Connecting to the Internet via Mobile. Connecting a computer to the Internet through a smartphone

Connecting to the Internet via Mobile. Connecting a computer to the Internet through a smartphone


Currently, many people think that without the Internet does not exist. Therefore, in modern conditions in public places, Wi-Fi-routers are installed, which provide visitors to this place free distribution. But what to do if you need to do urgent work, and there is no free internet nearby? How to solve this problem? Many users of computers have phones in which providers packages are installed, providing not only voice communication, but also the Internet. But

Ways to transfer the Internet from the phone to a computer

Internet transmission options are actually only three. At the same time, their number can be reduced depending on the technical equipment of the computer and the accessories available in the presence of allowing such transmission. So,

The first method is using a cable connecting your phone and computer. In this case, there is no need for additional devices or special requirements for the computer, in addition to the presence of a connection cable.

The second method is the distribution of the Internet from the phone using Wi-Fi. But there are some features. The phone must have a Wi-Fi distribution option, a computer - enjoy a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, or such an adapter must exist as a separate device.

The third way is to use Bluetooth connections. Restrictions that are superimposed on such a method similar to as in the previous case. The choice of a way, how from the phone to transfer the Internet to the computer, will largely depend on your preferences, as well as the technical features of the computer and the phone. In the future, let's consider each of these methods separately.

Internet transmission via cable

The first thing you need to do is connect the phone to the computer using the cable. It is worth noting that in some phones, the same connector is used for and charging the battery. Therefore, it is important to have USB cord to connect the phone to a computer that does not always come in the kit. In the future, it is necessary that the PC define your phone. Depending on the operating system installed on your computer, and the type of phone, this operation may differ on different systems.

But the essence of this action is the same - the computer must provide the drivers for this phone model, thanks to which it can transmit data from the phone to the computer and back. Some systems provide automatic location of the drivers in the operating system, and some cables have a disk with the corresponding software. But most often you have to search for drivers on the Internet.

After the phone was determined, it is necessary to perform the operations shown in the photo.

You need to go to the phone settings and select the tab "Other Networks". In it, choose "USB modem". And after that, the Internet appears on the computer almost immediately.

How to transfer the Internet to the computer via Wi-Fi

This way of distribution of the Internet is the most popular and most often used by users of computer equipment. The advantage of this method is the lack of cable connections, and there is no need to search for drivers. In addition, most modern smartphones can distribute the Internet from the phone, while the phone acts as an access point. And any modern laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter. Therefore, first on the phone turns on the access point, and if a secure connection is planned, a password is installed on it.

After that, the computer turns on Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi-network of the phone is determined. The computer requests a password after you enter the Internet is already on your computer.

Distribution of the Internet with Bluetooth Connection

Using Bluetooth connections are not so popular with computer owners. This is explained by a small range of reliable Bluetooth connections, on the one hand, and on the other - this type of connection is less common than Wi-Fi. With this type of connection, the phone protrudes in the form of its setting is very similar to the modem setting connected via the USB cable. Only in this case, a Bluetooth modem is selected in the phone settings.

Currently, almost everyone has a smartphone, however most users know only the main features of their device (phone call, Internet access, messaging, etc.). However, among other things, the smartphone can also be used as an access point to connect to the worldwide network of other mobile devices, and here we will tell you how to connect the phone to the Internet through a cell phone.

For such a connection, you will need only a bit of attention and elementary orientation by partitions and parameters of the tablet / mobile phone.

How to distribute the Internet from the phone to a WiFi tablet?

So, in order to connect the tablet to the Internet through another phone via WiFi, you will need to perform the following steps (as part of the example, the configuration of devices with the Android operating system is considered:

  • - On the "distributing" smartphone, go to "Settings", where the partition list opens: "Wireless Networks" ("WiFi Network") / "Bluetooth" / "Mobile Network", etc. and find below subsection "Optional" ("More");
  • - Next, open the Modem Mode window and click on the WiFi Access Point.
  • - The WiFi Access Point window appears: Specify the "name" of the network being created, the protection type (the best option "WPA2-PSK"), come up with the security key (the length of which will be at least 8 characters) and save the settings;
  • - The network is created: To connect to the Internet from another phone or tablet, you search for available "WiFi networks", select the access point you created and simply connect to it (using the security key).

