How to call emergency services from mobile. How to call an ambulance

How to call emergency services from mobile. How to call an ambulance


The mobile phone is the most common means of communication, and has long replaced the landline phone, player, computer and game console. And in the emergency situation, the cell phone can save life. However, if you need to call "ambulance" from a mobile phone, you should not count on the number 03 learned from childhood. Mobile communication with emergency services is carried out only by three-digit numbers.

Uniform Emergency Phone Numbers

About 2 years ago, a system of uniform numbers appeared in Russia, which can be called from the phones of any telecom operators. Now it is not necessary in a difficult situation to try to guess and remember what operator owns which digital combination is to call immediately "ambulance", it is enough to call for free number 103. All uniform emergency rooms:

  • 101 - Calling Fire Protection MOE
  • 102 - Police call
  • 104 - Calling Emergency Gas Service

These combinations are simple to memorize, and in the case when emergency assistance is needed, save precious minutes.

Calling "Ambulance" from a cell phone through service 112

If an unexpected situation occurred, and it is necessary to call "ambulance" from a mobile phone as quickly as possible, a person can be lost and forget about number 103. In this case, a single emergency telephone number 112 is useful (Russian analog 911). By typing it, the subscriber can state the essence of the problem to the operator, and will connect it with a suitable unit.

You can call a single room for free from mobile phone of any telecom operator, while the balance can be zero or in a minus - the call will still take place. Even a locked phone or a device without a SIM card is not a hindrance when you need to call "ambulance" from mobile. You can also call the number if you need emergency help of firefighters, police or MES.

Despite the indisputable advantages of the service 112, you must always remember that the connection is not directly directly, but through the intermediary, and therefore, to get through to the ambulance quickly from the cell phone will turn out, but not as I would like. During switching to the desired division, precious seconds are lost, which can cost someone.

Telephone numbers to call ambulance from mobile

One of the fastest way to call the "ambulance" from the mobile - a call directly, by numbers, different for each operator. They gradually dispense with uniform phones, but still act. In order not to get confused and have these numbers are always at hand, it is worth keeping them in the phone.

Call "ambulance" by numbers, depending on the cellular operator:

MegaFon, MTS, U-Tel and tele2 - dial 030;
Beeline - Call 003;
Motive and Skylink - score 903.

Calls to the numbers of other emergency services are carried out on the same principle, only the figure 3 changes to one of the following: 2 - Police, 1 - Fire Protection, 4 - Gas Service.

Ask your child and your parents to call the ambulance number, there is a chance that the answer will surprise you unpleasantly. For the right answer we turned to those skilled in the art.

Call by phone

That's what told us Stanislav manov, Director of Safety Space, Methodist Methodist Children's and Teen Programs School of First Aid:

"All two-digit phones 01, 02, 03 In Moscow, a year ago was replaced by three-digit: 101, 102, 103. There are also about ten emergency call numbers, a complete list and other important information can be found on our website:

The main number for challenge emergency services in Russia is 112. From the mobile phone number works throughout Russia and in Europe. This room can be gained from the city, it operates in most regions of Russia. Does your? Before reporting the child's number, you need to check.

Instructors of the School School programs tell children to remember the number of this phone very easily: 112 - one mouth, one nose, two eyes.

Call with emergency call 112 is possible:
- in the absence of cash in your account,
- with a blocked SIM card,
- If there is no SIM card phone.

I must say to the child: "If something happened to you, you need to see if there is an adult next to you, and contact him for help. If there is no adult, you need to call on the phone, call your name and age and tell about the situation, say that adults are not around. "

And be sure to add that as soon as an adult appears next to, it is necessary to ask him to call back, because most of the alarm services do not accept children's challenges.

Not all services have a number determinant, rely on the fact that they will call back, unfortunately, it is impossible.

Elderly, it is advisable to have a phone with you even in the apartment. Situations may be different. Of course, if the person had a stroke, he will not be able to call himself, so he will not be able to regularly convene with his loved ones.

It must be remembered that the ambulance is also a reference service, there is a doctor who can recommend something. Although it will not take a diagnosis on the phone, but some kind of elementary things can tell. For example, if you feel very bad and doubt - call a doctor from the polyclinic, which will come through a day, call an urgent or still to call an ambulance, in this case the dispatcher will switch you to a specialist who can advise you correctly.

If the operator for some reason does not want to receive a call, ask to switch you to the doctor's duty. The operator must do it. But if he suddenly refused, you need to dial the number again, explaining the situation to another operator and ask to connect you with a duty doctor.

Keep in mind that the ambulance does not write any documents, no reference, neither the hospital will give you it. Therefore, to call an ambulance in order to testify your nebody to work is useless for you and harmful to others. Leaving such a call, doctors may not have time to someone who is really important.

