Nvbackend exe application error 0xc0000005. Disable automatic update installation in Windows Center

Nvbackend exe application error 0xc0000005. Disable automatic update installation in Windows Center


Windows 7 users after updating noticed that when launching any application, an error 0xc0000005 appears, which needs to be fixed. How do I fix the error and launch the correct application?

Causes of error 0xc0000005 in Windows 7

Often, application error 0xc0000005 is associated with updates such as KB2872339, KB2882822, KB2859537, which replace system files, including kernel files, causing the necessary cells to be modified and replaced. As a result, an error occurs when starting the application 0xc0000005 and the software cannot be used.

However, it should be noted that this modification has its own reasons.

  1. The presence of malware;
  2. Illegal Windows activation;
  3. The old kernel version is not compatible with the new subsystem files.

Therefore, if you have an error 0xc0000005 programs do not start, you should follow a series of simple steps.

How to fix error 0xc0000005 programs not starting?

If you have an error when starting the application 0xc0000005 Windows 7, follow these steps. Click "Start", enter the command "cmd" in the search box and right-click on "Run as administrator".

Enter the command "wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537"

The offline update installer will start.

Now we enter "wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339".

To search for the latest update, enter "wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2882822"

These commands are for uninstalling updates. If, after searching for these updates, no files are found, reboot the system. The problem should go away. In the case when the error is repeated, we do a system restore.

So that in the future the error when starting the application 0xc0000005 does not occur again, you must disable automatic system updates. To do this, we perform the following actions.

Click "Start", go to the "Control Panel". We select "System and Security".

Let's move on to the "Administration" section.

We select "Services".

We are looking for "Windows Update".

Double click to launch the properties of the parameter.

In the "General" tab, click "Stop".

In the "Startup type" section, set "Disabled" and click "OK".

We reboot the computer.

There can be a huge number of reasons for the appearance of the message "Error while starting the application 0xc0000005". The fact is that this problem does not have a specific solution - it does not have a decryption of the code indicating the source of the error. However, by checking the most likely causes, we were able to find a solution to what to do when an error occurred while starting the application 0xc0000005.

The reason for the error

The reason for the appearance of error 0xc0000005 is simple, and at the same time somewhat surprising - these are official Microsoft updates kb2859537, 2872339, 2882822 and 971033. This error is most often encountered by users of Windows 7, but there are times when it appears on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, however, they are not much more rare.

How to fix error 0xc0000005 - detailed guide

First of all, don't worry. You are not the first and probably not the last one to have encountered this problem. The reason for the error when starting 0xc0000005 is not that you did something wrong, for example, deleting a file, but in Windows OS and employees of this company who made a "gift" to their users by releasing conflicting updates.

So, let's go directly to how to fix the error when starting the application 0xc0000005. There is nothing supernatural here, just follow the guide below.

It is worth noting that there are two main options for how to remove the annoying icon with the message "error while starting the application 0xc0000005" - one is simple, and the other is even simpler. In the first option, you have to remove updates using standard methods, clicking on the OS tabs, and so on. There is nothing difficult here, but we will follow an even simpler path.

  • Open Run from the Start menu or by pressing the Win + X keyboard shortcut (for Windows 8 owners) http://prntscr.com/7jke9c
  • Write in the line wusa.exe (space) / uninstall (space) / kb: 2859537 (of course, you don’t need to write a space) or just copy the correct version into the “Run” line: wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537 http : //prntscr.com/7jkg97
  • Restart your PC if the system has found and removed this update and check if the problem goes away. If the update was not found, continue to write the wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: (update number) command in order. The update numbers should be 2859537, 2872339, 2882822 and 971033. The order can be changed, it is not essential.

Tip: after each update uninstall - restart your PC and check if the error 0xc0000005 has disappeared.

Other causes and solutions of error 0xc0000005

As it was said at the very beginning, there can be a lot of reasons for the error when starting 0xc0000005. If the guide above did not work for you, then we recommend doing the following:

  • Test the RAM. The free utility Memtest is suitable for this. Run it and scan the RAM for errors. Perhaps the error 0xc0000005 is related to the incorrect operation of the DDR.
  • If everything is fine with the RAM, then the next step is to scan the system for viruses and other malware. Remove all suspicious files, programs (especially adware). In other words, clean the system. Then restart your PC and check if the error 0xc0000005 remains.
  • In rare cases, the cause of the error when starting 0xc0000005 may be a conflict of video card drivers - update them or, if you already have the latest ones, roll them back to the previous version.
  • We also recommend trying to update the printer drivers - a conflict with them is also sometimes the cause of the error. As a last resort, uninstall the drivers or create a clean profile through the printer settings.

Finally, if things are still there, restore the system to an earlier state, in particular, to the point when you were absolutely sure that there was no startup error 0xc0000005.

