Clean Master App for Android. Clean Master is an indispensable app for optimizing your smartphone

Clean Master App for Android. Clean Master is an indispensable app for optimizing your smartphone


Here you leave someone at home unattended, for example, a daughter or a cat, and get ready for a big tidy. Clutter is the least you'd expect to see when you put the key in the lock when you arrive home. The same thing happens on our phones and tablets. Only we leave programs unattended, and, accordingly, software garbage - various files and occupied RAM. Cleaning, and regular, you can ask to do special applicationClean Master.

What is Clean Master and why is it needed

Upon arrival from the store to your gadget, the program tries to immediately tell you in which corners you are not tidied up. Namely, four main categories are analyzed.


It, according to the program, consists of cache files and files abandoned by various programs, which this cleaner calls "leftover files". The cache is broken down by the applications that left it. The leaders, of course, browsers. This is followed by online players, followed by a huge queue of programs with a smaller cache.

The program valiantly tries to clear both the cache and the "residual files". Only this will be a temporary victory. Tomorrow everything will be "polluted" by the browser in the same volume. Therefore, in the Clean Master settings, there is an opportunity to do this cleaning regularly - every three days in standard settings.

On the farthest tab, at the very bottom of the "residual files", one of the most important functions of the program is hidden, which helps to delete large files. It shows large files: videos, music and others, the size of which exceeds 10 megabytes. This always helps me find disk space, even on a tablet, even on a home computer. It is strange that the authors of Clean Master did not make it a separate paragraph on main screen programs.

Personal data

Here the program offers us to clean the files on the disk containing the history of our search, files social networks Google+ and others that contain personal information. The cleaning master is modestly silent about how many valuable megabytes we will get from this. Therefore, I would not advise launching this item, except in those cases when the tax office is knocking on your house or someone close to you is interested in the intricacies of your searches on the Internet. In these cases, of course, a complete cleaning of all this history will be in place.


The "Tasks" mode shows the processes running in memory and offers to unload them. If you are sure that you want to unload some program that has gone too far to the memory, then feel free to click on it. Nothing supernatural will happen - the cleaning master will send you straight to the system window responsible for displaying information about the process. There you press the "stop" or "delete" button, after which the process is safely closed (if available).


Section with a list of all installed apps allows you to do two important things: remove unnecessary programs and do backups programs with all the settings and data that are available in your device.

Suppose you accidentally deleted some desired program. Then they remembered that this program is still needed and restored it from a backup copy. Remarkably, most programs will not even lose settings, which is convenient.

The backups themselves are stored in the main memory of the device, so you need to keep this in mind and, if necessary, look into this section to delete unnecessary backups.


What conclusion should be given about this application? On the one hand, it does nothing that the user cannot do using the system. On the other hand, the fact that she will look after you every three days or every week makes sense. Regular observations are always helpful. And the interface of the program is quite convenient and fast, it does not ask for money for its work, it gives useful advice - so be it.

A detailed review of the free and effective optimization wizard for Android - Clean Master, designed to clean the phone's memory (RAM) from unnecessary files: duplicates, low-functional and slow applications, bulky resources and other elements, the removal of which will benefit and improve the performance of a mobile device - a tablet or smartphone.

We have already touched on the topic of cleaning the mobile operating room. Android systems using various optimization utilities. In this genre there is a well-known favorite - free app Clean Master, designed to clean the Android device from all kinds of unnecessary junk files (see description above).

Removing similar system garbage on mobile Android device- an absolutely safe process that does not affect performance for the worse. At the same time, removing unnecessary, useless applications and temporary user data has a positive effect on the performance of your phone, smartphone or tablet. This is especially true if you have an old android firmware or an outdated mobile device that is struggling to handle new applications. The trick is that Clean Master on Android clears the internal memory of the smartphone, and at the same time the sd card required for installation apk apps, their transfer and storage of user data.