Ambulance - to save lives. You need to remember this and not to cause it in vain, for example, in order to measure pressure. Everything seems to be known about this, but at every ambulance station there is a list of grandmothers who cause a brigade often without reason.

- And what if there is no phone at hand, but there is a computer? Is it possible to call Skype?
- Each Skype subscriber concluded a service agreement with the service and put a tick in the column "I agree." But few people remember that in this contract it is written that Skype cannot be used to challenge emergency services.

There is a mobile application "Rescuer" from the EMERCOM of Russia, in which there is an emergency apartment. If you press it within 5-10 seconds, the coordinates go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and they call you back.

- And if a person can not speak? Can I call an ambulance by SMS?
I never heard it, but it is possible that such a service is. Although, honestly, I doubt. The fact is that the ambulance is not obliged to respond to all calls. If the firefighters leave for any call, then the dispatcher raises the emergence as far as the patient's condition threatens life and chooses: who, by their profile, whom to send to the clinic, whom to the urgent, which will arrive during the day. In the case of SMS, the false challenge is more complicated.

How to call an ambulance silence?

Moscow is one of the largest megacities of the world. Here daily emerge emergence, assistance in which can. But so that it arrives on time, you need to know how to call an ambulance in Moscow. 03 It does not always help. Special rules are valid when calling emergency care. In a timely manner to call an ambulance in Moscow, including from mobile, this material will help.

Short numbers for emergency call

The main number for challenge the ambulance in Moscow is

It works when typing from stationary and mobile phones. It is important to know that calls to this room are free.

In addition to the number 103, the number for calling any emergency service is also valid.

The advantage of this service is that it is possible to call on 112 even in such cases:

  • when the SIM card is blocked or is generally absent in the phone;
  • when funds ended on the personal account, either the subscriber is generally left "in minus".

Cases in which emergency call is needed

Qualified Moscow ambulance doctors are always ready to assist victims, immediately arrive at the challenge and make emergency measures to rescue health. However, everyone should know in what situation it is necessary to immediately apply to the urgent, and in which one can independently take the necessary measures or contact the clinic.

For example, many rush to the telephone at high temperature. However, in most cases, it can be knocked down on their own, having antipyretic drugs at hand. Increase in temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body with a cold illness. With proper drug treatment and compliance with the regime, the patient's condition stabilizes within 2-3 days.

The help of urgent doctors should be resorted when the temperature reaches threatening values \u200b\u200b(above 40 ° C) or if it does not fall longer than 3 days.

The challenge of ambulance in Moscow is needed in such situations:

  • the emergence of acute pathology;
  • sudden aggravation of chronic disease;
  • sudden manifestation of a dangerous disease;
  • getting dangerous injury.

In the same time, for the treatment of chronic disease without exacerbation, the challenge is ambulance not only is not needed, but also harmful. Here it is necessary to contact the doctor in a clinic that owns information about the dynamics of the development of the disease, familiar with the current state of the patient and knows what treatment was appointed. While media ambulances prescribe potent drugs that are designed unoperase Quickly improve the patient's condition, eliminate the threat to life. For conventional treatment, such drugs are not suitable, they can only cause additional harm to the body.

Do not cause an ambulance in order to obtain recommendations for the treatment of chronic disease, get recipes for drugs or help. These actions are not included in the competence of essential physicians. For this there are doctors or nurses of polyclinics.

Sometimes the challenge of ambulance ends with the fact that, having examined the patient, doctors cause a district physician to him from the clinic, since this case is included in its competence. But such a specialist could have caused the patient himself or his relatives, without referring to emergency assistance. Time is lost and for the patient, and for a team of ambulance, which can be more likely elsewhere.

It must be remembered that the doctor from the clinic will come on any day of the week, even the day off.

Only you need to not forget to name the actual address of the patient's stay, and not the address of its registration. It also does not matter whether the patient has an insurance policy or not, the doctor will in any case come to call.

In case of injury to call to the ambulance, when there is a serious danger of health or life (for example, a strong blood loss or painful syndrome). With easy injury, you need to easily either get to the clinic, where doctors will have the necessary help. Here they will decide on the need for hospitalization.

Causeing an ambulance in Moscow, you need to know that its staff has specialists of various profiles. Therapists and pediatricians work here. The necessary specialist will come in the team of the Brigade, will provide emergency assistance and will recommend further actions. If the doctor considers it necessary to hospitalize the patient, he will give a direction to the appropriate department of the hospital.