Error 0xc0000005 is quite common in the windows 7 and windows 10 and 8 operating systems.

It first appeared after Microsoft released updates for the second half of 2013 for all versions of the operating system.

When does the problem appear?

The update released by the developer aims to change a number of important system files in order to increase their security level.

The error occurs when the user launches programs.

At the same time, it is impossible to guess which program will not want to run.

Follow the instructions:

  • Turn on the start menu;
  • In the application search box, find Command Prompt;
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and in the drop-down list select the launch as device administrator, as shown in the figure below;

  • In the window that opens, enter the following command: wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537 and press Enter;
  • If the above command did not work, enter wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339 or wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2882822 or wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 971033 instead and press Enter;
  • The previous action allows you to access the utility for rolling back the last update installed in the operating system. Now go to your computer control panel and go to the tab to uninstall applications;
  • Click on the "View Updates" button to see the executable files you need to remove. The picture below shows the file to be erased. If such a file is not in the list, the update was completely removed using the command line;

Now reboot your personal computer or laptop so that all the saved files will disappear completely and the update will no longer appear.

Uninstalling Updates Using Control Panel

You can also uninstall updates using the control panel. Go to the update management center.

On the right side of the screen, click on a tab to view all previously installed updates from Microsoft.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of all the executable files we need. You can sort them by date to quickly find the data package you are looking for.

After sorting, all packages will be divided into categories. The Windows 200 category contains the files you need. They are shown in the figure below:

Remember! To completely remove the update, you need to clear the entire Windows 200 category. To erase a package, you need to remove one item at a time. In total, the category contains more than two hundred files that need to be destroyed. This is not a very convenient way. It is more expedient to use the command line, where the removal process is described with only one short command.

Let's take a look at how to fix the error and what to do if you can't even launch the control panel. An error in the wusa.exe utility is also causing the problem.

There are several ways how you can get around the restriction on the inclusion of all programs of the operating system:

  • Start the Windows operating system in safe mode. This is one of the most basic and reliable ways to fix any problem that occurs while working with the OS;
  • Turn off your computer or restart it;
  • The next time you turn it on, in the first few seconds after the screen is lit, press the F8 button. It will open a window for configuring additional boot parameters of the operating system. It looks like this:

  • Use the navigation keys to select the Safe Mode boot option. Perhaps this option will take a little longer than usual;
  • After the system starts, uninstall updates using any of the above methods: using the command line, the uninstall window, or using the update installation center.

If your system has been very badly affected by this problem, then most likely the option to boot using safe mode will not work either.

In this case, you will have to apply more complex measures to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Turn off your computer and turn it on again;
  • Go to the window of additional boot parameters, as it was done in the previous instructions of the article;
  • Select the troubleshooting item for the operating system, as shown in the figure below and click on Enter;

  • Now select the language you need and enter the computer administrator password;
  • If there is no menu item for recovery, you need to boot the operating system using removable media: a flash drive or a regular disk. Take an image of exactly the OS that is installed on the computer;
  • Insert the external media into the drive;
  • Turn on the computer and change the boot order in BIOS. And the first place must be put the name of the drive in which the disk with the OS is inserted;
  • Exit the BIOS menu, if the launch has not occurred, restart the computer;
  • After restarting, the OS installation window should appear;
  • At the bottom of the window, click on the item "Restoring the operating system";
  • Now in the window that opens, select the command line;
  • To continue fixing the problem, remember on which hard disk your operating system is installed. It is usually located on the system C drive;
  • If you do not remember which of the disks the OS is installed on, enter the notepad command in the command line to invoke the standard text notepad program;
  • Click on the "File" toolbar and use the Open button to turn on the explorer. Look at which of the drives has the Windows folder - this is the hard drive with the OS;
  • Now turn off notepad and go back to the command line;
  • Enter the DISM / Image command in it: C: \ / Get-Packages In our case, C is the drive on which the operating system is located;
  • After executing the command, a lot of data will be displayed in the window. Among them, you must select the lines with the update number, as shown in the figure below;

  • Mark the lines, like the one highlighted in the image above, to the clipboard. To do this, select it with the mouse and click on the right mouse button. In the pop-up window, select the copy field;
  • Enter DISM / Image: C: \ / Remove-Package / PackageName: copied-package-name here;
  • Execute the command by pressing the Enter button;
  • If you find a few more packages with updates, do the same with them;

The instruction allows you to remove service packs from the operating system.

Now you can remove the disk or USB flash drive with the OS image from the drive, configure the standard boot queue in BIOS and turn on the system in the standard way.

Other fixes

Disable automatic update installation in Windows Center

This will allow us to avoid reinstalling the components that we previously removed, which cause an error when the programs are turned on.

Operating system rollback

You can also roll back the operating system. Think back to when the error started showing up. Turn on the control panel and go to the restore points window.