The screenshot shows the interface of the Clean Master application:

Clean Master application interface on Android

The main functions of the Clean Master optimizer, current versions of the application for Android

  • Built-in Clean Master cleanup wizard for Android removes unnecessary system files
  • Uninstalling system and user applications
  • Finding duplicates and cleaning custom files phone; cleaning large files in the phone memory that have not been used for a long time
  • Finding New Apps You Can Install on Android Using the CleanMaster Toolkit
  • Diagnostic utilities CleanMaster for Performance Evaluation
  • Android Memory Cleaner
  • Information utilities for obtaining detailed device information

Getting started with the free version of Clean Master

Clean Master positions itself as the number 1 Android cleaning app. This is reported when the application starts. Before that, however, you need to download the CleanMaster.apk program and agree to the user agreement by clicking on the "Start" button. Then the cleaning master needs to be granted superuser rights (how to download root rights on android, read the link).

On the main screen of the cleaning wizard ("Home" section), we see indicators that display basic data on free / used space in the memory and RAM of the phone. A little lower, in orange, it shows how much garbage the CleanMaster utility found. Actually, this is something that you can quickly remove with the help of the cleaning wizard without thinking.

If you click on the top of the Android cleanup wizard, the phone space management wizard will open. First, the amount of garbage to be cleaned by means of the "Wedge Master" is indicated. Next, you have the details of what can be removed. This:

  • large files. Similar to other cleaning wizards for Android, Clean Master detects large and rarely used files that make sense to delete first, which is quite rational: why waste time searching for small files, the removal of which in general will take a long time but will bring much less benefit, than cleaning up large files that clog up your phone's space.
  • duplicate files. You need to be careful here, because clean master can inadvertently highlight files with small differences, and you end up deleting some very important file that you then need to restore.
  • move to sd card. Since the phone's RAM has a major impact on system performance, you can do something tricky when cleaning your phone: move applications and some data from RAM to your phone's sd card, which can be more spacious than the internal memory of an android mobile device.
  • other files: custom media files, application installation apk packages, android application cache
  • removal android apps(uninstall). Perhaps this is one of the main features of Clean Master for Android. It also acts as an application manager. It will be discussed further.

Clean Master as App Manager for Android

In the "Delete" section in Clean Master on Android, all user applications are collected in general, which can be sorted by date, frequency, application size, name and total size. Thus, it is quite simple to find out which Android program can be removed to clean up free space. There is also a selection section. In fact, there is nothing interesting here in terms of cleaning Android - rather, on the contrary, here are collections of applications that Cleanmaster allegedly recommends installing. A rather controversial decision: first, dirty the phone, then clean it, thus you don’t even have to leave the clean master, the cycle of applications will be almost endless. There is another valuable section in the Android cleaning program - "APK files". As you know, Android stores installation packages in its depths, which it considers. useful in the economy. In fact, nothing of the kind, and it would not be out of place to remove these same apk packages from the system, which allows you to do a clean master in almost one click.

To remove unwanted or unnecessary, useless programs in the Android OS, just select the items in the list of programs with a checkmark and press the green "Delete" button. Since Clean Master on Android works in batch mode, you do not need to press the same button when uninstalling each application.

Of course, we have not covered all the features of the Clean Master Manager in detail. The application includes many other small utilities, thanks to which it is possible to more effectively clean the phone. But, firstly, they are present here as a kind of ballast, their functionality as a whole is not high and cannot withstand competition. Secondly, this is more of a marketing ploy to attract a larger audience, which will not be enough to clear the memory of an Android phone, but they also need various useless widgets and small narrowly focused diagnostic utilities. Given that clean master (clean master apk file) is free to download, it really appeals to users who need to clean their Android memory.

Is there any real benefit to the Android cleaning program - Clean Master application?

There are a lot of discussions on the Internet about the effectiveness of the so-called RAM optimizers for Android, among which, as you understand, there is Wedge Master on Android. The fact is that such optimization is not always justified. If your smartphone has less than 512 MB random access memory, then the benefits of Clean Master for Android can be significant, while on mobile devices Android with more than 1 GB of RAM overboard may not benefit from CleanMaster and similar tuners at all, but rather the opposite.

From version to version, Android developers have succeeded in optimizing, so Clean Master for Android can benefit those devices that have old firmware installed or there is not enough RAM for the Android OS to work properly. Roughly speaking, the CleanMaster.apk application will clean the system of useless files, free up valuable space and improve the performance of older devices. Similar principles of work for other optimizers, among the main functions - moving applications to an sd card with internal memory Android, uninstall applications, search for duplicates and other things that will help free up memory on your smartphone.

