The laptop is terribly slow what to do. Why does my laptop slow down so much?

The laptop is terribly slow what to do. Why does my laptop slow down so much?


The laptop is a very good thing. It is mobile and quite powerful. However, it has one drawback (like a full-size PC). Over time, it starts to terribly slow down and fail. Why is my laptop running slowly? There may be several reasons for this. But the most common is the clutter of the operating system or some kind of software failure. Hardware failures are extremely rare. It is useful for any user to know how to resist this scourge. But first you need to understand why the laptop is slow, and only then take any actions aimed at improving its performance. So, let's look at the most common reasons.

Why can a laptop slow down?

This may be due to a variety of reasons. The main task is to correctly identify the problem, and only then proceed to eliminate it. Why is my laptop running very slowly? Here are the most common reasons.

  • Clutter in the system registry. have such a thing as a registry. He manages the operation of the system and is responsible for its settings. However, it has a tendency to clutter up. Unnecessary settings, "tails" of remote programs - all this pollutes the system registry. And when this happens, the operating system starts to work very slowly.
  • Fragmented files on the hard drive. This problem is relevant only if a classic mechanical HDD is installed in the laptop. It does not apply to solid state drives. The essence of the problem is that the system spreads large files into various disk clusters that are quite far from each other. This causes the OS to read such a file from the surface of the hard disk for a very long time before launching it. Hence the low speed of the entire system.
  • The presence of viruses. Probably everyone already knows that malware can not only slow down the operating system, but also completely paralyze it. Especially if some "leaky" antivirus like Windows Defender is responsible for security.
  • Programs in the background. Many applications like to run in the background. Such work is not visible to the user, however, a large number of hidden applications can greatly load the processor and RAM. That's why the laptop is slow. He just can't do it.
  • Problems with drivers. Out-of-date software of laptop components can also cause all kinds of freezes, brakes and glitches. Often the necessary files can be damaged (if you download drivers from unverified sites).
  • Dust. No matter how strange it may seem, but the abundance of dust in the ventilation holes can lead to overheating of individual components of the laptop and its slow operation.
  • Hardware problems. If the laptop components are quite old, then there is a high probability that they may not be able to cope with the amount of work and cause the notorious brakes of the operating system.

So, we figured out why the laptop is very slow. Now we need to consider ways to solve the above problems. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. Unless, of course, the problem is related to a hardware malfunction. In this case, it would be better to contact specialized workshops to repair or replace the component.

We clean the registry

This is the most common reason why a laptop is running slowly. What to do if the registry is critically cluttered? There are several options: use specialized utilities to clean the registry or use the capabilities of the operating system. Of course, the second option is preferable, since the OS knows better what needs to be deleted and what is better not to be touched at all. But in this case, you have to act manually. And this is very difficult. So it is better to use utilities. Download the simplest and most understandable - CCleaner - and install it. And then we follow this algorithm:

  1. We launch the program using the appropriate shortcut on the desktop.
  2. We are looking for the "Registry" tab in the main window and click on it.
  3. Click on the "Search for problems" button.
  4. We are waiting for the utility to analyze the system registry.
  5. Upon completion of the search process, the program will display a list of found errors.
  6. Click on the "Fix" button.
  7. We are waiting for the process to complete.
  8. We restart the computer.

That's the whole problem solving process. It will help if the problem is in the clutter of the registry. But why is the new laptop running slowly even after this operation? Apparently, it was still not in the registry. We pass to the second stage.

Eliminate fragmented files

This is one of the reasons why the laptop is slow. You can also solve this problem in several ways: using third-party programs and using the capabilities of the OS. This time we will use the second option. As part of the Windows operating system, there is an excellent utility for optimizing disks. It not only defragments files, but also cleans disks. It is very easy to use. It is enough to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. We are looking for the "Windows Administration Tools" directory.
  3. Click on "Disk Optimization".
  4. In the main window, select the desired disks and click the "Analyze" button.
  5. We are waiting for the completion of the process and then click on "Optimize".
  6. We are waiting for the optimization to finish and restart the laptop.
  7. We check the performance of the operating system.