Select and run the one that was created before the problem appeared.

As a rule, the second column of information about a restore point contains information about the action after which it was created. The type of action is also indicated.

What to do if you get error 0xc0000005

Error 0xc0000005 - Solutions

Sometimes, when starting the application, an error with the code 0xc0000005 may occur. It prevents a program or application from starting. The error itself indicates an incorrect access to the computer memory ( RAM). In Windows 7, its appearance is most often associated with an update. This article will discuss the causes and solutions to this problem.

It doesn't matter what system you use: Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10. Error ( or exception code) 0xc0000005 can occur for any and completely different reasons:

  1. Installation of updates, drivers, programs.
  2. Memory module problems.
  3. Viruses.
  4. Antivirus problems.
  5. Obsolete registry entries.
  6. Crashes in DEP ( data execution prevention).

The initialization error 0xc0000005 is mainly encountered by users using a pirated version of Windows, but it can also be present on a license.

How to fix error 0xc0000005

Use the set of instructions below. I will rank them in order of popularity. Be sure to try everything if you do not know after which the problem of initializing applications appeared.

Remember to restart your computer after each instruction for the changes to take effect.

Windows Update

Perhaps you or the system installed the update and after it the error 0xc0000005 began to appear. You need to remove them.

To do this, go to Start >> Run ( either Win + R buttons) and enter in the line cmd.

You will be taken to the command line. From here, it will be easiest to remove all problematic service packs. Enter 4 commands in turn:

  1. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2882822
  2. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537
  3. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339
  4. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 971033

KB and number is the name of the package. After that, I recommend as they can lead you to the same problem again.

PC memory

If 0xc0000005 appears on a blue screen ( death screen) and the computer does not start, then this is most likely due to the RAM strips at the physical level. Just try to place them more tightly, and also check the maximum allowable volume. Perhaps you just exceeded it.

If you have not touched the RAM module at all ( replaced), then it is necessary. If errors occur, the memory strips should be changed to workable ones.


The anti-virus could have quarantined the files necessary to launch the application. Go to the quarantine database and check if there are any files you want. If so, set an exception for them.

Also, after that, scan your PC. This will eliminate the possible problem of the appearance of 0xc0000005 due to the virus.


If 0xc0000005 began to appear after installing the driver, then you must either remove it or roll back to an older version when everything worked.

Go to Start Menu >> Control Panel ( large icons) >> Device Manager.

Find the device for which you updated the driver and go to its properties. Rollback or do a complete delete here. After that, the problem should go away. An example with a video card.

Data Execution Prevention

This is a security tool ( it is also abbreviated as DEP), which prevents the execution of malicious code by additionally checking the computer's memory. Invalid access can cause error 0xc0000005.

Put the problematic applications in a DEP exception and check if the error is resolved.

Go to your control panel. Go to "Performance Counters and Tools".

In the Data Execution Prevention tab, throw an exception.


Perhaps the error appears due to incorrect entries in the registry. To fix it, use the Ccleaner program. It's free and secure. Download it and install it.

Go to the registry tab. Here, search for problems several times until all problems are resolved.

a printer

If the problem is with the printer, then just create a new profile for it. The fact is that manufacturers use a standard profile, which may be incompatible with any programs and applications in the system. In this case, only creating a new one will help. How to do this, see the instructions for the device.

How else can you fix 0xc0000005

If the advice above did not help, then only the most extreme actions remain. If the error is related to a specific application, then it can be reinstalled or replaced with another.

In other cases, all that remains is to roll back the system to an earlier state using a restore point. If this method is impossible to implement, then it will help. This is the very last thing to do.

Did you manage to fix the error 0xc0000005 using the tips from the article?

Computer users occasionally encounter problems. Their reasons may be developers' flaws when writing an operating system, incorrectly working programs, viruses, etc. An error during the initialization of the application 0xc0000005 in Windows is very common. In this case, the user does not start applications in Windows 7 or others, and the OS issues a corresponding error message.
Computer users occasionally encounter problems

Let's figure out what to do if an error occurs when starting the application 0xc000005 and the reasons for its appearance.

Causes of malfunctions

Users often ask the question: "Why can't programs open in Windows 7 and error messages are displayed?"

Most likely, it will appear in Windows 7 after installing the next updates. Microsoft regularly releases OS patches, but other issues appear with them. A problem appears due to incorrect operations with RAM. Consider which service packs most often cause an error when starting games c0000005 or using other programs:

  • KB2859537;
  • KB2882822;
  • KB971033;
  • KB2872339.

Important! Errors after the update were mainly encountered by users who have a pirated OS installed.

The system to which the changes were made has a violation of the integrity of important files and when the kernel is updated, it crashes, giving the error code 0xc0000005.

Other causes of the problem:

  1. Viruses.
  2. Bad RAM module.


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