You can mention how Windows optimizes RAM when there is not enough RAM for comfortable system operation. When the RAM space is exhausted, Windows starts using HDD and a swap file for storing quick information. However, keep in mind that the hard drive writes and reads information much more slowly than RAM allows.

For Android, however, such optimization is not available.

Answers to questions from readers

I used the Clean Master program, then I decided to try another program. And it turned out that after it, not a single "cleaner" works, it starts scanning the system and crashes. I put Clean Master back - it works. Can manufacturers write some kind of code so that no program like this can work?

Answer. The Clean Master app is known for its marketing gimmicks. Despite the useful functionality, a lot of unnecessary, even hidden from the user's eyes, functions are built into it. Therefore, it is quite possible that such a utility is capable of provoking a conflict within the Android OS and among other applications.

I'm wondering if I can download this app and find old deleted files in the Dumpster bin.

Or do I need to do something else for this, I just need to find and delete old files that were deleted a month or two or three ago and completely clean the phone.

I will be grateful if you answer soon, as it is very necessary.

Answer. Since Dumpster stores files in the phone's memory, like all other applications, you can use Clean Master to clean your Android memory - including junk and junk files.

It's not entirely clear what you mean by complete cleaning phone. After emptying the Recycle Bin, you won't be able to recover deleted files. If the files were stored on an sd card, format it on a computer using a card reader and destroy all data in several overwriting cycles using the CCleaner utility.

I left my phone on charge overnight. In the morning, all the photos from the Gallery disappeared. The screen shows "Smart cleaning". Where are they and what to do?

Answer. You may have Clean Master installed on your phone. However, the phone cleaner does not include deleting photos and other documents from the Gallery.

First of all, take out the memory card and try to recover photos in the standard way. The second step is to remove unnecessary cleaner apps from your phone.

Have you ever encountered a situation where your smartphone simply ran out of space, although it seems like there is nothing extra on it? Solving this problem is quite simple using special programs for the cleaning. One of them is Clean Master for Android, which allows you to control the contents of memory and delete accumulated junk files.

How convenient is the application

This program is maximally designed for users who have at least an initial minimum of knowledge on the use of smartphones and tablets. In it, all operations are explained in an accessible language, and this makes it really simple. The program itself divides the accumulating files into 4 types to make it easier to delete them.

  1. "Tasks". This section contains not the files themselves, but processes running in the background. Running programs take up space in RAM, which can significantly degrade the speed of query processing. After closing unnecessary programs performance often increases.
  2. "Rubbish". Here you can search for files generated by various applications that have accumulated during the use of a smartphone or tablet. This includes both their cache and residual files that occur when you install or remove programs. You can find and get rid of them by pressing just one button.
  3. "Personal data". Whether or not to clean this section is up to you. But remember that login data can be stolen and used by attackers for their own purposes. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of them regularly, and thus protecting yourself from problems.
  4. "Applications". If it's time to go through your programs and remove unnecessary ones, then in this menu it will be easiest to do such work. In addition, here you can make backup copies of Android programs in case they have to be reinstalled and the Internet is not at hand.

As you can see, just one Clean Master application will make your life much easier by cleaning your phone or tablet from excess garbage and optimizing their work. And it’s not even worth talking about the safety of personal data in safety.

How is the Lite version different from the full version?

In the app store you can find not only the full, but also the light version. It is intended primarily for smartphones and tablets, which have little built-in non-volatile and RAM. It performs the same functions as the standard application, but at the same time it has a more lightweight design that looks better at a small display resolution and is more minimalistic.

Antivirus protection

With latest updates the cleaning wizard has received another nice feature - it has an anti-virus module. Its task is to scan all user applications and files for threats, and warn if they are found. At the owner's discretion, infected files can be either deleted or ignored. You can create rules that allow you to store files that the antivirus reacts to as dangerous in certain folders. Thanks to this, he will not constantly scan them and warn about threats. And although the operating system itself is reliably protected, when installing applications on Android from third-party sources, there is a chance to catch a blocker or a spy virus.

