Losinoostrovsk, it leads a long list of industrial enterprises and notes: "For the years of five years, the city was decorated with multi-storey buildings."

By 1960, Babushkin actually merged with Moscow and was included as a city.

Of course, in Babushkinsky and Losinoostrovsky districts, you can still meet fragments, remnants and long-standing Losinoostrovskaya, and socialist grandmother, but they are becoming less and less.

Yaroslavl highway comes up to the Moscow Ring Road of approximately where the village of Small Mytishchi was located.

One of the most dramatic scenes of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - overnight people from the Russian-busy Russian in the village of Large Mytischi and Natasha's night conversation with the wounded Andrey Bolkonsky. From Mytishchi, the fires began in different parts of the city. But then, writes Tolstoy, "one of the people in the dark of the night, because of the high body standing at the entrance to the entrance, noticed another, a small glow of fire ...

But this, brothers, another fire, "said the Bunker. All paid attention to the glow.

Yes, because they told. Small Mytischi Mamon Cossacks lit ".

In 1812, the French cavalry officers in search of a fiery reached small soils, but then they could not pass: the road and surrounding forests controlled the Cossacks-partisans.

Brave partisan of 1812, Denis Davydov, wrote about the actions of his squad at that autumn in the vicinity of Moscow:

... and above the blazing Moscow

Bagrovo Zarevo lying

Unsurried band.

And rushing a secret path

Potted from the Battle Valley

Riders Merry Roy.

For remote fishing.

As a flock of striking wolves,

They are valleys:

Then it is a rustle, then again

They continue to be silent.

Chief, in the berth on the shoulders,

In the boat cap Kabardian

Burns in advanced rows

Special rage military.

Son of white-stone Moscow

But early abandoned alarm

He is eager for sash and tin

And there what will happen - the wolter gods!

Sergiev-Posad. Prospectus of the Red Army, before - Moscow street, continuation and end of the Trinity Road. Modern photography

Now there is an invisible outpost for Napoleonic soldiers in the place of insurmount for Napoleonic soldiers. Behind him - the Moscow Ring Road Road - the border of modern Moscow. Further street Yaroslavl Highway It becomes not the street, but just Yaroslavl highway. And this is a completely different business. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about this part of the Holy Road than about urban. It will be another book.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

From the book of the truth about Nicolae I. Obolgan Emperor Author Tyurin Alexander

Highway from the 1830s. The massive construction of highway roads began (i.e. roads with artificially fortified canvas). The first large highway, St. Petersburg-Moscow, was completed in 1834 ... it took place through Novgorod, Vyshny Volochek, Torzhok and Tver. From St. Petersburg B.

From the book the most terrible Russian tragedy. True on the Civil War Author

Chapter 8 Yaroslavl Uprising This uprising July 6-21, 1918, also became a reaction to the movement of Czechoslovakov. In addition, he walked stubborn rumos about the preparation of a large French landing in Arkhangelsk. They say, allies will fall around in early July and will begin the offensive on Vologda and

From the book Russia, washed with blood. The most terrible Russian tragedy Author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Chapter 8 Yaroslavl Uprising This uprising July 6-21, 1918, also became a reaction to the movement of Czechoslovakov. In addition, he walked stubborn rumos about the preparation of a large French landing in Arkhangelsk. They say, allies will fall around in early July and will begin the offensive on Vologda and

From the book Minin and Pozharsky: Chronicle of Time Author Skynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

From the book a besieged fortress. Unpassed History of the First Cold War Author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Yaroslavl uprising, or a sip of freedom in the burnt city "in St. Petersburg to sit and inactivate and disgust and hungry. And besides, I wanted to feel like a person scene again, an artist. I conceived to give a number of concerts in the province, in the Volga cities where

From the book Russian Smoot Author

Chapter 10. Yaroslavl Government The occupation of Yaroslavl made a big impression on the city of the Volga region. Even the Kazan administration was forced to recognize the power of Minin and Pozharsky and send a large squad of the warnikov on April 4, 1612 in Yaroslavl

From the book 10th Tank Division SS "Frundsberg" Author Ponomarenko Roman Olegovich

"Hello Highway" of the 30th "Kabani" The English Corps on September 17-18, 1944 successfully rammed German defense and went to Nymegenu, but with the expansion of the breakthrough in the direction of the flanks of the day the allies were much worse. Indeed, the 8th English Corps could not go in any way

