Best Laptop Operating System: Full Overview. Lightweight OS for netbook Cloud OS for old PC

Best Laptop Operating System: Full Overview. Lightweight OS for netbook Cloud OS for old PC


Today, netbooks have gained great popularity. People easily use these small and compact devices. This understands the developers. And we will try to answer the question of what the best operating system for a netbook.

What is netbook

Before moving to the main topic, let's first find out what a netbook is? Speaking is simple - this is a reduced laptop, a mini-computer that can cope with tasks that do not require large capacities. The performance of a modern netbook is not much inferior to the average laptop, however, a netbook with all this costs cheaper. It is easier by weight, more compact and can work autonomously longer. All these factors allowed this device to make a significant competition to the senior "brother".

Let's start by S.Windows 7

For netbooks there are many operating systems. So, buying a new device, you should take this issue seriously. Let's figure out what operating system for a netbook is best suited. Let's start with Windows 7. This OS enjoys great popularity. On "Windows" there is a majority of computers, and when in 2009 the seventh version was published, many users of computers immediately recognized it. As for the devices under consideration here, the developers from Microsoft issued operating systems for netbooks of the newest versions. Windows 7 Starter is the most suitable for work on your netbook. Compared to other versions, it is lightweight.

Second place at OS X

OS X from Apple boldly occupies second place. This operating system for a netbook has a normal interface and a pleasant appearance. However, it can be installed solely on Apple devices. So, if you have a "apple" netbook, then OS X will cost you inexpensive. And if not, look for other operating systems.

Third place - Linux Mint

If you need a netbook to solve mainly office tasks, surfing on the Internet, the operating system for the Linux Mint netbook will be a good choice. This OS is very easy to use and does not require any special knowledge. Before Windows, the Linux Mint system has a huge plus - it is free, and anyone can get it. For netbooks, it is used by many users also because of its impeccability when working with these devices.

The choice depends on the comfort of work.

Windows XP versions (Pro or Home) are also suitable for work on a netbook. But you should not take into account WindowsVista, for the requirements of this OS to the hardware exceed the possibility of small devices. The operating system for Netbooks Ubuntu for Netbooks Remix from Linux can work faster than others. The user interface is adapted for comfortable work on a small screen. It is quickly loaded and will be understood even an unprepared user. The lightweight version of Canonical Ubuntu Light is CANONICAL Creation. Easy is its main feature. It is loaded in 7 seconds and connects to the Internet.

It is quite difficult to determine which operating system for a netbook will be the best. The case here concerns in the particular preferences of each particular person. However, justice for the sake of it is worth saying that most users worldwide prefers Windows 7.

Hello friends. What operating system is better to install on an old or new, but low-power computer? On our site there are reviews of Windows specific assemblies that can more or less revive a weak PC or laptop, they are posted in the "" heading. It also will also find links to articles where various methods of software optimization are given in order to more efficiently spend hardware resources. This article will replenish the existing knowledge base of this category, in it we will conduct a comprehensive review of operating systems that can be viewed as an option for installing on a weak PC or laptop. And not only Windows assemblies will be involved in the review, but also other operating systems.

From other operating systems and I propose to start.

1. Linux Mint.

Linux Mint is a popular Linux distribution, a lightweight operating system, positioned as one of the best alternatives to Windows XP. But, unlike the latter, Linux Mint is a living, supported system with a regular delivery of security updates. Moreover, this distribution is comfortable for switching from Windows. Linux Mint is, unlike Ubuntu, a Windows-like interface system: with the same organization organization, with the taskbar at the bottom, with the analogue of the Start menu.

Linux Mint comes in assemblies with three interface types:

Xfce - the simplest interface, lightweight, suitable for devices with less than 1 GB of RAM;

Mate - classic GNOME 2 interface;

Cinnamon is a modern attractive interface with visual effects, with the possibility of installing dessts (type of Windows 7 gadgets). Cinnamon can be installed if there are at least 2 GB of RAM.

