Windows 10 takes a long time to shut down gpedit. Does the computer take a long time to turn off? We solve this problem

Windows 10 takes a long time to shut down gpedit. Does the computer take a long time to turn off? We solve this problem

Hello everyone. If you click the Start button - Shutdown and after that wait a few more seconds or even minutes until your computer turns off, then this is of course an unacceptable situation.

What to do if the computer shuts down for a long time and this happens every time? We will consider possible causes and ways to solve them in this lesson.

Running programs

When we give the computer the go-ahead to turn off, the first thing the system tries to do is not turn off the PC, but close all running programs. And the more programs are running, the longer the computer will turn off.

In addition, any running program may not turn off at the first command of the system, or even the system will not want to close some program, considering that some data may be lost in this program.

I think you have seen such windows when, when you turn off the computer, the system asks a question, or maybe you don’t need to close this program?

And the program itself may refuse to close. Then the system waits a few seconds and forcibly terminates this program.

pay attention to notification area.

Only a part of open applications is displayed there. All of them are closed by the system before turning off the computer. But this is not all programs. Some may just not show up there.

What to do so that the programs do not disturb?

a) Remove them from startup

Go to startup and disable autorun of unnecessary programs. By installing programs, over time, you may end up with a bunch of unnecessary things there!

b) Close before shutdown

In any case, you will have a certain number of programs that you have running and at the same time they cannot be removed from startup. You can manually close them before shutting down your computer. First of all, you need to close those programs that have problems when shutting down. For example, the system starts telling that data may be lost or it is impossible to close the program because it is being used, and so on.


Of course, the previous option is not a 100% way that solves all problems. There may be other reasons why the computer turns off for a long time. For example, the next time you turn off your computer, you see a warning text on the screen that an update is being installed, wait a while and do not unplug the cord from the outlet, otherwise your computer will explode ( about the last joke).

You wanted to quickly turn off the computer and go for a walk, and your system began to install updates. Well, what kind of jokes, you think?

In this case, you need to wait until the updates are installed. If they are canceled by unplugging the cord from the outlet, then the system can be damaged and the next time it will refuse to start at all. Have to .

In order to avoid a long shutdown of the computer in the future, with the next update, you just need to disable updates.


Do not forget to check the system for viruses, which can also cause a long shutdown of the computer. Use your built-in or separately installed antivirus, or install the healing utility from Doctor Web. Always fresh databases guarantee the detection of almost any virus.

Clean the system of debris and junk

If system optimization and cleaning of garbage and trash has not been performed for several months, then do not forget to complete this step too.

Watch the lesson - Why does the laptop slow down

The previous paragraph is just one of the steps that is performed when cleaning and optimizing a laptop or computer. You need to take other steps as well.

Watch my video tutorial called "". Although the name says "laptop", this video will be useful even if you have a computer. There are some pretty generic steps:

Basically, that's all. If your computer turns off for a long time, then work through this lesson and everything will be fine with you.

When Windows is running, such cases are not ruled out when, at the end of work, the computer does not turn off on its own from the power supply. That is, after entering the Start menu, then in Shutdown, saving the settings and changing the message to Shut Down Windows, the computer does not disconnect from the network, or the computer turns off for a long time.

When the mouse is active, this inscription can hang indefinitely, and you can turn off the computer from the power supply only by pressing and holding the power button for four seconds. Most often, this problem occurs among laptop owners or after installing (reinstalling) the operating system. To eliminate this inconvenience, one of the ways in which we can give a few basic recommendations can be applied.

Method one , which most often helps to solve this problem for laptop users. The issue is resolved by disabling the power management feature of the USB hub. This feature is used to conserve and prolong battery life. But not all devices that connect to USB ports can work correctly with it. By disabling this function, the user is sacrificing battery life, but the shutdown of the computer will become correct.

    • right-click the manipulator (mouse) on "My computer" and then sequentially: Properties > Hardware > Device Manager ;
    • deploying "USB Controllers" , right-click the manipulator on "Root USB Hub" , and then go to the item "Properties" ;
    • open ;
    • uncheck the function and then click on OK .

The suggested sequence of actions must be performed with each USB Root Hub in this computer.

Second way . You must disable those applications and services that the system was unable to terminate before the disable action. Check for errors in the Event Log: "Start" > "Settings" > "Control Panel" > "Administrative Tools" > "Event Viewer" magazines "System" and "Applications" . In some cases, the system is not able to close any of the services or applications, and if it causes a conflict, and it is not particularly necessary, then you can simply turn it off.

Disabling services: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services , then a list of services should open, where you can see their brief description. By double clicking on the service causing the conflict, we open a window and in the tab "Are common" go to "Startup Type" and select the function "Disabled". To save the new settings, click on "Apply" .

Third way is used to reduce the waiting time for the process of closing programs when the system enters the shutdown stage. If someone is curious about this, you can refer to its contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Value of the first parameter "AutoEndTasks" - Closing hung programs without warnings. The purpose of the other settings is to set the application and service shutdown process to time out to five seconds instead of the default twenty.