From the book Russian Smoot Author Wigsaw Alexander Borisovich

Chapter 10 Yaroslavl Government The occupation of Yaroslavl made a big impression on the city of the Volga region. Even the Kazan administration was forced to recognize the power of Minin and Pozharsky and send a large squad of the warnikov on April 4, 1612 in Yaroslavl

From the book Asgard - the city of the gods Author Shcherbakov Vladimir Ivanovich

Shooting on the highway Unlike many of his colleagues-historians Mikhail Ivanovich Shuisky studied magic. I was looking for my approach to the birth of culture. There was time, we met with him only for disputes about Asgard. I think, because of this, he eventually stated a month in

From the book of dance of death. Memories of the Untersturmführera SS. 1941-1945 author Curne Erich

Chapter 1 Northern Highway Our Division was on the march from early morning. Already many hours of trucks threw past the smoking ruins of houses. The corpses of people came across and flooded on the side. The soldiers considered them intently, with growing excitement. That were the remains of fighters

From the book of memories Author Trubetskoy Evgeny Nikolaevich

III. Yaroslavl society. E. I. Yakushkin. There was something interesting in Yaroslavl and besides the old days. "Matching it with another, such a well-known me from childhood by the provincial city - Kalugo, I am struck by the lack of similarity of that whole. In Kaluga, everything was full of residues I

From the book the beginning of Russia Author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

47. How the Yaroslavl and Rostov principality disappeared and the Muscovites and the visiting stopped, trying to better see the unusual Divo. The Kremlin gate pulled high on the stone horse with the Holy Horseman, pierced with a spear of the Okyanny Zmia. Someone habitually baptized, someone

From the book of the Day of People's Unity: Holiday Biography Author Eskin Yuri Moiseevich

Yaroslavl standing road to Moscow turned out to be a long for the Nizhny Novgorod militia. Four months stood a militia in Yaroslavl, ate from the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and from other places to the campaign to help near Moscow Region. But the "Zemsky Council" had their own goals

From the book specific. Essays history Author Glazers Sergey Evgenievich

From the ghost book from Tchaikovsky Street Author Krasilnikov Ram Sergeevich

Operation at Kaluga Highway When at the CIA headquarters in the second half of 1985, the flow of panic telegrams from the Moscow Residency about the "incomprehensible" failures and failures was collapsed, some of them were directly related to an intelligence operation under code

From the book for us Moscow Author Belov Pavel Alekseevich Pressing the mouse to any place on our website or by clicking "Accepting", you agree to the use of cookies and other personal data processing technologies. You can change your privacy settings. Cookies are used by us and our proven partners for analysis, improvement and personalization of your user experience on the site. In addition, these cookies are used for targeted advertising that you see both on our website and on other platforms. 55.865278 , 37.701667 This is an article about the street in Moscow. Moskaya - Yaroslavl - Vologda - Arkhangelsk, see Kholmogory (motorway).
Yaroslavl highway
general information
District Court


Nearest metro station

Highway at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road.

on Yandex.Maps.

Yaroslavl highway - Street in the north-east of Moscow in the Yaroslavl district of the North-Eastern Administrative District, the main forming highway of the district. It is located between the avenue of the world and the Northerner platform on one side and the 94th km of the Moscow Ring Road on the other.



Moscow street Yaroslavl highway It takes from the southwest to the northeast and forms around himself the Yaroslavl district of the capital (but also divides into two parts, since there are only 3 intersections to cross the highway). The highway is a continuation of the prospectus of the world, starting from the Northanian overpass (bridge over the railway tracks). At the beginning of the highway - 6-way, when approaching the Moscow Ring Road becomes 8-way. Ends like the Moscow street by a large 4-level junction with the Moscow Ring Road. Further goes to the Yaroslavl highway-federal highway "M8 Kholmogory".

Northegnantic Bridge has a Northerner platform. At the overpass, the Yaroslavl highway has a separate overpack for the congress for the passage of Serebryakov (only when moving to the center of Moscow), as well as access to the platform and railway site. Then on the right and parallel the street begins a downer of the Yaroslavl highway (about 0.9 km), gaining to the Khibiny passage. The highway is departed: Red Pine Street (without crossing the highway), the Khibiny passage (without crossing the highway), the congress on the parallel street of the onset waters (right, there is a left turn on the highway), Dudinka Street (left, not), Sergeant Street (left , there is no reversal), then Fedoskinskaya Street on the left and street of the penetchors on the right (without crossing the highway), Malyginsky passage (adjustable intersection with the crossing of the highway), Hydra Abakumova (left with the opportunity to cross the highway), Holmogorskaya street left and Rotert Street to Rotert (without intersection highway). Thus, only on the street of onastern waters, Malyginsky passage and the street of Egor Abakumov there are adjustable intersections.


