Beautiful rooms. Beautiful numbers - Fights good luck How to sell phone number urban

Beautiful rooms. Beautiful numbers - Fights good luck How to sell phone number urban


"Do you have beautiful phone numbers?" - Frequently asked question in the offices of cellular operators. Despite the high cost of gold numbers, everyone wants to buy a gold number. Why is it going on?

  1. Beautiful rooms are easy to remember. It is convenient for both communicating with close and business. Family members will be able to call in emergency cases without taking this notebook. For work partners, the beautiful memorable phone number is no less important: by typing it in memory, they will save time on its search.
  2. Maintaining the image of the owner. Especially popular silver (mirror) and gold rooms containing 3 or 4 identical numbers in a row. They are available at a price, easily remembered and pay attention. And in the eyes of a potential customer or business partner, elite numbers are associated with high status and the success of the owner.

Our company has long and successfully works with all the leading Russian mobile operators. We are ready to shift our customers memorable gold and platinum numbers from Beeline, MegaFon, MTS. On our site you can see a list of all rooms available and find out how much the golden number is.

A beautiful mobile phone number can be selected for unlimited tariff in Moscow. Our specialists will always be glad to help you!

How much is a beautiful number?

Cell phone today is an integral part of the life of a modern person. Now mobile phones are even in children. In this situation, beautiful telephone numbers cause all greater interest.

What number is called beautiful?

Naturally, it is an easily memorable number, due to the fact that the numbers that make up it are either often repeated or go in a given combination. Beautiful rooms are divided into categories: diamond, platinum, gold, silver and bronze rooms. This is the most popular division, you can also meet other gradations.

What is the price of a beautiful room?

The room rate affects:

  • The number of identical numbers and the number of repetitions of the combinations "AA-BB", "AB-AB". Rooms with lots of identical numbers at the end of the room have a higher price.
  • Symmetry in the room (AAA-B-CCC, AA-BBB-CC, AAA-AB-BA), or the construction of numbers in mathematical sequence.
  • Operator. The price of numbers of the same category in different mobile operators may differ by 20-30%.
  • Purchase location Rooms: Communication Operator Salon or Distributor Salon /dealer cellular operator. W. Distributers / dealers Purchase the room will cost cheaper, and the choice is much larger. Read more about where to make a purchase Read in the material "

Progress does not stand still, humanity is steadily moving towards improving and maximum automation of life. The fact that yesterday seemed incredible, today there is in every family. Even small children are famously controlled with the most modern technical innovations.

Cell phones, as well as many other useful objects and devices, have undergone many changes. The devices themselves have become much more functional and volume in the number of complied information. They purchased elegance and became compact and light. Services and tariffs have become more "folk" and affordable. Even the phone numbers today are no longer such as a decade ago. Now, prestigious to buy the most beautiful MTS numbers consisting of a set of similar or close numbers. Such composite combinations give the owner the opportunity to quickly remember its new number. It will be taken without difficulty, familiar, colleagues, close and friends.

If you wish to be the owner of the "steep" number, you can choose a combination on the site in one of the proposed categories. The Golden phone number can be both federal and straight. Prices for a specific group of numbers for each operator are listed on the site in the list of available options.

We understand how high the interest of customers to unusual numbers. Each person strives for convenience, so the desire to buy a "cool" phone number is quite understandable. We are always ready to choose the desired combination for you, which will suit both the price and the convenience of perception.

Remember, quite recently, at the dawn of the development of mobile services, people dreamed of simply to have this wonder technique. The most enviable quality of life was associated with a mobile phone: success, enterprise, financial stability.

Now the dream of everyone has come true. Cell phone is now not a luxury, but a daily device used that helps each of us to conduct business and build a personal life. It would seem, much better?

But the limit is not liming. And the changes have undergone not only the devices themselves, but also services. In addition to beautiful rooms, each cellular operator offers various tariffs, bonuses and gifts. Special popularity acquired unlimited options, allowing customers at lower costs to dispense a greater number of minutes.

Beautiful direct numbers

For successful business, often not enough normal combination of numbers in your company. To stand out among competitors, an excellent solution will buy a beautiful direct room. Direct rooms in code 495 will increase customer confidence in your company and help keep them. Choose a tariff plan, and you can also get useful information on our website. We will help you to fulfill the dream of the most comfortable and cheap cellular communication, thanks to which you solve a lot of problems and questions.

Today, a progressive person is considered to be the one who uses all the benefits provided by civilization. Become and you are modern and successful!

Beautiful phone numbers Enjoy a stable demand for many years. Someone is looking for a special combination of numbers, bringing good luck in business, someone needs easy-to-remember number, there are those for which possession of a beautiful number is a symbol of prestige.

Choose and buy a beautiful online number

Select and buy a beautiful phone number - just!In the section of beautiful rooms on the website of the Official Dealer, the sim master you can conveniently pick up, and it is also profitable to buy a SIM card with a beautiful federal or direct number for mobile phones. We offer customers to buy bronze, silver, gold and platinum numbers of operators of a large quay. In addition, using the expanded search for masks, you will mostly satisfy your request.

We recommend constantly monitoring the updates of the Six Wizard section of the Simular Numbers, so as not to miss really interesting offers. For our customers, we spend various promotions and sales of beautiful rooms at the most attractive prices.

You can use the convenient room value calculator. Just enter the necessary search data for: operator, tariff plan, mask (bronze, silver, gold, platinum), type of room and its approximate price. The system will automatically select the best offer that is suitable for you.

Use a convenient search system for certain numbers of the room, located opposite the cost calculator. Just enter the desired numbers in the field, and you will immediately see if there is a desired number.