Fourth way implies the inclusion of ACPI in the BIOS, which is applicable only in cases where an inscription appears indicating at what point the computer is allowed to turn off the power ( "You can now power off your computer" ). The settings are made in the BIOS, in the power management section. In some cases, the BIOS settings need to be reset and go to the factory default settings. The settings menu keys in the BIOS and the call may differ. It depends on what model of the motherboard the computer is equipped with and on the manufacturer. In this case, you should carefully read the supplied manual for your computer.

You turn on the computer after updating or installing windows 10 and after a few seconds it decides to automatically turn itself off.

Also, windows 10 can take a long time to turn off. Why? A personal computer that turns on but later has trouble restarting most often suffers from an overheated processor or insufficient power.

You can try a different power source to find out the likely culprit, but if the ventilation is the problem, then it's more of a problem.

Make sure all fans in the computer are turned on and working properly. To do this, simply open the case and look inside.

You should also check the inlet and outlet airflow paths to make sure they are not blocked or clogged with dust.

You can use the free program SpeedFan for monitoring, but if you can't start the PC, this one will be useless.

Speaking of software, if the shutdown happens while booting Windows 10, then the problem might be windows 10 itself.

Try starting your computer in safe mode. If you can start in safe mode, then it means that the problem lies in the software. However, here are the main reasons

Why does a windows 10 computer turn off by itself - viruses

One reason is viruses. They can greatly increase the load on the PC, its resources will be insufficient and, as a result, the sensors will turn it off without asking you.

Overheating of components, in particular the processor, is perhaps the most common cause of self-shutdown of the computer and is difficult to fix.

Sometimes even a complete, thorough cleaning of the system unit does not solve the problem and you have to change the cooling system.

Why does the computer turn itself off - power supply

If the power supply is insufficient, the PC will not receive the required power and may shut down.

What to do? Replace, only before replacing it is advisable to conduct an experiment - is the reason really in the power supply.

Why does windows 10 turn itself off - RAM

With a weak RAM, the PC usually freezes, but with a faulty one, it will turn off.

In such cases, they usually go to a service center and change it on their own (it's quite easy to do on a computer).

Why does a windows 10 computer turn off by itself - a hardware malfunction

A hardware failure can be attributed to the motherboard. A capacitor can simply burn out in it (there are a lot of them).

Also, a crack may appear in it (if it was accidentally knocked over) or the system unit fell during transfer).

It is impossible to determine a specific malfunction in the motherboard, without special tools, except for visible reasons.

Often there is a bad contact - this is easy to fix - check the fastening of the cables and, if necessary, tighten.

Why is my windows 10 computer taking a long time to shut down?

If a computer with windows 10 turns off for a long time, then there is usually one reason - some program or process is slowly turning off.

If you have many applications running at the same time, then the PC will definitely turn off for a long time - turning them off one by one.

NOTE: you can speed up the shutdown. Good luck.

Previously, we described such a problem as restarting a Windows 7 computer at shutdown. This time, let's look at the reasons why a Windows 10 laptop does not turn off when you click on the "Turn off" button, as well as methods to fix this problem. We also give examples of solving a similar problem on stationary PCs.

Reasons why Windows 10 might not turn off

After installing a new operating system, many PC users may encounter a problem where Windows 10 does not turn off when they click the Shut Down button. There are many reasons for this. However, we highlight two main ones that most often affect the shutdown on Windows 10.

  • Failures at the software level due to a conflict between the installed software and the OS itself. Most often, the fault is drivers that are not downloaded from the official site, but from a third-party resource and are outdated.
  • New hardware conflict with the operating system. Along with connecting peripherals to Windows 10, software is automatically installed that may not be supported by the current version of the OS.

Therefore, before taking any action, it is worth establishing the exact reason why the computer does not turn off. Check the above factors first.

Laptop won't turn off when shutting down Windows 10

In most cases, a Windows laptop does not turn off due to incorrect power mode settings. To change it, follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Control Panel” and select the “Power Options” section (if you set the “Categories” view mode, then you need to select “Hardware and Sound”, and then “Power Options”).
  • In the menu on the left, select "Action with the power button."

  • In the "Shutdown options" section, uncheck the "Turn on fast startup" checkbox.

  • We save the changes.

If this method did not work, it may be that some system component has incorrect parameters. To do this, select "Power Scheme Settings" in the "Control Panel".

After we reboot the system. The laptop will turn on. Then it can be turned off in the standard way.

If you have a Dell or ASUS laptop, you should uninstall the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) utility. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", select "Programs and Features" and remove the software. After that, restart your laptop.

Also on the Microsoft forum, it is recommended to go to the support section of the gadget manufacturer (in this case, this applies to laptops with Intel processors) and download the Intel Management Engine Interface (Intel ME), even if it is not for Windows 10. In the device manager, you need to find "System Devices" . In it, find a device with the same name as the downloaded software. Right-click on it and select "Uninstall" (tick "Delete the driver software for this device").