Communication rules with dispatcher

By calling Moscow, the subscriber is usually quickly connected to the dispatcher. However, there are times when the line is overloaded, because the connection does not immediately occur. Then the machine will inform the Subscriber that it takes some time to wait, and as soon as the dispatcher is free, he will immediately answer. To help was rendered in a timely manner and qualitatively, it is necessary to clearly answer all the questions of the employee of the dispatching and provide him with the following information:

  • the essence of the incident. The more precisely the subscriber will tell about what happened, the easier and faster the dispatcher will determine what kind of help is required in this case;
  • the phone number from which the call is carried out;
  • the address where the patient is located. If the address can not be specified, you need to specify important guidelines that will help the brigade find the right place. On time to get to the patient will help information about the entrance number, the most rapid way to drive up to it, code on the door, etc.;
  • Name of the patient (if possible);
  • the age of the patient (accurate or at least approximate);
  • Full name, which causes an ambulance.

The dispatcher needs to be answered quickly and at the same time clearly and accurately. It will help to send the brigade as quickly and understand what kind of help, first of all, the victim needs. It is necessary to provide information about the factors that may complicate the arrival at the specified address (for example, repair work).

If difficulties are possible with the finding of the specified address, it will be very useful if the calling or other person will come to meet the brigade and help her get to the patient.

At the end, the dispatcher must once again clarify the address, as well as the district of Moscow and call the brigade, which will be directed towards the patient. It is also possible that it will switch the subscriber to a medical advisory center.

How long would you expect an ambulance brigade in Moscow?

When an emergency call comes, it is processed with the definition of the nearest point of emergency. Today in Moscow there are about 60 such points. In each of them there are several brigades, ready to head to call.

The dispatcher listens to the caller and determines the number and type of brigades that are necessary in this case. Each ambulance substation in Moscow has not only ordinary brigades, but also specialized (for example, pediatric or psychiatric). In order for the dispatcher to determine the number of brigades that need to be sent to the scene, he needs to provide information on the number of victims.

The ambulance carrier will arrive at the specified address in the shortest possible time. But a specific arrival time depends on many factors, for example, from the situation on the roads. Despite the fact that the ambulance, heading towards the scene, uses flashing beacons that obliges to skip this vehicle, not all drivers adhere to such a rule. Often, doctors face the covered entrance paths to the scene. The irresponsible actions of drivers and other citizens often make it difficult to arrive an ambulance to the victim.

When you do not need to wait for an ambulance?

If the victim's family owns a vehicle, and the patient's condition allows it to get to the clinic without the help of physicians, it is better not to cause ambulance and not wait for her arrival. You can independently come to the hospital, where doctors will quickly provide urgent help. You can also use taxi services.

Additional services provided by ambulance station

By calling 103, you can get the consultation of medical workers. For this you can ask to switch to the advisory item. Also before it can be reached by direct phone

Here, an experienced doctor will tell me what to do in one situation or another to take measures to improve the condition of the patient, and whether there is a need to call ambulance.

Ambulance is one of the emergency services, the number of which should be constantly on hearing. Not in vain in the school teacher pays so much attention. Now the numbers of important services also flashes on TV, earlier - and on the radio.

But now, when all of humanity sharply switched to mobile phones from home, a certain confusion was left regarding this issue. Not everyone will immediately answer correctly, how to call an ambulance with Beeline, for example, because there are several numbers in the head: 03, 112, 103.

Well, in the end, right, we will deal with you and tell you. Leave a small corner in your memory for this material that will pop up in your head when it is necessary.

Short number to call ambulance on biline

03 - known to us since childhood a combination, typing from a city device, you can get through to the ambulance. And now, when mobile operators appeared, the number of calls to this organization increased from them and far exceeds challenges from the home phone.

Therefore, it should be remembered that 03 is a challenge emergency with a home device.

Emergency numbers of mobile operators are all three digits. Ambulance, firefighters, police, gas workers begin with 1. And then there is a standard digit. Ambulance with Beeline - 103.

The Beeline site provides this particular combination. Here you can familiarize yourself with other useful phones.

A few years ago there were separation of these numbers. From different operators it was necessary to use various combinations: 030 or 003. For Beeline subscribers, a medical staff has been 003. But soon it was decided that it was incorrectly and uncomfortable.

Emergency connection on biline

Emergency connection is still young. It arose as a result of the absorption of telephony by mobile operators. Then the federal "on connection" was released, and 52 the article was devoted to the fact that there should be a single number for the appeal of citizens through mobile operators.

Each cellular company should create emergency telephone support service. By calling there, a person receives prompt information on his question and switches to the desired service.

Depending on the cellular company, it may be noticeable to distinguish between the service, since each operator provides its support. In some, it can be an answering machine, which when you press the numbers, switches the user where it needs.

Others have a consultant who sends a call to the service current on the client's problem.

Emergency features 112:

  • it works even where the network does not catch a connection;
  • available at any time of the day;
  • relevant even with a blocked sim card;
  • the call is carried out and at zero balance.