If these actions did not help, then everything is much worse. Most likely, the operating system is affected by viruses. And here it all depends on their number. It might be easier to reinstall the system. But first things first.

We remove viruses

Viruses are one of the most common explanations why a new laptop is slow. Windows 10, for example, has its own antivirus. And if you have it installed, then the possibility of virus infection is incredibly high, since the standard Windows Defender is a very leaky product that does not protect against viruses in any way. The first thing to do is disable Windows Defender and install a normal antivirus (like ESET NOD32). Then you can begin to eliminate viruses. You need to do it like this:

  1. Open the main window of the newly installed antivirus.
  2. Select the PC Scan tab.
  3. We click the item "Custom Scan" (it will be better this way).
  4. In the window that appears, select everything except the disk drive (do not forget about the autoload area in RAM).
  5. Press the "Scan" button.
  6. We are waiting for the completion of the process.
  7. We eliminate all found threats using the "Delete" button.
  8. We restart the computer.
  9. We test the performance of the system.

If nothing has changed, then, apparently, viruses have damaged important system files. In this case, only a complete reinstallation of the operating system will help. If the speed has increased a little (but not enough), then there is still some problem. We will solve it.

We clean autoload

Running many applications in and an exorbitant number of them at startup is often a simple answer to the question of why a laptop is running slowly. It is necessary to remove unnecessary programs from startup. This can be done using the operating system. It is not at all necessary to use third-party products for this. So let's get started:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" icon and select "Task Manager" from the pop-up menu.
  2. In the main window of the dispatcher, click on the "Details" button.
  3. Here we look at the list of applications that start automatically. "Skype", "Yandex.Disk" and others are not needed here.
  4. We right-click on "Skype" (for example) and in the menu that appears, click "Disable".
  5. We repeat the procedure for other applications.
  6. We reboot the machine.
  7. Testing the operating system.

If the speed of work is satisfactory, then the problem was precisely in this. However, you should not remove system applications from startup. This can negatively affect the stability of the OS. If nothing has changed, then we will continue to solve the problem.

Update drivers

If you were looking for an answer to the question of why the Internet is slow on a laptop, then perhaps it's all about the drivers. You can update them using the system capabilities. It is enough just to turn on the system update - and the drivers will be downloaded automatically from the official Microsoft server. It remains only to restart the laptop to apply the changes.

Dust removal

Only a complete disassembly of the laptop and its cleaning from dust will help here. If you yourself doubt your abilities, then it is better to entrust this process to a professional. He will do it faster and better. It's just that you have to pay. But it's better than climbing inside the laptop yourself, risking damaging something.

Solving hardware problems

If all of the above did not help, there is only one option left: a problem with some component of the laptop. Here you can’t do without a service center and a master.


So, we have considered several options for answering the question of why the laptop is running slowly. Almost all problems can be solved programmatically. And only two of them will require the intervention of a specialist.

Hanging a computer or laptop is a problem known to everyone. Often at the moment of hard work, an exciting game or watching your favorite movie, the gadget fails, and the system starts to slow down. This phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, so it is important to learn how to deal with such situations so as not to spoil the technique and your own mood.

Why does my computer or laptop freeze, slow?

The most common reasons why the system starts to slow down are the following:

  1. CPU overheating, heavy load (100%) for a long time. Open Task Manager and check not and RAM;
  2. A large number of active programs running in the background (Especially "heavy" applications, many open Internet browser tabs, Photoshop, resource-intensive games, Full HD video quality);
  3. Depreciation of components (an outdated hard drive, over time, can greatly “slow down” the operation of a computer or laptop);
  4. Lack of necessary drivers (for example, for a video card or motherboard, due to which devices may not work properly);
  5. Lack of RAM (Less than 2 GB for 32-bit versions of Windows, less than 4 GB for 64-bit versions of Windows);
  6. An outdated computer or laptop (the “hardware” of your device is obsolete and does not meet modern requirements);
  7. Weak Internet connection (if a computer or laptop slows down on the Internet, sites in the browser load slowly).
  8. If your computer or laptop freezes in modern video games, it may need a more powerful video card, because. installed can't handle the load.

