Where to turn on the flash on an iPhone. Turn off the flash on Apple iPhone during a call

Where to turn on the flash on an iPhone. Turn off the flash on Apple iPhone during a call


Apple is famous for its consideration for users with disabilities. There is a whole section in the settings called “ Universal access", where there are functions that help adapt the process of using the gadget to the needs of such people. One such function is LED flash when calling, designed to notify users with hearing impairments about incoming calls or SMS messages.

It's absolutely fair that LED flash on iPhone found a lot of fans among ordinary owners of Apple devices. It’s difficult to hear the built-in polyphonic melody or feel the vibration while in a crowded place, but you definitely won’t miss the flash, which blinks dazzlingly brightly when making a call. How to activate this useful feature on iPhone?

How to turn on the flash on iPhone when they call?

You can set the flash when calling on iPhones of any modification older than 4. Holders iPhone 3GS This function is not available by default due to the lack of the required LED. People who needed light alerts due to health problems could purchase a proprietary flash accessory for their third iPhone called iFlash. Nowadays, finding such an accessory on sale is as difficult as finding it yourself. iPhone 3GS.

Setting the flash when making a call on an iPhone 4 or any later modification, on the contrary, is very simple - this is done in 3 steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and proceed to the section " Basic».

Step 2. Find the subsection " Universal access" - that's what you need.

Step 3. Scroll down to the block " Hearing", find the toggle switch " LED flash for warnings" and switch it to the active position.

Now the iPhone will notify you with flickering not only about an incoming call, but also about an incoming SMS message. In addition, the flash will sound simultaneously with the alarm melody.

The iPhone only blinks when in lock mode. If the device is unlocked, most likely the owner is using it and will not miss the call anyway.


Many users of Apple gadgets, unfortunately, refuse the LED flash when making a call, despite the fact that they consider this function extremely useful. They are guided by considerations of saving charge, believing that an activated LED drains the battery many times faster. In fact, this is a misconception: of course, LED flash uses power, but not as much as, say, a 3G connection or Wi-F i. Therefore, a user who wants to achieve long battery life on an iPhone should use other methods that are more effective than not using the flash when making a call.

Many iPhone users often wonder why Apple doesn’t think of building an LED into the phone to indicate various events, because it’s really convenient, especially when the phone is in silent mode.

Surprisingly, most iPhone owners don't even realize that this functionality can be achieved using their phone's flash. About, how to turn on flash when making a call on iPhone We will tell you using standard means in this article.

Indeed, in order to set the flash to an incoming call on your iPhone, you do not need either Jailbreak or installation of additional applications. This functionality is present by default in iOS, it’s quite difficult to simply find it and guess what it does.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the fact that a flashing flash on an iPhone during a call will help you not miss an important call. And if your phone is in silent mode, then flashing the flash when your iPhone rings is generally the only way to notice an incoming call when the phone is face down.

How to turn on flash when iPhone rings

To make your iPhone's flashlight blink when you make a call, you only need to change one parameter in your phone's settings.

First, open the main settings of your phone, to do this, click on the icon "Settings" on the screen.

Scroll down a little and select the menu item "Basic".

In the next tab, find the line with the name "Universal access" and click on it.

Scroll down the menu a little to the category called "HEARING"(yes, in general, the option of flashing the flash during a call is positioned as an aid for the hearing impaired), and put the switch next to the item "Flash Alerts" to position "Enabled".

As a result, when there is an incoming call or message (even if it came, for example, in Viber), your phone will blink with its flash. The following video clearly demonstrates what an iPhone flash notification looks like.

How to turn off flash when iPhone calls

If you're tired of your iPhone flashing its flashlight every time there's an incoming call, you can disable this option without any problem. To do this, follow the reverse procedure described above, and in the menu, set the slider to the off position. As a result, flash flashing during calls and notifications will be disabled.

Now you know how to make a flash on your iPhone during a call and how to turn it off if you get tired of it.

How can I make the flash on my iPhone flash when I make a call? Easily! This feature has been available in iOS for a long time, but with the release there is an additional option. Now users can not only set the flash on a call, but also set a parameter in which the flash on an iPhone call will be activated only in silent mode. We'll tell you how to do it right now!

In general, the original purpose of a flash on a smartphone is to improve the quality of photo and video shooting. It is also used by the standard flashlight function. However, many owners like to see the flash flash when making a call on their phone. By the way, Cupertino decided to integrate this function not as entertainment, but for users with disabilities. But this does not prevent others from turning on the flash when making a call on their iPhone.


iPhone users with a version of the mobile platform lower than iOS 10 are not able to set the flash to ring the iPhone in silent mode. They only have access to the first option - turn the flash on or off for calls, depending on whether the smartphone is in silent or normal mode. We previously published a detailed one - in essence it is no different from this one, except for the use of different versions of iOS.

After completing all the above steps, the flash will now flash brightly during a call to your device in silent mode. We must warn you that enabling this option may increase battery consumption on your iPhone. The function can quickly drain your smartphone.

There is no special light indicator that notifies the user of incoming calls and SMS messages on all iPhone phones. But every iPhone has an LED that can perform this function - anyone can set a flash on a call. If you make the necessary settings, the phone, which is working “without sound,” will begin to blink when an incoming call or SMS arrives.

