A good, high-quality and accurate translator. English-Russian dictionary Specialized dictionaries of the English language

A good, high-quality and accurate translator. English-Russian dictionary Specialized dictionaries of the English language


Online translator Transёr

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages ​​are added. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to provide high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

Every person studying a foreign language, one way or another, is faced with the need to translate. Students learn to translate read or listened texts, English books and dialogues from a foreign language, as well as translate simple sentences and, most importantly, their thoughts from their native language into a foreign language. So what is translation and what is its significance? Let's see...

Speaking about translation, many linguists distinguish between two concepts: translation, as the process of transmitting an oral or written text in one language by an equivalent text in another language, and translation, as the result of this process, that is, the written or oral text itself, conveying the same meaning or having the same content in another language. Thus, in essence, translation is a search for appropriate equivalents in another language that allow one to convey one or another meaning.

Since ancient times, translation has been the main means of exchanging information and knowledge about the world. In the 21st century—the information age—it is difficult to imagine a field of activity in which one or another type of translation would not be used. In the modern world, international boundaries in business, science and other industries are being erased, so translation becomes more necessary than ever as the basis for understanding and fruitful cooperation.

How to correctly translate from English

Translation from English into Russian, due to the use of the first as an international language, is more relevant than ever.

There are several types of translation: literal, automatic or machine, and professional.

Speaking of the latter. The first step is always to work on the text and its structure, as well as carefully reading the source material. After this, work occurs on words that require special attention. Next, a so-called translation sketch is performed, indicating dubious places in the text that need to be worked on in the future. You may think that this kind of work is beyond your capabilities, but this is how high-quality translation should be done. Deal with it.

Literal and machine translations are the least effective and can be used to understand the general meaning of the translated text.

Some tips:

  • use modern dictionaries and do not forget about the existence of electronic ones, for example multitran.ru, which contains vocabulary, as well as sayings, idioms and phrases that are used in professional fields;
  • do not try to translate all unknown words, try to understand the essence of the text;
  • pay attention to the different possible variations of one word (word morphs), remember also that there is a participle and a gerund;
  • look at the endings of verbs: this will help you not only understand the time of what is happening, but also identify the character;
  • remember about exceptions that occur in the language (swim - swam or die - dying), as well as about phrasal verbs (put away, put across, put on, put down);
  • do not forget that one word can be both a noun and a verb at the same time, for example, drin, answer, sleep, cook, shade, climb, cook, etc.

Online translation services

For the above types of translations, various online services are widely used. The most famous and frequently used translation service at the moment is the online translator from English into Russian - Google translate. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a large number of supported languages ​​- 103, as well as the ability to automatically translate web pages and large texts. However, the main disadvantage of this service is that the choice of vocabulary is not always correct and sentences are constructed incorrectly. An excellent option for understanding the general meaning, but not comparable to a professional translation.

How to translate from English into Russian, you can use online dictionaries that contain a large number of word meanings, transcriptions, several pronunciation options, as well as examples of use in authentic texts. The online translator Lingvo Live from ABBYY deserves attention. It features fewer languages ​​- 20 - and is capable of translating individual words and phrases. However, the translation is presented under various headings: medicine, law, etc., as well as with many examples from the original texts. Another good thing is that you can ask for help from translators absolutely free of charge if the translation has not been found.

You can also translate from English into Russian using the translate.ru (prompt) service from Runet. A small number of languages ​​- 7, and the ability to translate large texts. It is distinguished by the function of selecting the topic of the translated text, for example, travel, sports, health, which narrows the choice of necessary vocabulary.

Professional translation

Professional translation from English is distinguished by its accuracy and complete transmission of the meaning and form of the translated text. So, if, for example, the original test is of a technical nature, then embellishing the test is unacceptable - the accuracy of the terms and the use of cliches and clichés are important.

direct current- direct current
sectional area- cross-sectional area

If the source text is a dialogue on an everyday topic, the translator's main task is to find the most natural option for translation.

Here you are!- Here you go!
Help yourself.- Help yourself.

If the source text is a literary text, then it is important to use synonyms, change the order of words, as well as figures of speech: epithets, metaphors, hyperbole.

sharp eyes- piercing gaze
I'll move heaven and earth to reach it.- I will move mountains to achieve this.

Lost in translation

When setting the goal of translating from English, each translator faces some difficulties caused by both the peculiarities of the English language and the specifics of the target language.

Lexical difficulties

Most words in English are ambiguous. Thus, the main lexical difficulty of translation is the choice of the necessary and most appropriate meaning. For example, the verb run can be used in the meaning of “run” and in the meaning of “manage”: so run a marathon - run a marathon, run a restaurant - manage a restaurant. In addition, it is also translated as “to work”, in terms of “to function”: Is your refrigerator running? - Is your refrigerator working?

Another important point when translating is to determine the part of speech to which the word is represented. Quite a lot of words in the English language have the same form in different parts of speech, so how to translate a word from English into Russian directly depends on the part of speech in which it is represented.

I read an interesting book (noun).- I'm reading an interesting book
I called to book (verb) a table.- I called to reserve a table.
He's like (adverb) me. - He's just like me.
He likes (verb) me.- He likes me.

Some difficulties also arise with how to translate the well-known false friends of translators - words similar in form to existing words in the target language, but different from them in meaning.

baptism- baptism, not baptism (Baptist faith)
expertise- experience, competence, knowledge, but not expertise (expert examination)
intelligent- reasonable, smart, but not intelligent (cultured)
clay- clay, but not glue (glue)

When translating, you must not forget about the compatibility of words, especially verb + noun in English: take a photo - take a photo, have a party - have a party, and adjective + noun in Russian: brown eyes - brown eyes, gray hair - gray hair.