After uninstalling, you need to install a pre-loaded driver, and after installing it, you need to restart the laptop.

Also, in the Device Manager, you need to find the network controller, select its "Properties" and in the "Power Management" tab, you must check the box "Allow this device to wake the computer from standby."

In some cases, on Windows 10 laptops, it is necessary to completely uninstall and reinstall the video drivers so that the device can shut down normally.

Computer won't turn off when shutting down Windows 10

If you encounter a problem when the computer does not turn off after shutting down on Windows 10, you should try all the same methods that were described for the laptop. If the problem is not resolved, it is worth testing the following methods.

  • Disable hibernation mode (relevant for laptops as well). To do this, launch a command prompt with Administrator rights.

  • In the console, enter "powercfg / h off".

  • Next, you will need to reboot the system. The computer will turn on and off normally. Only sleep mode will be inactive.

In the event that the computer does not turn off for a long time or at shutdown it freezes on the screen “Do not turn off the computer ... preparing to save data”, you should do the following:

  • Open notepad. Insert the following text:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





We save the file with permission.reg. We launch it and confirm the changes to the system registry. We restart the PC.

These methods have been field tested and work. If the problem persists, it is worth checking the power supply for defective capacitors.

For more information on how to solve this problem, see the video:

Users who received a fresh update to Windows 10 encountered another problem: after executing the Shut Down command, the PC does not turn off. Moreover, on different devices, the behavior of the PC may be different: it seems that the computer turned off, but the cooler is noisy, the work was completed, but the power supply indicator is active, etc.

Consider why Windows 10 does not turn off or behaves inappropriately (turns on after shutdown), and how to deal with it. In different situations, the problem can be caused by different sources. Let's try to cover all the known reasons for this behavior of the computer.

PC refuses to shut down after clicking shutdown button

Most often, problems with power and its management occur on laptops and netbooks, especially if Windows 10 was obtained by upgrading from a previous version, and not through a clean installation. If you encounter a problem when the cooler makes noise after the PC shuts down, we perform the following operations (points 1 and 2 apply only to devices operating on the Intel platform).

1. Owners of Asus and Dell devices should uninstall the Intel Rapid Storage Technology application. We go into the "Programs and Features" applet, for example, after finding it through the search bar, we completely remove the program and reboot.

2. We visit the device support site and download the driver for the Intel Management Engine Interface, even if it does not support the "ten" or it is not in the list of compatible operating systems. Through Win → X we call the Device Manager tool, expand the list of system devices and find a device with the same name. Through the context menu of the element, we call the function of uninstalling the device and check the box for the item responsible for deleting all drivers associated with the device. After restarting the computer, install the driver downloaded from the official resource and install it.

3. Make sure all other drivers for system devices are installed, compatible with Windows 10, and functioning properly. Update all system software through the Update Center.

4. Disable "Quick Startup" dozens, in some cases this helps to get rid of the cause of the problem.

5. Disconnect all peripheral devices connected to the portable device.

6. Remove the battery and check if the problem persists.

If the laptop spontaneously turns on immediately after turning it off (most often seen on Lenovo gadgets), we perform the following operations.

1. Go to the "Control Panel" and switch the view of its icons to "Large Icons".

2. We call the applet "Power Options".

3. Next to the current power plan, click on the link "Setting the power plan".

4. Click on the icon for editing advanced power settings.

5. Expand the "Sleep" section.

6. Disable wake-up timers.

Also go to the "Task Manager" and call the "Properties" of the network card.

In the "Power Management" tab, uncheck the box next to the item that allows the network card to wake up the PC from standby mode.

The problem is related to the desktop computer.

For a computer, the recommendations will be the same: we prohibit the network card from waking the device from sleep mode and deactivate the wake-up timers. Then, if this does not help, we perform a manual update of all drivers by downloading them from the official support resources for the corresponding devices. If you have difficulty updating the system software related to the graphics adapter, you should resort to using the Display Driver Uninstaller application.

Pay special attention to the chipset driver. If updating this component did not lead to the desired result, try rolling it back to the previous version.

The solution to the problem may be to enable the Windows 10 update and then update the system. The last thing that can help is resetting the BIOS / UEFI settings. To reset the parameters of the basic input-output system, go into the BIOS and apply the "Load Setup Defaults" option or click the appropriate key to set the factory settings (it is given in the bottom information row).

In many UEFIs, the reset option is located in the Exit menu.

In order not to scour for a long time in search of the corresponding button or menu item, you can reset the settings using a jumper (jumper) or by closing the contacts using an improvised conductive device, such as a screwdriver. You can also remove the coin-cell battery from the corresponding socket on the system board for a few seconds. After that, put it back and configure the time / date and other BIOS settings. Most often, this option solves the problem when the computer and laptop on Windows 10 do not turn off.

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