In some cases, it will take just a couple of clicks to fix the problem, while in others it will take several hours or even days to get your “workhorse” back into operation.

What should I do if my computer or laptop slows down a lot? How to speed up its work?

So let's go in order:

Overheating and loading of the processor of a computer or laptop. The simplest problem of gadget braking is its overheating. Modern models of computers and laptops are equipped with powerful cooling fans that do not allow overheating, even if the computer is running for several days in a row. If you're unlucky and your computer overheats regularly, you'll need to shut it down more often.

In some cases, overheating is caused by ordinary dust, which clogs the cooler and prevents it from working at full capacity. To avoid overheating, it is necessary to periodically blow out the fans and remove contaminants.

CPU load can be caused by both unoptimized programs and applications, and the “weakness” of the processor itself. Find which processes are CPU intensive by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and going to the performance tab (for Windows). If possible, disable unused, unnecessary services and uninstall unnecessary programs. If you haven't upgraded your processor in a while, it might be time to do so.

A large number of active programs running in the background. Despite the fact that the computer is a fairly smart technique, it can also be "fooled around" by running a large number of programs at the same time. Even if they are all running in the background, the system has a hard time keeping up with the load and starts to crash.

To solve the problem, you must close all unnecessary programs. If no significant changes have occurred, you need to clear the taskbar and close all programs running by default in it. To do this, you need to remove unnecessary programs that are loaded when you start Windows (7, 10). In Windows 10, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck unnecessary components. So you can remove unnecessary programs from startup in Windows 10.

Wear of components. Any "iron" sooner or later fails, provoking various failures in their work. In addition to slowing down, the computer may spontaneously restart or even shut down completely. Regular voltage drops and frequent overheating of the computer can speed up the process of wear of individual elements of the gadget.

In addition, various mechanical damages can lead to wear of gadget parts. If you are well versed in technology and can distinguish a good capacitor from a bad one, you can do the procedure for replacing individual components yourself, and if not, the service center will help you.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the hard disk of the computer. Because if it is faulty or slowly “dies”, this can slow down the operation of a computer or laptop very much, even if other components have sufficient performance

Lack of required drivers. Drivers are installed in order to ensure the correct operation of certain programs. If programs start to slow down or do not start at all, check your "firewood" so as not to nullify the work of your computer.

Drivers are downloaded on official sites that develop original computer components. If you do not have access to them, it is better to contact a specialist.

Lack of RAM. In addition to the really necessary and important files on our computers, you can find heaps of all sorts of "junk", the accumulation of which leads to destabilization of the system. Some files that can cause computers to freeze are entered into the memory of the latter at our will, and some go "in addition" to the downloaded files.

To delete unnecessary documents or programs, you must enter the computer registry, select the program and click on the "Del" button. Sometimes, it may take several minutes to free up memory, and sometimes several hours.

Requirements for RAM are growing year by year. Until recently, 2 GB of memory for a laptop or PC was considered the norm, but today these are the minimum requirements for any system. The main rule is that there is never a lot of RAM, you should limit yourself only to your budget.

Obsolete computer. The problem of moral and physical depreciation of equipment is one of the most urgent, which leads to disruption of the computer. And this is due not so much to the aging of the gadget itself, but to the advent of new programs that require more and more new features from technology.

In this case, it is very important to understand what a computer or laptop is more often used for. If you want to work with graphic editors, large programs or modern games, then you can try installing simpler programs. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new computer or partially update the "stuffing" of the old one.

From time to time, the hardware of your computer or laptop just needs to be replaced. You need to put up with this if you want to work comfortably with modern applications.

Weak, slow or poor Internet connection. An equally popular problem of a computer (laptop) freezing when working on the Internet is a poor-quality Internet connection. If you work with programs and applications on the network, you must carefully monitor the quality of the connection, otherwise you may simply be "thrown out" at the most inopportune moment. A wide variety of tariff plans makes it possible to choose the appropriate Internet connection speed. And if something does not suit you, you can change your tariff plan or even provider at any time.

Weak, outdated video card. A good, modern video card is a must for a number of video processing applications and cool video games. If you are using software that is sensitive to the performance of a video card, you should check this particular component of the system. In some cases, the performance of the video adapter can be increased, but in some cases, replacement is indispensable.