I, in fact, have long noticed the tendency of people to get freebies, and at once and a lot. And the usefulness of this is a lot - few people are interested. In Android smartphones, the same story with memory. Ask: "Which phone is faster? Where is free 400 or 700 MB?" 80% of people will answer that the one with 700 MB and, 80% of the time, they will be wrong. And if it is possible to delete 1.5 GB of "unused data" without any visible harm to the system - delete it? The correct answer is no.

In the first part, I will pay special attention to the theory - this will allow me to better understand my conclusions about the operation of the application, which we will consider in the second part.

Part 1

The fundamental difference between management Android memory from Windows is as follows: all available memory in android devices must be occupied - empty memory is equal to idle memory. It's like transporting a sack of cement in a 40 ton truck.

In the window system, an application that occupies a certain amount of memory in 90% of cases works and loads the system, and when the RAM is full, a yellow triangle will pop up with a low memory notification, and we must close something. Everything is simple.

On our smartphones, things are much more complicated. Firstly, the data placed in RAM, as a rule, does not consume resources - they do not load the processor, do not eat up the battery - they just hang in a faster memory compared to ROM to speed up their launch (if you see in the "Running" Browser that you did not launch - do not be alarmed, the system simply put the inactive parts of the program into memory in advance and when you decide to start it, you will need to load only a small active part (actibity)).

Secondly, each Android application consists of peculiar modules (we will not go into the wilds of services and activities), and each block can be used by various applications. So, for example, the widget on the desktop, and the calendar, and the alarm clock and the notification line use the reminder library - due to this, memory consumption is optimized, and now imagine that you complete the calendar and delete this library from memory.

And thirdly, the system already has a built-in and quite effective taskkiller - it is called OOM Killer. At the same time, it frees memory much more efficiently than others - applications are deleted depending on the need for memory and their rating: immediately cached inactive, then background inactive, etc., applications are ranked by frequency of use, freed up space and so on.

Separately, I will mention the block of program parts that are responsible for the interaction of applications (Broadcast Receivers), for example, the reaction to an incoming call or connecting headphones. And there is also the so-called. services that are responsible for the background execution of programs: alarm clock, music, and so on. And their completion leads to disruption of the system.

Thus, Android, under ideal conditions, tries to load the RAM as much as possible with various parts of programs for their further quick launch. Unloading applications from memory does not lead to anything good - the system will still return the unloaded parts, sooner or later, or replace them with new applications, but only this will require an increase in the load on the processor, memory and battery. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the occupied memory does not in any way accelerate the discharge of the battery - the processor is primarily responsible for discharging (in addition to the screen and communication modules), and the processor load is just caused by clearing the memory.

Something like this. Now let's go directly to the application.

Part 2

Let's start the review with unnecessary harmless functions, then consider functions that are harmful, smoothly move on to those that have disastrous consequences, and end with useful ones.

Unnecessary harmless features

  • Antivirus

There are practically no viruses on Android devices in principle - the organization of the system simply does not allow you to make kaku without the knowledge of the user. Another thing is that many unpleasant applications are disguised as useful ones - this is how I had to deal with a phishing program when I downloaded and installed an ABBYY dictionary application from a clearly inadequate site. Already when installing this application, the permissions included a request for SMS and calls, which, in principle, should not be. I installed it anyway and was not very surprised by the incoming message from Sberbank with a refusal to operate - the program tried to access my account via the bank's SMS portal (which does not exist in principle). The installer of the program, by the way, is on the phone - and not a single "antivirus" found it.

As for Clean Master, let's see what we found after scanning:

TowelRoot - what a charm, Klin Master requires root access, but he considers the program with which he gets it a trojan.

Broadanywhere - this method, firstly, is used to obtain root access, and secondly, yes, it can be used by dubious applications, for example, which I talked about. At the same time, this semi-bug was fixed in September 2014.

But this technique is called "substitution of truth" - the antivirus publishes the news about the "photo leak", the user believes that the antivirus could prevent it - in fact, this is not the case, the vulnerability and the problem were not in the phone, but on the application server .

The security report for October (April, as it were) is generally extremely strange:

Verdict - install applications from PlayMarket and a trusted forum - it is one (, and read the permissions. If you agree to the action, the antivirus will not save, especially if it does not have root access. If you want to install an antivirus - install free Avast - in any case, there is no real effect, resource consumption increases, the placebo effect works - a feeling of protection appears.

