How to make a portal in Minecraft - Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest. Portals without mods in Minecraft Minecraft version for mod portal 2

How to make a portal in Minecraft - Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest. Portals without mods in Minecraft Minecraft version for mod portal 2


The topic of building a portal to other dimensions is very popular at the moment, as all players want to see something new. But for all this you need to install various kinds of modifications that will help you do things that you could not do before.

And so, let's start with what portals are and what they are intended for. A portal is a structure created by a character, intended for teleportation over a distance or to other worlds (dimensions). There are a total of two portals available in Minecraft; you don’t need mods or other add-ons to use them. The first portal is the portal to Hell, with its help you can move to another dimension called Hell. But the second portal will lead you to a world more difficult to survive Ender(Edge). Unlike the first portal, you will not be able to build a second one since you need to find it. To search, the Eye of Ender is used, when used, it will direct you in the right direction to search.

In general, I talked about the standard portals that already exist in the game, and with which you were probably already familiar. Next I will talk about portals for which installing mods is simply necessary. For example, a portal to Paradise, I talked about how to make this portal in the article "". And yet, to build this portal we will need mods. So if you don’t know how or can’t install mods in Minecraft, then you definitely won’t be able to use a third-party portal.

That's all, I think I talked in detail about all the portals available in the game, and not only. And you will be happy to start traveling through dimensions. And if you want to try something new, then unfortunately this cannot be done without mods.

Mod Portal Gun 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 is another great addition to Minecraft, developed by the legendary iChun. Just like the name, Portal Gun inspired popular game: Portal (from Valve) with a special pistol that allows you to teleport in an instant.

Portal is a famous puzzle solution released in 2007 by Valve and quickly gained popularity thanks to its unique gameplay, challenging puzzles and the infamous hero GlaDOS. 4 years later Valve released Portal 2 with richer storyline and the best expression for the characters. The game's dedicated Portal Gun is still highly regarded today as unique and versatile for a variety of situations.

Due to its complexity, the Minecraft environment is considered unsuitable for Portal Gun. But iChun did the unthinkable: Portal Gun Mon perfectly simulated all the features of Portal_Gun, and also included iconic elements of the portal franchise in Minecraft, such as the card-based GlaDOS Portal Gun, the tower, the boots with long autumns... Everything is perfectly recreated in Minecraft. Portal Gun requires Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10,

Today, a portal is just a science fiction concept that has not yet been realized in life. This is a kind of gate that instantly transports a person from one world to another and back. They are presented as very different - some see them as blurry breaks in space, others, on the contrary, believe that they should have clear boundaries. If you are wondering what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should know that they relate more to the second option. In the game, this is a frame of certain blocks, the passage in which is activated in one way or another. Naturally, each type has its own materials and activation items. Therefore, you need to know what portals there are in Minecraft and what you need to do with them to get to any of the worlds.

How to make a portal to the city 1.12.2?

One of the most popular worlds where a player wants to visit is the city of 1.12.2. This is a kind of analogue of Hell, stylized in the same theme. And if you want to find out what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should start with it. At the same time, it cannot be said that it is very easy to make - you will need material that is not so easy to find, and even more difficult to make yourself. This is obsidian. This material is not generated on the map when creating a world; it cannot be crafted or dropped from mobs. How to get it then? In a rather clever way: you will need lava and water. In this case, it does not matter whether this happens in nature or from your message - only the order is important here. The lava must flow into the standing water, and then at the point where they meet you will get a block of obsidian. If the lava is static and the water is dynamic, you will get a stone, in any other case other than the first, you will only be left with cobblestone blocks, so be extremely careful. Having made a frame of obsidian, set fire to the space inside it with a lighter - and your gate to the Lower World is ready. Do not neglect them, because, in addition to a huge amount of fun and pleasure, you will find materials there for the construction of other teleports. In Minecraft, the portal to the city and to the Lower World does not require complex materials, in other cases you will have to try.

Portal between cities

A teleport is also useful, connecting two locations in one Minecraft world. How to make a "city" portal? You need to install one teleport block in one locality, another in the location you need, connect them together with red dust, and a short route between two points is ready.

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