If your gadget began to slow down “out of the blue”, do not be too lazy to find out and eliminate the true cause of this phenomenon, and then your computer will always be in “perfect shape”.

About 10 years ago we could not imagine life without a computer. Today, almost every one of us uses a laptop. But time does not spare your favorite gadgets. If your laptop is running slower than before, there could be a number of reasons for this.

But that doesn't mean he can't be helped.

We have found some effective ways to help your device and share them with you.

1. Do a general cleaning

  • Over time, we accumulate a lot of files and programs that we do not use. To properly clean up the laptop memory, it is worth understanding the types of unnecessary files and their storage locations. There are special applications that will find bulky and unused files, offering to get rid of them. Maybe it's time to forget about that very video from the prom?
  • If you want to do everything manually, then refer to the standard operating system tools. On Mac OS, look for the "Other" section in "Storage", and on Windows, start with "Desktop" and the "Downloads" folder.

2. Update the system

  • Updates for Mac OS or Windows are not only necessary for security, they can also improve system performance. For example, Apple promises that the new Mac OS (High Sierra) will make your Mac faster and more functional.
  • As a rule, the system downloads the necessary updates itself, but it will never be superfluous to check their status. For Windows, you can do this in the "Control Panel - Windows Update", for Mac - "About This Mac - Software Update".

3. Clean Up Startup

  • When you install programs, some of them are added to startup, that is, they start when you turn on the laptop. Even if you do not use them, they "eat up" laptop resources.
  • In modern versions of Windows (8 and 10), this section can be found in the "Task Manager" (Ctrl+Alt+Del). In Windows 7, press Win + R and write in the line "MSConfig", in Mac OS - "System Preferences - Users and Groups - Login Items".
  • Programs that are required at startup can be turned on and off manually. Most importantly, do not touch those components whose names are incomprehensible to you.

4. Get rid of viruses

  • If the speed of the laptop has deteriorated sharply, then the problem may be in malware. Modern viruses are so cunning that even with an antivirus installed, you cannot feel safe.
  • If you suspect that something is wrong with your laptop, use the free utility from Dr.Web. Disable your antivirus, check your computer with a utility, and maybe everything will fall into place. Most importantly, do not forget about prevention: any suspicious sites, files or emails can pose a threat.

5. Look inside

  • You take a laptop to work, on trips, it is located on your lap, then on the dining table. This leads to the fact that dust and dirt quickly stick to the laptop, which is almost impossible to see from the outside.
  • To understand that the laptop is dirty, you can by its temperature and the sound of work: if the device is hot and noisy, you have problems. You can solve them by opening the case and arming yourself with a brush or by entrusting it to professionals. To make everything go like clockwork, before disassembling the laptop, you should take a picture of it in assembly and watch a couple of video tutorials on YouTube.

6. Change what you can

  • Many laptop models, like regular PCs, can be improved. For example, increase the amount of RAM, which will lead to an increase in performance. In addition, instead of a conventional hard disk drive (HDD), you can install a solid-state SSD. The speed of work is guaranteed to increase. Finally, don't forget that many laptops have a removable battery. When the resource comes to an end, it can be updated.

If the laptop does not listen to you

The tips you read above are solutions to common problems. Below you will find a few nuances that will be useful to you if you want to extend the life of your device.

  • Try to know everything about your laptop model. The basic characteristics are written on the body of the device or under the battery and are contained in the documents. They will come in handy when contacting workshops or private craftsmen.
  • If you think that spare parts replacement is a costly and troublesome business, then at least do not forget about the basic things - cleaning the laptop from dust and dirt and cleaning the device's memory.
  • If you are wondering how you can improve your laptop, then check it out on youtube. Masters from all over the world share video tips on repairing and upgrading their devices. Perhaps yours is among them?
  • Remember that any changes to the configuration of devices, as well as opening the case, are only advisable after the expiration of the official warranty.
  • Do not bring the laptop to a deplorable state. The best thing is not to fix the breakdown, but to prevent it. Use tips to care for your device, keep an eye on the status of the battery, memory and display.