Let us summarize the most important information: from Bilaina to reach the ambulance by phone 103, being outside the network, without money on an account or with a blocked SIM card - 112.

Cellular communication is developing, more and more people get rid of stationary phones operating on the wires. Cell phone communication is usually done cheaper, has more opportunities, mobile gadgets look modern. But when a cellular client has to call emergency service, it is found that the previously established rooms of the fire, gas, medical service, as well as police, no longer operate in mobile phones.

Therefore, the subscriber begins to solve this issue. Usually this problem is how from mobile calling an ambulance. The problem is to communicate according to GSM. The number that is recruited on the mobile phone should not be shorter than three digits. Therefore, they are not recruited those numbers that acted on landline phones.

They added another digit, and the entire three-digit number of different emergency services is different in different cellular companies. Therefore, you should consider the number of the set of the aforementioned services of leading cellular companies. In Russia, the methods of dialing to ambulance are simple, and make it possible to save people's lives in a timely manner.

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Today in Russia it will not be possible to call an ambulance at the number 03 on a cell phone due to the features of the GSM standard. In our country, a convenient innovation has been created - a single rescue service is organized. It can be called by phone 112. This room works in cellular and on city phones. Number 112 allows you to quickly call the operator. It will execute the redirection of your call to the rescuers located in proximity.

If you forgot how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, which has no SIM card, or it is blocked, then quickly gain the phone 112, the operator will answer you. This is a great advantage of a single service. This method works not only in our country, no matter where the subscriber lives or registered. This room operates in any state included in the European Union.

How to call "ambulance" from different cellular networks

Extreme situation most often arises for a person unexpectedly. When the road accident occurred, the attack of pain, fall, and find a landline phone is not possible, then the person is trying to reach emergency services with his mobile phone. Surprisingly, cellular companies will not install the same numbers. Then it would not have to waste time finding out the phone number.

Given the technical features, for cellular companies the smallest number of numbers should be at least three. Therefore, all cellular operators have created their combinations of emergency rooms. If your SIM card refers to a little-known operator, it will have any simple combination - 103, 030, etc. to call the "ambulance" - 103, 030, etc., you can try to call each of them, or experience a universal set of numbers.

Call "Emergency" from the MTS network

No one wants to get into difficult situations when ambulance is required. But if this happened, and urgently need medical care or doctor, then for MTS customers there is an opportunity to cause emergency assistance. You need to dial a unit before ordinary numbers 03, and the number 103 is obtained.

With a successful call, the "ambulance" will arrive in 15-20 minutes. If, during this time, doctors did not profit, it is better to call this number again, or clarify where the ambulance car is at the moment.

How to Call Medical Help with MegaFon

Under Russian legislation, money for calls to emergency services is not taken, while it does not matter what kind of tariff is connected. The megaphone operator also does not charge for this fee, and allows subscribers without paying to call to "ambulance" help. The call may not work in the case of blocking the SIM card. Difference from the city number of the doctor's call on the megaphone - an additional zero at the end of the number - it turns out 030. Such a set is similar to calls to other emergency services.

"Emergency" number on biline

Customers of VimpelCom company should know about ambulance call. Many tragic cases occurring in different regions of the world indicate that the big popularity of cellular communication helped save the lives to many people. All Network Customers Beeline must have information on how to call Skoruju:

  • fire service - 101;
  • call a police - 102;
  • "Ambulance" Help - 103;
  • gas service - 104.

Call doctors to tele2 subscribers2

In our country's market, a foreign cellular company tele2 has been successfully operating, which represents a free challenge emergency to its customers. If a person got into an unpleasant health situation, then you need to call:

  • number 030 - when receiving a call, the dispatcher must be introduced so that misunderstandings do not arise, since negligence cannot be allowed;
  • number 03 - This phone should work accurately, even if the first combination did not work;
  • number 103 - For any emergency cases, this number is suitable for both in Moscow and throughout the country.

How to call a doctor if there is no money on the phone?

There are cases when money suddenly ended on the phone, but at the same time a doctor's help urgently needs. Life depends on the speed of the arrival of medical care. If you urgently need to call a doctor, then dial the number 112 and act according to the instructions of the autoinformer system. This challenge for all networks of our country is not paid. In case of violation of this condition, the operator can be punished by law.

Emergency service can be called by number 112, if there is no money on the issue, or the sim card is blocked. With a weak network signal, you can dial 911, then you click on the "3" autoinformer, there will be a connection with the operator. Centralized salvation telephone works throughout the country. Reaching the proper doctors correctly, the situation should be explained, to point out its location for the faster arrival of the doctors.

After communication, the dispatcher will report that the order is adopted at a certain time. If the health worker denies you in the reception of a challenge, in view of any reasons, you can contact the police, as this is a criminal act. Unwise assistance may entail the punishment of doctors.

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