The phone number refers to the category of goods, which over time only adds in price. Therefore, if you were lucky enough to become the owner of a beautiful room, but for various reasons you do not use, you can sell it profitable. Regardless of the reasons, it is possible to do this not only profitable, but also quite quickly, since the demand for beautiful megaphone numbers is only increasing every day.

Today we will tell about how to sell a beautiful phone number MegaFon: how to correctly appreciate it, what kind of sale method exist, as well as how risks may arise and how to avoid them.


Those who first are interested in selling beautiful phone numbers can be surprised by the variety of criteria for which they are evaluated. If you compare this market with autonomer, I will in many ways we will see similarities. But in the car room there are only three digits and three letters, and in the phone number there are eleven. Accordingly, the numbers themselves are significantly larger than possible beautiful combinations. Of course, the three identical numbers in the autonomer are already doing it unique, but in the phone number this combination can be absolutely not noticeable.

However, the larger number of digits and additional benefits. So, it may contain a year of birth of a person or another important date. For the seller, the room has a wider range of number estimates provides additional benefits. A room that can be absolutely not attractive to its combination may be absolutely not attractive for a while looking for another person to buy. And here there is a need to correctly assess the number to not be made.

This can be done both independently and contact a specialist for its assessment. The second option is preferable because you view thousands of offers on the market to determine the cost of your number - difficult, and sometimes it is just useless. Of course, if the number refers to one of the main categories (gold, platinum, silver), then it is much easier to appreciate its cost. But if it is hidden additional advantages, the task may not be out of the lungs, and the risk of selling the number is by no very competitive price.

When choosing a specialist who will help correctly appreciate the number, it is also necessary to consider a number of factors. Companies that sell beautiful megaphone numbers in Moscow hundreds, and those who help beneficially sell, not so much. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of an intermediary.

The first thing to pay attention to is that the company is. To the positive moments should include the geography of the provision of services, how many years the company works in this area, and how the numbers implements. In Moscow, dozens of firms that are engaged in the usual purchase and sale of rooms, which forms their main income. Larger companies work several according to a different scheme, and the main article of income is formed on the basis of close cooperation with cellular operators.

In addition to the implementation of beautiful rooms, a connection to operators is offered, and the more tariff proposals in their ruler, the greater the chances that this is the company that offers you the most favorable conditions for the redemption of your megaphone number. Please note that, in addition to conventional tariffs, which can be found on the operator's website (including corporate), in the line of proposals it is necessary to have exclusive tariff plans.

By choosing a suitable mediator, ask what reviews about this company. It will be worthwhile and ask your friends who have already had experience selling a phone number. Having collected all the necessary information, leave the application on the site.

Keep in mind that for sale through an intermediary, certain requirements are presented to the number. At the time of sale, he must be inactive, that is, its service is temporarily suspended. You can make it yourself by contacting the MegaFon Call Center. Such a requirement has a simple explanation. The number of your room will be used for further sale, and its new owner is not respectively interested in receiving calls to it from the previous one.

Procedure for sale

When selling the phone number, it is reissued to the new owner. This can be done only in the cabin of the operator and, accordingly, not for free. MegaFon has this procedure worth 150 rubles. At the time of renewal, this amount should be on the phone balance, as well as additional funds - the fee for the tariff plan, which is connected, and fees for additional services.

When renewaling is mandatory, the presence in the cabin of the present and future owner. Therefore, prepare for the fact that selling the room yourself, except for telephone talks with potential buyers, you will need to personally meet with the new owner of your room.

A slightly different situation when selling through an intermediary. You do not need to be present in the cabin of the operator when reissuing the number. After you rated your room, and you have settled the conditions for its purchase, you will need to contact the company's office and enter into an official sale agreement. The procedure itself may pass by agreement and without your personal participation, but if you wish you can also be present.

What risks are possible

Risks when selling a few, but they are pretty weighty. However, observing simple rules to be completely avoided. The main risk, as with any other financial transaction, run into fraudsters. To a greater extent, it threatens with a self-selling, because on the Internet it is impossible to see who is your potential buyers, and what true motives.

With self-selling, it is difficult to maintain confidentiality, and if you are the owner of an expensive number, which can cost hundreds of thousands, then this is an important aspect. In any case, do not provide unfamiliar personal data and copies of documents.

If the number of the number went to the finish line, and only a visit to the operator's salon remains, then speak and decide all financial issues. Who pays the reissue procedure and how the purchase of the room is paid. The operator will only accept an application and hold a renewal, all financial issues are solved by you with the buyer. After the number goes to the new owner officially, it will be difficult for you to prove anything, including the situation, if you do not pay for the room.

It is much easier and safer a procedure with the participation of a mediator company. The main thing is that you keep confidentiality - you will have a meeting in the office of the company with its representative, and not the finite buyer of the room. Also all actions with your room, and the duties of the parties (including financial) are spelled out in the contract, which must be concluded.


Sell \u200b\u200ba beautiful megaphone number will not be difficult, and most importantly, correctly appreciate it and avoid possible risks. Selling independently the number through the Internet is quite difficult to do not be made, as well as maintain privacy when carrying out a transaction. This option will take you enough for a long time, since it is necessary not only to find the buyer, but also to coordinate the possibility of jointly visiting the operator's salon for renewal on the new owner.

Attracting an intermediary to sell, you save time and keep privacy - to meet with a representative of the company in the office, and not with the new owner of your phone number. Also in this situation, the risk of an understated assessment of the number was practically excluded, and all financial issues of the transaction are supported by the obligations registered in the contract. This eliminates the situation when you can stay without a number, and without money for it.

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