Modern mobile computers are complex devices and their owners sometimes face various failures themselves. One of the most common problems is performance degradation.

Applications that used to work stably, suddenly start to open slowly, and work even worse.

The first thing to do is to find out the reasons why the laptop slows down. After that, you can start solving the problem.

Causes and solutions

The standard situation is when, some time after the purchase, the user notices that the laptop does not work fast enough. There are many problems that can cause “brakes” in work. Fortunately, many of them users can fix on their own.

Consider the main reasons that lead to a drop in the speed of work:

  • a large amount of "garbage" in the system;
  • file fragmentation;
  • many programs in startup;
  • malware infection;
  • incorrect operation of applications;
  • hard drive problems
  • problems with the cooling system;
  • incorrect configuration or program incompatibility;
  • mechanical damage.

The above list makes it possible to visually verify that the problems that can slow down a mobile PC can be very different. Let's talk about them in more detail and give tips on how to eliminate them.

View: Why does the laptop slow down?

Lots of junk in the system

Users who frequently install and uninstall programs may encounter a situation where the system becomes too “littered” with various remnants of software, which causes the PC to start working incorrectly.

The thing is that during installation, most programs place special entries in the system registry, and uninstallation may not proceed correctly. As a result, system failures are observed. You can solve the problem with the help of special utilities for cleaning the system.

Here is a list of the most popular applications for cleaning the system of garbage:

  • CCleaner;
  • SlimCleaner Free;
  • Clean Master for PC;
  • Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free.

Most of these utilities are distributed free of charge and do not require special knowledge to use. You can find them on the official websites of the developers.

File fragmentation

During operation, a portable PC almost constantly accesses the hard drive, user information is written there, as well as the files necessary for operation. In this case, the saving takes place in the nearest free space on the hard disk for the heads. As a result, parts of the file may end up in different places on the hard drive - fragmented.

Large fragmentation of the hard drive leads to the fact that its heads are forced to constantly move back and forth when reading. It takes some time. As a result, the speed of the PC drops. To reduce this effect, it is recommended to periodically defragment.

Consider how to defragment a disk usingWindows:

Advice. The defragmentation process can take quite a long time, so it is better to run it at night or at other times when the PC is not planned to be used.


Many programs during installation are registered in automatic loading at OS startup. Users simply forget to uncheck the corresponding checkbox in the installer or do not suspect that this may lead to a decrease in performance.

In fact, any automatically launched application, like others, takes up RAM, loads the processor, and so on. Solving the problem is quite simple. You need to disable unnecessary software from autorun. You can do this using Windows tools or using third-party utilities, such as CCleaner.

Consider how to set up automatic startup of programs when Windows boots using OS tools:


A very big problem for today's PC users is viruses and other types of malware. They can steal important data, destroy information, and cause a variety of disruptions.

Here are a few tips to help reduce the risk of PC virus infection:

  1. install antivirus software on your computer;
  2. keep anti-virus databases up to date;
  3. check all files downloaded from the boarding school for viruses;
  4. turn on the firewall;
  5. do not visit suspicious sites;

In more than 60% of cases, the answer to the question why the game slows down on a laptop or the program runs slowly will be due to viruses. Fortunately, even if the infection has already occurred, you can use special utilities and cure your PC.

Here is a list of utilities that will help cure an already infected PC:

Simply download the program from the developer's website and start scanning. After a while, the application will show a list of infected files and offer to fix the problem.

Hanging processes and utilities

Programs and utilities create processes during operation, which in some situations “freeze” or begin to take up a lot of system resources. To solve the problem, you need to stop their execution.

Consider the procedure for removing the "hung" process:

If the situation repeats during the next launches of the application, then you need to update its version or find alternative software to perform tasks.

Problems with disk sectors

Bad sectors appear on the hard disk over time or after a crash, which leads to a decrease in the speed of writing and reading data. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to check the hard drive to detect and correct them. This can be done using the built-in Windows tool or third-party utilities.

Consider what to do to start the process of checking and restoring sectors using the OS tools:

Testing hard disk sectors and fixing errors takes a lot of time. This should be taken into account before running the utility.