In Linux Mint, the CINNAMON interface comes with a standard package of a calculator type, notes, image viewers, screenshoter, etc., Mozilla Firefox browser, Thunderbird Poster, Torrent Rocking-on TranSmission, Disk Analyzer, LibreOffice Package, Two Graphic Editor, Three Media player, etc.

Pros Linux Mint:

Work with more perfect than NTFS, File System EXT4,

Lack of telemetry

No need for antivirus.

Cons Linux Mint:

Small choice of third-party software,

Possible problems with computer specific devices for which drivers under Linux are not written,

The complexity of development and working with the console to solve those tasks that are solved extremely simple in Windows.

Installing Linux Mint is simple, the distribution is downloaded on the official website of the project:

2. Chrome Os.

Chrome OS is an operating system from Google, specially created for weak netbooks, sharpened under web surfing and using Google services. Basic on Linux is actively unfars from Google services, supports both ARM processors and x86. Very minimalistic, only the main systemic possibilities provide, essentially the usual Wednesday with a work desk and a chrome browser tightly integrated into it. Supported Content System - Extensions and Applications from Chrome Store, as well as Optimized Applications from Google Play (which for Android).

Chrome OS is the thing for very old laptops, but, of course, provided that their hardware filling will be headed in the system. And she may not get all. The fact is that Chrome OS is designed for specific devices - chrombo. It is not like a Windows or Linux, a system for mass use on desktops. Chrome OS is supplied only pre-installed on chrombo. Google is not that prevents the installation of your system on non-chrombus, as, for example, it makes Apple, forbidden to install Mac OS on a non-mail device. Google simply does not supply its operating system officially, because it cannot guarantee its versatility. Unofficially, the projects of Chromium OS supported by enthusiasts exist - open source systems, i.e. Open to modify analogue Chrome OS. The Chromium OS assembly also does not guarantee massive support for iron, as lucky in each case.

Where to get and how to install Chromium OS? On the sites of its different projects. For example, the modified Chromium OS assemblies are offered on the website:

There is also written how this thing is established.

How to download a distribution system, how to install it - all this is written on the Cloudready:

Both English-speaking projects who are not friends with this language, I remind you, live in the 21st century, there are things like Google- or Yandex-translator.

Pros Chromium OS:

Free operating system

Minimum hardware load

Native support for multiple file systems, including NTFS and EXT4.


Limitations, system only for web surfing and uncomplicated philistine operations,

3. Android

What is the Android operating system, I suppose, no one needs to be explained. But few people know that the network has projects enthusiasts engaged in Android adaptation under work with processors x86, i.e. Under the operation of the system on PC and laptops. Such a project, for example, here:

Here, as you update the company Google Android for mobile devices, 32- and 64-bit releases of this system are laid out for mobile devices. At the date of writing of the article there are already distributions of Android 8.1, but I could not establish this version on the PC. And here are the earlier releases of Android 7.1 I installed. What is a desktop Android 7.1?

Android-x86 7.1-R2 is the second (modified) release of pure desktop Android 7.1, adapted to control the operating system with the window interface.

With the Windows Snap screen split function with the windows.

And even with the pre-installed launcher Launcher3 by type of the usual desktop with an analogue of the Start menu.

But if you wish, we can choose another launcher - Taskbar - and work in a typical tablet Android environment.

The system comes with superuser rights, an embedded console and a minimum set of standard applications. All you need is downloaded from Google Play.

Release CM-X86-14.1-R2 is the second LineageOS release (previously known as CyanogenMod) - Custom build on the basis of Android 7.1. It is also routing, sharpened with a console, with a window mode operating system, but with a slightly different set of delivery of pre-installed applications and with another launcher instead of Launcher3 - with the Trebuchet launcher.

Desktop Android distributions are laid out in ISO images, the installation of the system is complex in part of the installation site selection, but the network is full of manuals.