Functions of enabled LED flashing

This feature can be found in the accessibility settings “Hearing”. It is called “LED”.

Purpose of the function

When a call is turned on, the LED flash blinks brightly and pulsates. If necessary, you can install subtitles and adjust the audio volume for the connected headset. The glow function was created specifically for people with hearing problems, but it is often used by other users. The visual notification looks beautiful and impressive, but does not distract from work or sports. This option also helps when a person is in complete darkness or in a noisy environment. Some users set a light signal as an alarm.

How to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone for all models?

This feature is supported by devices with the latest versions of iOS. Some users are thinking about how to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone. This can be done by adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, you need to open “Settings” on the main screen of your device.
  2. Here you should click on the button labeled “Basic”, and then go to “Universal Access”.
  3. By scrolling down the page, you can go to the “Flash alerts” item - on some smartphones it is designated as “Flash in silent mode”.
  4. To activate the function, you need to move the slider from the “Off” position. to “On.”

Turned on in this way, the flash on your iPhone will blink three times when you receive incoming calls and text messages. The backlight will also turn on when new messages and notifications appear on social networks. If the indicator light does not turn on, to confirm the settings, the device must be rebooted by pressing the “Power” button on the top panel of the smartphone.

The flashing will only turn on if the phone's screen has been locked with the top power button and the device has been put into sleep mode. You can see such a light notification if the smartphone is lying face down. If the screen is lit, a notification will be displayed for incoming calls instead of the flashlight pulsating. This is done in order to save battery power. The visual indicator can be activated simultaneously with vibration and sound.

How to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone for silent mode?

The option to turn on light notifications in silent mode is available on iPhone devices with OS version 9. Users want to know what needs to be done to make the flash flash during a call, but the sound remains muted. By setting this to the default value, a person will receive calls with flash only in silent mode.

This can be done using the same scheme, but in this case you should additionally set the “Backlight in silent mode” value. For owners of devices with iOS 10 version, this function is not available - they can turn on the flashlight on the iPhone or turn it off regardless of whether the silent mode is working on the phone or not.

If the “visual” notification does not work, it may be due to technical problems. The contacts powering the LED may be damaged if dropped. You can check this by unlocking the hidden menu on your smartphone screen and clicking on the icon labeled “LED” to activate it. If the light is still off, there is damage to the device. They can be fixed at a service center.

How to turn off flash when iPhone rings?

Some people find the flashing flashing during a call annoying. You can make the flash inactive again when making a call on your iPhone in a few steps:

  • First you should open “Settings” and go to “General”;
  • under “Universal access” you need to find a column with the inscription “Hearing”;
  • The slider next to the line “LED flash for warning” must be moved to the left, setting the mode to “Off”.

After this, the flashlight on your iPhone will not turn on automatically when new notifications appear.

To turn the LED on and off on iPhone phones, you do not need to download any applications or additional device. The function is present in the smartphone and is activated by default by pressing the corresponding button. Settings on iPhones 5, 5S, 6, 6S are set the same. On devices running OS 8 and later, the glow only works with the sound turned off.

Until the 4th generation of iPhone, there was no LED flash on Apple devices; those who wished had the opportunity to purchase it as a separate accessory. It even had its own name – iFlash.

Then the creators decided that it was impractical, so it migrated directly to the smartphone. Let's find out how to turn on the flash on iPhone 4.

Why and how to turn on the flash?

Nowadays, most smartphones have a flash; its main task is to improve lighting when taking photographs, but it can also be used for other purposes. One of these tasks is notifying the user about a call. If you work in a noisy environment where hearing a ringtone would be difficult, flickering will indicate that someone is trying to contact you.

The flash turns on in several steps.

  • We go to the settings section, select the main ones there
  • In this menu, the “universal access” item is important to us.
  • In the next step, activate the LED flash for warnings.

That's all, now the flash on the device will start blinking when making calls. She reacts not only to them, but also to incoming messages. If you set an alarm clock and place your smartphone close to you, you may be woken up by the flickering LED. There is an interesting point - it will only start flickering if the smartphone is switched to lock mode. In the active state, the LED signal will not light up.

Please note that using a flash for these purposes will negatively affect the battery life of the phone. If, after activating the function, it turns out that the smartphone began to work less than before, then you should not be surprised.

General information about using the flash

If you intend to use this part of the device in a more familiar style, then first learn how to switch your smartphone's cameras. All modern gadgets have two of them, the front one is for selfies. The iPhone is equipped with good cameras that allow you to take high-quality pictures even in low light conditions, but the flash is designed specifically to improve the perception of the device. To activate it, in shooting mode, find the lightning icon located in the upper corner of the screen.

There are several types of flash uses. If it is set to “Off”, then it does not work at all, “Auto” indicates action in automatic mode, when the device adapts to lighting conditions, and the LED will light up only if it is dark enough nearby. “On” forces the LED to work in forced mode, it is activated with every photo.

This is a useful thing, and if you download a utility from the app store that turns an LED into a flashlight, you can use your smartphone to illuminate the surrounding area. We hope that the setup will not cause any difficulties.

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