Advice. If bad sectors appear frequently, then the hard drive should be replaced to eliminate the situation of data loss.

Cooling system in the saw or defective

If the cooling system fails or there is a large amount of dust inside the device case, normal heat dissipation is disrupted. As a result, it gets very hot. When certain thresholds are reached, the clock speed is reduced to reduce heat generation and performance drops.

In the event that the laptop overheats so much that it can threaten important elements such as the processor or video card, its operation stops and a forced shutdown occurs. You can eliminate this situation by regularly cleaning your mobile PC.

Consider how you can clean your laptop from dust at home on your own:

Attention! Often users are interested in whether a laptop can fail due to overheating. The answer is unequivocal: yes. Do not bring the situation to this.

Power Options

Some of the power saving mode settings on your notebook may result in slower operation. For example, running on battery power often slows down the processor clock speed, which increases battery life.

If you need more performance when working offline, then you need to set up power plans in the Control Panel. There you can also check the correctness of the settings for other modes.

Required or incompatible programs

Modern applications with each version increase the requirements for the hardware of the computer. Therefore, fresh games and other demanding applications can run slowly on laptops that are made a couple of years ago. Upgrading or replacing the mobile PC will help solve the problem.

An incompatible program installed on the system is another reason why a laptop often starts to slow down unexpectedly.

In this case, you should try the following steps:

  • download and install the latest version of the application;
  • enable compatibility mode with other OS versions;
  • reinstall Windows choosing a version more suitable for the software;
  • replace the program with a similar one.

If the incompatibility is related to the hardware, for example, RAM requirements, then you will have to upgrade or change the laptop.

Mechanical damage

The mobility of laptops leads to the fact that these devices are quite susceptible to mechanical damage. They are dropped, flooded, and so on. There are many problems because of this and they are very different.

Photo: mechanical damage to the laptop

It is not possible to fix problems that have arisen as a result of mechanical damage on your own. It is necessary to contact the specialists of the service center for testing and repair.

How to set up a laptop so that it does not slow down

Brakes in the work of a mobile PC can over time infuriate any user. Of course, as an option, you can replace it with a new one. But this will require spending a fairly large amount, and computers become obsolete very quickly.

Most users prefer to use the cheaper performance options. This:

  1. software setup;
  2. hardware upgrade.

Correct settingWindows for maximum performance is as follows:

  • regular cleaning of the system;
  • checking and eliminating errors, at least once every 1-3 months;
  • selection of suitable settings for power plans;
  • using the latest drivers;
  • setting more appropriate virtual memory settings;
  • removing unnecessary applications from autorun.

As a result, the performance of the system will grow, but at the same time it will never become higher than it was immediately after purchase. But upgrading the hardware can take the PC to the next level.

Video: So that our computer does not freeze

Increasing productivity

The reason for the low speed of laptops released relatively recently often lies not in the processor and video card, but in the use of rather slow hard drives and a small amount of RAM. Fortunately, you can increase the RAM and replace the hard drive with a solid state drive without changing a bunch of parts. This will significantly increase the speed of work.


Before buying a new SSD drive and installing it in a laptop, you need to make sure that this is possible. Support is required from the BIOS and OS side. In the computer settings, the ACHI mode of the SATA controller must be present.

Important! You need to understand that to use all the features of SSD drives, you need Windows 7 and higher, some technologies are not supported on XP.

It would be useful to check the supported modes of the SATA controller using special utilities, for example, HWiNFO, before buying. If only SATA-II mode is supported, then buying faster drives is pointless.

When buying RAM, you should pay attention to the supported frequency and the maximum amount that can be installed. This can be done in the technical documentation on the manufacturer's website.

Installing an SSD

Installing an SSD drive in a laptop is usually done to replace an old hard drive.

To carry out this procedure, you must perform the following steps:

BIOS check

The correct operation of the SSD drive is ensured only in ACHI mode. It is he who allows you to send the trim command, which in the background allows the drive to clear cells containing deleted files.