Pluses of desktop Android:

Free operating system

Native support for file systems and NTFS, and more advanced EXT4,

Minimum hardware load

Huge selection of content from Google Play.

Cons desktop Android:

Not the fact that all components of the computer will work,

Stability is not guaranteed.

Well, now consider the top three of the trimmed Windows distributions, which can be used on weak computers.

4. Windows 7 Embedded

Windows 7 Embedded is the official trimmed assembly from Microsoft ordinary Windows 7, intended for production equipment. Very nimble, noticeably smoky Linux Mint Cinnamon, can even work on devices with 512 MB of RAM. And then, for Linux Mint, a minimum of 1.3 GHz processor is declared, for Windows 7 embedded this minimum is 1 GHz. This is the most optimal version of Windows XP. True, security updates for "seven" Microsoft will only be delivered until January 2020. All items on this assembly.

Pros of Windows 7 Embedded:


Minuses Windows 7 Embedded:

5. Windows 8.1 Embedded

Windows 8.1 Embedded is another trimmed embedding Embedded for manufacturing equipment, only in the release version of Windows 8.1. Like Windows 7 embedded, the required minimum for it on the processor is only 1 GHz. But RAM must be at least 1 GB. Windows 8.1Embedded is also a shorter system, it is preinstalled at the minimum of the MODERN UI applications.

But they can be cleaned from the system with the store, install some third-party program to implement the "Start" menu and obtain, in fact, evolving Windows 7 - the current operating system updated by part of the security, with the classical "eight" functions, stable and predictable computer environment. All items on this assembly

Windows 10 LTSC is designed for stable work on corporate computers, but it is not sharpened as Windows 7 and 8.1 Embedded, under low-power equipment. What will help Windows 10 LTSC weak computers, so it is a slightly smaller speed of RAM, a slightly smaller number of background processes and the lack of functional updates that can enter a weak computer into a stupor. All details about Windows 10 LTSC.

Pros of Windows 10 LTSC:

The usual Wednesday for Windows users

In the potential of 360 days of free activation,

Full, stable, universal desktop operating system.

Cons Windows 10 LTSC:

Minuses are the same as all Windows, and this can be written volumes of books.

Summing up ...

What exactly of all the systems considered is better for a weak PC or laptop, will definitely show only an experiment by installing it on a specific device. The most optimal option so as not to spend time on mastering the specifics of the operation of other operating systems in order to accurately worked any iron to have a stable current platform for a diverse software - this is, of course, Windows 8.1 Embedded. In cases, for example, if at home is lying for some old laptop, you can try to make a toy for children based on Android. Chrome OS can be used for web surfing even without a hard disk, running the system on the flash drive and saving files in Google Drive. Well, Linux Mint ... At least specifically, this distribution is quite good, but without immersion in the Linux philosophy, the avid winecondition, accustomed to the principle of "tyri, and will work," it will be difficult to stay on this system. If, of course, use it more than for web surfing and watching movies.

Many of us have old system builds and laptops that can become an excellent training material for other users. However, installing enough powerful operating systems for such builds (starting with Windows 7), will not allow working with devices. PCs will hang and their jungle will be in a burden. Therefore, we suggest familiarizing yourself with our list of operating systems for weak PCs and laptops.

Selection of the operating system for a weak computer

Linux Mint is one of the versions of the popular Linux operating system developed by The Linux Foundation, which applies free of charge and is suitable for both home and office use. Unlike Windows XP, which Linux Mint is an alternative, the latter is still supported and updated regularly.

Why do Linux MINT we offer as an option for a weak PC?

Linux Mint interface is similar to Windows XP. It uses the same organization of windows, taskbar, start button. However, there are several differences that need to be taken into account when choosing Linux Mint.