On the Yaroslavl highway is one of the largest universities of the country - (former MISI; House 26). Here is the Temple of the Martyrs Adriana and Natalia in Babushkin (House 95), built in 1914-1916 in the Novorusky style by architect V. D. Glazov. In addition, the highway takes place on a unique, first 4-level transport junction in Russia at the intersection with the Moscow Ring Road.

Institutions and organizations

  • House 1 - FPG "Specstroy";
  • House 2B - Moscow-Kursk Branch of the Moscow Railway: Moscow-Commodity Yaroslavl; Green Vave (customs services);
  • House 2, Corps 2 - House of Young Technology (branch);
  • House 2, Corpus 1 - Publishing House "Moscow Lyceum";
  • House 6, Corpus 1 - Children's Library No. 5;
  • Ownership 8, building 7 - School №1202 (with an in-depth study of the English language);
  • House 8, Corpus 3 - Commission for the acquisition of state preschool educational institutions Svao: Rostokino district, Yaroslavsky district; Kindergarten №58 for children with a violation of speech;
  • House 8, Corpus 7 - School №752 (with in-depth study of mathematics)
  • House 8, Corpus 4 - kindergarten №15;
  • House 8, Corpus 5 - kindergarten №847;
  • House 3, Corpus 3 - MSH artist service combine; Bagent workshop "Black River";
  • Structure 3 - MacDonald;
  • House 5 - Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after Ivan Fedorov; "SpecneftComplekt"; Hotel "Sania";
  • House 9 - Moscow City Center Disinfection; Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of Moscow: Department of State Registration of Diseases; Disinfection station number 6;
  • House 26 - Campus: Moscow State University of Construction:
    • magazines: "Beton Technologies", "Construction orbit", "Building materials. Where they can be purchased, "" Building materials, equipment, technologies of the XXI century ";
    • Rusalpstroy;
    • Moscow Association of Entrepreneurs: Committee on Construction and Finishing Materials;
    • Association of Construction Universities;
    • publishers: "ASV", "Composite";
    • exhibition "Building materials, equipment and technologies in MGSU";
    • cafe "Rake";
  • House 13 - Gorenergosbyt Svao (№3): Alekseevsky, Marfino, Ostankinsky, Sviblovo, Yaroslavsky; Gorenergosbyt Svao Plot: Altufyevsky, Butyrsky, Maryina Grove, Otradnaya; MosgorTeploh (Enterprise No. 2);
  • House 13, Corpus 1 - Moscow Heat and Power College;
  • House 18, Corpus 1 - Comrade club;
  • House 22, Corpus 2 - NP "Aquarium World";
  • House 22, Corpus 3 - Savings Bank of the Russian Federation Messenskoye Depth. No.7811 / No.01533;
  • House 19 - Bank "Center Credit";
  • House 28 - Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (AXB RF) Meshchanskoye Depth. No.7811 / 01678;
  • House 49 - ATS "Yaroslavsky";
  • House 44, Building 1 - Hotel "Slavia";
  • House 54 - Mosmart shopping center;
  • House 55 - Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (AXB RF) Meshchanskoye Department. No.7811 / 0816; Post Office No.337-and-129337; Cafe "Cardinal";
  • Ownership 52 - Babushkinsky cemetery;
  • House 65 - Children's School of Arts named after Savva Ivanovich Mamontov №2; Sports School №81 Babushkino; Regional Fund to facilitate the preservation and development of the Russian culture named after Mamontov;
  • House 63 - Temple of the Martyrs Adriana and Natalia in Babushkin;
  • House 114, Corpus 1 - Physical and Wellness Center, Billiard Club "Vityaz on Yaroslavka", Cafe "Cabinck";
  • House 114, Corpus 2 - Moskovsky New Law Institute (Yaroslavl Educational Corps); Moscow Higher School of Business;
  • House 114, Corps 2 - Hotel Sayany;
  • House 111 - Trading House "Yaroslavsky Tract";
  • House 120a - Des Wao Yaroslavsky;
  • House 115 - Seventh Continent;
  • House 117 - Library complex Babushkino №93;
  • House 122, Corpus 1 - District Support Svao Yaroslavsky;
  • House 128, Corpus 1 - kindergarten (orthopedic) №1962;
  • House 130, Corpus 2 - Center for Culture and Sports "Dynamics";
  • House 142, Building 3 - Livadia Trading House;
  • House 144 - Cafe "Lyudmila";
  • House 147 - School-laboratory named after A.P. Maresev №760.