  • Application manager

Firstly, the application tab from the standard Settings is duplicated.

Secondly, the presence of a memory card is incorrectly detected:

Despite the fact that Android 4.4 generally prohibits third-party access to the memory card, and I have it open forcibly.

Fourth, there is no system applications, despite root access.

Verdict. An element of the application, created simply for the sake of appearance and advertising. If you want to manage your applications really effectively - use Titanium Backup.

  • CM Now

(if I were Google, I would sue). The problem is that 39 applications covertly (how, huh? I mean in the background ...) work, acceleration, garbage disposal, and so on - in fact, nothing more than advertising slogans that do not carry a semantic load - I’ll tell you why later. At the same time, the service itself constantly monitors events and generates this notification:

The verdict is a waste of resources.

  • My cloud

2 gigabytes of space after registration. About nothing. Each Android user gets 15 GB of Google Drive space. You need more - use the cloud - I have 1024 free GB there with a convenient client.

The verdict is a completely unnecessary option on a suspicious server.

  • Application Lock

The usual start-up lock with a pin code or a graphic key. I already wrote in one of the reviews - the presence of explicit protection always arouses suspicion and in 90% of cases only attracts unnecessary attention in vain. Do you hide photos? The person from whom you are hiding picks up the phone, sees the password and asks the question: what is there behind the password? It starts to wind itself up, and even if it does not see what is there, the result is not very good for you: at best, an insult, at worst, you will show what is behind the password.

The verdict is an unnecessary attention grabber. If you want launch privacy, use hidden blockers, such as Lockdown Pro.

I categorically do not recommend uploading your data to non-rated cloud storages. In addition, in the mentioned Google Drive there is a function of automatic backup of photos to the cloud. There is such an option in Cloud Mail.Ru.

The verdict is nothing.

Functions are harmful

  • Acceleration

Here we are invited for incomprehensible needs to unload 291 MB of program blocks from fast memory. In addition to the fact that we force the processor to work on unloading, it doesn’t matter to him then to load himself with work, loading these programs back into memory again. If you set the automatic cleaning mode, then the race will continue until the battery is completely depleted. The screenshots show the situation with memory: before cleaning, immediately after cleaning, 1 minute after cleaning:

As you can see, the system instantly tries to make up for what was lost, and, I repeat, our resources are spent on this.

If you want to know what a Wedge Master is, you've come to the right place. The program has long been in the top lists of the Play Market and is recognized as one of the best in its category. Hundreds of millions of users have already downloaded the application to their android device and took advantage of its wide functionality. And today, with the help of the Wedge Master, it is also possible to clean the computer. We invite you to get acquainted with the legendary program closer.

About Clean Master for PC

Clean Master is a simple program that was designed to clean junk devices on operating system Android, and now it is available to download to your computer. You have probably noticed that the computer may freeze from time to time. Often this is due to programs running in background which consume a lot of RAM. Solving these problems manually is not for everyone. And Clean Master can do it in minutes. The program will allow you to clean the cache, delete temporary files, old versions of applications and free up additional space on your hard drive. Users who have downloaded the utility to their computer note its effectiveness and ease of management.

Work in Clean Master for PC

By downloading the program, you will not have to figure out how to use Clean Master for a long time. The program is in English, but all the icons are intuitive. Having launched the program, it will immediately point you to the garbage on your computer. The program is great for average users who do not want to figure out the settings for a long time in order to delete unnecessary files from the computer. You can clean your device of garbage in one click by clicking the "Clean Now" button.

The program will help you increase the speed of your computer by removing unused applications. Wedge Master will find them, ignoring the folders and sections you specified, and then show detailed information about them. In the settings, you can set the parameters to your liking, for example, scan files at computer startup or set the Reminder period through which Clean Master will scan the PC at automatic mode. The program also allows you to delete each file separately or do it in one fell swoop by clicking on "Clean Now".

If you are still thinking and looking for the perfect "cleaner", try Wedge Master. Graphically simple, easy to learn and powerful in its capabilities, the program will not leave you indifferent.
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