  • There is a Linux Mint Cinnamon assembly. Suitable for devices with 2 GB of RAM. Allows you to use gadgets, multiple programs for working with office documents.
  • Linux Mint Xfce - an assembly for devices with a scope of RAM less than 1 GB. It has the easiest interface, lightweight, does not load the processor and memory unnecessary effects.
  • Linux Mint Mate is an operating system with a classic GNOME 2 interface.

Among the advantages of Linux Mint it is worth highlighting:

  • Works on weak assemblies;
  • Works with the EXT4 file system;
  • No telemetry (surveillance for the user);
  • Unnecessary to install the antivirus, since there are very few viruses for Linux viruses.

Disadvantages of such a light assembly:

  • A small selection of software;
  • Incompatibility with some components of the device and connected gadgets, such as, printer, scanner, etc. (lack of official drivers);
  • Difficulty after using Windows.

Chrome OS is an operating system from Google, which was specially designed for weak netbooks intended only for web surfing and using Google services. Based on Linux. Supports both ARM processors and x86. Allows you to work with both Google services and applications that can be downloaded from Play Market. Management is possible both from the keyboard and from the mouse.

Advantages of such an operating system:

  • Applies free of charge;
  • Minimum system resource consumption;
  • Native support for multiple file systems, including NTFS and EXT4;
  • The wider base of third-party software.

Disadvantages of such an operating system:

  • It is installed only on chrombo. It is possible to download only Chromium OS - open source operating system.
  • There is a conflict with some installed and connected equipment.

Desktop Android is a mobile operating system that is adapted for PC. Installation is possible versions to 8.1. So far, Android 8.1 for PC works with failures. However, earlier versions are installed and operate without problems.

Why the desktop version of the Android operating system is suitable for weak PC?

  • Suitable for both 32- and 64-bit systems;
  • There is a familiar window interface;
  • It is possible to control the mouse and keyboard;
  • There is a preset Launcher 3, which allows you to organize the familiar "Start" menu.
  • It is possible to split the screen into two working areas;
  • The system comes with super user rights, and therefore you can use the console and download various applications, perform a thin system setting.

Advantages of the desktop operating system Android:

  • Works free of charge, does not require the purchase of a license;
  • Support for file systems and NTFS, and more perfect ext4;
  • Works and in the presence of 1 GB of RAM, and therefore suitable for weak PCs;
  • Huge selection of applications from Google Play.

Cons Android for PC:

  • It may be incompatible with some computer components.

For those who do not consider any options, except Windows, we suggest to consider the top three assemblies:

  • Windows 7 Embedded;
  • Windows 8.1 Embedded;
  • Windows 10 LTSC.

Windows 7 Embedded is a formal lightweight version of the usual Windows 7, which is designed for a weaker PC. The assembly is sufficiently nimble, noticeably smoking Linux Mint Cinnamon and can even work on computers with 512 MB of RAM. And while for Linux Mint declared a minimum of 1.3 GHz processor, then for Windows 7 embedded this minimum is only 1 GHz. This is the most optimal version of Windows XP replacement with the preservation of "loyalty" Microsoft.

The advantages of Windows 7 Embedded for weak PC are the following:

  • Fast on old and weak PCs;
  • The usual environment for Windows 7 Embedded users;
  • Full, stable, universal desktop operating system, which works with all programs and applications.

Minuses Windows 7 Embedded:

  • Standard Windows errors.

Windows 8.1 Embedded - Cut version Embedded for manufacturing equipment, only in Windows 8.1 variations. As with Windows 7, embedded, the required minimum for it for the power of the processor is only 1 GHz. But RAM must be at least 1 GB.

In Windows 8.1, Embedded does not have a classic Start menu, but you can download the program to implement the usual interface. This assembly supports all programs for Windows and also receives security updates.

The advantages of the assembly of Windows 8.1 Embedded are as follows:

  • Frequent enough for weak PCs;
  • Still updated;
  • Supports all that complete Windows 8.1;
  • There are no restrictions on the use of software.

Disadvantages of Windows 8.1 Embedded as in all Windows assemblies - standard BSOD.