Let's see how to installBIOS PC modeACHIforSATA controller:

Reinstalling Windows

After installing a new drive, the operating system and other programs are not on it, so you will need to perform a fresh installation of the OS. This will require a bootable USB flash drive or disk.

Consider the basic steps that must be performed to install the OSWindows:

  1. boot from the installation media;
  2. select the "Full installation" mode;
  3. tell the system that the installation should be done on an SSD with free space;
  4. follow the prompts of the installer;
  5. restart your computer;
  6. in the BIOS SETUP menu, set the SSD to the first in the boot priority list.

Video: How to install Windows

Driver installation

The correct operation of the internal and external devices of the computer is ensured by special utilities - drivers. After reinstalling Windows, you will need to reinstall them.

Here are the main steps to follow to install the drivers:

  1. downloading drivers from the official site;
  2. unpacking the received archives if necessary;
  3. installation using the installers from the kit or using OS tools.

Setup without OS installation

In some cases, after installing a new drive, users do not want to completely reinstall the operating system, and also want to keep all existing data. In this case, you can use special programs to clone the system to a new drive, such as Acronis® True Image HD.

Additional OP

Many laptops until a few years ago came with a maximum of 2 GB of RAM. At the same time, expanding the RAM can significantly increase the speed of the system.

Most laptops allow you to install two sticks of RAM, and accessing them is very simple. To do this, as a rule, it is enough to remove the cover from the bottom of the PC.

Important! Before buying new modules, you must familiarize yourself with the specification and purchase only brackets that are compatible with the device model.

Consider the process of replacing or installing additional memory in a laptop:

  1. power off the PC and remove the battery;
  2. open the RAM compartment;
  3. if necessary, remove the old modules;
  4. install new memory sticks;
  5. close the RAM compartment.

There are many ways to improve the speed of a laptop. Therefore, if the laptop suddenly starts to slow down, it makes sense to consider them first, and only then think about spending money on buying a new portable PC.

Have you started to notice that your laptop is running very slowly? Many users face a similar problem, which is often annoying and infuriating. Don't waste your nerves, return your device to its former performance with the help of our tips. Read below why the laptop is slow, takes a long time to load everything, and how to deal with it.

1. Dust accumulation

If your laptop has an air cooling system installed and it has been in operation for more than a year, you should think about the preventive cleaning of internal components from dust. The fact is that over time, the radiator grilles and elements of the cooling system become covered with a layer of dust. This, in turn, leads to overheating of the laptop, as well as to braking and freezing of the system. How to clean a laptop from dust, read in.

2. Crowded startup

The longer and more actively the device is used, various programs are installed, the more applications get into startup. It seems nothing bad, but over time, the laptop's system resources are not enough to run all programs and services quickly enough. The situation is aggravated by the fact that some of these applications are rarely used and often not needed at all. To optimize autoload, do the following:

3. Virus infection

The presence of malicious software often provokes a situation where the laptop is running slowly. If you actively use the Internet, download programs from various sources, and at the same time a good antivirus program is not installed on your device, then sooner or later you will be exposed to a virus infection. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately notice that viruses have appeared on the laptop, but if the laptop suddenly starts to work slowly, this is a sign of a possible infection. Read how to deal with malware.

4. Increased fragmentation of the hard drive

If your device uses an HDD, then over time, the information stored on it is subject to fragmentation, which slows down the system when working with data. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically check the status of the hard drive and defragment it. To analyze the disk and run defragmentation, do the following:

5. Incorrect power settings

For laptops, there are several modes of operation:

  • energy saving - used when running on battery, characterized by poor system performance, poor screen brightness, etc.;
  • balanced - a balance is maintained between performance and power consumption;
  • high performance - characterized by an increased frequency of the microprocessor, a bright display, etc.

When you plug in the power cable, make sure the system automatically switches to Balanced mode or High Performance mode. After all, if the power saving mode is set, the laptop will work much slower.

6. The laptop does not meet modern requirements

Time does not stand still, and therefore more demanding programs, games and versions of operating systems appear every year. If your laptop is already many years old, perhaps the reason for the slow operation is the weak technical characteristics of the device by modern standards. To solve the problem, you must either upgrade the system or purchase a new, more powerful laptop.

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