  • On Yaroslavka (information portal for those who live, comes for shopping, to rest or go on affairs on Yaroslavl sh.)

History of Yaroslavl District

More Ancient Slavs burned the places where the current Yaroslavl district is located. The old road ("PrabaBabushka" of the Yaroslavl highway) was part of the most important way from Kiev and Smolensk to Rostov Great and Suzdal.

In the XIV century, the North of Moscow was founded by Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. The road was called the Troitsky tract. On it, pilgrims stretched: merchants, princes, boyars, royal people, as well as simple people.

Troitskaya road, Yaroslavl tract and, finally, Yaroslavl highway - the name of the highway, which goes north of the capital. Missed years, full of turbulent events. This ancient road seeked much. So, once the future great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov arrived in Moscow in the Yaroslavl path, Vladimir Monomakh and Peter first went through this ancient path. In 1612, they fell on it on the soldiers of the People's Militia of the People's Militia of the People's Militia in Moscow and D. Pozharskoye. Returned on Yaroslavka to Moscow after taking Kazan Tsar John Vasilyevich.

By decree Catherine II, which was passing at the end of 1770 through Mytishchi on a mantoly, here, two and a half dozen years later, the first water supply was built. Tasty water was taken from the keys of Mytishchinsky, and then the aquedw teeth at the village of Rostokino, she went to Moscow. Until 1997 over the River Ichku (the influx of Yauza, current in the north of the Area, where the old village of Small Mytischi was standing), there was an aqueduct, a child Rostokinsky, but much less than the size.

About the journey through this road N.A. Karamzin wrote in his work "Notes of the Old Moskovsky Resident": "The Trinity Road does not happen at no time, and the peasants living along the road treat the passage of the passage with great benefits for themselves."

Here were the estates of noble Russian childbirth - Plescheyev, Khovan, Cherkasy. The area was formed from villages on Trinity (Yaroslavl) Road: Red Pine, Small Mytischi and Maza Raevo.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were factory-factory and country villages along the Yaroslavl highway. Residents of these villages highly appreciated the beautiful forest air of the Elk Island, a convenient message with the center of Moscow. And now the terrain in the northeast of the capital adjacent to the forest survey area attracts the population living here.

On June 22, 1914, on the Trinity Highway (this was then called our Yaroslavka), the temple was laid in the name of the Holy Martyrs of Adriana and Natalia. His Russian-Byzantine style silhouette shot over the surrounding dachas by 1916. Okay, the tailored, the Adriano-Natalinsk church did not close in Soviet times.

A very important role in the formation of villages and towns played by our places Yaroslavl railway.

Yaroslavl district is located in the north-east of the capital. It is an integral part of the Northeast Administrative District. The territory of the district - 843.6 hectares, the population is over 85 thousand people. In the area there is no "his" metro station, it acts in related to our districts. The main highway of the district is Yaroslavl highway. Here is the largest university of the country - Moscow State Construction University (former MII). On the 12th faculties and at the branch of the university, 8 thousand students study, more than 1,300 professors, doctors and candidates of science work in its walls. His graduates armed with the most modern knowledge are successfully working not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world. Among the objects of culture - the Moscow New Drama Theater, based on the database of the acting studio-studio of MCA in 1975, from unique structures in the district, first of all, the first 4-level transport junction at the intersection of the Yaroslavl highway with MKAD should be called first in Russia. The district borders with the State National Park-Reserve "Losina Island" - a favorite vacation spot in the districts of the district.

Residents of the Yaroslavl district and guests of Moscow celebrate a high level of its improvement, building compactness, favorable location. It has already been said that the central axis of the district is the Yaroslavl highway. In recent years, the highway has acquired the appearance of a modern highway. Its coverage was upgraded, on both sides of the track, new homes with a whole network of diverse shops, shopping centers, cafes and other enterprises of domestic services have grown.

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