Lightweight corporate version of Windows 10 LTSC is a conditional suitable assembly for weak devices. It comes with missing UWP functional and receives only security updates. It has limited functionality and allows you to run only some applications. Games on it will not go all.

In essence, Windows 10 LTSC is designed for stable work on corporate computers. The only thing that will help windows 10 LTSC weak computers is a slightly smaller speed of RAM. However, Windows 10 LTSC is free of 365 days, and then you need to purchase a license.

As we see, for installation on weak PC there are options for lightweight operating systems. We would recommend paying attention to Linux and Windows 7 Embedded. These systems will really work quickly on weak assemblies and will be understood in mastering. However, you can try the rest.

Before moving to the option of the OS for a weak computer or laptop, you need to find out the characteristics of your PC. Relying on these characteristics, we will choose the specific version of the system to install. It is important to approach this task seriously, because it will be from it that will depend on the speed of your device.

Let's figure out which operating system should choose and which Windows is better for weak laptops and PCs.

Difference of 32x and 64x bit systems

An important component when choosing is a processor. First you need to find out what bit to support your processor (32 or 64). So, like 32x bits. The processor works only with 32x bits. Systems, while 64x bits. The processor can be operated with 32x and 64x bit OS. You can learn this to the office of the manufacturer of your CPU.

For example, on the Intel website, it is indicated as follows:

If you need an OS for a weak netbook, it does not matter, it will be 32x or 64x bit. The only difference between them is that the first does not see RAM with a volume of more than 3GB. That is, if your PC is equipped with 6GB RAM, but you have 32 discharge system, then the device will use only 3GB of memory, while the rest will be simply simply not working.

Therefore, if your PC is equipped with no more than 3GB of RAM, then the answer to the question is whether it is worth putting the 64x-discharge version of Windows, is obvious. If you do not suddenly know what at the moment Windows is standing on your laptop, you need:

Windows XP.

On Roven with Vista, XP is one of the most versatile.

As for minimal technical requirements, we have the following indicators:

  • Pentium 300 MHz.
  • 1.5 GB of free space on Winchester.
  • 64 MB of RAM.
  • Integrated video card and monitor with minimal resolution of 800 × 600 points.

XP can be installed both from the disk and from the flash drive - it does not matter.

Before the release of Windows 7, XP for a long time was the best system. However, in 2014, Microsoft decided to stop supporting this version and supply updates, which means to date, it ceased to be relevant and sets only for two reasons:

  1. For old computers and laptops with weak characteristics.
  2. In the absence of drivers for specific equipment, programs or applications.

The second option is more refer to a working PC than to the home.

That is, Windows XP is an easy operating system that is perfect for simple devices. However, it is safe to say that it is obsolete (the last update was in the distant 2014) and does not stand out for speed.

Windows 7.

This version is also suitable for weak laptops.

And now you will understand this when we consider the minimum technical requirements:

  • 1GHz processor.
  • 1GB RAM.
  • 16GB Hard disk space.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Nowadays, Windows 7 is considered one of the most famous and popular, despite its age, and it came out in 2009. Seven combines the best qualities of all other versions:

  • Low system requirements.
  • Stable work without errors and failures.
  • High performance quite high.
  • Support for a large number of programs, applications and equipment.
  • Optimized work on the laptops.

That is, it is safe to say that the seven is superior to XP in many respects, and at the same time is not much more demanding and is perfect for the old laptop.

Windows 8 and 8.1

Minimum technical requirements:

  • 1GHz processor with NX, SSE2 and PAE support.
  • 16GB of free space on HDD.
  • 1GB RAM.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Windows 8 does not exceed, but also absolutely nothing is inferior to Windows 7, and in principle suitable for weak computers, but it is unlikely to fully function on obsolete models.

The only difference is the default in this version there is no useful "Start" button for users, a tile screen appears instead. I would also like to say that it works a little faster than its predecessor, which is particularly noticeable when the PC is loaded after switching on. That is, there is no special difference between them: applications and equipment work equally, and they themselves have a huge similarity.