How to distribute the Internet from the phone via bluetooth?

Standard phone connection to the Internet through another phone via WiFi is not all the possibilities that can be implemented. So, by easy settings, your smartphone can be easily turned into a "Bluetooth modem":

Similar to the previous connection, go to the "Modem Mode" settings section and in the list of possible scenarios ("USB modem", "WiFi access point" and "Bluetooth modem") Select, respectively, the last option;

  • - Next, from the phone or tablet to be connected to the Internet, search for "Bluetooth devices", select the desired network and click "Connect";
  • - As with any Bluetooth connection, it is necessary to pair the devices: on both devices there will be a notification of the pairing with a digital code - enter it into the appropriate field and click "OK".

How to connect the Internet from the phone to a computer through yusb?

In addition, you can use a smartphone with a laptop using "USB port":

  • - connect the smartphone and computer cable "Micro USB - USB";
  • - on the mobile device in the same section "Modem Mode" Select "USB modem";

On the computer in the "" section, a new connection will appear: by default it will be disabled, to turn on simply, right-click and select "Enable".

All of the above methods for connecting the phone, tablet, computer, or laptop to the Internet through the cell phone will be suitable for the "iPhone" owners, and other "apple" devices (differences can only be the name of the parameters and partitions of settings).

How to distribute the Internet from the Windows Phone phone?

For the device owners with the Windows Phone operating system, the setting is somewhat different than was described above, but in terms of complexity, it is even easier.

So, to distribute the Internet from the phone running Windows Phone, you need to do the following:

  • - On the phone from which the Internet connection will be active, Mobile Internet must be active - only with this type of connection can be created an access point. But it should be borne in mind that for such a traffic consumption, the operator can be charged according to tariffs;
  • - Next in the settings, select the "General Internet" section, move the slider to "Enabled": the maximum number of connections will be "8" for the created access point (on Android - up to 5 connections);
  • - Next, click on the "Set" button - a window will appear where you want to specify the name of the network being created and the password to connect to it.

The Windows Phone operating system is good and the fact that you can set limits on traffic consumed when connecting to the Internet through another cell phone.

For this:

  • - Open the "Settings" and spend your fingers on the screen on the right - the "Applications" section opens;
  • - The fourth item in the list is the "Data Control" subsection - click on it and open the "Set Limit" parameter.

Thus, the mobile Internet connection from the phone to other devices is simply implemented simply and opens up ample opportunities to use the smartphone.

How to distribute a mobile Internet from the phone: additional recommendations

Connecting to the Internet through another phone is incredibly convenient. Let it be a distribution between two phones or from the phone on a laptop or PC - in terms of high-speed indicators, it is not inferior to "3G modems", and in most cases and exceeds them.

The methods of turning the smartphone to the access point are quite a lot - you can pick up the situation under the current situation.

For example, in order to make an access point from the mobile phone, you only need to go to the settings, go to the Optional tab and click on the WiFi Access Point. Next, you will need to come up with a name and password for the network being created.

It is possible to create a "Bluetooth modem": the configuration principle is the same, only instead of the WiFi access point you need to select a "Bluetooth modem" and mapping with a device that needs to provide an Internet connection.

Similarly, you can distribute the Internet from the phone and on a computer. To do this, it will be necessary to carry out the same actions, only you need to select "USB modem".

But it is worth considering and possible costs, since the cellular operator may charge an additional fee for using similarly Internet traffic.

Important! In this instruction, we are talking about Android devices, that is, ways to connect the phone to the Internet through a computer via a USB cable to another OS do not work.

Often there is a problem - there is no Internet on the phone and there is no possibility to use Wi-Fi, but there is a computer with a working network. This article describes a simple solution - connecting through the wire.

All that will be required - USB cable, wire for charging the device. No programs and difficulties.

Unfortunately, the iPhone and Windows Phone has no function destination to communicate with the worldwide web. Of course, there are some programs aimed at creating a bridge between computers and devices with the above-mentioned OS. However, this method does not affect.