Grammatical difficulties

The grammatical structure of English and Russian is significantly different. An important point when translating is the choice of the most suitable tense, or words indicating the required time. Thus, the Present Perfect, depending on the context, can be translated using the present or past tense:

I have already been there.-I've already been here.
I have been in Paris since Monday.- I've been in Paris since Monday.

Another interesting point is related to the use of pronouns. The English language has a clear sentence structure - subject and predicate. Therefore, most sentences are constructed using the pronouns it, they, we, you. In the Russian language, there is a tendency to use impersonal forms of the verb, or pronouns are simply omitted.

They say he is a good man.- They say he is a good person.
It rains.- It's raining.

An important aspect is the translation of the passive voice, which is quite often used in English and has several translation options:

  • Using the verb to be:
    This text was written on the blackboard.- The text was written on the board.
  • Using reflexive verbs ending in -sya/-s:
    The window was suddenly opened.- The window suddenly opened.
  • Using active verbs in the 3rd person plural:
    The books are given on the first floor.- Books are issued on the first floor.


From all of the above, it follows that translation is not an easy job, affecting many aspects of language learning, the correct choice of vocabulary, knowledge of the many meanings of words and their compatibility with other words in a sentence. Also important is knowledge of all grammatical formulas and rules of grammatical construction of sentences.

It should also be noted the importance of knowledge of English punctuation and spelling for written translation. Like any skill, fast and accurate translation requires constant practice and improvement. But patience and work will grind everything down!

We wish you good luck!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

The Sound Word service makes it easy to find out transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click “Search”. After a short pause, it provides a transcription of the English word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, there are two options: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphic recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphic recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be recorded separately. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Why is transcription of English words needed?

Knowing English transcription is useful. This makes it possible to easily read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without outside help. Just look in the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on “putting together” words from letters, but rather on converting letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to find out the correct pronunciation of an English word, and, accordingly, its reading.

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on Russian language you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Russian-English translation, you need to enter text in Russian in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu Russian, on English.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - English text.

Specialized dictionaries of the Russian language

If the source text for translation relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Russian lexical dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Laws, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general Russian vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for Russian layout

If Russian layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the Russian alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from Russian.

The main language problem when translating from Russian into English is the inability to achieve economical language means, since the Russian language is oversaturated with frequent abbreviations and ambiguous words. At the same time, many long Russian sayings are translated into one or two words in English dictionaries.
When translating text from Russian, the translator needs to use words not only from the active vocabulary, but also use language constructs from the so-called passive vocabulary.
As with any other language, when translating Russian text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, and not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - English- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.

Correct and accurate translation of English

Undoubtedly, the quality of English translation plays a big role. Your answers, communication, and overall performance can and will depend on how well you accurately understand what your English interlocutor has said to you. Here both the accuracy and quality of modern English translation are simply top notch. The speed of loading pages, proximity to the user and an arsenal of meanings make him not only a good translator, but the best in the direction from English to Russian. Any doubts left? Now we will dispel them.

From good to high-quality translation of texts

What makes a quality translation so? Let's look at this in detail. And to begin with, we tried to understand the user and his train of thought, what he considers best and what not. The best online translator from English to Russian is the one you use most often. Why? Because it’s fast and pleasant, leaves a positive experience when used, answers all questions regarding translation, and leaves no desire to look for another, better, more accurate translator.

Claims backed by technology

The site's most accurate online translator from English to Russian is made by the hybrid collecting technology ®RAX, which processes the user's request in real time and instantly returns the most relevant answer. At the moment of entering text, this process is already activated and by the time the input is completed, 90% of the translation is already completed. This way, the client is selected the most accurate, high-quality translation among the best options. The double technology of checking the translator to compare the best results with each other gives incredibly good results. 40% of people who tried the free service of a high-quality web translator are so satisfied with the results of English translation that they became our regular users. And this despite the fact that after brand giants there are stereotypical types of perceptions.

104 other languages

There is one more pleasant thing that was not mentioned: our accurate translator works online not only with English and Russian languages ​​- 104 world languages ​​are available to it. This opens a direct path to solving all everyday problems of accurate and high-quality translation of all popular directions. We assure you that being a good translation service is not enough for us, just like translating exclusively accurately from English - we want to be the best startup in the field of translations. To achieve this, our team puts a ton of effort every day, improving the service to perfection. Good translation - accurate translator - quality service - this is our way. Be with us!

4.58/5 (total:809)

The mission of the online translator m-translate.com is to make all languages ​​more understandable and to make the ways of obtaining online translation simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in a matter of minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to “erase” the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

For us, being the best mobile translator means:
- know the preferences of our users and work for them
- look for excellence in details and constantly develop the direction of online translation
- use the financial component as a means, but not as an end in itself
- create a “star team”, “betting” on talents

Besides the mission and vision, there is another important reason why we are engaged in the field of online translation. We call it the “root cause” - this is our desire to help children who became victims of war, became seriously ill, became orphans and did not receive proper social protection.
Every 2-3 months we allocate about 10% of our profits to help them. We consider this our social responsibility! The entire staff goes to them, buys food, books, toys, everything you need. We talk, instruct, care.

If you have even a small opportunity to help, please join us! Get +1 to karma;)

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