Windows 10.

Before talking, whether Windows 10 is suitable for an old computer, let's see its technical requirements:

  • The processor is at least 1GHz.
  • 1GB RAM for 32x bit systems and 2GB for 64x.
  • 16GB of free space for 32x bits. and 20GB for 64x, respectively.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Since the release of dozens, almost 5 years have passed (release date on June 1, 2015). During this time, the OS updated hundreds of times, and if earlier among users, the top ten was famous for a large number of flaws, today it is quite possible to name a fairly stable OS.

Therefore, if your PC is suitable for the stated hardware requirements, you can safely install Windows 10. But before that, I want to draw your attention to one important point, especially it concerns users of weak computers:

In addition, Windows 10 and 8 differ only to a few modified graphic appearance, browser and the presence of some new features. Choosing any version since the 7rker and above, you need to be prepared for what your will consume 2-3 times more RAM (512B-2GB) than on XP. How many RAM is it will spend, you can read in every antivirus. Therefore, be sure to take into account this factor.

So what kind of OS put on a weak PC?

Carefully examined the most popular OS to date, we can conclude that the best operating system for a weak PC is Windows 7. It significantly exceeds Windows XP and is practically no different from Windows 8, with the exception of less demanding. That is, it can be said that Windows 7 is a lightweight version of Windows 8 and 10, which is almost no means inferior to them.

Some refinements:

  • Under the old computer is meant the machine released until 2009-2010. With about the following hardware (1-2GB DDR 1, Intel Pentium 4 / Celeron and integrated graphics or video card with 128-256 MB memory). If you are the owner of such a PC, then the Windows 7 operating system (optimized) will be the ideal option.

In all other cases, you can give preference to the new dozen.

But if you chase for maximum performance, then the seven is not worth looking.

Probably, many who read these lines have an old stationary or laptop computer, throwing out which is just a hand not rises, and it is simply impossible to use it in 2018.

What is the essence of the problem

All low-budget computed solutions of three or 4 years ago, the basis of which is the Intel Atom or Celeron processor, dust on the shelves. Sell \u200b\u200bsuch computers are quite difficult. By and large, and just use such a computer in modern realities just uncomfortable. It is not always beneficial to the upgrade of the hardware for the owner.

The complexity of modernization

In the overwhelming majority of netbooks and budget laptops, the processor is variable through BGA balls on the motherboard. Consequently, make a cheap upgrade in the form of a processor replacement is not possible. With the RAM in such computer solutions, things are not better. Everything is soldered, and install an additional module simply nowhere. Install SSD is the only hardware improvement that can be done in such computers. Unfortunately, not every owner of such equipment wants to spend 3-4 thousand rubles for such an improvement.

How to improve the speed of the old computer without cash investment

As part of this publication, we will consider how to give a second life to such a computer by installing the operating system based on the Linux kernel. This decision to allow to give a second life to such a computer.

Why Linux?

Probably one of the alternative options for the undemanding to the OS hardware would be Windows XP. Unfortunately, this operating system is not the best option, since its support is over. Microsoft representatives will not send you update and patchwork in software vulnerabilities. Perhaps this OS is an example of the most unprotected system. Installation of antivirus support is unlikely to solve all problems with vulnerabilities of this OS. In addition, any antivirus will constantly "eat" a part of the processor performance and the volume of free space of RAM. Newer versions of Microsoft will work even slower. Win 7 to optimize Win 7 for a low-performance computer is always very long and not always effectively. Therefore, the Linux distribution is a profitable alternative for such computers. At the time of writing of this article, there are several relevant distributions that fit perfect for such tasks.