Connect the phone using the wire. It is worth ensuring that the laptop recognizes the smartphone. If everything is in order, then when contacting the PC, there is a characteristic sound, and a device will be displayed in the disks folder.

If the computer "does not see" android, although the device shows a successful connection, then you need to install the driver. This program helps PCs to interact with the gadget. Driver be sure to search for your model, others are most likely not suitable.

After installation, the phone will be displayed, but if this does not happen, it is necessary to check the power of the cable and the USB PC connector.

How to connect the phone to the Internet via a computer via USB cable

Go to Android Gadget Settings. In the first group of settings, you must choose the "still" deposit. Among the proposed items will need a USB Internet. Sometimes the name of the tab is different, but the meaning is the same. You need to enable this item.

Then go on manipulation with the computer. First, it is important to enter the network management center and shared access. Go there it will turn out, PCM on the web connections icon in the taskbar, usually on the right. If the Find button does not leave, that is, an alternative:

  • Start.
  • Control Panel.
  • Categories.
  • Network.

Then click Network Management Center and Common Access. In addition to the main block of hyperlink there are several in the left part of the menu. Among them, you need to contact them directly in the "Changing the Adapter Parameters".

In the open dialog box, the current connections with servers are shown. The list of titles also contains the Internet through which the PC itself works. It is not difficult to find it, on a wired or wireless type. In addition, there is a web created by the Android device. It is better to rename it.

Right-click on the connection icon related to the PC, go to the "Access" panel. Next enable the "Allow other users to use the connection of this computer".

If there are three or more active networks at the PC, it will be necessary to specify, specifically, to whom access is available. Select important from the list of networks of the one that created a smartphone, and exit by choosing Save.

Go to the properties of the smartphone network and in the window, without moving to other tabs, double-click on the "Internet version 4" protocol. In the default fields, set addresses will be entered. The first line will have to be changed at

Most likely, the address is different. In this case, first check the box opposite "Automatic IP Getting", exit, preserved. Then return to the properties, in the same tab of the protocol and enter the number of the number above in the first field.

Now, when you click on the second string, another address is entered. If this happens, you need to press the Tab key. Next, you must close the window, saving the changes.

After all operations, the phone will be successfully connected to the server. If you need to turn off the cable and to connect it, then the procedure will be necessary to partially re-perform. But, given the fact that it takes half a minute, nothing complicated.

Smartphones not so long have entered our lives, but during this time it had time to literally capture it. Unfortunately, some possibilities of smart gadgets can be unlocked only in the presence of a speed Internet connection. And mobile operators are in no hurry to increase the stable and high-quality global web coverage, and the prices for traffic can "bite." Therefore, the most reliable to connect your smartphone to the Internet through a personal computer.

Is it possible to distribute the Internet via USB cable

Technologically, smartphones have already caught up with computers and laptops in their performance. The only difference remains the operating system platform, as well as the availability of active Internet connection. Wi-Fi is not always available, and mobile operators cannot guarantee high-quality communication and access to the global network everywhere. But it is necessary to solve issues and problems arising on the mobile device, including such elementary tasks as:

  • download games, applications or documents;
  • find the necessary information;
  • update the operating system and applications for their correct work;
  • use the device as a multimedia device: To view movies, photos, presentations.

How to connect to the Internet android smartphone

Android database devices are the most common. They attract their cheap and good performance, and their functionality is developed on all the necessary directions. Creating a local network using a USB cable connection with standard tools also enters the system capabilities. For distribution of Internet traffic, only a gadget, cord and a computer with an active Internet connection are needed.

Connection setting on smartphone

First you need to adjust some settings on the Android device. This is necessary to create the correct connection not only the local network, but also the Internet channel. You must do the following:

  1. Open the settings of the smartphone, the list of the list down and in the "System" column click "for developers".

    Find and select the "For Developers" in the smartphone settings

  2. In the "Debug" column, we put a tick at the Usb Debug item.

    We put a tick at the Usb Debug item

  3. Return to the basic settings. In the Count "Wireless Networks", go to the item "Optional", depending on the system, it may be called "more ...". The item will be the lowest in the list, it immediately follows the Count "Device".