What is the point in netbooks and old office computers in 2018

Of course, these computers are not created for the most modern video installation games and programs. The main task of such equipment is to ensure convenient Internet surfing and using standard programs from the office package. Installing the operating system Win 10 on this computer does not make sense: the operating system itself in idle mode will eat the entire potential of the processor and RAM. In addition, any activity of antivirus software will cause a complete hang of such a system. To avoid such a scenario for the development of the situation, it is necessary to consider the installation options for the Windows alternative. Perhaps the optimal option will be some lightweight Linux distribution. This operating system will become a unique solution that will reasonably use the meager amount of RAM of such computers. Almost the complete absence of viruses eliminates you from the installation of antivirus. There are well-optimized Internet browsers for Linux that allow much more comfortable to use all the benefits of global web.

It is Linux as a software foundation will manifest itself as less demanding, but at the same time a completely relevant OS. Benefits are obvious: such a PC can be given to children for online toys, a grandmother to communicate through social networks or Skype. If your needs are limited to only web surfing, then this computer can also be used. Next, consider five distributions that can open the second breathing with such computing machines.

Perhaps the most friendly to the novice user will be the CLOUDREADY Distribution: Home Edition. It produces his promising young Neverware company. By and large, Cloudready is a wonderful analogue of Chrome OS from Google. In its idea, this distribution is a cloud OS. Inside, nothing superfluous: only web browser and applications for Google Chrome. It works very quickly and stable on any netbook or old PC. If your main task is the use of the Internet, then it is better for you to choose something else.

Of the advantages worth noting good stability, speed, friendly interface, clearer, as well as good compatibility with applications from the Google Chrome store. And it is also worth mentioning that when proper desire can be launched a very tricky method of the program that are intended for Android OS. All applications from the official store are fairly simple. This is a very rare Linux distribution, using which you will avoid "dancing with a tambourine". The developers did everything possible so that the system worked on the principle: uploaded, connected to the Internet and all services are ready to work.

Phoenix OS is a good Android analog that was optimized under netbooks, office computers and weak laptops. The idea is very interesting: the developers have converted modern Android, which is used in tablets and smartphones to install on a regular computer. The user receives an incredibly fast and modern operating system with many supported applications.

Advantages of Phoenix OS: speed, small load on the processor, an intuitive user interface, as well as a huge number of the most modern programs.

disadvantages: Bad optimization of work programs on a laptop. Unfortunately, it is difficult to do something with this disadvantage, because all programs available on Google Play are written taking into account the fact that they will be used on a mobile device. For example, on an Android-smartphone or tablet. Probably, the developers of such programs did not even suspect that someone had a desire to enjoy their children on a netbook, a laptop or a stationary computer. All programs are definitely run and work, but they look somewhat strange. To get rid of problems with the appearance, it is best to download applications that are optimized for Android TV.

A good option for computers with low operational system will be a Puppy Linux distribution. This is a very light linux distribution. It will start on any netbook and an old computer. The quality of optimization amazes: distribution works quickly on any device 5-7 years ago. Low HDD read-write speed speeds are not a serious obstacle for this OS.

Xubuntu - converted Ubuntu

Xubuntu is an excellent system for computers with low performance. This is a peculiar alternative to the Ubuntu system resources. The system is positioned by the creators as lightweight and fast, but with the preservation of decent functionality and the possibility of incredibly flexible adjustment. In terms of supporting applications, Xubuntu is all very good: it is compatible with almost all what appears in the Ubuntu repository.


This is a very busy distribution for netbooks and old computers whose owners were supporters of Windows XP. The external design of the graphic environment of the desktop is made with a clear borrowing of the ideas of design from Windows XP. The manufacturer of this distribution explicitly created the product that will be the most correct distribution kit for easy-to-LINUX. The process of installing this system on the boot drive is extremely simple and understandable.

The advantages of the Q4OS distribution: Works stably and very quickly, uses a meager amount of RAM, and also provokes a pleasant "nostalgic" feeling from the user through the design from Win XP.

Disadvantages Q4OS.: Partial support of the Russian language in interface elements.

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