    Select the item "Advanced" in the basic settings of the smartphone

  4. In the "USB Internet" row, we put a tick. After this setting, you can close and connect the phone to the computer.

    We put a tick in the "USB Internet" paragraph

This preparatory work with a smartphone is completed. Go to the order of actions on your computer.

Connection Connection On Computer

So, the local network between the smartphone and the computer is created. It remains only to distribute the Internet within this network. To do this, do the following steps:

  1. Click the key combination on the Win + R keyboard, in the window that opens, enter the CONTROL command and click OK.

    Enter the CONTROL command in the "Run" window and click OK

  2. We switch the view of large or small badges, then select the "Network and Shared Access Center".

    You must open the "Network and Shared Access Center" section.

  3. New local connection created. In the column on the right, click the "Change Adapter Settings" button.
  4. Open the network properties that provide access to the Internet.

    Open Internet traffic provider properties

  5. Go to the "Access" tab, in the "Home Network" filter, select the connection created with the phone, put the checkboxes at the items "Allow ..." and save the changes by clicking OK.

    In the settings of the "Access" tab, put the checkboxes and save changes

  6. Similarly, through the context menu, open the local connection properties with the phone.

    Open Internet traffic network properties

  7. Select the "IP version 4" item and click "Properties".

    Open the properties of "IP version 4"

  8. We change the settings of the IP address and subnet masks:
    • IP address:;
    • subnet mask:

Video: How to connect the Internet to a smartphone on Android via a USB cable

What to do if the Internet does not start

Sometimes there are cases when all the instructions are observed, but traffic still does not go to the smartphone. Do not hurry to get upset, most likely, the Firewall service operates at PC. This is a kind of firewall that blocks dubious networks of the computer. So correct the situation by turning off the firewall:

As a result, the blocking factor will be disabled and the network will work properly.

The feature of the firewall can take on your system antivirus. In this case, you need to turn off the firewall program-defender. Make it recommended before creating a local connection with the computer.

Is it possible to connect to the Internet iPhone via USB cable

Unfortunately, Apple did not provide in its devices the ability to receive Internet via USB connection with a computer. The functionality of "apple" gadgets is not limited only to the reverse side: iPhone can be used as a modem and distribute traffic to computers and other devices. It can only be connected to the router, as well as Internet connection channels of mobile operators.

It is completely easy to distribute the Internet through a USB cable to other devices. Unfortunately, if you are the owner of the iPhone, connect the phone to the Internet will not work. Follow the instructions and a stable communication channel with the World Wide Web to consume all the features and functions of the smartphone you are provided.

Instructions for using the Internet from the phone on Android on a USB computer are given in ascending order of the complexity of the application. So we advise you to start understanding this issue in order of their location.

Instructions for phones on android and other devices that support USB modemia mode

Suitable for official phone firmware from Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Huawei, as well as for Cyanogenmod and MIUI firmware. You can also check the performance of this instruction on your device, even if it is not suitable for the above criteria.

Way to settings for different models of phones

Phone manufacturer


Samsung Settings / Network / Modem and Access Point / USB Modem
NTS Settings / Wireless Network / Modem Mode We find / USB modem
Cyanogenmod. Settings / Wireless Network / Modem mode / USB modem
Miui. Settings / System / Modem / USB Modem Mode

After that, you can use the Internet from Android on a USB computer.

Universal way: how to connect a laptop or computer to a mobile Internet smartphone

First make sure that you did not come up with the first option. In this case, you need to use the PDAnet program. First, set the drivers for your PC phone, and also make sure that the firewalls installed on the phone are turned off.

Classic PC method: Connect using a USB modem

A classic network connection option is the already described method Using a USB modem, but indicating the settings on the computer manually.

Phone setup:

Turn off all installed firewalls. Go to Settings / Wireless Networks / Modem Mode and turn on a USB modem. Next, turn on the Internet, install drivers for your phone to the computer, connect to the computer via USB.

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